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  • BLOG 299–Your Morning Routine

    BLOG 299–Your Morning Routine
    Don’t sleepwalk through life.
    I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
    The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or wonder?)


    *** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
    *** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
    *** I was hit by two different trucks, but I remain happy.
    *** Going through a 37-day coma — Yikes!
    *** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
    *** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
    *** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
    *** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
    *** What are you passionate about?
    *** Only YOU know what is best for you.
    *** Live for now! You will have had a great life when all your nows add up!
    *** You cannot change the past. The future will come. All you have is now—always.
    *** Have you seen >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFC5vLPDWRsvo


    You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I help guide you. I want to lighten your path toward excellence. It is up to you to make your journey toward value. I am not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me each time—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually add to your life and bring you to a higher level. Your life should always be starting again–a better life each time!
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual demise?
    You can (and should) make changes to improve your life — at any age.
    Of course, that leads to helping others to have a better life.
    We all need to help each other to reach a higher level.
    Start today, and know that you can build the life you desire.
    You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide you with additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
    Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
    I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
    Remember — only you know what is best for you.
    And — you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!


    I feel so alone.
    I feel unloved.
    I’m so lonely out here alone.
    But, as usual, I will be alright. 
    I heard from Judy Finelli; nice words she sent about the last blog >>
    “Kit, this is a lovely treatise on going barefoot! I remember that in 1966, we had classes in many different experimental aspects of acting and performing at the NYU theater program. I had Hovey Burgess teach me “circus techniques.”

    My brother was right-handed like our mother, but I was left-handed like our father. Being left-handed forces you to learn quasi-ambidexterity—you have to learn how to use your left hand and your right hand. I could write with my left hand quickly, but I cut with scissors with my right hand; I played bowling with my right hand—ditto tennis.
    That afternoon, I applied the concept of braiding hair to juggling and figured out the cascade pattern. My brother didn’t get far because he was right-handed and tried to throw the balls in a circle.
    However, a beginner can use a shower pattern relatively fast, so he cannot keep that shower going. But I could do it relatively quickly and walk across the room and back many times – at the age of six, I could keep the pattern going. I didn’t know anyone who juggled and had never heard of the IJA, so that was the end for many years.
    In high school, a gym class included learning how to juggle, but it wasn’t open to girls—only guys! But that’s not what I wanted to tell you. I also had a mime class taught by a colorful Italian character, Carlo Mazzone-Clementi. He would say many colorful things that we students loved.
    One of these, “The Ground Is Your Friend,” became my favorite because I loved to walk barefoot and feel that connection to the earth and ground. Many thanks for suggesting I get more in touch with that feeling of being barefoot on the grass. I hope you stay warm. It’s been inspirational because you treat everything that happens to you as an adventure!”  Take care – Judy.
    THE MAIN TOPIC — Your Morning Routines?
    You awake every morning (I would hope so, anyway.)
    What’s next?
    Smile — you have an entire day to achieve success!
    Your Routine
    A morning routine can have a much more significant effect on your life than you realize. Many people make it much harder for themselves to do what they know they should do by sticking to lousy morning habits. Checking your phone when you wake up and hitting the snooze button doesn’t help you have a great day; it welcomes an awful day.
    Change with the Changes
    Waking up just a little bit earlier and setting aside time to devote yourself before running out the door can help alleviate that overwhelming feeling that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you want or need. Your stress level will go down. Below are a few easy ideas to start your day on the right foot by building better habits that work for your lifestyle.
    Pack Your Bags the Night Before      
    It’s tempting to get under the covers and pass out at the end of a long day. But taking 10 minutes to prepare your bag of things for the next day can help make your morning less stressful. Pack what you need–your gym clothes and sneakers, perhaps–ensure you have any chargers you need for your laptop and phone, and fill a little goody bag with snacks.
    Don’t Forget
    Not only will this lessen the chance of you forgetting something in the haste of your a.m. rush, but it may give you more time to sip your tea, play New York Times Word, or catch up on morning news. Your future self will thank you.
    Set Two Different Alarms
    Not surprisingly, you shouldn’t snooze your alarm. It can seriously mess with your body’s natural sleep cycle. But that doesn’t mean you have to jump out of bed the second your alarm goes off. We like to come out of slumber slowly to lower morning stress. Try setting one alarm for your wake-up time and another for when you need to be out of bed. I’ve not had to wake to a clock for years.
    Let the Sunshine in
    Open your shades to get natural light in the morning. Stretch and do deep breathing before being rushed into your usual to-do list. This is also a great way to work toward becoming a morning person if that’s a goal or lifestyle you’re interested in.
    Don’t Immediately Open Your Phone
    I know — this is a tough one. According to a survey from the tech company ReportLinker, 46% of Americans said they check their phone before they get out of bed in the morning. The problem is this kicks you into alertness a little too quickly. You awake too quickly.
    No Phone
    Instead, if you’re eager to immediately stimulate your brain during those first few minutes after you wake up, leave a book, journal, or notebook next to your bed so you can quickly grab them instead of your phone. Being intentional about the first things you see in the morning and not looking at a bright screen will help you adjust to being awake and focus on being present for the day ahead.
    Drink Water First
    Before Coffee
    Before Tea
    Drink Water!
    Your body may crave coffee or another potentially dehydrating beverage when you wake up, but you should reach for water first thing in the morning. Mild dehydration can drain your energy and tire you throughout the day. And if you’ve been asleep all night, you probably haven’t had any water to drink in six to nine hours. Starting your day by rehydrating your body can help replenish the natural energy you need. Leave a cold water bottle next to your bed the night before so it’s right there waiting for you when you open your eyes.
    Get Going!
    Moving your body every morning, whether through high-intensity workouts like boxing or cycling or low-intensity activity such as walking or stretching, will help you start your day on a positive note, both mentally and physically.
    Daily movement is a great way to practice mindfulness, release endorphins, and center yourself in your body. It also helps to stretch and loosen your muscles after a good sleep. Studies have shown that regular morning exercise reduces the risk of various chronic health conditions–including cardiovascular disease and/or type 2 diabetes, leading to better-quality sleep. Plus, if you move your body in the morning, you don’t have to worry about when you’ll find the time to exercise throughout the day. One more thing off your list! GET GOING FIRST THING!
    Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually enrich your life and bring you to a higher level.     
    Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. Have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
    To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
    Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
    In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
    The correct motivational quote can change you and things—helping you ditch the excuses, escape your comfort zone, and take action. Read these words with an open mind and learn to improve your life.
    When you read these quotes, you’ll also realize that many other people worldwide are experiencing these feelings. These feelings make you think you’re the only person who could feel this bad. But you’re not. Lots and lots of other people feel bad, too. This is the irony of it. You don’t want other people to feel crappy, but it does make you feel better or at least comforted to know that other people feel just as bad as you.


