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  • BLOG 86—In PA with my daughter

    The Wanderings of Kit

    (Do you wander or just wonder?)

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life. By writing this blog I want to inspire you to see your life in a different and/or better way and find joy how you can.

    YES—YOU CAN > >
    ***Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
    ***Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
    ***Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
    ***Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
    ***Read of experiences that will add to and make your life better.
    ***I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
    ***Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?

    And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.

    Create the life YOU want to live, NOW!

    Then make your life better and better!

    ***Remember, to read past blog posts, go to

    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.

    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.

    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.

    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.

    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.

    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!





    Sorry I could not get this out to you yesterday, my Friday normal release. I had no wifi connection. Libraries have been closed, but I found the Lititz library open, so I can charge my stuff as I write to you.

    Near Lancaster, PA for the wedding of April on October 3 – how exciting. So, spending time here with not much happening. I do hope to inspire you with my words.

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting and important on the path to joy and happiness. This is no secret.

    So what’s the secret of inspirational quotes?

    1) Intending to inspire someone.

    2) Having recognized our own need to be inspired.

    Inspiration >> The process of being
    mentally stimulated to do a certain thing.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control.

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking – and that’s where motivational quotes come in! Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!

    I hope the words I pick do help you.


    Be inspired by these words >>

    From my book series, “Beyond Your Potential”

    They know why they’re here in their life!”

    Success is knowing your purpose in life. But there’s more to it than that. I know people who know their purpose in life but they’re not thriving.

    You need a growth plan to help you reach your top potential. It’s not only knowing what you should do, it’s also about growing in that area to maximize and highlight the things that you do well. Growth is an ongoing progression.

    Development is not an automatic process. If you’re going to grow, you need to do so intentionally and with purpose. Basically, you need a reason for your growth.

    That’s continual growth.

    Knowing your purpose in life gives you stability. While things might get hard and shaky for others, you can use this assurance to steady the boat and to ride out the storm because you know where you want to go.

    This direction becomes an anchor in life—a confidence based upon the knowledge of one’s purpose. Someone once said there are two great days in life—the day you are born and the day you discover why you’re here.

    Remember this—highly successful people have discovered why they are here.

    Join me as I help you move your life forward and higher. See your future and see that you can change, that you will change. Don’t remain in that easy or ordinary life—jump up to that higher life that is awaiting you.


    9/19-23  Helping Steve Mills (yes, that Steve Mills of the MillsMess fame) still with clearing/cleaning out his house/church. He says he already has a buyer, but they don’t seem committed.

    Today I have been ten feet up on a leaning ladder against the thirteen-foot front door scraping and getting ready for painting. The church door that is really really big. This door needs painting, so I scrap, fill in where needed, then paint. A long process.

    I told Steve that when I was way up on that ladder, which is at the top of some steps, by the way, I felt safer when I used to ride my 14’ unicycle. At least I had control of my ride. Falling from here I would have no control. Yikes!

    About that unicycle, I built it in high school and actually road it quite much. Having to duck under telephone/electrical lines and finding a place to get on and get off was hard at times.

    After the third time I fell off I gave it away. I hope the guy I gave it to is still alive. Hard to imagine at this time in my life I was so daring as a youth. But, I would try anything. Different now somehow.

    Burnt up more books, which makes me quite sad. Steve said he let many people know the books were available, but few takers. He just doesn’t have time to deal with it, which I realize. Sorry, Larry.

    I did load up three large boxes of classics and big name authors. This morning at 6am, on a Sunday, I took these books and left them at Sandusky Library under the roof on the entrance. I hope the books find a good home.

    It makes me feel better to have them decide what to do with the books. I did not want to burn or destroy any books, but Steve needs to clear things out and get rid of stuff. Understandable, but still hard to do.

    Steve and I just went up into the bell tower, or belfry. Didn’t see any bats. This whole building is constructed so well, with the best of materials. After all, the church was built in the 1880s, back when the cost of the big timbers wouldn’t be astronomical.

    We just went out for Mexican food, very nice, thank you, Steve. He has a BMW, very fast, a superb vehicle. On these country roads Steve got up to 115mph so quick and easily, it was surprising, Made for a very smooth ride.

    After soooo many years in entertainment, Steve says he is basically retired from performing. He will keep busy, of course, but no more trying to push the performanc0e.

    9/25—In Lititz, Pennsylvania now, where April lives. April and Jake took me out for excellent Mexican food last night, a great time.

    I’m lonely out here, I would love to hear from you.

    Either through Facebook or email, kitsummers@gmail.com


    We must challenge ourselves in life. This week, if you are right-handed, eat and write with your left hand. Of course, if you are left-handed, do the opposite. I will participate, of course. Please, let me know how things turn out for you.


    The October third wedding of my daughter, April.

    You will read details, of course.


  • BLOG 104—The Keys is Where It’s At!

    (Do you wander or just wonder?)

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life. By writing this blog I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way and find joy how you can.
    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!

    ************************* **********************************************

    Every day presents a different set of circumstances; I meet new people and witness many new things. Very enjoyable.

    I’ve been thinking about having a theme for each blog. Such as this one could be on goal setting? What do you think of that idea?

    I want to again thank Alan and his ET Auto Repair in Miami for the excellent work they did on my van. If you live anywhere near Miami or are just passing through, go to Alan for all your automotive needs.

    In a way, I feel I am just spending time until I die. But, I guess that is what each of us is doing. My aim right now is to travel and inspire and entertain you through the writing of this blog (I hope it helps.) I would love to get back to my inspirational speaking, but that will have to wait for now.

    To the south and into the Keys with me. I looked it up for you, there are 800 keys (or islands) to the south of Florida. In the drive down to Key West, you drive over 44 Keys and 42 bridges. You travel about 161 kilometers (about 100 miles) down.


    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.

    This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on the path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire yourself.

    Inspiration >> The process of being mentally stimulated to do a certain thing.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.

    Words have power.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control.

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To be successful, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule, next to impossible.

    But the best part is, the more you accomplish, the more you’ll want to do, the higher you’ll want to reach. So as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it.

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.

    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.
    From my book series, “Beyond Your Potential.”

