• BLOG 231–FEAR — False Evidence Appearing Real

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.

    *** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
    *** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** Hit by two trucks, one involving a 37-day coma, I remain happy.
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** Secrets to unfold and good news!


    TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK—FEAR—Acronym for—False Evidence Appearing Real
    In my life, I have had many challenges where fear should have played a role, and I did not allow it to. Here are a few >> 

    Riding my first high unicycle, seven foot tall.
    When juggling torches for the first time.
    3 machetes were integrated into my show.
    Jumping off the end of the Ocean Beach pier and swimming into body surf was an experience.
    Riding a unicycle I built — 14 foot tall.
    I went over the bar at 18’6” when pole-vaulting.
    Going to Europe after my accident, three times, to present juggling workshops was a challenge.
    Not knowing the language or lifestyle, I went to Japan three times to present my juggling workshop.
    After that second time I was hit by a truck, I was able to set up workshops in Australia and New Zealand.
    Living in my van and traveling to every national park in the US was fabulous.
    I am constantly challenging myself; these are just a few of the fears I could have had.
    I’ve found that people are often scared for no apparent reason. Often they make up things in their mind and then build on that until the thoughts become enormous. Fear does not have to be a part of your life! I have no concern whatsoever; I deal with what I have to at the time. What are you scared of?
    When there is no actual threat of immediate danger, when there is no threat of a loss to someone or something dear to us, nothing is there. The idea of fear is usually made up in someone’s mind; they run with it. Yet, sometimes it’s a beneficial thing that keeps us from harm.
    But, at times, it’s an inner voice and barrier that keeps us stuck. We are born with only two instinctual fears: falling and loud noises. All others are learned. This does not mean they are not real; they are learned from life experience.

    This is a vast topic, and I intend to touch on a few helpful tips to keep fear in check. Fear can be paralyzing, as you may have experienced. If given the power, fear will prevent us from doing and having things in our lives that we say we want. 

    Yet, fear is not bad; it warns us of potentially harmful or dangerous situations.

    Fears become registered as thoughts because they are learned. Thoughts are energy, AND – where thoughts go – Energy follows! Do you know our bodies do not know the difference between thoughts that are natural and present danger or if they are assumed?
    This is where the acronym, False Evidence Appearing Real, comes from. Most of our fears are learned and developed and originate from our thinking. Our negative emotions are triggered, then our bodies respond. It can be helpful, for example, if you’re walking alone through a dark alley — your fear can protect you by telling you to keep your guard up.
    All fear and anxious thoughts are about something that has not yet happened. And this is what sometimes spins us out and sends our brain into even more anxious thoughts because it cannot fix or solve this thing that we imagine–because it hasn’t yet happened–this is why scientists say that we’re the most fearful creatures on earth because we have the wildest imaginations.
    Anxiety feels real, even though it may have no basis in reality, arising when we feel activated by various triggers. As long as we continue to try to push away, avoid, or ignore our anxiety or panic, it will continue to hold us hostage. You must grab hold and make change happen.
    Our experience of anxiety can change only when we learn how to listen to our mind, understand it, challenge our anxious thoughts, and replace those thoughts with new ones. Mindfulness is the best technique for managing fear, anxiety, and panic; when we learn through meditation to allow ideas to pass without believing all we think to be accurate, our experience of fear will shift!
    Your goal today is to be present with your thoughts without reacting to them! So think about it. Other animals feel about threats and dangers in a given situation. But we think about hazards and risks; this could even take 20 steps ahead into the future, and this makes us even more scared or anxious.
    So if you’re afraid or anxious about returning to work, restarting a relationship, or anything else on the back of the announcements this week, be careful.  Try this exercise for any uncertainty around what will happen to you, your family, or anyone you know. So The First Step Is To Go There.

    And notice how you feel, now once you do that, come back to right here, right now, and think about what you can practically do to prevent that situation in the first place and again list down put anything in place. Take any actions or things you can do to prevent that from happening in the first place. So that’s it. Stay ahead of any fears you have.
    Life is always here and now! Make and follow changes, but make each individual moment a particular time in your life. Move through your fears and KEEP GOING!
    What new stories are you ready to write?
    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
    They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.


    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real time. You have this control!
    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —, and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
    But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.

    Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.

    Do one thing every day that scares you. -Eleanor Roosevelt
    Each of us must confront our own fears and must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it. -Judy Blume
    Everything you want is on the other side of fear. -Jack Canfield
    Extreme fear can neither fight nor fly. -William Shakespeare
    Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure; it just means you haven’t succeeded yet. -Robert H. Schuller
    Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street. -Zig Ziglar
    Fear has its use, but cowardice has none. -Gandhi
    Fear is only as deep as the mind allows. -Japanese Proverb

    Fear is the main source of superstition and one of the primary sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. -Bertrand Russell
    Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. -Yoda
    Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold. -Helen Keller
    Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. -William Shakespeare
    Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. -Dale Carnegie
    Do not be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. -John Rockefeller
    Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out. -Benjamin Franklin



                                               MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>
    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    And time is going faster all the time.
    Do you keep track of what you do each day?
    Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
    “Make” a great week for yourself, my friend.
    7/22–Day by day, moment by moment, time goes on. There is so much I want to accomplish–I have limited energy these days to keep going–but I do. So often, we have to “make” ourselves do things, but we do. How about you, do you push yourself?
    Are you living the life that you want? It is ALWAYS up to you. If you are not living the life you want, make things happen to bring on the change you need!
    7/23– We dropped off Beth’s van at https://jiminy-fixit.com/. If you are anywhere in the area, he does superb work; go see Jimmy. Beth’s A/C isn’t working currently, which means, due to this heat, my wife is unwilling to go anywhere. (Beth: I like staying home so it isn’t a problem. I have plenty to do around here.)
    7/24–Thinking ahead is a good thing. Heating bills from an electric heater can be high, but we plan on using our fireplace to heat the home, like last year. Winter will return; Beth and I depend on our fireplace to heat the house.
    To run the fire, we need fuel; wood works well. I brought home many wood cuttings for our future fire. The firewood was gathered at Ken Young, who cuts wood for building.
    Today, Eddie (Beth: my ex-husband. Let’s give credit where credit is due.)  and I cut the long cuttings to a size that fits into the fireplace. Much time was put in, and we filled up all the wood racks that will warm us next winter.
    Do you plan ahead?

