- Posted by Kit
BLOG 5–Deeper south in Florida (I love the warm weather.)
January 26, 2019–Last night was wonderful staying at Alexander Springs Campground in Ocala National Forest. A nice sleep, but I woke at my usual time between 2 and 3 am. I worry, at times, about my limited 3 to 5-hour sleep, but I function fine throughout the day.
This place is such a lovely place.
Watch this >>
I hear about bears and other animals at parks I visit, but I seldom see them–darn. Hoping to see a wild elephant, but, hopes don’t do much toward an elephant.
Jan 28-30– Stayed at the home of my old friend Anthony Gatto-Commarota, his wife Danielle and their two young kids, Gabrielle and Abrianna. And, what a wonderful family they truly are (along with their two goats, two cows, two dogs and a herd of chickens (or is it a brood of chickens?)
I first met Anthony back when I was performing at Ballys in Atlantic City in 1982, have you seen me before my first accident?>>
He was only 9 years old and already an excellent juggler. His step-father, Nick, brought him to see me, a good juggler, to see if he might like that path. Soon after, Anthony hit the entertainment scene, and became, many say, the best juggler the world has ever seen.
Here is Anthony at age 9 with his step-father Nick >>
And, what he worked up to, assisted by his wife Danielle >>
He traveled the world, performing in many countries. But, after a time on the circuit, he saw that things have changed, not able to get the gigs like the old days. And, because he and Danielle wanted to settle down and start a family, a change came. Anthony started a very successful company — take a look — http://bigtopcr.com/ You see, we can all change.
Like me, from juggling, Anthony learned to drive toward excellent, what he does now with his company. From juggling, we both taught ourselves to have this drive for the best, now he is using that same motivation for his business. I did the same with summerssalsa.com–until I got hit by that second truck.
Many jugglers are upset and angry that Anthony has gone a different path than juggling. But, he is living a fantastic life currently. His business, his family, his lifestyle–superb–I have never seen him happier. The performing juggling market has gone away, so I understand his direction change.
How to Be Alone and Treasure Every Second of It
Being alone is often confused with being lonely, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth! Being alone — it’s just a fact. You’re on your own, with no one else around. Being lonely, on the other hand, is a feeling. If you’re unhappy or discontent because you are alone, you need to change your perspective.
Learning to enjoy spending time alone is a skill that one you can learn and strengthen over time. Sure, you may still feel lonely every once in a while, as I have, in the quiet hours after a lovely time with family, after a breakup, in the first weeks after a move; but with a little practice, alone-ness can become synonymous with contentedness — an emotional state we should all be seeking.
Spending time alone, with you, in your own company, gives you time to recharge, identify your feelings, find your voice and improve the quality of relationships that you have with people when you’re with them. Let’s take a look at how we might develop this in ourselves.
Many of us live in a world saturated with communication and media. It’s rare that we have a second to ourselves completely free from the pulls of social media or other people. I love being in a forest much more than any media could bring.
The first quiet moments with yourself, calm moments with yourself, will probably feel strange — a bit too quiet, a bit too intrusive — but lean into it! You need to get a little more comfortable being in your own skin.
Who do you talk to most in your life? Yes, you, watch your language. One of the most rewarding aspects of learning to enjoy one’s own company is rediscovering your thoughts and feelings. Are you feeling cooped up or uneasy? Address this internally. Do you need a little more space? Do you need to declutter?
Are you feeling anger bubble up inside you seemingly out of nowhere? Where is this stemming from? What triggered these feelings? What can you do, now, to address it? Complex feelings arise in the quiet. Let them be and take notice.
Approach things with a smile on your face. Alone time doesn’t have to be dull or meditative. Give yourself the space to spend time on solitary activities you enjoy, whether it be reading a mystery novel, plucking out melodies on the guitar or researching a new skill. Sing in the shower. Dance in your PJs! This is your time. Use it how you will!