    Oh—The Plans I Have For Me . . .
    Goal setting has been defined in various ways over time. To me, goal setting is making a plan for the future to advance yourself and your life. People who don’t make plans for their future and who don’t have or set goals for themselves tend to wander through life, not knowing where they are going, so in the end, they get nowhere. Obviously, the process of setting and achieving goals is relevant to all occupations, studies, and professions. All human activity begins with an intention that is directed toward a goal.

    Make Your Plans
    I’m sure you’ve set goals before, even if you didn’t call them goals. Perhaps you made plans to do something simple, like getting your grocery shopping done. Or maybe you had a long term goal like retiring at age fifty-five. Whether short or long term, most people know how good it feels to finally achieve a goal that they set out to do. But, there are just as many people who tend to stop two feet short of their goals, either because the path gets difficult or maybe they get bored. I encourage you to keep driving toward the outcome that you want.

    How to get there
    The way to reach your goals is first to have a clear vision of the outcome that you desire. In other words, define exactly what it is that you want. Next, you have to take action. So many people never take action after they set their goals. If you don’t, your goals and desires will always be dreams. Your future will give you what you ask of it. Ask for a banana, and that is what you will get. Ask for great success and/or a wonderful relationship and you will get that, too. Goals give you the power to achieve your desires.
    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!

    1/23—I left my computer off at Best Buy, Geek Squad, today for them to improve some things. They will only have it overnight, but I feel naked without it. I’m writing to you right now by voice on my phone. For now, that will have to do.

    While in Everglades Park I found Mahogany Hammock Trail. What a beautiful walk it was, about one mile long. I saw beauteous wilderness all around.

    Then, after leaving the Everglades, I found a local park to hang out at for the day. Audubon Park is a bonny place. I’m planning to be on the lawn juggling, do some unicycling, and ride my bike.

    Planning to stay the night here, too. But, I saw a sign saying the park hours were from 9 until 5. Hoping they don’t come and check the park and interrupt my sleep. But, if they catch me, I had asked for it.

    In the van right now it is 30 degrees (that’s Celsius, it would be 86 degrees Fahrenheit.) So, with a sunny blue sky, the sun just going down, I feel very comfortable and very happy. Hope you are happy, too.

    1/24—In preparing to head south, this morning I washed a load of laundry, filled up my van with fuel, and made sure my water gallons were full. Things can cost more down in Key West, preparing ahead you might say.

    WHOOPS, I hate to admit it, I didn’t focus completely while mounting my bike, I took a bad fall and hurt my arm and leg. I will eventually heal. They say when you fall off a horse you should get right back on and try again—well, this is not a horse.

    I’m going to sleep tonight in the area. There are some food banks I want to go to before jumping on the road down the Keys.

    1/25—I love being at this park. There are many kids playing, laughing, and joyful. Why is it that when get older we “turn” into adults, we lose our childhood fun and play and joy. We need to find a way to keep this pleasure in our life constantly.

    Yesterday I wanted to go for a bike ride, as I was mounting the cycle, I was not focused enough, my body fell onto the bike as I crashed. Scraped my knee and shoulder and I hurt my left arm and shoulder. In the future I need to concentrate more on balance issues and staying safe.

    After that, the bike was not rolling right, so I took it to Homestead bicycles. I was glad to pay forty bucks to get the bike back rolling right.

    So, I’m heading south eventually getting to Key West. The great writer, Ernest Hemingway, lived and worked out of Key West. Not comparing our writing skills, just interesting.

    I’ve driven into the keys twice before, I usually drive straight through to Key West on the main highway “1”. This time I’m going to stop at each Island, or Key. Taking my time and enjoying my solitude.

    I’ve already passed a couple of cell phone towers; no worry about connection down here. In Key Largo I drove north. The normal road will take you south to Key West. So, exploring as I go, hope you’re enjoying the trip.

    In Key Largo, there are many trees and bushes covering each side of the road. Basically, you see road and you see green. That’s it.

    That fall while getting on my bike yesterday really destroyed my confidence. With the unicycle, which I was a master of when I was young, I’ve lost confidence with that, too.

    I will just have to keep pushing and pushing myself to get better and better. I had gotten quite good after the accident on the bike and unicycle. Can I make it back, again, I don’t know? Riding a unicycle when I am past the age of 90?

    In the past I have written about the Covid pandemic and that I thought it was somewhat overblown. I really don’t know enough about it—but neither do you! Humans are still learning about this change in human existence.

    This is a worldwide change that we all have to work together on, I’m with you on that. I’m sorry if the words I wrote bothered you or upset you. I will not touch that subject any longer.

    1/26—Slept well last night parked a little ways from the main drive. No people, no noise, trees are overhanging to provide darkness. I couldn’t be happier!

    This morning I went to Library Beach. After doing some juggling on the lawn, I’m going for a swim in the ocean, I use their shower to get clean clean clean.

    Then, as I drove forward I came upon Long Key State Park. As you might know, I seldom pay go into a park. I saw this one is being different, but it wasn’t. The same greenery and water, of course. They have a hiking trail which I will explore, I’ll get back to you about that.

    Yes, I actually paid to go into a state park, only $4.50, but still. In Long Key State Park I got my bike down and rode for many miles. Felt great and saw many interesting sites. My cost for going to this state park, about a dollar and some change per hour, a good deal to me.

    Did you ever eat a root? Many parts are edible. At one of the food banks here in the Keys, they gave me three rather large carrots. I cleaned and cut them up, they were quite tasty.

    Then it was on to Big Pine Key, although, I don’t know where the big pine might be.

    Of course, you can’t avoid the main road on most of the Keys which goes right down the center of the island. I hear much traffic. Yuck.

    The Big Pine library is right on the main drag, spending much time here. I am plugged into an electrical outlet I saw, and then on their wifi. There are restaurants around that many are going to. Of course, it is takeout only.

    1/27—Last night I found a place to park and sleep which was sort of in the wilderness—it made me so happy.

    I woke before the sun was up, as usual. I did some reading and some work on the blog. Then I went back to the library where I could plug in. There are five libraries through the Keys; I am familiar with each. Every one so far is closed, yet I can get on their wifi.

    After I got to the library I got reminded of the roosters and chickens. These wild foul are basically all over the keys. Hearing roosters do their call is a comforting sound to hear—ur, ur, ur, urrrurrr – can you hear them?