    7/25–Hmm, do you remember the day?
    Do you remember what you did last Tuesday?
    I remember I was with Jemma >>
    7/26–Beth: I popped a gross thing on Kit’s head, which I googled and think is probably from him being out in the sun without his hat. I am not a nurse, but I do portray one at home.

    We are getting many hummy birds. What a joy to see them.
    7/27–Off to Costco to purchase a couple hundred bucks of essentials for eating. Amazingly, my van runs excellently, still. This vehicle has gone through much and continues to get me there.

    Also, we have a turtle; have you seen it?
    7/28–Finishing my blog and watching a hummingbird out the window. The bedroom needs a few paint touch-ups, but we set up Beth’s reading area is set up, and it looks lovely.  

    Find your happy world.
    Stop searching for happiness.
    We explore the things which we don’t have.
    This often involves looking at the bad and hard.
    Happiness is within you–find it today!
    Do something new daily, then keep doing it for the rest of your life.

    NEXT BLOG >>
    With no fear, I will concur that problem or discipline that I have been avoiding, 




    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.

    *** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
    *** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** Hit by two trucks, one involving a 37-day coma, I remain happy.
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** Secrets to unfold and good news!


    TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK—Applause Points
    As an entertainer, I loved the attention I got from the audience; this was/is a deep-seated joy in my heart. After my first accident, the audience was not there, of course. I had to find my own accolades.

    This topic idea started when I was in Boulder, Colorado, last week. I worked with Cindy Marvel on her juggling and performance. Cindy ran through her act and did incredible jugging, but she needed to include points in her show, allowing the audience to show her the applause they wanted to give her.
    Watch Cindy here >>
    Cindy is the only female who ever won the International Jugglers Association competition–she is that good. Some years ago, she built and runs The Boulder Circus Center. Take a look >>
    In my juggling show from the old days, I had several points throughout the show to let the people acknowledge me with their applause. Yet, this same wanting of engagement can be executed in everyone’s life. Applause and acknowledgment can positively add to any life.
    I’ve received applause from thousands and even standing ovations. I must say, I loved it. Along with receiving, you must give applause and acknowledgment every chance you get to add to someone else’s life.
    After my accident and as I was coming back, I would thrive on any divulgence. Part of this was my enjoyment of receiving applause from back when I performed, and I also thought I worked hard and deserved it. Wanting applause is a good thing!  


    We can all use commendations, which can move us forward well. From my performing days to when I was in the hospital for some months, I would cherish an appropriate exposure. While in the hospital, I would come upon people who were sad and needed comfort and revelation.
    Low self-esteem and neglectful experiences with caregivers may make you constantly need to seek approval as an adult. Most everyone wants to feel good from words spoken by others. At times, we must be our audience and applaud just for us!
    As I was recovering, I sometimes found it hard to make decisions, big or small, without getting others to weigh in on them, as I felt sad, happy, guilty, or anxious, and often depending on whether others approved of me. Have you gone through the same

    • You seek excessive reassurance that you’ve done or are doing the right thing.
    • You are feeling unconfident about decisions you’ve made or are making.
    • You reject opportunities and experiences you want because you worry about whether others will approve.
    • You feel ashamed if someone questions or dislikes your work, actions, or decisions.
    • People-pleasing vs. approval-seeking.

    Approval-seeking and people-pleasing behaviors are similar because they depend on others’ opinions for us to be happy. In excess, both may be unhealthy or signal emotional challenges. Remember that people-pleasing isn’t always about getting approval, though. People-pleasing may involve wanting others to be joyful or feeling answerable for other people’s needs, a sign of codependency.
    Celebrating your success, along with others, allows you to congratulate yourself instead of depending on the approval of others. You should work on embracing who you are and cultivating self-compassion.
    =Another way of getting applause is to applaud yourself.
    =You can applaud any person or organization ‘out there.’
    =And, you can join in existing applause. Say these words to yourself daily >> 

    I am respected.
    I have value.
    I am capable of making good decisions.
    I am loved and cared for.
    This can get your mind back on the right track.
    When is it that you crave others’ approval most?
    Is it when you’re making significant life determinations, like planning your finances or buying a house?
    Is it related to your appearance and clothing?
    Is it when you’re at work/school?
    Noticing the root cause of approval-seeking might help you determine what underlies this need.
    You are in control, and you can make changes that bring acknowledgments that you need from others. 

    What new stories are you ready to write?

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
    They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.

    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.


    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —, and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!


    Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
    But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.

    Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.

    “Don’t seek approval. This may be the toughest and most important suggestion for you to follow.”
    “Everything you do for attention is why you don’t have mine.”
    “I have no respect or sympathy for people who act like they’re the only one going through something in life.”
    “Blanket compassion will shift the distribution decisively towards the manipulative end of the spectrum.”
    “Approval is a lover who will always break your heart.”
    “Beware of those who seek constant crowds; they are nothing alone.”
    “People can become addicted to fame, money, and attention as deeply as they become addicted to drugs.”
    “Some people know what is right and what is wrong. They may justify their actions and reason beyond any doubt, but deep down inside. They know very well what they are doing and why they are doing it.”



