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  • BLOG 113—Live Until You Die!

    (Do you wander or just wonder?)

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.

    I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way and find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!




    Still not able to have photos on this for you, sorry. I just got a new computer and am hoping that I will be able to include shots next week. For now, find photos on my Facebook page >>> https://www.facebook.com/isityou/

    Many people I’ve seen live life with half-effort, hoping things will get better—somehow. I’ve learned that, no matter how things are, we have to find a way to live our life with JOY, always knowing things will get better. I’ve gone through so many losses in my life, but still, aim toward joy.

    How is your outlook on your life? Are there changes you could make to improve things?

    This week I had a taste of death once again. Covid consumed me, but I won in the end. I do not fear death, I do understand it well.

    My sister Sandy, I’m so glad we talked last night. It feels so good to connect with you.

    And, Alice, great to reconnect with you. I hope we can meet one day.

    In hard times we go through and with every decision we make, we must choose among possible alternatives and determine which choice best suits our purpose. The more we learn, studying with questions, the sharper our judgment becomes.

    Remember, the capacity to become wiser and to make better judgments lives within each of us, if we continuously climb that wisdom ladder.


    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.

    Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control.

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule, next to impossible.

    But the best part is, the more you accomplish, the more you’ll want to do – the higher you’ll want to reach! So, as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it.

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words;
    they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.
    Do what you MUST do!
    Not just what you WANT to do.
    Kit Summers

    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    4/2—Getting away from cities, I found Zephyrhills Library in a town with the same name. Yet, their wi-fi is not working, I will sleep here tonight.

    Parked next to me there’s the van what is someone who lives as I do and travels. Francois Labonte is a French Canadian and has been down here for a time.

    His van is much nicer. You can actually stand up on the inside and this is laid out very nicely. His is something for me to aim for in the future.

    As you might know, Tina and I traveled together for a time. She could actually stand up in the back of my van; I was jealous. Not that she was a shorty, but, she was shorter.

    We hit it off well and both think alike about the current situation in the world.

    Labonte purchased a copy of my book, “Accident”. Along with being inspired, he says he wants to use the book to work on his English; he is mainly a French speaker.

    Strange, all day my body has been hurting, aching. From down deep out to the skin, it feels weird. I’m hurting. I took a couple of aspirin, pain pills, they don’t seem to be working. What to do? What to do?

    It’s only 7:10 pm and I don’t feel like doing anything. I’m just laying here, I guess, waiting for sleep to take over. I do hope I feel better tomorrow, I hope you do, too.

    4/3—This day is special for me, on this day back in 1982 I was hit by a truck went into a coma for 37 days. A big part of my life, a big life change. Did you see >>


    I woke up today with my whole body in pain. I’ve not had anything like this before, not sure what it could be. My mind functions well, all my body is in pain, though. Along with that, I have a tremendous headache. I took a couple pain pills earlier, they didn’t seem to help.

    When I go through times like this, and otherwise, I think to myself, “Is there anything really left to live for? Am I adding to people’s lives? With is in my future?” Bad thoughts floating through my brain.

    Perhaps I came North too soon? Last night was quite cold. I had to get the sleepie bag down and even had a blanket over that, my feet were so cold. But, I’m not going to go back up again, heading over toward Texas.

    2:42 in the afternoon now. The pain I’m experiencing is tremendous. My whole body hurts. Makes me want to go to check into a hospital and get fixed. I can’t do much except for drive or stay in my van, awful.

    Right now I feel like I’m dying. What I have is so strange. The massive headache continues, have no hunger at all, I won’t be eating anything tonight. The library where I pulled off will be relatively quiet and safe for me.

    HELP ME!

    Why do I have any concerns about a Covid shot when I don’t even care if I live or die?

    Right now it’s 5:31pm and have concerns about sleep tonight. It will be very quiet here, but with the sickness I have I don’t know how sleep will come. Kind of a scary feeling holding over my head.

    I just talked with my daughter, Jasmine. She went through the same symptoms as me and was diagnosed as she had Covid. She simply said to spend a few days isolated, which I can do. I’m at the library now that is closed tomorrow, Sunday. I will stay around here for at least a few days.

    Jasmine also offered to pay for a motel room to stay in for a few days. I let her know that the library I was at now is closed tomorrow, Sunday. I was just planning to stay around here for at least a few days staying away from people.

    4/4—Today I feel much much better. Thanks again to Jasmine for the encouragement.

    4/5—I’ve not been writing anything the last few days because nothing really happened. Continue going north, had to find another Best Buy for my computer.

    I think I had the computer plugged into a bad outlet, it won’t take any charge when I plug it in. I can’t believe how much I am on my computer. I depend on it so much now to write the blog to write to friends I’m so forth.

    For the night, I found a hidden away park where I’ll bed down for the night. There are a number of families here now, nice to hear the kids playing. They will be home soon and I will be here alone.

    I hope the cops don’t come down and check first place. I’m thinking they won’t, I’ll let you know.

    9pm. My dream of sleeping in that nice park with silence and no people and no cars were just destroyed. Someone from The Parks Department stopped by and let me know I could not park there overnight. I found a place, not as dark, hear some traffic, looks like I’ll be here for the night. And, I hope you have a good sleep tonight.

    4/6—Today I returned to Ocala National Forest, South Springs Recreation area.

    Such a fabulous place.

    I love it here.

    Take a look >>


    On one side of the camp, you have a choice of campsites that are all fairly nice. My favorite is spot 160, quite secluded it is. But that one was already taken with the next three nights.

    Then on the other side, you have the natural warm springs. This is warm water that comes up from down below. So it is naturally clean and wonderful. I will be going into the springs tomorrow.

    4/7—Where I was camped, a family moved in next door with four teen-aged boys. I had that big fire last night, then today I went around and gathered more firewood. I had gathered quite a pile.

    I saw that the boys did not have wood for a fire tonight, so I gave them all that I had. That seemed to make them rather happy.

    4/8—Today I purchased a computer. Mine is not working all the time right, and I worry about getting the blog off to you on time. About five hundred bucks for the doohickey, hope I write some good words with it to send to you.

    I’m lonely out here, I would love to hear from you.

    Either through Facebook or email, kitsummers@gmail.com



    You are in charge, this week make three changes in your life to set yourself toward a higher level for your future.


    Staying in Florida for the warmth.


  • BLOG 112—Heading Toward the North

    (Do you wander or just wonder?)

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.

    I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way and find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!