    I’ve been worried because the only way to charge my things is by driving. The library at Big Pine Key Library is also closed, but I noticed outside there is an outlet where I can plug in. So, I brought my chair out to have comfort as I use my computer through their wifi.

    Still on Big Pine Key, I stopped at the Blue Hole. It’s a nature walk to freshwater. I was surprised there’s freshwater within the keys.

    Well, walking on the nature trail, me, along with some others, I came upon some alligators. They were both right next to the wooden trail and they were submerged in water. They weren’t moving hardly at all and it got boring quickly.

    Let’s go Turtles! There are a couple sitting on a rock (but, do turtles actually sit?) And then I also saw a mass of birds that were circling above. Celebrate a day of seeing wilderness.

    Last week, as I was organizing and cleaning some stuff, the guy from the bike shop where I’m having my bike worked on came and told me my bike was finished. I had been organizing and cleaning some stuff and somehow misplaced my camera.

    I looked all over for it, and still can’t find it. Fortunately, I had a second camera with me. But, I think I lost some good shots. I’m still hoping that it will turn up somehow. Although, I’ve already searched through much of the van.

    Things like losing my camera don’t affect me. It can be replaced. Many people I know would get so upset if this happened to them. When I know I have no control over the outcome—I simply let it go.

    But, do you have a camera you are not using that you could send me so that I have a spare? If you can help, please send me an email – kitsummers@gmail.com

    Now, losing my mind is a different matter. I lost mine some time ago, have you seen it? I’m still trying to locate it. I’m finding that it makes life more interesting without it, though.

    1/28—Dinner tonight was marinated teriyaki beef tips. Quite tasty, which I got at a recent Food Bank. See my smile? That, along with some mashed potatoes, made my evening quite nice. I wish you were here with me, though.

    Right now it is 5:45 pm and I’m driving back to the place where I slept last night. Sort of in the wilderness, very nice. Looks like they are starting to build new houses there, it’s kind of Hidden Away.

    Whoops, I did it again. The thing I use to take my shower, I fill with water and put it on top of the van on a hook that I put up there. It’s happened a couple times before, I take
    my shower and then I forget to take the bag down. Looks like that’s what happened last time I took a shower.

    But, I was itchy, I did need to get washed. So, I held the gallon jug over my head and got clean that way. This was while standing on a grassy meadow and looking at over the ocean. You couldn’t have gotten better than this for a shower.

    I awoke at midnight. My brain just turned on, doesn’t feel like how you get back to sleep. Some bad thoughts going through my brain right now, about life, about my future, about my family and friends. I will get through this—or perhaps not?

    I don’t know if you think I’m sweet, but the mosquitoes down here certainly do. Have mosquito bites all over my exposed body, which is much of it. I guess I will have to start wearing mosquito repellent?

    What a splendid morning. As I was boiling water to make my tea and eating an orange for breakfast, four small deer came by for a visit; I believe these are Key Deer that only live in this area.

    I gave them some apple, some cucumber, and I had a whole bag of potatoes that were getting older. They loved all they I had. I took some photos, let me know what you think.

    Then, as I was driving south I saw a sign for a bike shop, which had been looking for. I don’t know if someone let the air out of the wheel of my tire or if I have a flat, it must be repaired and the tire filled. So I’m so glad I came up on Big Pine Bicycle Center.

    We discovered my valve was bad. So, with a new tube and his labor, 17 bucks. Feels good that I’ll be back on the bike.

    And about bikes, there are many bike paths all through the keys. Along the main Highway, Route 1, there is a bike path to take you to Key West. They even kept some of the old bridges, after they built new ones, that are used for bicycles only.

    Yet, today is quite cold and very windy, not a good day for riding, so I suppose I won’t.

    Back at Big Pine Library now on their wifi and plugged in. I love my life of being in the wilderness, then typing to you, back and forth.

    As you know tomorrow is blog post day. Since I know I have the Big Pine Library right there and available, I’m going to stay in the area overnight again so I can get my blog post to you tomorrow. Do you see how I think of you?

    1/29—I arrived quite early at the shopping center where the library is. It sounded like a barnyard. There were so many wild chickens and roosters making noise, it was hard to believe.

    I just wanted to get this blog off to you and then get on my way. Hope you are enjoying the read.
    I’m lonely out here, I would love to hear from you.
    Either through Facebook or email, kitsummers@gmail.com
    Develop a goal that will advance your life. Complete the goal by next Friday, blog day. Don’t make it too easy, don’t make it too hard. Have it be something that will be fulfilling for you.

    Without setting goals and making plans, people often go nowhere in their life because they have no direction. Our goals give us a direction at which to aim. Start with small goals, such as, I had a goal of brushing my teeth myself after the accident.

    Then, continue this habit of setting advancing goals for the rest of your life. As your life explodes with success.
    As I go further to the south and the west through the Keys, you will learn more.



  • BLOG 103—We each choose how happy we will be!

    The Wanderings of Kit
    (Do you wander or just wonder?)

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life. By writing this blog I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way and find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!


    ************************* **********************************************


    Going up and down in my mind on how I am feeling, but I guess that happens to everyone. I’m finding that at one moment I am extremely happy, the next moment I don’t want to live anymore. I must find balance in my thinking.

    We each have to remember (me, too) how happy “we” plan to be.
    Find and make joy how you can.
    Put a smile on your face, even when you don’t feel it.
    And, important, put a smile on everyone else s face, too.

    The van needs work on the underside. I found a very good place, I think, that will take care of things well. I will let you know.

    A bright blue sky, should be about 85 degrees today, NICE!
    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.

    This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on the path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire yourself.

    Inspiration >> The process of being mentally stimulated to do a certain thing.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.

    Words have power.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control.

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To be successful, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule, next to impossible.

    But the best part is, the more you accomplish, the more you’ll want to do, the higher you’ll want to reach. So as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it.

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.

    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.



    From my book series, Beyond Your Potential.

    You Can Get Smarter!
    Other studies have shown that adults who are highly curious also have the greater analytic aptitude, better problem-solving abilities, and higher intelligence overall. Examination is showing that it is possible for you to increase your IQ over the course of your life. In the past, scientists were under the impression that the IQ you were born would be the IQ you had your whole life, but this idea has changed. This suggests that additional curiosity in your daily life is likely to make you smarter. No, you are not too old to be creative, to be curious, and to advance your life. But, you must start – NOW!