                                               MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>
    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    And time is going faster all the time.
    Do you keep track of what you do each day?
    Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.

    7/15– Not hearing from my three daughters, Leah, Jasmine, or April, makes me sad.
    Yes, they each might be busy, but come on.
    Beth likes my beard better, so I have grown the facial hairs back. I must run the razor twice daily for my hair growth and a clean-shaven face. This way, I run a clipper through the facial hair about twice a month.

    7/16–A slow week this week. I have written before if your week or your life is slow; it is up to you to make things different. YOU are the one to make the life that you want.
    7/17–Beth stepped onto a plant or bamboo while barefoot in the backyard. This went into her foot, and she has been in pain for some days. Today she finally went to a doctor, and they cleaned it out. She had been getting infections inside. So great to have my wife back.
    7/18–I love this home of ours. With the wilderness so close and so many plants and animals around, it does keep it exciting. Here you can see where a tree branch was downed in the storm last night. 

    7/19–Sadly, one of our rabbits died because of the heat. The bunny’s hutch needs some adjustments to make it safe. I will be on that right away.

    7/20–Today, I worked on the long coffee table. This piece of wood was cut by Ken, who has done work for me in cutting 6”x2” boards for the tops of my gardens. This is a piece of wood he was discarding, I saw the potential for a table, so here I go.
    Sanding and preparing, next, I will stain the piece and put 12” legs on. It might even be too long to fit into the place in front of the couch. 

    “Make” a great week for yourself, my friend.

    This week, find a new word to use. With sooooooo many words to pick from and so many languages, it is good to explore words unknown to you. Then use a new word each week as your vocabulary expands.
    Here’s my new word>>Celerity
    French has a word, “célérité,” with the same pronunciation and meaning as the English word. But “celerity” likely entered English in the late 15th century directly from the Latin “celeritas,” which means “quickness” or “hast.
    “He juggled with celerity; he was quick and good.” 

    Do something new daily, then keep doing it for the rest of your life.

    NEXT BLOG >>`
    The coffee table I am building will be complete, you will see.

  • BLOG 229–Your Amazing hands

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.

    *** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
    *** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** Hit by two trucks, one involving a 37-day coma, I remain happy.
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** Secrets to unfold and good news!


    My hands have been used for most of my life to keep things in the air–YES, a juggler I am. Did you see the video of me using my hands to manipulate objects while headlining at Ballys in Atlantic City?
    One of the most complex parts of the human body is also one (or rather two) we use hundreds of times daily, yet, we often take them for granted. For instance, do you ever think about how your mind knows how you catch and throw a ball?
    Human hands are our body’s tools for multipurpose use. Each hand has 27 specialty bones; about half of those are found in our fingers. These tactile appendages will bend, lift, and flex about 25 million times throughout our lifetime. There are 206 bones in the average adult human body; our hands take up the most. Each hand is home to 27 bones and 34 muscles, and 123 ligaments–in just one hand!
    Then, our fingers can perform everyday tasks thanks to the thousands of nerve endings contained within. Touch receptors can sense pressure, movement, texture, temperature, etc. But there’s one thing our hardworking digits don’t have–muscles–surprise, surprise!
    Fast hands in juggling are a significant asset that can help jugglers throw better and more accurately, With this power directly coming from using the speed of hands, too. And there are ways to improve hand speed.
    Here’s a simple example of strength for juggling or otherwise. Strength development is essential to speed up the outcome of your hands. Strength training is crucial in juggling because you want to recruit more muscles to help you push yourself for better juggling. This would allow you to do the same function more easily and quickly. And, as you would know, this would help anyone.
    During my time juggling, when I wanted to increase my hand speed, I would focus on doing more push-ups and pull-ups. You should do at least 50 pushups and pull-ups daily in your workout routine. This is good for juggling speed and overall conditioning.
    The dominant thrower is usually the person who can fire their muscles faster than another juggler and apply more force. All the muscles in your body are comprised of both fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers.   
    The fast-muscle fibers help you to move quickly and explosively. The slow-twitch muscle fibers help you sustain your activity over a long period. Developing your fast-twitch muscle fibers to increase your hand speed will allow you to do more significant juggling and other hand skills. This makes better saves, as you become a better overall athlete.
    Remember that your eyes must be as fast and robust as your hands. Your eyes have everything to do with your hands, body, and all the skills needed to be an elite juggler or gamesman. The point is your eyes should tell your body what to do next. The more your eyes are disciplined, the more possibilities you can perform your juggling successfully.
    To develop your eye discipline, stare straight at a spot on the wall. Have someone hold up a piece of paper so you can only see with your peripheral vision—no turning of your head, of course. This exercise will allow your eyes to see more while focusing on a single direction. For me, this was beneficial for juggling and running. Also, this will teach you to isolate for many ball games too.
    Developing quick hands is about more than just working on the hands. Instead, it’s a combination of the whole body working with your eyes to take you up to the next level. Some experts estimate that a quarter of the motor cortex, the part of the brain responsible for voluntary movement, is devoted to manipulating our hands alone, for juggling or otherwise.
    Although hands are impressive forms, they only beat our feet by just one minor bone. Human hands and feet developed similarly because primate ancestors walked on all fours.
    How bout this? Have you ever seen a foot juggler? Almost every bone in your hand is controlled in a pattern similar to the metatarsals in your foot. The only exception to the number of bones is a bone located at the edge of the wrist called the pisiform, which connects various ligaments and tendons.
    How do fingers perform the intricate tasks we require without them, like juggling, for instance? Human fingers are controlled by the muscles that go down our forearms and the tops and palms of our hands. Then, small intrinsic muscles in each hand allow your fingers to perform fine motor movements, such as juggling. While extrinsic muscles in the forearm and elbow control how the wrist and hand movements for those delicate juggling moves.
    The bones in your fingers (aka phalanges) are connected to these muscles by tendons — fibrous, cord-like connective tissues — and fingers can perform their range of motion when the attached muscles contract for juggling or whatever you need.
    And flexor tendons in the palm help fingers to bend, while extensor tendons on the top of the hand are responsible for straightening the fingers back out to grab that ball — basic movements that allow our hands to grasp, touch, hold, and throw objects.
    Can you juggle?
    If not, it’s time to learn.
    By my friend, Niels >>
    Some interesting facts about your hands >>
    **The human hand has 27 bones, 29 joints, and at least 123 named ligaments.
    **What sets our hands apart from other animals is our opposable thumbs—this means our thumbs and fingers can work together (fun fact: koala bears, like us, also have opposable thumbs.)
    **Did you know you cannot get a tan on the underside of your fingers or palm? Try it; you’ll see.
    **Fingerprints are unique DNA imprint that is different in every human being. No two human beings in the world have similar fingerprints.
    **Tons of words include ‘hand’–handy, handwriting, handiwork, handle, handbag, handsome, handball, etc.
    **The average length of a hand for adult women is 6.7 inches. For men, it is 7.4 inches.
    **Fingers don’t have muscles—the forearm muscles move tendons in our fingers.
    **Men tend to have longer ring fingers than index fingers—girls, the opposite.
    **Hand specialists say the index finger is the best to lose—if you had a choice. The index finger is needed the least.
    **Fingernails show your state of health—your nails can indicate problems such as mineral or vitamin deficiencies, liver trouble, thyroid, or anemia.
    **Some warning signs of deficiencies on your fingernails may be that they are brittle, pale, or spotted.
    **The color of the fingernails and those small “moons” on each nail can identify the quality of oxygen level of the bloodstream and blood circulation.
    **Your fingers are even more sensitive than your eyes—the fingertips have many receptors responsible for sending messages to the brain.
    **The vein on your ring finger is called Venna Amoris—and the vein has a direct line with the human heart and is known as the vein of love. That’s why we wear an engagement ring on the left hand’s finger!
    **Nails stop growing after death. Did you ever notice?
    **Structurally, fingernails are modified hairs.
    **Did you know Julius Caesar ordered the thumbs of captured prisoners to be cut off?
    **6% of all men and 9.9% of all women are left-handed. Are you?
    **It takes up to 6 months for your fingernail to grow from root to tip.