    ************************* **********************************************

    Chris and Jessica, you are the only ones I heard from after I posted my last blog—Thank you for that. I do hope to hear from more people, I don’t want this to be a one-way writing.

    Still not able to import photos into my blog. Not sure what to do to solve the problem, perhaps you know? You can see all photos at my Facebook page >>

    As the US is getting into spring, I will be heading to the west. For some reason I want to return to Texas, so we will go there together.

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.

    Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control.

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule, next to impossible.

    But the best part is, the more you accomplish, the more you’ll want to do – the higher you’ll want to reach! So, as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it.

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words;
    they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.

    From my book series, “Beyond Your Potential”

    After my first accident, I learned that each year over two million people on Earth suffer a brain injury. Modern medical practices have led to the saving of more people suffering severe head trauma.

    Statistics show that there is only a five percent mortality rate through brain injury. Of the ninety-five percent who survive, many will have multiple and permanent physical, cognitive, or emotional impairments that may require intensive rehabilitation.

    With all the wars that were going on, more and more military people returned with brain injuries. For them, life has changed, life is a challenge. Through this book, I want to show you that there is hope for your future.

    One of my goals is to help other victims of traumatic brain injury, as well as their family and their friends. Those who are close to a brain trauma victim must accept the probability of physical or mental disability in the person for years, possibly for life.

    This acceptance leads to a more constructive and supportive attitude toward the victim. All brain injuries are different, and, with many other factors involved, you can never know what the future will hold for that person, but it does not have to be the end of the story.

    Through support and understanding, wonders can happen.

    No life is without traumas. Eventually, we must all confront events that test our limits. The key is to use these changes in a positive way toward our future.

    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    3/26—As you know, this is the first day of my non-eating for two weeks. No hunger whatsoever so far on this first day complete. I am drinking green tea and then lite beer in the evening. Did you join me in my challenge of no eating?

    I guess this first day of non-eating I am missing food. Not that I’m hungry, it is just so common for us to constantly eat. Do you eat mainly out of habit? Do you always need it because you are hungry? In not eating it really makes me think of how I consume food.

    I’m set up to sleep at the library tonight.

    3/27—Didn’t sleep very well at the library. This happened before, my muscles in my legs are cramping up wanting nutrition. It is 5 a.m. and still no hunger. Not sure if I will continue this non-eating this time.

    After one day of not eating anything, I feel as peppy as ever. Are you going to take a couple of days and do your own fast, well I do mine?

    As you know, I’ve been working on my juggling. In the past, back when I performed, I would juggle without even thinking about it. Right now, I have to think about every throw and every catch. But, as my juggling is coming back, I am able to begin to throw and catch without thinking. It’s coming back to me, yes.

    Had to get away from Miami. I saw route 41—and there I went. I was going to wait until the wrecking yards opened on Monday—but I couldn’t take it for a full weekend in this big city. Something in me wants to stay away from cities these days.

    So back to the Everglades with me. Had to return to Shark Valley (where there are no sharks and there is no valley).

    Went for a nice bike ride (with a smile on my face.) Strange how, on the way out the winds were going toward me. On the way back, again they were coming at me. Ya just can’t win.

    Tomorrow I’m planning to go to Naples and, for one thing, wash my clothes. Then, on Monday I want to look in some Auto Wrecking yards for parts for the van. I wanted to do that in Miami, but that city is just too big.

    There I was driving down Route 41 and suddenly I saw a campground. Looks like I am the only one here. I like it that way. I walked through the woods and came upon enough wood for a big fire. Back to where they like, in nature all by myself (wish you were here, though.)

    When I go into the woods there are vines that wrap around my feet and, with my balance issues, that brings on quite a challenge. Because I can do it, happy I am!

    It feels so strange, not to prepare a meal for myself. I will read books and prepare the fire but no food tonight. And I feel like making a wonderful meal.

    The campsites here actually have grass for ground cover. Quite nice, really. Of course, I did throw some clubs around. Now at 4:42 it’s getting windy, and after that one beer, I think that’s all the juggling I will do today.

    Tomorrow I’m planning to go to Naples and, for one thing, wash my clothes. Then on Monday, I want to look in some wrecking yards for parts for the van. I wanted to do that in Miami, but that city is just too big.

    I’m waiting for the sun to go down So I can start my fire. Yet, it is going down tantalizingly slow.

    Last night I had to keep the van windows and doors closed because of traffic noise; it got very hot. Tonight, because I know in the woods, I will leave the doors open.

    Have a big fire, this makes me so happy. But also what adds to the mix is the bottle of wine I opened, poured a glass, feeling good.

    Because I know no one is around, I can talk out loud and no one will hear me. You might think I’m weird, but I’m Kit.

    I still have not eaten anything since last Thursday. No hunger, still, and doing okay. Have you joined me in my endeavor?

    Hearing the birds tonight is so wonderful.

    I will be sleeping soon.

    Hope you have a good sleep tonight.

    3/28—I’ve returned to Collier Seminole State Park. It is Sunday and what a wonderful place to hang out for the day.

    I will juggle.

    I will bicycle.

    I will fill my water containers.

    I will take a shower – PERFECT!

    Remember, it’s only five bucks to get in here.

    Also, as you know, in the van I grow lettuce, spinach, and cilantro. A few days ago I planted new seeds. They are just coming up now, I will soon be eating from my garden that’s in the van.

    Additionally, I have included a few photos of inside the van, a nice home I have.

    And, I went to the beach this week, and it’s still winter! The water was warm, too. I could not believe the number of people who were at Siesta Beach. You are right, Phyllis, this is one of the best beaches around.

    Happy now, but I often get a feeling of, where am I going? What am I looking for? Am I running towards something? Am I running away from something? It’s strange to think this way. At times it makes me disenchanted and confused.

    Going on 5pm now. I got everything done that I wanted to at Collier-Seminole Park. Actually, the day here was splendid. I feel my sunburn on the face and the arm, but they will heal.

    Right now I’m parked outside the auto-wrecking yard I will be going to tomorrow. It’s quiet here, should sleep well. Hope you sleep well too. By the way, it’s 6:03 in the evening right now.

    No water in the area, therefore no mosquitoes. Tonight, yes, I will sleep with the side doors on the van open.

    Today is day three of not consuming any food. I’ve gotten hungry a couple times, but not much. I was planning to go for 2 weeks, but I may just go for one. But, I feel like my leg muscles are getting fidgety wanting to get nutrients. Interesting to go see this.

