- Posted by Kit
Blog 36 – We have a constant choice, choose joy
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES—YOU CAN > >- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
- And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
************************************************Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, my better blog in on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
********************************************* *********************************************
Words to inspire you >>
1. Accomplish
• “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”
—Muhammad Ali
• “You can have anything you want if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.”
—Abraham Lincoln
• “Here I am . . . wanting to accomplish something and completely forgetting it must all end—that there is such a thing as death.”
—Leo Tolstoy
2. Action
• “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
• “Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.”
—Thomas Jefferson
• “The path to success is to take massive, determined actions.”
—Tony Robbins
3. Ambition
• “Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
—Bill Bradley
• “Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose.”
—Frank Tyger
• “A man’s worth is no greater than his ambitions.”
—Marcus Aurelius
4. Believe
• “Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.”
—David Joseph Schwartz
• “Be brave to stand for what you believe in even if you stand alone.”
—Roy T. Bennett
• “Believing in yourself is not for you; it’s for every person who has touched your life in a significant way and for every person your life will touch the same way five minutes from now, or five centuries from now.”
—Jaye Miller
5. Clarity
• “Clarity precedes success.”
—Robin Sharma
• “A lack of clarity could put the brakes on any journey to success.”
—Steve Maraboli
• “Clarity affords focus.”
—Thomas Leonard
My daily jottings >>
9/19/19—Every time I start on a brand new week of blog writing, I never know how the week will set up and what I will be doing. I sort of like it that way. I can go forward and “make” things happen so that I can add to the words I send to you.
Medical issues—My sister, Sandy, has been checking my blood pressure and it’s been high. In fact, the first time she checked it was at 178/100, which, I heard, was quite high. She took me immediately to a clinic and they put me on a medication that has been helping, but it is still high.
The thing is, I am not caring much about high blood pressure – if I die, I die.
Then, through my insurance, I’ve been able to go once a year to get my teeth checked and cleaned. I did that this week, with x-rays, too. I found out https://mainstreetdentalgresham.com/ was on my plan.
The dentist, Dr. Seth Monson, saw that I had an infected tooth that needed to be removed – yikes! I stayed that day and, through the most pain I have ever experienced, the tooth was out of my mouth.
Some years ago I needed a few dental procedures done, I went to two dentists and found out the cost would be about ten thousand dollars. Then, living so close to Tijuana, I thought I might be able to find someone good down there.
I found Dr. Bartell, who did the work for one-tenth the price, around $1,000. So, I will be needing two tooth implants to make my mouth whole again. Here he is, take a look >>
https://drwbartell.com/They speak English as good or better than I do and were a delight to work with. I have to wait six months for the pulled tooth area to heal, so, being completely mobile, I will be down there. You see, I am in the Portland area now and it is getting cold.
If you have expensive dental work you need to be done, contact Dr. Bartell. For the prices he charges it might be worth it to fly down to San Diego and cross over the border to get the work done — YOU WILL SAVE MONEY!
JUGGLING—Today I went to https://www.portlandjugglers.org/ There were two rooms where they were juggling, a large number of jugglers were there. I walked around and only knew a few jugglers.
I talked with the person who was setting up workshops and offered to present two workshops. I’ve worked with hundreds of jugglers in the past to help them move up to a higher level. Today I was told that all the workshop spots were already full and they could not fit me in.
I saw an old friend doing a workshop and offered my ideas and help to make his workshop even better, he denied me.
So, there I was, a non-juggler (used to be a world-record holder in juggling) seeing a bunch of jugglers who might need my help. I went up and helped a few to learn tricks they were working on. I just felt like I do not fit in with jugglers anymore, so, after an hour, I left.
Life can be frustrating–As I was driving away I cried, thinking of the loss of my juggling, recent loss of Tina, and the loss of so many things in my life.
I had been upset already in the last few days and wondering what the future might hold for me. Depression had set in. I questioned if life was worth living at this point. I’ve had great times, mixed in with terrible times. I have helped many people, too.
When I don’t want to live anymore I think of my daughters, April and Jasmine, and that brings me back from the brink.
9-30—Getting cold in Portland, time to head south. I have a warm sleepy bag and can wear warm clothes to sleep, so I can go down to the freezing point and still be alright. Last night I slept in a residential area, very quiet. I found out later that it did get down to the freezing point—burr.
In the morning I went to a McDonald’s to get on their free WiFi; I was there when they opened at 5am. Soon some homeless men came in to get out of the cold. One guy was sitting at a table across from me and seemed to have a lot of trouble with his movements and his nerves.
He had bought a breakfast sandwich and had a coffee. He had all his possessions with him, just a small bag of stuff. I went over and gave him a five-dollar bill, I hope he uses it right to help him. I wanted to help more but did not see how.
I’ve written before if anyone is homeless, why would they be up north where it is so cold. They should save up and buy a bus ticket to get south where it is warmer. I am so glad I have my home with me all the time.
For the warmth, through the morning more and more of the homeless came in with their life possessions in tow, such a small bag on wheels. They came to get out of the cold and buy breakfast.
