- Posted by Kit
BLOG 183—I’m back!
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.*** Remember, to read past blog posts,
go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook,
check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend yet, please, befriend me.
*** Thank you, my wife, Beth, for adding to the weekly blog.
*** I was hit by two different trucks, one involving a 37-day coma.
*** The happiness I am experiencing in my life is a marvelous thing!
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
INTRO TO THIS WEEKAs you know, I did not post my blog last week; it was sort of an experiment.
Our backyard–magnificent!I’ve posted my current weekly blog for more than 183 weeks (I’ve run blogs previously, though), never missing or being late with a post. I wondered if anyone would notice my absence and write words to me.
I only heard from one person; thank you, Jenny.
Jenny Ydinger
Jenny wrote >>
“It’s not Friday night without Kit’s blog!
I know he works hard on it.
Just want him to know he’s appreciated! ”I’m guessing you are reading these words right now?
Of course, the answer is—“YES”—you are.
Have I heard from you??
Why not?
These words go out to thousands, yet I hardly hear from anyone. I am always hoping for a back and forth with words, will you?You don’t have to write many words; remember, less is more. Pick the right (write) words, and you can compose like a master author. That is what I always aim to do. I just start writing, and the words form as I go. The key is to do good editing, again and again.
As the adage goes. “The less clutter we have, the more space is available; the less we worry, the more we can relax.” Get your point across quickly and distinctly.
That’s why, this week, I have the intention to help simplify your life. Try identifying what will free you up — mentally, emotionally, or physically.
Perhaps you would benefit from scaling back your social calendar to make more time for yourself, or, you can leave your cell phone at home and take a sunset walk each evening. Or, simply take a walk in the wilderness and free up your mind.
Simplifying could even be as simple as cleaning out your fridge, house, or car.
We all know the feeling of release from a clear space and a clean slate. There are simple things, like creating a simple statement or implementing a morning writing ritual, to help you embrace a simple living approach.
Start now to clean your life—you will be glad you did.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking,
you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, and to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.Remember, you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind.
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
As humans, many of us hunger for stability, you know, the easy habits of everyday living. There’s a good evolutionary account for this: For millions of years, unpredictability and uncertainty were equal to human danger.There are plenty of benefits to living a life having a routine — It can be a building block of good health, and lowers our stress levels. The “comfort zone” exists for a reason: to keep us comfortable, but you knew that.
Still, there is such a thing as getting TOO comfortable. While we may feel safer living with a routine, a fear of the unknown can also cause us to live life unconsciously. Too much stability has been shown, scientifically, to a link to a lack of growth, learning, and/or happiness in our lives.
As the old expression goes: “Old ways won’t open new doors.” Staying in your comfort zone can hold you back, cutting you off from new experiences or taking a leap toward what you want. Often, it can hold you back from your true potential.
Maybe you’re aware it’s time to step out of your comfort zone. You don’t know where to start — old habits die hard — after all. The quotes below can help give you that gentle nudge out the proverbial door, and into exciting new territory for your life.========================
Go and make fascinating mistakes, make amazing errors, and make glorious and fantastic misconceptions. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. If you are a juggler, you cannot advance without a drop now and then.— Neil Gaiman
Without experimentation, and a willingness to ask questions and try new things, we shall surely become static, repetitive, and moribund.
— Anthony Bourdain
Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up.
— Brené Brown
If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
— Dale Carnegie
People do their best work when they’re riding that wave and a little bit uncomfortable. Sell your myth, but never buy it.
— St. Vincent, musician
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
— Lao Tzu
Great people do things before they’re ready.
— Amy Poehler
Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.
— Louis E. Boone, author
Sometimes the place you are used to is not the place you belong.
— William Wheeler, screenwriter
And the thing about blooming is, nothing about the process is easy. It requires every part of you to stretch upward, with your roots firmly planted in the ground; and in the sun, and in the rain, and wind, you stand anyway, even against the pull of the soil. And through it all, one day you will see all along you were transforming.
— Morgan Harper Nichols, musician
Comfort can be dangerous. Comfort provides a floor but also a ceiling.
— Trevor Noah=====
A bird is safe in its nest — but that is not what its wings are made for.
— Amit Ray, spiritual leader
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
********************MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>
8/5—Things are still looking like times will get difficult. I looked into ways to save rainwater. At first, to just water the vegetable plants. Now I am looking into using the water to clean our bodies (shower), and, with filtering, to drink.
I bought a water catch, the VINGLI 50 Gallon Collapsible Rain Barrel, Portable Water Storage Tank. Take a look here >>
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07MNWDF52/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1I built a five-foot-high stand for it so that gravity will bring the water out. Then I cut the rain downspout for part of our roof to fit into the top. Now every time it rains the water catch will fill up.
I’m planning on getting a couple more of them, I will let you know.
8/6—Oh no—hornets! They had built a big nest in the back of our house. I used an eight-foot stick to poke at the nest – then I ran like crazy – as they wanted me dead. They didn’t even use their horn (et). I ran to the front of the house and quickly entered and closed the door behind me.
Yes, they were following me, a very angry look on their little faces. Then, later, looking out the front window, I saw a few who were still after me.The nest looked nice, I could have left it. But, there would always be the fear of getting stung by an angry hornet. This is something I had to do, for the protection of all of us, including Jemma.
8/7—In my life, I very much like to eat hash-brown potatoes in the morning. But, it is hard to find them when they are perfectly prepared. So, I got knowledgeable about how to make the best-fried potatoes. Today I made some, and you will learn.
Like I often say, “If someone else can do it, so can you! You just have to find out the best way.” Knowing this will keep you confident in your life. Always keep those words in the back of your mind.This same approach will go for any food or meal you make. You go to expensive restaurants and pay a lot for their chef to prepare a dish.
Be that Chef!
With the internet, you can learn to make any dish.Then, all you need is a small table and candlelight. You are your partner can have a magnificent time together eating like a king and queen.
Back to the fried spuds, here is how to make the BEST hash-browns >>
Use a food processor to shred (grate) 5 (or however many you want) russet potatoes, I leave the skin on. First, of course, wash the potatoes well.
Here is the key – In a large container, fill it with water and put the shredded potatoes in. Soak quickly and then mix and squeeze with your clean hands. Next, drain the water out into a colander. The final step is to put the shredded potatoes on a clean, dry towel by dumping them on and then twist the towel up to get all the water out. The dryer the better.
Finely chop (or use the food processor) red onions and mix in with the potatoes, along with onion powder and diced garlic.
Make sure your pan is hot and heat your olive oil before you place a handful of potatoes in your big frying pan. Cook on medium until the bottom is brown, then turn over and cook the other side.
With some ketchup, your hash-brown meal will be fabulous.
8/10—We have needed windows for a while. I had gotten a few quotes and decided to, perhaps, do the work myself. This would be quite a bit of self-learning about the project; I was ready, but there was one more person from Lowe’s coming, and they came today.
