BLOG 288—Are you Physically Fit?
Don’t sleepwalk through life.
I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or wonder?)
*** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
*** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
*** I was hit by two different trucks, but I remain happy.
*** Going through a 37-day coma–Yikes!
*** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
*** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
*** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
*** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** You will find secrets to unfold and good news!
*** What are you passionate about?
*** Have you seen >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFC5vLPDWRo
You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I am helping to guide you. Coaches like me wish to lighten your path toward excellence. It is up to you to make your journey toward merit. I’m not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it!
Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
You can (and should) make changes to improve your life–at any age.
Start today, and you can build the life you desire.
You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
I have gone through much.
I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
Remember, only you know what is best for you.
Don’t forget–you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — Are you Physically Fit?
For me, serious exercise began in junior high. I started juggling at 15, and it is a valid exercise. My workouts continued in high school. I took up pole vaulting to be different (like I’ve always been.) I also participated in cross-country running and running on the track.
My best mile run is 4:55; I’ve heard that’s a good mile time. And, of course, with the pole-vault, I practiced hard and eventually went over the bar at 18’6”. This was another win for me and looked good for the team and a record at the school.
Will you put some time in to get your body in better shape? If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done. Your body achieves what the mind believes; think right! Once you exercise regularly, the hardest thing is to stop. If you don’t exercise, you must make time to be physically fit.
If the idea of a home workout makes you yawn, think again!
When performed correctly, your body weight can give you a run for your money. So, whether the gym isn’t your thing or you’re short on time, clear out a space in any room where you live and prepare to sweat.
Even while driving, I work on making a fist and then stretching my fingers out.
Here are some other exercises you can do >>
1– Ankle pumps
With feet flat on the floor, lift one foot slightly up. Point the toes down as far as possible. Relax the ankle, then point the toes upward. Repeat this motion 20 times on each foot. This exercise will increase movement in the ankle joint.
2–Seated knee lifts
This exercise can be done by a passenger or the driver when safely parked at a rest stop. Sit up straight with legs at a 90-degree angle. While keeping the core engaged, gently pull both knees toward the chest. Hold this position for 10 seconds and release. Repeat 15 times to stimulate hip flexors and abdominal muscles.
3–Seated side bend
In a seated position, raise hands above the head, keeping the spine straight. Bend slowly to the right side, then return to a neutral, upright position. Switch to the left side. The deeper the bend, the deeper the stretch. Repeat 20 times to loosen the spine and torso.
4–Forearm exercises
Wrap fingers around a round object, such as a tennis ball, and squeeze tightly for 2 seconds, then release. Repeat 15 times on each hand.
5–Chin tucks
Bring the chin to the chest. Hold for 5 seconds and slowly lift the head so that it gently presses against the headrest. This exercise can help maintain proper posture and exercise the neck muscles.
6–Seated glute stretch
While seated, bring the right ankle onto the left thigh, resting it just above the knee. Keep your back straight and lean forward, stretching the gluteus maximus muscle. Hold this position for 20 seconds and repeat the motion on the left side.
Compete against yourself to get just 1 or 2 more reps each time you complete the routine. However, don’t sacrifice good form for extra reps. It’s better to perform fewer reps and maintain proper form to help reduce injury risk.
I’m not a doctor, so I can’t advise you on the best exercise methods, but we can rattle off some trivia about them. Where did the 10,000 steps benchmark come from? What’s the deal with a “runner’s high”?
Exercising increases blood flow, including to the brain. The increase in energy and oxygen could boost performance.
But it gets more complex than that. When we exercise, the hippocampus, a part of our brain necessary for learning and memory, becomes more active — and when there’s increased energy in the hippocampus, we think more effectively. Regular exercise could even help reverse age-related brain damage.
Getting your hands dirty in your garden (like I do) isn’t just a mood-boosting pastime — it’s great exercise, too. All that digging, hauling, and moving works for all your major muscle groups, improves mobility and boosts endurance. It burns some severe energy, too.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, light gardening or yard work can burn more than 300 calories per hour for a 154-pound person. That’s comparable to going dancing or taking a hike. For heavy yard work, like chopping wood, the number jumps up to 440 calories per hour, although the exact number will vary depending on the nature of the work and each body.
It’s easy to build a more strenuous workout from your existing gardening routine with simple adjustments like carrying heavier cans of water, switching to a push mower, or increasing walking around your yard. And there’s an additional healthy bonus to garden exercise: Fresh vegables!
My ten picks for beginner bodyweight exercises will provide a full-body workout. These are a few exercises to start with. As you improve, add more. You will need nothing else but yourself for these exercises—are you there?
