- Posted by Kit
BLOG 31–Going North in California
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES—YOU CAN > >- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
- And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
************************************************Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, my better blog in on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
********************************************* *********************************************
Once again, sorry for the mix-ups in sending my last blog. I will take more time in the future and now to get things right before sending you my post. There were two people who wanted me to stop sending the blog, oh well, I am glad you are still there.
Still having a fantastic time out here.
The freedom I am finding is one-of-a-kind.
Words to inspire you >> Anything about your life you have the power to change, no matter what your age is. Make your life a magnificent journey, I am here to help.
My daily jottings >>
8/17/19—Toward the north now, in Vista, CA. Stopped by to see Noe, who did some excellent work on the van when I was in the area last time. Just having him check everything to make sure it is in place and tight.
But, he did say the transmission was slipping. I do not feel that, hopefully, the van will be alright. Noe told me the cost might be over $4,000 to repair the transmission, I would rather get a new van. He said the van might go ten miles or 10,000, hard to know.
I will just keep driving and writing to you. I’ve almost been killed a few times, yet, I made it. So, if the van stops going, I will find a way. Hope you will be there for help, though.
Then it was up Route 1, Pacific Coast Highway. I wanted to go all the way up on this road, but it would be too slow. Back in 1976 myself and two friends took a bus up to San Francisco, along with our bikes, and then rode back to San Diego, about 500 miles. The route, these days, has so much traffic, safer for a bike back then.
Then, further north, I went to see my old friend, Mark Wenzel. When I was first starting juggling and performing in 1976 I saw Mark doing a mime act at the beach. It ended up that he liked my juggling and unicycling and we teamed up with a few other performers and did performances around San Diego.
Mark has done well with his performing. Many years ago he moved from San Diego up to Los Angeles, he ended up buying a small house in the Hollywood hills, yet, this house has much land and it is at the end of a dead-end road – Perfect. In the 4800 block of Wicopee Avenue, the best place you could live in LA.
After a short visit with Mark, it was to the north I drove on freeway 101. As you now, I do not like traffic and too many people, the route had both. I kept saying to myself, “Get me outta here”.
LA is like 100 miles from bottom to top, so I just kept driving, sometimes I was even stopped on the freeway in traffic. It was the weekend so it was not as bad as it could have been.
Have you seen this about LA? >>
Finally hit the Oxnard area and the traffic was less. Found a Walmart where I spent the night in their parking lot. If you don’t know, most Walmart’s allow people to park in the lot for an overnight stay.
8/18—Strange, today I am feeling kind of lost, wondering if I am doing the right thing by living and traveling in my van. Planning to head toward the north along the coast, but, in a way, I want to get back to the mountains.
Also, I’m not hearing from you, wondering if I am wasting my time writing these words.
Today I called Karen, we used to have a very nice romance back in 1980-81. I was passing through the area where she lives with her husband, Edward. In fact, I was the one to first introduce them.
In 1981 Karen and I had been traveling when I got a call from an agent in Hollywood. I was told that my act was booked at Ballys in Atlantic City and would start in ten days. I chose juggling over being with Karen, this choice has affected me to this day.
I called Karen about visiting, Karen basically told me to never contact her again in my life. I was hoping we could at least be friends.
The same happened with Tina, she will not even be my friend, she put a big distance between us. Seems as though they both hate me now. And, I am not seeing the reason. What could I have done that was so hideous that now they totally reject me?
I want so much to find someone I can love with all my love, as they love me. I am wondering if I will ever find such a person again.
And, I was married to Mary Ellen for 23 years. We are still connected, through our daughters, and are still friendly.
I’m very caring and loving in a relationship, can’t tell what it is that set these ladies against me. I will always have fond memories of my time with this special ladies.
Does this happen often in relationships, or is it just me? Questioning myself much today. What is there to live for if not love? I am even questioning if some other lady who might have interest in me could read these words and they will chase her away?
For sleep overnight, I drove down a road and parked right on the cliffs next to the ocean for some shuteye. So nice to hear the gentle waves hitting the shore as I was going to sleep. It was not until the morning when I read the sign, “No overnight parking”–too late. This fantastic drive was on route 1 from LA, yet, it was in the evening, so sorry, no photos.
8/19—Of course, awoke to the nice sound of waves coming to shore. The road then lead me from sea level to and was very high was very steep back and forth, with no guard rails – a scary drive. If I were to make an error and went over the side (at least a forty-foot drop-off), it would be the death of Kit, and no more blog.
6:30 on a Monday morning, only passed three other vehicles on this drive. The drive I am on is Nacimiento-Fergusson Road, a beautiful drive. There are even videos on this scary drive >>
Then, as I was climbing higher and higher, to make matters even worse, I drove up into the fog/clouds and it was so hard to see, things were getting more precarious every moment.
Also, driving toward the west in the evening, the sun was just going down and in my view, yikes! I had to pull over for a bit until the sun got lower and I could see. This is a drive I will never forget.
On the drive, I went from sea-level up to about 3,000 feet in a very short time. Eventually, the road went into Los Padres National Forest. Overall a very scary but lovely drive.
As I was driving through Los Padres National Park I saw a turn-off for Ponderosa Campground. I seldom get “hungry”, I mainly eat because I know I have to keep living. I pulled off to fry up some potatoes – umm good.
At Pinnacles National Park now, away from the people and traffic, what a relief. Back to the woods. For ten bucks I was able to get online while here to write these words.
In the office, I met Pat Lillejon and Aja Woolley, who helped me to set this up. Two more people who have joined you to receive my blog.
Like much of California, there is dry grasses and bushes much. The green trees are good to see. Rain no longer comes to this barren state, as plants and grasses wither away. Because there a few people here, I like this park, much. You must come and see, a splendid park.
At this campground there is even a pool, I will be going for a swim later.
Take a look at Pinnacles >>
I had just written that I was questioning my traveling and living in a van. Well, this shows me why, back to the natural forest where I belong.
Today I did some hiking on trails and seeing the magnificence, a great place this is.
8/20—Had a good sleep last night in the dark and quiet. Cleaned the van out today, much better. In the afternoon, I went for a swim in the pool. The water was very clean without strong chlorine, I can’t stand too much chlorine.
When I go into a pool I often bring a washcloth with soap on it. I use a 3in1, body wash-shampoo-conditioner. So, in the pool I get thoroughly clean, feels very nice. Clean for a few more days.