    Innovate and Create
    Your creativity can advance the world. Creativity and innovation drive the designing of better or more effective products, lifestyles, juggling moves, technologies, processes, services, or ideas that are available to everyone to make the world a better place. Innovation is different from invention in that innovation is an original and different way of doing things, while invention is coming up with one product or idea that is new. Creativity is the invention or origination of a new thing, or, often, this is taking a thing already designed and tweaking it in a way that adds to it, makes it better, and makes it different.

    If there is one thing that exclusively sets humans apart from all the rest of existence on earth it would be our ability to think, to be creative and to use our imaginations. Being content with routine thought patterns allows us to do the many things we need to do without having to think about them, but we must go beyond routine to make the world better for ourselves and for those who will follow after us. Use your mind, think, and discover new ways that will advance your life and, hopefully, will advance the world. At times, we have to temporarily forget what we think we know because our minds get muddled with convenient answers. We don’t take the time to think that there might be another way to go about things. Sometimes we need to take the time to rethink a situation and to break our routine patterns.

    The Better Way
    Creativity is more than a mind full of new ideas. Creativity is also being able to implement new ideas with thought, judgment, and selection. An innovator is constantly changing and challenging the rules, thinking in new directions and trying new ideas. There is always a better way to do most things. Use your mind to come up with new uses for old ideas and maybe even redevelop a product.

    Change the Question
    Sometimes, if we change the wording of a question in our own mind, we can come up with a way to solve the question in a different way. Over time, almost every advancement in business, science, technology, juggling, art, medicine, and most every other field has occurred when someone challenged the rules and tried a different approach.

    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    1/15/21—It is Friday at about 3 pm. I just published my blog for the week. Each week is a start a new one, it’s like I start a new life.

    Came out to the van, having no idea where I will be heading next. South, no question, and to the national parks. Yet, I have no idea what the future holds, as none of us do have.

    Even though it wasn’t very large, I had to get out of the city. I looked at my GPS and picked the most remote place I could find. I’m here now it’s a dirt road in a farm area with eatable plants growing all around. Here for the night I am.

    Hope you sleep well tonight.

    At 4:45 in the afternoon a very long train passed by, the tracks no more than 30 feet away from me. I don’t want to be awoken at 3 am by another train. So off I go to find another place to park for the night.

    I found a place to park right off the road near a cell phone tower. Right now is somewhat noisy, as usual, as night comes the traffic will be less and less and less.

    Dinner tonight, a can of Stag Chili from Costco, with fresh-cut red onions and cheese on top. This is probably the best chili I’ve ever had. Just bought more today at Costco, along with fresh lettuce and some wine, and, with what I already have on board, that’s all I need to last me for a few weeks.

    How strange it was, I heard some frog or toad noises coming from somewhere near. I was actually parked on a bridge going over a water flow for the farms.

    Right now it’s just past midnight, and I can’t get back to sleep. My mind is totally clicked on, and I will try, but I think I’m up for the day. What is it you do to make yourself get to sleep?

    As the night came on, traffic diminished more and more. Later at night the frogs/toads went to sleep, I guess. They stopped making their sex calls for a mate. And no, I wasn’t attracted whatsoever (well, maybe just a little bit.)

    1/16—The van is getting noisier. It needs a new control arm. Through the internet I found Alan and his company, ET Auto Repair, right in Miami. Alan ordered the parts today, they will be here on Tuesday. So, I have today, Sunday and Monday to spend time.

    Went for a ride again on my new bike, I really like it. I will be spending time juggling, biking, unicycling and trying to be happy.

    Today had to get away from the busyness—people and cars and the such. Right now I am at Naranja Library to the south of Miami in Naranja, FL.

    1/17Sunday today, of course, the library is closed. But it has a big empty parking lot to me! So I took everything out of the van, cleaned everything well inside and out, and then organized as I put everything back. To go to the photos.

    About living in a vehicle, I’m seeing more and more people going that route. People also living in a car, and they can make it very comfortable. For me, a minimalist life is a better life. Living with less is actually living with more.

    No more rent, no more mortgage, no more utility bills. I will never go back to living that way. Life on the road is fantastic! If you can find a way to do that, you will love it!

    You might not be able to tell, but if you rent or own a home you’re constantly spending money. Many people work 8 hours a day, in that time they’re paying rent or mortgage for their house. You can’t get away from it, it is constantly there.

    When you live in the vehicle, you only cost goes towards fuel. And, of course, you don’t have to mow the lawn once or twice a week. And, you may not know, I often grow lettuce, cilantro, and spinach in my sun windows—my rolling edible garden.

    For food, you can always go to a food bank. They never question me about income, the only want to see an ID and who you are. You would be surprised at all the food I am given. And, it’s all good, perhaps a little out of selling date, but quite edible.

    To continue about today, after I took everything out of the van and cleaned, I made some lunch. Like most days for me, very comfortable.

    With a full belly, first I went for a unicycle ride; next, a long bike ride. So so good, using muscles are not used in some time. I have to make it a goal of going for a bike ride everyday.

    1/19—Last week the front end on the van was making noise. I stopped in at Tires Plus to get looked at. I was told it was the control arm on the right side it needs work. Also, they had a price of over $1,200 to do the work.

    So, I did the search for mechanics in the area and I found ET Auto Repair and went by to have them take a look. Alan’s price was much better at around six hundred bucks. Alan seems to really know his stuff.

    I’m scheduled to go in tomorrow, Wednesday, to get the work done. He also said he would look over the entire van to make sure it’s safe and doing well.

    Alan’s business is right in the heart of the city of Miami. So, I searched for a library that was a ways from all the goings-on. I discovered Miami Springs Library, out to the side of the city. Open from 9:30-8pm daily, that works for me. I will make good use of the time. And then sleep on the library grounds.

    So, I had a few days to spend, I filled the time well, though. I did from biking, some reading books in the van, some computer work in the library, and spent some time thinking of you!

    The van will be finished tomorrow, I expect it to be in excellent condition. To the south I go. I miss the wilderness so much and seeing animals.