The reason I am hanging out in the Portland area is that I had brought my computer to Best Buy to fix a repair that they had done recently. So, in the cold for, perhaps, another week, then to the south I go.
Seeing that homeless it reminded me about food banks. These places have free food for who needs it. I was in need, so I went to a few. These are food items that might be slightly beyond their expiration date, but still good to eat. And, their cans of food from stores that might have too much.
Normally, you might go to the store and by eatable items, then you bring them home, where they could sit for one or two weeks before being eaten. So, there really is no difference. All the food is very clean and safe.
10-1—Parked last night in an apartment complex to sleep, I have also parked in motel parking lots. These places are usually very quiet, people go to sleep and that is it.
This morning I awoke at 1:30am. My mouth was hurting from the tooth that got extracted last week, I was cold, and had to pee. Yet, I just laid there, I knew it would be very cold when I got out from under the covers. Eventually, I took care of matters and then laid back down.
Yet, I knew that I would not get back to sleep. Then dark thoughts started entering my mind. And, the area was very quiet, but my mind was quite noisy.
Some years ago I was riding my bike slowly, and suddenly I fell to the side and hit my head—YES, another one of my accidents. I’ve always had full control of riding a bike or a unicycle, so I was surprised at what happened.
Then it started—the ringing in the ears—tinnitus. As I researched and learned that this noise would be in my head for the rest of my life, I got sad. This morning it is strong, more pain in my life which I do not need right now.
I lay-ed in bed until about 3am, them I came to the conclusion that I was up for the day. So, with a McDonald’s within two miles, off I went. I can park outside of the place when they are closed and still get on their WiFi, so I did.
I’ve been pondering, am I wasting my life in how I am living it? Tears recently about all my loses >>
Loss of my juggling because of my first accident.
(I have many new readers, have you seen my past juggling abilities?)
The breakup with Mary Ellen after a 23-year marriage.
The loss of my ability to run from the second time I was hit by a truck.
The pain of Tina leaving me. And other things.
Feeling sorry for myself, in a way, yes.I was going to hang out in the Gresham area until my computer repair was complete, then I remembered I was totally mobile. So, off to the northeast point in Oregon, welcome to Astoria. I will get notices on the progress of the computer repair until it is done. I had to get out of the Portland area.
You know how I do not like cities, even Portland, the city I was born in. But, for at least 50 miles out, I still hit city traffic. I just had to get out.
Being near Gresham, I was too, “in a city”, had to get out, so today I drove out to the Oregon coast. Coming out to Astoria, Oregon I went by many forest areas, it was wonderful. Oregon is so green and wonderful.
You see, I was going to stay in the Portland/Gresham area until my repaired computer came in, and then I remembered the Oregon coast and the Town of Astoria, so off I went. As soon as I got out of the Portland area I relaxed and felt much better.
Such a wonderful small town Astoria is, take a look >>
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zChZFzKGWqg10/2—Continuing down the Oregon coast, I saw magnificence. Take a look >>
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkGhbC34Po4&t=36sLast night I slept in a big empty parking lot. So quiet, mine was the only vehicle there. Surprisingly, I slept until about 3:30am, that is a late sleep for me. I knew there was a McDonalds within a mile, and here I am typing to you now.
Stopped at a different big parking lot and took everything out of the van and cleaned it well. I do this about once a week.
While driving I saw a state park off to the right that had a campground. So nice, with few vehicles here, this was my place for the night. After building a fire and relaxing, I was quite content.
Because I travel alone and there is no one to really see me or smell me, I can go days without a shower. I had written before that when I get itchy—it’s time. It’s been four days, I am starting to get itchy, so, shower time. Many parks have showers, as this one did, so felt wonderful.
As I was eating dinner with the side doors open a seagull came up and asked if I had any extra, which I did. So, I gave him some food and his ten friends came up and asked for some, too. I obliged and some of them left happy and full.
10/3—Last night was a bad sleep. I woke at 1am and I was wide awake (I wonder how it would feel to be narrow awake?) My tooth area was hurting, took a couple of Ibuprofen. And, to help me get back to sleep I took one Advil-pm. Took awhile, but I got back to sleepyheadness and slept until about 6am.
Down the coast I went exploring wonderful Oregon. I will get back to you later and let you know how the day is panning out. There are many small delightful towns along with way, it is fantastic.
10/4—At another McDonald’s typing online. I still have a few days until my computer is finished. My blood pressure, even with taking the medicine, is still too high. So, I don’t know what to do.
Today and the next few days is forecast to be rainy, so I will be inside where I can.
Seems that this week went by so quickly, I hope you had a fantastic last seven days.
Was in Tillamook last night, the usual limited sleep, tired right now as I type these words.
Currently at Driftwood Library in Lincoln city on their wifi. I do like working on this in libraries much better than any McDonalds, very quiet and clean.
My challenge for you this coming week >>
Work on keeping a smile on your face ALL WEEK – I am here to help.
Next Blog >>Hopefully my computer with be fixed and returned to the middle of next week, then I head south.