To the north for me. I got in contact with a Facebook friend in Mountain View, up by San Fran and will be stopping by for visit tomorrow.
I got to the town of “Gilroy”, and, because there are so many cars, people, and I don’t like the name of the town, I had to get away. I was at a Walmart where I was going to spend the night, but, having so recently been at a splendid national park, I could not get myself to stay.
On GPS parks are in green. I saw a big green to the north so I pocked on it. This lead me up Hicks Road to the Almaden Quicksilver County Park right on Guadalupe Reservoir. Actually, the road just goes next to it, I don’t know how you get into the park.
I drove off into a turn-off and here I will be for the night. Hardly any cars are driving by, so it should be quiet, dark and peaceful for the night.
8/21—Yes, did get a good sleep. Without cars driving by and/or people around, very comfortable.
Then I drove to a McDonalds to get on their free wifi. I look out the window and see a constant stream of cars driving by. Everyone is different—in life and in looks.
Many of these people do not like their work or their life. With this blog, I am aiming for people like that to let them know they can change their life for the better.
One change I helped with is my Facebook friend, John Hammink. We connected through the book (with a face) and met up in his town, Mountain View. He has had many achievements in his life, worldwide, yet, right now he is kind of stuck.
Here is about John and some of his music >>
I gave John some suggestions and ideas to get back on track, and believes he will find his aim again. Also, I suggested, for the freedom it provides, getting a camper-van like mine as his new home. He likes the idea, I am here to help all I can, as I will be with your travel-van.
John was impressed with how I keep the van very clean and organized; always good to hear. I told him, “Living in a small space like this, it is a necessary requirement.
After our time together (thanks for the bagel, John), it was off toward San Francisco. I had an address for SF Circus Center. Once I found a place to park, which took a while, I went up to the office.
The person I talked with did not have any phone numbers for jugglers or did not really know what goes on local people who throw stuff. She said they have a juggling club that meets on Sunday, but, it being only Wednesday, I was not about to wait around.
Back in the van. I typed into my GPS (a real GPS, not a smartphone) “Pier 39”, where often juggling acts are performing. Only a few miles, but, at 1 mile an hour sometimes, it took a while to get there. As you know, I hate traffic, so this was very painful.
Only 9am, a massive traffic jam (or is it jelly?) I know there are thousands (millions) of people who have to deal with these daily traffic troubles, I hope you are not one of them. Hours and hours of wasted time in traffic.
Maybe it is good I did not stop by San Fran, have you seen? >>
Arriving where my GPS sent me, it looked like downtown San Francisco, not pier 39 as I remember it. Of course, still heavy traffic, so again I said out-loud – “Get me get outta here!”
San Francisco is doing worse all the time. Take a look >>
On departure, I got to go over the Golden Gate Bridge again – a joy. To the north as quickly as possible. There were still many many cars, and this was only the afternoon.
I stopped on the way at Point Reyes National Seashore. I was told of a place where I could see Elk, but it was a 45-minute drive to get there. And, they had no campground, so off I went out of the park and further to the north.
Parked near Bodega Bay, this is where I will stay the night. I found a turn-off and the bay is only about ten feet out from the van, should sleep well tonight. So, sipping wine and typing to you, with a smile on my face.
I do hope my words help you to open your mind and your to make a future that you love. Do not settle for ANYTHING! Make changes and improvements all the time to make your life better and better – you have hat power!
Yes, I am brushing my teeth every night, thanks for asking.
8/22—Right now I am typing to you while parked at the cliffs overlooking the ocean. As you know, I have a seat and table in the van as an office. Hearing the waves coming to shore is magnificent. Cloudy now, the sun should burn off the fog soon.
If you ever get the chance to drive along the coast from LA to Oregon, make the drive. There are exceptional views the whole way along – you will love it! This drive along the shore is breathtaking. Careful though, many drop-offs if you are not careful.
I often do not wear a seat-belt. On this drive I did. That is how my younger brother died, he was driving off-road, drinking beer, having fun, no seat-belt, they rolled. Gary and Josh, my older brothers son, both died.
My challenge for you this week >> With a smile on your face, take a homeless person out for lunch.
Next, I am on to Lassen National Park
You will learn more next Friday.
Until then, make your life an amazing event.
August 23, 201900 - Posted by Kit
Blog 30 – California and the Beach
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
• Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
• Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
• Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
• Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
• See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
• I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
• Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
• And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
***Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, my better blog in on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!
I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
********************************************* *********************************************
Words to inspire you >> From my book series – Beyond Your PotentialOther people, though well-meaning, placed limits me
-told me I could never return to my former way of life
-told me I would never ride a unicycle or juggle again
-and consequently, I began to place limits on myself
But then I discovered a secret: limits are rarely anything real; they are fabrications of our own minds, reflections of our fears and doubts. Gradually I discovered that I could do anything I wanted simply by doing away with all my imagined limitations.What I did was formulate an overall game plan, just like a football coach, knowing that the game is constantly changing. To win the game I had to take it one play at a time, knowing that I would go forward, maybe slightly back at times, but always pressing forward with confidence toward my goal. Not going for the touchdown every play, but making sure I was always gaining ground. When it seemed that I was losing a little yardage, I would regroup, consider my options, take a different approach on the problem and start gaining again. You see, it is only those who have gone to far who know how far they can go. You have to stretch yourself beyond what you think you can do, then you can look back and see where you really went.
If setting goals helped me to return to juggling I feel that contrarily juggling played an important role in my recovery. From juggling, I learned self-discipline, concentration, and patience, all of which sustained me in my long struggle to reaffirm myself as a whole person. By writing the definitions of how to do the various tricks in this book I could feel myself doing them once again, which was great for me. This is not only a manual to learn juggling for I have tried to include many ideas that can help you with your entire life. Through juggling, I was able to improve my strength and dexterity, and this did wonders for my self-confidence. Combined with the natural drive I have always had juggling provided the specific motivation I needed for recovery.
When I was in the recovery stage, I knew I was going to have to retrain my muscles again to perform all the tasks necessary for a normal life. I tried to work on having a permanent smile. My body had to be trained again to perform all the tasks necessary for a normal life again. Personally, I like to see people that are smiling. I thought that if I worked on it from the beginning I would keep it with me.
