• BLOG 131—Heading North

    Do you wander or just wonder?
    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
    I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.
    Also, that you find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!




    Your home is your castle, as they say; this holds true for me. We spend so much time in our abode that we should always live in excellence. So, for every room in Beth’s home, we are taking things out and redoing the entire room.

    In a few months, we are even going to replace the windows throughout the house. They are older and need to be replaced. No, I have never replaced a window, but with YouTube videos, you can learn to do about anything. Do the work yourself, I know you can do it!

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.

    Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    At any age, you ca
    n (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.
    From my book series, Beyond Your Potential



    Sometimes, one small shift in your forward
    momentum and your entire life can change
    in enormous and unusual ways toward
    reaching beyond your potential.”
    Kit Summers

    Recovery time, back to life – juggling, performing, women, living alone, and earning an income—so much to think about. My path was forming so down the lane I went.

    Back to Performing
    It just so happened that exactly one year after my accident it was a Sunday. Previously, when I performed street shows in Balboa Park, which is in San Diego, the best day to perform was Sunday. It was like it was meant to be – I had to get out there and perform one year after my accident. My ambitious goal was set. It wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t by chance. Believing in more than coincidence is a method that others can use to climb out of the dark labyrinth of tragedy, whatever the tragedy might be.
    Believe it
    As I struggled to regain my former skills, I made progress only because I kept believing that I was going to do this show exactly on the one-year anniversary of my accident. I knew in my heart that I could and I would. I broke my ambitious goal into smaller steps and set due dates for each task that I needed to complete to make my goal by the anniversary date. Step by step I was able to fulfill my schedule of goals and on Sunday, April 3, 1983, exactly one year after my accident, I performed once again in San Diego’s Balboa Park.

    Live it
    To get in the right mindset for the in Balboa Park show, every day I told my brain that it was possible, and nothing would get in my way. Because I had such a powerful target to aim towards, my subconscious mind went to work for me and helped me to work toward achieving my goal. The first step in the direction of any goal is to see the end in your mind and know that it is possible for you to reach that conclusion. Remember to remove the limits and let yourself soar.

    Break it Down
    When I thought of my goal to perform in the park, I was still having trouble walking, so the goal seemed mighty large to me. I had to break things into smaller segments and work toward each one. For any goal that is necessary, break it down into smaller, achievable bits. I began by telling my idea to a friend who used to perform with me years before, Randy Foster. He was enthusiastic about my idea. Bolstered by his support, I sat down and worked out a show based on the skill level that I had regained at that point. Generous pre-show publicity from the local media brought many people to witness my comeback to juggling.

    A Let Down For Me?
    A large audience attended my anniversary show and it went well. At the end of the show, torches were passed around a volunteer from the crowd. It was hard for me to be happy though because my juggling ability failed to match my expertise before the accident. I couldn’t stop comparing my present skill level to my previous world record setting level of juggling. Despite the disappointment at my reduced expertise, I felt remarkably good about having done the show. I could tell that people were sincerely happy to see me out there again.

    The Celebration Party

    That night I had a party at my house. It was a we’re-glad-we’re-all-alive party a fitting name for the celebration. I had a fantastic time that day. In a sense, I was born again. Born, ironically, not to something new, nor to some exotic faith, but to a part of what I once was. For me, that was a rebirth as miraculous as any I could realistically conceive.

    Learning Twice
    Maybe you think this is too lofty a view toward learning to juggle, but take it from one who knows – it is not. I should know, after all, I am one of the few people in the world who learned to juggle . . . TWICE!

    Other Skills
    I was a good runner before the accident. When I got back to running after the accident, I would run for a little bit, then walk for a while, then run again. At first I needed to run and walk until my endurance and strength were built up. I kept it up though, and there were times when I walked when I really didn’t need to, I just thought I did. As we all know, it is much easier to walk than run. It was when I pushed myself beyond my wanting to walk that I saw progress.

    Push Yourself Forward

    Life’s the same way. You can either walk through life and let things happen, or you can push yourself to run through and get the most out of it. I’m not saying to go quickly through life, but to push yourself to be all that you can be. Push past that point where you don’t think you can push anymore and you will be surprised at what you can achieve.

