- Posted by Kit
Blog 11 – Loving it on the Road
Blog 11 – Loving it on the Road
In Milford Sound, New Zealand
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or wonder?
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES, YOU CAN > >- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Still be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
If you are reading this through Facebook or at my website I can send you the blog by email, which can have more photos. Sent me an email and write “email blog” as the subject.
If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful sites and people.
With this blog, I want to help open your mind to more of the splendor of the world.
I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
I will have secrets to unfold and good news!===================================================
Do you see life as Mostly Sunny or Partly Cloudy?
For me, always sunny.
3-10-19—Stayed last night with Tony Louie in Orlando through couchsurfing.com. He has a magnificent home and often has guests through Couchsurfing. Currently starting a new computer company of companies finding workers, it sounds like it will be very successful.
Tony, as I had suggested, if you had “your own” website I could send people there to learn of you. That will bring you, customers.
While at Tony’s I made some of my famous salsa, he liked, much.
Have you seen >> summerssalsa.comLast night I slept from about 9:30 to 1am, then up for the day, I am. This reminds me of Tony’s dog. The little dog is 16 years old (that’s like 25,324 in human years.) All day his dog just wonders around Tony’s house. No direction, no sitting, no laying down. Reminds me of me, I get little sleep, but still, function fine, but, I’m wandering so much further.
So, today, I had no idea in what direction to head. Then I remembered I had to have some work done on the van, something simple. Terry at a Pep Boys in Clearwater, FL did some work on the van before and did superbly.
Now it was a matter of getting out of Orlando, much traffic the whole way. As I wrote before, anymore I do not like cities, too much traffic and so many people. After backups and much, finally at the beach.
Many cars here, but driving through the parking lot I found a spot facing the beach, so fantastic. Arrival at about 1:30pm, I have some time to enjoy the beach and the area and to write to you, something I love.
As I was out walking around I was looking for a table and chair where I could write. Then I remembered the van has a great seat and table to write you. With the side doors open allowing for a breeze, I could also look out the front window at all the pretty girls walking by in their bikinis.
What a fabulous day.
There are entertainers (including a juggler) who arrive about sunset. So, I have about four or five hours more to wait. Hmm, shall I juggle, or bike, or unicycle, or write, or just sit in the front seat and watch pretty people walk by? That last suggestion will be done either way.
Right now I am going to pour two bottles of beer into my big mug and be in disguise. (please don’t tell anyone.) See my smile??
When I am parked as I am now, I am not incurring any expenses. I do not eat much, so that is minimal. The only expense is when I drive (about 15 miles per gallon.)
When you are renting or have a mortgage, there are continues expenses that are adding up. I like this life. If you can find a way to live out of a van or motor home you will love the life.
Now, would I be a peeping Thomas if I am just looking out the front window of the van and analyzing the pretty ladies? If so, well, arrest me.
About 5pm I started hearing applause, so I knew the performances had begun. I went over to see a very large crowd. They were watching John Norton about to juggle 3 torches on the top of a seven-foot unicycle.
Great with comedy, great with the crowd, a pleasure to see. Take a look >>
And, watch >>
People bring all those tents to the beach–why do they want to block the sun–they are at the beach.
3/11—At this point, I am only getting 3 or 4 hours of sleep each night, it’s like I do not know how to sleep. I lay down about 9, my mind clicks on at 1am and I am up for the day. Limited sleep, but I seem to function fine.
Headed back to my favorite—Alexander Springs Campground, in Ocala National Park. Last night I enjoyed a big fire, this morning, also, a roaring fire is before me.
I wish I had seen a bear.3/12—Awoke about 3am, at this point brief sleep for me does not really matter, so I will not bring it up again. Laptop on the picnic table, a big mug of tea drunken slowly, being able to write to you—a good life I am having.
I’ve thought about how I want to write to you, to tell you my plans for upcoming, or let you know as and when things happen. Future always changes, so I decided to write you after experiences.
Warm enough to be how I like it—barefoot, in running shorts and a Hawaiian shirt on. They don’t make “real” shorts anymore. All I find a the store, are, what I call “long shorts” (or short longs.)
These are shorts that go down below your knee. I like my shorts be above my knee, how real shorts are. I usually have to resort to buying nylon running shorts, which have pockets and are above the knee.
Went to a Walmart at 4pm. I usually like to get settled before the sun goes down. Yet, I looked on the map and saw there was a national forest about ten miles down the road. So I went for it, I will take a forest over a Walmart any day. Then I saw a sign about the campground, and here I am.
The sites are nice, grass covered with trees all around. Out my back door is a lake in the woods, peaceful and wonderful. Cannot see any neighbors. Here I am for the night, and some of tomorrow, I think.
Didn’t stop to get firewood, since I wasn’t sure where I would be for the night. So, I went out for a walk looking around here. After gathering a bunch of firewood, I looked around, yikes, I did not know which way back to the van.
I dropped the wood and remembered hearing the sounds of cars on a road behind me as I walked, so I headed toward the sound of cars. Then, in the distance, I saw the top of a van driving past. So, off I went to this road. I talked to some people and let them know my predicament, they didn’t know what to do.
They did say there were a few campsites in the area – OH BOY. I started walking and walking, not even sure if I was going in the right direction. Then, after walking some more, I came upon another person sitting by their tent and reading.
He asked if I was parked at the campground we were currently at, I said I didn’t think so, because I did not recognize anything. Well, he drove me back in anyway—I felt so great when I saw my home—the van.
