The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
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***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!
I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
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I’ve written this before, if there is ANYTHING about your life that you do not like, you can make changes and improvements to most anything. You have that power, I am here to help you as I can.
6/8—Off I go again looking for the wilderness. As you know, I will be on my way to Boulder, Colorado to arrive around July 2. So, taking a slow journey to the northeast.
I do have to say again, I am so happy with the work that Noe and AMR did on the van. The steering is much sharper and the van is in top shape now. Ready to roll into your town, what would you think of having me as a visitor? Here they are, take a look >>
Interstate 15 north from San Diego to Las Vegas, through the desert, not much to see. But, I do remember a turn off from years and years back – Zzyxx Road (pronounced, Zizicks). I have taken the turn off, but a unique name. I also saw a sign to watch out for tortoises. Personally, I am always watching for tortoises, how about you?

On I saw a site near Cima, CA, I had to go. In Cima, which is in the Mojave National Preserve, there are just a few buildings, no one around. Arriving at about 3pm, plenty of beer and food, I will be here for the night. So, I am typing to you on battery power and offline, how I like it.
It’s been a few days. No one around, I will be using my shower system, naked to the world, but there is no one here so no one will see. Yet, a few cars did drive by, but where I am it would be hard to see me, sorry.
I want total quiet and dark tonight, so I think I will drive back to one of the turn-offs I saw on my way out here. And, with only one gallon of water, I am able to clean thoroughly. How much water do you use?
Yet, I wanted to send some messages, so I went to a McDonalds just outside of Vegas. After, off again to another Walmart. At this Walmart, I was sitting and working on my computer for a few hours.
Somehow I ended up with a big wallet in my cart. She must have thrown it in the by mistake. I looked through to find a phone number for her, in that I do not trust others to keep it safe. There were a few hundred dollars and many credit cards. If I was the wrong person, I could have been rich, but, not seeing a phone number, I did turn it in at customer service. They said she had come by a few times looking for it. She will find it with everything in that was there.
So, what would you do if you found a wallet with much cash and cards?
And, along with that, I got a call today from Brand at LVCC— He told me that a kid found my wallet in the foam pit that someday (a bunch of foam pieces that are hard to get out of.) I had jumped in and tried to get out, it was hard. Obviously, I lost my wallet in there, of course.
As you know, I had already replaced the wallet and most of the cards, much better it is. Yet, I got a call from Brand that they found my wallet! They have a pit with many broken up foam pieces, hard to get out of. Some kid found my wallet in there.
Went to LVCC, so good to see Brand and Michelle, two old friends at this point. I am looking forward to what they do with LVCC, so much potential. Brand wants to have my juggling/performance workshop in there in the future, too, a good thing.
I had already replaced most all my cards and am now licensed and van registered in Arizona, so that’s a good thing, because it is much cheaper for these in Arizona; about $30 a year. In Pennsylvania, it is $65, plus you have to pay a car place about $100 to inspect your car.
How about that, just at the time I am back in Las Vegas, the kid finds my wallet.
I suggest to you again keep limited things in your wallet, keep most of your cash and cards elsewhere in your car. Also, what you do keep in your wallet, keep a list on your computer with each card, account #, expiration date, three-digit code on the back, and the phone number for a lost card.
This evening I found an empty lot in which to park that is near the restaurant where I will be having breakfast with Mike in the morning. There is a wall with homes behind it on one side. A guy drove up in his van saying he was the owner. I said I just wanted to sleep overnight and would not touch anything. He basically said, “Have a good sleep.”
Last night was somewhat noisy, had to wear my sound blocker ear things. Here the silence is too loud and might wake me up.
Never forget –
I’m a happy boy on the road.
I like this lifestyle so much.
Yet, I hardly ever get comments.
Or questions.
Is anyone even reading these words?
6/10—On a map, I saw, to the north, a small “Great Basin National Park”. In that I want to go to every National Park in the US, 58 in all, this will be one of. So, finishing up in Las Vegas, then heading toward the north, a slow drive to end up in Boulder, Colorado to arrive the first days of July.
Breakfast with Mike Goudeau, on old juggling friend. We talked of times in the past, like when we first met in 1977. He keeps busy continuing to perform, a good thing. A funny man, watch this >>
6/11-13—At Great Basin National Park, how wonderful it is.
I’ve never been up the east side of Nevada, really no big deal—yet.
Took awhile, but finally made it out of Vegas with all the cars, traffic and people. Driving north on 93, I am aiming for Great Basin, yet I was passing a park on my left, but not much to see.
Why lookie there, I will be passing Cathedral Gorge, State Park. It is about 3:30 in the afternoon. I usually find a place to stay for the night between 3 and 5pm. So, here I am.
There are some magnificent hill formations, hope the photos came out OK. I am surprised at the number of people who are here, it is a Monday night, after all, the place is about full.
The first night I spent in Baker Campground. Just a couple of people there, and each site is separate so you can’t be seen.
When I first get to a campsite I go in search of dry/dead wood for the fire. Seems that most people look around on the ground for wood, I look up in the trees. Many times branches break and hang until I snatch them off. Also, there are often dead and dry small trees you can break down. Had a couple of huge fires.
This first campsite I found is about ten feet away from a running brook/stream. How comforting is this constant noise. I expect I will sleep very well. Tina always loved to sleep next to a running stream. Nice to hear the water dancing BY (or, BYE, as in bye bye water?) By the way, I never said I would BUY you any of this water, you couldn’t afford it.
So, just today to greater heights >>
I drove through desert sagebrush.
Then dry bushes.
Then a few trees.
Then massive forests.
Mountains in a sea of sagebrush.
Normally when water falls it gathers in streams, the goes to rivers, and finally to the sea. When this area does get rain it has no outlet, therefore the basin name. The h2o stays put. The snow is melting up high in the mountains, so all streams are running full steam.
Right now the time is 3:42pm. The temperature in the van is 95f, but there is a good cool breeze. Tonight it should get down in the 40’s, so about a 50-degree temperature change. From very hot to very cold.
Part of my dinner tonight was some of the lettuce and spinach I grow in my onboard garden, delicious. I’m about the only one in the entire campground, the way I like it. Wish you were here, though.
The next day I drove to Lehman caves.
Some spectacular sites down there.
Watch this and be amazed >>
Stayed at a different campground for tonight, Upper Lehman Creek Campground. This one also had a stream near, how nice. Dinner was a salad (I try and eat one daily) along with Fetechini Alfredo on angel hair pasta, another good meal. Sitting here with a glass of wine and smiling, I am enjoying my life much, at the moment.
The sun is just going down (actually, the earth if turning away from the sun.) Coldness comes quick.
It was nice to be relaxed at the Great Basin for three days. If you know me, you know that I am always—go go go. Nice to relax for a time.
6/14—At a Walmart last night, very quiet this one.
Off toward more forests while driving to Boulder, Colorado.
Did you meet my challenge for last week?
“Keep a smile on your face for most of the week—make it a new habit in your life.”
This will make others feel better, and, more important, make you feel better.
My Challenge for you to meet over the next week >>
Do something that you may not like doing, do it and make yourself enjoy it.