    Back on the Cycle
    Five months after my injury, my friend Dave Held helped me to ride a bicycle. He held the bike steady for me as I climbed on. Although I wobbled, I was miraculously able to balance the bike! The joy I felt must have rivaled that of any five-year-old as he learned to ride for the first time. I met another goal! Next, I decided to tackle the unicycle. I started by riding in the hallway of my house using the walls to steady myself. In a day, I was able to ride the unicycle once again. Another goal was achieved. I guess it’s true when they say, “Once you learn to ride a unicycle, you never forget.”

    Back to the Hospital
    About eight months after my accident, I had a chance to fly to Atlantic City, New Jersey to see some old friends. It was a nice trip. While I was in the area, I decided to visit the hospital rehab center I had been in after the accident. Strangely, I didn’t remember much of the scenery in the hospital – the halls, the pictures, the furniture. None of it seemed familiar. I did remember the voices of three of the nurses that worked there. I began talking to them about some of the progress I had been making since my discharge. They couldn’t believe that only a few months before, I was only able to use a wheelchair in the hall of the hospital and now I was riding a unicycle down the hallway. Yes, I was showing off, but when you push yourself toward something like that it is immensely beneficial mentally.

    Back to Riding
    After my Atlantic City trip, I was going to Sharp Hospital in San Diego to continue my rehabilitation. I wasn’t able to drive yet, and sometimes I rode my bicycle for the twenty-mile roundtrip. I have to admit, when I first thought about taking that long bike ride, I was a little nervous, but I knew the route well and had a ton of experience on a bike prior to the accident. Getting back on the bike helped to build up my strength, and it also helped to develop my coordination. What to others might have seemed a hardship was for me another goal. My therapists couldn’t believe it. We have to always keep challenging and pushing ourselves to higher levels.

    Back to Driving
    Next came driving. I have always felt very comfortable behind the wheel of a car, and I was determined that that was not going to change. A few months after my accident and with the help of some friends and family, I attended the International Jugglers Association Convention in Santa Barbara, California. I had to use a wheelchair to get around during that convention. The following year, the convention was being held in New York and I made it my next goal – to drive from my home in San Diego to the Convention in New York. The drive went smoothly, and I saw many friends. At the convention, I performed on stage and even rode my unicycle. From four wheels the year before (the wheelchair) to one wheel this year (the unicycle.) Once again, I experienced the joy of setting and attaining another goal.

    Forward Thrust
    Coming back from any life change needs a plan. You must drive forward and push yourself and your life to an achievable point. Things will get bad sometimes, but you will get better and better. Keep pushing forward and do the best that you can.

    At any age, you can make the change and aim your life anew.
    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    8/14—In working on the kitchen floor I wanted to include a red-colored line on the molding that went around each doorway. I knew that if I had used paint I would have to tape off both sides and carefully paint.

    Then I thought of buying some red electrical tape and using that for the highlight lines. From the photo you can see how the kitchen turned out, we are quite happy with it. So, remember, when you need a line, rather than paint it, you can use colored tape.

    Seems that most homes are painted with a certain color and the molding in the gloss of the same color—which is really quite boring. Get inventive, get creative. You can make a home of magnificence!

    8/15—Went to Hamilton Branch State Park, which is close to where we live. There are local parks near you, I would think. Have you checked on that? Here is about this lovely park >>

    8/16-19—Not much has happened this week. Did much work on Beth’s home. The skills I am applying to the work on Beth’s home can be garnered through YouTube and/or the internet. As I have said before, “If someone else can do it, so can you, you just have to find the way”.

    8/20—Leaving today to visit North Carolina, I’ve heard good things about the state. We are on our way to see Beth’s mom and sisters who abide there. First time meeting this, hope they like me, and, more important, I hope you like me.

    I would l0ve to hear from you!
    Either through Facebook or email –

    This week, flowers are the thing. Buy a nice bouquet just for yourself, enjoy the look and the smell this week. You are that important, remember that.

    NEXT BLOG >>

    Going to see Beth’s mom and sisters in Randleman, North Carolina. You will hear about our visit in the next blog.



  • BLOG 130—Building a New Life with Beth!

    Do you wander or just wonder?)
    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
    I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.
    Also, that you find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!



    INTRO TO THIS WEEK >> As you know, I have been very lonely in my travels. Settling in with Beth went quite well. The love has grown strong and I am quite happy.