    These quotes can be used when you wake up or prepare for work.
    You can write your favorite quotes somewhere where you can see them first thing in the morning.
    These quotes are motivating, inspiring, and encouraging. They will help you see your potential, stay motivated, and see the beauty in every morning. Use them to your advantage!
    1. “Make your morning shine!
        Then you make your life shine!”
    – Kit Summers
    2. “No one can make you feel inferior without consent.”
    – Eleanor Roosevelt
    3. “There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing. It’s not a matter of time; it’s a matter of desire.”
    – Nina Yau
    4. “Some people dream of success, while others get up every morning and make it happen.”
    – Wayne Huizenga
    5. “No one can ever take your memories from you – each day is a new beginning; make good memories every day.”
    – Catherine Pulsifer
    6. “Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.”
    – Richard Whately
    7. “I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting behind the morning.”
    – J. B. Priestley
    8. “We turn not older with years but newer every day.”
    – Emily Dickinson
    9. “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
    – Dale Carnegie
    10. “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
    – John C. Maxwell
    11. “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your day.”
    – Dalai Lama
    12. “Waking up this morning, I smile. 24 brand-new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment.”
    – Thich Nhat Hanh
    13. “A year from now, you may wish you had started today.”
        – Karen Lamb
    14. “Success is to wake up each morning and consciously decide that today will be the best day of your life.”
    – Ken Poirot

      15. “New morning, a new moment of miracles.”
    – Lailah Gifty Akita
    16. “I believe that daring to dare is the most important single thing beyond discipline and creativity.”
    – Maya Angelou
    17. “Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”
    – Dwayne Johnson
    18. “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson
    19. “If you can’t yet do great things, do small things in a great way.”
    – Napoleon Hill
    20. “The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day.”
    – Henry Ward Beecher



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
    You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
    Do you know what you did last Monday?
    Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
    Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
    Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
    11/23–What wonderful daughters I have!  April and Jasmine, knowing it would be frigid in the following days, got me a room at La Quinta Inn for a three-night stay!