I the future I will always make sure I have site of the van when I go out looking for carbon (wood, that is.) I had gathered some wood before I went out, so I do have a nice little fire this evening.
How does smoke follow you? I was sitting at the picnic table typing, the smoke for the fire started going in my face. So, I stood up and walked a quarter turn around the fire, the smoke decided to start going in my face over there, too. I went back to type and the smoke has been staying away.
Hearing birdies doing their calls, so delightful.
I am so glad I found this place, instead of staying at Walmart.
Talked to my friend, Jules, on the phone, today. He tells me he loves reading my blogs; nice to hear. I told him, as I am telling you, please, write to me, it gets lonely out here and I’d love to hear from you.
Jules is in the same boat as me, he receives disability monies to live. He says he wants to start living like I do, traveling and living in a van. I told him I will gladly give advice on building the van and the life, as I will for you.
Then I said to Jules, why don’t you take a bus to a future city I am going to, then you can travel with me for a week or two to see how it is, before I take you back to another big city where you can take a bus home. He loved the idea, so it will be happening.
I built my van so that it has one small bed for me, or two small beds, one on each side with a one-foot wide path between, or I can put a board between the two small beds, and, with my inflatable mattress, one big bed for two.
How about you, want to do some traveling and adventure with me? We could do like I will be doing with Jules. We will have a great ol’ time. Please, let me know.
Starting to get cool, think I’ll be going inside the van soon to work.
3/13—Forced myself to lay there and semi-sleep until 5am, and then I watched the sun come up over the lush trees in this wonderful forest.
The fire is started and growing. It ended up that I did have enough firewood for last night and this morning, yet I did go out and scavenge some fuel for the fire.
For breakfast, some of my salsa I made last week when I made some for Tony. I had a 16oz container that I had filled. I had tortilla chips I got at Costco—organic and healthy, a great breakfast.
I walked ten feet out the back of the van to see my personal lake/pond, that also made for a beautiful morning. I will be cleaning and organizing the van, once again. For the van, as for my life, I like to keep everything in its place and cleaned up. I see so many vehicles and homes that things are just randomly placed, I cannot live like that, I don’t think you should, either.
Of course, I am typing to you right now offline on battery power. When the battery runs down I have a charger that will give it much more juice, as well as start my van battery, if I need.
Clear skies, bright sun, in the forest—I love it.
3/14—Had pulled into another Walmart for the night, but, my mind said, “NO”. I looked for a local park, but that didn’t look right. I headed down the road toward Tallahassee, my destination for tomorrow.
I took some back roads and found a pull-off in which I backed in for a rest for the night; tall grass concealing the van. No one around, hear some cars on the road, but that will subside as the night comes. So, reading, some typing to you, joys of life.
The next day it was off to Tallahassee.
What a superb day I had yesterday, I am so happy. Yet, I have developed a cold or something that my body does not like.
In the morning I was at Costco buying some gas, there also happened to be a Walmart near in the area, so I popped in there to use their free wifi. As I was doing some cleaning/organizing to the van, a person asked questions and said she and her husband wanted to do traveling and living in a van.
I gave her a short tour of my van and how I do things (it is a short tour, of course, being a van.) Then I showed Fran my book, “Accident”, and she liked it much. She did not have the cash right then and said she would go to Costco and get some cash. I waited for a time, thought she had changed her mind, and started out on my way again.
As I was heading out I heard someone honking near me, Fran had returned! We met up and she told me she had called Ron, her husband, and I was invited for lunch, superb. Fran and Ron lived about five miles away. As we got closer it got more and more to be in wilderness, my kind of area.
Their magnificent house was in the trees and bushes, how I like it. They don’t have much of a lawn, you know how I think lawns are a waste of space, all natural is much better. They showed me the orange tree area, where there is a beehive within the tree.
As I was walking I reached out to feel a plant leaf, Fran said, “Don’t touch that, it’s poison ivy.” I went right in and washed my hands thoroughly. But, today my knee has the poison ivy itch, darn. I hope my body heals soon and gets rid of the toxic of the ivy.
I took Ron on the short tour of the van, too, he likes. We talked about how they could sell their home and get on the road like I am.
After a delicious vegan lunch, time to throw stuff in the air. I taught Ron and Fran to juggle using scarves, they each marveled at their new skill.
After hugs, I was on my way again. I have something to tell you I am embarrassed about. You know from my writings it happened before.
At a campsite recently I was backing into a site, but, I did not check first on what might be in the way. At each campsite, there is a box to put food to keep bears from getting to your goodies. This was just below the back window.
As I heard the bike and unicycle being mushed, I said to myself, of no, not again. The handlebar and two wheels on the bike where beyond repair, as well as the wheel and frame on my one-wheeled transportation.
Someone told me about “Bicycle House” in Tallahassee. Luis greeted me and took a look. There was hope, a good thing. Bicycle House uses many good used parts and gets donations to keep them going; such a wonderful thing they are doing.
I was able to give a small donation. If you are able to support them in any way, please do. Also, if you live in or anywhere near Tallahassee, and need work on or need to buy a bike, go to Bicycle House, they will do you well.
Also, if you can make any financial donation to help keep them going, please do. Or, if you have bikes you are not using, donate them to a good cause, Bike House.
Learn more at their website >>
http://www.bicyclehouse.org/From now on, I do not put the van in reverse until I check behind first and look for any obstacles that might be in the way.
Today I returned to see my friend Greg at http://www.loftypursuits.com/. Greg was short a person (no, Greg is not a short person) so I help in packaging candy that needed to be shipped out. Happy to help I was.