    I hate to get on a political point, but it is worrying me much. I believe that Biden is going to take the US down a horrible path and, once it goes down, the rest of the world will follow. A definite fear in my mind. And, that is why it is hard for me to know where to go next—where will it be safe? Makes me want to sink back into my 37-day coma.

    Also, I feel so lost tonight, so lonely. But, this is the life I am choosing, I know I will find many many better times in the future. Typing this at 2 am, I could not sleep, once again.

    Through juggling, Allan is an old friend I’ve known since 1977, we talked recently on the phone. It seems that, because of our differing political views, he does not want to hear from me anymore through my blog. I thought we had a solid friendship that would not be broken. Makes me sad that I will never connect with Allan again.

    Over time, I’ve lost a few friends because they think in different ways than I do. I will never go down that path with you. As we go through life, we gain friends, we lose friends. People die, we gain new friends. I would love to keep all the friends I’ve ever had, but life is not like that. I’m glad you are my friend.

    As I’ve written before, if you receive an email notification about my blog and no longer want to receive said notification, let me know and I will take you off the list.

    1/20—Wednesday, already planning on where I will be to put the blog out on Friday. I want to go next to Flamingo Florida, but don’t know how it will be for Wi-Fi there. So I will spend a few days before I get down there in populated areas where I can find library. Always thinking of you, I am.

    I brought my van in to Alan to get the work done. I have total trust that he will do excellent with the van to keep me on the road.

    1/21—Drove to Flamingo, Florida, driving through national park the whole way. Quite a nice drive, I must say.

    I went to check out the camping first. They want twenty five bucks to stay the night! And, with my access pass it is usually half off, only 10 percent off here. So, I parked in one of the big parking lots for the night. Anhinga Train.

    I’ve written before, it does not matter where I sleep, my eyes are closed anyway, but, nicer to awaken in a park than in a city.

    I first went to Royal Palm, I was told I might see gators there. And, yes, I did! A long gater sunning him/her self in the water next to the wooden walk. This walk goes on for a very long ways, which I did.

    Getting to sleep was no problem, in the dark, in the quiet.

    1/22—What a wonderful day this is! Had no trouble with where I was parked last night. In fact, I slept until 4:30am, that’s a late sleep for me.

    Went for a long bike ride, felt great! Now I am at the visitor center, they have free wifi. So, before I continue on I had to get this to you, it’s Friday, after all.

    I’m lonely out here, I would love to hear from you.
    Either through Facebook or email, kitsummers@gmail.com



    Remove everything from your house and clean thoroughly. I took everything out of my house (the van)–you can also. And no, your house is not TOO big! I went from a three-bedroom two-story house, to living in the van, after all.

    After you get everything out of your house and clean the house, go though each item and ask yourself, “Do I really need this or use this?” A minimalist lifestyle can be a much easier way to live.

    Often people accumulate a house full of stuff that they don’t even use. Are you like that? Keep in mind that there are others who can use the stuff in your house that you are not using. So, get it to them, it will be better for all.

    Make a big pile of stuff to give away to others who could use it.

    You might end up living in a van, like me!


    Heading to Key West, and the islands (keys) in between.

    I’ve been down before, I like.


  • BLOG 102—A Non-Stop Vacation, hmm . . .

    The Wanderings of Kit

    (Do you wander or just wonder?)

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life. By writing this blog I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way and find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/

    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.

    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.

    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!

    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.

    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.

    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!



    ************************* **********************************************


    In my last blog post, I was quite down, sorry for that. In writing this blog I will not hold back and write how it really is. Doing much better this week.

    Also, in that last blog, I had asked if you would kindly write to me, as I am lonely. I only heard back from one person, thank you so much Elise Jordan, your words meant much to me. Makes me wonder if anyone honestly reads my words.

    One of the things I mentioned in that last blog was not necessarily wanting to be in this life, perhaps. This is the one life we have, after this there is no more. I must stay on the positive track and keep you there with me.

    I’ve discovered that we must be happy—NOW—for no reason, whatsoever!

    It’s always a choice we have, to stay happy and joyful, or sad and miserable. I had forgotten that when writing the last blog. This is the only life we have, I must remember that.

    Yes, your death is coming—eminent. Are you living the life that you want before that end? Are you staying happy and are you bringing joy to others? For me, the main aim in life, to find joy and bring joy to others.

    At this time I have no schedule and no having to be somewhere, so I’m going to take a slow time going south. As it gets warmer and warmer, I will be smiling! Wish you could be here with me.

    As you know, last week I did not have my tooth pulled. I want to wait and keep the tooth in my mouth as long as possible. But, since then I have been thinking about it, you know, if the tooth did come out, I would have a visit from the tooth fairy, and I heard she I quite cute.

    Laundry day today. Always feels so good you have everything clean, including the van. Gives me a big smile.

    In the last blog, I wrote of the current Covid. Whatever happened to AIDS? Did it suddenly disappear? My friend and my old juggling partner, Randy Foster, died of AIDS in 1991. A big loss to all of us.

    And what happened to SARS, HIV, or even the flu; and all the others. These things were supposed to wipe out all humanity when they came up; we are still here.

    I am suggesting that we need to stop the panicking and get back to life. Either we will get through this or we won’t, in the meantime find joy how you can.

    I’ve been driving on Route 441 along the shore of Okeechobee Lake. I just pulled off and I’m now in a scenic overlook.

    Not much to see, it is quite cloudy today. I am alone here, doing some reading, and producing this for you.

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.

    This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on the path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire yourself.

    Inspiration >> The process of being mentally stimulated to do a certain thing.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.

    Words have power.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in

    To be successful, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule, next to impossible.

    But the best part is, the more you accomplish, the more you’ll want to do, the higher you’ll want to reach. So as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it.

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Sure, they’re just words. But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.