    Significantly, they got me this room because the homeless shelter has a daily lottery to get a bed. I had gotten a high number the last three times and, therefore, did not get a bed. For two nights, I slept in the van; the first night, it got down to 33 degrees.
    The hotel room includes an excellent breakfast, so I ate well this morning. Later, I worked on the van window covers. I put more black covers on each. So, now they will keep all the cold and light out of the van. In the evening, I brought in the stove and cooked some chicken, which tasted great.
    11/24–I Woke up at about 6 a.m. Last night, I slept well. I am currently using my laptop on one of the tables for meals at the hotel. You get a complimentary breakfast (it’s not free; you pay for the room.)
    Yikes! I often turn my engine off when I am stopped at a red light. I turned the engine off like usual, but it would not start up again! I turned the key, and the engine would spin and not click on. I sat there at the light, not knowing what to do.
    Kit goes through another big adventure.
    Finally, a cop pulled up behind me, and Ben came up. I told him what was happening, and I had called the towing service. They told me they could only be there at 8 a.m. the next day.
    He told me to take my bike off the back, and he could push me to a nearby safe lot. I quickly took off the bike and rack and threw them in the back of the van. He told me where to drive; I jumped in the van, and then he pushed me where I needed to go. I thanked Ben very much; he saved me. I even hugged him on departure and felt the bulletproof vest he had on.
    After he pushed me to the parking lot, I sat in the van, not knowing where to go or what to do. For the heck of it, I turned the key—the van started up! I was overjoyed. I quickly drove to where Ben, the cop, was and let him know.
    Then I drove to Cindy’s to pick up some things and went to the Homeless Shelter to pick up some things that had been mailed to me. Then, I drove up to the La Quinta Inn to spend the last night of three at this lovely hotel my daughters had paid for.
    Had a long talk with Cindy this evening.
    I will be going back to her house tomorrow.
    That’s me and Cindy to the left.
    11/25–I am writing this blog from the hotel’s breakfast room, and what a tasty meal. Check-out time is 11 a.m.; it is 8:22, so I have time to get things together before I go.
    I went to Cindy’s, and she got weird with me again. She is leaving for NYC tomorrow, and I thought she was okay with me staying at her home, taking care of the cat, and improving things. The evening came—she booted me out! She later sent me words apologizing for what she had done.
    And, boy, was it frigid outside. I loaded stuff into the van and just drove off with no destination. I was going to sleep in the back of the van. I could not find anywhere suitable for me to park and spend the night. Scared, lonely, and desolate–my mind was reeling. I could not find anywhere that would be good to sleep at.
    Then I remembered the homeless shelter I had stayed at before. They were just in the process of picking numbers. I got a high number again, which meant sleeping in the van. At this point, I called my daughters, April and Jasmine.
    Right away, without hesitation, they called the hotel I had stayed at for three nights in the past and booked me in again for two more nights. But my name was called at the shelter, and I could have had a bed in the warmth of the hostel. Yet, Jasmine told me the room had already been paid for, and they could not return the money.
    I drove the ten miles to the La Quinta Inn for another two-night stay. I got the same room I had stayed in previously. The van’s check engine light had come on, so I will look at that tomorrow. This scared me because, without the van, I have nothing—I am nothing.
    Right now, I am just sick and scared of this life I am living. Even driving at night is getting more difficult. I often have to close one eye to see right and not see double. Overall, it is difficult for me to see while driving at night. But, I got here, oh boy.
    11/26–I had concerns about the van. The check engine light was on, and I was worried. I brought it in to have it checked, and they found nothing significant. I felt relief. And there was no charge for their help—I like that.
    I saw Dr. Gladney today. He gave me a prescription for a medication to calm my coughing—a good thing. I also had him write some prescriptions for inhalers for my asthma. I gave him one of the books I wrote, “Accident,” which he joyfully accepted.
    I know a snowstorm is on its way in the next few days. I cleaned and organized the van so I wouldn’t have to in the cold and snow. I’ve decided to travel south to see my sister, Willow. I will spend Turkey Day with her before heading to where Jasmine and April are.
    But before I move back to the Philly area, I might spend some time in warmer Florida. Of course, you will learn what I have decided in future blogs. I’ve spent time there; I like it in Florida.
    I’ve decided to see my sister in Santa Fe before heading up to see my daughters in PA. Seeing Willow after so many years will be strange, but Turkey Day will be with her. I hope to leave early and miss the snow. I will let you know . . .
    11/27–Thanksgiving is tomorrow, as I wrote. I went to spend Turkey Day in Santa Fe with my sister. Born Kathleen Willow, I always knew her as Kath. She now goes by her middle name, Willow; I like that. She will also have other people tomorrow. It sounds like it will be a festive fest.


    My sister, Willow, and me. 

    Now, I have to tell you about the 400-mile drive from Boulder. Much of the way, it was snowing, snowing, snowing. (I was driving very carefully.) On the radio, there was a forecast of 3 to 4 feet of snow, which didn’t materialize. But I did drive through much white stuff. I arrived safely, and it was great to see my sister.

    Grey hairs on her head.
    More wrinkles than in the past.
    She still has a great smile.
    On her last birthday, Willow turned 70. That seems old, but I am just five more years away from being there. She owns her house and has decorated it very nicely.  For her 70th, she went to Southern Portugal in a small town. She said it looked like the area we grew up in, Point Loma in San Diego.
    11/28–I Woke up at 2 a.m. and couldn’t get back to sleep. Today is Thanksgiving. My sister will have two others over today. One is her sister, Maureen (they shared a different dad than me), and also her friend, Avery, who has no family nearby. My sister cooked great food, and we had interesting conversations. I’ll be here for a few more days and still trying to figure out where to go next. I might head south and into Texas.
    For high blood pressure and allergies, I take six different pills daily. I just refilled my daily pill holder, which holds 25 of each pill. While doing this, I got sad and miserable, which is a good word for me. I am missing my mom, who died in 2014. I want to cry right now, but I’m holding back.
    11/29–Three am wake-up time this morning.
    I feel good today, hoping to get much accomplished.
    I organized and cleaned the van this morning, and it is better.
    I plan to return to Boulder and be with Cindy, helping in any way I can.
    Then, I will return to the road to see my daughters, Jasmine and April, in the middle of Southern PA.
    Winter is here; I must plan for it. I will drive south for some miles, where it will be warmer, and north and east to PA.

    Willow, my sister, and her sister, Maureen (we had not met before;) grew up with the last name Malaney. So, Maureen and I have no blood connection. A few years ago, Maureen’s husband died, and she is alone. It was fun to be with her at the tree lighting.

