- Posted by Kit
BLOG 171—Playtime!
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.*** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
*** The happiness I am experiencing in my life is a marvelous thing!
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people, too. (But no longer alone, Beth is by my side.)
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!
*** I want to thank my wonderful wife Beth for her superb editing and adding to the blog each week.BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
All my life I have approached life in a playful manner. Childhood play is one of the main reasons I became a juggler. Also, I believe, the skill of play is one of the main things that helped me come back from my accident and 37-day coma.
Curiosity is one of the main traits of playfulness that will make a better life for you. As humans age, they often loose their curiosity and playfulness, such a sad thing that is.
Play allows you to use your creativity while developing your imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain activity. It is through play that children (and adults) engage and interact in the world around them.
Play, for adults, is critical in our stressful busy lives. Play has been shown to improve brain functionality, release endorphins, and stimulate creativity. And it can even help to keep us youthful and feeling energetic. Play improves memory and stimulates the growth of your cerebral cortex.
So get out there and play some more!
You’ll learn a new task faster and better if it’s amusing and you’re in a relaxed and playful mood. Play will also excite your imagination, helping you adapt and solve problems. It will improve relationships and your connection to others. Sharing laughter and fun can foster empathy, compassion, trust, and intimacy with others.
So many benefits of PLAY >>
Play Builds Imagination and Creativity.
Fosters Cognitive Growth.
Delivers Emotional and Behavioral Benefits.
Improves Literacy.
Encourages Greater Independence.
Promotes Physical Fitness.
Builds a Healthy Body.
Builds a Healthy Brain.
Relieves stress.
Improves brain function.
Stimulates the mind and boosts creativity.
Improves relationships and your connection to others.
Keeps you feeling young and energetic.
Develops and improves social skills.
Teaches cooperation with others.
Teaches Emotional Intelligence and Boosts Self-Esteem.
Play heals emotional wounds.
Forges a Healthy Parent-Child Relationship.
Builds Healthy Friendships and Romantic Relationships.
Teaches Cooperation.
Play Teaches Problem Solving.
It Stimulates Creativity.
Many people think playtime is just for kids. As a result, it’s not always something that many adults intentionally schedule into their daily routines. Some of the many benefits of making time for playing include a reduction in stress and anxiety, increased social bonding, instant mood-boosting, and a way to foster creativity and problem-solving. Plus, it’s just plain old fun!
Any fun, joyful moment where you forget about time is considered to be play.
You can choose to face everyday activities in a playful state of mind. As I’ve said before, don’t be so seriness. So, you can choose to turn a challenging task or even a day on the job into something that is fun—you are in charge of that. You can make your job more playful simply by changing the attitude that you have towards it.
Or how about ice cream for dinner? Why not! That is something that Beth likes to do. Doing something that feels so out of the ordinary will produce loads of serotonin, the feel-good hormone.
Fly a kite.
Go for a bike ride in the afternoon.
Do the hula hoop.
Put together a puzzle.
Juggle 3 balls.
Go lay down on the grass and watch some birds.
Do a dance in your living room.
Use some play-doh to play with.
You did it while young, bring back the play.LIFE IS HAPPENING ALL THE TIME – ARE YOU KEEPING UP?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves as well as others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking,
you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, and to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.
Remember, you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind.Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive and always reaching for advancement.
Be inspired by these fun quotes >>
1. “I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.” – Lily Tomlin
2. “If at first, you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you.” – Steven Wright
3. “I find television very educational. Every time someone turns it on, I go in the other room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx
4. “All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure.” – Mark Twain
5. “If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra
6. “There never was a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him asleep.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
7. “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn’t give it up because by then I was too famous.” – Robert Benchley
8. “Luck is what you have leftover after you give 100 percent.” – Langston Coleman
9. “Opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door.” – Kyle Chandler
10. “Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.” – Charles Schulz
5/7-8—My friend Gary DuTeau, every year, has a camp out on land he owns which is on Stevens Creek, where we got married! Gary is an excellent chef, having owned a great restaurant, The Plum, which, sadly, burnt down.
Along with Gary, another excellent chef was there, so we ate well, I must say.
I camped over with them, very nice.5/9—Returned to join Gary to hang out and have dinner—quite nice it was.
5/10—Back with Gary to help him pack up to get back home. Hard to believe how much stuff Gary had with him. It was easier to pack out because I have a cart that we used to carry his stuff.
5/11-12—Back to projects around here. I started on building a deck for the back of the house. These projects I think up, I have no idea how they will be accomplished, but each always turns out just right. Like me, I’m sure you can do more than you think you can.
5/13—So close, yet we never even saw it. Sumter National Park is all around our area. We took a dirt road not having any idea where it would lead. As a deer pranced across the road in front of us, we knew we loved this area.
We drove down a road toward Long Cane Creek picnic area, no one around anywhere, we loved it. After a few miles we came to Clarks Hill Lake. All around was beauty, it was mythical.
We will be going back to spend a night, then we will do it again and again.
When’s the last time you camped out somewhere?
Look back to your childhood and think of some playful things you could bring back into your life that will bring you pleasant memories.
We will both find out then.
May 13, 202200 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 169—Finding the Joy in Life!
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.*** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
*** The happiness I am experiencing in my life is a marvelous thing!
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people, too.
(But no longer alone, Beth is by my side.)
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!
*** I want to thank my wonderful wife Beth for her superb editing and adding to the blog each week.BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
You may know some of the things I have been through in my life >>
Hit by a truck and went through a 37-day coma.
18 years later hit by another truck, much of my body was damaged.
Up-down, Up-down.
I had to find joy in my life once again.
Still, I maintain the joys I have found in life.
Joy is an emotion, and emotions are often mute. They’re mainly physical sensations in our bodies. We express the emotion of joy in many bodily ways. For example, we jump for joy when we win a difficult competition, or we bring on uncontrollable laughter when someone tells a hilarious story. We howl with delight after getting a surprise gift
and whoop and roar exuberantly when we hear fantastic news. We feel buoyant and jubilant on a beautiful day.
When we are conscious of our joy, we feel great about ourselves. We feel confident, capable, powerful, endearing, and fulfilled. These are all good reasons to experience more joy in our life. Here are some suggestions to find the joy that is always in you. It is up to each of us to find the joy that is right there for us.
Integrate as many of the following as you can into your life >>
One way to move away from the past and feel joy again in your life is to practice gratitude. By choosing to be positive and optimistic and focus on the good things in your life, you can actually train your brain to feel joy more often. When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears again. That’s how gratitude creates a cycle of constructive emotions. You see, the more you practice gratitude, the more positive emotions you will feel.
The secret to living in joy is giving. Making a difference in the lives of others brings meaning to our lives and reminds us of all that we have. That’s why learning how to have more joy in your own life always involves giving back to the world. You don’t need money to find fulfillment through giving, all you need is a desire to help others in the world and the drive to donate your time, skills, or expertise to a cause.