Being asleep in a coma with a blanket over my toes had straightened my feet so that I could not stand flat-footed. From my years running track, I knew exercises that I could do for myself that would make my feet and ankles more flexible. I asked one of my therapists to place a board on my bed that I could use to push against as I was lying down to try and loosen up my muscles. This seemed to help. When I was alone in my room before I could walk, I would steady myself by holding onto the side rails of my bed, then stand and do stretching exercises on my own. I’m sure that my nurses would not have liked the idea of me doing this. You have to learn to push yourself beyond what you think is possible. We are the person that is in charge of our life, at times you have to do what you think is best for yourself. This decision has to be made so that no one else will be hurt or troubled by it.
HERE ARE MY DAILY JOTTINGS ENJOY –Are you liking the new way I am getting my blog to you through my website? I am not hearing from anyone. Please let me know. I need to get better acquainted with the program, it offers much that I am not using.
August 10, 2019—I’ve written before about the day after I send out my blog, this being Saturday, and wondering how I can gather enough material to put my blog out by next week. Yet, as you know, it happens each week, the material somehow appears. I am glad you stay with me.
Strange not to have any set schedule on where to be and/or what time. In fact, with my only costs being for gas and some for food, the longer I stay at one location I have hardly any costs. So, can I come and park at your house for a few months?? ha!
8/11—Today I did something I have not done before—went to the horse track and bet. Daniel and I bet on the horse – it came in second to last. But, only lost five bucks on the deal. But, at the track, there was a lot more going on.
There were many booths set up to sell stuff or let you know about their products. SOOOO many pretty ladies, hard to take, I must say. I often wonder, “Will I be alone for the rest of my life? So, a good time was had by us at the track.
Then, later that evening, we went to a party that Daniel’s friends were having. One person I had a long conversation with is Michele Rooney, who works with kids, some of who have dealt with brain injury. Her knowledge of the subject was substantial. Great to speak with someone who really knows her stuff.
8/12—Daniel is packing and cleaning up his house and vehicles in that he will be leaving for Italy tomorrow for some weeks. Must be nice being able to go where you want for as long as you want.
8/13—Did not know what to do next. Then Lynn Montague and I connected with each other via Facebook and I suggested I come by for a visit. Lynnie Bear graduated Point Loma High School a year after me. I remembered her, and she remembered my unicycling and juggling around the high school.
So, off I was for a visit with Lynn, yet it was about 70 miles east, out in the high desert. At first, I was questioning whether it was worth the long drive, but the cost means nothing, really. I am so glad I went out to visit Lynnie Bear at Boulevard, California.
I knew it was a long drive out there, but, as I have written before, “experiences” are much more important than any cost for anything.
As I drove out there, I passed the turnoff for Kitchen Creek Road. I remembered from back in my teens, we used to go there in boy-scouts to camp. I remembered that I loved the place. Yet, after visiting Lynn and on my way back I could not find the campground. I will have to return. Here, take a look >>
https://www.cheersnature.com/free-camping-in-secret-san-di…/Arriving on a very hot day in the desert, we ventured off to visit the local gambling hall, and air conditioning, cheap and good food, yet, neither of us gamble, their loss.
There is not really a central town in Boulevard, it is a town that is kind of spread out. We did drive a couple of miles to the Mexico/America border, which was just a couple miles away.
There is a dirt road all the way along the fence, yet, I crossed and walked up and touched the fence. I’m thinking I should have climbed the fence and then I would be illegal in Mexico?
As we were there, a border patrol vehicle started slowly driving our way. I am sure there are video cameras everywhere and they knew of us being there, but it was fun.
I guess the biggest thing about Boulevard is http://wisteriacandycottage.com/. Lynn and I stopped by, but they were closed at the time. They do have a storefront, but, Lynn says, most all their sales are through mailing, they send their candy worldwide.
8/14—On return, I had to go and visit my old friend Lorna Paris. I’ve known her family since the 1970’s—many years. I saw Lorna and her brother Joel grow up and also learn to juggle. I had a tryst with their mom for a time—good memories.
Some years ago Lorna developed Multiple Sclerosis. Affecting her dramatically, she is having trouble walking at this point. Basically, her body is falling apart. Learn more about MS here >>
https://www.webmd.com/multiple-…/what-is-multiple-sclerosis…Then, there is Lorna’s mom, Charlotte. Charlotte I were close for many years. Some time ago she started forgetting things, and, as she developed Alzheimer’s, her brain disorder became worse and worse. Lorna tells me she does not even know her own daughter these days. Must be so hard to go through for Lorna and her brother, Joel.
After a short visit with Lorna, I was off to see my old friends, Joe and his mom Eva Ramirez. One year after I had my accident and 37-day coma, Joe had gone through the same. Yet, we were each hurt in a different part of our brain; Joe is still having much trouble with, basically, everything. While I was there I made suggestions on some things.
8/15—This morning I was back at Joe’s place. I had remembered I had two ten-pound weights which I gave to Joe. I let him know that he has to stop being lazy and get in better shape. He and his mom do not even have a computer, the TV is on all day. I told Joe, every time he watches the television, he has to be lifting weights. Hoping he will.
Then I went to a couple of my favorite places –
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USeiZiJkMdk – for Balboa Park.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6me7_gZd7Ic – for OB.The beach was calling, I had to answer.
Living in OB, my friend Chris Bayly, had to stop
to see. Also, had to go to the beach.
California prices are just too high. Gas costs about twice as much as other states I have been through. And, often in the morning, I go to McDonald’s to use their free wifi. Usually, I feel like I should buy something to justify my hooking into their wifi, I often get a sausage-biscuit. This is also about twice the price. Time to move on.
I had been awaiting something in the
mail (thanks for sending it, April), so, I have seen friends and time to move on. Planning to go north from here, yet, I do want to get out of California, so I am not sure what direction I want to go in.
8/16—This morning I went to see my old friend, Sabel Aguilar. I first met him when I lived by the University of San Diego on Via Las Cumbres Road. At that time Sabel had two locations where he ran his business, then it went down to one, a big place.
I went by and saw the business was no longer there, so I called Sabel and found out he had moved, but just a few blocks away. At the old place, the rent went from $4,000 a month to $10,000 a month – so high he could no longer afford it.