Like I wrote before, it can be lonely out here, please send me some words — kitsummers@gail.com
March 15, 201900 - Posted by Kit
Blog 10 – Delights of life!
Blog 10 – Delights of life!
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Still be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
If you are reading this through Facebook or at my website I can send you the blog by email, which can have more photos. Sent me an email and write “email blog” as the subject.
And, if you know longer want to receive my blog, let me know.
The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful sites and people.
With this blog, I want to help open your mind to more of the splendor of the world.
I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
I will have secrets to unfold and good news!MAKE CHANGE
Many people’s feelings are automatic and predictable. I like to create my life in a spontaneous way, always having people guessing (me too), what’s next. Where we all end up, of course, is death. Myself, I want to garner as much of life NOW, in this one and only life we have.
We must discover what is truly ‘important’ in life and aim toward that. I see so many people who have no direction for their life and just live day to day – not enjoying their life – at all. I want to show that there is a way to make a better life for yourself.
I think back to the life I could have had before my first accident that happened April 3, 1982, and going through 37-day coma. Juggling was most important to me at that time, more important than eating, sleeping, or relationships. I focused onthat and did not really open my mind to other parts of life.
Have you watched this? >>
The accident was a good thing, I think in different ways now and have opened my mind to so much more in life. You may want to leave the life you are presently living. Do not wait for an accident to make change, choose alternatives that seem more attractive, more pleasant, more interesting—NOW! You can design and live the life that “you” want, start today, this moment!
This makes me think of people who have won the lottery (I am proud to say I have NEVER played any lottery, so I am ahead.) Some people who win, say millions of dollars, are excited in the first week, then they go back to their misery and sad life. We have to program our mind to see and find joy in life.
Many people complain about their life experiences rather than learning from them. Today it is raining outside. We cannot control the rain, but I find many people complain about drops of water falling from the sky.
Rain is necessary for plants and for us. Something that must change is negative people’s minds. When you cannot change something, you must learn to live with it and see it in a good light.
Neither disappointment nor anger can change the rain. The rain was a display of nature we have no control of. I had wanted to do some more painting and work to the van today, but the rain will not allow me to, yet, the rain makes me smile.
When something happens that you have no control of, getting upset will do nothing to change things. I suggest that you smile and then continue on with what you need to do.
There are no accidents, everything is a lesson, like learning to smile at the rain. In my accident of 1982, I lost my skill of juggling, but I gained so many skills in other areas. Anymore, when something does happen, I smile and look for solutions to the change.
As you know, right before this I went through the Congaree National Park, a magical place. I just found this video about the park, have a watch >>
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epQyvVL6yh8 HERE WE GO, DAILY DETAILS >>
March 1, 2019 – I had decided to head back north to see some National Parks that I had not been to. Heading north out of the Smoky Mountains was hard, but I will be going back through as I head south again. As you would know, the warmer weather is toward the south, the direction I will he headin’.
How did the Great Smoky Mountains National Park get its name? The Smokies are named by the Cherokee for the blue mist that always seems to hover around the peaks and valleys. The Cherokee called them shaconage, (shah-con-ah-jey) or “place of the blue smoke”.
As for the spelling, just as many folks call them “smokey” as do those who call them “smoky”. The dictionary says both are acceptable. Whether you say Smokies, Smokys, or Smokys doesn’t really matter.
These visions conjure up the same vision that millions of visitors each year take with them after visiting the Park. As for the “Great” in Great Smoky Mountains, you will have to visit the Smokies to fully understand that part of the name. This national park is the most visited of them all, by the way.
My birthday was yesterday, February 28—I turned 60—so old. I received hundreds of Birthday greetings, I enjoyed reading each one. Thank you so much for thinking of me.
Just sent my last blog off yesterday, and I already have new news for you. I was traveling through Smoky Mountains National Park and we were in the clouds. Foggy and rainy clouds were all around. Hard to see much, especially after you got over the top of the mountain. I’m including some photos of what I could see.
While stopped and looking around a guy came up to me asking about my van. Tyler was there in his van, like me, he had slept up there in the clouds. I invited him in for a tour of my van. Then I showed him a copy of my book, “Juggling with Finesse”. He said, “I have your book in my van right now!–-You’re Kit?”
Turns out he is a juggler and performer. He invited me to the show he was working in, he works backstage and technical, along with rope spinning in the show. Then he invited me that night to the show, “Dolly Parton Stampede”, I am pleased to go. We talked more about how I built my van and he says he will be getting another van and likes my ideas.
I found another Walmart to stay the night. As I wrote before, it does not matter where you sleep, your eyes are closed and your mind is off. But, it is nicer to wake up in a forest. I sleep very little, usually between 3 and 5 hours, so, at Walmart, because they are open 24 hours, I can go in and use their free wifi at 2am as I start my day. I try and find a quiet place to park, on the side of the building or in the back.
3/2—Went to the three-hour show last night, Dolly Parton Stampede, it was great. Horse riding and tricks, much comedy, singing—very entertaining. And, with the show, you get a meal. No utensils, only hand fed food—chicken, half a potato, corn on the cob, and such. It tasted surprisingly good and there was much to handle.
Watch this video to learn more of the Stampede >>
v=aeGCZsU5BO4 Often I find a McDonald’s (who have free wifi) that also has electrical outlets to charge my laptop, I could not find anywhere here that power outlets this morning. Then I remembered about libraries. Every city has them and, along with free wifi, electrical connections are available, too, here I am for the day.