    1. “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily.” –Zig Ziglar

    2. “Someday is not a day of the week.” –Denise Brennan-Nelson

    3. “Hire character. Train skill.” –Peter Schutz

    4. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” –Steve Jobs

    5. “Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman—not the attitude of the prospect.” –W. Clement Stone

    6. “Everyone lives by selling something.” –Robert Louis Stevenson

    7. “If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will.” –Bob Hooey

    8. “The golden rule for every businessman is this: Put yourself in your customer’s place.” –Orison Swett Marden

    9. “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” –Napoleon Hill

    10. “The best leaders are those most interested in surrounding themselves with assistants and associates smarter than they are. They are frank in admitting this and are willing to pay for such talents.” –Antos Parrish

    11. “Beware of monotony; it’s the mother of all the deadly sins.” –Edith Wharton

    12. “Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.” –J.M. Barrie

    13. “Without a customer, you don’t have a business—all you have is a hobby.” –Don Peppers

    14. “To be most effective in sales today, it’s imperative to drop your ‘sales’ mentality and start working with your prospects as if they’ve already hired you.” –Jill Konrath

    15. “Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important.’ Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.” –Mary Kay Ash

    Now, it’s time to get out there and do

    something incredible that you can rejoice in! =================================


    1/8East to the coast again. Out to the Melbourne Library. This is Friday and the wifi doesn’t reach out to the parking lot, as it does in many libraries. This library is even open tomorrow from 1-5pm.

    This is where all the ducks, guess, pigeons, squirrels, and Snowy White Egrets (my favorite) hang out. You saw some before in the photos. I will be here for the night, hanging out with all the fowl.

    This photo was taken from inside the van while parked at the library.

    See, I keep photos of my daughters, Jasmine and April there to the left?

    And, you know what those balls are used for?

    As I do most nights, I do not cover the windows until I see where light might be coming in the van that might keep me awake, then I over those windows.

    1/9So is Saturday now, on Tuesday I am meeting with a Facebook friend about 100 miles south from here. So, a couple of days to spend.

    Yes, in Fort Pierce on the East Coast to see my Facebook friend, Kat. Too many cars too many people too much going on, I had to get away. I told her if we were to hug we would become a KitKat bar.

    I look South and saw a big lake Okeechobee. I’ve been before, but I love the name and had to return. Right now I am at the Okeechobee Library, which is closed and the Wi-Fi is turned off.

    1/10I saw to my left, Coconut Point Park. I turned around headed back to see this park, and I’m so glad I did. I took some photos, I hope you like it as I do.

    As I was walking on the wooden pathway at the beach, I saw some trash. As always, when I see some trash and I know there is a trash can nearby, I will send the trash away to the can.

    Please, join me in doing this, cleaning up as we go. If we all work together in this sort of thing I will make a much better Earth we live on.

    As I’ve written, I carry about 100 books with me to read. Currently, I am reading “The Odyssey” by Homer. This is one of the classics and I’m telling my mind to stay close with the story, challenging my mind as I go. You might find ways to challenge yourself, I believe it will advance your life.

    Right now I am reading the long introduction chapter. As I’m reading this, it sounds like the story by Homer were passed down verbally for years before being written down by hand. And, they are not even sure when and where Homer lived.

    I will let you know if it’s worth your time to invest your eyes and mind into this material.

    Driving along the east coast of Florida near Vero Beach, there are beach parks, very nice. I stopped at one that had an outdoor shower, and so I did. You have to remember it is still winter, so it was a little cold for me, even for Florida. But now I feel wonderfully clean.

    Today is Sunday, I was passing by Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. I thought I would stop in and say hi to God. This an impressive-looking building and people were social distancing well.

    Here they are, take a look >>


    Most people had their mouth covering on, I did not. I thought that was something you can pray about it and God would protect you from something like Covid? Isn’t that where the word faith comes in?

    1/11—I just drove into Pelican Island welcome area which has many trails and Wilderness and spectacular it is.

    Had a short visit with my Facebook friend, Kat Brandt, in Fort Pierce, FL. A short and nice visit. If you live anywhere in Florida I would love to visit you, let me know.

    1/12—I’ve been striving on Route 441 along the shore of Okeechobee Lake. I just pull off and I’m now in a scenic overlook.

    Not much to see, it is quite cloudy today. I am alone here, doing some reading, and producing this for you.

    1/13—Talked with my friend, Jules Manas, this morning. He owns a van and, as we have been communicating for some months, he is going to take my advice and start living on the road, as I do.

    I GOT A JOB! Well, temporarily, in order to obtain my new bike!

    I keep a bike on the back of the van, along with a unicycle.

    My bike was stolen when in San Diego as someone cut my lock and road it off.

    Chris Foster, who lives near San Diego had a neighbor who had a bike she was not using, so I was once again on wheels.

    I accidentally backed into something and bent the back rim on that bike. When I was in Clearwater, Florida my juggling friend, Dallas Saupe, had a collapsible bike he was not using and gave that to me.

    The bike Dallas gave me (thanks again) did not fit onto my bike rake very well.

    I found Jack the Bike Man on the internet and went to see him.

    I traded in the bike I got from Dallas and put in some hours of work, I was given an excellent bicycle. Happy I am.

    Here is Jack >>


    1/14—Being anywhere near Miami was too much for me, so I am heading south to the town of Belle Grade. Yet, even there, too many cars and humans. So, further south to South Bay. This is better.

    Arriving in the afternoon I will stay here on my computer until they close at 5pm, then sleep in their parking lot for the night.

    Tomorrow is Friday, blog post day. I am always sure to look ahead and know where I can get on wifi to get this to you. I do hope you like what I write.

    What is strange to me is that every library has a security guard attending. The one at this library was another mask-hound. He made sure I always had my mouth covering on. I told him it was simply ridiculous.

    1/15—At Marry T Vaughn Library in Clewiston now. The library doesn’t open until 10am. I have already gone for a bike ride on my new bike—I love it! I will be extra careful with the bike and make it last a long time.

    Getting these words out to you a little early today. I do hope I hear back from you, I am hoping you don’t see this as only a one-way communication.

    I’m lonely out here, I would love to hear from you.

    Either through Facebook or email, kitsummers@gmail.com



    It might be hard for you. Spend one day this week away from all electrical and internet connecting. Live the day like the old days, just you.



    I will be at the two big southern national parks this week – Big Cypress and Everglades. I will report back to you next week about this lovely places.


  • BLOG 101—The Tooth Didn’t Get Yanked!

    The Wanderings of Kit
    (Do you wander or just wonder?)

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life. By writing this blog I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way and find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/ 

    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.

    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.

    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!

    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.

    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.

    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!