October 4, 201920 - Posted by Kit
Blog 35 – With my sister, Sandy, near Portland
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES—YOU CAN > >- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
- And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
************************************************Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, my better blog in on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
********************************************* *********************************************
This last week I have spent with sister Sandy and her husband Tom. Sandy and I have the same father but grew up in different places. As a child, I spent time with Sandy, who is 13 years older than me.
Words to inspire you >>
“Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.”
— Carlos Castaneda
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.”
— Helen Keller
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose.”
— Dr. Seuss
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
— Steve Jobs
“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.”
— Seth Godin
“The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.”
— Lily Tomlin
“A man should never neglect his family for business.”
— Walt Disney
“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”
— H. Jackson Brown Jr.
“Someone once told me that ‘time’ is a predator that stalks us all our lives. But I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment because it will never come again.”
— Jean-Luc Picard
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”
— Charles Darwin
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
— Thomas Edison
“You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.”
— Wayne Gretzky
“Do or do not. There is no try.”
— Yoda
“Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it.”
— Chinese Proverb
My daily jottings >>
Stayed with my sister, Sandy, for the week, so, no parks to write about.
So, no parks or wilderness areas to write about this week.
It’s getting cold up here in the north of the US.
Soon I will be heading south for the warmth.
My challenge for you this coming week >>
Contact someone you do not like and befriend them. They are not that bad, after all.
Next Blog >>
Hoping to get back to the wilderness by next week.
September 27, 2019 - Posted by Kit
Blog 34 – The Northwest Corner of the US
Just got my computer back. Photos next time.
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES—YOU CAN > >- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
- And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
********************************************* ***Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, my better blog in on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
*************** ****************************** *************** Words to inspire you >> As you know, I have had to start my life anew a few times. At the time, I looked at my entire life and looked for things I did not like, and what I did like.
My daily jottings >>
9/13/19—In the northern part of Washington, in a small town called Port Hadlock, I arrived to see my Facebook friend Robin McMillan. I was surprised he answered the door while on four wheels. In 2009 he came down with Guillaine/Barre syndrome. Robin says it is the worst modern calamity that has come to humans.
Robin had seen my direction through my blog and we connected and I was on my way to see him. If you are anywhere near my direction, I would love to stop by to see you, too.
And then, in 2005, a tree fell on him, which sounds like it could have easily killed him, yet fell on his calf muscle and his foot swelled up much.
His body does not work right, but his mind, his mind is as sharp as ever. He is able to use his hands to type, surprisingly, one key at a time. And, tomorrow he will be driving us to get breakfast, I was surprised to learn that.
He took me out into his backyard and I was astonished at his agricultural skills. He still has tomatoes getting ripe and red. And he is also growing string beans, pole beans, mushrooms, shaggy parasols, basil, cucumbers, and eggplant. He has two kiddie pools full of water with large goldfish in them, along with lily’s covering most of the top of the water.
Marijuana is legal in the state, so, of course, Robin, along with many different plants growing, he has his pot plants growing on his deck.
He gets some help with things, but most of this work is done with his hands. I am planning to stay for a few days and help him around his house how I can.
9/14—Woke at my usual time, about 3am. I heard the pitter-patter of raindrops on the van roof. With all the trees all around, it is hard to see anything through the dark.
9/15—Helped Robin with some things around his garden and home. Even with his condition, he is able to fly radio-controlled planes. He even has the knowledge of how to put one together and take one apart. Recently one had crashed and he had to move parts to a new plane body—that’s where I came in, With him watching and instructing, I was able to take the old plane and move the parts to the new plane, difficult it was.
He had gotten some new slippers through the mail, but they were too small because he has such swelling on his feet. So, he had me cut the new shoes so that his feet would fit into them. He can not walk on his feet because of his condition, but he can pull himself around using his feet while in his wheelchair.
Robin gets on Facebook quite often. His mind and eyes work well, so this is a good thing for him. Typing is hard, one key at a time. Since he can think and speak clearly, I suggested he look into and get a voice-typing system, although I do not know about this.
Do you know?
Can you get info to Robin to help?
9/16—Right now it is 4:37am and I awoke at my usual time. Yesterday I helped Robin with various tasks around the house. He is so limited at what he can do, but he did impress me in ways to do things.
His hands are like paddles—the fingers and thumb do not bend. To eat he has to grip a fork or spoon between his two hands; as he does this for many things.
He does not complain at all, I think he is just used to it now. He is just getting by how he can.
Robin does have some people who come by to help him throughout the week. He has some money he saved up from the past, because he has some money, he cannot get help through the state or government. He says if you have over $1000 they will not help you.
Before he came down this awful syndrome, he was quite strong and a real ladies man. Look at your own life, if this malady came over you could you handle it? There are many people who have it worse off than you. Some people get so upset when they just lose their keys. Come on now, think of Robin and what he is going through in his life.