Of course, as I do when I go to any library, I tried to sell them my books. She loved the books but said she could not directly buy. She took my info and said she would buy later. But, I have gone to libraries who buy them on spot for cash.
3/3—Spent the night last night in the library parking lot, no one around. It was very quiet (it’s a library, after all.)
In the afternoon/evening I met up with Niels Duinker, an excellent juggler from Rotterdam in the Netherlands. He is performing at ???
Curently in this show, he does a great job https://www.comedybarn.com/
pigeon-forge-show We met up with another performer and went to a new see a show at the Buttonwillow Civil War Theater. Just two performers, I learned much about the history of the US.
After the show Niels took us to an all you can eat Chinese food place, and, yes, I ate all I could—stuffed myself. Quite tasty, they offered many different things. So, a perfect day with my friends. Learn about Niels here >>https://www.comedyjuggler.com/
Alone again tonight and tomorrow. Alone, but never alone, I have animals, bugs and plants to keep me company when I am out in the wilderness. Often, these can be better company than humans (but not you, of course.)
3/5/19—Went through more of the Smoky Mountains. But, I was returning on the same road that I came on and it was closed because of snow and ice. I ended up driving three times the miles, but I saw other parts of the park.
The only animals I saw in the Smokies were some squirrels and birds, no bears, darn. The weather is cold, below freezing, time to head back to the south.
Tonight I am going to a meeting of the Atlanta Juggling Club in Atlanta, GA. I will run some workshops and sell some books, I am looking forward to a good time.
I had expected 25 jugglers showing up for their juggling club, only six came out. I did some coaching and sold one book to Lucy, a very good juggler who I helped with her 5 club juggling.
3/6—Woke up quite cold at 3am, which is my usual wake up time. Hard to get going with it that temperature. I put on my propane heater to bring in some warmth and got things together. Then I jumped behind the wheel and off I went to an all-night food place and went inside for the warmth and their free wifi to write to you.
I was going to stay in the Atlanta area for a few days, but I need to head south, to the warmth, you see, the cold came in strong. The reason I had come north was to go to The Smoky Mountains National Park, I am glad I did, but time to return to warmer weather.
Strange not to know what direction or destination to aim for. South, yet, but where? I think I will head down to Florida again and then head west from there. Want to join me?
I had forgotten about couchsurfing.com to find people to stay with. So, this morning, I got on there and, within five minutes, found Tony in Orlando, Florida, who I will be staying with on Sat and Sun.
So, I have a few days to kill time (what a terrible word, I would not “kill” time). Looking south, I am seeing many Wildlife Management Refuges I could stay in, I will let you know later how that turns out.
I carry enough food and water with me to last at least a week, so that is no problem. Also, I could fast (and I do it really quick) for a time, which I have done for five days before and it does not hurt me at all. I seldom get hungry, I may just stop eating for a week, I will let you know.
Over one hundred miles south now, I came to Ocanee National Forest to see what I could see. A bunch of trees and wilderness, no one around, how I like it. I am typing these words as I am glancing out at a wonderful forest, how nice.
With the sun out, in the van is warm now, the cold is outside and hanging around. As I get toward get more into Florida it will become warmer and warmer. Yet, before I get there , there are some other National Forests I want (need) to see.
3/7—As I was driving I started to see pine trees—along with palm trees—I knew I had crossed the border into Florida.
Going forward, I happened upon something very colorful on my right. The vision pulled my eyes in, therefore the van went too and parked. So colorful, so unique, I had never seen anything like it.
BarbervilleYardArtEmporium.com was a great find. A huge place, I ventured into most parts of it. Normally art does nothing for me, boring, you can see it in a book. But this place was different, something special around every corner. Two acres of pleasant sites and things. Animals, lamp posts, windmills, planters,
Back to Alexander Springs Campground in Ocala National Park was my aim. 80 degrees with a cloudless sky – WOW, much nicer than up north.
I figured out why I like this campground so much appeal for me. Everything is kept so clean and nice, also, each campsite has much foliage around it, you can’t see your neighbor and they can’t see you.
It is like each campsite is an island on its own. And, there are the springs for swimming and showers to wash up. If you ever have a chance to come here, do, you will love it. Take a look again – ???
Yet, there are animals. I had left my cooler out on the picnic table overnight. Something had learned to open the latch. Most of my stuff was in bottles or sealed, I had a small plastic bag with some leftover shrimp, which this creature enjoyed, I was happy to feed this creature.
Speaking of shrimp, last night I treated myself. I made a wonderful pasta dish. Angel hair noodles, topped with creamy Alfredo sauce with shrimp and fresh parmesan cheese.
I thought I made too much, but somehow I consumed the whole thing. Smiling while I write these words right now. Along with a few glasses of wine, it made for a superb evening.
As I am sitting here at the picnic table typing, I am hearing a few different bird calls coming in, along with a woodpecker pecking away. And, as I did last night, I had another big fire to keep me warm this morning. What a tremendous start to the day.
Yesterday an older couple (wait a second, I’m older, never thought of myself that way) happened to be walking by as I was cleaning the van out. He noticed my unicycle and said he had his with him. He said he loves to ride, but can’t free-mount (getting on without holding onto something.) So, I went down and showed him how, he will be working on that in the future, he said.
Right now there is a bright red cardinal bird hopping around my campsite, boy, I love life.
Got a few projects done that I have been meaning to do, that’s a good thing. A great day so far.
I enjoy writing to you.
Are you enjoying reading my words?