    Maureen and I

    Santa Fe lights up its Christmas lights each year after a countdown. We parked about six blocks away and walked, which was alright. Downtown was packed with people, and we walked through and around much of the celebration.

    As we were walking, something strange happened. I saw a log bench to the side and was going to sit on it. The log was split, and I reached out to feel it before I sat. Somehow, I fell and landed on the pavement right on my left eye. When you get a cut around your eyes, blood rushes out–I had a big pool of blood below me. Maureen saw it happen and, like me, cannot figure out what occurred.

    We took Maureen home and then returned to Willow’s, and she patched me up. It ended up being a big cut around my left eye. As I am writing this, it is the next day. I feel better, but what an embarrassment.

    Yikes — Left eye damage!




    I keep this section about gardening in.
    I do like the skill and hope you do, too.

    Winter now, but there are still things you can grow.
    And, remember about indoor gardening.
    A self-supportive life can be a better life.
    A garden would be a part of that life.   
    You must look into it.
    Because I am back on the road, there will be no more words about the garden.
    I do hope Beth keeps it up.
    We did a lot of work establishing our vegetable garden.
    When I drove the van seven years ago,
    I grew stuff under the sunroof windows on the top.
    I may start that up my van garden again.
    You will find out, of course.


    Figure out a daily routine and do it each day this week. Your routine can and will change often; be ready for that. Just plan your schedule each day, and your life will get better and better over time. The main thing about a morning routine is you want to bring a smile to your face and find joy in your life.
    NEXT BLOG >>
    The passing of time will be covered.
    Do you waste much time?
    Do you make time to help other people?
    Learn to use your time better in this blog.



  • BLOG 298  —  Barefoot is Best!

    BLOG 298  —  Barefoot is Best!
    Don’t sleepwalk through life.
    I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
    The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or wonder?)

    *** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
    *** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
    *** I was hit by two different trucks, but I remain happy.
    *** Going through a 37-day coma — Yikes!
    *** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
    *** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
    *** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
    *** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
    *** What are you passionate about?
    *** Only YOU know what is best for you.
    *** Live for now! You will have had a great life when all your nows add up!
    *** You cannot change the past. The future will come. All you have is now—always.
    *** Have you seen >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFC5vLPDWRsvo


    You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I help guide you. I want to lighten your path toward excellence. It is up to you to make your journey toward value. I am not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me each time—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually add to your life and bring you to a higher level. Your life should always be starting again–a better life each time!
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual demise?
    You can (and should) make changes to improve your life — at any age.
    Of course, that leads to helping others to have a better life.
    We all need to help each other to reach a higher level.
    Start today, and know that you can build the life you desire.
    You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide you with additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
    Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
    I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
    Remember — only you know what is best for you.
    And — you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!


    I have gone barefoot much of my life.
    Is that something you desire?
    In this blog, you will learn the benefits of bare feet.
    I heard from Dave Finnegan, who has been a tremendous part of the juggling world.
    Dave turned 83 and is doing phenomenally.
    He liked my last blog about going beyond the age of 100–very much.
    He has the mental acuity to reach 100—watch him go! 

    I spoke with my daughter, Jasmine, a few times. She’s trying to help me from a long distance. Jasmine and April seem bothered by my stay at a homeless shelter. It is not that bad here; the people are good. So, I am comfortable staying here—many help. Gabby does outstanding work helping the homeless.
    I’m just not sure what direction to take next. I might go south for warmth and visit my sister, Willow, who lives in Santa Fe, NM. Or should I come to see you?
    I’ve been speaking with my other sister, Sandy, who lives in Oregon, daily.
    We help each other in life, which is a good thing.
    I love you, Sandy.
    This coming Thursday is Thanksgiving!
    What will Kit do?        What will Kit do?
    When you see me in the summer heat, I am usually barefoot, with no shoes covering my toes. I spend days this way, which is very comfortable for me. The point of walking barefoot is to experience the pleasure of feeling the Earth beneath your feet. The sensations are numerous—warm, tremendous, textured, plush, smooth, rough. It is beautiful to experience the sensations you can find with your feet in life.
    Of course, you can always be shoeless in your house. It will be better for your body and your mind when you do. Walking barefoot can strengthen your foot muscles, improve balance, and reduce stress. However, some risks, such as cuts or infections, can harm some. To minimize those risks, walk barefoot on soft, gentle surfaces, such as indoor carpeting, grass, or sand.
    The art of being barefoot to pick up electrons from the bare earth, often described as Earthing or Grounding, is said to reduce inflammation, make you smile, prevent and treat chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, and produce measurable differences in white blood cells and cytokines. Being barefoot can even reduce pain levels. Make the time to be barefoot — it is well worth it!
            Also, you will find the following benefits >> 

    • Better balance: Being barefoot can help improve your balance.
    • Improved gait: Walking barefoot can help enhance your natural step. 
    • Reduced stress: Walking barefoot can help reduce stress.
    • Better foot mechanics: Walking barefoot can improve your foot mechanics, leading to better hip, leg, and core mechanics.
    • Reduced inflammation: The practice of “grounding” or “earthing” involves walking barefoot on the earth to pick up electrons, which can reduce inflammation.
    • Reduced pain: Walking barefoot can reduce pain levels.
    • However, there are also risks to walking barefoot, including >> 
    • Walking barefoot can increase your risk of cuts and infections (be careful where you walk.)
    • Unsuitable for some: Older adults and people with diabetes or foot problems should stick to minimalist footwear instead of walking barefoot.