1-29-19–Spent a few days with Anthony and his family, it was wonderful. Still awakening between 1 and 2am, then I am up for the day. I get tired, some, some of the time, but seem to function fine with little sleep. Also, I have never been able to take naps. They say you should get 8 hours, not me.
I got to spend two nights at the home of Rita Davison. What a love lady and superb chef. She showed me around town and we had a fantastic time together. Also, I taught her to juggle! She loves her new skill.
As I wrote before, if you anywhere
I NEED YOUR HELP. Last week I went to Costco to have my tires rotated. They told me that the tires were not wearing right. So, I went to Pep Boys to find out why–YIKES. They said >>
Upper and lower ball joints have play.
Both idler arm x2
Upper control arms x2
Four new tires.
So, very upsetting.
Also, two days ago I accidentally dropped my computer! I was being careful but slipped out of my hand. It was plugged into the charger and the part that holds the connection sank into the laptop.
But, when something like this happens I do not get upset or depressed, right away I am trying to think of solutions. That’s the key when something bad happens, right away start thinking of solutions.
I went to Best Buy and they told me it would take a few weeks for them to send out my computer to get it repaired and then send it back to the store. But, I use my computer daily to write to you and other essential stuff.
So, I bought a new one. What they call, an open box computer, which someone bought before and returned it.
As you know from my past writings, money is very tight for me. I am hoping to get your help with recent unexpected expenses. If you’ve enjoyed my writings, I am hoping you will help? I am looking at costs of about $2,000.
Please help how you can.
If you have a PayPal account, you can send me funds at kitsummers@gmail.com
My mailing address is PO Box 79, Hereford, PA 18056
Or, I found this with Facebook >> To send money, open a chat with your friend, tap the blue + icon and select the green Payments icon. You’ll then be prompted to set up your payment account – this will only happen the first time you use Messenger payments – and enter the amount you want to transfer.
I’ll be heading south toward more of Florida (where it’s warm.) Until next week, adios.
Thanks so much for y
February 2, 201900 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 4–Further south in Florida
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that, yes > >
==You can change your life at any time to make it more magnificent.
==You can live with little money and still have an excellent life.
==Still be able to live life getting very little sleep.
==You can live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event.
==I want to share with you experiences that, I hope, will add to and make your life better.
==Perhaps this is my new “gig” and I will be traveling the world doing the same?
So great to be back on the road again. From freezing temperatures to down here in Florida experiencing a high of around 27c (80f for those who do not know the metric language. I wish we would have converted about when President Carter tried, but Americans don’t like change. The metric system is such a better way to measure.)
1-18-19–Right now as I am typing this I am sitting at a picnic table with a roaring fire in front of me, with a smile on my face. This is where and how I like to be.They have containers at each site to keep your food in because of bears–I LOVE THAT–HOW EXCITING. Hoping to see a bear so I can play pat-a-cake (Tina knows.)
Jan 19–It ends up the area is not part of the Government park system, so it is open–and fabulous–no Government Shutdown here. I seldom stay two nights at a place, but just so nice here I had to.
There is a section for bigger and more expensive rigs, I stay in the “primitive” section with tents and such. I cannot believe some of those motorhomes. I saw one that was 800 feet long!
80 degrees today, so nice. Where I drove down from where I was in Pennsylvania there was snow. Warmer weather is soooo much more comfortable.
I just witnessed something that seemed very strange to me. An older couple drove up, sat in their car for at least a half an hour, with the engine running, and just looking around. Then they drove off. With this fabulous place, how could they not, at least, get up and take a walk.
Boy, I am going to have to start caring a paper and pen, I often think of things to write to you about–whoops–where’d that thought go?Today I went into the springs for a swim. At first quite cold, funny how the human body quickly adapts and adjusts to the temperature difference. After, while still wearing my running shorts, they had an outdoor shower, so I got completely clean; soap, shampoo, the works. The temperature of the small lake is constant all year.