10 Attachments
Preview YouTube video Educational Entertainment with Kit Summers
Educational Entertainment with Kit SummersPreview YouTube video Congaree National Park
Congaree National ParkPreview YouTube video Dolly Parton’s Stampede – Pigeon Forge, TN
Dolly Parton’s Stampede – Pigeon Forge, TN
March 15, 2019 - Posted by Kit
Blog 9 – Still Having a Great Time!
Blog 9 – Still Having a Great Time!By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–YES > >
==You can change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
==You can live with little money and still have an excellent life.
==You will still be able to live life getting very little sleep.
==You can live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
== I want to share with you experiences that, I hope, will add to and make your life better.
==Perhaps this is my new “gig” and I will be traveling the world doing the same?
My birthday was yesterday, turned the big 6-0. In my youth, 60 always seemed soooo old, like you were almost dead, but I have so much more to do and ways to add to the world in a good way. I celebrated by myself in the van having a glass of wine and some good cheese, my party by myself.
I heard from hundreds of friends wishing me a Happy Birthday, so nice to receive.
It has been a little cold, but comfortable. I had just wanted to go up to these two national parks that I had not been to. I will be heading down south again soon for the warmer weather.
2/23/19—Through freecamping.org I found a superb place to stay. Pretty much an open field with some trees interspersed, it is first come-first serve spots. I arrived on a Saturday, but still found a spot with a picnic table and fire-ring. Very quiet, quite comfortable, I like this spot.
West Tower Hunt Camp—A good find.
See how nice >> https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/osceola/recarea/?recid=75108
When I first arrived a guy said there is a pond about three miles away where there are gators—yes—Crocagators (or, better known as alligators.) I wanted to pet one, so I drove the three miles to the pond, no gators were to be seen. But, I did stop on the way back and picked up a bunch of firewood. I expect to return to pet a gator. , this will add up to a better world for you.
Did much more improvements to the van, cleaning, and advancements. The van is my world, for yourself, when you can make every part of your life excellent, your life will run much smoother. Refine every detail of your life and you will welcome a much more comfortable life.
I was planning on spending three or four days at this wonderful free campsite.
So, I was greatly enjoying there, yet, after a few hours, an old fat guy and his wife pulled into the spot next to me. At first, it was alright, but then he started his noisy compressor for power. After a time I saw him out by the compressor and I asked him how long he was planning to have it on. He told me there were no noise restrictions here, so he said he would be having it on 24 hours a day.
You can see his noisy compressor in the back. After a couple of hours of the noise, I went over there to talk with him – I saw that he was using the power to run his fucking TV in his trailer with all the windows covered – talk about getting back to nature.
I could not stand it, so I packed everything up, but left so much wood I had gathered for the fires. Right before I left I accidentally unplugged his power from the compressor, whoops.
Once again I looked on freecamping.org and saw Jacksonville, Florida – Yikes – I could not go to another city. So, I looked beyond, east toward the coast. I found “American Beach, Burney Park” – and off I went. Passing through Jacksonville was a pain, with the traffic and people, after being in that fabulous national Park.
Yet, it was only a total of about 55 miles of driving. I arrived as the sun was just going down, so I could still see well. Many mansions, I found, what I thought was the right road that brought me down to PARK ON THE BEACH! So, I had a better view than all these million dollar mansions.
I am parked right on the beach (which was hard sand) and I can hear the waves gently breaking on the shore, I should sleep well tonight with this sound in my mind. As I am typing this right now it has already gotten dark outside. So, until the morning, I will miss you.
2/24—Yes, a comfortable sleep, yet, as usual, I awoke about 3:30am. I layed there as I awoke in delight. While waiting for the sun to pop up I fried up some potatoes and onions, a delicious breakfast. In the van, I have good lighting so I can see well.
On eating—I used to scarf down my food, now I cherish every bite of food. I learned to eat slow and meaningfully. You can just eat, mouthfuls going down your gullet, or you can savor every bite you take.
Today I discovered that I went to the wrong beach yesterday after all (yes, it was wonderful sleeping while parked on the sand.) On the internet, I found the right place, a big parking lot with bathrooms and showers, just my cup of tea. Not many here, I set up to stay for the night.
I went for a swim in the cold Atlantic Ocean, and then they had showers so I am expertly clean. Quite a nice day for me and was looking forward to spending a few days here.
About 11am I saw a sheriff driving through, I went up to him to check and see about staying overnight. He said they used to allow it, but too many homeless (I’m not homeless, I bring my home with me) and drug problems going on, so they no longer allow it. He said from midnight to 5am no one can be here.
Much of what I drove through the last couple days was like driving through a tropic forest—very nice. This is a very beautiful area, many islands connected by bridges. Amelia Island was quite interesting.
Here you go, take a look >>
Where to next is the question. Up north is the cold, but, that is my choice. You see, somehow I missed going to Great Smoky Mountains National Park, which states North Carolina and Tennesee. You see, I want to go to all the national parks in America, including the ones in Alaska and Hawaii (hmmm, might be difficult driving the van to Hawaii.)
In 1978 I lived in Hawaii for 4 months. I went with my juggling friend, Barrett Felker and we put in hundreds of hours of juggling practice. I may have gone to Haleakala National Park at that time, but I would love to visit again.
Feb 24-25–My first stop, again found through freecamping.org, Towns Bluff Park and Heritage Center, I was the only one here in this huge park THE WHOLE TIME! It’s been fantastic. There is a large grass field where I parked to do some juggling, biking, van improvements, and van painting. So quiet, so nice, couldn’t have asked for better (unless you were here, of course.)