9/17—Heard from my old friend Clinton Holzhauer. Him and his partner, Theresa Cardamone, recently bought a house near Port Angeles in NW Washington state. What a magnificent place. They will be adding many more fruit trees, growing gardens, and raising horses. Clinton is recently retired from years of health and safety consulting, where he reached a high level.
Also, off and on, Clinton was a professional entertainer/juggler!
Take a look, he was/is quite good >>
We met each other at the 2012 Circulation Juggling Festival near Dunedin in New Zealand. He was with some friends and they were discussing my book, Juggling with Finesse. Then they found out the author was right there, what a surprise. Take a look >>
v=aGJXRJwLQIE Right now Clinton is playing guitar and singing—it sounds excellent. He has so many talents, I am so impressed.
Clinton was from Seattle and taking a break from work to explore NZ. We talked and he let me know he was planning to rent a car and travel through the forests of Milford Sound, an amazing area of NZ. The earth, the beauty, the magnificence—it was breathtaking. One day we were at the beach in the waves, later that day we were up in the mountains juggling snowballs.
Take a look, Milford Sound is amazing >> https://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=dMGSrS_2R6I 9/18—Today Clinton took me on a drive up into seeing Olympic National Park. This is a huge park, we only saw a brief part of it. While on the way up we did see a “certain” store, it still surprises me to see “cannabis” stores, we passed by a couple.
While driving in New Zealand we saw wild parrots on the island while out in Milford Sound, amazing to see. Clinton reminded me of our outing in Milford Sound‘s and where we found the parrots, it was fantastic.
The park is at sea level at one point, drive a little way and you get up over 8,000 feet; quite a change.
We went for a bike ride while I was here, surprised at how my breathing while riding or running gets so bad so quickly nowadays. More cloudy cold weather – yikes.
Ever since I arrived in Washington the weather has been cloudy, cold and rainy. I was told that before I got here it was good weather. What made up for it was the music. Clinton brought a series of CD’s with us, “Top 1970’s rock hits – it was great!
On the way up we saw deer next to the road. So used to humans, in the car, you can be within 3 or 4 foot of them and they don’t mind. We saw, what looked like, the same deer, in the same spot, on the way back. It’s like the park trains them to stay there for the tourists.
We drove up to Hurricane Ridge, a major destination in the park. Very cloudy, hard to see very much, at all. But, what I did see looked superb.
Watch this to see these amazing lands >>
v=dMGSrS_2R6I This evening Clinton introduced me to Scotch. I have never tried any before. I think I like this kind of whiskey, but, then again.
9/19—As usual, a brief sleep last night.
My challenge for you this coming week >> Find some wilderness where you can and explore it. Being in nature will add so much to your life; get out all you can.
Next Blog >> It’s starting to get cold up here, I will be heading toward the south, soon.
September 19, 2019 - Posted by Kit
Blog 33 – The Wonders and Beauty of Earth
Still do not have my computer back, using one I bought temporarily. I will get photos put in soon, within a week (I hope.) Until then, enjoy my words.
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES—YOU CAN > >- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
- And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
************************************************Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, my better blog in on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
********************************************* *********************************************
Words to inspire you >>
Start an exercise program today, including aerobic and weights.
My daily jottings >>
9/7-10—I’ve been staying with my sister, Sandy (we have the same father) and her husband, Tom.
ABOUT SANDY – We had not seen each other for some years. I knew her as a youth when I lived in Portland. She seemed sooo much older than me at the time, but she is only 13 years my senior. Her and Tommy raised two sons who are successful in the world.
Sandy and Tommy married while young, age 18 for Sandy, Tommy was 21. They have stayed together since, 55 years, quite impressive. When I was young (under 7) we did much together. At the time their son Wally was an infant. So, Sandy seemed so much older than me and Wally so much younger, but we are that far off in age.
Sandy and I have the same father – Virgil Carson Summers. Only a few of you know, my given name at birth is Virgil Carson Summers, Junior. They nick-named me Kit because of my middle name – so, Kit Carson. I have never gone by the name Virgil.
I was here at their house some years ago. At that time it was a single house way out in the country, in the wilderness. Since then many have moved to this area and a freeway was put behind their home – constant road noise now, a terrible thing.
Tommy, Sandy’s husband, took us to Little Crater Lake, about 70 miles from where they live. A little lake of wonder, the water is so clear and slightly blue, quite a sight.
Our father’s father (our granpa Ray Summers), I did not know very well, but Sandy grew up around him. Sandy tells me him and I are much alike. A few comparisons >>
- He traveled and lived on the road at times.
- He lived up in Oregon in the summer, then traveled south for the winter.
- He did not believe in any of the God stories, therefore did not believe in God.
- Told Sandy he never wanted to own a home again (I never will.)
9/11—Yes, that day. Remembrances all around about that tragic day in human history.
After staying with Tom and Sandy for about five days, I headed north today into the state of Washington. As in Oregon, there are trees and lakes in abundance, beautiful sites to see. Currently, I am in Gifford Pinchot National Forest (who is Gifford, anyway?)
Staying the night in the forest, it was very dark and quiet, nice.