Don’t hold yourself back! Your past is not your future unless you live there – and living there prevents you from learning how to find joy in the present. If you have lost a loved one, ended a relationship, or have been having a hard time financially, these are certainly valid reasons to feel down. Let yourself feel sad or lonely, but limit the time spent there, and never be hopeless. Ask yourself what you can learn about yourself from your experiences and emotions.
Let go of the past.
You are beyond that.
Encompassing yourself with good people goes hand in hand with the law of attraction and is vital to all areas of your life. When you’re surrounded by optimistic people, it will be nearly impossible to feel negative. They will lift your spirits and help you find the good in every situation. Keeping yourself away from people who don’t make you feel joy – or who actively work against it – isn’t always easy. However, you cannot learn how to find joy with their negative world holding you back.
The more positivity you feel and bring on, the more you will attract positivity in your life – that’s the law of attraction. This principle has been around for thousands of years and is used by the world’s most successful people to design the lives of their dreams. Remember, if someone else can do it, so can you.
It isn’t complicated: What you focus on, you attract.
Focus on creating joy in your own life and sharing it with others.
You will naturally attract even more joy.6—CHANGE YOUR THINKING
You’ve heard the expression “fake it ‘til you make it.” If you’re still having trouble changing your focus to feel joy instead of negativity, put on a smile. If you tell your brain you are happy – even if you’re not – it will change your outlook.
Change your posture and stand up tall.
Throw your shoulders back and adopt a power pose.
Confident physiology can change your entire demeanor.
You will have more joy in your life!7—BE FULLY PRESENT
As you know, we live in a fast-paced world. We are always planning our next move, searching for that perfect relationship, or throwing ourselves into work. When we do relax, we’re often glued to our phones – and social media constantly reminds us of what we’re missing, and how we could be better. How can we feel joy when we are always searching for something better? Unplug. Focus on the present. Notice what’s around you and savor it. That’s true joy.
Learning how to develop joy in your life starts with your mindset, and, always, your daily routine has a powerful effect on your state of mind. Exercise is proven to reduce depression. Even a 15-minute run or an hour-long walk per day can boost your mood, so find an exercise you enjoy and make it a part of your life. And, eating right is just as important, and adding mindfulness practices like thinking positive will help you feel joy on a daily basis.
When you’ve set yourself up for success through gratitude, empowering daily customs, and mindfulness, you’re ready to find your purpose in life. Your purpose goes beyond your calling or short-term goals. It’s what gives your life hope and meaning. It is the thing that you most want to accomplish in life.
It’s your heritage.
What makes you feel joy?
What do you want to be remembered for in the world?10—Be here, now!
Most of us rush through every action so that we can move on to the next one, without really immersing ourselves in the present moment. Make the most of each and every moment you have on earth.Try being mindful rather than “mind full.” Keep your full focus on what you’re doing, now and always now. When you’re eating, eat: don’t watch TV or worry about the next day. The same goes for when you’re bathing, drinking coffee or tea, etc. Break things down and make each and every moment special.
Are there fun or silly little things that you really like that make you smile most every time you encounter them? Then definitely spend more time with those things and thoughts! Our life is comprised of little things, make the most of each one of them.
Watch bees disappear into flowers.
Take delight in wearing ridiculously funny socks.
Try adding a spoonful of ice cream into your coffee instead of cream.
These little pleasures may seem silly, but you know what? GOOD. They’re wonderful.
You have your favorite tunes which never fail to brighten our spirits. When was the last time you cranked up the volume on an album that you love? Make music a big part of your joy in life. Keep a new playlist full of music that makes you feel happy. Play that music whenever the notion strikes you. A great soundtrack can even make housework seem like a joy!
Many of us have gotten used to fast food or quick meals that we throw together because of time. Work, childcare, and other pressures often leave us reaching for frozen items, or ordering in whenever possible. Remember the great meals that gramma used to make?
Instead of the fast eat, set aside the time you need to prepare a delicious dish from scratch. This can be an old favorite or something new that you’ve always wanted to try. Then you’ll have the double joy of reveling in new flavors and conquering new cooking or baking techniques. Learn as you go. Make every meal an opportunity to celebrate, with sincere gratitude and appreciation as you take every bite.
It’s often hard to feel happy when your surroundings make you feel “yuck.” Are you feeling down about your current decor? You can change things up a bit.
A new paint job for a room?
New curtains or pillows for your main room?
That new painting you’ve wanted?Remember the smells in your home. Scent is linked to many aspects of well-being, and aromas evoke different responses for everyone.
Burn some beautifully scented candles or incense.
Make homemade room sprays with essential oils.
Make some cinnamon rolls just to make the house smell like a bakery.You spend so much of your life at home, so make it a place that inspires and delights you.
We have Jemma the dog, five cats, four rabbits, turtles, and more.
How delighted do you feel after you’ve spent real quality time cuddling your animal friends? Non-human friends need a lot of love, and everyone feels happier after an hour of solid cuddling. As you comfort them, it will comfort you.
If you don’t have a pet (or aren’t sure whether you want one), consider fostering some kittens, or help as a dog walker at a local shelter. Both you and the animals will undoubtedly benefit from time spent together.
Remember the old days when you sent letters to friends? Emails are all well and good, but we can hear our friends’ voices in their written words. I remember stacks of letters that my gramma kept wrapped in ribbons or in special boxes. It takes time and effort to put thoughts to paper with a pen, and we all feel amazing when we know that others think enough of us to make that happen.
Get yourself some pretty note cards or stationery and write a few lines to people you love. It’s actually a lot of fun to bring back memories as you write these (especially if you make the cards yourself), and just imagine how delighted they’ll be to receive real mail instead of just bills!
Is there a favorite film or movie that always lifts your spirits? Well, when was the last time you watched the picture show? If it’s been a while, ask yourself why you haven’t put it on, and then change that as soon as possible. Bring back that joy that you had in the past by watching this special film.
Make popcorn.
Put your feet up.
Prepare to smile your face off.18—GET OUTDOORS MORE OFTEN
I’ve been to every national park in continental America. I love to be out in the wilderness, back to nature. There is scientific evidence that shows, that being out in nature makes us feel better.
The soothing sounds of wind through tree leaves.
Birds singing in the trees.
Water flowing in the stream.
This calms our nerves and lifts our spirits.Go for walks in the park or in the wilderness or forested areas whenever possible – preferably far away from the sounds of cities and traffic. Bring a drink and some snacks, hunker down against a tree, and breathe deeply. You’ll feel amazing afterward.
So many of us live inactive lives stuck at our desks or glued to the couch. It can make our bodies cramped and uncomfortable. Set time aside every day (or at least a few times a week) for some kind of physical movement.
Take a long walk.
Do some gentle stretching or yoga.
Go for a swim in the local lake or pool.Anything that moves your limbs and gets your blood flowing. You’ll love the endorphin rush and the strength you’ll feel in your muscles.