    We plan to be together until our death, but then again, perhaps death won’t come? Maybe death is just a human habit that people “think” they have to follow?

    Went to a party with Beth that was ladies only,
    so, of course, I had to play the part. 

    Have you completed what you wanted to before your demise? We have limited time here on earth, finish what you can before your end. The main thing is, find as much joy as possible, as you help others, and your life will be much better.

    This week, we saw >>
    A butterfly.
    A frog.
    The horses.
    A toad.
    A coyote.
    I love nature.
    Beth has cats, so seeing the coyote was a little scary.

    This week I did a lot of work on the house. Going from room to room and fixing up each. I’ve seen so many homes that are, basically, a mess; I hope yours is not that. In each room, I am painting a different color and we are changing what is in it, too. I put this floor down, too. 

    So easy to do, and can be cheap, too. A gallon of paint is about twenty bucks and can make your home a NEW place. Anyone can pick up a paintbrush and paint. Make changes to your house to make your mind start thinking in better ways.

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.

    Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    At any age, you ca
    n (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.
    From my book series, Beyond Your Potential.

    Creative people are people who pay attention to small ideas. These ideas, or combination of ideas, can blossom into a big breakthrough, or something that will take off. Sometimes, what you can do is take the basic idea for one situation and apply it to another. The people who have creative ideas are looking at the same things as everyone else – then they think something different from everyone else.

    Learn About Everything

    The key to creativity is curiosity. To increase your curiosity and creativity, don’t just be concerned with how to finish first in the rat race or how to beat the system. Be enthralled with the world around you and ask questions. The creative individual wants to know about all kinds of things, such as:

    What is life and why are we here?

    What happens after death?

    What is the natural life of a frog?

    What is the lifespan of a frog in captivity?

    Is it going to rain today or just stay cloudy?

    How does one juggle 5 balls?

    Be that curious person. Ask questions and learn all you can about everything. Use your creative mind to put two (or three or five) ideas together to come up with something new. Successes are waiting for you, open your mind and make changes happen in your world toward the success you desire.

    A Storm in the Brain
    Rekindle your childhood curiosity. Remember the spark that went off in your head when you would see something that amazed you or scared you or just didn’t make sense to your inexperienced mind? Out of your curiosity will grow the desire to see ordinary things in a new way, thinking this way will open your mind. Curiosity, at its hub, is all about noticing and expanding on something that means something to us, that we find interesting, that we can latch on to personally. Once your curiosity is in gear, use the technique of brainstorming to enhance your creativity. Brainstorming is the method of writing down all the thoughts and ideas that come into your mind related to a question or problem no matter how trivial or absurd it might seem.

    The Storm Continues

    When brainstorming, write or type as quickly as you can without stopping to evaluate what you’ve listed so far. When you are look over what you have written, you will see that some of the ideas were silly and dumb, but many times, even silly and dumb ideas can grow into something good and productive. I used brainstorming to help me to write this book and the others in the series. I started by writing down all the ideas and words that I had and then later developed what I thought was the best material to help you.

    Try Different Ways
    Be flexible with the so-called rules of life. Sometimes, you will have to break out of one pattern in order to discover another one. You can be creative in just about anything that you do, even if it’s something you’ve been doing exactly the same way for twenty years be it signing your name, taking out the trash, or washing the dishes. You can transform even mundane, dull, mechanical tasks into fun and meaningful ones by simply asking questions, brainstorming, and embracing your creativity. By trying new ways to do even simple things, your enjoyment in life will increase, and you may think of a better way to do something.

    You Are Creative, Yes?

    Some people are better at creating new ideas than others. Some seem to be born with a natural inclination toward creativity like artists, poets, composers, philosophers, and jugglers. Remember though, that you can develop your creativity. While it may not come as easily for you as for say a painter, remember that even the natural painter will continue to develop their creativity by practicing.

    At any age, you can make the change and aim your life anew.
    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    No traveling, not much to write about this week.

    But, there was this >>

    8/8—I completed the new kitchen floor. A used one-foot square linoleum tiles that are sticky back. You peel the backing off of the back and place it were it goes. Make sure things are lined up right as you do it or the end can go bad.

    How is your kitchen, do you need a new floor?