    You are amazing!
    I would love to shake your hand.
    What new stories are you ready to write?

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
    They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.

    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.


    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —, and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!

    Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
    But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.

    Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.

    As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”
    Audrey Hepburn
    “What we say and do ultimately comes back to us, so let us own our responsibility, place it in our hands, and carry it with dignity and strength.”
    Gloria E. Anzaldúa
    “She took it, running her fingers over the flesh. It was as rough as the wood grain of the table in the dining hall, the skin along his thumb as hard and dry as leather cracking with age. No wonder he could work all day and not complain.”
    Scott Westerfeld
    “For hands to do Rome service is but vain.”
    William Shakespeare
    “He held out his hand to help me up.
    And I took it.
    I let him pull me to my feet.”
    Kate DiCamillo
    “He took hold of Shmuel’s tiny hand in his and squeezed it tightly.
    ‘You’re my best friend, Shmuel,’ he said. ‘My best friend.”
    John Boyne
    I conjure the boy I knew. Achilles grins as the figs blur in his hands. His green eyes laugh. Catch, he says.
    Madeleine Miller
    “Today, whatever you want. If you wish, you may eat with both hands and both feet. So get in there and munch. Have a big munch-er-oo!”
    Dr. Seuss
    “You are a dangerous collection of all my favorite things.
    An old soul, a heart of gold, and hands that make my body sing.”
    Nikita Gill



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    And time is going faster all the time.
    Do you keep track of what you do each day?
    Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.

    7/7–Starting on painting the bedroom. I do not aim for perfection, but I try to. This is something anyone can do–to strive for perfection rather than mediocrity. Whether you have gone through a brain injury or some other kind of change, you can still work toward perfection within you.

    7/8–I Finished painting the bedroom today; it turned out quite lovely. It is easy to paint a room, have you ever? You don’t need to hire a remarkable painter.
    Yes, it’s summer now. But, I continue to get wood for next winter. Ken, who built the tops for my planters, has much scrap wood to remove; I am happy for this to burn next winter.
    Our friends, Valerie and Jeff, recently bought a new abode. We will be going over tomorrow to see the new place. Valerie likes Seinfeld, so Beth bought many Seinfeld gags and gifts, hopefully to laughter and joy, which we will present tomorrow.

    7/9-We visited Valerie and Jeff, who recently moved into their brand-new home (today was Jeff’s 70th birthday!) Valerie and Beth worked together at the McCormick Library. What an excellent place for Jeff and Valerie to retire to. This home is in the woods.
    I am painting the molding at the bottom of each wall in our bedroom. We choose a nature green and brown color and want a wilderness-type setting. This will match the wilderness mural that I already put up. Then, I want to have plants so we can sleep like in nature.
    7/10–As usual, up early again, about 2:30 am. Today my friend, Peter Kenny, stopped by for a visit on a drive from Atlanta, GA, to Myrtle Beach, SC. Peter was born without one leg and is quite an exciting man, and he has achieved wonders.
    The early days saw Peter working with circus in various capacities; he did much for and with the show. Later, he had a significant change. He studied and works with a banking/investment firm in New York City, where he was born and lives now.