    Are you going to stop eating for a couple days, with me?

    Earlier I wrote that I didn’t think there were any mosquitoes because there was no water nearby. Boy was I wrong. Seem like a whole swarm got into the van and attacked me.

    Of course, I closed the van doors. But there are already some in here. Using my phone, the light attracted them. When they landed on my screen– it was smack, smack, smack. I knew the red coming out of them with my blood. Seems like I got most of them, though. Yes, at times suffering I am.

    But I can’t blame them. This is what they do in life. If pesky little creatures only know this. So I live with it.

    3/29—Quite an interesting night last night, or I should say morning. I parked and slept at the used auto parts dealer where is going to go tomorrow, Monday. This place is on a dead-end road with no people in the area.

    When I arrived, the gate for the company was open. I thought that they always left it open or that someone was in there doing some work.

    I went into the yard and looked around for anyone, I thought they might be doing some work on a Sunday. I saw no one anywhere.

    Then, the next morning at about 5 am, four cop cars showed up. Looks like someone did break into the place. I don’t think I was ever a suspect, but it was quite interesting to see what was going on.

    The cops took all my info, and they were able to reach the owner by phone. I answered many questions and explain to them why I was parked where I was.

    It was surprising that I was getting good cell phone connection. I happened to be right below a cell tower, lucky me.

    I was also asked to fill out a crime report. The guy said you have to swear that this is true. I asked the cop, so I have to swear, he said yes, so I said, “shit”, and ask, did I just swear? He liked my comedy.

    This happened to happen on a shift change. So the daytime cops came in and took over from the nighttime cops.

    It is just after 7 now and they want me to stay around until things get together, whatever that would mean. The owner of the yard said he didn’t have that part I need after all, so there’s no reason for me to stay, but I will.

    I told one of the officers all this was quite interesting, like a TV show. This was a very fascinating way to start my day. Eventually, I was allowed to depart.

    Traveling in Naples, I went to Best Buy and Costco and a couple other places. After, I saw smaller towns to the north, so off I went. I turned off the freeway as I get away from the town and found a library, a nice and new one at that. On their wifi now and plugged in.

    Perhaps from lack of sleep last night, maybe because of my non-eating, I’ve had a gigantic headache all day. The last time I went through a fast for a week I did not feel bad and no headache. I think my body/brain is suggesting that I get back to eating?

    What is strange is even my teeth hurt. This kind of scares me, I think I will start eating again.

    Well, I broke down and ate a can of organic chili. Right away, my body said “Thank you”, and started feeling much better.

    3/30—Finally found a wrecking yard with the part I needed. I got it attached and now I can blink when I turn! Actually, it turned out quite good. And then I got to the laundry mat. Everything is accomplished that I needed.

    Right now it is still Tuesday night at about 7 and I’m laying in the van.  My whole body hurts and my muscle are screaming out. I’m glad I ate that can of chili, I feel better, but still hurting. For the future, I will still fasts, but keep it down to one or two days.

    At least there are no mosquitoes tonight.

    3/31—I returned to Siesta Key, a nice beach I remember. Took me a half hour to find a place to park, I smiled as I backed in.

    It’s 10:52 now, so many people here! I’m planning to go into the ocean and I may leave just after that.

    Seeing all these pretty girls at the beach is such a good thing.

    Still sitting in the van. Right now the temperature gauge reads at 94 degrees Fahrenheit, it will be a hot one today.

    Just came back from the beach, where I went in the water. Felt So Good. But I’m not one to hang out at the beach, I went into the water, cooled off, then came back to the van. Right now I’m looking at the temperature gauge, 102°, how nice.

    Back in High School, I went to the beach every day with a group of friends from school. We always went to the same place, we would sit and talk, go out in the water, spend all day. Nothing was accomplished, but we had a great time.

    The whole time while in the van cars have been driving by looking for a place to park. Now it’s 1:30 and I’m thinking about leaving. I was thinking I could play the entrepreneur and ask for the first five bucks someone gives me to get my spot. But that would be right (or would it?)

    4/2—Over the last few days I have been driving toward the north and visiting a couple libraries.

    I’m lonely out here, I would love to hear from you.

    Either through Facebook or email, kitsummers@gmail.com



    Do you know what you do daily?

    Is there any wasting time in there, somewhere?

    This week your challenge is to write down EVERYTHING

    you do each day, broken down in time segments.

    As I wrote, heading toward the north and the west now. Do you live in the southern US? I would love to visit you, let me know.


  • BLOG 111—Miami again, Oh No

    I don’t know why, but WordPress is not allowing me to insert current photos into the blog. That first one of my on the unicycle is from before. It tries to download the photo and then says, “Failed to write file to disk.”

    You can go to my Facebook page and see all the photos there.

    (Do you wander or just wonder?)

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.

    By writing this blog I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way and find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!




    As I have written before, each week is like a new start in life, deciding where I will be going and what I will be doing.

    For a few years, I’ve been putting out my blog, their many people who like my words. I get no money for doing this, do it out of the joy of my heart. But, I would love to find a way to be compensated for the time I put in.

    Perhaps I could find a sponsor? Or somehow monetize my efforts? Do you have any ideas for me to make that come to be? I hope I have added to your life with entertainment, inspiration, humor, and an enjoyable read with my writings.

    Right now the blog goes out to about 10,000 readers. This is increasing as I gain new friends.

    All over the Everglades, I saw couples enjoining the place. Made me envious, I want so much to be in love and with someone. Age 62 now, will I ever meet her?

    Kimberly, I hope to hear from you, there is still time.
    Tina, you’ve destroyed me—once again.

    Back on Route 41, going west, just don’t know where.
    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.

    This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves. Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control.

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule, next to impossible.

    But the best part is, the more you accomplish, the more you’ll want to do – the higher you’ll want to reach! So, as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it.

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words;
    they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.
    Never let your emotions overpower your intelligence.-Drake
    Nothing lasts forever but at least we got these memories. – J. Cole
    Don’t you know your imperfections are a blessing? – Kendrick Lamar
    Reality is wrong, dreams are for real. – Tupac
    To live will be an awfully big adventure. – Peter Pan
    Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. – Maya Angelou
    There is no substitute for hard work. – Thomas Edison
    What consumes your mind controls your life- Unknown
    Strive for greatness. – Lebron James
    And still, I rise. – Maya Angelou
    The time is always right to do what is right. – Martin Luther King Jr.