    I would love to hear from you!
    Either through Facebook or email –

    Pick out one room in your house that needs it, remove everything from the room.
    Paint it a fabulous color.
    As you return stuff to the room, separate things that should go elsewhere or be disposed of.
    Then, of course, continue to do this through time to the rest of your home.

    NEXT BLOG >> Time for me to start juggling again, putting time in to practice. Can you juggle? Below are instructions for you to learn – DO IT!


    Chapter 2—HOW TO JUGGLE!

    Juggling is easy once you know the secret, although many people don’t think they could ever learn. With a good comedy\juggling act, you can go far in the entertainment world. Having been a professional comedian\juggler for over 18 years, I can tell you that it has added much to my life.

    By breaking the skill of juggling down into component parts, almost anyone can learn. It is a matter of breaking through the limits you may have set for yourself. For juggling, it is best to stand so that you can maneuver well to catch the balls. Stay very relaxed and remember that it’s more important to think of the catch, rather than the throw.

    One Ball

    Throw one ball back and forth, hand to hand, so that it goes to the same center point. The ball should reach a peak of about six inches above your head on each throw. Only watch the ball when it’s at the top arc, after it is thrown.

    Two Balls

    Have one ball in each hand. Throw a ball from one hand to the other; when it gets to the peak, throw the second ball underneath so it goes to the same height as the first ball. The balls will trace a figure “8” pattern in the air before landing in opposite hands. The first ball you throw is the first ball you catch. Switch off the lead hand each time you make the two throws. Now, hold two balls in your favorite hand and just throw one to the other hand—this is how you will start your three-ball juggling.

    Three Balls

    Have two balls in your preferred hand and one ball in your other hand. Start the pattern with the hand that has two balls in it. When the first ball thrown reaches the peak, throw the second underneath that ball back to the hand that threw the first ball. The hand that the ball is coming to you are going to throw with. It’s just like walking–right, left, right, left.

    It helps to think of two imaginary points, about twelve inches above each hand, at which to aim. Seen from the front, your hands should throw from the center and catch on the outside. Seen fm the side, your pattern should be in one even plane. Remember, one throw at a time; many people tend to go too fast with their juggling.



  • BLOG 129—Chocolate Chip Cookies?

    (Do you wander or just wonder?)
    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
    I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.
    Also, that you find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!




    Beth and I have been discussing a few questions that can affect life.
    How can they apply to your life?
    Write answers to each how you can.
    How can you put these into practice—NOW?

    1. Is there anything you’ve longed to do with your life, yet you haven’t?

    2. What’s the most important value you would teach to a young person?

    3. What advice would you give your younger self?

    4. Are you “truly” happy?

    5. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

    6. Where do you feel most at peace and east outside your home?

    7. What’s one quality you wish you had that you don’t?

    8. What is something you try to actively avoid in life?

    9. What change did you make in life that you are most proud of?

    10. At the end of life, what’s one thing you’d regret not having accomplished or lived?


    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.

    Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    At any age, you ca
    n (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.

    Having passion in life can add so much to your life. Have you ever developed a strong passion for something? While being passionate about something obviously makes you curious to know details about it, the same holds true that you can spark interest in something. Use your mind to find the right passions to pursue.

    At any age, you can make the change and aim your life anew.
    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    8/1As I have written before, at times I like to attend a church and see what they have to offer. Journey Community Church in Evans, GA was calling, so away we went.
    Being as many of the other churches I go to, this one had nothing new to offer. 

    Perhaps you know from my past writings, after attending hundreds of church services in various faiths, I have never heard anything that sank in to change my mind to the idea that there is a god overseeing humans.

    Beth attended church for much of her young life, she fell away after she carefully read the bible and truly thought about the idea of a god.

    Great to see the joyfulness and passion in most people at Journey Church. Organized religion is a nice social connection for people; a good thing.

    In talking with believers worldwide, I have not found anyone to answer these two questions, can you?

    1. Please tell me the five best realistic proofs for your God?

    2. Let me know five reasons I should believe in your God?

    In your answers, you cannot refer to any religious books or texts.

    8/2—Beth and I surveyed the yard to see where we want to start our vegetable garden (do you have one?) American’s love their lawns—I think it is a waste of land and time. If you have kids, yes, a yard is a great resource for kids to play on. Instead of a lawn, if everyone grew vegetables, there would be plenty of food available for everyone.