While driving and taking a sip of tea I glanced up and saw a sign that said, “Don’t drink and drive.” That is just what I was doing. Just kind of seemed funny to me.
Tomorrow I will be going into Mt. Rainier National Forest, looking forward to it. Yet, with all these forests up here how might it be different? I guess I will find out tomorrow.
I must say, I have missed writing to you. While at Sandy’s I did not put down words. My computer was sent out of Best Buy to get repaired, or replaced is they can’t. I had paid a hundred bucks extra for the warranty.
I purchased a Lenovo Yoga 730 computer to use for now, at a cost of about eight hundred bucks. I have it for two weeks then I will have to return it to get my money back. A 13” lightweight one, I like it. Feels good to have my fingers fly on the keyboard once again.
I took back-roads going north, passing through Cougar and went by Mt. St. Helen’s Monument. Lovely forests all around. In a forest, I took a turnoff and, I believe, this is where I will stay for the night, currently it is 3:09pm. I even took my unicycle down and did some riding. Ate a salad and I am consuming a beer.
Starting to get cold at night, but my sleepie bag keeps me quite warm. If you can imagine, it gets over 100 degrees Fahrenheit in there (well, with my body temperature being what it is.) Will be heading toward the south soon for the warmer climates. Also, heard some thunderstorms off in the distance, will they arrive?
The van continues to run well. Over 188,000 miles, getting up there. Hoping to at least hit 300,000 miles (or one million.) On the inside, I have continued to make it into a better and better home.
9/10—Off I went to Mt. Rainier National Park in the state of Washington. Even the drive up here held much for the vision – tree-lined roadways and wonderful sites. Hiked in to see some gorgeous waterfalls. Not sure if I will be able to show you photos using my temporary/new computer. If not, I will post them soon.
Here is about Mt. Rainier >>
Yes, I just found out my computer repair is complete. Should be back in a few days. But, there are two more National Parks I want to visit before I head back. Also, the Portland Juggling Festival is to be held later this month, so I will be going to that, too.
I went into a national park visitor center, I was about the only one there. So, I went out to my van and got my juggling stuff. When I was done with them each could juggle scarves and starting ball juggling, too. Pretty Rachel was surprised she was able to learn.
As I usually do, I gave them each a set of scarves and let them know their homework assignment was to get one hundred throws by later tonight. They are now on my list to send this blog to, too. Please let me know if you are still juggling.
I went to Paradise! This is a part of the park, yet it is as nice as a paradise. Too many cars and people for me, though. It being a Wednesday, I would think there would not be so many people.
I walked to see some gorgeous falls. But, my foot hurts when I walk currently. Remember when I cut it open on some glass not too long ago. I do not have much feeling on my right side because of my brain injury, the foot must be hurt much for me to feel it.
In walking and driving around the area, I saw some glaciers up on hillsides. Amazing to see the ice and snow with this being so close to the end of summer. I hiked down to see Narada Falls – such a spectacular sight .
The smell of the wilderness is so clean and fresh. My sniffer does not work so well, but I got a sense of the smells out there, so nice.
9/11—6:08pm—Right now I am parked for the night at a parking lot next to the main road. Hardly any traffic is driving by, will be less and less as night comes. I hope a ranger doesn’t come by later and tell me I cannot sleep here. I will let you know . . .
No one came by, slept well, at least until 3am, my normal wake-up time.
9/12—Moved into North Cascade National Park (you jugglers will like that name.) As I saw the snow-topped peaks getting bigger I knew I was getting closer.
Here is about North Cascade >>
Much of this park cars have no access to, there are walking paths. My foot is still hurting from when I cut it on glass, so no hiking for me right now.
As most are, such a lovely area this national park is.
9/13—After, headed west toward the coast. Driving along Route 20 was like a paradise, so lovely. Many forests and state parks to see—truly a splendor to see.
Here is Route 20, enjoy >>
When I got there, I took a ferry over to Port Townsend. Had to wait about an hour to board while in my van. Yes, took both of us. Only one ferry right now takes the half-hour drive across the water. Each ferry can hold about 66 vehicles. There are many cars, but also trucks and buses, I even saw a semi-truck. Each pays a different price. The ferry makes about $1,000 a trip, I did the math.
Once we got underway people could walk around the ship. Upstairs are areas with seating and you can be out on deck. I was surprised, this trip was more fun than I expected—well worth the #13.10 (with my discount) that the half-hour trip cost.
Meeting up this evening with my Facebook friend, Robin McMillen. In the next blog, I will let you know how it was.
My challenge for you this coming week >> Start getting an exercise program together, with both aerobic and weights involved.
Next Blog >> Back to Portland and getting my computer back.
September 13, 2019 - Posted by Kit
Blog 32 – Entering Oregon
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES—YOU CAN > >- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
- And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
************************************************Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, my better blog in on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
********************************************* *********************************************
Words to inspire you >> Take Control of your own life, you have that power!
My daily jottings >>
8/23/19—Drove up the coast to Fort Brag, although, I don’t know what the are bragging about, it is not much of a town. I must say, the drive up along the coast was spectacular, maybe that is what they are bragging about?