    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    3/19—Just posted my blog. For some reason—I am incredibly happy right now—not sure what it is. In the last few days, I was in and around Miami. Not a nice place to visit, and I wouldn’t want to live there. But you know me, that goes for any city. I will take the country/wilderness over any city.

    I’ve decided to head south to Flamingo, Florida, once again. To get there, you drive through the Everglades all the way. At this point, I plan to spend some days there, as the warmth returns up north.

    I have plenty of food to last me, although, as I wrote before, I have been planning on not eating for two weeks straight sometime upcoming. And, I plan to do it really “fast”, if you know what I mean?

    Planning to run out of current perishable food next by Friday and then I start? Will you join me and also stop your habit of eating for some days?

    3/20—The last four days I have been in the Miami area. Toooooooooooo much city for me, I will be going into Everglades Park today.

    I love being able to go when I want and where I want. For me, if I do not like something or somewhere I make changes to something so I like it more. A suggestion for you, if you don’t like something, make changes so that you do.

    I didn’t go all the way down to for the Flamenco today, did about halfway and stopped at the Homestead Library. I will be sleeping in their parking lot tonight, seems like it will be safe and quiet.

    I’m surprised that more people don’t live this lifestyle. There’s always somewhere to park and sleep and usually you’re out of your house all day anyway. Examine your life and see if you might be able to do the same. Not even full-time, do it for a week or a weekend.

    Flamingo is part of Everglades Park. I’m about halfway down there. I pulled off at a pond/lake area. There are a few people here, I’ll be here for tonight.

    Yet, it is only 3:13 in the afternoon and I’ll just find stuff to do. At the moment I am the only one here. I’m hoping that the rangers don’t come and check later tonight for people sleeping here. I will let you know.

    The temperature gauge says 89f. Well, I love it here, up north it is in the 40s, 50s and below.

    Last night I slept at a viewing area. No one came by to check on me, slept well. some big black birds came by to visit, I think they are crows. I had some chips and crackers that I wasn’t consuming, so these were for the birds, who loved them.

    3/21—I knew I would be going to a campground, so I stopped a few places along the way to gather wood. And boy, did I get a lot! As I wrote before, all the wood around a campground is usually already found and burnt up, that’s why I gather wood outside the campground.

    I moved down to Flamingo Campground. I made sure I came on a Sunday so there won’t be many people here. I asked for the best campsite she knew of and I got spot 41, which has a tree to shade me, and is a nice area. I’m happy.

    For the fire, when I have a branch that will not break, I burn the middle of it, and then when the middle burns down, I take it out of the fire then I can break it, then put the two pieces back in. That’s why you see some long branches in photos, I couldn’t break them.

    So comfy sitting in my chair watching the fire, knowing I will sleep in the van comfortably tonight with no light and sound. I’m am a happy boy!

    I get half-off, so it was only 12 bucks to have a campsite to sleep and have a fire. I was here from 11 this morning and I will be here until 11 tomorrow. So it’s only about 50 cents an hour for this splendor. You’ve got to get out and do this if you can, find a way!

    I discovered yesterday that alligators are nocturnal. And I thought they were just lazy, laying around all day. Perhaps I’ll go early AM when I awaken and see what they’re doing.

    Miami is near, but I’m sure that most people in that city have not been to this park. So close it is, but people won’t take the time to find this magnificence.

    When I was young, my mom would rent a motor home and take the whole family, I had two brothers (both died in auto accidents) and a sister, out for trips. We loved the outings, they were perfect for us.

    Also, My sister Sandy and her husband Tommy would take Gary and I out to the Wilderness. We loved this, such a big part of our life.

    Now I get to live that life full time, out here in the wilderness living in my vehicle. A lifestyle that I will never change.

    I discovered that at the visitor center they have a wifi connection that you can get outside in the parking lot. And, they will charge up my power station when I need it. So, good on both ends.

    I had the ingredients—healthy and tasty—had to again—TACO TIME! Good as usual.

    There is always music out here in the wilderness; the rhythm of the earth. To perceive this, “music”, your heart and mind must be quiet to hear and comprehend it. I have discovered and that being alone is quite good for you.

    By the way, that creature that had broken into my milk container, I have not heard him at all. Must have gotten out of the van and on his merry old way.

    In the strong winds, overhead two big Hawks were looking for a meal, it was magnificent to see. They didn’t have to do a thing to sore in the wind. But, one was eyeing me as if I was a meal, but passed me up after all.

    This evening I made a huge fire, it was brilliant. I did leave wood for a fire tomorrow morning, as well.

    3/22—I like when there are embers and coals from the night before and all I have to do is bury some newspaper—then it’s flame on! Like last night, had a splendid fire this morning, too.

    After my morning fire, They had showers available, so I did. Feels so very nice to be clean.

    5:13 in the evening now. Still in the park, I moved into an area that has big lawns right next to the water, quite nice. I will let you know later how it turns out.

    3/23—I parked and slept in an area for tent camping. This is a huge area covered in grass. Being a Tuesday, there are few people here. I found that in the bathrooms are showers, so for the future, I will.

    Where I am now, I have shower, I have food and a way to cook it with my wood-stove, there is wifi available, there is electric when I need. A new home for Kit?

    As you know, I have about 100 books on board the van to read. Currently, I am reading

    Surprised by Joy” by CS Lewis. Hard to keep up, the writings are from years past. In fact a new kind of language for me. So, I’m taking on the challenge and will read through the book.

    I loved the Narnia books that I read during Jr. High. CS Lewis is a master writer and I thought anything he wrote would be magnificent. It turns out I am not enjoying some of his books.

    TODAY I HAD NO COSTS! I stayed in the van, read and worked on stuff. Juggled ln the grass, rode my bike, read books.

    When I don’t travel, I have NO costs. When you live in a place, say you pay $1,000 a month in rent. That works out to be $33.33 you pay daily, along with your utility costs, no matter what; and that’s at the low end.

    3/24—I moved back into the grassy area. It’s been about four days and I needed a shower. As I said before I’m not around anyone long enough to cause a stink, I take a shower when I get to itchy.

    On the way over here, once again, I stopped and at a couple places and gathered a bunch of firewood. I bring it in large pieces to where I will have the fire. Then I break everything into smaller bits, each about one foot long.

    From the photo, you see that I organized them into kindling, small, medium, and large.

    Yikes! Had another bee in the van. When I do, I don’t kill them, I grab them really quick with my fingers and throw and then out the open side door. Bees are a good thing.