Now things are very tight, he says, with the internet and people doing their own printing. So, he says it might be time to retire. I suggested he get a vehicle and start traveling like I do, but he says he hates to travel.
If you have printing needs, turn to Sabel at Kings Printing >>
You will be happy you did.As I was about to depart Sabel told me to wait a second. He went in and got some money to give me to help with gas costs, so very kind of him. Of course, I could use all the help I can get. Thank you also to my Facebook friends, Fran Fahs and her husband, who sent me a check to help. So many kind and good people out there.
From there it was off to Vista to go to see Noe, who had worked on the front end of the van. I just want him to check everything and make sure it is alright. He was quite busy today (a good thing for him), so tomorrow at 10am I have an appointment.
Take a look >>
Kit Summers It’s lonely out here.
Does anyone want to join me in my travels?**************************************
My challenge for you this week – Go to a local hospital and volunteer to help for a couple of days.
August 16, 2019 - Posted by Kit
Blog 29 – Mexico?
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES—YOU CAN > >- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
- And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
************************************************Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, my better blog in on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
********************************************* *********************************************
Words to inspire you >> There has never been anyone on earth ever like you. You must play the part well and add as much as you can to your world.
7/27-30—Hard to remember when you have not written for some days.
8/2-4—Spent a few days with my Facebook friend, Roberta Dolana. At age 83, such a joyful person and acts as if she is 23 (a personal joke between us.) We talked about old times, about current times, and about her joining me on the road – I hope it does happen, Roberta. A lovely operatic voice, she has written books that teach and help kids learn to read easier and more concrete. She still has much to offer the world.
8/5—Off to a small park, Organ Pipe Cactus National Park. I thought Organ Pipe was another name for the saguaro cactus. Turns out it is a totally different cactus. The saguaro with arms or branches that grow out of it. The Organ Pipe grows straight and tall in a single plant.
Again, strange that they have a whole national park for just one cactus. It is like that national park I wrote about before that is just for that one bird, I forget which. Seems like a waste of mamepower to just celebrate one cactus or one bird.
On the way, I went through the town of Why. I thought the town was named that just because they could not think of anything and simply called it, “Why”, as a question. It turns out this town is located at the “Y” junction of highway 85 and 86. They could not just call it a single letter, “Y”, so they make it a complete word of Why, Arizona.
Very hot here, and I have no air conditioning that works. So, I keep my windows open and just keep smiling. Heat does not affect me until it get above c (150f.)
I was going to stay at the campsite by the visitor center, Twin Peaks Campground, but there are 208 camping sites and you might know how I would like that.
I drove a way and got to Alamo Canyon Campground. Much more like it, with only six sites available. Off the beaten path, without even a sign on the road on where it is – I took a road and guessed.
Of course, I am the only one here while writing to you on this Monday. They say there are no fires allowed, but I gathered some rocks together and built a fire-ring. Please don’t tell them, later I will have big fire. No one will come out this far to check on anything.
Sitting in the van typing to you. At 4:41 in the afternoon, it is still warm, but cooling down now. The van windows are open and the side doors are open, a cool breeze is blowing through, very nice. Being a Monday and still the only one here, looks like I will have my fire tonight.
Always nice when I am parked in the wilderness and do not have to worry about blocking any light from street lights or parking lot lights for sleep at night. Out in the desert alone, tonight will be one of those nights. I will think of you as I drift off to sleep.
9pm, sometimes I cheat, took a couple AdvilPM pills to help me sleep. They keep allergies in check and help you sleep through the night. Just came out to the van, laid down, and said to myself, “Nice”. Hope you sleep well.
8/7—Yes, did sleep well, the sun is just making appearance and already becoming hot.
Passed a casino in the middle of the desert with no houses or anything around. Yet, there were some cars there. Anything to get people’s money (but not mine.)
From Organ Pipes National Park I would have to drive way up north to Gila Bend, which would be far and a waste. I saw that Route 2 going west from Sonota in Mexico would be a much more direct route. One hundred miles to drive through Mexico – had to do it.
Knowing my car insurance might not work down there, I was extra careful in the drive.
The road was pretty good, not as flat and smooth as some roads in the US, but had to do. A one lane road most of the hundred miles. Many trucks were on this route, most everyone would move to the right, the shoulder, when we passed each other. Very courteous they were.
Everything went extremely well, until I got to the end, to get back to the US side of the border. They pushed me into secondary inspection and told me they would have to inspect my whole van. I had to wait as least one hour until this was completed.
You have to remember I did not even make a stop in Mexico. I had two mangoes and small bag of oranges in the van. Found out this was a big no-no. Then they discovered the plants—lettuce, cilantro and spinach—which I grow while traveling. You could tell they had been growing there for some time, but, once again, confiscation.
They left my van somewhat of a mess, but easily straitened out. The following day, today, I will be replanting seeds. But, when they threw the dirt out, there was a mettle support piece for each of the three planters that they threw away with the dirt. Should be OK, though.
One strange thought came to me: As I was driving into Mexico I had some flies onboard that I brought into Mexico. Do they even know the language? Then when I returned to the US I had Mexican flies onboard. Perhaps the flies are bilingual?
After I crossed the border I checked out freecanpsites.net and was directed to a place. As I was driving there was a dirt road that had a bridge out. I saw there was a dirt road around the bad bridge, so I went that way. Finally got to the campsite, Painted Gorge Road in Ocotillo, CA,
I looked at the temperature inside the van at 6pm – yikes – 106f. I saw there was a Walmart 21 miles down the road. I could hang out inside in the air conditioning, then come to the van when it got colder.
I ended up pulling off into Pine Valley, CA (Daniel) and spent the night parked at a Mountain Market, dark and quiet.
The next day, today, I drove into San Diego. I grew up here but don’t feel I belong anymore. I drove to Robb Field and that is where I replanted my plants.
I drove to the beach where I spent much time in high school. As I was coming into the very crowded parking lot someone was just leaving from a space facing the ocean – perfect. But, a cloudy and could day.
It’s been a few days, so, after going in the ocean, I immersed myself into the shower.
Right now I am typing to you from the library that is across the street from the elementary school I graduated from, Ocean Beach Elementary. I spent much time at the library as a youth, now it is serving me as a wifi provider.
8/8—Called my old friend, Daniel Powell, we graduated high school together in 1977. I will be spending so me time with him, at his superb estate. After high school he went into commercial real estate and has done extremely well.