    I have made some of my famous salsa recently. Peter loved the taste, and that was lunch. Did you ever see >> summerssalsa.com
    Of course, the horses made their daily appearance while Peter was here. The three of them stand at the fence and want carrots. Peter fed some to the hungry and massive creatures.

    When I last saw Peter, I taught him to juggle with the scarves. I am surprised he had not learned before. Then, today, I brought out the balls, and he is throwing the 3 balls like a professional.
    7/11–a sweltering day, but I got out there and worked on the garden. I had planted some raspberries (why is there a “p” in that word?) I purchased some last month, but they have thorns in them. I knew there were ones without thorns, so I looked and ordered. The new raspberry plants will go into the garden, and I will plant the others by the fence.
    Also, the weed clothe came in. This is a barrier I put down between the gardens so that we have no growth where we walk. This keeps everything looking splendid.

    7/12–Limited sleep for me, once again. I did sleep until about 3am, though. More work on the bedroom; it is looking fantastic. Did you see the photos?
    Recently they started having food trucks come into downtown McCormick (where we live.) Once a week, a crowd was there, and they should keep it going. Curious, I went to a Mexican stand and ordered one taco. This thing was tiny. The tacos I make are delicious and cost less than a dime. Now, which would you choose?
    7/13–Another lovely sunny day looks to be setting up. Now that the gardens are all set, there is nothing to work on. I spread some plants, took more space, and planted more lettuce. As I wrote, once you have a garden established, there is nothing really left to do.
    Do you want a lawn to grow and take care of? I would think not. What a waste of time and money. Plant edible vegetables; you will have plenty to eat and feed friends and neighbors. Get with the picture; plant some edible plants. It will make you happy.
    7/14–Continuing to work on improving the gardens. Today we discovered a pest that is a pretty yellow color. The Mexican Bean Beetle, what a beautiful bug, but it is eating our plants! I hate to kill them, but that will be necessary. We will spray the plants with Meem Oil, a safe killer (could there be one?)
    Today I harvested the potatoes I grew. Some were relatively small but edible. I put them into a food processor and diced them all up. They should be a delicious breakfast meal for some time.

    “Make” a great week for yourself.

    In the past, I suggested you pick a room in your home and make it exquisite.
    It’s time to select a second room in your house and make it a space that others will discuss after seeing it.
    It is up to you; you can live in excellence or mediocrity.
    What do you think, which for you?
    Do something new daily, then keep doing it for the rest of your life.
    The bedroom will be finished, you will see.
    And, is your home improved?

  • BLOG 228–Driving Ability

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.

    *** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
    *** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** Hit by two trucks, one involving a 37-day coma, I remain happy.
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** Secrets to unfold and good news!


    TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK—Driving a vehicle
    At the age of 16, I got my driver’s license. The year was 1975, and I was happy to be able to drive. Attending IJA (International Jugglers Association), festivals allowed me to drive across the country numerous times. Also, when I taught juggling at Ringling Brothers Clown College in Florida, and when I was hired to be a featured performer at Ballys Casino in Atlantic City, as well as moving to Trainer, PA for a time, I’ve driven roundtrip across the US 33 times.
    My first accident happened in Atlantic City, so I had a car there. My sister, Kath, flew out to be with my mom while I was asleep in my 37-day coma. Later, after I awoke from my coma, I was flown by a small plane out to San Diego, where I grew up, and where my mom was.
    The accident was on 4/3/82, and an IJA convention was coming up in July, so I had to go. My sister, once again, helped. I was still in a wheelchair at this time. Nice to be back with friends.
    The following year the convention was to take place in New York, on the east coast. This provided my goal–to drive from San Diego to the convention in New York. Also, I was invited to perform in the show. My big IJA comeback show. In this show, I rode my unicycle! So, in a wheelchair the year before, to one wheel this year.
    After that, I did much more driving. Coming to mind is when I once drove in England, driving on the different side of the vehicle while keeping to the other side of the road. 
    During some of this driving, I sometimes saw double because of my accident. But everything was safe; I could close one eye if needed.
    Everything went smoothly, yet, is my driving getting worse? I drove to The Boulder Juggling Festival recently. Take a look >> https://sites.google.com/view/boulderfest/festival. Along the way, I was in a minor accident and got a ticket for not staying in my lane.
    Beth is a good driver; for now, she will be the one to get us there and back.
    What new stories are you ready to write?

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
    They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.


    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —,  and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!

    Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
    But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.

    Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.

    “Your driving purpose is not to arrive at your destination safely or quickly. Your purpose when driving is…to impress your personality on the road.” – Martin Amis
    “When I’m driving the highway by myself is when I write best.” – Willie Nelson
    “What’s behind you doesn’t matter.” – Enzo Ferrari
    “What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people, and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? – it’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s goodbye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” – Jack Kerouac
    “The crashes people remember, but drivers remember the near misses.” – Mario Andretti
    “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.” – Babs Hoffman
    “Still, round the corner, there may wait, a new road or a secret gate.” – John Tolkien
    “Do not follow where the path may lead.
    Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Emerson
    “Decided to keep to myself more.
    Can’t say a thing without being mistreated.
    I’ll have a moment one of these days.”
    “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.
    Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    And time is going faster all the time.
    Do you keep track of what you do each day?
    Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.

    7/1–Still at the Boulder Juggling Festival at the Circus Center. While parked at the CC, I slept well. The last two days were cloudy and rainy, and today I awoke to a clear sky and a bright sun. I will be in the big show tonight, and you will notice what occurs.