    8/3—Visited the horses next door along with Jemma the dog. I don’t think she had ever come nose to nose with a horse, good to see.

    8/4—Did things to improve the home we live in. When was the last time you worked on improving your home? It does not take much money to improve things, do it, it will make you happy.

    Also today, I made a batch of my chocolate chip cookies. I put together a good recipe for the best cookies. The recipe below will make many cookies, you may want to cut the recipe in half. Let me know how yours turn out.

    Chocolate chip cookies

    4 sticks butter

    1 1/2 cups sugar

    1 1/2 cups brown sugar

    4 tablespoons Kahlua

    2 tablespoons vanilla

    4 eggs

    5 cups flour

    2 teaspoons baking soda

    1 teaspoon salt

    4 cups of chocolate chips


    325 for 15 minutes

    8/5—Hope this day went great for you.

    8/6—This evening Beth got together with four other ladies for a “Ladies Night Out.” I wanted to join them so I put on one of Beth’s dresses and went with her to meet with them. Comedy for everyone.

    I would love to hear from you!
    Either through Facebook or email –

    Seems that things might soon be closing down again. Before they do, go to a nursing home, with flowers, and visit someone. This might be the best thing that happened in their life in months.
    I need to get out to the wilderness, somewhere.
    You will learn how I found this.
    How can you find this freshness of nature and the wilderness for yourself?

  • BLOG 128—Getting things done

    (Do you wander or just wonder?)
    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
    I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.
    Also, that you find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!




    Not a lot happened this week to write about for my blog. I am including inspirational ideas and photos of my past travels, I hope the words help. I would love to hear from you about what I have been writing.

    With the included photos, I forget what part of the country they were taken at, if you can see where, please let me know.


    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.

    Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    At any age, you ca
    n (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.

    (From my book series, “Beyond Your Potential”)

    If there is one thing that exclusively sets humans apart from all the rest of existence on earth it would be our ability to think, to be creative and to use our imaginations. Being content with routine thought patterns allows us to do the many things we need to do without having to think about them, but we must go beyond the routine to make the world better for ourselves and for those who will follow after us.

    Use your mind, think, and discover new ways that will advance your life and, hopefully, will advance the world. At times, we have to temporarily forget what we think we know because our minds get muddled with convenient answers. We don’t take the time to think that there might be another way to go about things. Sometimes we need to take the time to rethink a situation and to break our routine patterns.

    The Better Way
    Creativity is more than a mind full of new ideas. Creativity is also being able to implement new ideas with thought, judgment, and selection. An innovator is constantly changing and challenging the rules, thinking in new directions and trying new ideas. There is always a better way to do most things. Use your mind to come up with new uses for old ideas and maybe even redevelop a product.

    Change the Question
    Sometimes, if we change the wording of a question in our own mind, we can come up with a way to solve the question in a different way. Over time, almost every advancement in business, science, technology, juggling, art, medicine, and almost every other field has occurred when someone challenged the rules and tried a different approach.

    Use your drops and losses to get better
    Like you read before about juggling, when you drop, pick up and try again. Things may not turn out the way you planned, but don’t get discouraged or quit. Try again, but find a new path or a new way. Failure is never the end, but only the first stepping stone to new ideas.

    Creative people are people who pay attention to small ideas. These ideas, or a combination of ideas, can blossom into a big breakthrough, or something that will take off. Sometimes, what you can do is take the basic idea for one situation and apply it to another. The people who have creative ideas are looking at the same things as everyone else – then they think something different from everyone else.

    Learn About Everything

    The key to creativity is curiosity. To increase your curiosity and creativity, don’t just be concerned with how to finish first in the rat race or how to beat the system. Be enthralled with the world around you and ask questions. The creative individual wants to know about all kinds of things.

    Such as:

    What is life and why are we here?

    What happens after death?

    What is the natural life of a frog?

    What is the lifespan of a frog in captivity?

    Is it going to rain today or just stay cloudy?

    How does one juggle 5 balls?

    Be that curious person. Ask questions and learn all you can about everything. Use your creative mind to put two (or three or five) ideas together to come up with something new. Successes are waiting for you, open your mind and make changes happen in your world toward the success you desire.