This is something I’ve had trouble with all my life. If you can, learn to nap. Sleep whenever possible. This is quite good for your brain. Take a hot bath and go to bed early at least twice a week. You’ll be surprised to discover just how much better you feel when you’re well-rested.
We live in an era in which exhaustion and working until we drop are lauded as admirable traits. Help turn this around by making real sleep and regular rest some of your top priorities. If you need to, change your life so this can be achieved.
Like I do so often, do you find yourself wearing the same apparel all the time, especially if you work remotely? When was the last time you dressed up in some of your favorite items? Make a point of “dressing up” for yourself, simply to observe how awesome it feels to wear clothes you love.
Cluttered surroundings can make you feel frustrated and confined. You can change that by packing away, donating, or throwing out whatever you’re not using on a regular basis. I think owning less makes for a better life. Essentials – that’s it.
Like I wrote before, incorporate as many of these in your life and you will like your life more.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves as well as others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking,
you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, and to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.
Remember, you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind.Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive and always reaching for advancement.
Here is a list of “JOY” inspirational quotes.
A joyful life lived in peaceful bliss, is the best existence we can hope to achieve. It’s the kind of life that produces positive feelings and feel-good energy and encourages us to look to the future with high hopes.
Pure joy might seem like a fleeting emotion, but even if you only feel it for a moment in time, you can hold on to it. You can relish in it. Get in a joyful state of mind right now with these 15 inspiring quotes >>
1. “We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy.” —Joseph Campbell
2. “Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home… it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.” —Chuck Palahniuk
3. “The soul’s joy lies in doing.” —Percy Bysshe Shelley
4. “If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment.” —Carlos Santana
5. “Let your joy be in your journey—not in some distant goal.” —Tim Cook
6. “The joy that isn’t shared dies young.” —Anne Sexton
7. “There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.” —Khalil Gibran
8. “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” —Nhat Hanh
9. “We have to embrace obstacles to reach the next stage of joy.” —Goldie Hawn
10. “Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.” —Mark Twain
11. “Just follow your joy. Always. I think that if you do that, life will take you on the course that it’s meant to take you.” —Jonathan Groff
12. “The more the heart is sated with joy, the more it becomes insatiable.” —Gabrielle Roy
13. “Joy is increased by spreading it to others.” —Robert Murray McCheyne
14. “Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow.” —Helen Keller
15. “Joy lies in the fight, in the attempt, in the suffering involved, not in the victory itself.” —Mahatma Gandhi
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
5/1—Not much to write about this week.
I do hope the words in this blog inspire you – much.
5/2—I returned to Gary Trudeau’s annual camp-out at his land on Stevens Creek. I like this area much, in fact, that is where Beth and I were married. For one week, about twenty people a day join Gary in celebration. This friendly crowd has some top chefs included, and Gary is an excellent chef, too. So, great food is abundant.
5/3—Beth found an Anole, which we made a new pet. After a few days, though, after we fattened it up, we released it back into the wild to live its life.
Today I made some of my very tasty salsa. Being strawberry season right now, I decided to use strawberries in the mix. Turned out great, like usual. I will be bringing some to Gary’s get-together when I go there on Friday.
Have you seen >>
summerssalsa.com ?
5/4—Every Wednesday a group meets in the town of Plum Branch, SC to just talk, called, The Coffee Hour. Gary used to live in Plum Branch and had a very successful restaurant (which, sadly, burnt down many years ago.) So, all the talk was about Gary and the history of the town. The learning was nice.
The name of the town is not about the branch of a plum tree, it is named after the branch of the creek that runs through it. Gold was discovered in this area and that is how the first populations were established.
Plum Branch is in the county of McCormick. We live five miles away in the town of McCormick, SC. McCormick County and its county seat, the town of McCormick, were named for inventor Cyrus Hall McCormick (1809-1884). The county was formed in 1916 from parts of Edgefield, Abbeville, and Greenwood counties in South Carolina.
The discovery of gold is what first attracted people to the area. In fact, the area of McCormick was a significant place in the history of the hunt for gold in the United States.
William Burkhalter Dorn searched for gold in South Carolina for nearly 15 years before finding the mother lode in Peak Hill. The 1857 settlement known as “Dorn Gold Mines” eventually became the present-day city of McCormick.
Today we got two box turtles for our zoo. Beth has a friend who has had box turtles for many years. These are two that were born at his home.
5/5—Continuing to work on my projects.
You can choose to be gloomy, sad, and depressed.
Or, you can choose joy, happiness, and fulfillment.
Always choose right.This week, keep a smile on your face as much as possible.
Then, make it a constant habit of your life.
I gave you a list of 22 ways to find joy in your life.
This week, do at least five of these from the list.
As Spring and Summer are approaching, our plants and growing.
By next week we should have everything planted and tomatoes will be ripening soon.
You will find out next week.How about you, is your garden growing, vegetables abounding?
May 6, 2022 -
- Posted by Kit
BLOG 168—Why I Like to Travel
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.*** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
*** The happiness I am experiencing in my life is a marvelous thing!
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people, too. (But no longer alone, Beth is by my side.)
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!
*** I want to thank my wonderful wife Beth for her superb editing and adding to the blog each week.BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
It surprises me how I can obtain enough material to write a full blog each week. Beth and I actually “make” things happen to include in the week’s blog. How about you, can you make things happen in your life to make a more spectacular existence?
As you might know, for about six years I was living and traveling in my van all around the US. Mainly going to national parks and wilderness areas, I loved that lifestyle.
Most Americans do not travel outside of the US. The average person in the UK has visited 10 countries, Many Germans have seen eight, and the French traveled to five nations on average. But Americans? Most tend to visit just three. In fact, 29 percent of American adults have never been abroad, and with such a big world out there.
Myself, I have been to Europe three times, Japan three times, and Australia and New Zealand for one month each. Also, I have traveled, round trip, across the US at least thirty times, including visiting every state. In 1978 I lived with Barrett Felker in Hawaii for three months — very nice.
But, when I say travel, it does not mean it has to cost much.
Even taking a bus to a nearby city for the day can be exciting.When citizens of the US do move past the border, most visit Canada or Mexico. Affordability is evidently a big factor — so many Americans say it’s too expensive to leave the country — but that’s hardly the whole story.
Given what all the travel and deal sites have to offer today, you can travel abroad without ransacking your piggy bank. Perhaps many Americans don’t grasp the benefits of traveling abroad — and there are many! And, I have found that language is ever a problem. So many in the world can speak English, or you can get your point across.
Traveling the world isn’t just fun and exciting; there’s abundant research to suggest it’s highly beneficial for your physical, mental, and emotional health as well. So many people I have met around the world are wonderful.
Let’s dive in and take a look at some of the health benefits that researchers have and supported scientifically.