Rick Ricciardelli, from Lowe’s, came to talk with us about windows. He noticed the juggling clubs I had on the porch. He said he also juggles and performs! I showed him a copy of my book, Juggling with Finesse. He said he has a copy at home – nice.
It ended up that his quote and presentation were the best we had out of the five who we met with. We talked of juggling and windows, an interesting mix.
You can find Rick here:
https://www.facebook.com/rick.ricciardelliThey will start on the windows soon, that will be good.
8/11—YIKES! I cannot find my wallet. Last night I looked for it and could not find it anywhere! I made for a hard night of sleep, but I woke in the morn with it on my mind and started looking.
I had not gone anywhere; I traced where I had been working around the house, but nothing. I resolved that it was gone and called up about my one credit card and canceled the card. I ordered a new wallet and would build up what was in my wallet.
On a computer, I keep a list of cards in my wallet. I keep a limited number of things in there, just in case something like this did occur. Just one credit card is kept with me in my wallet, I keep my others well hidden.
Then, about mid-morn, I moved a water jug in my office and found the wallet. What a relief I experienced. I’ve had to start my life new so many times, and I am happy I did not have to again.
If you haven’t already, I suggest you go through your wallet or purse and list what is in it. Don’t forget to include the $1,523 you have in your wallet, of course.
With our dinner salad, we included tomato and cucumber from our garden; I love to eat what I grow. The way things are looking, it might start to become difficult to purchase food. Have you started growing your own?
You just learned how >>
Make some fabulous hash-brown potatoes for you and your family or friends breakfast, and smile as you do.
Beth is going to visit with her parents for four days next week. They are older but still kicking. It is good that she is taking the time for the visit. I will be here alone, it should be interesting; I will let you know. Beth has our friend and neighbor, Nancy, stopping over to ensure Jemma and I are alive and well. As Beth says, she just never knows what she will come home to!
*******************THIS WEEK,
August 12, 202230 -
- Posted by Kit
BLOG 182—Dealing with Stress
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.*** Remember, to read past blog posts,
go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook,
check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend yet, please, befriend me.
*** Thank you, my wife, Beth, for adding to the blog each week.
*** I was hit by two different trucks, one involving a 37-day coma.
*** The happiness I am experiencing in my life is a marvelous thing!
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
INTRO TO THIS WEEKA constant choice.
You have the pick to live your life in joy or in pain.
Throughout my life, I have not had to deal with stress much at all. Even after my first accident and 37-day coma. Then again, eighteen years later, after I was hit by another truck—much of my body broken—in the hospital and rehab again for a few months. I tended to smile through it all and go on.We each have that control.
Do you choose anger or joy?
From my book series, Beyond Your Potential >>
Stress is Good?
How about this: anxiety and stress can be good for us, at times. They push us to make essential changes in our lives. They indicate when we may be in jeopardy, and motivate us to take action to get ourselves out of risk, such as harm coming our way from an external source that we might not see coming. In this way, feelings of anxiety and stress are healthy and essential. Without them, we may not act in our own best interest.When we allow too much stress, stress causes us much duress.
Eventually, things will build up in your life. It can cause you a lot of strife.
How do we overcome this petty turmoil and keep it at bay?
What do we have to do to make our days better?
We know that too much stress changes how we think and act.
One way that will help is to find something to occupy your mind.
When you keep busy, the stress will go away; the busyness is helping you unwind.
Don’t let stress take over your life, be aware of the damage it can do.
Fight stress any way you can; don’t let the symptoms get to you!
Stress can be a terrible thing if you don’t learn how to control it. You can let many things bring on stress, but if you learn to handle rejection, frustration, guilt, and financial pressure, there is no limit to what you can do in your life. Remember that you are in control of the time you have and what you think about things. People have mentioned to me that they can’t control their stress, but they can! What you think is possible for you or not possible usually leads to what you can or can’t do. Take control of your mind. You have to send your mind signals that allow you to reach better results. The signals that you send your brain will control any stress and bring on success or failure in your life.Grow Through Adversity
Yes, after my accidents, there were times when I got depressed, times when I brought on stress. There were even times when I felt like giving up. I saw, with time, that these were feelings that I brought on myself. There is no reason to be depressed or under stress if you stay on top of things and learn to change enough to handle stress.Stretch Beyond Stress
Every time we go through adversity or obstacle, it intensifies our desire to move forward. If you can learn to handle frustration, deal with rejection, control your self-esteem, and acknowledge yourself for doing good, there is no limit to what you can do for your future. My recovery was my challenge. Think of life’s difficulties as life challenges. By this, I mean make them experiences to learn from. Turn your frustrations into fascinations. Instead of getting frustrated by something, get fascinated by it as you move through it.Failure?
Yes, you will have failures, you will make mistakes, and things will not go right. Yet, this is no reason to bring stress into your life. You cannot learn without some failures. Everyone who has ever achieved anything has experienced a great deal of failure. You are in control of how you live your life and what you think about. You have the power to be a significant influence on the course of your life. You can’t put yourself down for making an error or not doing something right. Beating yourself into the ground for making errors won’t result in change; being positive will. Stay positive as you move forward through any apparent stress.Keep Moving Forward
Stress, worry, and anxiety become detrimental when they stop us from moving forward to act. This occurs either because we are worried about things we cannot control or things that have not happened yet. Or, we are powerless by the stress we bring on rather than being stirred to act. Break it down, think it out. Whatever the reason, worry and anxiety can cause much stress on our minds and bodies, which affects our health and well-being. Stress and anxiety will stay away if you keep acting toward something. Remember, that worry is about thinking about how you want things not to happen. Aim toward thinking about how things will turn out. Change your thoughts to focus on successful outcomes, and your stress will go away.The Ten
Planning and being prepared are great ways to battle stress. I’m not saying to live your life so concerned that it holds you back, but to be prudent and to take some time to know things may be coming so that you are ready for them rather than pretending such things will never happen. I present the ten most stressful happenings in life:- The death of your partner, a loved one, or a close friend.
- A life-change through a tragic accident, like mine.
- Separation or divorce.
- Major personal injury or illness.
- Finding a new love and getting married.
- Being fired or laid off from work.
- If the health or behavior of a family member changes.
- Sexual difficulties.
- Gaining a new family member.
- Finishing this book series?
Think Right
You might want to go after all that life has to offer, but if you think you don’t deserve it. Or that you could never be that good a juggler. Or you don’t have enough time. Or that you are too stupid. Or any self-defeating belief you come up with. If you bring these on, you will never achieve anything you desire. Also, do not dwell on or regret the minutes and days that have already passed, for you cannot relive them; they are gone. Look at them as training for this minute and live your life with hope and joy.Feeling That Guilt
Guilt is a terrible thing. Thinking I was responsible for the accident was wrong thinking. Feeling guilty is not going to make your life any better. Learn from your mistakes, try never to repeat them, and move on. Along with this, do not dwell on the minutes ahead; their very existence is uncertain. The past is gone, the future is not here yet, but you have now – use it well. Make every NOW in your life magnificent!Some Solutions for Dealing With Stress:
- The main way to combat stress is to exercise. As you know, this gets your blood flowing and gets your thoughts away from the mess. As an exercise, juggling will keep your stress levels minimal or nonexistent. You will find that you cannot have stress when you juggle; they just don’t mix.