    Did you see >>

    Today I presented two classes, one on doing 50 ball tricks and the other on 50 club tricks. People told me after they learned much, but I was embarrassed that my juggling level is so low; I could barely juggle 3 anymore. But I do know to explain how to do the tricks.
    In the workshops, I show tricks using just one object; then, we tie it in with 3 or more later. I did a pirouette to show them how to throw a ball up and spin, but my brain kept turning; it was strange. My brain injury was not just a one-day event back in 1982 but continues to be apparent.
    Saturday night was showtime!
    The audience witnessed a show that was one of the best group juggling acts I have seen.
    I hoped to be in the show, but sadly, it seems I am no longer part of the juggling world.
    People were here late, still throwing stull into the air. I remember my early days juggling at juggling conventions, and we would be up most of the night. Well, I was sleeping in my van out in the parking lot and finally got to sleep late.
    7/2—As I woke at about 3:30 am, dreaded things came back into my mind from recent days. I just lay there and thought about life and what I wanted from life, and what to give to life. I thought I might like more of my past traveling, teaching, and performing; that was a past life I no longer know.

    For breakfast, hmm, I brought oatmeal.
    That served the purpose.
    The boiling water went toward my tea, too.

    Across the fields of vegetation, I see the mountains.
    Yes, Boulder is a lovely town.
    The only thing that could be nicer is less constant traffic noise.
    It is lovely here, but I am comfortable living with Beth in our home in McCormick with all the energy I need until death (yet, Beth and I said to each other that we would not die.) I had many plans to do so many things; being away from Beth and our house right now, I see that that is all I want.
    I am still trying to figure out what I will do today. I am considering leaving, but I have another class to present today on performing. So, I will stay. I wanted to sell the books I brought, but people need to buy them.
    With no power outside the Circus Center, I use my Jackery charger box to power my phone and computer. I bought this some years ago, and it has proven to be an asset. Do you have one?

    The sun is just coming up (or, it should be, the earth is turning toward the sun), and it is a clear and fantastic-looking day. In looking out at the area, there is so much I could do here to improve things. Too many weeds coming up all over the place, rocks that need replacement and such, that sort of thing.

    When will people start showing up? It looked like the show was sold out last night; a good night. Many jugglers in the audience saw a fantastic performance.

    As you see, I posited many words in this blog and the last one. Like in the past, I have many more experiences to write about when I travel. I wrote about “experiences” in the previous blog. Have you been making incidents happen for yourself?

    9 am, but no one has shown up for juggling. Just me and the birds. And, look, a jackrabbit hurried by, and a groundhog appeared. I love seeing life.
    Beth and I recently talked about my driving. She thinks I should turn in my keys and not spend more time behind the wheel. I agree with her. When tired, I still have problems with balance, walking, and double vision. 
    7/3–I would have liked to work with people about their juggling today in my workshop. A workshop was set up, but no one had signed up, so I departed with sadness.
    I started the 1500-mile drive home today.
    7/4–Fourth of July, hmm, big deal.
    I was on the road again today.
    I slept through any fireworks.
    It was a joy, I must say.
    7/5–So great to wake up this morning in the home of Beth and me. As I awoke, I saw that the lawn needed cutting. As I build gardens and make other changes, I want to avoid having any grass. To cut and take care of it is such a waste of time.
    While away, the lawn continued to grow, of course. I wrote about this before, when I mow, I do not go back and forth; I go around the outside of the lawn and work my way by making smaller circles into the center. It is such a waste of time to click around and go back in the opposite direction. Keep the mowing flowing with no stops or slowing down. Contact me if you have questions.
    7/6–The love between Beth and I continues to grow daily. We are each delighted with each other and spend all our waking hours together. People who know us seem surprised that we have found such a good thing.

    7/7–Bright sun all day; how nice. Beth does not like the heat, and I am ok with it. I must admit, though, air conditioning can be nice.
    Finishing the painting of the bedroom was worked on today. As I’ve written before, I want to make our home into a paradise, which we do not wish to journey away from.
    And the gardens needed tending, so I played the part. We are growing much, and continue to add to our vegetable garden. Have you started yours yet? 

    “Make” a great week for yourself.

    People tend to avoid washing their windows.
    Are you one of those people?
    This week, do a through cleaning of all your windows.
    Do something new daily, then keep doing it for the rest of your life.
    The bedroom will be complete.
    You will see the outcome.

  • BLOG 227–Experiences or Things?

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.

    *** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
    *** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** Hit by two trucks, one involving a 37-day coma, I remain happy.
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** Secrets to unfold and good news!


    It’s a matter of challenging myself, YES.
    Always remember that life experiences are much more important than “things.”
    The Boulder Juggling Festival was upcoming.
    Shall I make the drive?

    Here it is >>
    The more challenges you have, the better your life can be!

    The answer I came up with was “YES!” I will miss Beth much, but I will see how I do. We must never forget this is our only life; we must face challenges and do as many “new” things as possible. I am 64 years of age now; I continue to try new things all the time.
    As long as you don’t harm yourself–get out there and do it!
    When you choose experiences over things, your brain will think differently than when you buy something. Use experiences as chances for personal growth and development. Every day try and find a way to have even more experiences. It doesn’t matter how big or small; make sure you apply yourself and create new things daily.
    Now is the time, do it now as opposed to later.
    You will find, with time, that experiences bring more joy to your life.
    Read more books, and challenge yourself more often.
    Expand your abilities as much as possible.
    Expand your mind!

    Not only do experiences bring more joy into your life, they also help us enlarge your horizons. For example, interacting with people from different countries and cultures to our own gives us a sense of outlook, remembering that the whole world doesn’t center around us and where we are from.

    What new stories are you ready to write?

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.