1—Travel Can Make You Healthier
Traveling actually keeps you happier and healthier. The study found that people who vacation at least twice a year show a significantly lower risk of suffering a heart attack than those who only travel every six years or so.2—Travel Relieves Stress
Although missing a flight or losing baggage in an overseas airport is sure to boost your anxiety, traveling has been proven to lower stress levels, and rather dramatically.
I read one study that showed that three days after taking a vacation, travelers report feeling less anxious, happy, more rested, and in a better mood. Interestingly, these benefits tend to remain for weeks after the trip has ended.
3—Travel Deepens Your Creativity
You will increase both cognitive flexibility and depth and integrativeness of thought, the ability to make deep connections between disparate forms,” explains Adam Galinsky, a professor at Columbia Business School who has authored a number of studies that investigate the concrete links between creativity and international travel.
The main thing is multicultural engagement, immersion, and adaptation. People who live abroad and don’t engage with the local culture will likely get less of a creative boost than someone who travels abroad and gets involved in the local environment.
4—Travel Encourages Happiness and Satisfaction
Most people tend to be happier when they’re traveling and don’t have to worry about their work and home life. You see, people also experience a direct increase in happiness in the process of just “planning” a trip.
Then, three days after taking a vacation, overall, travelers report feeling less anxious, more rested and in a better mood.
You see, just the prospect of taking a vacation is far greater than the anticipation of acquiring a physical possession. Thus, the benefits of traveling abroad begin well before the trip does, as your mind gets better.
5—Travel Lowers your Risk of Depression
While people often avoid the subject in our society, depression is, unfortunately, often a major problem. Millions of Americans struggle with depression on a regular basis and it’s not uncommon for doctors to over-prescribe medication for depression.
Luckily, healthier alternatives are available for escaping the hopelessness of a depressed state. You CAN stay away from medications. According to research, travel can be one of them.
I read that people who vacation at least twice a year are less likely to suffer from chronic stress and depression than people who vacation less than once every two years.
As you can see, there are scientifically-backed health benefits of traveling around the world. Mentally, physically and emotionally, you can gain many from just packing your bags and visiting places you’ve never been.
Besides that >>
It boosts happiness and satisfaction.
It makes you mentally resilient.
It enhances creativity.
It’s a great stress buster.
It helps you reinvent yourself.
Expanding your horizons.
These are the things that unite travelers in that shared experience so many of us know and love.
Perhaps you are the kind of traveler who likes to throw away the map and just get lost, or maybe you’re the type that prefers to have an itinerary with a defined list of things to do. In any case, dreaming up future trips is at least half the fun, and letting your imagination run wild with fantasies of back-country bike rides or long walks through cobblestone streets in a foreign city is always a joy.
Whether travel has been a regular part of your life or you are just now itching to explore, there is no shortage of inspiration to help fuel your wanderlust.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves as well as others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking,
you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.
Remember, you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind.Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive and always reaching for advancement.
Here are some quotes on why travel is important in life >>
A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.
— Lao TzuIf you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it’s lethal.
— Paulo CoelhoWe travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.
— Anaïs NinComing back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.
— Terry PratchettTo get away from one’s working environment is, in a sense, to get away from one’s self; and this is often the chief advantage of travel and change.
— Charles Horton CooleyWandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe.
— Anatole FranceOne doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.
— Andre GideDo not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
— Ralph Waldo EmersonA journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to control it.
— John SteinbeckTravel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body.
— Anthony BourdainSometimes you have to travel a long way to find what is near.
— Paulo CoelhoWhen we get out of the glass bottle of our ego and when we escape like the squirrels in the cage of our personality and get into the forest again, we shall shiver with cold and fright. But things will happen to us so that we don’t know ourselves. Cool, unlying life will rush in.
— D.H. LawrenceFor the born traveler, traveling is a besetting vice. Like other vices, it is imperious, demanding its victim’s time, money, energy and the sacrifice of comfort.
— Aldous HuxleyOne’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
4/23—As I awoke early, I went out to the new gardens. Two are filling with organic materiel—branches, grass, limbs (not human ones), and tree trunk sections. The one that is empty right now, with the plastic up on the sides, had a small occupant.
There was an immature squirrel in it this morning. This small creature was not scared of me, at all, but just could not get out of his trapped enclosure because of the plastic on the sides. Beth was worried that he might bite me, but I picked him up. We had an empty container used for rabbits, so that was his new temporary home.
Next, Beth called some friends who rescue animals and they will help with what to do with the varmint. I’ve always wanted a pet squirrel, maybe this is the time?
Here I a holding a baby fox
We discovered that our squirrel has a bum back left leg most likely from a cat carrying him. I am hoping that it will heal and he will be good once again. After he is better, back to the wilderness with him. But, if he does not get better, we have a new pet.
4/24—The squirrel needs to get help, so today we left the little creature with a person at Greenville Animal Rehab. They will make sure the leg is OK and let the squirrel return to the wild. I would love to have seen it grow and befriended the little guy (who, we found out, is a girl), but this way is better for the four-legged little one. There were many animals in care here, good to see.
Two baby raccoons in my hands.
On our way home, we passed by some people with signs stating, “Free food”. This group is part of St. Paul Methodist Church. They gave us each a sack lunch (quite tasty, too.) She was very nice, but I did not let her know I do not believe in any God.
Here they are >> stpaulsaluda.com
4/25—The four gardens need to be filled up. We were going to get a truck-load of dirt, but could not find anyone who delivers. I know that we have to put leaves in, the back yard is full of them right now, so I did a lot of transporting with my wheelbarrow-cart.
On top of the leaves, I will be putting a layer of wood chips. Then on top a thin layer of dirt. Over the next year all this will break down and we will have a great medium to plant “next” year. As I compost we will have all the future material for the gardens.
4/26—At the library, Beth found a green Anole lizard. Usually, they do not let you pick them up and handle them, but this one didn’t put up a struggle. It is temporarily living in a terrarium (not the one with the snails) with fruit flies to eat until it gets better. We YouTube everything to learn how to care for our foundlings.
Also, next to the house, under the ivy, Jemma was focused upon something, we couldn’t tell what. We had thought it was a snake, but it was Mr. Toad, which we still have in our keep. And yet, another terrarium. Beth bought crickets to feed him and I dug up worms for him. Nice little life he is going to have until we turn him loose. We enjoy learning about our local critters and do them no harm in caring for them.
My above-ground gardens are coming along. I am filling each with leaves, wood, and plants up about ¾ full. On one of the gardens, I filled with dirt up to the top. These are bags of dirt I bought, next year we will have enough compost and dirt that there will be no cost.
In this dirt, I planted tomatoes, peppers, and lettuce. They should do well, then we will consume them. So far they are looking good. For the garden next year, we are already planning to have one of the four just for strawberries.
Because of all the trouble in the world right now, I am hearing that food might be hard to acquire in the future. That is the main reason I am building our gardens, so we will have no trouble getting food to eat.