- Take time each day to work on and play with your juggling.
- Stress is often just worrying. Figure out what is causing you to be anxious or upset. Be specific. These areas might be apparent, but you might have to think about others. Charting your outcomes can help you to work toward results, or you can always talk to a friend about the consequences.
- Decide exactly what you need to do. Figure out what part of the circumstances is under your control and what is not. Measure the concerns to see whether the threat is real or if you are just making the worry too immense. If the problem is just a made-up situation or a worst-case situation, decide if it is likely that your fears will, in reality, come to be. Three significant destructive enemies to stay away from to make things better – are indecision, doubt, and fear.
- Eating correctly will make your brain and your life run much better. Reread chapter five on eating correctly, and that will help. When you eat right, you will bring on less stress and have fewer conflicts in your mind.
- When you are miserable or anxious, you are thinking in a negative, irrational, self-defeating manner. This brings about a self-defeating way. Get your thinking on track, and the stress and anxiety will go away.
- Often, you simply need to take action to move ahead and achieve something. Doing so is the main cure for any stress you may have. Once you do so, the problem causing you to feel stressed is often insignificant. Once you have done all you can, just let it go. In your life, you have to keep asking yourself what is most significant.
- Like everything in life, beating stress is easier said than done, but with repetition, you can get skilled at letting go of unnecessary levels of stress and anxiety. You can do this by concentrating on something else. Go juggle for thirty minutes. Remind yourself of the solutions you can work on or take other actions that will relax you so that you can get on with your life.
- If I am suffering from depression or stress, I find the antidote is to get involved in a project or activity that is fulfilling for me. Along with that, the more you help other people, the more it will help you.
- To keep your discipline in life, you have to be very positive. With a disciplined life, there is so much more you can achieve. By discipline, I mean being in control and keeping a positive attitude.
Live your life without the stress, and you will live a better life. I hope I have helped open your eyes to the life you could have without negative thoughts and stress.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves as well as others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking,
you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, and to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.Remember, you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind.
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.”
– Sydney J. Harris“One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was from a horse master. He told me to go slow to go fast. I think that applies to everything in life. We live as though there aren’t enough hours in the day, but if we do each thing calmly and carefully, we will get it done quicker and with much less stress.”
– Viggo Mortensen“Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they’ve started.”
– David Allen“In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.”
– Lee Iacocca“Doing something that is productive is a great way to alleviate emotional stress. Get your mind doing something that is productive.”
– Ziggy Marley“It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.”
– Bruce Lee“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”
– William James“We can easily manage if we will only take, each day, the burden appointed to it. But the load will be too heavy for us if we carry yesterday’s burden over again today, and then add the burden of the morrow before we are required to bear it.”
– John Newton“It’s a good idea always to do something relaxing prior to making an important decision in your life.”
– Paulo Coelho“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.”
– Ovid“Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there.’
– Eckhart Tolle“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.”
– Elbert Hubbard“It’s not stress that kills us; it is our reaction to it.”
– Hans Selye“There are thousands of causes for stress, and one antidote to stress is self-expression. That’s what happens to me every day. My thoughts get off my chest, down my sleeves, and onto my pad.”
– Garson Kanin“Somehow, our devils are never quite what we expect when we meet them face to face.”
– Nelson DeMille“You cannot always control what goes on outside.
But you can always control what goes on inside.”
– Wayne Dyer“Breath is the power behind all things….
I breathe in and know that good things will happen.”
– Tao Porchon-Lynch“We must have a pie.
Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.”
– David Mamet“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.”
– Leo F. Buscaglia“Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it.”
– Brian Tracy“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.”
– Lou Holtz“I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems.
Nothing is worth diminishing your health.
Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear.”
– Steve Maraboli“Remember that stress doesn’t come from what’s going on in your life.
It comes from your thoughts about what’s going on in your life.”
– Andrew Bernstein“The day she let go of the things that were weighing her down, was the day she began to shine the brightest.”
– Katrina Mayer“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.”
– Hermann Hesse“If the problem can be solved why worry?
If the problem cannot be solved then worrying will do you no good.”
– Shantideva“These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.”
– Najwa Zebian“Breathe.
Let go.
And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.”
– Oprah Winfrey“Don’t try to force anything. Let life be a deep let-go.
God opens millions of flowers every day without forcing their buds.”
– Osho“If the problem can be solved, why worry?
If the problem cannot be solved, worrying will do you no good.”
– Buddha“Don’t believe every worried thought you have.
Worried thoughts are notoriously inaccurate.”
– Renee Jain“If you really want to escape the things that harass you, what you’re needing is not to be in a different place but to be a different person.”
MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>7/24-25—Some warm days. Did not do much.
7/26—I will be appearing in a musical in September. We had a rehearsal about such today. It looks to be a fun time.7/27—In the past, I have had trouble swallowing; at times, my esophagus not being open and wide enough to even swallow right. Last year I went through the procedure, he had to go back in to look again.
Here is about the procedure >>
https://www.asge.org/home/for-patients/patient-information/understanding-eso-dilation-updatedUnder anesthesia, I was out for the operation. Something that has, at times, kept me awake at night is, that I try and see the point where my mind goes from consciousness to unconsciousness. Of course, this simply keeps me awake and away from good shut-eye.
Because I knew I would be put to sleep, I tried to keep my mind going and trying to see when I went through the transition point. Alas, my mind just shut down, and I could not see that point. Maybe next time . . .
Our first sunflower!7/28—I still go to Costco every couple of weeks because of the good prices and the quality of the merchandise. Beth informed me that Jemma was awaiting my return for the longest time. Yes, a dog and her boy.
7/29—Oh, happy day! Today the shipment of ladybugs arrived (I’m sure there were some male bugs, too.) For our garden, these are good for controlling aphids and other varmints of the garden. Or, did they just hit the road and fly away?
And, it’s FRIDAY! I get to send my blog off to you today. What is sad to me is I hardly hear from anyone after I post. I do hope I hear back from you.
You have control.
Get through this week with a smile while you laugh at stress factors in your life.
Let me know how it turns out.
Once again, we did not get to the wilderness (did you?)
I promise you, this week we will, and you will hear the details.
July 29, 2022 - Posted by Kit
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.*** Remember, to read past blog posts,
go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook,
check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend yet, please, befriend me.
*** Thank you, my wife, Beth, for adding to the blog each week.
*** I was hit by two different trucks, one involving a 37-day coma.
*** The happiness I am experiencing in my life is a marvelous thing!
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
INTRO TO THIS WEEKChallenging myself, I believe, is one of the main ways I made a good recovery from my accident and 37-day coma. When I could not walk, I forced myself, in my hospital room by myself, to hold onto the bed and work on balancing and walking.
