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  • Goodbye Branson and on to Kansas City

    Continuing to very much enjoy my trip driving from the east coast to the west coast.

    After I left Branson, MO, north I drove to Kansas City to present my juggling workshop  On the way I saw a turn-off for a national park off the road, hard to see.  I had to go see this park.  Dick Franco’s wife, Maki, had prepared a great lunch for me of terriyaki Chicken and rice, I ate it, all alone in the park, in this beautiful setting.  Enjoying my time by myself.

    The workshop in Kansas City went quite well. One comment I received:
    “The juggling with finesse workshop helped me remember what attracted me to juggling it the first place. Kit was very encouraging about pushing the boundaries and acquiring new skills.  I also gained valuable pointers about performance, presentation and character.”

    Yesterday, while on my drive across to Boulder, I happened upon a street performers festival in Lawrence, Kansas. I saw one of the best street juggling acts I’ve seen. Cate Flaherty does excellent. Her comedy, her skill, her timing, great. She is here on stage:
    Another act who was there, Lindsey is another excellent female performer:
    Cate and Lindsey both have great confidence in what they do, necessary for a good street act.

    McDonald’s has free wifi, so I often stop and write to you from McDonalds, where I am now.  Will write to you again soon, my friend.

    Bye for now>>>>Kit


  • In Branson, MI with Dick Franco and The Fercos

    In the show I saw yesterday, Dick does a highly technical and accurate 3 ball routine with excellent moves.  Then ping pong balls fly from his mouth into the air in various patterns–from 1 to 5.  Comedy with two ropes he places in a box saying they will come out “tide”.  He pulls out a box of “Tide” clothes soap.  Dick next says he needs help from a volunteer.  He looks around the audience and picks out Ty, who has his hand up.  Ty pretends he does not know how to juggle and Dick teaches him to juggle 3 balls.  Ty surprises the audience by eventually doing superb juggling with 3 balls, 5 balls, 7 balls, a hula-hoop along with a foot-spinner and juggling 5 balls and he ends with a great routine with 3 boxes.  Ty is only 13, the beginnings of a fantastic juggling career, watch for him in the future.

    That evening Dick, Ty, Maki and went I to see
    and The Fercos Brothers   http://fercos.com/
    performing at The Hall Of Fame Theater located in the Branson Mall.
    Michael was the opening act.  I have not seen Michael in about 30 years, so I didn’t know what to expect.  After so long, I still expected the look of the man of 25 years ago, age has set in to us all.  Michael did the act I remember, yet toned down.  An superb showman, the audience liked Mike much.
    The Fercos did an exclusive juggling act in the past.  The act I saw last night was of magic–many animals and big illusions. In the past they used to do mainly only juggling, like this:
    But now they are working with large cats.
    Tony did a juggling act toward the end.  Excellence in juggling is what I saw, including 7 ping pong balls using only his mouth.  The somewhat small audience liked much what they saw.


  • Chicago to Branson, MO

    Still making my way across the country.  Enjoying my time, much.

    The juggling workshop last weekend in Chicago went well. One of the jugglers, an intelligent 10 year old, Jacob Peterson, wrote, “I benefited greatly from the workshop. I am anxious to get going with my street performing”. I asked Jacob to throw up 5 clubs, he told me he had never done that.  I coached him and he was getting it going good.

    I am writing this from the home of Dick Franco in Bramson, Missouri (check out his profile), who is quite the juggler. So, my tour continues.

    Last night I saw Dick and his step-son, Ty, perform.  Dick comes out and ask the audience is there is a young person who will come and learn to juggle.  Of course, Ty is the one who wants to learn.  Ty is a good actor and they perform like he is really just learning. It ends up that Ty does this amazing juggling and the audience loves it. Also, of course, Dick does a fantastic job with his juggling, too.  

    I am having a great time traveling the country and seeing friends, wish you could be here.

    Bye for now>>>>Kit

  • The 2nd day, Chicago

    The beginning of my writing of my big trip away. After going through a divorce after a 23 year marriage; getting hit by a truck–the second time in my life; having to spend a month in jail, I very much need to departure from my normal life.

    So, here’s the plan: After the workshop in Chicago this weekend I will be off to Branson, Missouri to stay a few days with Dick Franco before I go to do a workshop in Kansas City the following weekend. Next is a workshop in Boulder Circus Center. Then to Las Vegas for a workshop, finally ending up in San Diego to stay with my mom a few weeks.

    On September 21 I will be flying to Australia where I have workshops set up. On October 26 I will be off to New Zealand where I have workshops set up, too. My flight back to the US is scheduled for November 30, then I drive back to my current home, which is up for sale now. I will be writing more to you soon.