    They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.


    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real time. You have this control!
    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
    But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.

    Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.


    “Everyone has different life experiences, making them who you are.
    Your experiences are strictly yours.
    And mine are just unique to me.
    Make new experiences all the time.” 
    Kit Summers
    “I’ve never attended culinary school, but I love cooking.”
    Keshia Knight Pulliam
    “The only source of knowledge is experience.”
    Albert Einstein
    “Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions.”
    Rita Mae Brown
    “I didn’t fail.
    It was a learning experience.”

    “Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.”
    John Keats
    “Experience is the teacher of all things.”
      Julius Caesar
    “Every experience, good or bad, is a priceless collector’s item.”
    Isaac Marion
    “Experiences are savings which a miser puts aside.”
    Karl Kraus
    “Learning from experience is a faculty rarely practiced.”
    Barbara W. Tuchman
    “Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is more intellectual play.”
    Immanuel Kant
    “Learn from every mistake because every experience, particularly your mistakes, is there to teach you and force you into being more of who you are.”
    Oprah Winfrey

    “Life is a journey with problems to solve, lessons to learn, but most of all, experiences to enjoy.” Anonymous
    “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.”
    Oscar Wilde
    “Every experience makes you grow.”
    “Fill your life with experiences. Not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.”
    “A mind stretched by a new experience can never return to its old dimensions.”
    Oliver Wendell Holmes



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    And time is going faster all the time.
    Do you keep track of what you do each day?
    Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.

    6/24–Working on a new rabbit hutch, the biggest I’ve seen. Like many projects I do, I had no idea how to construct the hutch; once I started, I figured it out, and things fell into place. The eleven (yes, that many) bunnies seem to love their new abode.

    As I’ve said, we spend so much time in our homes. I want to make it into a paradise that Beth and I both love and want to spend all our time here. Is this something you could do to the place you call home? If you make your home that fantastic, you will never have to “get away” or vacation.

    6/25–Finished the big hutch and put the bunnies in. It was funny; they started doing backflips because they loved their new home. Like I am doing for our living situation, I want to provide a place for the rabbits to live in that they love.

    Found a little nest in a tree–with an egg in it!
    We put the nest right back so Mom would not miss it.
    Also, we saw a couple of ladybugs (ONE WAS A GUY!) making more bugs (or, is this too personal?)n

    Today I started to prepare the van for the big trip to Boulder. I look forward to being behind the wheel and traveling again (I will miss Beth, though.)

    6/27–Woke at about 1:30 am.
    With a kiss and hug for Beth.
    By 2 am, I was on the road.
    I was making a good time. I had put in many miles since I started driving. I soon saw the big city arch of St. Louis and thought of McDonald’s.
    While driving, I was in the left lane, with much traffic on the freeway. I looked ahead and saw that my route was coming to an end. I put my turn signal on, and there was a big truck to my right; I thought he would let me in.
    With my lane ending quickly approaching, I pulled to the right, and he was still there and did not allow me to get over after all. So, we collided, and my heart sank. After that horrendous collision with the guy, I thought my van was done with.
    The two cop cars were there quickly; I waited and sat in my van for a while. One of them gave me a traffic ticket on top of all, what a terrible thing. They stopped traffic and let me drive to an exit off the freeway.
    Surprisingly, I did not even think my van was drivable as I exited the freeway. I thought the cops would be there soon to help me, but looking around, I saw they had disappeared.
    I called Beth to let her know what had occurred; she told me calming words that helped. What a wonderful thing being married to this woman.
    I called Cindy Marvel in Boulder and told her of my predicament. She told me about Jessica Hentoff in St. Louis. Jessica said we had once met at the home of Michael Moschen, who was living in New York City at the time, many years ago.
    This is about Jennifer and her circus interest >>
    Do you know of Michael Moschen?
    An excellent juggler he is.
    Here is his marvelous triangle routine >>
    I wanted to have my van checked out to ensure it was safe to drive. Jessica knew of a mechanic/friend; she gave me the address, so off I went. Jessica met me there. The guy checked out the van and said I should be safe. That gave me a smile, but my van looks far from spectacular.
    Jessica said she would be busy taking some of her students to lunch, and I could go to her house and meet Peter Kenny, who was staying with her. My van still seemed to drive all right, so off I went to meet Peter.
    Surprisingly, Peter had a prosthesis for a leg. I thought he might have lost his leg while pursuing some circus tricks or rigging; he said he was born that way. Later Peter took me to dinner, and we talked much. A brilliant man and I enjoyed our in-depth conversation while consuming a delicious meal.
    Peter has worked at some circuses and is a very strong man; I’m sure he did good work. He ended up going to work at an agency in New York City dealing with money; he was just temporarily staying with Jennifer. Interestingly, from circus to wall street, he did have stories to tell.
    Peter is a healthy man who is in great shape. He told me he used to be a fat and out-of-shape individual. I was surprised to hear these words being uttered by the man. He has been living a better life and eating healthily for years now. 
    In talking with Peter, it sounded like he has many books in his brain that could help people. I gave him a copy of my book, Accident, and let him know how and why I put this book together. I am hoping that, right away, Peter will get his books going.
    Is “your” book started yet?
    Can you juggle?
    Peter did not know how to juggle!
    So, I went to my van and got scarves to teach him.
    After a quick lesson, he was keeping up 3 scarves well.
    Next, come the machetes.
    Another student, under my tutelage (that’s the first time I’ve used that word, feels good to use new words), I’ve taught hundreds now.
    6/28–Jennifer has a spare bedroom where I slept for the night. I awoke at about 4 am; that’s sleeping in for me. Peter was up at about 6am. I got a shower and was ready to depart. You will see a photo of Jennifer’s fantastic land and pond in a photo with these words.