Later, when a therapist was helping me learn to walk again outside, I saw my chance and jumped over a bush; I knew I could do it, and another challenge was achieved. But, I had to push myself to make things happen more quickly, so I did.Challenge—could I ride a bike again? I had a friend help me get on, and it worked. After I started showing up at outpatient therapy by riding the twenty miles round-trip, my therapy sessions soon ended.
The unicycle was my next challenge. I rode in a hallway, holding onto the walls. In a day, I was riding all around on the single wheel once again. I guess it’s true what they say, “Once you can ride a unicycle, you never forget.”
Challenging myself started when I was still young. In high school, I did the pole vault. My best was going over the bar at 18 feet, 6 inches, way up there. Another challenge was accomplished.And running track, I had a personal challenge to run a mile in under five minutes. My best was 4:52, so I guess I met that challenge.
Juggling, being a constant challenge to advance, had been my passion for many years. I practiced many hours daily (some days up to 12 hours) and advanced to a high level. Juggling 7 clubs was a world record at the time. I practiced much and got about 50 throws with the 7, so I had achieved that challenge, too.
To this day, I continue to challenge myself. It has been 181 weeks since I started putting out this blog for you, and I have never missed one week. I’ve learned much about writing and communicating, it has been a good challenge.One of my future challenges is to grow beyond the age of 100 (I am currently 63). Nowadays, more are able to achieve that goal, as I want to do, too.
Challenging yourself is a habit that you can bring on yourself to keep advancing in your life. What is something you could work toward and/or achieve?
Hi Phyllis!
Here are a few challenge ideas for you to go toward.
Tackle as many as you can; it will add to your life >>1. Be more open about how you feel
We often choose to believe that people should be mind-readers and understand how we feel based on our actions. But most people aren’t. Practice being more open with those in your life to friends and family about how you feel.Studies have shown that keeping our emotions silent can harm our well-being. Helping people understand how you’re thinking can make your relationships operate a little more smoothly.
2. Read more and better books
We have access to all sorts of knowledge in books and with computers more than we ever did before. You can find a book or search topic on anything that interests you and you can learn something new.Along with nonfiction, it’s a good idea to consider reading fiction too. Research from Harvard Business Review found that reading fiction can increase your social acuity and better understand other people’s motivations.
3. Take more time for your health
You only get one body to take care of, yours, and as you get older. The decisions you make now determine your quality of life in your future. Some of the ways self-care can help you include:Being able to live longer
Fostering resilience
Managing stress
Keeping happier in life.We can often let things such as work or school get in our way of the necessary things we need to live well. Make it a challenge to decide that no matter what you have made you busy in life, you’re going to put your well-being first.
That means pushing yourself to get your sleep, eat well, and exercise. Do all the things that will make you feel your best. Doing these things will add to your life.
4. De-clutter your closet (along with your life.)
You will find >>
Increased confidence
Increased energy
Reduced family tension5. Accomplish new goals and plans that would make you feel better about yourself.
Think of different experiences and activities you’ve never tried to do before. What are some things that would make you feel happy to say you can do?I can’t imagine how much less meaningful my life would have if I had never learned how to juggle. Try something new. Learn a new language. You might be surprised how much it enhances your life. Much of the value we get from life is from gaining new experiences and developing ourselves in ways you thought you couldn’t.
6. Intensify your creativity
Believe it or not, being creative is good for your well-being. Creativity can boost your moods, make you more intelligent, and improve your physical well-being. Learn about how to be more creative in all areas of your life.7. Take difficult classes
Perhaps one of my regrets in my life was limiting my education. I guess I took it easy and didn’t look at the hard classes as something that could help me develop my study habits or improve my critical thinking abilities.Instead, I looked at them as just something that would be a difficulty in my life and chose to avoid if I could. Next time you start a class and, after the first day, you feel like it’s going to be hard, look at that as a good thing.
9. Take part more
Some people are naturally comfortable raising their hands to ask or answer questions in class, like me, as I am always curious. Being more on the extroverted side, I was one of them.Even with slight nerves about speaking up and learning, I did. Usually, the more you do something, the easier it can get. In life, you’re going to have to speak up at times, so you might as well get some practice. Always build your confidence.
10. As you can, take the lead on work projects.
You can show yourself how well you can lead others on a task by taking on more leadership roles at your work and in life. You never know what opportunities it will open up for you in your current career or your next career.Even if you fail to lead things as well as you would have liked, you gain great lessons from it. You’ll potentially help yourself be better at leading in the future. Once again, building confidence.
11. Work extra hours when you can.
We often underestimate how much we can really do with our time if we put our mind to it. Of course, we shouldn’t become workaholics. But we can test our ability to put in more work in our day and see what we can accomplish.12. Have side work, as you will.
Working for yourself, as I have done most of my life, can be a rewarding experience. The rewards include being proud of yourself when things go well. It’s also possible that as you develop your side-work, and can eventually become your full-time hustle.13. Exercise at least three times a week
When you keep a regular workout schedule, it can be a challenge for most people with how busy our schedules can be. But the benefits of regular exercise are many, and you should not avoid physical exercise.No matter much you may have to do throughout your day, you can spare 15 to 30 minutes of time for your wellness. You will feel better about it. Exercise as much as you can and as often as you will.
14. Do weight-lifting as you can.
Building your muscles can be a good aid to your confidence and is good overall for your body. If you don’t have weights at home, you can use heavy objects you have around your home as a weight. Just start lifting!With juggling, I limited my arm exercises. And, it’s always been a fun challenge for me to see if I can increase the amount I can lift from week to week. It could be fun for you too.
15. Gain or lose some weight.
Weight can be a tricky challenge for many of us. I see so many Americans who have too much weight. And, for those who need to lose it, it’s probably one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to do.The same is the case for those of us who’ve also had a hard time “gaining” weight (or losing the pounds.) And getting yourself to the weight you want to be can be one of the most satisfying challenges to overcome in life. So, reach the weight you are aiming for.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves as well as others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking,
you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, and to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.Remember, you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind.
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
You see, challenges come to us to make us better, not bitter. There is wisdom in challenges; you must look at them that way. Challenges often can make you or break you. May the quotes below inspire you to grow to be the best that you can possibly be. Keep up your confidence and never give up.“We don’t grow when things are easy;
we grow when we face challenges.” Anonymous“Don’t limit your challenges.
Challenge your limits.” Anonymous“When life gets harder,
challenge yourself to be stronger.” Anonymous“If you don’t challenge yourself,
you will never realize what you can become.” Anonymous“Be thankful for each new challenge.
Because it will build your strength and character.” Anonymous“If it doesn’t challenge you,
it doesn’t change you.” Fred Devito“Challenges are what make life interesting.
Overcoming them is what makes them meaningful.” Anonymous“There is no challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself.” Anonymous
“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change.” Paulo Coelho
“When you face difficult times, know that challenges are not sent to destroy you. They’re sent to promote, increase and strengthen you.” Anonymous
“There’s always a new challenge to keep you motivated.” Sean Connery
“I’m accepting the challenge.” Robert Whaley
“Running away from any problem only increases the distance from the solution.” Anonymous
“The biggest challenge of life is to be yourself in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else.” Anonymous
“The bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity for growth.” Anonymous
“Challenge yourself every day to do better and be better.
Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances.” Robert Tew“We are not defined by our challenges but lifted up by them.” Anonymous
“The moment you stop accepting challenges is the moment you stop moving forward.” Anonymous
“A challenge only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it.” Anonymous
“Sometimes those who challenge you most teach us best.” Anonymous
“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself.
The challenge is to silence the mind.” Anonymous“A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.” Anonymous
“Constantly challenge yourself.” Anonymous
“Everyone faces challenges in life. It’s a matter of how you learn to overcome them and use them to your advantage.” Celestine Chua
“Don’t run from challenges; run over them.” Anonymous
“All of my past challenges have helped me become who I am today.” Demi Lovato
“Sometimes overcoming a challenge is as simple as changing the way you think about it.” Anonymous
“Be your biggest competitor; challenge yourself daily to be better than you were yesterday.” Anonymous
“You don’t become enormously successful without encountering a number of extremely challenging problems.” Mark Victor Hansen
“What if your current challenge is a call to action,
a rallying cry that will prepare you for the next phase.” Anonymous“Don’t run away from a challenge. Instead, run toward it; the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet, and the more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning.” Kemmy Nola
“The most challenging times bring us the most empowering lessons.” Karen Salmansohn
“Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew.” Cicely Tyson
Remember, life is about accepting the challenges along the way,
choosing to keep moving forward,
MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>Not much happened this week. Or, I should say, I didn’t “make” much happen. You see, it is up to each of us to make things happen in our life.
7/17—I put a better roof on the two-story rabbit hutch.
Now the rabbits are safe from any rain.
Here is me and Marigold. Our new baby bunny, hopefully, she won’t grow up to harm us.7/19—Tomatoes are growing well, but something has been eating the leaves. They are so hard to see, but the very big tomato hornworm has been invading.
These are scary big creatures which I pulled off the plant, gathered a few, then took them to a different part of the land and released them. I do not like to kill anything, so I just relocated them. They really are quite beautiful, though.
Here they are, enjoy >>
This week figure out five challenges and achieve them.
Beth and I MUST get outside to somewhere in the wilderness.
That is my joy, as you know.
Will you join us and get to the wilderness, too?
*******************THIS WEEK,
July 22, 2022 - Posted by Kit
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.*** Remember, to read past blog posts,
go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook,
check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend yet, please, befriend me.
*** Thank you, my wife, Beth, for adding to the blog each week.
*** The happiness I am experiencing in my life is a marvelous thing!
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
INTRO TO THIS WEEKAs you saw, I wrote last week about a god in the world. I only heard from two people concerning this topic. It makes me wonder if anyone is even reading my words or am I wasting my time.
The bible was written by priests without knowledge of cosmology or astronomy more than they could see with the naked eye. The book was also written over a long period of 3,500 years, starting with writers in the bronze age. As it was written, editing took place, with new writers and constant changes.
The creation narrative in it is, to a great degree, based on another religion’s creation stories which the priests got a whiff of during their exile to Babylon. Yes, there were religious books written before the bible book that authors took material from.On a different subject–It makes me wonder if it is worth my time to keep posting these weekly words to you. I never wanted this to be me just writing to you; I was always hoping my blog would become a dialog back and forth between you and me.
Not much happened this week, so I am sending you photos of my past travels. If you are new to the blog, I lived and traveled in my van for about eight years. I still try to get out to the wilderness as often as possible, as you should.
As you might know, I lived in my van for more than six years and traveled all over the country. Mainly going to national parks and wildness areas, I wrote my weekly blog to inspire people.
Wilderness areas were the main destination for me. Native American people were some of the main people who first settled the lands I have traveled. For many years these humans were called “Indian”. That is because the first European people here thought they had gone back to India; therefore, they gave all the new people the name “Indian”.
It makes me angry that this one “name” stuck with the new people in the new land. Better would have been calling each by their tribe names, such as Apache, Sioux, Choctaw, and Chippewa, to name a few. The same as Europeans are called French, English, Spanish, German, and so forth.
The wisdom of indigenous peoples is vast and disappearing at a startling pace. They knew the benefits of nature. The lands they inhabited are often the healthiest ecosystems remaining on earth.
The early people’s knowledge of how to care for the Earth is immeasurably valuable and must be preserved and needs to be followed by more people. We must preserve what is left of our planet.
Over time, more and more plants and creatures are becoming extinct. Ecological studies in some areas, such as the Amazon rainforest, have uncovered important medicinal plants for human use and beautiful and unusual animal species found nowhere else on Earth, things humans may need to help them survive.
The habitats of some of these florae and fauna would be hard or impossible to reproduce by humans. Extinction is accelerating because, as wild places disappear, there is nowhere for them to go. Protecting wild habitats is critical to the health of the Earth.
Just a few things we may lose >>
The night sky.
The forests.
The stars.
The planets.
The earth?Our species originated as a part of nature, yet few humans today live in a way that is truly connected with the natural world. When was the last time you were out in the wilderness? Or even at a local park?
Most of us want to return to our natural state. This is why many believe that wilderness areas are vital for the human spirit and creativity. Natural places and wilderness areas provide us with solitude, recreation, and beautiful vistas that calm our minds and help us to feel at peace and connected with our truest selves.
Additionally, wilderness places filters and cleans the air you breathe and the water you drink. Through the natural processes of evaporation, precipitation, and natural filtering in streams and rivers, our air and water are refined and made healthy for our bodies to consume.
There are few places left on earth where clean air and water can be found. Additionally, trees and other plants in natural areas produce oxygen that the world (you!) depends upon. The Amazon rainforest alone provides over 20% of the Earth’s oxygen.
As often as possible, get out to and back to nature as much as you can.
Doing so will bring on >>
• A healthier heart.
• Enhanced memory.
• Increased happiness.
• Improved immunity to cancers and viruses.
• Reset your sleep cycle for a better night’s sleep.
• Maintains healthy eyesight.
• Longer life expectancy.
• Reduced stress.
• Good ADHD treatment.
• Improved creativity.
• Better academic performance.
• Mental health management.
So, get out as often as you can to the forests, mountains, beaches, and other natural places. And, take better care of these areas all you can.Beth and I get out to the wilderness as often as possible. We will continue to do this over time.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves as well as others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking,
you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, and to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.Remember, you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind.
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive and always reaching for advancement.