A millionaire by the age of 30, right now I am looking out his front window toward the west at the ocean. He travels extensively and has and is able to live the life that “he” wants.
8/9—Today we went to the beach. I had forgotten how many beautiful ladies the San Diego area holds. And, the beach, with bikinis—a man could go wild (I am already.) So, having a fun time with my friend Daniel Powell.
My challenge for you this week – drive toward doing the “best” in everything you do. Make it a habit and live the rest of your life aiming toward excellence in everything that you do.
August 9, 2019 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 28 — Enjoying New Mexico
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES—YOU CAN > >- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
************************************************Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, my better blog in on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
********************************************* *********************************************
Words to inspire you >> There has been no one like you — ever.
Make the most of your life — starting right now!
7/26—Here I am at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. A couple years ago Tina and I were here, I like it so much I had to return. Such a beautiful place, if you can come see, you must.
The Gunnison River has been carving this canyon for eons. The walls are an average of 2,000 feet in height (or, would that be deep?) The walls being mainly vertical, along the edge is not a place where you would want to do any dancing.
Twenty years ago, Congress declared 14 miles of Colorado’s deepest canyon worthy of national park status. If you’ve stood along the edge of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park you understand why—yet the Black Canyon is still the state’s least-visited national park. I suggest you go before that changes.
President Herbert Hoover first established this national park in 1933. In 1999 the pristine nature of this place resulted in legislation converting the area to the Congressional-designated wilderness it is.
Something that Tina and I did not do, I drove the road down to the bottom of the gorge, at the river itself. There is a campground down here and I’m here for the night. Only 15 campsites, cozy that way. Only one other person staying – the way I like it.
National parks such as Yellowstone and Yosemite draw too many people. I’ve said before, it is like a zoo and you are just trying to fit in. I like Gunnison much better, less people and more private. Yet, the splendor speaks for itself.
6:04pm now. Interesting how you can simply stare at a campfire for what seems like hours. Wondering what direction the fire is going to go and how strong. Have you done such? Yes, I know, you have better things to do with your time (but, then again?)
Just met my next door neighbors, an older couple (now wait a second—I’m an older couple—I keep forgetting about my age, 60 last birthday.) Jim and Dora Cash, they have a new camping rig they are trying out; a camper on top of a pickup. Looks quite comfortable. Like always, I am trying to talk them into living on the road for good. Yet, their older cat (15) holds them back for now.
Stopped on the way to pick up fuel for the fire. I have never paid for wood, I am always able to find much out in the wilderness.
7/27—Slept surprisingly well. I stayed in bed until past 6am. Usually I am up before the crack of dawn. When I have something I can work on, like when I lived with Tina and could get on the internet early, I often awoke at 2am, then up for the day I was. Now, with no reason to awaken, I can stay longer in slumber.
Overnight there was rain, but a gentle and light rain. I thought the wood I brought would be too wet for a fire, but it started right up. Once again, I got a huge roaring fire going.
It still surprises me – I had a huge pile of would that went into the fire – now it is nothing but a small pile of ashes. Where does it go? I guess up in the air as smoke?
My favorite for breakfast – fried potatoes and onions with a large cup of green tea—as usual. Don’t tell Ronald, but I sometimes grab a bunch of his napkins to clean up stuff. Now, “That’s my kind of place.”
Along with getting on their free wifi at McDonald’s, many have electrical outlets and I use those to charge my electronics, including my extra charger which can later charge things, later.
It’s sometimes difficult whether to tell you what I am planning on doing (which can, and often does, change) or tell you after it has occurred. Hmm, I guess I will make you wait.
Slept well at East Portal Campground. In the morning, went for a walk down to see the river, so nice. With no one around, I set up and took my shower next to the van.
Then, the drive down South Rim Road, how spectacular it is! There are ten view points with parking then you walk a ways to the rim. Did not see each one, but many, as you see from photos.
At one view point I walked out toward the edge. A French couple noticed I was not balancing well, so they came and gave me “a hand”. Nice of the to notice and to help. Negotiating rocks can be trouble for me, while younger I would dance on rock surfaces.
I got to the end at High Point. I was about to take the five mile round walk to the end, Warner Point, then the black clouds rolled in. The rain started, slow and first, then big drops. Then the winds starts, so quick they came in and very strong, must have been over 30 mph. Good thing I didn’t take the walk out there, might have been blown off the cliffs.
Take a look, impressive Black Canyon of the Gunnison is >>
7/28—Going south from Montrose, Colorado, and almost to Ridgway, I saw a sign that said National Park access. So, off I went.
The dirt road started out nice, but as I got further down it got scarier and scarier. Tighter it go, and the drop off on one side with as least 15 feet. Steep uphills, as well as downhills. A narrow road, there was no where to turn around, so I did all I could do, go forward.
Finally, seven miles in, I was able to turn around. On my return, seeing the terrain, I wondered how I made it. Went into Ridgway, a nice small town, I like it here. I am parked at a park (there’s that strange word again.)Very nice, big trees, grass covering most of it, kids playing. A tourist mecca.
Planning to stay the night here, it was only the afternoon, so, further south I went. The town of Ouray I have been to before, love this town. Another small tourist mecca town.
Just out of town I was going to stay in a large parking lot with trees, then I looked on GPS and found Amphitheater Campground in Uncompahgre (can you pronounce that name?) National Forest. Soooo much nicer here.
As I was driving in I saw many departing, it being Sunday after all. Less people, the better the campground. You might be sensing that I do not like people, and you are incorrect. I like you, after all.
I won’t be taking a camping site because I am not going to build a fire. I will just park in the parking lot for the night and save on the cost of a campsite. And, yet, this is in the trees and as nice as a campsite would be.
Yet, a move again. I was not tired and took Route 550 into the national forest. What a beautiful drive. I took some photos but it is getting dark, 7:14pm. I saw some gorgeous waterfalls and the forest is breathtaking.
Found a turnoff and went down the dirt road. There were others parked for the night along here. And, how nice it is – a stream along one side, the forest on the other. Only a little ways up there is snow on the peaks.
I will be in my warm sleepy bag tonight smiling as I sleep. Quiet and dark, perfect setup for a great sleep. Towns and cities work out for sleep, but being in the wilderness to sleep makes you sleep so much better.