    To minimize risks, you can:
    Walk barefoot on soft, gentle surfaces like indoor carpeting, grass, or sand.
    You can avoid public sidewalks or locker rooms when walking outdoors.
    Could you check your feet for injuries afterward?
    Practice going barefoot in moderation at first.
    Or, you could simply walk on your hands?
    Use common sense when walking barefoot in places where you can’t control what might be on the ground. Studies show measurable differences between humans who consistently wear shoes and humans who do not. We can connect with natural energy and healing properties by directly connecting our bodies with the earth. The good news is that you can reconnect—like right now!
    Take off your shoes and socks, head outside, and immediately feel the effects of grounding. Studies show that 30 minutes of barefoot on grass can heal pain, reduce inflammation, and improve sleep quality daily. Try it, you’ll be surprised.
    According to orthopedic professionals, walking barefoot restores our natural step. Over time, the padding and structure of shoes can prevent us from using specific muscle groups that can strengthen the body. Walking without shoes can improve balance, help with pain relief, and improve hip, knee, and core mechanics.
    Barefoot walking, distinctly different from walking barefoot, has grown from a playful trend to a well-researched practice with recognized health benefits. Barefoot walking, on the other hand, also known as earthing or grounding, has evolved from a pursuit of the open-minded to a scientifically researched practice with several recognized health advantages.
    No, you won’t be that “hippy” with no shoes.
    According to orthopedists, walking barefoot restores our natural step. Over time, the padding and structure of shoes can prevent us from using specific muscle groups that can strengthen our bodies. Walking without shoes can improve balance, help with pain relief, and improve hip, knee, and core mechanics.
    Barefoot walking, on the other hand, also known as grounding or earthing, has evolved from a pursuit of the open-minded to a scientifically researched practice with several recognized health advantages. When was the last time you walked on fresh grass?
    Our ancestors evolved in close connection with the earth’s power. We walked barefoot, slept on the ground, and benefitted from the Earth’s natural healing energy, or Earth Qi. Today, we spend so much time insulated from this grounding energy in shoes, in our cars, and indoors. We must get back to our Earth connection.
    Earth Qi is regarded as the aggregate of the earth’s magnetic field and underground heat, which is believed to produce a matrix of energy lines and zones across and through the planet. Earthquakes and volcanic activity are thus seen as the Earth Qi re-balancing itself.
    Children who experience the world beneath their bare feet have developmental advantages correlating with enhanced brain development and body awareness. Evidence indicates that going barefoot strengthens feet and improves body alignment.
    Walking is an excellent form of exercise and is often recommended for those looking to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, proponents of barefoot shoes argue that walking in these minimalist shoes can enhance the benefits of walking, particularly when it comes to weight loss.
    Your feet can tell you a lot about underlying health conditions before they appear anywhere else. From numbness to tingly feelings and to joint aches or ulcers, your feet will show you symptoms you can attend to before they become a more severe problem.
    When we connect with the Earth and ground through barefoot walking, white blood cells are reduced, and red blood cells are increased, which hints at better immunity. Barefoot walking has also been shown to help boost antioxidants, reduce inflammation, and improve sleep. Being barefoot benefits brain development and more!
    He danced barefoot on the carpet.
    The children had to go barefoot because there was no money for shoes.
    He padded barefoot across the carpet.
    How far back in human history do shoes go?
    Based on changes in toe bones, anthropologists estimate that humans began wearing some form of sturdy foot covering at least 40,000 years ago.
    The oldest surviving pair of shoes is what’s referred to as the Fort Rock sandals. Indigenous people made these woven sagebrush bark sandals in what’s now southeast Oregon and northern Nevada about 10,200 to 9,300 years ago (according to radiocarbon dating).
    The Klamath Tribes made similar variants of these sandals until the 20th century. As for fully enclosed shoes, archaeologists made a surprising discovery during a 2010 dig in an Armenian cave: well-preserved shoes made from tanned cowhide dating back 5,500 years.
    In other words, it is the world’s oldest leather shoe. Aside from being made of familiar modern material, the boots were also laced along a center seam. Renowned designer Manolo Blahnik commented, “It is astonishing how much this shoe resembles a modern shoe!”
    Footwear refinements were made throughout antiquity as new materials were harvested and traded. Sandals adorned Egyptian royalty’s feet were sleek and looked strikingly like flip-flop prequels, as do Japanese geta. Quilted hemp sandals emerged from China and traveled the Silk Road.
    The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century changed the course of shoe design and function (like it did for nearly every material thing). Factories sped up manufacturing, sewing machines allowed for more embroidery and canvas work, and new processes (such as vulcanization) and dyes allowed for a greater variety of materials to be used in shoemaking.
    The North British Rubber Company (now Hunter) was formed in 1856 and began making rubberized versions of Wellington boots, which were eminently waterproof. Pumps emerged as fashionable women’s shoes in the 1870s.
    The 20th century saw the creation of shoe brands and styles that are staples today; many were initially intended for specific sports. Canvas and rubber-soled Keds were created by U.S. Rubber in 1916 and soon marketed toward tennis players.
    The Converse All-Star emerged the following year for basketball—the B.F. Goodrich company tapped Jack Purcell to design his namesake shoe for badminton, a design that was acquired by Converse in 1972. Paul Sperry created the Sperry Top-Sider in 1935.
    Adidas grew as a soccer shoe company in the 1950s, while Nike famously began as a running shoe company in 1964. The 21st century is still young, but the controversial Crocs (perhaps the shoe world’s version of pineapple on pizza) have earned a place in history since their inception in 2002.
    Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually enrich your life and bring you to a higher level.
    Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. Have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
    To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
    Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
    In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
    The correct motivational quote can change you and things—helping you ditch the excuses, escape your comfort zone, and take action. Read these words with an open mind and learn to improve your life.
    When you read these quotes, you’ll also realize that many other people worldwide are experiencing these feelings. These feelings make you think you’re the only person who could feel this bad. But you’re not. Lots and lots of other people feel bad, too. This is the irony of it. You don’t want other people to feel crappy, but it does make you feel better or at least comforted to know that other people feel just as bad as you.