1. In nature, nothing is perfect, and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted and bent in weird ways and still be beautiful. –Alice Walker2. Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. —Khalil Gibran
3. Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. —Albert Einstein
4. Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads. —Henry David Thoreau
5. To me, a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug. —Helen Keller
6. We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. —Native American proverb
7. I believe in God, only I spell it Nature. —Frank Lloyd Wright
8. Choose only one master—nature. —Rembrandt
9. Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. —Lao Tzu
10. If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. —Laura Ingalls Wilder
11. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter. —Rachel Carson
12. Leave the road; take the trails. —Pythagoras
13. Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth. —Henry David Thoreau
14. I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order. —John Burroughs
15. It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men’s hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit. —Robert Louis Stevenson
16. For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it. —Jacques-Yves Cousteau
17. There’s a whole world out there, right outside your window. You’d be a fool to miss it. —Charlotte Eriksson
18. To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves. —Mahatma Gandhi
19. Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known. —Carl Sagan
20. Study nature, love nature, and stay close to nature. It will never fail you. —Frank Lloyd Wright
21. The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do. —Galileo Galilei
22. To make a prairie, it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few. —Emily Dickinson
23. Men argue. Nature acts. —Voltaire
24. All my life through, the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child. —Marie Curie
25. Colors are the smiles of nature. —Leigh Hunt
26. Land really is the best art. —Andy Warhol
27. Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are. —Gretel Ehrlich
28. The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain. —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
29. Many eyes go through the meadow, but few see the flowers in it. —Ralph Waldo Emerson
30. Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’ —Robin Williams
31. The earth has music for those who listen. —William Shakespeare
32. There are always flowers for those who want to see them. —Henri Matisse
33. The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature. —Joseph Campbell
34. The Amen of nature is always a flower. —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
35. Nature teaches more than she preaches. There are no sermons in stones. Getting a spark out of a stone is easier than a moral. —John Burroughs
36. Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience. —Ralph Waldo Emerson
37. A weed is no more than a flower in disguise. —James Russell Lowell
38. The earth is what we all have in common. —Wendell Berry
39. Although we say mountains belong to the country, they belong to those who love them. —Dogen
40. The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble. —Blaise Pascal
41. The goal of life is living in agreement with nature. —Zeno
42. Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best. —Henry van Dyke
43. Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. —Langston Hughes
44. Nature is loved by what is best in us. —Ralph Waldo Emerson
45. Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong. —Winston Churchill
46. A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books. —Walt Whitman
47. The world is not to be put in order. The world is order. It is for us to put ourselves in unison with this order. —Henry Miller
48. One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. —William Shakespeare
49. By discovering nature, you discover yourself. —Maxime Lagacé
50. Time spent amongst trees is never wasted time. —Katrina Mayer
Look, it’s Kit and a Jemma dog on a disorganized front porch.7/10—Today, I made more of my delectable fried rice. Make some yourself; you will love the dish.
Delicious Fried Rice
4 cups cooked rice
4 green onions
1 cup chopped onions
3 large eggs, scrambled with a fork
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 cup diced carrots
1/2 cup red pepper
salt and pepper to taste
1 or 2 cups of chicken or shrimp (unless you’re vegan, then leave these out)
Olive oil to stir fry7/11—Worked more on the area where we keep the rabbits. I’d love to make a Bugs Bunny joke here, but I don’t know any. We mainly have three hutches that were placed in different areas of the yard. I basically moved them together to the same area.
7/12—There has been a dish TV antenna on the roof for years. And, of course, it has not worked for a long time. It was difficult; I used a socket wrench to remove the monster, so the top of the house looks quite better.7/13–We Went for our weekly trip to Costco. Quality items at great prices; I like them. I checked out a toilet and had a seat, but didn’t.
Those are the main things performed this week. As I said, a slow week.
I like to accomplish more when I can, how about you?
You have my recipe, make some of the fabulous fried rice that I wrote of earlier.
Next week you will hear of the wilderness area we found to go to this week.
How about you, is it time to get out how you can?
July 15, 2022 - Posted by Kit
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.
*** Remember, to read past blog posts,
go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook,
check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
*** Thank you, my wife, Beth, for adding to the blog each week.
*** The happiness I am experiencing in my life is a marvelous thing!
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!
INTRO TO THIS WEEKFor your near future >>
• Make sure you have enough food stored that can last you for at least six months.
• Get in better shape how you can – lift weights, walk, run (crawl?)
• Have medications and vitamins you need that will last you for over six months.
• Learn to depend on yourself, rather than having hope in some god.
• Connect with friends, we may have to get through this with the help of others.On Facebook, I often post inspirational quotes to give people hope for their future. Many tie this in with religious views. I have never believed in any of the Gods that humans have developed. With this post, I am hoping you will examine your beliefs and follow what is right.
After my first accident and the 37-day coma I went through, some people said, “Boy, Kit, you should thank God you are alive.” I reply, “So, who do I have to thank for allowing the accident to happen in the first place?”
Then, after the second time I was hit by a truck and laying in a hospital bed once again, some people said the same words. Do these people not think before they utter words?
It seems that so many people believe in a God without thinking. In fact, parts of the bible book suggest believing and having faith without thinking, is best.
Simple Questions—
Where were you before you were born?
Is your God the one you were raised to believe in?
Why not one of the thousands of other Gods?
Prove, “God”, without referring to the Bible or Quran in any way.
Define, “soul”, in detail.
Define, “spiritual”, in detail.I have asked why I should believe in a god, and the main reason I hear is that, if you do not believe in the right god (humans have invented over ten thousand gods), you will be sent to hell to suffer—FOREVER.
This threat of hell reminds me of a story I developed some time ago, you will see the point I am making by the end of the story.
There was a 12-year-old girl who loved life. Smiling joyfully so much of her time on earth, it was an inspiration to see her. She was raised in a home with parents who did not believe, atheists they are. Her thoughts went the same direction, she did not believe.One day she stayed after school for two hours helping her teacher. Mrs. Taylor offered to give her a ride home, but she said she only lived about five blocks away. Off she went with a skip and a smile.
Suddenly a car pulled up at the curb, it was a man she knew who lived a few blocks away. He offered her a ride, and, not wanting to offend, she hopped in. He said he could use her help for a little bit of time to clear some things out of a room, and she agreed to help.
Once in the house, this man was friendly as she helped. Then he was next to her and reached out to touch her. She got quite scared and told the man she wanted to leave.
However, he had already locked the doors from the inside.
She ran to get away, but he was right behind her. Dragging her to the bedroom and throwing her on the bed, he had his way with her for many hours. Then, the next day, it started again. This man did not know what to do with her after what he did, he ended up killing her and burying her in his basement.
This terrible man was eventually discovered, went before a judge, and sent to jail, where he waited to eventually be executed.
While in jail, he discovered God. His faith grew bigger and bigger. He asked this god for forgiveness for what he had done. His day came and he was put to death.
Now, according to believers, this kind and joyful young girl who did not know God will spend all eternity suffering and being tormented in hell because of non-belief.
While, this man who killed her, will live the rest of time with God in heaven, singing and having a good ol’ time.
A simple question, is this fair?
If you have any morals at all, I am sure you see the evilness of this story.
From my book series, Beyond Your Potential >>If you are a believer in a God, I feel obligated to warn you that I am not. With this book, my goal is not to criticize, condemn, insult or convert, but rather, to help you explore the true nature of your own relationship with God, religion, and faith; if you are a follower that is.