Right now as I am typing these words I am touch typing while looking out at the cool river. Beer in hand, well, not while I am typing, nice sunny day, so pleasant.
It’s a Monday, so I understand why no one is here.
I just watered my plants, twice a week water, and nourishment. I take the plants outside when I water them. Did you know I grow lettuce, cilantro, and spinach in my sun windows? After I got the van I thought of it, of course, plants need sun, they get much in the sunroof windows. In the past, my plants have made good meals for me. Yes, I have a mobile vegetable garden.
This place, where I am all alone, even has a bathroom with hot showers. I would love to stay for many days, but I must be moving on tomorrow.
Took a nice shower in the morning, after a good sleep. Approaching this day with a smile on my face looking for more exciting things down the road.
Feb 25-26—Somehow I ended up at a different National Park than I was aiming for, surprising myself, a small one in South Carolina, Congaree National Park. There are many hikes here, I took one and it was swampy, but saw good things, hopefully, the photos came out good. I’m glad I ended up here, very different it is .
Congaree National Park is a 26,276-acre American national park in central South Carolina. The park received its official designation in 2003 as the culmination of a grassroots campaign that began in 1969. The park preserves the largest tract of old growth bottomland hardwood forest left in the United States.
Learn about Congaree, here >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLgHEVOo7DE
Feb 26-28—The Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennesee is breathtaking (hey, where’s my breath go, did you take it?) Because the freeway and another big road was closed because of rain and mudslides, it was difficult to get to the entrance, but after many miles of driving around I got there yesterday.
I got into the park on the 28th, but wanted to get these words to you before I go exploring the park, which I will do in the next few days.
Did you know that GSM national park is the most visited national park in the nation? I will b e writing in detail of GSM in my next blog to you.
March 1, 2019 - Posted by Kit
Blog 8 – Staying South for the Warmth
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES > >
==You can change your life at any time to make it more magnificent.
==You can live with little money and still have an excellent life.
==You will still be able to live life getting very little sleep.
==You can live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event.
== I want to share with you experiences that, I hope, will add to and make your life better.
==Perhaps this is my new “gig” and I will be traveling the world doing the same?
Each Saturday I look at empty pages and wonder how I will fill them to post my blog the following Friday which will inspire you. As you know, I find the words. Are you enjoying my writings?
So, recently I have stayed in the cities for the internet. Right now I am away from any wifi and telephone signal, I like it that way. Back in Ocala National Forest, so nice here. Spending three days working on van improvements and other efforts.
I am including photos of the van with this post, you will have to let me know what you think of my home.
Good thing for me gas prices for me continue to remain at around a low two dollar price.
As far as the weather, where I was living for over 25 years it is below freezing and snow on the ground. Here today I should be in the 80’sf (25c) and clear (I like this much better down here.)
Something strange I was thinking about, the van is really all I have. If it were to break down or if someone crashed into me, I would have no transportation and no home. I work toward keeping the van in top shape, so I do not have many worries. I know I will always find a way, anyway.
My friends, Barry and Sue Bakalor lost everything as their multi-million dollar home went up in flames during the big fires in California. Yet, they are finding a way back, as we all do.
A few have written to me letting me know they have been inspired by my writings, so great to hear! And one person in Europe let me know I have motivated them to do the same as I am doing in Europe, makes me happy when I am able to change someone’s life to better.
2/17—Last night I spent at Big Scrub Campground, I was curious on this campground in Ocala. It ended up being a campsite with no trees and nothing to see, so simply a place to sleep for the night.
Looked like this was more for ATV’s and motorcycles, there were trails going off.
But, they did have hot water. I was going to let my hair grow back, but, I took a blade to my head once again. This time it went smoother and no cuts. Not sure how long I will keep the bald head, but I will.
2/18—Today I went to somewhere I know and love – Alexander Springs Campground. So nice, but at times you hear cars out on the highway, After getting more done on the van, I will sleep well tonight.
Then, the next day, I went back into the springs, what a joy. This natural spring is so clean and warm, all year around. After I jumped into the shower, I am quite clean now.
While at the Springs I met Jerry and Kathy Powers, a wonderful couple. They were there in a very big motor home. They still have a physical home, I encouraged them to sell the home and take to the road—which they want to do—great to hear. They loved learning their new skill of juggling.
I heard them say they were going to a laundromat to wash some clothes. I had some and they did them for me, no charge. What wonderful new friends Kathy and Jerry are.
All day today I mistakenly wore my shirt inside out—as you know—I don’t care how I look.
At this point, I have done all my scheduled things. Now I have no schedule or direction; an interesting dilemma. This life I am living is making me so very happy, so interesting not knowing where you will be sleeping or where you are going.
What a fabulous day this has been.
Then, I moved on to Rainbow Springs State Park. Not much to say about the place, a nice park to sleep in, though.
2/19—A strange day, once again. I decided to stop by to see the Tallahassee Juggling Club, who meet at FSU in a pedestrian park area from 11:45 to 4pm.There were Hare Chrisna people giving out food, so I did. Who would pass up a free lunch.
But, it was soooo difficult to see all the beautiful college people. I remember my younger days when college students looked so old, now the opposite. Pretty girls who were in great physical shape wondered by by the droves.
I can hear you now saying, “Kit, you dirty old man!” Well—you are wrong! I took a shower that morning, so I was quite clean. And, age does not mean a thing, I still have the mindset of a 23-year-old.
At the college, along with Hare Krishna, there was a bible thump-er, too.