I am hearing from some people who think the world is soon going to become a wild place and everything will be under control. I think, if trouble does come, people will work together to keep things under control.
How about you?
Time to start your garden?4/27—Once again, I drove the 68 miles round-trip to Costco. Their prices are so good and they sell quality merchandise, so it is well worth it.
Beth told me that Jemma was quite upset and missing me and miserable. Missed her, too (but missed Beth much more.)
4/28—In the bunny hutch we had put up some 8-foot wooden poles to hold up the tarp on top. Today I built a support system that is keeping the tarp up well—a roof it is. I love projects like this and this one turned out magnificent. I built this with leftover pallet boards, at no cost. You will see photos.
As Beth and I were putting one of the two in place, one end dropped and bonked my head. This is Beth speaking: “He always has blood leakage somewhere but head wounds are worrisome. Thankfully, we lived thru it.”
I put in a new mailbox this week (I would love to hear from you!)
4/29—Very busy this week, today we slowed down, but I still got stuff done (like finishing this blog to get it off to you.)
Still enjoy the horses next door.
Just today Jemma was after something, we could not tell what. Beth is very scared of snakes, that is what Jemma found. Being a baby serpent, it was quite small.
Take a trip, even for a day, to a local city or park.
Then make it a part of your life.
You will learn how my gardens are coming along.
Also, if we pick up any other animals for our zoo (like, perhaps, a chimpanzee?)
April 29, 2022 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 167—As I Get Older, I Think Younger
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.*** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
*** The happiness I am experiencing in my life is a marvelous thing!
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people, too. (But no longer alone, Beth is by my side.)
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!
*** I want to thank my wonderful wife Beth for her superb editing and adding to the blog each week.
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
Don’t be so seriness!
Bring back the playfulness of your younger life. Your young, curious, playful, loving person is still there. I am now 63, but feel like I am still in my early twenties.CHILD?
There is a child in you, find it, bring it back. Sometimes, people forget to enjoy the younger, playful, curious, lighthearted side of life. Reconnecting with your inner child means bringing back play and fun and taking life a little less seriously. It means allowing yourself time to play, be curious, explore, laugh, and see the world with both joy and awe.PLAY!
As I often say, “Don’t turn into an “adult”. Adult responsibilities, like paying the bills or running errands, can make you take life too seriously sometimes. Everyone needs to change their thinking every once and a while.
Dance with friends.
Juggle for the fun of it.
Run around in a field.
Have a water balloon fight.
Have a good laugh.
When you approach life with a playful attitude, everyday situations become exciting, entertaining, and fun!
Even when you deal with sticky situations, like when you are at work or during social interactions, you can use playfulness to resolve the tension and relax others. This free-spirited, lighthearted nature gives you a more positive outlook so you can cope with life in positive, healthy ways. As a group, you will achieve more!HAVE
A funner time in life.
More love in your life.
Improved work and academic performance.
Increased creativity and motivation.
People who remain playful and young at heart actually live longer!
As you express yourself more openly and honestly, your life can change. Children seem to fearlessly express themselves by dancing, laughing, and playing—you can, too! When we are young we certainly know how to tell it like it is, too, and sometimes our younger selves are brutally honest, as you will be!OLDER?
As you grow older, your change as societal norms tends to influence your behaviors. You may become more serious, scared, or shy and find it hard to express yourself. You may speak out less, perhaps out of fear of rejection, as people “turn” into an adult.PLAY!
Your authentic self deserves to sparkle! When you hold back on expressing your true feelings, you miss out on valuable time and connections, and experiences. Bring back the play, and channel your inner child again by learning to smile as you communicate openly and honestly.
Not everyone may agree with and like what you have to say, and that’s okay! When you express yourself, you offer your unique position to the world and ultimately attract people that genuinely like you.CHILDREN
Spend time with children!
There is no better way to bring out your inner child than to spend more time with kids. Whether you are goofing off, telling jokes, running around, or playing games – make time to spend with kids and that will help tap into your inner playfulness and youthful expression.GIVE
This is not one-sided. You also get to share your own skills and knowledge to help young ones discover and learn and grow. If you don’t have children, you might spend time with the children of your friends or relatives.LEARN
Adults tend to focus on problem-solving and getting things done. Children live with an openness to learn and explore the world with all of its possibilities. You can connect to your inner child by letting go of the need to fix and control all the time. Instead, keep an open mind and see the learning opportunities around you each day.TUNNEL?
At times, people see life with tunnel vision, looking down at their phone screens or rushing to the next meeting. Take a moment to pause and look down at flowers growing, up at the sky, into the forest. The sun, the clouds, the moon, and the stars will remind you to pause once and in a while, to appreciate your surroundings like a child.CREATIVENESS
Kids love to learn through play, arts and crafts, movement, coloring, singing, and many other ways. You can bring out your inner child, too, through creative activity—and get lots of bonus health benefits, besides. Artistic self-expression helps you cope with trauma, manage emotions, and promote overall well-being.HEAL
You can change! Heal the wounded inner child within you. Much of your personality and habits develop during early stages of life. As you get older, you may continue to act out patterns learned from childhood without realizing it, that’s a good thing.
Close your eyes and picture yourself as a small child again. What would you say to that person to comfort them? You can even write a letter to guide your inner child. This practice will help heal wounds from the past. This will develop self-compassion and build love. You’ll have an easier time forgiving yourself for mistakes you hold onto when you see yourself as that innocent child.ADULT-NESS
Actual adulthood means nurturing and listening to that inner child. It means to listen to the pains of your past, then how to respond to those needs, and heal. When you reconnect with your inner child, you become more aware of the current motivations behind your behaviors, emotions, and relationships.PLAY!
As you would know, play is an important part of childhood, it’s a critical component of adulthood as well! The brilliance of the play is that it has profound benefits for all ages. Babies and young children investigate their own little world and learn new things about their life through play. Preschool-age and older children can practice life skills and develop their bodies, minds, and social skills through play. Continuing through adolescence and adulthood, play contributes to being a well-rounded, creative, and joyful person.TIME
Even though you are busy with everyday responsibilities and schedules, it is important for you to carve out time for leisure — if not daily, then at least throughout the week and month. This is a key to get more out of life. Play gifts people to be flexible thinkers, creative, young-at-heart, and free-spirited. It provides an opportunity for pure pleasure and doesn’t need structure. Play is free-flowing fun that can unleash our imagination.PLAN
Play often happens spontaneously, planning time for play ensures that you have fun. All of us need time to unwind from our tight schedules and hectic lives. Sometimes just observing children at play and listening to their self-talk or conversations with their playmates can transport us into their imaginative world, and along with that, cause us to stop and enjoy the moment.HAPPY!
Develop a happy, joyful, positive attitude, full of gratitude for even the smallest, everyday things. Plan to make play a part of every day, whether it is indoor or outdoor, solo or social, active or quiet—make it happen often.THIS >>
Smile and laugh often throughout your day.