Do not stop reading this book because of the subject matter contained, if the magnifying glass makes you uncomfortable, you need not look into it. On the other hand, that is precisely why you should.
I am writing about faith because, after the accident, I was trying to go down that path, for help, guidance, and relief; but ran into too many dead-ends and roadblocks. Try as I might, I could not find that road to go down.
If you have found this path for yourself, examine your beliefs—ask yourself exactly what you believe and why you believe it— and, perhaps, your views and thoughts on the subject will change, and may even grow stronger after reading these words.
After the appalling things I have gone through in my life, I tried to turn to the idea of a God to simply ask–“Why?”
No answer came to me.
Perhaps, because I grew up without a father (he died when I was six), I cannot find this “father” in heaven who takes care of us?
I am not saying that I just did not get educated about any kind of God; I have attended various churches over a hundred times, as well as synagogue. I fully tried to find the God that everyone was so enamored with; my mind would not allow me to.
At times, I would criticize myself in my mind, wondering why I could not find this God. I asked myself things like, “Are you too stupid to find and believe in this God?” It was when I found there were other critical thinkers in the world that set me free.
People told me, “You have to believe in your heart, and not in your mind.”
What, exactly, could that mean?
People also told me, “If you don’t believe in God you will go to hell.” First, this sounds like a huge threat. And, any God that would make me smart enough to know how to use my mind, will also punish me “FOREVER” for not believing in him (or her), this with no evidence – whatsoever.
People have told me, simply believe and you will be OK. Do they not think their god would know I am lying? If I do stand before a god and he (or she) asks about my non-belief, I will simply say, “You did supply me with enough good information to believe. So, if I am sent to hell, it is your fault.
With these words, I do not want to change your beliefs, I want to have you think, and, perhaps, make your faith even stronger, or, perhaps, diminish it all together. I want to get you to reflect on why you truly believe.
Under the impression that there was something there to help me, I was trying to build up a strong belief and faith, but I could not find anything, anywhere.
For myself, I have just found such comfort and freedom not having to base my life on any kind of a God.
I have been told that you cannot see or define God; you just have to believe on faith. How can you believe something if you cannot see or even define? I hear from people that God exists outside of space and time, then how would they know, if this knowledge were outside of their realm?
The idea of a god makes no sense to me.
People may say I was not trying in the right way, but I tried all kinds of ways and still—NOTHING. If you are a believer and can help steer me on the correct path to find God, please do.
I see that there is no way to prove God exists, but there is no way to prove God does not exist—the same goes for Faeries, The Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, and Santa? I want you to know that I am still open to the idea that there is a God looking over us; I have yet to find that path or see any evidence, can you direct me?
I wrote the following words after attending a Christian church service. People there appeared happy and good-natured, showing kindness and support to one another—always gratifying to see.
Church often seems a good social mix for people; a connection place. Faith and belief have helped a great many people to live a better life, and often inspired them to help others.
After attending church hundreds of times, I never could “see” what these other people “saw.” I have been to all kinds of different churches and denominations and it seems that most of the time the pastor or preacher or rabbi or person running the show is trying to talk everyone “into” believing. “You must believe because of . . .” It was like all these believers have to be reinforced all the time to believe even stronger or the belief would fade away.
Is this right?
It seems that people who knew of my differing beliefs acted toward me as, “What’s wrong with him?” It seemed as if there was almost hatred behind their look, as they perceived me, just because I did not believe as they did.
I wondered why we could not even be friends just because this person had decided on a certain faith and my thoughts and beliefs were different.
I have just found there is so much negativity and even violence in the various dogmas of the world. Christian, Muslim, Judaism, Hinduism; each and every religion thinks theirs is the correct one. The fighting that is involved and true hatred toward others who do not believe as they do, to me, that behavior is truly immoral.
As Rodney King said, “Can’t we just get along?”
There has been a lot of good garnered through faith, yet religion has also caused a great deal of conflict, misery, and strife, all about statements that can never be proven true or false.
There are many different concepts of God and many different beliefs. These “beliefs” always remain subjective, as we can see from the estimated thirty-eight thousand different denominations, sects, schisms, and divisions within Christianity alone.
Wars are fought over petty disagreements where almost everyone on an individual level interprets “divine truth” differently. This is too often used as justification for virtually any act of inhumanity, costing hundreds of millions of lives over the centuries.
Still, we see these conflicts ongoing as religious divides continue to fan the flames of hate. The twin towers in New York City on September 11 in 2001, is just one example.
I want to stop the fighting, stop the bickering, to get on with life. Let us heal the world away from religious infighting and the thought control that is brought on by this part of human life.
With my words, I do not want to insult anyone in any way. I simply want you to think. Of course, these are my thoughts and my own discoveries about a God. I do not want to change your beliefs; I simply want you to think.
To me, having strong faith often builds up false hope in a person’s mind toward their own future. Religion sometimes gives people an excuse and a reason “not” to think. Faith provides a way to avoid studying something in-depth and then make your own conclusions.
To simply say, “God did it,” and then forget about it is not a good thing. It seems to me that having faith, at times, is an excuse not to fully use your mind and figure out how life truly is, baptized or not.
I have a story about my experience with a church I was attending: For a time, years ago, my first wife wanted me to be baptized, and I finally agreed.
On the day of the baptism, there were about six of us going through the ceremony, which was done in front of a large congregation of about eight hundred? I was the fourth in line and carried a bag with some hidden items I had brought with me.
Right before I was to walk out to be baptized in water, I put on the mask and snorkel I had in the bag and then walked out. The pastor wasn’t smiling; the 800 in the audience loved it. I wasn’t making fun of the procedure; I was just “Kitting Around” as I often do. The pastor later told me he enjoyed my prank.
As I went through the massive changes in my life, there were times when I honestly did search for this divine inspiration that has helped so many – for comfort, guidance, relief, love, and peace.
Try as I might, I could not find this celestial being anywhere. Logic and reason kept getting in the way, hard to see past how things really are. I could not ignore or look beyond the logic and reason that were so apparent to me.
Witnessing the faithful at church, in their contentment and confidence, I had asked myself, “Am I just too stupid to see what should be obvious?”
It all seemed so simple for them.
I was highly critical of myself, thinking that others could think in a different way than I could. And that, as it happens, is the case. We all think and perceive things differently.
But how can believers just believe without examining the thousands of other beliefs that people hold today or that have existed in the past and will come to be in the future?
What if the Muslim God, Allah, is the only real God? Though they both fall under the category of Abrahamic religion, what if Christianity is heresy? Or what if it is the other way around? What if the Hindu God, Ganesha, is correct? What about Zeus?
If there is a God, what if the real truth has not yet been revealed, and a future religion is the correct one?
Even with all these choices, if you do believe and it helps you, then it is probably a positive influence on your mind. I do understand your beliefs. We must all believe in something, be it supernatural or merely our personal ideals.
Speaking of belief, when I was young and in junior high school, I loved reading the Chronicles of Narnia books, written by CS Lewis. I was lost in these books and could not put them down. My mind truly went to Narnia and was a part of the story; I got lost in this world and loved it.