    “Get back in touch with the Earth.
    Take your shoes off, relax, stay awhile.”
    Kit Summers
    “Bare soles to sun-heated earth is how we spent those bright days.”
    Angela Abraham
    “You learn a lot when you’re barefoot.
    The first thing is every step you take is different.”
    Michael Franti
    “I was born to catch dragons in their dens.
    And pick flowers
    To tell tales and laugh away the morning
    To drift and dream like a lazy stream
    And walk barefoot across sunshine days.”
    James Kavanaugh
    “Barefoot travel allows you to get the true feel of a place.”
    Sabrina Ward Harrison
    “And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.”
    Khalil Gibran
    “Students must bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known but to question it.”
    Jacob Bronowski
    “A simple life is good with me. I don’t need a whole lot. For me, a T-shirt, a pair of shorts, and barefoot on a beach are all that I’m happy with.”
    “In a beautiful morning, walking barefoot to work through the green fields with the company of the singing birds… and there you shall meet the real happiness!”
    Mehmet Murat Ildan
    “But tomorrow, the dawn will come the way I picture her, barefoot and disheveled, standing outside my window in one of the fragile cotton dresses of the poor. She will look at me with her thin arms extended, offering a handful of birdsong and a small cup of light.”
    Billy Collins
    “If I had my life to live over again, I’d run barefoot, relax, talk to children, and learn how they laugh.”
    Amy Grant
    “When someone deeply listens to you, your bare feet are on the earth, and a beloved land that seemed distant is now at home within you.”
    John Fox
    “The bottom of the foot measures gravity; we trace the density and texture of the ground through our soles. Standing barefoot on a smooth glacial rock by the sea at sunset and sensing the warmth of the sun-heated stone through one’s soles is an extraordinarily healing experience, making one part of the eternal cycle of nature. One senses the slow breathing of the earth.”
    Juhani Pallasmaa
    “Go barefoot
    and be warm
    all the time.
    Not only when you go to bed
    and sleep”
    Nikki Giovanni
    “Some women have a weakness for shoes… I can go barefoot if necessary. I have a weakness for books.”
    Oprah Winfrey
    “Hee that goes barefoot must not plant thorns.”
    George Herbert
    “Being naked approaches being revolutionary; going barefoot is mere populism.”
    John Updike
    “You may like walking barefoot, but keep your shoes with you; you may need it when the ground changes!”
    Mehmet Murat Ildan
    “To the barefoot man, happiness is a pair of shoes. To the man with old shoes, it’s a pair of new shoes. To the man with new shoes, they are stylish shoes. And, of course, the fellow with no feet would be happy to be barefoot. Measure your life by what you have, not what you don’t.”
    Michael Josephson
    “I just kick off my shoes and walk around barefoot; I don’t care if my feet get dirty.”
    Christina Aguilera
    “The best treatment for feet encased in shoes all day is to go barefoot. One-fifth of the world’s population never wears shoes – ever! But when people who usually go barefoot usually wear shoes, their feet begin to suffer. As often as possible, walk barefoot on the beach, in your yard, or around the house. Walking in the grass or sand massages your feet, strengthens your muscles, and feels very relaxing…If you can cut back on wearing shoes by 30 percent, you will save wear and tear on your feet and extend the life of your shoes.”
    Stephanie Tourles
    “Do you love this world? Do you cherish your humble and silky life? Do you adore the green grass, with its terror beneath? Do you also hurry, half-dressed and barefoot, into the garden, and softly, and exclaiming of their dearness, fill your arms with the white and pink flowers, with their honeyed heaviness, their lush trembling, their eagerness to be wild and perfect for a moment, before they are nothing, forever?”
    Mary Oliver
    “He that scatters thorns let him not go barefoot.” ~ Benjamin Franklin