Try new things and experience the unexpected.
Use the unscheduled time to smile, be creative, daydream, reflect and decompress.
Appreciate playtime – whether it’s alone or with other adults or children.
Sing and dance just for the fun of it!LIFE IS HAPPENING ALL THE TIME – ARE YOU KEEPING UP?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves as well as others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking,
you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.
Remember, you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind.Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive and always reaching for advancement.
Quotes of PLAY >>
Self-discipline is necessary, but so is playfulness, flexibility, and joy. When you stop demanding perfection of yourself, your writing desk will become a spacious place.
Karen RussellThere often seems to be a playfulness to wise people, as if either their equanimity has as its source this playfulness or the playfulness flows from equanimity; and they can persuade other people who are in a state of agitation to calm down and smile.
Edward HoaglandPeople rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.
Dale CarnegieWhy not make cheerfulness, outrageousness, and playfulness a new priority for yourself? Make feeling good your expectation. You don’t have to have a reason to feel good – you’re alive – you can feel good for no reason at all!
Tony RobbinsWe are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves, or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing.
Charles E. SchaeferThe moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of love – everything disappears.
RajneeshThe very essence of playfulness is an openness to anything that may happen, the feeling that whatever happens, it’s okay… you’re either free to play, or you’re not.
John CleeseSee if you can approach your own practice with a healthy combination of mindfulness, playfulness, precision, and curiosity.
Cyndi LeeOrganize your reality according to your strength; organize your reality according to your playfulness; according to your dreams; according to your joy; according to your hopes – and then you can help those who organize their reality according to their fears.
SethThere’s a certain pleasure in the life of the mind that cannot be denied. There’s a certain pleasure about being around people who enact a playfulness when it comes to the world of ideas.
Cornel WestMany teachers think of children as immature adults. It might lead to better and more ‘respectful’ teaching if we thought of adults as atrophied children.
Keith JohnstoneThe true characteristics of the epistolary style is playfulness and urbanity.
Joseph JoubertTrust allows you to give, Giving is abundant.
Trust allows the experience of bliss. Bliss is wakefulness.
Trust allows you to laugh. Laugh at the richness, the beauty, and the playfulness of the universe.
Apply consciousness to this process and all roads will lead to home.
Gary ZukavI think there’s a playfulness and a distance to Kavalier and Clay that I don’t aspire to in my stuff. Maybe I’m more old-fashioned, and less of a fabulist, in that way.
Jim ShepardCreative individuals tend to be smart, yet also naive at the same time… Creative individuals have a combination of playfulness and discipline, or responsibility and irresponsibility.
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
4/16-18—Make each day unique, that is what I aim for in my life, and I hope you have seen that through my blog posts.
Living about a four-hour drive from where we live, we went to visit Beth’s parents for the Easter holiday. On a nice drive up, we went through much wilderness—trees, foliage, forests, and greenery. Ron is 84 and Joyce is 82, great to get to know them better.
Along with Beth’s parents, her three sisters, Barbara, Patti and Krisi, showed up, too, with their own families. Nice to get to know her family better.
4/19—We are acquiring animals, as you know, and Beth decided to find and collect very small snails, all from the backyard forest. We have them in a clear container with plants and rocks to help them think it is all-natural.
In fact, eggs were laid and baby snails are making their appearance. We will keep them as we enjoy them, then back to the forest with all.
4/20—Out driving for a time, we came upon “The Dented Can” store. We were both amazed at the low prices they charge. We will be returning. Do you always shop at the same place? Have a look around, perhaps you can places with lower prices.
See >>
Food at fantastic prices.
We bought a lot and will return.
Like many people, we are stocking up on all the food necessities. We are hearing from many sources, that with all the changes in the world right now, it might start to get hard to get food in the future. That is also the main reason I am building our above-ground gardens.
Our four gardens did not cost much, at all. It might be a good idea for you to grow your own veggies and fruits. I built them out of free pallets, and here is how I did it >>
Most pallets are four feet long and have a row of boards on the main side, support boards on the inside, and three two-by-fours holding them together.
Measure down 22 inches and cut the pallet, and all boards, then do the same thing on the other side. Do this with six pallets. Once you have all cut, screw two together using 3” screws.
Keep screwing sides together, two on each side, and one between (see the photos.) By cutting them at 22 inches, there are two support boards so that they stay solid.
To keep the dirt in the garden, I had some plastic that covered our windows, to keep the cold out (we are getting new windows, soon.) I used this plastic, cut it to size, and stapled on each side of the garden to keep the dirt in. Finally, you screw pallet boards around the top for additional support, and you can sit on this, too.
Contact me if you need more info.
4/21—The rabbits are growing here. Today we picked up another bunny hutch. This one is two-story and quite large (no elevator, though, there’s a ramp.) In fact, we have a big walk-in hutch, the new one would not fit into the walk-in hutch.
At this point, we have five rabbits. You know how they can multiply? Hmm, how about you, want a bunny? They are very cute and fun to play with. I’m sure you want one, yes?
Also, we found a farm store, The Peach Stand, and I let Beth know that, in the past, when strawberries are in season, I have used them to make my fresh and tasty salsa. Have you seen >> summerssalsa.com?
With our fireplace, I am often making fires for our heat. The house is on electric heat, which is expensive now, so I like to heat with wood. We had been having the firewood delivered. We recently found Mike and Nadine, who have much wood on their land and gave us wood for a much better price than where we were getting it.
4/22—Being strawberry season, we went to a place where Beth has gotten large and pretty fruit. We bought many berries, in that Beth will be freezing a large number of them.
Take a look >> https://www.exploreedgefield.com/place/cooks-farm-roadside-stand
Make laughter and play an essential an part of your life this week (and always.)********************
In driving to Abbyville today, we drove through much forest land, some of which is national forest. We will be checking maps, and, perhaps, going there this upcoming week. I will let you know.
April 22, 2022 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 166—You MUST challenge Yourself!
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.*** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
*** The happiness I am experiencing in my life is a marvelous thing!
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people, too. (But no longer alone, Beth is by my side.)
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!
*** I want to thank my wonderful wife Beth for her superb editing and adding to the blog each week.
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
One of the main ways I came back strongly from my accident and 37-day coma is I would challenge myself. From learning to walk again to learning to jump again, these were personal responsibilities that I had to conquer and excel at.
Challenging yourself will bring a bright and dandy future. Also, no matter what your status is currently, challenging yourself will bring you to a higher level.
Why You Should Challenge Yourself?
There are so many reasons to why it’s important to challenge yourself. First of all, you’ll discover that you are capable of things you didn’t think you could do. You have so many skills if you just gave yourself the chance to see them.
By challenging yourself, you’ll also reach new ideas you never would have previously thought to even reach for. Things that never would have seemed possible for you could be right within your grasp.