Yes—I was a believer—in Narnia, Aslan, Mordor, and all the rest. I do understand how people can have beliefs.
Each person needs to examine why they actually believe and what is true to them.
With these words, I would like to help open your heart and mind to truly see the life you are living now—the only life we truly know we have—and aim toward the excellence that you desire, with or without God.
I would like you not to squander this life you are living as nothing more than some kind of trial to be borne and suffered through on the path to something we can only hope is waiting in a possible hereafter (for Muslims, the hope of the seventy-two virgins who await them in heaven?—Do the virgins have any say in this?)
Life is going on NOW—are you living your best?
I know that most people in the world have been taught, as children, to accept the spiritual beliefs of their parents, whatever those beliefs may be.
When a child has these beliefs reinforced, again and again, with this idea of God during all their years growing up, no wonder they are a strong believer in that faith. Strong believers are what my two daughters turned out to be, I didn’t really have a say in the matter.
I am so glad I am with Beth now, who has doubts about a god, as I do.
In learning of God as a youth, is that a good reason to believe something? You are older now; you need to thoroughly examine what and why you truly believe. Or, do you also believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, too?
While growing up, I did not have much of a religious or spiritual influence in my life. My mother never went to church and never was spiritually dogmatic, so ideas of church and deity were largely foreign to me. Yet, I knew that a religious mind helped so many.
Although I always was aware of how faith aided many people throughout their lives, I saw it as a psychological necessity for some, but not for me.
I repeat; take the time to analyze what and why you truly believe.
When I talk with Christians (Christianity being the primary religion where I live) and tell them of my skepticism of God and ask where I can find or see this God, responses are mostly the same: “Well, look around you. See the green grass, the beautiful trees, hear lovely nature, and see the sweet circle of life?
“Yes, very nice,” I say, and continue, “Did you know that most of the earth is either too dry or too hot or too cold to support most life forms?”
“Or that the harmonious circle of life is an endless cycle of forced kill-and-be-killed cruelty—that most creatures live in discomfort at best and merely survive day-to-day as a relentless struggle of life and death?”
“Or that thousands of species are constantly dying out, being killed off by the competition with or without human influence?”
“And what of natural disasters—hurricanes, drought, earthquakes, forest fires, lightning strikes, and so forth, wreaking havoc, bringing misery, desolation, and death to all living things indiscriminately?”
If you can provide any evidence for a god or good reasons I should believe – please do.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves as well as others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking,
you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, and to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.Remember, you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind.
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive and always reaching for advancement.
I HOPE THE FOLLOWING WORDS INSPIRE YOU >>YOU choose what inspires you. In that there is no God and no afterlife, I am even more inspired than ever to make this one life I have, as I am doing, a life worth living!
We don’t get second chances, this is it!
There is no heaven and/or hell.
We have this one chance to make our life fantastic!
Do that, as you help others to find a magnificent life, too.If you only do things in life because you want a reward or are afraid of some future punishment, that is an awful source of inspiration/motivation. Many people just like to see others smile, or laugh, or be happy.
They enjoy life.
Belief in gods has nothing to do with being able to enjoy your life and share it with and help those around you.
As Penn Jillette has said: “The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, ‘Without God, what’s to stop you from raping and killing all you want?’
And my answer is:
“I do rape all I want.
And the amount I want is zero.
And I do murder all I want.
Again, the amount I want to is zero.”The fact that these people think that if they didn’t have this person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping, and rampages is the most self-damning thing I can imagine.
Get on with your life, and find joy as often as you can.
Help other people as much as possible, too.Please, let me know how things are turning out for you, my friend.
MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>July 4—Hope you had a happy fourth of July. We went to visit our friend Mea, who has all the animals. She had kale growing, so we got some for our rabbits.
Time goes on, and I’ve been thinking about my aging. I never think I will die, but, of course, I cannot avoid it. I did not ever think of my mom dying, yet she did. Are you accomplishing all you want to before that end result?
If you are getting older and have a chance of retiring—DO IT! You can get back to and on with your life. Retirement monies still come in, but it is a smaller amount. I find that I can live on very little money, but I can live the life that “I” want.
Because of my accidents, I was able to get Social Security Disability Income (SSDI). Not much, but it is enough for me. You might say I retired at age fifty, a great decision I made for my life.
Let me offer a bit of advice. Don’t look at it from the standpoint of retiring. At any age, look at your condition as being “financially independent,” where you can do anything you damn well want to do—including working—your choice. JUST LIVE YOUR LIFE IN A MAGNIFICENT WAY!
Obviously, you have to have the financial piece nailed down, then you only have yourself to blame if you get bored. I find most “retired” people, become busier than when they had a “real job”.
In my case, living in my van and traveling for about six years, I loved it!
I went to many national parks and wilderness areas all across the US. I hiked in the mountains, bathed in the streams, made fires while camping, and used my bike I kept on the back of the van to travel, too. These have been some of the best years of my life.
If you have a chance and are able to get away like this, do it as soon as possible. Marriage can add some wrinkles. (I was single.) Beth and I are planning to do some traveling and living in our vehicle sometime in the future. Maybe we could meet up with you somewhere.
July 5—Always having projects to work on is a fantastic state of mind. Always advancing our home, I love to do that.
And, we stopped by to visit Todd and his new business. After recently purchasing this pet shop, he will use his passion to make this into a magnificent Aquatic and Reptile store. I can tell from just meeting him, he will make it into a fantastic stop and store.
Todd and his wife, have no experience in this area but he was so excited when he told us his plans. This is his deep desire, and this shows you how you can develop your own passion for something and find success.
Find Todd here >>
greenwoodaquaticplanet.comThen, a big rain at night, which the plants growing sucked up.
July 6—There are a couple of food banks nearby in Greenwood, SC. More and more people are taking advantage of this way to get free food, if you need it. Often these are things from grocery stores that might be out of date, but are still good. If you need to, take advantage of this, it does help.
July 7—Mice, roaches, and ants (but no uncles.) Critters looking for a handout, I guess they don’t know about food banks? We could live with it, but started to be too much. Do you have varmints that you don’t want at your abode?
Many people chemically take care of the problem, killing the invaders. I have to admit, I have done that in the past. But, I started thinking, could I find a way that won’t kill the little strangers and just block them?
Using duct tape and Spackle, I went all through the outside of the house, under the house, and all walls and cupboards in the kitchen. I looked for and covered holes with duct tape, or filled in places with Spackle where they could get in.
Since doing that, we have had NO intruders.
This fix will be permanent, using chemicals is a one-time fix. If you need it, you might try my technique. Get out there are examine and fix your home. You will save a ton of money without chemicals and it will be a long-term fix for your home.
Do you attend a church?
Do not go this week.
Just think about the God you believe in and
think about not believing and how it would feel.Are you a believer?
Do you have realistic proofs for your god?
Please post to me or the group—educate us.
Heat is here.
You will learn how we are dealing with it.
Do you have any advice you could let me know about?
July 8, 2022