1–The Bridge
A bridge is an excellent warmup exercise for activating the core and backside of your body. Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor or ground, and arms extended by your sides. Pushing through your feet and bracing your core, raise your bottom off the ground until your hips are fully extended, squeezing your glutes at the top. Slowly return to the starting position before you repeat.
2–Chair squat
Squats can help strengthen your legs and core, which could make everyday movements easier. Starting with a chair underneath will help you master proper form. Stand in front of the chair with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed slightly out. Hinging at your hips and bending your knees, lower back, and down until your bottom touches the chair, allowing your arms to extend out in front of you. As you return to your starting.
3–Knee pushup
A beginner-style pushup, this move will help you build strength before attempting a standard pushup. Get into a high plank position from your knees so you are on your knees and elbows. Maintain a straight line from your head to your knees, and bend your elbows to lower yourself. Just keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle.
4–Stationary lunge
Hit your quads, hamstrings, and glutes with a stationary lunge.
Split your stance with your right leg in front. Your right foot should be flat on the ground, and your left should be on its toes.
Bend your knees, pretend you have a sword, and lunge, stopping when your right thigh is parallel to the ground. Push up through your right foot to return to the starting position.
6–Plank to Downward Dog
This move will test your upper body, especially your shoulder area. Get into a high plank position, with your hands stacked underneath your shoulders and your feet close together.
Keep your core engaged and your hands and feet stationary, and pike your hips up and back into the Downward Dog pose. Your body should form a triangle with the ground. Please just keep your neck neutral. Your gaze should be directed toward your feet. Hold here for a second, then return to the plank.
7–Straight-leg donkey kick
Build those glutes with donkey kicks. Get on all fours, with your hands aligned with your shoulders and your knees with your hips.
Keeping your back straight, push your right foot out to the imaginary wall behind you while keeping your leg straight. Your foot should remain flexed (toes pointing down to the floor) throughout. Keep your hips square to the ground.
8–Bird Dog
A full-body move that requires balance and stability, the Bird Dog pose is easily scalable to your ability level. Start with this version if you’re a beginner.
Get on all fours, ensuring your hands are directly underneath your shoulders, and your knees are underneath your hips. Keep your neck neutral. Immediately extend your left arm and right leg, keeping your hips square to the ground. Pause for 2 seconds.
9–Forearm plank
Planks are a full-body exercise that requires strength and balance and puts the core into overdrive. Assume a plank position on your forearms. Your body should form a straight line from head to feet. Ensure your lower back and hips don’t sag.
10–Side-lying hip abduction
You may only think about strengthening your hip muscles once they bother you, but reconsider, especially if you sit all day. Lie on your left side, supporting your head with the left hand and placing the right hand in front of your body. Keep your legs straight, stack the right leg over the left leg, and keep your hips pointed forward. Lift your right leg, maintaining your body’s position. Make sure your hips don’t open up.
11–Bicycle crunch
Although almost all of these strength exercises work your core, a targeted ab move doesn’t hurt. Lie on your back and bring your legs to a tabletop position. Bend your elbows and put your hands behind your head. Crunch up and get your right elbow to your left knee, straightening your right leg. Release the. Crunch slightly. Bend your right leg and straighten your left leg, then bring your left elbow to your right knee.
12–The Squat
Taking out the chair allows you to master the form of a regular bodyweight squat. The same motion is still applicable here, though. Imagine you’re sitting down in a chair by hinging at the hips and pushing your bottom back.
A standard pushup is the more challenging version of a knee pushup. Assume a high plank position and complete the pushup similarly, allowing your elbows to flare at a 45-degree angle.
14–Pike pushups
Adding a pushup to your pike will target those shoulders even more. The movement here is all in the arms, so keep the rest of your body stable. To perform, assume a pike position and bend at the elbows, allowing them to flare out to the sides. Direct the top of your head toward the ground.
15–Kneeling squat
Kneeling squats are great for time under tension or keeping your legs and glutes under continuous work, which adds to the burn.
Also, know that juggling is an excellent exercise!
Juggling will do the following >>
- Get better focused concentration.
- Improves hand-eye coordination.
- Improves bi-manual dexterity.
- Goal-setting skills.
- Problem-solving skills.
- Delayed gratification.
- Juggling is a genuinely portable workout.
- It makes you smarter.
- It sharpens focus & concentration.
- Juggling is the ultimate in stress relief.
- It’s an exercise that doesn’t ‘feel’ like exercise.
- You can juggle where you are; no travel is required!
- Juggling maintains and increases the range of motion in the arms and shoulders.
- It is one of the best ways to improve coordination.
- Juggling is beneficial for all age groups and body types.
- It helps ward off cravings.
- Juggling makes exercising with family and friends easy and fun!
