In my last email I wrote you of developing the passion for writing. I am compiling words daily, I promise you. I read once that if you are a writer you have to make it happen daily, so the habit begins now. I also know that editing is the key to good writing, so much editing I have been doing. Also, it is best to use the briefest amount of words that you can to get the words across, I’ve tried to be exact and brief with it, but what I compiled is lengthy. In the above sentence I used the word “it”, I should not have. I remember back in fifth grade I had an excellent teacher named Mr. Muradian, the best teacher I remember ever having. He taught that you should not use the word “it”, ever, that you can always find better words to describe what you are trying to get across. He also said never to start a letter with “I”. I have held on to these writing techniques and some others from him since fifth grade and they have helped.
After I return I will be driving up to Portland, seeing people along the way. My sister, Kaylaa, is moving from Sante Fe to Bend, Oregon. I will leave my van and fly from Portland to Albuquerque to meet up with her to help her drive her stuff up to her new home. I’ve also been trying to set up a workshop in Portland, not sure if will come together, I’ll let you know.
Just left Nikki’s paradise in hosteling, what wonderful memories have been generated from my time in Picton and staying at Nikki’s Juggler’s Rest. Nikki was at then juggling event I am at now and will be writing of later. Nikki is such a lovely lady, I would have loved to spend more time with you.
On to new memories and discoveries I go. Right now I’m on the bus driving south down to Christchurch from Picton, a smooth drive along the ocean. Looking to my left I see a rocky scenic shoreline. To my right I see mountains rising toward the sky. And, what’s that white stuff I see on top? New Zealand is just coming out of winter, so, of course, it’s snow I see, to my surprise.
For the trip from Picton to Dunedin I did it two days, with a night in Christchurch. Had a tour of the city, still much devastation from the earthquake, many buildings have fallen apart and businesses not running. Pretty bad now, must have been a big mess previously.
I had been in contact with someone in Christchurch who was helping to set up a workshop there (which never came together.) I was going to spend two weeks staying at her house before I departed to back to the states (my plans have since changed.) This person said I could spend the night at her house while on my way down to Dunedin, which was good, she lives there with her 13 year old son.
I’ve stayed at many different places on my trip so far and seen different ways people live. Many are neat and organized in their home and life-style, the person I stayed with was not. You’ve heard of people who hoard things, this person was that. She blamed it on the earthquake and that things just did not get together yet, but the earthquake was months ago and I can tell that she is just a disorganized life-style. I don’t want to talk bad, and I hope I’m not, I just could not believe the house. Every place to put something, tables and shelves and other places, was packed with “stuff” on top, and much of the floors were, in the kitchen it was stacked 4 layers deep in some places. I wanted to help to organize the house completely, yet that would take days. Also, I could tell, this was not a disorganization from the earthquake, this was a life-style. She says she is under much stress in her life, and I can see why.
Arrival in Dunedin, a fabulous place, almost as nice as Brisbane, glad I’m here. Kind of reminds me of some of the small European cities I’ve been to. This town is supremely clean, immaculate lawns, brick side-walks (with no gum every few steps as I usually see in the US), wooden benches to sit, no graffiti, a nice town. Miguel, who is a juggler, took a little time off from work to meet me at the bus station and gather me up. He left me in the central town to meet him again at five. He had to get back to work, so he left me off. With three hours to spend, I was off to see Dunedin (here pronounced da-neee-din.) When I left Miguel I forgot to keep with me my computer and camera to work on writing to you and taking pictures while I was out. Didn’t have my computer to record my finds, or my camera for you to view my experiences, almost feel like I let you down. Having to do it the old fashioned way, with pen and paper. Growing up in San Diego the only “Miguel’s” I knew were Mexican (I believe Miguel is Spanish for Michael.) I was surprised to see this Miguel when we first met, a tall actor looking fellow. Miguel will be in my workshop here in Dunedin. Of course, staying with him I saw ways there, too, that things could be organized and better in the house. He lives there with another guy, a very guy place to live. They did not seem to like to wash dishes, so I did a few different times.
While walking through Dunedin I saw a sign saying “public toilet” and had to, so in I went. Talk about perfection—clean clean clean. You went to the stall¸ pushed an electronic button, the door to the stall slide open, then another button inside to close the door. After, the sink in the stall was automatic. When you pushed the button to depart the toilet would automatically flush–a nice experience. In the US the word “toilet” seems to be a bad word, no one uses this word, I do. In a store, instead of saying, “where is the bathroom?” I say, “where is the toilet?” you see, I don’t want to take a bath. People avoid this subject so much, and it’s so much a part of life, at least 3 or 4 times a day. Instead of saying, “I have to pee” or “I have to poop”, I hear, “I have to go the bathroom.” We use the toilet so often, why is it we have made the word so bad to use. How about you, is it time?
Trying to separate my time in Australia and my time in New Zealand in my mind, it is difficult to, everything sort of merges together. Also, I know there are distinct accents that are used by speakers in Australia, New Zealand and England, yet I cannot differentiate between them, knowing each is unique.
This daily writing of words feels good, a new habit is in the making. Perhaps even these scribbling’s will go toward that book I want to author. That’s all it will take, a daily effort on my part, in the works now. I guess you would call this a blog, not sure. Should I put these words into blog form? (whatever that would be) Please, make me more knowledgeable about this topic.
Last night a group of us went to see, and a good show it was, quite enjoyable. Included in the show was some unicycling and juggling, my sort of thing.
The workshop in Dunedin went great over the last two days. Only three jugglers to work with, but all commented on how much it benefitted them. Here are comments I received in writing:
“Kit Summers has given me more in two days then I have had in a year towards improving as a juggler and performer. I now have the tools to guide my abilities to the next level. I could not recommend his workshop higher”—Miguel Nitis,
“I have learned a lot to make improvements to my work, show and ability to sell myself and succeed. Kit is relaxed, friendly and genuinely helpful with a wealth of knowledge to share.” Jay Glubb,
“Kit has told me a lot about things you need to think about making it in the performance/entertainment business, and about the positive mindset one needs to make their audiences happy.” KGB Juggler, k.g.b.purple@gmail. com
Presenting a juggling workshop is quite limiting in getting people there, not a lot of jugglers in the world. I really should put together a “Life Workshop” and ‘help people on their way toward a better future. The fee is $100 for my two day, 10 hour juggling workshop. I was thinking, I could charge $30 for a three hour workshop on life advancement ideas and do well, I believe. Any thoughts for me about this?