It is Saturday today, so many people here. Last time I was here I was the ONLY ONE for many miles (that I knew of) so, since I am skinny and felt like going for a dip, yes, me, skinny dipping! (you should have seen it, or, perhaps not?)
About once every few weeks I thoroughly clean the van. I remove everything from the van, sweep out and clean everything, then I organize everything as I put it back. Being such a small home I have, I need to keep organized, always. There were two things I had been looking for that were missing–found, happy I am. Putting things where they go–always and right away. I suggest this for everyone to follow to have a better life.Also, today, I did some juggling, rode the unicycle, rode the bike, and, most important, wrote to you!
No wifi, no phone, for three days, I kind of like it. Can you do without?
When at a campsite every afternoon I leave the area and go in search of wood for the fire. You must use old dead wood for the fire, and, anywhere near the campground is already scavenged, I go offsite. I gather enough for the evening and also the next morning.
Today, down at the water, I saw a manatee, it was spectacular! Do you know what a female manatee is called? A Mame-atee, of course (I see you laughing.)
I just had to turn off my computer because the battery was dying. I carry a second with me, so here I am again.
Had my salad about 4pm, which I do every day at that time, salad every day. For dinner is was a can of chili with fresh cut red onion–eating well, I am.
Jan 19–When I awoke, still dark, I was making my fresh potato and onion breakfast. Suddenly I heard a knock at my door. A boater (the boat ramp is near) said his battery died and did I have a portable charger. Yes, I just so happened to have one that I use to charge other things I have when I am away from electric. Had to take the bike and unicycle off the back of the van to get to it. He took it down and when he drove back he gave the charger and thanked me much.
Jan 20–Sad to be out of Ocala National Park–so sad. From about 80 degrees yesterday to 50’s or 60’s today, such a change.
Jan 21-22–Met up with Bryan Weller, a Facebook friend of mine who is also a juggler. We met up at a U-Haul rental yard. He was there about selling and buying stuff that people have there who have not paid their rent in some months. You may have seen the TV shows about this.
I thought he was there to buy–HE WAS THE AUCTIONEER! He has many rental yards he goes to around Florida and gets paid and also a percentage of what sold. Looks to be a lucrative deal.
He learned to juggle in the 80’s and told me my book, Juggling with Finesse, changed his life. The words I wrote drove him to become a juggler, then a clown, then working with circuses, then becoming a ringmaster for a circus, among other things.
That evening I parked my van at his mom’s house. Very quiet and nice of them to offer. Washed my clothes and, the next day, did a lot of improvements to my home–the van. I stayed there for three days and did a lot of upgrades to the van. I thank Bryan for his help with some fiberglass repairs to my running boards.
January 24–Stopped at another Walmart to use their free wifi. I’ve gone to Walmarts all around the US, I find it so sad that most people do not look you in the eye, or smile, or say hi. I try and be friendly and say “HI” to everyone I can. How about you, do you make eye contact with strangers and say, “hi”?
January 24-25–Went to visit my Facebook friend Sandy Dziak, her husband, James, and her lovely family. Sandy trains horses in the Dressage method. The horses go on to compete all over the world. Her many income sources are training others to do the special method of working with horses.
She has worked with hundreds of horses over the years. Sandy has raised horses for many years and I saw her daughter taking a horse through the paces. She would just utter words and the horse would change his walking pace and step, it was amazing.
It’s so great to actually meet the people who are simply a name on Facebook, isn’t that right, Dorothy?