    ************************* **********************************************


    In my last blog, I wrote some things that seemed harsh; I heard from a few people. I need to keep my blog more upbeat, I want to motivate you to reach a higher level. That is the main aim of my writings.

    I wrote about Covid and some people wrote back that it sounded like I did not think this virus is harming people. Yes, I know there are deaths that have occurred. Yet, no one is bringing up the thousands of people who die every year of the flu.

    In fact, ever since Covid came into the picture, there are NO cases of flu and people dying from the flu in any of the hospitals. I find that kind of provocative. Yes, Covid is something new we are dealing with, but we can’t panic!


    Someone who was on my list to send email notifications about my blog no longer wants to receive them. Seems that my writings disturbed David for some reason. Hard to tell what it might be, I think it is our God belief, I have none. When I can realize actual true evidence for any kind of God, I will believe.

    I had asked David if he would write some things that I could improve on. I’m scared to read his words when he sends them, though. You too, if you have any improve my writings, please let me know.

    If I send an email to you about my blog to you and you no longer want to receive notifications, let me know, I’ll take you off the list.

    This goes along with the last story—there is a woman I was trying to connect with online for possible romance. An old friend, who also happens to be a juggler. I suggested she might want to travel with me for a time going south in Florida. She wrote back some unpleasant things, I was surprised. We could have had something amazing.

    And, I have discovered a few other people who dislike me (hate?) I don’t know exactly why, it does not feel good when people dislike you; it has made me want to cry. I do hope you think good of me.

    In fact, I’ve not been able to sleep much for a few weeks now, my mind just does not click off. I am never hungry, I just eat because I know, as a human, I need to, to live. This lack of hunger and sleep problems, I think, is a result of the brain injury I received in 1982.

    But, something has been coming to mind, do I really want to continue on? I find myself scared, and I don’t even know of what. I’ve had these thoughts before, I will get back on a better track soon, I am sure.

    Being alone out here and lonely, it is hard to keep my mind on a positive note. So, how can I inspire you if I feel like shit? At times I feel I am just wasting time until I die.

    I have about 350 email friends and 4,000 Facebook friends, but I have NO close friends, I feel totally alone out here. And, because I hardly hear from anyone, maybe I am just wasting my time producing these words?


    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging and important on the path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire yourself.

    Inspiration >> The process of being mentally stimulated to do a certain thing.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.

    Words have power.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control.

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To be successful, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule, next to impossible.

    But the best part is, the more you accomplish, the more you’ll want to do, the higher you’ll want to reach. So as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it.

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!

    I hope the words I pick do help you.

    ************************* BE INSPIRED BY THESE WORDS>>

    1. “The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” — Dalai Lama

    2. “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” — John Lennon

    3. “Get busy living or get busy dying.” — Stephen King

    4. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” — Mae West

    5. “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”– Thomas A. Edison

    6. “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.”– Albert Einstein

    7. “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”– Babe Ruth

    8. “Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.” — Will Smith

    9. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.” – Steve Jobs

    10. “Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.” — Seneca

    11. “If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

    12. “The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.”– Henry Ford

    13. “In order to write about life first you must live it.”– Ernest Hemingway

    14. “The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything.”– Frank Sinatra

    15. “Sing like no one’s listening, love like you’ve never been hurt, dance like nobody’s watching, and live like it’s heaven on earth.” – (Attributed to various sources)

    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    12/31—After sleeping parked at the library, I was able to plug-in and get on their wifi this morning. After this nice morning, I was off to Clearwater Beach, Pier 60. I’m on the West side of Florida. Even early, the parking lots were full. Jugglers perform in the area.

    Some years ago I had qualified for handicapped parking. I don’t take advantage of this, but use it when I need it? Like today. Weird for people, I’m sure, seeing a unicycle on the back of my van while parked in a handicapped spot.

    It seemed that there are not many who use handicaps who have trouble walking. Mainly, older Folk and fat people it seems (and ex-jugglers?)

    Many touristas inhabit the area. I’m planning to be here all day today, and then sleep where I’m parked tonight. I will let you know how it goes. Don’t know what New Year’s Day offers here, but I’m ready for it.

    I just checked the temperature gauge in the van, right now it’s at a comfortable 35c (96f.) A clear blue sky overhead, couldn’t ask for better.

    Right now I’m wearing my normal garb for Florida—barefoot, shorts, and a short-sleeve shirt—in January! Quite comfortable I am. And still, it’s hot out. Back where I lived for 30 years freezing cold it is. See my smile?

    Oh, the girls! Bikinis bikinis bikinis, I like it. Yes, my eyes were wondering. As I’ve said before, I’ve been quite lonely.

    It is windy here, but I still see people wearing their face diaper (mask). What are these people scared of? Yes, I’ve heard of people dying from the virus. But, I’ve heard of more people surviving after going through Covid.

    I see it as people being trained to behave a certain way. It seems that these mouth coverings will be a forever thing with humans now. Such a sad thing. As I have been, I will resist.

    I would love to go in the ocean right now, but I just took a shower this morning, as I do outside the van. Tomorrow should be another warm day. That will work better for me, I’ll let you know.

    Tonight I saw Dallas and Nick performing. Dallas has been doing shows here for the past 25 years, successful at that. At the age of 52, Dallas is looking great. And his son Nick, has much left at the age of 29.

    Take a look >>


    ENJOY >>


    Their interactions with the audience is terrific. To conclude the show, Nick was put into a straight jacket and then chained up by audience members. Then he escapes, and the audience loves it.

    Yes, they are successful with their juggling act, but they each still maintain a “real job”, along with their performance.

    Two other jugglers were also performing in the area. Al Miller and John Norton. I saw John do his act. As part of his show, he was doing a great 3 box routine. He also did much with fire as in juggling and eating. He concluded the show juggling clubs on top of a 7-foot unicycle.

    You can see John at >>


    Watch this >>


    On the beach I heard a marching band playing, I had to go see it. They would play a number and then pass the hat to get funds for the band. A unique way to get money for a high school band, I must say.

    Out on pier 60, I saw many kinds of birds, quite interesting. There were many people fooling fish (what I call “fishing”.) It was a nice walk out to the end. 