    Here’s something of interest. I had wondered why people say, such as for 5pm, 5 “o’clock”. I found this —The expression “o’clockcomes from a time in which people were using various ways of telling the time… The expression “o’ clockwas used to distinguish the fact that someone was referring to the clock’s time (and not solar time). They would say It’s nine of the clock” which later became “nine o’clock.

    Today at the Flamenco Visitor Center I met Matt Luminez, who in living in the town next to where I grew up in San Diego, Ocean Beach; he is next door in Pacific Beach. Matt is developing and growing a company which will make EpiPens (they are to help with people allergic to bees), at a low cost for people who need to use them. We had a short but a good talk.

    3/25—I seldom a shower for two days in a row, I did today. It was available, and free—shower time. Feels quite nice to be a clean Kit in the sun.

    The wind was blowing much again this morning. So, no fire for me, today. I hope the next people who have a fire there appreciate all the wood I left for them for their big fire.

    I think I wrote already, tomorrow will start on my fast and I’ll so it really quick. No eating for two weeks for me! Last year I went for a week with no eating, didn’t affect me in the least. So this time, two weeks only drinking green tea and that consuming any food.

    I like challenges, and this one will be healthy. I’ve read that it is good to stop eating for a time for your health. Next time, perhaps have a challenge of 40 days of no eating?

    It’s also nice to clean out the van. I had some deli meats and 5 different kinds of chess. Also, crackers and cereal that I was not eating. I will put these out for the birds. I’m sure the turkey vultures will love the meat I left for them. Rather than just throw it away because it will eventually go bad, I get it to the animals because they like it and it is not wasted.

    This morning I saw a couple out for a bike ride. For most people whom I see riding, their seat is too low. You will ride better and more comfortable with your seat higher. When you’re sitting on the seat, your leg on the lower pedal should be almost straight. Do you ride with your seat too low?

    Now I’ve come over to the visitor center to get onto their wifi.

    There are some things I want to do is the van. So I left the Everglades to head back to Miami– yuck (you know how I like cities.)

    As I was getting out of the Everglades, there was a guy with a water truck who was watering the fields. Part of the water was falling onto the road so, quick-thinking me, I got the van wet and then wiped it off and cleaned off. Looks much better now.

    I think I wrote, starting tomorrow I will not eat for two weeks. Only drink green tea. I’ll let you know daily how it’s turning out. I just went into medical place in weighed myself, 160 lb right now. Although, I’m feeling heavier than that for some reason.

    Back to the Naranja Library, I’ve been here a few times before. A big place, there are many people here; a good thing. I can get the wifi in the parking lot. And, when the library is closed, these is an electrical outlet outside.

    Spring is on the way! I’ve put my lettuce, spinach and cilantro seeds in soil to be grown in the van. They are starting to pop up already. I will soon be eating healthy plants grown in my van!

    3/26—Went into Miami to check out some auto wrecking yards to see if they have what I need. Some time ago while driving at night, I hit a deer, you might remember. I broke my turn signal light and I need a new one, along with a couple of other items.

    I went to one, they did not have, said it was too old (my van is from 2001.) I checked on another, no, there, too. In this mix I had to drive through the city, which I don’t like, as you know.

    It was Friday and I knew that most wrecking yards would be closed for the weekend. I did not want to stay around until Monday, yikes. In my mind, I just said, “ENOUGH”, and had to get out of the city. I returned toward route 41, some areas I like. I can find the parts I need later, in smaller cities.

    In Google Maps it has somewhere to click set a home location. I simply put in, “VAN”, it had no idea what I meant (some comedy for you.)

    I am in no rush to be anywhere. Along route 41 is West Dade Library, where I am at now. I expect I will be here for the night. A quiet area this is, I’ve stayed here before.

    And, by the way, this is the first day I have had nothing to eat. I only drank green tea. I am not hungry in any way and have full energy.

    I’m lonely out here, I would love to hear from you.

    Either through Facebook or email, kitsummers@gmail.com



    Spring is here soon! Have you started planting your vegetable garden yet? For over 30 years I have planted vegetables outside and have eaten well. You can even plant edible food indoors.

    There is no excuse, you can find all the info you need on planting and growing on the internet. Jump into it, the growing of your plants will bring great satisfaction to you.


    As Spring is coming, time to head toward the north and then toward Texas, I think. Any ideas from you? And, if you are anywhere along my southern drive, I would love to visit. Let me know.


  • BLOG 110—Staying in Florida, Joyfully

    (Do you wander or just wonder?)

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.

    By writing this blog I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way and find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!


    ************************* **********************************************


    You know I often write about joy and happiness. Finding it for yourself can add so much to your life. Happier people are healthier and often live a longer life. They are more productive at work and around the home. Are more creative and tolerant in hard times. Overall, they lead a happier and more productive life. This should be your aim!

    If you build up your joy and happiness in the world, it will spill out and add to others, too.

    For some reason, I had trouble downloading photos for this post. Go to my post on Facebook and you can see all the photos.  https://www.facebook.com/isityou

    Through Facebook, I met Kimberly McCoy. She has also had to deal with the changes of brain injury. I hope our friendship keeps growing.

    Another friend, Jessica Taylor, sent me these words after my last blog post. Good to hear that I am adding to someone’s life.

    Hi Kit,

    I have been feeling down in the dumps since finishing the writing and editorial work re ‘Jewels in the Mud: Science of Spirit’. I sent the work to ‘Llewellyn’ in hopes of a positive answer. Fortunately, they do not require agent representation. No idea what my change of mood is all about, especially as it led to feeling really depressed.

    Perhaps this present bad feeling is due to not having a project to keep me occupied along with the problems related to Covid 19.

    Anyway, when I read all your news, it helped me a great deal and made me want to get cracking on some project again. Your energy is fantastic and mine really low at present, so I am going to look at your post more than once in order to be livened up!!!

    Thanks for being you,

    Love and Light.


    Jessica E Taylor: Author and Activist: Vancouver Island.

    Never limit yourself and never allow others to limit you.



    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.

    This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves. Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    At any age you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control.

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule, next to impossible.

    But the best part is, the more you accomplish, the more you’ll want to do – the higher you’ll want to reach! So, as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it.

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words;
    they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.
    Happiness and joy are not just off the shelf.
    This joy comes from your own actions.

    A few times I have come face to face with mortality. At only 23 years of age, I got hit by a truck, the first time. At that point, before the collision, I felt my life was just beginning. A featured performer at Ballys in Atlantic City, I was taking off.