How to I find electric >>
While driving, I have it set up so that I am charging my computer, my drill, my razor, my phone, and it is charging the GPS all at the same time using my cigarette lighter plug in. I have a converter that changes 150W DC 12V to 110V. Also, most McDonalds have electrical outlets I can use.Best place to find gas >>
Costco prices are the best around, so, as often as possible, Costco for gas. I try and time it so I get gas around lunchtime or dinner. You probably know how Costco offers samples of many food items. Well, that is my lunch or dinner. I go to each sampling a couple times, so, plenty for me. You tell me, is this a bad thing I am doing? Yes, I have bought things I have sampled.How do I keep food cold >>
I have a cooler and every few days I get new ice for it. Also, rather than buy ice, I have a large plastic container and ask a person I am staying with if they have room in their freezer. When yes, I fill the container with water and freeze it overnight. So, free ice.How do I shower and keep clean >>
Why, just 5 days ago I was feeling itchy, time to clean up. I find a Walmart. Most have, what they call, a family bathroom in the back of the store. This is a single room that you can lock. So, I go in and lock the door, remove all my clothes (yes, get naky at Walmart) then I soap down with a washcloth, put my head in the sink to what my hair (yes, my head fits), then I use a second washcloth to rinse off with clean water. Next, I towel down and get dressed. When I do this I get as clean as any shower.Also, I often stay with people, so I shower there, of course.
And, I have a portable shower that I can hook up to the top of the van. Take a look >>
https://www.amazon.com/Advanced-Elements-SS761-Summer-Shower/dp/B000J2Q0SU/ref=zg_bs_3401561_3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=TD2BXNEY3FSMNC63TP1DHow to take care of poop and peep >>
You may not be comfortable about this subject, therefore, if you are delicate, I suggest you close your eyes while I read.Most often I can find a place to take care of matters, like a fast-food place that has a bathroom. But, there are times when you cannot find a place, so I have to take matters into my own hands, so to speak.
In the van, I carry a quart size empty milk carton. When I have to pee, I take care of it by using the container, then I pour it out later, which will cause no harm to anything. I suggest this for every guy reading this, carry a container, so you don’t have to rush somewhere to “find” a place to release. (Sorry ladies, that you can’t do the same.)
So, on one side I have my bed in the van, on the other side is a table about the same height, about 20” high. I lay a newspaper down on the table, lean back and take care of business, afterward wiping with a paper towel. Then I fold everything up and throw it away. A quick easy process. (sorry you had to read that.)
Have you ever taken a shit in the words? >>
It is something that everyone has to experience at least once in their life. I have a paper towel with me. Find a tree, as you lean back against the tree, use your hands to pull your cheeks apart, take care of business, the use the paper towel to wipe (I have also used leaves or even a branch at times.) Then, bury the used paper towel in some leaves, it will decompose. You feel such freedom doing this.
Boy, in rereading that, how could I write such words?If you have any other questions about how I live–asked away–anytime.
So, Sandy is near to Ocala Park–so back I go! Once again, no wifi or phone connection for the next few days, you will not hear from me. But, I do hope you say good things about me behind my back.
You will hear about my time back in the park at my next blog post. Have a great time until then–and remember–it is up to you on how you portray things in your mind as you make things great and in your control.
I am including more photos from past travels, let me know what you think.
January 25, 2019 - Posted by Kit
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that, yes > > ==You can change your life at any time to make it more magnificent. ==You can live with little money and still have an excellent life. ==Still be able to live life getting very little sleep. ==You can live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event. ==I want to share with you experiences that, I hope, will add to and make your life better. ==Perhaps this is my new “gig” and I will be traveling the world doing the same?
Yes, I will be writing some long posts to inspire you. Some people have complained in the past that my posts were too long, well, too bad. But, you are more important then them, I do hope you enjoy the read.
I guess writing to you is my “new” job. I do hope I write some words that will help you to pursue that next higher level in your life.
In my last blog, I had a photo of Mono Lake, a fascinating place.Watch this >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ERzsRowmlYCan you stay with yourself, many cannot. I am alright alone, enjoy it more, at times (better to be with you, though.)
By the way, I miss the terrific time traveling with Tina.
1-11-19, So, on the road for sure at this point. I don’t sleep very much, 3 to 5 hours a night. This morning was one of those limited sleep events. Awoke at 1am–up for the day I am.