For me, religion never made any sense. I attended churches of various religions hundreds of times, always listening for words that would show me a way to believe—never could. This God I hear of knows me well, I would think and knows what it would take to make me believe—never has happened.
Right now I am typing these words from the tabletop in my van and looking out over a fantastic forest, couldn’t ask for better. Did God make this? NO.
At the college there was a preacher guy yelling out to the students about the bible, seemed as though none were listening, and some were cracking up. It bugs me that people like that can just spew words and expects everyone to listen, a sad thing.
When attending church services, the pastor or preacher or ? just says words out to the people and they “have” to just sit there and take it in. So often I have wanted to argue with whoever was up there, but didn’t.
This time I did! I walked right up to the guy yelling bible words at the crowd and just stood in front of him. I told him of my non-belief in any God and he started telling me why I SHOULD believe. He said,
“You must believe so you have a chance to be saved.”
I asked, “Saved from what?”
He said, saved from the evil of this earth. I said, to be able to go to Heaven to be with God after you die. “What it really is is you get saved from this evil god who will send you to suffer in torment in hell for eternity if don’t believe in him. (something I can’t do.)
From what I know, this is the only thing you have to do to make it to heaven.
Can you say this word with me – “ridiculous”.
Then I went on to say, “Yes, saved from this hell that God developed where he will send me if I do not believe in him.” I did some other arguing with him, too. These guys should not have the right to just preach to the masses.
I said to him, “Say there is a guy who rapes and then kills an innocent little 12-year-old girl. While behind bars this guy “finds God”. So, now, on his deathhe goes to heaven. While the little innocent girl, whom he raped and who never believed in any God, she is sent to hell for eternity.”
I said to the guy, “Is this fair?” He hemmed and hawed some words and basically said that his god said so, then it is right.
I told him he was an immoral and evil person, just like his god is, if he agrees with this.
His yelling at the crowd subsided shortly after I talked with him.
An interesting sparring match (I won.)
What I ask “believers” who want to debate is >>
1) Please list “five” evidential proofs for your God with no reference to the bible.2) Please give “five” reasons I should believe in your God. Once again, with no reference to the bible book.Usually, they cannot complete this task.How about you, are you a believer?Can you answer these two questions in a clear way?=====
For tonight I parked in a sparse residential area within the trees, very nice for the night.
It’s a hassle to keep shaving the scalp, so I am just going to let it grow. Down to my ankles? You tell me.
I must say, such a comfortable lifestyle I am leading. I simply find a place where is safe and quiet and dark and I am good for the night.
2/21—Went to visit my friend from my old juggling days, Greg Cohen in Tallahassee, Florida. He started his company more than 25 years ago and things continue to grow. A variety of breakfast in the morning, to homemade ice cream, to unique candy developed by Greg, to juggling items—a unique combination for a shop—and it works—quite well. Take a look >>> http://www.loftypursuits.com/
Greg is taking his daughter out to a science convention which is out of town for the weekend, said we could meet up again on Monday (it was Thursday at the time.) What was I to do for three days?
I saw that Apalachicola National park was near—so off I went.
Not knowing of where National Park Campgrounds (I have a card to stay at the sites for half-price), I decided to stop by a library to ask (and also to sell books to, as I have done in the past.) She took my information about my books, said she could not directly purchase. She helped to find National ParkCampsites, but came up with nothing.
As I was exiting in my van I saw another van which looked like it was set up to travel like I do. I stopped and went to talk with the two who were in the van. A young couple, I learned that, like me, they also live in their vehicles. Later I discovered Bethany has her own vehicle which was back at the camp.
Bethany and Cole were at the library at check out some books for reading, but learned that it cost ten dollars just for a library card, so they decided no. Cole was so happy that I gave him one of the books that I wrote.
In our talk, I learned that they found a campsite through freecamping.org, and I asked if I might stay there. They said, “Sure, follow us. A campground I would have never found, happy I hooked up with them.
Wood Lake Campground offered much, I was surprised at what this free campground had. Each campsite has a picnic table and fire-ring, there is a bathroom and it is next to a lake – fabulous! And, as I am discovering right now, there are free mosquitoes, as one is buzzing around my ear.
As you know, I do not sleep much, but slept until about 3:30 this morning, that’s late for me. About 7:15 I had a visit by Bethany’s dog. My van doors were open, so he hopped right in and sniffed around and wanted pets. And, Cole has two large dogs, too. The three dogs together play the whole time, great to see.
As I discovered, Cole and Bethany do not travel together, they each have a travel van and meet up various places. Yes, their dogs are great friends with each other, I am sure they love to hook up again.
Cole does artwork, with cans of spray paint. Bethany also works while traveling to pay her way.
There are other people living at the free campground, too. There is supposed to be a 14-day limit, but some look at though they are permanent. With their old travel trailer, they are settled in well.
A very drippy day today, not really raining, it is like the clouds are gently leaking. I was hoping to get some painting and work done to the van today, it will have to wait.
2/22—As I was heading off toward, I saw a small sign saying, “Leon Sinks Geological
Area”, I decided to check it out. This is still in Apalachicola National Park, which is as big as Rhode Island.
There is a two and a half mile walk that takes you to the “sinks.” I did the walk, very pleasant. Really not much to see, but a nice walk.
So, another Friday, have to get this blog to you. Quite lonely I am out here, I’d love to hear from you. Have no schedule or time, just heading somewhere. You will find out where (and I will, too) by next Fridays blog.