    Every day we are faced with stories that remind us of our own mortality as human beings, but when you lose part of yourself to a brain injury, that is a huge change. 

    The everyday drama we allow into our lives falls away and suddenly seems insignificant. We find ourselves reaching out and opening our hearts to let others in. We start to notice the simple pleasures.

    We become acutely aware that we never really know when our time might be up, and we make a pledge to let joy into our life.

    That was the pledge I made. To search for joy no matter what.

    I can’t bring back my past life, but I can ensure that my journey is filled with people and experiences that make my heart sing; by letting my emotions and intuition guide me toward finding joy; by choosing freedom over fear; and by remembering that I am the only thing that can stop me from making those choices.

    What dreams, desires, feelings, or needs of your own have you pushed aside? And if you follow your own dreams and bliss and joy, how would your life change for the better?

    You are the driver of your own life, and as you journey through, you have choices about which paths to take. The people you pick up along the way can influence your life, but you still remain in control.

    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    3/12—Spent most of the day at the Marco Island Library. Only a few people in there, quite comfortable. While I was there, earlier, I sent my blog out to you. I hope you enjoyed the read, please let me know.

    I haven’t for a while, I found a Walmart parking lot to stay the night in. This company allows people to sleep in the vehicles in the parking lot, which is nice. I came here because I have a couple of things I needed from Walmart.

    3/13—I returned to Collier Seminole State Park. Along with being a fantastic location, I have a lot of work to do.

    Enjoy the video — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbNMTYq5Xdc

    I’ll be building a new shelf for books, I will take everything out of the van to clean and organize, it is getting warmer so I will plant seeds in dirt in my containers, and some other work on the van, too.

    It is Saturday the 13th and I’m at Collier Seminole State Park. The temperature in the van right now is 93, a comfortable Heat. There is a lake here in a while I will go for a swim, care to join me? But, I went down and looked into the lake, too dirty for me. I will just jump in the shower later.

    Along the drive today is the smallest Post Office in the US. 

    I came this morning at 10am, paid the five bucks to get in, I’ll be here until I have to leave at 6pm. That’s less than a buck an hour to be in this paradise.

    3/14—I’ve returned to Marco Island library. Here I can get online and also plug-in outside. Tomorrow I’ll be going back to Everglade and Big Cypress parks. I’ve driven all over the US, now I’m getting bored with it, but National Parks always have new things to offer.

    Here is about Marco Island, a fabulous place.

    Where am I going, what am I doing, so many questions come up in my mind.

    Certain questions on life again and what the hell I’m doing.

    As I do every couple of weeks, I took everything out of the van, cleaned well and put everything back in and more organized way. When’s the last time you took everything out of your vehicle, cleaned, and then put everything back in a more organized way?

    Spent the night at Marco Island Library. A big place, I like it here. There are no mask Nazis as there has been at other libraries. In the past I have been at libraries where they act like they are always watching; scary, yes.

    3/15—Now it is getting on 1:10 and I will be heading out soon. As usual, not having an aim, I am just going to go. Kind of exciting it is, yes?

    I’ve been pretty much all over southern Florida, I will look for new places to explore, though. I am glad you are with me.

    Did my good deed for the day. It was a roadside Park next to Route 41 with picnic tables and look quite nice. After I pulled over I saw that a bear or animal got into one of the trash cans and made a mess of it.

    Some of the trash where empty bags so I used these and cleaned everything up. Left it nice for the next people who will stop by. The grounds look much better.

    No one would know I did this except myself and you. See all that trash was very upsetting for me and I knew other people we also be bothered. So I know, and now you know. Do you clean places up to leave them nice for other people?

    Going Southeast on route 41, I passed by 10,000 islands National Wildlife Preserve. I never really looked around the area before. I had to, it was calling me.

    Enjoy this great video >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qA9IegRGzw

    Now, did someone actually count the 10000 Islands?

    I took a turn-off for Marsh Trail that goes into the Preserve. The path was around four or five miles round trip and I started walking. But, after walking in about a mile I suddenly remembered the excellent bike I have on the back of the van. So, after I did a U-turn, I got my bike off the back and jumped on.


    What did joy ride this bike, I love this two-wheeled transportation. In my ride, I saw many of the birds in this video. Watch this, it will tell you all >

    Along with the large water birds, my ears picked up on the numerous songbirds in the area. What a delight.

    This 35,000-acre refuge was established in 1996 to protect the refugees unique estuarine ecosystem.

    Getting on dinner time now. At the last food bank I went to I got to package of two pounds of ground turkey. I just cooked up the whole thing, used some for tacos tonight. There is enough for spaghetti sauce for tomorrow and if I want tacos again, too.

    As you can see, my free turkey meat went far.

    The thing is, I seldom get hungry. I mainly eat because, as a human, I know I have to nourish myself to continue to get this blog to you. Yes, I live for you!

    I parked and slept by some fishing docks kind of in the wilderness. Should be a good sleep tonight period hope you usually well.

    3/16—My sleeping place turned out to be quiet and dark, nice. In the morning I did some reading in the van, then off I went to the library in Everglade City. I took the bike off and went for a fast ride; my legs and getting in better shape with my riding more often.

    Then I let clubs fly into the air. My juggling is improving daily at this point, which feels really good, by the way.

    By the way, it’s about 5 PM and I am parked on the side of the road with water on both sides of the road. This is in Everglades Park. Planning to sleep here tonight, hoping cops don’t come by later, I’ll let you know period.

    Dinner tonight was—on top of Angel hair pasta, I had a topping that I devised myself. I had a little container of marinara sauce, I had a little container of Buffalo-style sauce dip. To this, I added fresh-cut red onion (fresh-cut red onion adds so much to spaghetti sauce—the crunch—the taste, you must try it.)

    It is warm, and I will sleep here tonight. I have the windows open and I can hear the ocean currents lapping up on the shore. This will make for good sleep tonight, with that sound through the night.

    3/17—A strange night last night. It seemed that I heard some chewing or gnawing (why is there a “g” in that word?) in the upper cabinet where I had put some milk recently. I get the kind of milk that you only refrigerate after it’s open.

    This morning, I looked more carefully. I saw that something chewed off the corner of 3 of the milk containers. I cleaned everything up and that varmint is still on the loose.

    I will have to reorganize my food so this creature cannot get to it. Eventually, my friend the varmint will die and, hopefully, the smell won’t be too drastic. Eventually, that smell will go away, too.