So, tried while driving, being very careful, then Government Shut-down and that Skyline Drive might be closed.
Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park is simply fabulous. Since the park might be closed, watch this and be amazed >> http://www.capitalregionusa.org/videos/trip-ideas-en/scenic-byway-skyline-drive-shenandoah-national-parkWell, heading that way anyway, so I will check.
Heading down to Front Royal in Virginia. Then I remembered about the shut-down. So, the park might be closed. I will find out tomorrow, of course.
Right now it is about 3 in the afternoon. Because of lack of sleep, I pulled into a Walmart, which happens to have a McDonalds in it. So, all the free wifi I could want, and I can plug in. This looks to be the busiest Walmart I have been in. Every register is ringing, taking in all the money.
Most Walmarts allow vehicles to park overnight; I have spent the night at many. I think I will stay the night here, since I am already, anyway. There is a place I can plug in my computer, so I have all I need.
Yet, the temperature is quite cold in the building. I recently I stopped at a different McDonalds, they kept it even colder. Must be something like a certain temperature makes more sales?
Here is the plan for the night, as is most nights >> First, I crank on the portable propane heater, heats the van up quickly, very nice. Mr. Heater Portable Buddy Heater
Once the van heats up, I will prepare my bed (you will get a video tour of my van later.) A sleepy bag that can go low in temperature, but, even with a blanket too, I got cold. Right before I left what I ordered came in–a space blanket. This thin sleeping cover is lined on the inside with silver, which reflects your body heat.
The first night I tried it I slipped into it, then I got into my sleeping bag, then I put a blanket on top, it was about freezing outside. I awoke the next morning surprisingly toasty warm, I was very surprised. I slept well, too.
A few days ago I purchased some beer. So, I will open a Corona Light with a smile on my face. No, I’m not a beeraholic, I do enjoy a nice brew now and then.
Right now, I am sitting in the van typing to you on the table I have. As you know, I will give you a video tour later. I also work on this offline and with a battery in the wilderness—which I love.
Like I wrote, Walmart allows people to be in their vehicles overnight, so I will drive around and find a location where there will be minimal noise for the night.
I get the van warm with the heater. Next, I put covers on all the windows. I made the window covers myself and these keep ALL light out.
All kinds of people around me at Walmart now, but, feeling very lonely. I’m glad you are there.Jan 11-12–Down to 22f last night, yet, with my sleepy bag and space blanket, I was warm, though.
Drove much today, not seeing very much.
I drove to the entrance of Shenandoah National Park, Skyline Drive. Sadly–the park was closed. Such a wonderful drive it truly is. Take a look >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXAVaVnM7aEJanuary 12-13–Stayed the night with Ihab Sadoon in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Ihab is a dental surgeon, a very nice guy. With him are his wife, their daughter and his mom. A very nice family.
I met Ihab through couchsurfing.com. Ihab and his wife were heading up to NYC and contacted me last month about his wife and him staying over, which was great. Now I am able to stay with them.
I have used couchsurfing.com to stay with people all over the world, for free, as I let others stay with me. When you stay in a motel they are not your friend. You wonder who slept in that bed the night before and it’s usually unfriendly and cold.
Couchsurfing is free and fantastic. When you are going to go somewhere sign up with them and stay with someone. Everyone has a profile you can read and most give a review of this person, so you are not staying with a complete stranger.
People I have stayed with in the past have given me a tour of their area to learn, fed me, and were wonderful to be around. Yesterday, I brought in my juggling and magic stuff. After, they were entertained–they had a newly learnt skill of being able to juggle.
Here is a personal experience with Couchsurfing >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsQFVn3oisUAwoke to big snow that came overnight, looks like at least five inches. I was going to drive down The Blue Ridge Parkway, a drive I have not taken, yet. With the snow, I would only see white, so, staying to main roads now. I just want to get down to the warmer weather–as my life completely changes.
Jan 15–Have mainly been driving for the last few days, so, no stories right now.