    1/1/21—I like the sound of those numbers. I slept well parked in this lot at the beach, no one bugged all night. As I awoke and got going, being so early, I moved the van to a space right on the beach. So for the day, I will be parked in a prime location.

    Beginning about 6 a.m. the tractor cleaning machines were busy on the beach. They also had machines that clean the walkways. Preparing the area for the day for all the tourists.

    At the last food bank I was at he gave me carne asada meat. So, of course, tacos were on the menu tonight (again?)

    1/2—It got to be too many people in Clearwater, Florida. So, I have three days to go a short distance back to the dentist. Such as tonight, I’m parked at a library to get on their free wifi.

    By the way, the bicycle I had, well, I hate to say it, I backed into something in bent the back rim. There was no saving that bike (sorry, Chris Foster.)

    But, Dallas gave me a bike that he was not using ( thanks so much, my friend.) It’s a small fold-up bike that looks to be perfect for me. I need to go to a bike shop to get the derailleur mechanism working correctly, but I shall.

    1/3—At a McDonald’s now on their wifi. They are not open yet for people to eat in, but I found one yesterday that was, and I could plugin. So, looks as though things are getting back to normal? (but, what is “normal”?, and, have we ever been there?)

    Then I moved onto a different library that has outside outlets where I could plug in and charge my things. Very nice here, I will be here for the night, too.

    Not something I “like” to do. But as soon as I finish a meal, I wash all the pans and plates and clean everything up—right away. When there is something you may not like to do, but is necessary, just get it done without thinking and move on.

    Sleep, I know, as humans, we have to do it. But I think that sleep is such a waste of time. I’ll get my four or five hours tonight, but at that time I could be writing good words on this blog, yes?

    Goodnight to you, my friend.

    1/4—It is Monday, I hardly slept last night, maybe an hour? I was going to go in about my dentistry done today, but with my high blood pressure, I think no sleep will make it higher.

    I’m really not enjoying this life I am living currently. Massive changes in the world, big changes in my life, too. I guess I’ll just have to keep going on?

    I slept last night at a library. I guess I will just hang out of here all day, and hopefully tonight I will sleep well and my blood pressure will be lower, to get the dental work done. It’s getting to the point we’re really just don’t care. Infected tooth? So what! Life will go on, or it won’t?

    At this point, I have no rush to get anywhere. And really, there’s no point I want to get to, as in the land of mass.

    If I died tomorrow, I wouldn’t care.
    If I lived tomorrow, I wouldn’t care.
    Strange thoughts going through my head right now.

    This Library I’m at is a big building out in the country. I will just hang out here all day, and then go in to the dentist tomorrow, Tuesday. Hoping my blood pressure will be low enough for them to work on me.

    1/5—Right now it’s 33 minutes past midnight. I woke up to pee, and I don’t think I’ll get back to sleep. God, I hate this life. I don’t like the thought of just laying here for 5 hours and staring at the ceiling.

    I slept, perhaps one hour, last night. For some reason, I can feel my blood pressure is high right now. I just don’t care, life will go on, or it won’t, no big deal to me.

    1/6—Feeling better today.

    Yesterday I wrote some things about how terrible I felt and was bad in my thinking. I can have control of that, and I am starting to take control today. We each can direct our thoughts toward a good path or a dreary path, it is up to you (and me!)

    I have not shaved for three or four weeks.
    I’ve showered, I’m clean.
    It just doesn’t seem like I care anymore.

    This morning I had forgotten to take my high blood pressure medication. It was high, but the dentist did see me. She fixed a small cavity I had. Tomorrow I will return to get the tooth extracted (I hate that word.) I will make sure I take my medication for tomorrow.

    At a library now where you are allowed to be here for only one hour. And, there is no one here! It is just ridiculous if you were to ask me.

    This morning I went to see the dentist. Arriving early, they open at 8, I had time to think about this tooth I am about to lose.

    The tooth is not hurting or bothering me now, why do I want to get out at this time?

    I will use it as much as I can until it’s necessary to have it extracted. It may have been this way for years, who’s to know. The dentist said that, eventually, the infection will start up again. But, I have time.

    So, with a smile on my face, I’ve headed down toward the South again.

    As I was going east on Highway 50 I passed Saint John’s National Wildlife Refuge. A beautiful area. Back to nature, how I like it.

    All the libraries in the Orlando area only let you stay for one hour a day. I asked one librarian why, she said, “Because of Covid.” I asked her, “How can time and Covid be a bad mix? She had no response. Once again, it seems that the thought of “Covid” stops people from thinking.

    So, today I drove back to the east coast. At the Titusville Library currently. Open from 9-5, you can be here as long as you want. And there are no “Mask Nazis” around anywhere.

    Parked to sleep here tonight.

    Should be a great rest.

    Hope you sleep well.

    1/7—Yes, I am glad I came back to this area. The libraries are phenomenal and open, and no mask.

    I passed by Cape Canaveral/Cape Kennedy on my journey. Many a rocket flew from there.

    1/8—Slept well last night at the Titusville Library (well, until 1am, anyway.) Waiting for the sun to rise so I can do some work on the van.

    Yesterday I could not find my spectacles. I checked all the obvious places, nothing. I was not really worried, I carry a couple of extra pairs. I decided to take everything out of the van and clean and check, which I do every couple of weeks, anyway.

    They did not turn up, but a couple of things did that I had been looking for. I knew I did not leave them somewhere, if I am out I have them on. I like to do without them when I can, like right now as I type this. My glasses are for distance, mainly for driving and for looking at pretty girls.

    So, I put everything back, much nicer. I had a small bag of chocolate that I have been eating, I decided to have one after the van was put back together. Guess what was in the bag?–my glasses! I have no idea why or how they got in there; I am glad I found them.

    I see people often just “put” stuff, anywhere. I have tried to develop the habit of putting stuff right where it goes at the time it needs to. So, I am surprised about the lost glasses.

    I suggest that for you, too. Don’t just “put” stuff, but put it where it goes and where you know to find it.

    I’m lonely out here, I would love to hear from you.

    Either through Facebook or email, kitsummers@gmail.com



    Pick six new words to use that you have not used before and speak them or write them three different times this week.

    Here is one of mine >> On New Years I plan to “roister” like a made man.


    To the south.
    To the warmth.
    To the pretty girls?