Sure, you could just stay in your comfort zone and never grow beyond that. No one can force you out of it. But I promise you’ll be happy once you take the leap!
Ideas for how you can challenge yourself >>
Going along with the idea of waking up earlier in the morning (I often wake before 3am), I really challenge you to set a bedtime for yourself!
I always tell myself that I need to start going to bed earlier. But the only time I actually do is when I set a bedtime for myself and commit to it.
Mornings can be an amazing time of day, a good time for thinking. It’s a peaceful time to do something like staying calm, meditate, do yoga, or just sip a cup of coffee or tea before the full day comes on.
It’s also amazing how productive your day can be if you start off on the right foot in the morning. Each day, start thinking in a positive and better way.
I can’t think of any better way to challenge yourself than to set a new goal and really create a plan to follow through on it. There is so much power in planning by goal setting!
If you find yourself hoping to see something change in your life, set a big goal for yourself. But don’t stop there! Once you’ve set your goal, break it down into smaller steps and put them on your calendar.
An excellent challenge. Learning a new language is such a fun way to challenge yourself by expanding your horizons. Even better if you love to travel, and can learn the language of some of the places you’re going to be visiting!
When it comes to learning a new language, the internet has many sites that can teach you.
I am a lifelong learner and I really love and look forward to being able to learn new things. But not everyone is like that. For some people, learning something new is outside their comfort zone. Make the time to learn.
Taking a class to learn something new is such an amazing experience! You may even discover a new area that you love and can bring in a great income.
And, you could end up making a new friend or finding a new favorite hobby!
I’m not just saying someone taller than you. Find people you would love to connect with or have a conversation with.
Once you start reaching out to people you look up to, you will be so glad you did! Sometimes you might seek advice, other times you could say “hi” and let them know you were thinking of them and you enjoyed what they were putting out into the world.
Meet people. Find someone who is doing excellent at what you want to be good at, too. Later, send them an email and tell them how much you admire them! If a relationship doesn’t form, at least you’ll be able to give them a self-esteem boost.
We are so reliant on technology these days, it’s almost a little scary. I mean, have you ever found yourself opening your computer, only to forget why you needed it in the first place?
Not only is it often just a waste of time, but we’re shutting ourselves off from connections with the people around us who might be able to help us.
I challenge you to turn off the smartphone and close down the computer and TV for an entire day, and do this each month. Instead of the technology, just focus on interacting with people and enjoying activities you don’t normally make time for like reading a book, having a deep conversation, or getting back to nature.
Setting a savings goal can definitely be a challenge, and an especially uncomfortable one if it means cutting your spending to reach your goal. But in the long run, you’ll be so glad you challenged yourself in this way.
For a week (or a month?), write down everything you spend money on.
See how you might be wasting your money. Start saving by not spending on frivolous things.
When I have a trip or another large expense I’m planning for, I always like to break it down and determine how much I need to be saving every month in order to reach my goal. Sometimes I can fit that within my current spending, but oftentimes it means cutting spending in other areas.
After my first accident, memory was a problem, I kept a journal regularly. As an adult, however, I struggled to stay consistent for a long time, eventually not making future entries.
And yet, I’ve found that when I consistently journal, or at least journal when I’m having a lot of thoughts running around in my head, it helps keep my anxiety at bay.
If you’re someone who has a lot of anxious thoughts, I challenge you to start writing in a journal every day, at least until you have time to figure out if it’s helpful for you.
We all have old friends who we still consider friends, but who we probably don’t reach out to all that often. Too much effort, hmm. Sometimes, it can be easier to just let things be than it is to put in the effort to revive the friendship.
Sticking to a workout routine can be so difficult! We have the best of intentions, but then we talk ourselves out of it after we’ve had a long day or make other things more important.
A good way to stick to a workout routine is to prepare everything ahead of time and make your intention known. For example, if you wanted to do yoga in the morning before work, you would get your yoga mat set up the night before so it’s there waiting for you in the morning.
I know a lot of people who take annual vacations or weekend getaways but usually visit the same place each time. It’s great if you’ve found a spot you love so much you want to keep going back, but, it will be amazing to travel to a new place. And you never know, you might find this place could be your new favorite!
Some of my favorite experiences have been being able to travel to new cities, states, or countries, and I’m definitely looking forward to exploring more new places in the future!
We all have different stories and others can add to your life through a gentle conversation, as you add to theirs. Meet people, have a talk, learn and teach.
When I remember, I occasionally challenge myself to talk to one new person each day. I especially try to do this if I’m attending an event alone that I’m not super comfortable going to. Jumping into a conversation with someone always helps ease the discomfort!
Let’s be honest, we all have at least one or two bad habits we’d like to stop. This week get rid of one bad habit, then make it a habit to do this each week.
It can help you to help others with their bad habits, then focus on yourself.
When I went through a divorce and the break up of my family, I went from a two-story house to living in a van. So, I did get rid of much. But, that’s a good thing, the less you have with you the smoother life can go.
If you’re struggling to figure out where to start, I always like to start with clothes. And, if you really want to go all-in, obtain some books on organizing and downsizing.
When I was young my mom cooked delicious meals, it was a treat. I took that on and can follow any recipe and make it as any restaurant would. Also, for over twenty years I had a very successful company where I made and sold a tasty fresh salsa.
See summerssalsa.com to learn more.
That being said, every once in a while I get the urge to whip up a new recipe for myself. It doesn’t always go great, but it’s fun and helps me work on my cooking skills a bit. You can do it, start making new and delicious meals.
We all have causes that are near and dear to us, but I’m guessing most of us don’t actually make the time to donate our time to those causes. Sure, a monthly donation is great. But even better is to show up in person and help as you can.
Volunteering is not only a great way to contribute to your community, but, more important, it is a great way to meet new people and possibly make some new friends.
18—LEARN TO MEDITATE (not mediate)
For years I heard about all the benefits of meditation. It wasn’t just self-improvement people either. All of the most successful online business owners I followed talked about their meditation habit.
I was not sure about meditation, seemed like something that helped people relax. Then I learned of how it can help you focus and other good things about it. As I learned, you will learn. I am learning there are many benefits to the ancient art of meditation.
It may not be for you, but it’s a fun challenge, and I’ve heard from people that it’s really, really made a difference in their life.
Making new friends can be one of the biggest changes. Since many are not all that outgoing, it’s more of a challenge to make new friends, and it really forces them to put themselves out there.
New people in your life can add so much to your existence. It can be a lot of fun to make new friends who have similar hobbies or interests. You will add to each other’s life and that is such a good thing.
Asking for help is scary for many. Maybe you’re like me and you’re a perfectionist, afraid of admitting to someone that you need help to do something just right.
Or maybe you’re afraid of looking stupid?
Or you are afraid of putting yourself out there and talking to someone new.
Or you could be afraid of bothering someone with your problem.Most people have these phobias but continue, anyway. I challenge you to ask for help next time you are struggling with something!