February 23, 2019 - Posted by Kit
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–YES > >==You can change your life at any time to make it more magnificent.==You can live with little money and still have an excellent life.==You will still be able to live life getting very little sleep.==You can live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event.== I want to share with you experiences that, I hope, will add to and make your life better.==Perhaps this is my new “gig” and I will be traveling the world doing the same?=======================Feb 10—A rainy day in Florida, yuck, I have a lot of things I want to get done, too—Painting, juggling, unicycling—hard to do in a downpour.Went to Lake Louisa State Park in Clermont, FL, after paying the $4 fee, off to see the lake. Because of the rain today, there was no one here. First I walked down to see the lake, yes, it is a lake, nothing special.Back and forth I go >> City and then something like >> https://lakelouisastatepark.com/ There I was, alone in the parking lot, with a light rain falling, a splendid view of the lake out my windshield, what a perfect time to chop my hair off—I mean—all of it. Starting with my armpits, then, “down there”, then up top.The electric hair clipper would not get down to the skin, a few millimeters of hair is left. I will apply a razor later when I have a mirror.I looked in the van mirror and my scar from my brain injury is so prominent, you will see from the photos.Actually, I had to have two brain surgeries. The night I got hit by that truck, to much blood was rushing to my head, so I had the first, a craniotomy, the night of the accident. The next day there was more blood build up, so they did another in the back. Scars in both places on my head.I have wanted to do this for the longest time, finally time. Have you ever shaved your head? (no, not you, Barry.)A few times when I had a mustache and I shaved just one side off. Took most people a while to notice. How about you, do you look at people clearly and intently?Something I have thought about in the past is just shaving one eyebrow. I wonder how many people would notice? Shall I? Like I wrote before, I do not care what anyone thinks of me, in any way.I was going to wait until I had a full mirror and hot water, but I could not wait. So, looking in the rain covered windows, I could see my face somewhat, so I attacked my hairs with a blade. Made a few cuts to my scalp, but the hair is gone.Why just now a car was driving by and they started pointing out the window and laughing, not really. But, as you know, I do not care what people think.It actually feels good to have a clean shaven head, you should try it sometime.Also, with the rain, I brushed and toweled off the van, the rain will do the final rinsing. I’ve been doing a lot of improvements to the van with paint and otherwise, I will take photos soon so you can see. 12:15 pm now, the rain has stopped. Just feeling the baldness on my head—feels kind of neat.As you know from before, in the sky windows in my van I have plants growing below the windows. One side is cilantro and lettuce, the other is spinach. A recent planting, when they are big enough they will make a delicious meal, as they have before. Rain is the best H2O for your plants, I moved them out to the road to soak in the rainwater.So, I just went to the camp bathroom and cleaned up what I did use hot water and a mirror. Something strange I had never noticed, I have wrinkles on the side of my forehead that had the surgery, yet none on the other side.Must tell you, I have been crying today. So many loses I have dealt with me my life, the latest, the loss of Tina, has hit me hard. Then, of course, that leads back to my big accidents in life. So much loss of what I once could do.I shaved my head, now I feel it and feel all the dents it contains. Feeling sorry for myself? Perhaps, but I have no idea what kind of life I would want. If you know me, you know that I am usually very positive and hopeful. This is a hard time I am going through right now.Also, currently going forward with no schedule and no direction—like a lost boy looking for home? The way I built the van it is very comfortable to travel in and live in. Yet, a lonely life, I am glad you are there, I would love to hear from you.Came upon this bird, just hangin’ out.Who knows what kind it is?Last night was the Tampa Juggling Club meeting, I was there. Saw some good young jugglers, I was coaching as I could. Take a look >>Aaron Bonk—Yes, Aaron was there, did some great juggling.Have you seen >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PsqWwQLC20 I can only last a few days in a city with all the vehicles and people and commotion, then I need to get back to the woods—the wilderness. So, I will attempt to find some parkland to please my mind.At times, like right now, I think to myself, “What the hell am I doing out here by myself driving around. I have had a “home” all my life, so different to have my van as my home.2/14/19—I just came from http://bikeshoptampa.com/, they did amazing things to my bike. I had the bike with me for months and was not really operational. Chris did amazing things to my bike and it is in excellent condition now. The price was amazing as well. I am so very happy.After I left the magnificent bike shop I went to a Walmart to do some shopping. I have a chain for the bike and unicycle on the back of the van. I had not been locking the front wheel because it was not so good, so I was not in the habit of locking the front wheel. But, now I had a splendid new wheel and when I was in Walmart someone stole my wheel!I will be going back to Well Built Bikes today to see if they can help. From now on the front and back wheel get locked, as well as the frame. In fact, Chris gave me a new wheel-no charge-so good of him.Hope you had a delightful Valentine’s Day with your love.I was alone, humph.2/15/19—People have wondered, they tell me, why I go to Walmart. Well, the company is not so good, but most Walmart’s allow vehicles to park overnight. And, as I am still only getting between two and five hours of sleep a night, and because Walmart is open 24-7, I go inside to get on their free wifi at 2 am. Usually, I can find an electrical connection, too, for my computer.In my last blog, Barry questioned my poop story. Do I have to tell you, I write how things truly are for me, if you don’t like, well, too bad. I will continue to send words to you, do you like?Almost done with Florida, where to next (suggestions, suggestions?) I want to stay south for the heat, perhaps toward Texas? Remember, if you are anywhere near my route, let me know, I would love to visit you.Until next week—aim for excellence in everything that you do.You have that choice, always, make it a habit.
February 23, 2019