As I was getting closer to Lassen Volcanic National Park, the landscape is changing. I started seeing more and more rocks and boulders that were volcanic in origin. Strewn all over fields, like they were randomly thrown there.
I pulled off of route 36, the main road to the park. This is a road, hard to see, that parallels 36, but far enough where I don’t hear any traffic from 36. Should have a good and quiet sleep tonight.
Around here, like most of California, all the grasses are brown or tan. I’m sure they were green at one time, but only the trees are green now.
I like that I have all I need within the van, that brings me comfort. Right now I am writing to you offline on battery power, I like that, much (hope you do, too.) Had a salad with chicken for dinner, along with a Corona, smiling and typing.
I sit where I sleep and type on the table I built that lifts on hinges to arm level. As I look forward, I see photos of my daughters, Jasmine and April, when they were young. I keep meaning to get a printed copy of them older, yet . . .
Do I already have one page typed?
I have no idea what you think of my words, in that I NEVER hear from you (please do.)
Let me know at kitsummers@gmail.com
Because no one is coming by—shower time it is! It has been a few days, and, as you know, I do not care what others see in me or smell in me (I don’t think I do), but, when I get too itchy, it is time. Scratch scratch, itch itch, oh what a relief it is.
So, on this side road, with no one coming by, it was naked Kit outside the van getting clean under the shower. And, I am so glad I did, feel much better now. Like I’ve written before, I can get as clean under this shower as any shower on earth—using only one gallon of water. You should try it sometime.
Because it is so hot out, don’t tell anyone, I sit here in my underwear at 7:21pm. I usually get to sleep about ten, so, some time to drink wine and read, do computer, or play. Now, what’s a boy to do??
8/24—No cars came by last night to wake me, a good thing. Usually, as you might know, I am go go go. There is no rush in life, I need to spend more time enjoying life. So today, I am taking it more easy.
This morning I went through Lassen Volcanic National Park. The entire area is just lovely. Also, there are many hiking areas all over the park, even to the top of Lassen Peak, over 11,000 feet up (boy, that’s a lot of foots!) Also, at about 6:30am a deer crossed the road in front of me – I love that.
There are lava fields, many large lakes, very tall trees, and wilderness everywhere. Watch is video, you will tell you much more >>
Another National Park which bought me surprises, I like that, including snow on the peaks. Yet, even below this snow, fire still burns in the earth, coming to the surface in parts of the Lassen.
This morning I took a campsite, I will find things to do throughout the day, like write these words to you. Usually, I am go go go and will not take the time to relax and do other things. I am making myself do such today and tonight.
I’ve already gathered much firewood for tonight and tomorrow morning. Also, my next door neighbor, Steve, gave me some wood to use on my fire. I took the unicycle off of the back of the van and even went for a ride. And, juggling balls were thrown around.
Steve is from the nearby town or Redding. There is also a town called, Reading, near where I used to live in Pennsylvania. But they pronounce Reading the same as Redding. It really should be pronounced “Read” ing. That has always bugged me. My Facebook friend, Dorothy Reilly lives in Reading, PA.
I was just over at the stream watching Steve “fool fish” (in other words, he was fishing.) Two seconds of the bait in the water and one hooked one, caught he was. Yet, Steve was doing catch and release. Did not seem to harm the fish much – but then again? A hook in my mouth would harm me, I believe.
The battery on my computer was way down, so I just plugged in my Stanley Power 1200 to charge it. I am so glad I have this so I can keep writing to you. By the way, you have not told me what you think of my writing yet.
(Cho Cho, as you reading my blog posts is it helping you with your learning of the English language?)
As I wrote, a stream with much water flowing through it, not 40 feet from the van, trees overhead, all the food I need or want, I could stay here forever (or, at least until tomorrow.) About 1pm now, interesting staying in one place for the whole day.
But, this campsite is next to the road, so I do hear some traffic noise, but not much. Then for sleep later, the traffic will calm to nothing. I like a more remote place to sleep than this, but, it will have to do.
Already on page three, I am surprised.
Went out and gathered much firewood, enough for me and the whole campground (right now I am the only one here.) The guy next door, Steve, went out to get more bait for his, “fishing.”
People call it fishing, I call it fooling fish. When you go hunting, say, for deer, you don’t say, “I’m going deering”. How did “fishing” turn into a word?
Steve had some salmon eggs earlier and he caught a fish in like two seconds. They get fooled so easily. He did catch and release, though. So, he harmed a fish by putting a hook through it’s mouth, then let it go, injured, later. Talk about a good time.
Had another neighbor, too. A nice family, mom, dad and a young son and younger daughter. It was great these family full of love and functioning so well. I complimented the mom and dad on their wonderful family. I feel bad, I forget your names.
8/25—As I thought, there was no traffic last night to hear or to wake me, slept well. I did awake about 3am, but made myself lay there until about 5am, as the sun was just making an appearance.