    A Storm in the Brain
    Rekindle your childhood curiosity. Remember the spark that went off in your head when you would see something that amazed you or scared you or just didn’t make sense to your inexperienced mind? Out of your curiosity will grow the desire to see ordinary things in a new way, thinking this way will open your mind.

    Curiosity, at its hub, is all about noticing and expanding on something that means something to us, that we find interesting, that we can latch on to personally. Once your curiosity is in gear, use the technique of brainstorming to enhance your creativity. Brainstorming is the method of writing down all the thoughts and ideas that come into your mind related to a question or problem no matter how trivial or absurd it might seem.

    The Storm Continues
    When brainstorming, write or type as quickly as you can without stopping to evaluate what you’ve listed so far. When you are look over what you have written, you will see that some of the ideas were silly and dumb, but many times, even silly and dumb ideas can grow into something good and productive. I used brainstorming to help me to write this book and the others in the series. I started by writing down all the ideas and words that I had and then later developed what I thought was the best material to help you.

    Try Different Ways
    Be flexible with the so-called rules of life. Sometimes, you will have to break out of one pattern in order to discover another one. You can be creative in just about anything that you do, even if it’s something you’ve been doing exactly the same way for twenty years be it signing your name, taking out the trash, or washing the dishes. You can transform even mundane, dull, mechanical task into fun and meaningful ones by being asking questions, brainstorming, and embracing your creativity. By trying new ways to do even simple things, your enjoyment in life will increase, and you may think of a better way to do something.

    You Are Creative, Yes?
    Some people are better at creating new ideas than others. Some seem to be born with a natural inclination toward creativity like artists, poets, composers, philosophers, and jugglers. Remember though that you can develop your creativity. While it may not come as easily for you as for say a painter, remember that even the natural painter will continue to develop their creativity by practicing.

    See Things Differently
    The analytical mind, which competes with the creative mind, is often wrong as that part of our brains is primarily guided by what has happened to us in the past and how we have interpreted prior events in our lives. There are ways, though, to actively engage the creative mind to overpower the analytical part of our brains.

    The knowledge that we might gain from previous experience isn’t always accurate given that our interpretations of things might not always be correct, especially interpretations we may have formed during childhood. Ideas received through the creative part of the brain are often more reliable interpretations of our outside world.

    When we are curious, we look at things differently, use our powers of observation more fully, and we are more likely to put away our self-image that often hinders us from seeing things the way they truly are.

    Productive Work
    Being creative and having a good sense of humor in your job or career can bring you many opportunities for promotion and advancement. Yet, many managers and executives seem to operate under the idea that work should be serious and they want their employees to keep their nose to the grindstone and not make changes. These managers have eliminated fun and humor from the workplace. With an atmosphere of fun and play, employees are usually able to accomplish more.

    Your Fun Working Environment

    Along with having a childlike attitude to spark your creativity, a fun working

    People who like where they are working are much more likely to find new and better ways of doing things that can save companies thousand and millions of dollars. If you are a manager, I encourage you to foster creativity that any of your employees may exhibit. As an employee, make the environment in which you work pleasant for you.

    Take a Chance
    Taking a risk requires constant confidence building. Risk takers must have confidence in their ability to bounce back and recover if things don’t go right. The thing that separates people who reach their dreams from those who don’t is that those who were able to realize their dreams took calculated risks and chances in their life. Be daring and take risks to advance your life. There is no way to succeed without exposing yourself to risk.

    Curiosity to Bring on Learning

    While being passionate about something obviously makes you curious to know details about it, the same holds true that you can spark interest for something

    At any age, you can make the change and aim your life anew.
    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    As I wrote in the Intro, not a lot happening this week to write about. We are going over Beth’s house with a fine-tooth comb, looking for ways to improve where we spend the majority of our time.

    When is the last time you went over your abode with a fine-tooth comb? Make a daily habit to improve what you can. It does not even have to cost anything.

    Living in a nicer atmosphere will add much to your life. Teach and work with others to find this brilliance for themselves, too. This will do wonders to advance your thinking and happiness.

    This includes your place of work. Both of these places, your home, and workplace, you spend all of your life at. If you are in an office or cubicle, make it magnificent. Bring fresh flowers for yourself now and then to beautify the place. Do what you can to live and work in brilliance.