We all get a lot of help in our life. It is good to chart your connections as in a journal of gratitude. Do this, don’t depend on your memories.
Stay with the positive! You don’t want to focus on the things that are going wrong. Make it a challenge by forcing yourself to look at the GOOD.
But writing down things you can be grateful and it can actually have such an amazing impact, and it can turn a bad mood right around.
At the end of each day, write down three things that were good about your day. Once it becomes a habit you will find that this actually works to help you feel better about your life.
At first, making a vision board doesn’t seem like something that would challenge you. But you’ll see that it really is, stay with me.
Creating a vision board requires you to do a couple of things uncomfortably. First of all, seeing your life and changing it. Also, it forces you to actually create a vision for your future. If you’ve just been letting life lead you rather than leading your life, it might be scary to see what you want your life to look like.
Second, creating a vision board forces you to see and confront your big goals each and every day. So many of us have a huge goal that we’ll probably never really create a plan to reach. But by creating a vision board, you’re constantly reminding yourself of the challenge of that goal and daring yourself to take action on it. It’s honestly a way of tricking yourself into going after your big scary goals!
You “CAN” make the life you want—accept the challenge.
There are so many fun ways you can challenge yourself to grow as a person. And the great thing is everyone can find at least one thing on it that sounds like something they can do! And, even better, you can do many of them!
It’s made such a huge difference for me, and I know it can do the same for you! Start now to challenge yourself to make the life that you want to live!
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves as well as others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking,
you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.
Remember, you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind.Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive and always reaching for advancement.
1. “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” – Albert Einstein
2. “Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. “The key to life is accepting challenges. Once someone stops doing this, he’s dead.” – Bette Davis
4. “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy
5. “Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.” – Author Unknown, Be Thankful
6. “I don’t run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run towards it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your foot.” – Nadia Comaneci
7. “The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” – Chinese proverb
8. “You see a mousetrap; I see free cheese and a fucking challenge!” – Scroobius Pip
9. “There is a tendency at every important but difficult crossroad to pretend that it’s not really there.” – Bill McKibben
10. “Our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
11. “When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back.” – Paulo Coelho
12. “Hope and change are hard-fought things.” – Michelle Obama
13. “I’ve learned that success comes in a very prickly package. Whether you choose to accept it or not is up to you. It’s what you choose to do with it, the people you choose to surround yourself with. Always choose people that are better than you. Always choose people that challenge you and are smarter than you. Always be the student. Once you find yourself to be the teacher, you’ve lost it.” – Sandra Bullock
14. “Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others.” – Amelia Earhart
15. “It is not in the still calm of life, or the repose of a pacific station, that great characters are formed. The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with difficulties.” – Abigail Adams
16. “I like the challenge of trying different things and wondering whether it’s going to work or whether I’m going to fall flat on my face.” – Johnny Depp
17. “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things. Not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” – John F. Kennedy
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
4/9—Today we went to, basically, a yard sale, also called an estate sale. These people had hired a company to make it into an auction, stuff sold for big bucks; many were there. We stayed for a short time, then it was bye-bye.
4/10—Picked up, yet another, bunny rabbit. Right now we have 4 bunnies, another comes tomorrow. In the future, they will have babies – yikes!
4/11—Beth had to bring her car over to the mechanic to be looked at before we went on our trip. I drove ahead to give her a ride home. I was backing into space and wanted to leave enough room on the road. There was a rain gully that I did not see and backed right into it.
I tried, but could not get the van out, stuck I was. I called AAA, I had already used up my service calls. Ricky, the mechanic, knew someone who would come and get me out. Fifty-five bucks later I was happy to be back on the road.
Beth wrote this about the incident >>Every week, sometimes every day, something happens that lets me know that being married to Kit is like living on the border of insanity. We have days when everything goes normally and happily. We have days when one of us is cranky, usually me. And then we have those days where living with Kit is an adventure.
This week’s adventure started with the weather. It got quite warm and he was working on a project outside and decided to change into his shorts. The ones with the large red chili peppers on them. The shorts he is not to wear in public unless he matches his shirt with them. And then, even that is questionable.
A gray and white striped shirt is not a match. No, no, no.
I needed to drop my car off at Ricky Whites Service Center and told Kit he could pick me up there but, he could not get out of his van. As long as those shorts were on his body, he was to stay in the van. I saw the smirk in his eyes. I never know what is in store for me since meeting him.
He left ahead of me and when I pulled into the car lot, there is Kit standing outside of his van. In those shorts. And there was his van, backed into the ditch, tipping the front of the van forward. Surely he wouldn’t go that far just to show off his shorts! I looked at him and said, “I thought I told you to stay in your van.” And then I cracked up. This could only happen to Kit.
We went to the shop to ask if anyone could pull his van out, where, people saw his lovely red pepper shorts. I whispered to Ricky, ” This is my everyday life now.” And I laughed.
We didn’t have to wait too long before Jerome Perrin brought his truck and removed the van. Now, remember it’s a small town and I know almost everyone. I used to worry about keeping my reputation clean when I worked at the library. Being married to Kit has changed that. And I do not mind one bit. He is fun! Our life is fun.
Oh no, I just realized that he went to Lowes wearing those shorts!”
4/12—The tadpoles arrived! More and more animals in our household. Beth saw a small pond with many tadpoles in it. She scooped up a bunch and brought them home. We learned to feed them boiled lettuce and cucumber slices. It will be interesting to see them change into frogs.
4/13—Worked on building the ramp that goes onto the front porch. There were only three steps, but I thought a nice ramp would be a much smoother walk up, so I built it. At first, I had no idea how I was going to build it. Step by step, things came together.
The cost for this ramp was very minimal. The wood I used for the ramp was wood from free pallets I picked up.
Also, as I wrote before, I used pallets to build my above-ground gardens, we will eventually have four of them. I watched some videos of people who build gardens, and mine is better.
I saw some that were just a foot off the ground. I build mine with the pallets by cutting
them right by the center support, which was 22 inches from top to bottom. Then I used pallet wood to screw onto the top for more support.
This size makes for a rather deep and large above-ground garden. But you can fill the bottom with tree branches and logs from trees. Just make sure you fill it with all organic material. It’s really quite fun.
I’ve written before, if someone else can do it, so can you. Keep this confidence as you live your life.
You will see from the photos, the ramp turned out fantabulous, better than I expected. After a paint job in the future, it will be magnificent.
Ready for painting
YOUR CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK >>I’ve started mine with Beth. We will be growing many different vegetables in our above-ground garden planters I have built.
Your challenge this week is to start a garden growing vegetables and fruits you can eat. There are many sources on the internet to show you how. On YouTube, you can even watch videos on how to start and grow a vegetable garden. Let me know your progress.********************
On Friday we will be driving up to see Beth’s parents, who, at age 84 for dad and 82 for mom, they are still doing well. This is so great. You will read a full report next week.
April 15, 2022