8/26—Found there is no Klamath Falls in this city. The city is named for the falls, but the water has been diverted and there is/are no more falls. I was looking forward to seeing them. But, just few hundred miles away Crater Lake was awaiting.
What a spectacular area this truly is. Driving through a massive forest, just how I like it. Actually did not go to the lake yet, I want to devote a full day to it, tomorrow it is the day.
They have wifi at the lodge, so I did. Yes, staying at the campsite here. There are a few hundred sites, oh boy, just what I like, hundreds of people. It was a Monday, so could have been more, I guess.
Cleaned up the van, which was a little dirty after the off road camping I did recently. It is only 4:44pm, but I have already started a fire. Steve, at the last campsite, had much left over wood, I had packed up it to bring with me. Coming in handy now, thanks, Steve.
YIKES—I was just having my spaghetti in front of the fire. The fire cracked and send up an ember. This hot piece of wood landed right in my short pants, between the pant and my leg. I jumped, and, of course, all my spaghetti went flying. Yet, as you know, I never get hungry, I had eaten enough to satisfy me, so I am done.
That reminds me, I want to stop eating for some days (weeks?) Looks like it is time to start, I will let you know. Care to join me in this endeavor?
Paid seventeen bucks for this campsite, more than usual. But, I did get my fire (which bit me, you know.) Today I just stayed at the campground, and also the lodge (which has free wifi). Tomorrow I will explore the essence of Crater Lake, you will find out what I discover then (bet you can’t wait.)
With room prices starting at $197 a night at Crater Lake Lodge, my van makes a great place to sleep.
And then, earlier, I stubbed my big toe right into a rock. Bleeding it was, felt like it was broken. But, that is life.
A lady just came over to see if I had a can opener, of course, I did. As usual, I fell in love, “again”, a pretty German lady she is.
Very strange, the smoke from my fire attracted a bunch of little bugs, gnats (why is there a “g” in that word?), you might say. Usually, bugs are repelled by fire and smoke, so I am quite surprised. Hmm, I have not had dessert yet, how might gnats taste? (I’m sure you know.)
I’m really looking forward to exploring Crater Lake, and, I bet you can’t wait to hear.
When I have a campsite I walk the area and get rid of rocks on the ground. You see, I like to be barefoot as much as I can, a rock hurts. I’ve read that, for humans, going barefoot is best for your feet. So, take your shoes off, relax . . .
“A solo like for me, a solo life for me . . .”
Not that I want such, it is turning out that way, though.
Shhhhh, right now there are two chipmunks in my camp looking for food. I am afraid, if I were to get up to get something for them, it would scare them away (or scare me away.)
So, I will just watch them scurry for food that I dropped. So cute, there is one right in front of me of me standing on his two legs (no, not doing a handstand) and eating something.
I had thrown the spaghetti noddles in the trash, I fetched them out and put there on a piece of cardboard for the little monks. I will see by the morning if they has a taste for them.
Then the blue jays discovered the noodles and they devoured them. Noodles and not much nutrition, but it was fun to watch the chipmunks and then the blue jays eat them.
8/27—As usual, up before the sun. I clear blue sky, a wonderful day, perfect to explore Crater Lake. I will let you know more later.
Big fire last night and this morning, as usual, very nice.
I cannot believe the magnificence of Crater Lake NP. If you have not been here, it should be at the top of your bucket list. I’ve been to so many NP’s, this one ranks right up there near the top. There are even a couple places where snow still resides.
I drove the Rim Drive around the lake. Around every turn, a new and delightful view of the lake. Seems that it kept getting better and better. So many turnoffs to see different views of the lake, I love it. I went around the whole lake, with the lake off to my right.
The first person to discover this must have been overwhelmed. This first European would be John Hillman in 1853. This prospector who viewed the lake called it, “Deep Blue Lake.”
Native Americans used this place for many years before the European found the crater. They used this place for special rituals, it being such a special place.
Why look, there is Wizard Island. This is a small cinder cone that came up about 7,300 years ago. I would love to live on this small island, but there wouldn’t be much to eat.
There are steep cliffs all around the lake, but on I went. Someone told me about Cleetwood Cove Trail, the only way to get down to the lake. After you park in the lot, you have to hike about one mile down to the lake itself.
What surprised me was as you get ever closer to the lake it gets more and more blue.
I did the hike in about 25 to 45 minutes, didn’t keep track. A very steep path, winding back and forth. Down I went, passing people along the way. I tried to make jokes, like, “You’re almost there.” I like to make people laugh.
Finally got the bottom, quite a hike.
Often people are so seriness, I like to break that.
They have rides you can take on boats. My whole walk out I knew this and wondered how they could have brought the boats all the way down here. So, the first thing I did was ask the boat guy. He told me they used helicopters! Of course, I didn’t even think of that.
Also, I asked this same guy, how does he get to work. He said, of course, he has to take that long walk down and then back up at the end of the day. Talk about being in great shape. I thought they might have a hidden elevator somewhere.
I knew that was a place where people went in the water, that was the next place for me. The path all along with a smooth dirt path, easy to hike. Down here, near the water, there were boulders to circumvent.