Planning to stay in this spot until the sun is up high enough for photos (see, I think of you.) I seldom think about sleep, I just do it because I know my brain needs it. But, I think I will love my sleep tonight. Hope yours is good.
A guy just road by on his motorcycle, slowly. He had one kid in front of him on the seat, and two behind holding on. A scary site if you ask me (so don’t ask.)
Whoops, just got a message on my computer that my battery was getting low, so I hooked it up to the charger I have and will be good for another 11 hours (I will be charging it up again before then.)
Everything seems to be going right for me, a smiling I am.
Writing to you like this brings me joy, it makes me think back on all the great things I am seeing and discovering on my journey. I hope you are enjoying reading my words as much as I am in generating the events to write about.
7-29—Thinking about my superb day yesterday, I should have stayed in the Uncompahgre National Forest more days, in that it was absolutely fabulous.
From Mountains with snow at the peaks, I drive south into the desert and the heat.
Saw a little one on the map, Chaco Culture National Park. And, here I am for a couple days. I had no idea what to expect, from what I’ve seen so far, some very old things to see. The ranger said they do not know why, but this area was settled over 1,000 years ago.
Route 550 is called, “Million Dollar Highway”, and I can see why the views are worth big bucks. I took some photos along the way, hope they came out for you.
On this early morning drive, I saw six different deer in different locations along the road, that made my day in itself.
Take a look >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wte47AEZzwA
The drive took me up to about 12,000 feet, up by the snow and closer to God?
A sixteen-mile drive on a dirt road to get to the park, parts were quite bumpy, things in the van got tossed around, nothing was broken, though. Arrival at Chaco, not much to see, at first. My plan is to go to the campground and then explore the park tomorrow.
Take a look >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vutG2vUqFBA
No trees in the whole area and I needed carbon to have a fire. Yet, it was Monday and I knew that people who were here over the weekend would have left any extra wood they had, so exploring I would go. Found much left over wood, enough for a fire that night, then in the morning.
In walking from campsite to campsite I heard it start small, then get stronger and stronger—a snake who likes to play a rattle. Then I saw him, coiled up under a bush smiling at me; as I backed off I smiled back. I thought of you, of course, and scurried back to get my camera.
By the time I got back he could not be seen, and no, I was not about to start searching and feeling around the brush for him to get a photo. Next time you will get a shot (and I won’t get a bite.)
I saw him looking around the area (no, not the snake), our friendly camp host, David Whitfield. He is semi-retired and is here for a few months. His wife is back home still working as a neurological nurse. I talked with him about him and his wife traveling as I do; he liked the idea.
As we got to know each other I taught him to juggle with scarves, and he bought a copy of my book, “Juggling with Finesse.” I should have let him know how he and his wife could go on to their new career in juggling, performing in Vegas?
Built between AD 1150 and 1200, These were homes for farming families. There are many small communities like this in the Chacon existence. Also, many different languages were spoken the Chacon peoples.
Created in 1907, Chaco Canyon National Monument became became Chaco Culture National Historical Park in 1980, and, in 1987, a World Heritage Site. Much history here.
These ancient Chacon went on to become the native American people we know of today—Hopi and Navajo to name a couple. Personally, I do not like the name “Indians”. These peoples should be named by their native names.
You see, when Columbus sailed he thought he discovered a back way to India, therefore he called the people, Indian. Sad thing, the name stuck.
There are many left over memories of the Chacon. Pictographs on many of the rocks. Yet, many have vandalized the area; writing on the rocks and carving things. One thing cost taxpayers over $7000 to fix.
Took a long walk today, that felt great. Before I departed the campground I filled my water containers and cleaned up the area as best I could. Today being a Tuesday, I was the only one at many of the sites.
For me, the Chacon peoples remind me that they could be the ancient Rome of the Americas. And, this place where they lived is HUGE.
In driving out I said to myself, “Good thing these these ancient people had these terrific paved roads to drive on, that would make their life a lot easier” (that was a comedy attempt, by the way.)
Over 400 miles of prehistoric road networks carried goods and linked Chaco to outlying communities and resource areas. One of the longest roads heads north towards the prehistoric communities of Salmon and Aztec.
These are not merely foot paths, but carefully engineered roads, labor-intensive to build and maintain. These roads were important for the Chaco people, as was travel. Seashells, macaws, copper bells, cocao and chocolate was traded as far south as Mexico.
7/30—6am, humm, awakening the whole camp, someone’s car alarm went off. He had to search around for awhile until he found the keys. I had been up for over an hour already, up with the sun, as usual. Made me laugh, but I’m sure the people who were awakened did not laugh.
“Oakley” (I like that for a first name), came over later that morning to apologize for the morning alarm clock that went off.
As I let him know that I had already been up for a couple hours, after I told him about my blog, he wanted to join my list of people I email to, like you. Welcome, Oakley, I hope you like the read.
And, about the sun, a beautiful bright sun coming up on a clear blue sky, should be a great day. As I thought I would, I developed a big fire and am enjoying that.
After I washed dishes I didn’t just dump the water on the barren ground. I went to find a bush
who could use the water. As I walked away I glanced back and the bush was smiling at me.
7-31—After I left camp I ventured off to see my sister, Kath, in Santa Fe, NM. She was not home at the time, and I was not liking being in another “city”, wanted to get back to the wilderness right away, so I jumped back on the road south.
Kath got my message so I did a U-Turn and headed back. We will be together for a few days.
She has two trees that are producing an abundance of apricots. These are very small ones, perhaps two centimeters round (one inch.)
We had not been speaking to each other for some months, I wanted to reconnect and be comfortable together again.
8-1-19—Today she is having a fumigator come and spray for recluse spiders and other varmints. She says it is organic and should be alright, but we both question that idea.
Within twenty miles was Black Canyon campground in the Santa Fe National Forest. Kath suggested we get out away from the insect killer for one night. I came early to get a site, only one campsite left in the campground, I grabbed it.
Kath stayed behind to let the bug-killer in. She will be driving up later in her own camping vehicle. She has traveled much and lived in her own RV. So, we will be parked next to each other, each sleeping in our own vehicle.
Currently it is 2:45 in the afternoon, I thought she would be here by now. I stopped on the way and gathered up plenty of wood for the fire. As usual, I break the wood into about two foot lengths, sorting kindling, small, large, and huge pieces.