    A long freeway drive, mainly flat. I keep my GPS on the dash with Velcro. Sometimes, when I hit a bump, it falls and I have to find it on the floor with my hand. This happened a few times, and I make sure no one is near me when I search for it. I think I did a little swerving while retrieving the GPS.
    I had a smile on my face as I was cruising along, thinking of when I was traveling like this and living in my van for 6 years. And many parts I do like, yet, there are awful parts, too.

    As I was traveling, I saw that a cop was behind me. Then he turned out his lights to pull me over, which I immediately did. He told me a call had come in that someone was having trouble driving; I guess that was what I was called about?
    The cop and I talked for a time, and I let him know I had not been drinking, and he was alright with me getting back on the road. We had a friendly conversation.
    Then, while I was getting gas, and another cop connected with me there. As before, he said I seemed fine and let me go with no ticket or anything.
    I guess the call goes out to all cops in nearby states.
    Another cop pulled me over. This one was less nice than the first two. He told me a call came in that I was all over the road. I explained again what had happened. He had me do a breathalyzer test for alcohol, and, of course, it came out fine. He wanted to do a walking and balance check; I told him of my brain injury and that I could not balance well. Yet, he still checked.
    He said he had been tracking me for a while, I know I was driving fine, but he still said I was not staying in my lane. Of course, I could not argue with him about that, and he would not hear. At this point, I was just embarrassed and wanted to have things concluded.
    The first two cops let me go without a ticket. 
    Yet, this mean cop wrote me up and gave me a ticket.
    Strangely, he thought I could not drive, yet let me get back on the road again. What was he thinking? Did he want to make a few hundred dollars by giving me the ticker?
    The roads out here have little as far as exits go. I finally found one, and then after searching for a while, I found a spot where I spent the night.
    After awakening, the harsh reality of what had happened yesterday hit me like a ton of juggling balls (or a ton of bricks, the same weight, many more balls.) As I awakened slowly, I wondered what the future would hold.
    Just editing this brings back terrible memories.
    Depending on my GPS to get me back on the road, off I went. I found out it was only about 2:30am. I got back on the freeway, where, gladly, there were few cars or trucks.

    Having difficulty seeing, the drive was slow, and I had to be precise. Being upset and tired, I just wanted to give up. But, with Beth on my mind, I had to, have to, continue. I’ve talked about dealing with change much in the past. I feel this is one of my more significant changes.
    I set the GPS for McDonald’s, where I knew I could be warm and use their wifi and plugin. Also, I had time to spend meeting with Cindy tomorrow at about 8:30. I did purchase a sausage biscuit, which I consumed slowly and enjoyed each bite.
    6/29–Morning time at a new location. Looking out the van window, I see the sun just appearing. 8:08 already; I must get on the road. Then, after thinking (do you ever do that?), I realized I was still going by east coast time, so I had an extra two hours.
    I went to Cindy’s, where I had been before. Right away, I noticed that her growing things were taking off. I stayed with her before and did much work on the house and land. Maybe I’ll make time to help out how I can.
    I am writing my blog at McDonald’s right now. I left my van off with Tires Plus to have them look it over thoroughly. I have a lifetime warranty with them on the wheel alignment; they should do well with my wheels. McDonald’s is a couple of blocks away, so here I am.
    This is better than imposing on Cindy to come and retrieve me to bring me back later to pick up the finished van. I could take a walk or do any other number of things. That goes back to “experiences,” yes?
    Tires Plus worked on my van for some hours and discovered several things.
    There is an oil leak, and the rust under the van is much.
    They only charged me about ten bucks for all that work, which was excellent.
    6/29–The people at Tires Plus discovered that my van had many rusty spots on the underside and an oil leak to boot. I’ve had the van for many years, which has served me well to travel in and as a home. But, I think it is time to retire this old friend.
    Do you have a vehicle you are not using I could take over for a low price?
    It does not matter how it looks; it just needs wheels.
    I can go anywhere to pick it up; just let me know.
    Please help if you can.
    Cindy has her Juggling Festival this weekend,
    I have my Costco membership.
    She asked about going to get food for the festival from Costco; as we did.
    Later I went to the Circus Center with Cindy to watch and help with her act. She does excellent juggling; I gave her some advice on performance which should help.
    I am hoping I can get enough jugglers together to run my juggling workshop on Monday and Tuesday, the third and fourth of July. Like most people would have those days off, I hope to have many to work with in the workshop.

    6/30–Last night I awoke early and had yet to learn what time it was. It could have been 1am or 4; I think it was closer to 4. Anyway, I was awake for the day I was. Some of my time devices are still set for east coast time, so I did no know the correct time. Nice to see the sun’s light slowly envelop the earth.
    They are working on my blog this morning on Cindy’s back patio. I see many bikers out riding, runners putting their feet on the pavement to get there, and dogs walking their masters. Boulder has many young people who like to keep in shape; that’s always good to see. Did you do your workout today?
    I can work on this blog offline, so here I am.
    I will put more in throughout the day.
    And what time did you awaken today?
    My blog will be posted at about 6pm today, as usual. This week I did get much material together for your eyes to ponder. Do you like how I write?

    Currently, I am editing and finishing this blog while in the room where the juggling festival will be going on. There are already many here throwing things in the air (and, for some reason, onto the ground, too.)

    “Make” a great week for yourself.

    Try something totally new for you–make a new experience.
    (then do the same, weekly, for the rest of your life.)
    You can find so much more in life than you currently live.
    Do something new daily, then keep doing it for the rest of your life.
    Next week I will write more about my trip to Boulder, which continues; hope you enjoy.