    From Everglades city, I went further down to the town of Chokoloskee. Such a beautiful area this is.

    I spent the night and morning at the Smallwood Store. Ted Smallwood lived here in the 1930s until 1941 when he died. He had this store, and also had a post office and an Indian Post.
    Take a look >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPEhbI0iVmw

    Then it was back to Everglade City and their very small library. Just a little room that is part of the government building. In fact, when I’ve been here I am the only one to use the library.

    The one librarian takes a lunch break from noon to 1pm, so right now I am in the van working on this post to get it to you next Friday.

    I find myself torn between research and reading on my laptop at a library, and being out in the wilderness. I’ve been mixing the two, which has worked out well for me. I do like being in the wilderness much much more, though.

    Driving along Route 41 I saw a campground for big rig travel trailers. Then I saw they had a hose for these big rigs to fill their water tanks with drinking water.

    I only had two containers that were empty, I carry seven gallons with me. Then I started to drive away. Suddenly I thought, I was going to shower later anyway, I could do it here with the hose.

    With my shorts on, I do like I always do. I got myself wet, wash down with soap and using a scrub cloth thoroughly, and then rinse off completely. It leaves me as clean as any shower, as I’ve said before.

    Moving down the road I saw a turn-off for HP Williams Roadside Park. A couple of alligators and a couple of turtles and then some fish, a nice stop for me. I actually spent a couple of hours at this Paradise. As you might know, on my woodstove, it has a little grill and they can fire up chicken or other delights.

    In my cooler, I had chicken from a recent food bank. I have fried it up, which was kind of fun. Got a tortilla and made it taco with chicken, cheese, and red onions, it was quite delicious.

    Down the road, I went, beyond the campground. I found a place deep in the woods where I won’t see any lights or hear any sounds of humans. As you would know, this is how I like it. I will sleep well tonight comma I hope you do too.

    6:45 Now. Very quiet and very far away from everything here, quite nice.

    7:30 The sun is just going down. I’m in a forest, I went to gather some wood for my wood stove. I can get fuel for my fire just about anywhere. I like my no-cost way to cook.

    It’s been warm, so I’ve been sleeping with my windows open. I’ve heard of monkeys climbing in car windows, I hope it doesn’t happen to me.

    3/18—My day started by returning to Shark Valley (where there are no sharks and there is no Valley) I arrived early; they open at 8 a.m. Right away I got on my bike and rode out on the road to see the early morning animals. Since I was the first one out to see them, there were more to be seen before the humans interrupted.

    I saw a couple of alligators fairly quickly. Then the assortment of waterbirds was astonishing. I took a number of pictures, I hope you like them.

    Also, this morning I had to go into Miami to take care of some business. Every few months I like to get my alignment checked. I paid for a lifetime alignment for the van, so here I am. I’ve waited here for about four hours, though.

    Then Costco for a gas fill-up and some other business, then I found a library off the beaten path and worked on stuff while plugged in and on their wifi.

    3/19—Slept at the library last night, nice and quiet. Now I am inside the library to get this blog off to you before I head to Flamingo to dance or look at big pink birds. 

    I’m lonely out here, I would love to hear from you.

    Either through Facebook or email, kitsummers@gmail.com

    Bring joy to at least three people this week, as you are finding it for yourself.
    I decided to head back to Flamingo, Florida. This is in the Everglades National Park. It is still south, so that’s a good thing.

  • BLOG 109—Kit’s a Library Hopper?

    (Do you wander or just wonder?)

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.

    By writing this blog I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way and find joy how you can.

    *** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog

    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.

    *** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.

    *** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!

    *** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.

    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.

    *** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!




    As you know, I go to many libraries to get their wifi and plug-in. Always quiet and clean, I do like our libraries. That is why I think of myself as a library hopper, from one to another. When did you last go to a library?

    Every week I feel like I have to make something happen, so I can add to the blog. What if you lived your life that way? You have to make things happen to add to your story. Wouldn’t that make life more meaningful for you?

    This week I actually went to a beach where I could ride my bike (and unicycle) on the hard sand. I’m not sure if I ever rode a unicycle on a beach before, an interesting experience.

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.

    This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves. Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    At any age you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.

    When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!

    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control.

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule, next to impossible.

    But the best part is, the more you accomplish, the more you’ll want to do – the higher you’ll want to reach! So, as long as you have the hunger for success, you will always have the power within you to achieve it.

    Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words;
    they will keep you on track.

    I hope the words I pick do help you.
    From my book series, Beyond Your Potential


    I mention my 7 club juggling to underscore that in juggling, you can probe your own potentialities and grow in a special way as the reach of your talent stretches outward.

    Along with juggling, this drive can be found in other areas of life. This stretching and knowing that you are constantly expanding in what you can do gives you a security all your own, a security that none can challenge because you, and you alone sometimes, know how far you have reached in perfecting this unique aspect of yourself.


    Finding the passion can be hard at times. In fact, in writing this book I had put together some hundred pages of text and then waited years to get back to it—I couldn’t find the motivation to work on my motivational book!

    I had to find the “passion”, which I eventually did, to really delve into finishing this collection of words. I had to attack it with the attitude that these books were written to help “you” in “your” life to have a better future. That’s the thing, once you just start at something the desire and passion will build and build—BUT YOU HAVE TO START!!


    I had to allow each of the things like: my juggling in the old days, authoring Juggling with Finesse and my other books, my salsa business – summerssalsa.com, and the writing of this book, and now this blog, to consume me.

    That is what must occur for you to find your passion. All you think about, much of what you do, is geared toward your passion. Seems that so few people find and drive toward their passion in life, and they often go about living unfulfilled lives. This passion must develop to the point where it consumes you. The rewards are so great.

    Now, it’s time to get out there and do
    something incredible that you can rejoice in!


    3/4-5—Not a lot happened these days.

    3/6—My bike needed some work so today I went back to Jack for repair. He was quick and perfect and did not charge me. Thanks, Jack.


    3/7—Slept at a library last night. Always quiet, I like this for sleeping. Then, on to a McDonald’s to use their wifi and I could plugin. Nice to have things opening up once again.

    Yesterday there was rain all day and night.

    Today is a bright blue sky, much better.

    Saw a turn-off for Jelks Preserve, so off I went. Trails go along the Myakka River. I found it to be a beautiful walk. Take a look – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaa3f4gfs3o

    I talked with one guy on the trail who asked me where I was from. As I’ve been asked before, seems that I have somewhat of an accent when I speak? He thought it might be in German. I like that, keep ’em guessing. 