Kath arrived about 3:33 at Black Canyon Campground. We are each so independent we tend to clash. Yet, we still get along alright. Also, she is totally against President Trump, and, as you might know, I think he is doing good in the world. So, differences.
We got along alright, but toward the evening she started harping on my family and friends. Such vile and hatred, so had to take. In fact, I could not take it and went for a long walk in the forest. She had said she was leaving and I stayed on the outskirts until she did.
8/2—Right now it is 7:18am and I already had my big fire and potatoes with onions. The green tea flowed down well today.
A hummy bird just buzzed by my head, I love nature so much.
Have no idea where I am headed at this point. I am sort of thinking of returning to San
Diego, but gas is so expensive in California. What do you think I should do?
August 2, 2019 - Posted by Kit
Blog 27 – “On the Road Again . . . “ (come on, you know the words.)
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES—YOU CAN > >- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
********************************************* ***Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, I can send you the blog by email, which can have more photos. Sent me an email and write “email blog” as the subject and write your name. Send email to >>kitsummers@gmail.com
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
*************** ****************************** *************** Words to inspire you >>
Success isn’t easy, and that’s a good thing—at least in business. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it and your competition would be outrageous!
While these inspiring words may make you smile, be thankful that success is not easy. Next time you feel face difficulties – remember this inspirational quote!
Never let your past decisions determine your future outcome. Mark Dudley, Morning Inspirations I
Our character is not defined in the good times, but in the hard times. Paul Brodie
Adversity, challenges, life issues that is where our character is built!
Words can inspire, thoughts can provoke, but only action truly brings you closer to your dreams. Brad Sugars
Motivational words and thoughts can be inspiring, but until you take the first step, you must motivate yourself, otherwise, your dream will just remain a dream.
If you want something out of life you have to go out there and get it, because it is not just going to be given to you. Kelvin Waites
If you want something out of life you have to go out there and get it, because it is not just going to be given to you. Kelvin Waites, Hit’em Before They Hit You
No one is going to climb the stairs for you, you must start one stair at a time. None of us are entitled, we all must work for what we want in life.
No one can give you your goals. No one can dig for you. This is your journey. Warren Philip Gates, Success and the Powerful Introvert
Having a specific meaning and purpose in your life helps to encourage you towards living a fulfilling and inspired life. Vic Johnson, Goal Setting
If life has no meaning then what is the purpose?
7/20—Was heading south to go to Arizona, then I remembered I had told my juggler friend, Colin, that I would use my big van to help him move on Tuesday. Only about 40 miles out, I returned on route 6, a nice drive that goes the path of a lovely stream, but, of course, traffic was much.
7/22—So, new tires, I love it. To make sure they do not wear unnecessarily, I went to Breaks Plus, a recommendation from Malcolm. They did an alignment, but the van was still now driving smooth, and, when going slow, I heard a noise that wasn’t right.
I returned to Breaks Plus. They had my van for four hours. I expected a huge bill – there was NO bill. At one point I saw five guys under it looking and fixing.
So, I feel really good about my van now, should last me another 200,000.
7/23—Hanging out in Boulder for a few days. Colin returns later today and then I will help him move. At the Pearl Street Mall I coached and helped juggling acts as I could.
johnstork28/photos/a. 539782986101460/ 1546922702054145/?type=1& theater John did a fully and technically magnificent show. I gave John ideas to improve what he does. Yet, he seems quite bored with his show. I let him know he needs to add new material so it does not bore him. =====================
Here is what John wrote to me in an email to me >>
“You’re a very inspirational person but you still know how to sit down, have a beer, and crack a joke. That’s a cool combo. : )
Really enjoyed your casino performance! You were a beast!!!!! : ) I liked the cigar boxes in particular. A guy I really looked up to in the circus, Adam Kuchler, had a terrific cigar box/comedy routine, no talking. Maybe you’ve met him?
Anyway, thanks for hanging out last night. Looking forward to hearing about your travels/seeing you down the road.”
I told him that back when I was performing at Ballys I was kind of getting bored with my show. I let him know how I would add or change something to keep it interesting. Have you seen my show from the old days?
v=SZALVajgH6Q Helped Colin with his move to his new/different apartment. Up three flights of stairs, we moved him all in. So, Colin just changed apartments in the same apartment building, from a two-bedroom to a one-bedroom. But, he went from the first floor to the third, so, some steps to deal with.
I think he said he was paying $1450 a month for rent in his old place, which is lower with the one-bedroom. I live comfortably off of just about $900 a month through SSDI for everything. And, last month I had a $1300 repair on the van. So, I am doing OK.
For at least 40 years my mom lived in an apartment building in Ocean Beach, San Diego. I lived with her for a time after my accident back in 1982. I can’t stand apartment buildings. I am so much more comfortable living in my van.
Later Colin took me out for an excellent Italian dinner, at a place he has been meaning to try. Quite delicious it was, each and every dish.
After, he had needed some liquids to drink in his new place, like soda and such. He bought me a big bottle of wine, which I plan on trying this evening. No, I am not going to drink the whole bottle tonight. Thank you so much, Colin, for the superb dinner and the wine for the road.
Then, with all my tasks complete in the Boulder area, to the south I headed. There were some more things I needed to do to the van, so after about twenty miles, I found a quiet parking lot where I stayed for the night.
7/24—Why, lookie there, Pike National Forest was on the way south! I found a dirt road that meanders through the forest to Colorado Springs – so off I went. After traveling through for a bit and not seeing any cars, I saw a campground and pulled in.
There were a number of people set up to camp here. I pulled in a flat campsite and was going to stay the night. As I opened my door I heard it – a running generator – yikes. For me, that noise ruins the forest experience. So, further down the road I headed.
As I drove, I saw vehicles just pulled off the road and they were set up to camp. Then, I found one for myself, from where I am typing to you on battery power at 9:31 in the morning. I will be here for the night.
This is called, dispersed camping, basically free a free place to park and sleep for the night. All national parks allow it, you don’t have to be in a campsite where you have to pay. I like this much better.
What to do, what to do? I will hav
e to gather firewood, of course. And, right now I am typing these words to you. There are always projects with the van to make it better and better. Constant improvement is what everyone should aim for in their life.
As you know, I cannot sleep during the day, but some rest will do me good.