- Have you ever heard of running while juggling? It’s called joggling.
Starting a workout practice can be challenging, especially when you’ve had trouble maintaining motivation in the past or if you’re working out for the first time. While the benefits of regular exercise are countless, making the drive to get to the gym or go for a run isn’t always easy.
My friend, Niels, will show you how >>
Always remember, you’re not alone! Many people need help finding motivation to work out. It’s optional to know what exercise you have done in the past. What’s important is that you’re here now and finding the motivation to hop off the couch and get moving. You’ve got this- and I’m here to help!
Regular exercise benefits your physical and mental health. It helps build muscle, increase stamina, breathe better, improve flexibility, and increase energy levels. It also improves mood and sleep quality, boosts the immune system, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. YOU MUST START TODAY!
Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
1–“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.”
– Jim Rohn
2–“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
– Mahatma Gandhi
3–“The body accomplishes what the mind believes.”
– Kit Summers
4–“Success usually comes to those too busy to look for it.”
– Henry David Thoreau
5–“If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.”
– Thomas Jefferson
6–“Once you exercise regularly, the hardest thing is to stop it.”
– Erin Gray
7–“Your body can stand almost anything.
It’s your mind that you have to convince.”
– Anon
8–“Success isn’t always about greatness.
It’s about consistency.
Consistent hard work gains success.
Greatness will come.”
– Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson
9–“Champions aren’t made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them, with desire, a dream, a vision.”
– Muhammad Ali
10–“Strength is the product of struggle; you must do what others don’t to achieve what others won’t.”
– Henry Rollins
11-“You will never always be motivated.
You have to learn to be disciplined.”
– Anon
12–“Strength does not come from the physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will.”
– Gandhi
13–“Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.”
– Arnold Schwarzenegger
14–“It’s not what you do once in a while; it’s what you do day in and day out that makes the difference.”
– Jenny Craig
15–“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”
– Stephen King
16–“The road to nowhere is paved with excuses.”
– Mark Bell
17–“When you hit failure,
your workout has just begun.”
– Ronnie Coleman
18–“A bodybuilder is a sculptor who carries with him his material.”
– Serge Nubret
19–“Most champions are built by punch-the-clock workouts rather than extraordinary efforts.”
– Dan John
20–“Stimulate, don’t annihilate.”
– Lee Haney
21– “Just believe in yourself.
Even if you don’t.
Pretend that you do,
and at some point, you will.”
– Ronda Rousey
22–“I don’t diet and exercise.
I eat and train.”
― J.R. Rim
23–“You have to think about it before you can do it.
The mind is what makes it all possible.”
– Kai Greene
24–“The barbells and dumbbells you hold in your hands and how you use them have stories to tell.”
― Craig Cecil
25–“Some people want it to happen,
some wish it would happen,
others make it happen.”
– Michael Jordan
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
Do you know what you did last Monday?
Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
9/1–Bad news came today: Beth wants me to leave the house for one or two weeks. I will leave tomorrow for a visit to see my daughters in Pennsylvania. Today, I will start to gather my things together. A good thing is I will be back on the road again, which I like very much. But things have changed in my mind—I love Beth sincerely and will miss her much.
9/2–I woke up at 3 a.m., as usual. I got right on the computer. I am writing words on my blog for your eyes. I hope my ideas benefit you.
Before I left, I threw a bunch of stuff in my van. I will stop later and organize things.
As I was leaving, about a mile up the road we live on, a deer crossed the road in front of me. What a magnificent beginning to my trip to Pennsylvania!
How wonderful! The first 20 miles were through Sumter National Park. You know how I like parks; it was such a delight to be on this road.
(Don’t tell anyone; I don’t drive with my seat belt on.)
First, I passed a field of cows!
Then I passed a field of goats!
Why don’t I ever pass a field of antelope?
Or a field of monkeys?
The van’s windshield wipers are old, so I stopped by Walmart and had Edward put the new ones on. This is much, much better; I’m happy.
I passed through Charlotte, North Carolina, where my friend Liisa lives. That’s a connection with her. She let me know that she came down with covid recently. I’m disappointed that we can’t get together. .
I was back on the road, taking 77 north out of Charlotte. The traffic on the freeway was massive, with so many cars and trucks. After a couple of hours, I finally got out of the enormous traffic, and now there’s just a little—it’s never a little, but it’s not as massive.
I have a video typing system on my phone, which I like very much. So I just pulled over at the rest stop, and I’m writing these words to you without using my fingers (or toes).
It’s so much easier than finding a bathroom. I keep a container with a lid for when I have to pee. I usually pull over to do this. Yeah, I also did it while driving. (Once again, keep quiet.) I often think of things to write while I drive, too, but as you know, that would not work while driving.