    I would love to hear from you!
    Either through Facebook or email –


    Start cleaning your home and workplace and make each a place of splendor.


    I need to get out to the wilderness, somewhere.

    You will learn how I found this.

    How can you find this freshness of nature and the wilderness for yourself?



    I need to get out to the wilderness, somewhere.

    You will learn how I found this.

    How can you find this freshness of nature and the wilderness for yourself?


  • BLOG 127—In the Semi-Wilderness Currently

    (Do you wander or just wonder?)
    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
    I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.
    Also, that you find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!


    INTRO TO THIS WEEK >>****************************************

    Each week I look for and try and make things happen to include in my blog words for you. This gives me reasons to “make” things happen. Do you, can you, live your life in that way—Make things happen to make a bigger life?

    I’m enjoying living with Beth in the semi-wilderness. Turtles, dogs, cats, raccoons, hummingbirds, yellow jackets, it’s a real zoo.

    As you know, being now with Beth is a big change in my life. I’ve missed being in a relationship so much. Not just “another person”, Beth is a special lady and we add much to each other’s life.

    Since starting a romance involves the (enthusiastically!) consenting participation of another person, it’s not altogether under your control. But it’s also worth considering the many ways in which getting into a relationship is under your control.

    When I’ve not been in a relationship in the past, life was not as fun, in any way. Relationships, for me, have added so much to my life. This has made me sad when I am not with a partner.

    Included here are ideas to find and develop a relationship. Also, these ideas can be used to help and add to the relationship you are currently in?

    There are things you can do that will affect how easy it is for you to find your romantic partner. If you’ve been struggling with that lately, as I had been, well, read on. With the right attitude, 2021 could be your year. Or, if you are currently in a bad relationship, is it time for a change?


    I mean, taking your physical fitness more seriously, working on your wardrobe and grooming routine, cultivating your talents and interests. Become as attractive as you can for another person.

    Whatever it is that you do, if you’re working on making yourself the best version of yourself, you’ll build confidence and people will start to notice you more and think of you differently. So, aim for excellence how you can.

    It’s true that not everyone has charm, money, good looks, or the other common qualities many people think they need in order to find someone, but it’s also true that if you’re feeling unlovable, unattractive or simply undateable, it’s important to.

    Whatever angle you choose to work on (and you can choose several), there’s not much that’s more attractive than a person with the humility to recognize their faults and the ambition to improve themself.


    If you put in some work to check — and maybe change — your perception of others and treat them as fellow humans who deserve equal rights and t+o be taken seriously, you’d be surprised at how much easier it’ll be to find someone who wants to be in a relationship with you.

    Try talking to people you know or are close to about their experiences with sexism and misogynism. Try reading books or online advice about how to be a better person, and put into practice what you learn.


    If you’re not signed up for an online dating service or site, you’re your chances of finding a relationship are quite low. Over the past decade or two, online dating has skyrocketed in popularity. 

    If you’re genuinely looking for a relationship in 2021, sign up for at least one online dating option. If you’re wary of hookup-oriented apps such as Tinder or Grindr, there are a lot of sites tailored for basically every interest, demographic category, and niche subculture out there.


    If you are shy when it comes to dating, set a goal and do your hardest to hit it. Whether it’s swiping right on more people, messaging more people, or asking people out more, you should be shooting to reach out more. Above all, aim to make new friends with people.

    Opportunities to be in relationships stem from making connections, and if you’re not doing the basic stuff like saying, “Hey, let’s go see a movie” or “Want to grab drinks?” you might never end up at a point where you have the “Let’s be exclusive” conversation.


    Maybe the thing holding you back from success is that you haven’t tried hard enough. This is a long shot, but if you have a crush who you’re too scared to ask out, it might be time to give it a try and be honest about your feelings. Become friends, first.

    It’s easy to find yourself trapped in a cycle of “Now’s not the right time to bring it up,” but the truth is that if you really want to make something happen with someone, it’s better to shoot your shot.

    Make 2021 the year you find out if your interest likes you back. It’s a win/win —either they do (win) or they don’t, but you’re no longer trapped in a state of emotional suspended animation (also win) and you can start to move on and find someone new.


    At its core, struggling to find a relationship often involves the fear of failure. If you skipped through all the above advice, take this to heart: Try your best not to let fear of failure prevent you from seeking happiness.