It’s been a few days. I shower just when I get too itchy. I am not that close to people to stink (and I don’t—ha!) My shower bag hangs from a hook I put on the roof of the van. Then a clear plastic tube leads down to a shower-head that has an on/off control.
I made it so, with the van side doors open I have a blue plastic sheet that goes on the outside with Velcro. I have more plastic sheet to protect the inside. So, a totally self-contained shower.
But, when I know no is around (I like that, know no, the English language is interesting), like now, I am naked to the world with the van doors closed and standing outside the van getting clean and happy. I’m so glad I did not stay at that campground.
A selfie with a naked me in the picture showering—naaaw–might get the camera wet. And, don’t look, but right now I am typing to you in the van while naked.
So, I get wet with the shower hose then turn it off. I soap up and scrub my whole head and body. Then I rinse off. Takes less than a gallon of water and only takes a few minutes. I get as clean as any “real” shower.
I know there are many people who spend an hour in the shower and gallons and gallons of water—yikes.
Yet, even clean, flies are a problem. In the van I had three. I do not kill anything, even flies. I tried to direct them to the open door, but they didn’t go. So, I captured them with my fingers and threw them out the door, still alive.
Then, sitting down outside, the flies found me. Some are big biting flies. I keep some bug repellent in the van, so I did, and they aren’t bugging (there’s that word again) me any more.
Once again, the English language.
Fly is what they do, couldn’t anyone think of a better name for this bug? It’s like the letter “W”. Why would someone not think of a better name for this letter? It follows the letter “U” and then double “U”–W. Quite lazy if you ask me. Who can think of a better name for “W”?
Why, just the other day I saw a special bug. In the dirt about five feet in front of me. It is called a “walk”, which it was doing.
Finally, why are all numbers one syllable except for s-e-v-e-n? Why would they not just make it sev? I want to change it throughout the world to “sev”, are you with me on this? How can we make it happen?
Good thing I have my Stanley Power IT-1200 so I can power up my computer! the battery was way down. Now, happily, I can continue to write to you.
As I wrote before, all my life I have always been – GO GO GO. Strange to spending then entire day in this one campsite with no one around. You know, I could get a full body suntan (sunburn) while walking around this place unclothed, but I think you would look, so, no.
When I am writing my blog out in a forest I am more focused and think I write a better blog. What do you think? I like to bring you with me in my travels and inspire and bring joy to you with my words. Does it work?
Whoops, I accidentally opened a beer, so it looks like I am going to have to drink it down, darn. Why does this always happen to me?
Drinking beer while getting wood, I amassed quite a collection of firewood—from kindling to small trees. Should be enough for tonight and then in the morning. If not, I will gather more. I gather, yet, carefully.
You see, if a piece of wood looks like it is already turning into earth again, I will leave it. Also, I picked up one piece and it looked like there was an ant nest inside, so I carefully put it back where it was.
2pm—now and clouds came in. It was so bright and clear. I hear thunder in the distance. I hope it does not rain, after I had gathered all that firewood.
So quiet here, although now and then I hear a bird singing or calling. Should have a good sleep tonight.
I do like the Riesling, Colin, goes down smooth.
Thanks again.
Still floss and brush every night, a good boy am I.
Just put the plants out to soak up some rain, hoping they will.
6pm now, signing off. The day was nicer than I imagined.
Hope yours was, too.
7/25—Some raindrops fell last night, I thought the wood might be too wet for a fire. But, I built an even bigger fire this morning. I like when I can go out to the fire pit and use a stick to bury some newspaper and the coals from the night before start the new fire.
I awoke to a bright blue sky and the sun is just making her appearance (or, is the sun a he?)
So, burning up firewood this morning. Part of me wants to save some of the wood for the next person, I try and be a nice guy that way. Another part says, “Burn it all.” Well, what should I do?
Earlier I ate some peach and mango, I read once and like the idea of eating fruit first thing. Then, of course, I brewed up some of my green tea and I use organic maple syrup as a sweetener. Now I will fry up some potato and onion.
Can’t leave until the fire burns down, shit. Sorry to use the fowl language, wait, do birds talk like that, they are fowl, after all. (or, is it, foul?) I made sure all the big pieces brunt down small enough to fit into the fire-ring, so it is safe. And, it did end up that I was able to leave some wood for the next people, so I feel good.
I’m on a mountain, I have a mountain bike, so, of course, had to go for a ride. I had a choice to go to the left and go downhill or turn right and hit the uphill. Of course, I choose the up, that way I was going down on my return.
I’ve set my life so that I do the most difficult first, or the part I do not want to do, but know I have to do it sometime. Get the worst out of the way first, and it can make your life easier and more pleasant.
24 hours at this campsite seeing no people. I was hoping to see some animals out here all alone for 24 hours at this one campsite. I did see one squirrel, and I thought I heard a hippopotamus off in the distance, but I may be mistaken.
The road out was a bumpy dirt road. Glad I have the alignment and the suspension checked thoroughly before I left.
So pleasant to be back in the wilderness, feels like home to me.
Then, on to Salida Circus to see Jen, she is the owner. Too many things going on and too busy, missed her this trip. Take a look >>
SalidaCircus/ Down the road I go, heading toward Gunnison National Park. Tina and I went here before, it is so fantastic I have to take you there, too.
On the way, traveling through, I saw a turn-off for campground in National Forest – I had to go. Being the only one in the entire campground, I had a choice of any of the sites. Of course, I choose the best (I think.)
Dinner was Fettichini Alfredo, which I love. The Resling went well with that, Cole, thanks again for the suggestion. We all hate doing it, washing dishes after the scrumptious meal. I got that done with, then the rains started. A sprinkle at first, then more. I packed everything away and got in the van to write words to you.
But, I moved. On the drive in a saw a gentle lake with parking next to it. So, here I am now for the night. For me, much better than a structured campground. Only 6:53pm right now. I will do some reading, some writing and then some sleep. I hope you sleep well tonight.
Sometimes I take AdvilPM to help me sleep. It helps with a funny, I mean runny, nose and breathing. So, I should sleep good tonight. Good nighty night.
I don’t take them every night, I don’t want to make a habit of it. I hope you haven’t, Tina.
7/26—Friday, the weekly blog must go out. I am at a McDonalds where I am working on their free wifi. Enjoy the read, I would love to hear about your doings.
July 26, 2019