I feel such freedom traveling alone (but, I wish you were with me.)
Drove to Myrtle Beach today because I saw there might be national park land near. Yiks–the traffic was horrendous. I knew that was tourist country, but did not expect this. But, I was tired and wanted to find a place to sleep for the night. In my GPS I typed in “park” and found a local one. It was dark and quiet for the night, a good sleep.
Jan 16–As I am heading south, the air temperature has been rising–nice. Just a couple days ago I was in the snow, now, nicer. Went to visit my Facebook friend, Kellie Sullivan. I told her I would teach her to juggle in two minutes–she was shocked when she did.
I got my unicycle off of the back of my van and went for a ride today. I have not ridden my uni for a while, my muscles were too stiff and I was not comfortable. I will start riding the unicycle more and more. You’ll see.
Jan 17–Last night I stayed at an empty church parking lot, no people around and no cars, quiet and dark, just the way I like it. About 9pm some church people showed up along with two cop cars. I talked with them and let them know that I just wanted to sleep.
The church people ok’d it, but the cops were just cops–checked my id, asked me if I had been drinking. They seemed like idiots. After all, this is a church, does not their god protect the church?
So, I passed when he ran my id, I guess I’m not a wanted criminal after all.
One cop asked the usual, “So, you been drinking tonight?” I was going to simply say, “Why do you ask”, but I said–“Yes, I have been drinking, I drank some milk awhile ago.” Then I said, “If a person does not drink liquid that person will die. I’m sure you’ve been drinking–yes?” He had no response.
Then, after I awoke at 3am (I do not sleep much), I found a McDonalds that was open 24 hours a day. So, I went in to use their free wifi and I could also plug in my computer to charge the battery.
Later, I order a little something for breakfast, since I am using there wifi, after all. So, the person brought me my food in a bag. Before he even got to the counter I asked him, “Please take it out of the bag and reuse the bag”. Then he took my sandwich out of the bag and handed it to me. He then crumpled the bag and threw it away. WHY CAN PEOPLE NOT THINK???
Jan 10–Woke to warmer temps, I like it. I am on my way to Ocala National Park, one of my favorites. Tina reminded me that they will probably be closed because of the gov shutdown. I was so looking forward to spending time doing some projects on the van, doing some juggling, running, bicycling and having a great time by myself. I will still drive to the area to see. You will find out more in my next blog this next Friday. =============================================I am fine traveling and living on my own, I quite enjoy it. Really, each of us lives and directs there own life.
Each week I will let you know of my upcoming travels. If you are along the way, I would love to stop by and say hi, I will also teach you to juggle! Also, if I could spend the night at your home sleeping in my van that would be wonderful, as will a shower in the morn. Let me know later . . .
I’ve included more photos from past travels. Hope you like.
Looking forward to hearing back from you, it gets lonely out here.
Bye for now>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kit
January 20, 2019 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 2-This is Where I Belog
Hoping to publish my blog each Friday about the past weeks exploring. As you know, I will be living in my van and traveling throughout the country going to national parks and wilderness areas.
Currently near Allentown, PA, I will be traveling along the coast to Florida. If you are within 100 miles of the coast, I would love to see you. Please, message me or let me know on here so we can set things up.
On the road again–here I go.! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWMnU2UWjLs&fbclid=IwAR3p9ZA3-AtksiHIutyg9CUJ6kXqMMBWxQseQBOWHRXDP2D6GeZBAuyeoUeM
It is so cold here, below freezing–YIKES. Great to be heading south–toward Florida–toward warmth.As you might know, I have driven, round trip, across the US 25 times. Usually, I just pick a destination and aim for that each day, sometimes doing over 600 miles. This time I will not have endpoints, leaving open to explore more and meeting new people (like you!)
Having no schedule or direction, I will be wondering through the US, mainly aiming toward National Parks and wilderness areas. You see, I like “real” life–human uninhabited regions.