I just pulled over at the rest stop to set up my sleeping stuff. It is 2:15, and I’m just planning to sleep tonight. I would hate to arrive at a place while it’s getting dark and try to set things up.
My plan now is to take a coastal route on the return. I’ve done all these drives previously, and it’s nice to see things again.
I’ve been there before, so I drove up Skyline Drive in Virginia. This is a national park and a wonderful place to see. I’ve been there a few times but can’t get enough. It is over 200 miles from Skyline Drive, so I’ll stop somewhere and sleep.
As I said before, I just threw some stuff into the van before I left. I need to go somewhere to unload and then repack the van, so I’m still determining when I’ll do that. Anyway, here I go—I hope you stay with me.
There is a main drag here, with many cars and much noise. So, I went to the residential area and found a place. Hopefully, they wouldn’t want me to sleep overnight here, but no one will know. It’s dark, it’s quiet, and I hope to sleep well.
9/3–Today was a bad day. I started early because I was tired, so I went to a McDonald’s open at 5:00 a.m. to get on my laptop. My laptop did not work! Then I spilled my big cup of tea all over the floor. I’m miserable because of my lack of sleep and upset about things. I went to a local Geek Squad. My computer was slow, but it worked. He did some things to improve its speed, which was good.
I’m at a McDonald’s now, online. I am eating very little. I had one chicken sandwich today, which will be all for me. I went to Home Depot to have some wood cut. I have to build a new bed for the van. It turned out excellent. I have everything I need now. I will build the bed tomorrow.
Today, I went through Skyline Drive.
I have been there before, and each time is just as magnificent.
Watch this video to learn more >>
Being a Tuesday, there were few people in the park.
The day turned out magnificent!
9/4–I am typing this out at a McDonald’s. I am just sitting there working on my computer. There are few people here, so I will not eat anything.
I just drove a lot today. Today, I went by the campground that April and Jasmine set up for me. There is not much around here, so I look forward to seeing what the camp is like. Check-in time at the camp is two this afternoon, so I’m spending time.
9/5–I often go to McDonald’s to get online. There, I can use free Wi-Fi and plug in for electricity. I also sometimes have a sandwich. Today, I have pretty much the place to myself. I will work on typing and watching some videos.
I was at McDonald’s for a few hours. I will then go to Home Depot to buy wood to build my new bedframe. I’ve been sleeping on my sleeping pad, which has been on the floor.
I’ve moved into the campground that Jasmine and April Du paid for me. It’s a nice park with many campsites. The first one I was in had too many trees, so I moved into a better one down the road. This is nice. I will be here for a week. I plan to work out and juggle—I will let you know.
Jake and April Du took me out to dinner tonight.
This morning, I only ate a sausage biscuit.
I’m not hungry, but I will see.
Big news! Jake and April are buying a house! It sounds like a great house—four bedrooms, two stories, a yard. WHAT GREAT NEWS!
Jake’s father has been ill with cancer. What a hard thing to deal with, then death is on the way. Yet, we will all deal with death when it comes.
Afterward, I turned to my campsite. It is nice to stay here; I like the wilderness, as you know. It is tranquil. I see some big rigs in for the season.
9/6–I spent much of the day building my bed in the van, which was nice. When I returned to Home Depot, I had to get more oversized wood for what I needed—2x4s are called for.
Then, at about 4 p.m., it was pool time. I went and jumped right in. I remember the water temperature from yesterday being quite pleasant, so I did. I think the pool was so clean; no one was around, and no one had been in it for some time.
After I went to the men’s area and showered with soap, I felt pretty clean. April and Jake are coming by again this evening; how nice.
A little bug just landed on my hand; it tickled, but I didn’t slap him dead. I just blew him away with my mouth. If I can avoid it, I will not kill bugs or anything.
I found a nice beach chair in a trash can. It is pretty lovely. The left arm was off, so I put it back on and am typing on it now.
A self-supportive life can be a better life.
A garden would be a part of that life.
You must look into it.
This week, a little with the garden.
As you know, I am on the road.
Although, I used to grow edible plants in my van as I drove.
I look out my office window, where I do most of my typing and blog work. All I see is nature, the garden, growing things, and wildlife. What a lovely view every time I am on my computer.
YOUR CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK >> I’ve written about this before and just did it again today: Look for things on the ground when you are about to pass by a trash can. Pick up rubbish and put it in the trash. If everyone did that, the world would be a better place.
NEXT BLOG >>A Better Life is What You Focus On. Make the most crucial thing essential, and life will go better. That will be the next topic–Focus. I do hope my words add to your life.