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
    You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
    Do you know what you did last Monday?
    Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
    Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
    Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
    11/16–Cindy has a helper. Lizz comes in daily to clean, cook, and straighten. She does fantastic work. She helped prepare the food today. I made a big batch of my salsa, both sweet/mild and extra hot. People will be surprised at the great taste.
    The big show was at the Boulder Circus Center (BCC) tonight. I was going to do a piece, but I felt so sick that I bowed out. Later, I will find out from Cindy how things went.
    11/17–As usual, I was up early. I returned to bed at about 4:33 a.m. and slept some more, which was good. I’m not sure why sleep avoids me or me.
    Today, I helped Cindy around the house. I also worked on the next blog, which is basically all written. I will work on small things during the week.
    Every Sunday night is a juggling night at BCC. That evening, I taught Cindy the slapkick trick with clubs. You lay the club out before you with the main body toward you. You bend your knees and tap the club’s end with your toes, and the club flips up into the pattern; then, you juggle simultaneously. I saw Cindy do the trick twice, so she’s got it.
    11/18–I only keep track of time a little.
    Life and time will go on no matter what.
    We drove a juggler to the airport to catch a plane to the West Coast.
    After he went, Cindy suddenly decided it was time for me to depart.
    What a shock it was for me. I went to the homeless shelter and spent the night.

    I lead a strange life and don’t know what to think.
    Cindy complicated matters, but I will go on.
    Right now, more cold is coming into the area—but . . .
    11/19–I brought my van into Christian at
    They made my turn signals work again. He pointed out that the van should be replaced. Several things need to be worked on. I was told to pick up a van for cheap, and I will be on my way again. I am comfortable with how the van works, but it is time for a new one. CAN YOU HELP?
    After that, it was back to the homeless shelter and on the computer. I am so glad this place is here. Boy, is it cold out there today? I am happy I am inside.
    Jennifer did an acupuncture treatment on me. Inserting tiny needles into my ears. I did not get much from it. She comes once a week, and I don’t think I will experience it once again. On video, I saw several improvements the treatment supposedly brings, although I did not see any myself.
    While staying here, I have no costs at all. They provide food and a place to sleep, which is a good thing. There are electrical outlets everywhere, and the Wi-Fi is good. I owe $4,000 on one of my credit cards and am working to pay that off. Any help you can provide would be fantastic.
    11/20–I woke at my usual 3 a.m., then lay there, and yes, I did return to slumber. Awakening again at 5 a.m., I gathered my things, using the light in my clock, and went off to the other room and my computer. That is where I am now—“Hi.”
    I am still happy about yesterday’s work on the van, and I am confident it will continue.
    I spoke with my daughter, Jasmine. She wanted to move me into a motel. I greatly appreciate her caring, but it is much better here. I can plug in and get online. They provide food and a bed. This is temporary, as with the other people staying here. But it is great for now.
    Last night’s sleep was quieter and more friendly. As I told Jasmine, when you are asleep, your eyes are closed, and your mind is turned off, so you do not even know your situation. Now, I have headphones and am listening to the news. Yes, in my own little world.
    I am watching Gary Frenchi, who is covering material about the war. Yes, it is pretty scary out there.
    Many of the people staying here are intelligent and successful in their past. They fell onto hard times, as I did. I found a corner of the TV room where I set up my computer and can work solo. There are seven people currently watching the news on TV here.
    I am currently staying here to save money to pay off one credit card, which has a $4000 balance. I can still write and read, and that’s a good thing. I can also work on and improve the van.
    Yesterday, I was out until about 2:22 and had to stay outside in the cold until 4:30, when they let people back in. I receive Social Security Disability each month to keep me going—not much, but it works.
    I learned you must be inside by 2 p.m. or stay out until 4:30. To get a bed, keep in line outside from 4:30 to 6:30 for the lottery. Last night, I got to bed early, which is a good thing. I will remember to wear my boots, which warm my feet.
    The place is kept very clean. There is a main window to go to when you need anything; I was surprised at what they have to offer.
    I will shower and wash my clothes this morning (it is 8 a.m.). It will be a cleaning day. The temperature outside is below freezing, so I’m glad I am inside.
    Showering here is complicated, but I am much cleaner and feel great. On to the wash: It costs a buck-fifty to run the clothes washer, and to dry is free. So, I am now waiting for it to be completed.
    Regarding the bunk and sleep, every bed mattress is clean; I just lay my sleeping bag onto the bed, and that is it for the night. You have to wait outside in the cold for about four hours before they start calling people who have chosen to get a bed.
    I keep my stuff safe, often lying directly on it as I sleep.
    My number was high this evening, so I was down on the list to get a warm place to sleep. I slept in the van last night, which got down to 33 degrees—a frigid night. As you know, my usual wake-up time is about 3 a.m. So, there I was, awake, and I had to wait until 9 a.m. to be able to come into the building.
    11/21–I walked into the building at 9 a.m., and here I am. I had no breakfast, but I was able to get my hot tea, though.
    I am mainly staying on my computer and not dealing with others. So, I am in my own little world here. I will prepare better if I don’t get a bed tonight; I want to stay warm. Currently, I am watching videos and spending time on the computer.
    Things are safe here, but I sleep on top of my stuff just to be careful.
    Lunch is coming up at noon. I will be here. Then, I will go to a local dentist to try and be fitted for a retainer for my bottom teeth. Then, I will go to an auto store for a center island for the van; the old one broke (but, I got one through Amazon, which will arrive tomorrow).
    As you might know, I love to live by experiences, not by getting more “things.” I must say, currently, I am living an extraordinary experience. But I also know this is temporary, and I don’t know where I want to end up next.
    Do you have any ideas for what might be next for Kit?
    11/22–I was not awarded a high number again, so I went to the van to sleep last night. Earlier, I set things better for my bed and stayed warm all night. I had a good sleep. Once again, I had an early wake-up time, 3:00 a.m. Early this morning, I read a book and again cleaned the van. It is delightful on board. You will have to join me sometime.
    I’ve been on my computer most of the morning. I go through my blog numerous times, making improvements each time. I do hope you notice.
    I learned you can apply for a permanent bed every Tuesday rather than going through the lottery daily. I also discovered that the process can start the evening before, on Monday. So, I will be right there for this. I’ll let you know what I discover.