Also, I stop for various Walmarts and McDonalds over the US to write these words to you using their free wifi. These two places are everywhere in the US, easy to jump on my computer there.
Currently, I have no debt (by the way, why is there a “b” in that word?) The way I am able to do this is–because of my accidents and injuries–I was able to qualify for Social Security Disability Income, so, I get about $900 a month to live (that includes health insurance), which is enough to pay for the cost of fuel and the food I consume. I am even able to save some for emergencies.
Actually, I just looked it up >>>> http://nowiknow.com/why-we-have-a-silent-b/GPS is an amazing invention. Hard to remember the old days when we had to carry numerous maps on how to get there. Then, having to stop now and then to ask directions. Or, using a payphone to call our destination to get more accurate directions.
Have a Mr. Buddy Propane Heater, which heats the inside of the van up, much and quickly.
As you see, I’ve included some more photos from past tours, hope you enjoy them. Soon I will start taking current photos of places I will be currently at–soon.
So, until next Friday, make your life FANTASTIC. You do know it is up to each of us to choose joy or misery. Choose right–always.
January 20, 2019 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 1–On the Road Again
BLOG 1 — On the road again
Yes, starting a new blog and new travels. If you would like to be taken off the list to receive, let me know. January 6, 2019–As you know, I wrote many blog posts in the past as I was traveling. I have decided to get back to living and traveling in my van–I have missed it. Also, being so cold up where I am currently living, it is time to head south to warmth, to Florida.
Also, this is due to a break-up with someone I was with for a number of years. I believe we still love each other, much, but she wants out. I cried off and on for days, yet, I am getting better now.
The first day I went to see my daughter April, who is so wonderful. We talked much and I stayed the night on her couch in the warmth. You see, the temperature outside now at night is at about the freezing level, that is why I will be going south.
Today I brought the van to Dave, who has been taking care of my vehicles for many years. The van is in top shape and running excellent. I will be showing you on a tour when I get down to Florida and my friend can film.
Tomorrow I have an appointment to get some minor body work on the van done, the van looks sharp. I built the inside into a home–turned out fantastic. You will hear more about it down the road.
On Thursday I have a dental appoint, then, after that, south I do. I am glad you will be coming with me.
I’ve driven, round trip, back and forth across the US 25 times. Mostly, when I do, I just go from one place to another. This time I will be stopping more to see fantastic things and beautiful people.
Also, I want to stop to do more running, and I have my bike with me. Mostly I want to stop at parks and work on my juggling. There is no reason I cannot improve. I have not dedicated myself to my juggling, time to get more of it back.Also, you know I love to go to national parks and wilderness areas–we will be going to many–you will love it. And, my camera will always be at the ready. As before, you will love what you see.
I must say, it feels so good to be starting my blog again. I will tell you good stories and inspirational events. I like writing in a way that gets people excited, hoping you like. If you ever have ideas to improve my writing skills, please let me know.
So, get ready for my weekly blog. But, it will be lonely out there, too. Please, let me hear from you, too.
Feels so good to travel when I have no direction (well, toward Florida, along the coast, at first.) I might be passing near you I would love to see you.
Last night was the first to sleep in the van. I found a place that was quiet and dark, just the way I like it.
The temperature was about freezing. I awoke at 2am with cold feet. I normally awake between 2 and 3am, after laying down between 9 and 10pm, I get limited sleep. I learned from this and will prepare the knowledge for the cold sleep tonight. With 3 to 4 hours sleep a night, I function fine during the day.
A McDonalds with within a mile away, they open at 5am, so right away I am on their free wifi and writing to you.
I’ve included some photos from past tours, enjoy.
As you know, I will be taking a slow drive down the east coast on the way to Florida. If you live within 100 miles along the way, I would love to stop by for a visit — Message me, please. SL along with me.
If you are living on the east coast somewhere, let me know, I would love to stop by and see you.
January 20, 2019