    A lot of people are content to go through life without pursuing their dreams because they fear trying and failing more than never trying at all. If your goal in life is to never share any beautiful moments of love and passion, then that’s fine! You do you. 

    But if you’re pretending you’re OK with being alone because it’s easier than trying to find someone and getting shot down, you’re doing yourself an immense disservice.

    Whatever it takes, remember and repeat to yourself: “2021 is the year I try to find a relationship.” Sure, you might fail. You might find yourself reading an article just like this one a year from now. But it won’t be for lack of trying.


    Romance is for dates, and it’s fun to have on occasion in your marriage, but it’s friendship that will get you through the rough times. Don’t look for someone who sweeps you off your feet, look to become a friend, first.


    Maybe the biggest issue in not being able to find love is that you’re not feeling good about yourself. Like yourself and like your life — really work on that, Schwartz advised. You have to be the person that you’d want to meet. Find the right person for you, it might be the best thing you ever did for yourself.


    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.

    Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    At any age, you ca
    n (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.

    Whatever you say you are, be the best of whatever it is.

    At any age, you can make the change and aim your life anew.
    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    7/17—In the yard today was a raccoon eating some cat food we put out that was extra and older. This raccoon scarfed the food down; good to see. Later I saw that Beth’s dog, Jemma, was after something in the yard. I looked and found a turtle digging.

    The Eastern Box Turtle was a wonder to see. Beth has had many turtles in the past and knows how to take care of them. We found a box (for the “box” turtle), and put in spinach, lettuce, and even put in two live worms (the worms were consumed quickly.)

    We will only keep the turtle (named “Steve”, after my friend, Steve Mills) for just a few days, then she will be returned to the wilderness out back of the house. Turtles stay within one mile of the area where they were born. If they are removed from their home, they will spend the rest of their lives trying to get back to their birthplace area.

    So, we moved her about 20 ft away into the woods. Amazingly, this turtle found her way back to the same area where I first found her; when we returned she made her way back into the dog yard. She started digging a hole. Now we will have to protect that area.

    This common turtle can have a carapace length of about 6″ (15 cm). They are usually brown or black with radiating yellow markings on each scale. The scales on the turtle’s body may be yellow, orange, or reddish.

    Box turtles are called box turtles because they can withdraw their arms and legs, tail, and head into their shell and close up tightly like a closed box. A hinge on their shell allows them to do this. This shell is called a “Plastron”. Males have a concave plastron, reddish eyes, and the cloaca is closer to the tip of the tail.

    Box turtles are the most terrestrial of any turtle in South Carolina. They are most often encountered during spring or summer after a rain shower. They are active during the day, wandering through forests or fields in search of food—earthworms, berries, mushrooms, etc.

    During the fall, box turtles move to valleys where they bury themselves under the soil or leaf litter. They hibernate in a shallow burrow in the soil. Like wood frogs and several other reptiles and amphibians, box turtles can survive freezing and very cold periods during the winter.

    Box turtles, like most turtles, have very long lifespans. They can live for well over 100 years. However, most probably do not live longer than 30 or 40 years in the wild.

    A major cause of death for this turtle is automobile traffic! Thousands and thousands of box turtles are killed by cars every year, though no one knows how this affects the species as a whole.

    Individual box turtles usually have home ranges about the size of a football field. As I wrote, this amazing turtle was able to make it back into the yard and has started digging a hole to lay eggs in. I will let you know the progress of “Steve”, the turtle.

    7/19-23What a life I am leading. Often I do not even know what day of the week it is. The days sort of flow together into a magnificent life. I hope you find the same magnificence in your life.

    Loving where we live—partial wilderness and close access to a city, Augusta, Georgia. Quiet and nice, only one other house on this street.

    Even though I am not traveling and spending more time in the wilderness, I will still write you and try and motivate you with my words.

    I would love to hear from you!
    Either through Facebook or email –


    Summer is coming, have you prepared yourself to get into the best shape you have ever been in? Start with stretching and work up to weights and running how you can. It’s time, start today.



    This week out to the wilderness.

    One place will be Parsons Mountain


    Also, Badwell Cemetary,



    Long Canes Massacre Cemetery.


    Both said to be haunted, wish us luck.

    Hope I will still be around to write next week’s blog.