    Passed another guy wearing a mouth covering out here in the wilderness, no one around. I had to ask him, “Are you scared of getting Covid-19 out here?” He acted like it was a sense of habit. I hope I never get that habit. I refuse to live my life in fear.

    Perhaps I’m spoiled from being down south with the heat. Right now the temperature gauge says 75, it feels cold.

    My friend Phyllis told me about Siesta Key on the west coast of Florida. She said with the hard sand you could ride your bike all over the large beach. Of course, I had to experience it.
    Watch this for memories, Phyllis >>

    There I was just south of Sarasota. My friend Phyllis suggested I go by Siesta Key. She said with the hard sand you could ride a bike all over the beach. I had to go . . .

    It was kind of nice to ride my bike around on the beach.

    Also, I rode my unicycle on the sand to add to the parade.

    I had fun, as you can tell by the photos.

    But, too many people, too many cars, I had to get away. I know that on the east coast of Florida there will be gobs of people and cars.

    Being a Sunday about 1 pm, the beach was packed, along with the parking lots. I drove around for a bit until I finally found someone leaving from a handicap space, so I jumped on the chance and parked.

    Some years ago my doctor, after I got hit by two different trucks, qualified me for handicapped parking. What is strange for people, I think, they see my unicycle on the back of the van.

    I went out into the ocean, the water was quite warm. The temperature where I was living is around freezing to 40 degrees. Quite nice I don’t have that temp around here.

    Now I’m back at the van where I’ll be there doing some reading and relaxing. Later another walk on the beach is called for. And I just might sleep here tonight right here in the parking lot. I will look for signs saying, “No overnight parking”. I will move on if they have those.

    I see many cars having a hard time finding a sparking space.

    I feel fortunate to have found one so quickly.

    I had written that I might stay in the parking lot at the beach.

    I’ve changed my mind, could be too noisy around here.

    On GPS I see there is a library within 5 miles, looks kind of a remote, so I’ll be going in there to stay tonight. When I go to these libraries, they’re usually very quiet and I sleep well. Also, most have Wi-Fi available outside the building, an added plus.

    At the library now. The wifi connection is not so good, but it works.

    3/8—Yes, I slept well last night. Was going to ride my bike today and also juggle, but with the winds blowing strong could compromise things.

    Last night I got cold. I had to get my sleepy bag down to get warmer in my sleep. I’ve decided to head down back south to find some more warmth.

    3/9—Very quiet last night, I think I slept well. Went over to the library early and I guess they turn their wifi off at night; no connection. I will boil some water for tea and do what I can to improve the van until they open at 9am.

    No wind today, I believe I will be throwing stuff in the air and also riding on my two-wheeled vehicle. Should be a fun day.

    Toward the interior of Florida I went to a town I’ve been to before, Immokalee, was my next destination. But, it seems that there are no small towns in Florida, along both shores it is like non-stop cities.

    As I went for the North the weather got colder, I was not ready for that. So I will be heading back down south for the warmth. That’s what is good about living in the van, I can travel to the warm weather.

    It’s been awhile, only had one because I had 10 inch tortillas. The taco was scrumptious. I mix cheese in with the chicken. Makes for a good mix.

    Slept last night at the Immokalee Library parking lot. Quiet and nice, seems that I hoop from one library to another.

    I mainly came to Immokalee because of the cool name. Its name means my home” in the Seminole language, a nod to one of two Indian tribes that had occupied the area – the ancient Calusa tribe were early occupants. Here is about Immokalee >>

    3/10—I needed the help of someone at Geek Squad with my website, so I went to the nearest, which was further north in Naples. Might be colder up north, but I can tell spring will be here in a month.

    Living in the van I have the freedom to go wherever I want when I want, I like that. I had been planning to head to the north, still too cold, so I did a U (you?) turn and now the sun is on my left at sunset.

    I had to go to Best Buy in Naples, I did accomplish a couple things there. But, too many people, too many cars, and too much traffic; I had to get away. Then I had to head south back toward Big Cypress and Everglades parks.

    I carry in the van nail clippers and the file and about once a week I go after my four limbs – watch out fingers and toes! Keeping myself looking good, too bad females don’t notice.

    I saw a road going off from the main road so tonight I took that road. I parked at the dead-end at about 3:30 in the afternoon and I will be here for the night. It’s sort of getting close to the park area, it looks all right.

    3/11 – I have to remember, there is no rush for me to get anywhere. My only cost in life is buying fuel for the van, it is better for me to stay in one place as long as I can to keep that cost low.

    Going to the South, I returned to the state park, which opens at 10am. I saw there was a food bank near me at Marco Island. The food bank also opens at 10, I ended up there for their opening first (I used “there” and “their” in the same sentence, I like that.)

    The temperature is already warmer, I’m glad I’m going to the South once again.

    All my life I’ve been – go go go. Always moving forward, always doing something, I don’t take the time to relax and settle down. That’s something I must learn, I guess. I will start today.

    They are forecasting rain for this afternoon and evening. So, today won’t be good to go to the State Park after all. I will find things to do in the Marco Island area for the day.

    I have 100 books to read.
    I have my bike to ride.
    I have my unicycle to ride.
    I have things to throw in the air.
    I will keep myself amused.

    And, most important, I have to get these words off to you tomorrow in my blog post. Please get back to me and let me know what you think of my writings.

    Here is Marco Island, a nice place to waste time >>

    In the library now, I’m surprised at how many are here. Not all are wearing their mouth covering (when and why did people start calling it a mask?)

    A very nice town, I’ve stayed here before, as I will tonight.

    3/12—As usual, very quiet sleeping at the library parking lot last night. I even slept until about 5am, that’s late for me.

    I guess the library turns off their wifi at night; no connection. To work on the blog I can be offline, I use Libre Write to put my words together. I find this program the perfect writing tool, and it’s free, too.

    I’m lonely out here, I would love to hear from you.

    Either through Facebook or email, kitsummers@gmail.com



    People who ask me, right away, “How are you”? usually mean nothing with the words; a waste of breath. My usual answer to this “question” is simply, “Yes I am”. If you say these words to people, I suggest you get away from that “habit”. 

    Every new conversation, when you see someone, right away say something nice about the person, ENTHUSIASTICALLY! This will usually lead to a better conversation. Make it a habit with each person you see, and then see again.
    Staying south for the warmth.
    Just don’t know where to currently.