You know my balance issues (I walk like a drunken Kit sometimes.) There I was, hesitating, before concurring the rocks. I kind of walked on all fours, like some animal (which I am.) I was so delighted once I reached the place where you go into the water.
The easiest way to get in was to jump off a boulder, about five feet to the water. Of course, there is a place where you can climb up the rocks and out of the water.
There I went!
There are some cliffs, too, that you jump from ten or even twenty feet into the water. I was not ready for this. Chicken, why yes, I is.
Because I did not expect the coldness, I lost my breath and could not breath upon entering the water and then came up. I swam in and stood on a rock with my head out of the water until I could get my breath again. I got out for a bit, then had to get in to do what I was planning to do.
In Lake Tahoe, some years ago, I was in the water and then swam down about seven feet and drank a couple swallows of water (tried this in the ocean, too, didn’t work so well.) Seemed strange to me to be under water and take a drink of water at the same time. So, I did the same in Crater Lake.
If a lake is clean and safe this is something I have to do. So, I’ve accomplished at Lake Tahoe and now Crater Lake, where next? How ‘bout you, gonna try it?
Back on the road to continue my loop around the lake. I took the turnoff to Cloudcap Overlook. As I wrote before, every view of the lake is different and fantastic. Another turnoff I took was for Phantom Ship Overlook. This is another cinder cone for years ago. The shape is like a ship on the water, of course.
Last night I stayed at Mazama Campground (Mazama is the name of this mountain, by the way.) Over 200 campsites there. Tonight I am at Lost Creek Campground, only 15 sites at just five bucks each. I looked all over for the creek, could not find it anywhere.
So strange, right now it is 41 celsius, tonight it should get very cold again. Up down, up down.
I’ve eaten all my salads and things that need to be kept cold in the cooler. Perhaps it is time for my no eating period for some days. Care to join me?
I arrived in the afternoon at the campground, remember, only 15 sites here. I saw a guy who drove around a couple times on his motorcycle and I was thinking there were no other sites open. I invited him to set up his tent here, since I will be in the van sleeping.
So, it worked out well and I taught Zen Hunter to juggle, too! He will be practicing and improving his new skill. He studies acting and, perhaps, one day can include his new skill in his performance.
Originally from Australia and he works as an actor. Funny, he is on his way up to Canada to go to a wedding—a woman he used to be with. From the sounds of it, things will be comfortable, though.
8/28—Two things happened last night you much know of. I had some bottles to eventually get to recycling. A bottle broke and I did not know it. I started seeing blood on the floor. Because of my brain injury, I do not have much feeling in my right foot. As I stepped on the glass, not feeling it, I sliced it good. And, there is an animal in my van.
As I was sleeping, I heard something chewing or a bag, I discovered a varmint was trying to get my chips. And, I had a peach up front, I saw where the critter was chewing. I left the v an open more of the day and he seems to have skedaddled.
Took a while but eventually, the blood stopped oozing out. I was able to sleep, but when I awoke at 4am, then I could feel it. Later, when he awakened, Zen used his first aid me (Kit) and I had one too. Between the two he got it bandaged up good. Hurts to walk, but here I go . . .
Heading toward Eugene (no, not walking) but taking it slow. Just a ways beyond Crater Lake I found Odell Lake Campground. Parked with the water ten feet away from the van, I love it. Still in a national forest, Deschutes it is. Many lakes and forest areas in this part of Oregon, quite a good deal. Odell Lake is quite large.
In the afternoon, Nicole was walking her dog (or he was walking her?) She seemed intrigued about my van, so I gave her a tour. Her dog was sniffing around like there was a critter in here. Remember, I said I heard one and saw evidence this morning. At times during the day I left the van doors completely open, so, hopefully, this critter did skedaddle, or, you might say, turn tail and leave.
At about 3:30 in the afternoon I was going to have a little parade, just for myself. But then the rains started, so, yes, it did rain on my parade. The rains were brief, but, I didn’t have my parade, you weren’t here to see it.
The rains were kind of off and on, makes for a miserable day, but not when you are in an impressive forest next to a beauteous lake. I have to admit, I am lonely, and have been, these views of the magnificence of earth are keeping me together and going.
8/29—Good morning. Such trouble sleeping, up most of the night just thinking. Hard to turn off my mind sometimes. Awoke to a cloudy sky, but no wind. Yesterday there were little waves coming in from the lake, today the lake is calm as can be.
Yesterday I made sure I got enough firewood for last night, and also this morning, so, yes, it is flame on this morn. It is 6:47 now and I will be getting on the road soon – destination – Eugene.
8/30—Headed toward the west, will go north along the Oregon coast. Current detestation, Portland. Today I got my bike repaired and can start riding again – YEA!
Traffic in Eugene, like so many cities, was terrible, so glad to get out.
By the way, this is my second day of not eating any food. Not hungry, at all.
My challenge for you this coming week >> Hope you are making your life a great adventure!
Next Blog >> You will hear about Portland the fun I have there.
August 30, 2019