    I am very excited about the plans my daughters (Jasmine and April) have for my future.




    I keep this section about gardening in.
    I do like the skill and hope you do, too.
    Winter now, but there are still things you can grow.
    And, remember about indoor gardening.
    A self-supportive life can be a better life.
    A garden would be a part of that life.
    You must look into it.
    Because I am back on the road, there will be no more words about the garden.
    I do hope Beth keeps it up.
    We did a lot of work establishing our vegetable garden.
    When I drove the van seven years ago,
    I grew stuff under the sunroof windows on the top.
    I may start that up my van garden again.
    You will find out, of course.


    Go barefoot all you can this week; I will do that myself.
    NEXT BLOG >>
    Do you ever think about your morning routines?



  • BLOG 297  —  Living Beyond the Age of 100

    BLOG 297  —  Living Beyond the Age of 100
    Don’t sleepwalk through life.
    I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
    The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or wonder?)


    *** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
    *** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
    *** I was hit by two different trucks, but I remain happy.
    *** Going through a 37-day coma — Yikes!
    *** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
    *** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
    *** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
    *** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
    *** What are you passionate about?
    *** Only YOU know what is best for you.
    *** Live for now! You will have had a great life when all your nows add up!
    *** You cannot change the past. The future will come. All you have is now—always.
    *** Have you seen >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFC5vLPDWRsvo


    You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I help guide you. Coaches like me wish to lighten your path toward excellence. It is up to you to make your journey toward merit. I am not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually add to your life and bring you to a higher level.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    You can (and should) make changes to improve your life — at any age.
    Start today, and know that you can build the life you desire.
    You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide you with additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
    Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
    I have gone through much.
    I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
    Remember — only you know what is best for you.
    Don’t forget — you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!



    THE MAIN TOPIC — Living beyond the age of 100
    Several factors contribute to living beyond 100, including genetics, healthy habits, and, most important, a positive outlook. Centenarians, or people 100 years old or older, age more slowly than others and tend to delay age-related diseases. About 15% of centenarians have no clinically demonstrable disease at age 100.
    I hope to live beyond 100 myself, how about you?    
    Many are sick of life and simply want to die.
    Or which ilk are you?
    Around the world, people are living longer than ever before. In 1900 the global average life expectancy was just 32 years (could you imagine?); in 2024, it was 73.33 years. This also means the world has an increasing number of centenarians—people who live to be 100 or older.
    YES, you will die! About one in every 5,000 people in the United States is a centenarian—someone 100 or more years old—and about 85 percent are women. Age-related diseases until later in life.
    Centenarians comprise only 0.03% of the U.S. population and are expected to reach 0.1% in 2054. The number of centenarians in the United States has steadily ticked since 1950 when the Census Bureau estimated there were just 2,300 Americans ages 100 and older.
    There aren’t particular medicines or vitamins that guarantee your extended life. Simply put, it takes healthy, consistent practices over many years to help you live beyond age 100. Minor changes to your diet or adding cardio exercise to your daily routine go a long way in helping you live a longer life.
    Controlling the following areas will help you reach 100 >>
    1>>Manage stress.
    2>>Eat right—keep meat consumption to a minimum.
    3>>Don’t smoke!
    4>>Exercise regularly.
    5>>Blood Pressure.
    6>>Maintaining a healthy weight
    7>>Eating a healthy diet
    8>>Avoiding stress
    9>>Maintaining family connections
    10>>Avoiding worry
    11>>Having a positive attitude
    13>>Move more, sit less.
    14>>Are your genetics good?
    15>>Do you have a positive outlook?
    16>>Do you eat and drink healthily?
    17>>Height & Weight.
    18>>Get regular checkups.
    19>>Don’t juggle live alligators.
    20>>How long you have lived is one of the best predictors. Know your family history.
    21>>Please keep in mind the changes in brain health.
    22>>Sleep seven hours a night, at least.
    23>>The lifestyle you lead.
    24>>Start now and go for 100!
    Where are they?
    The highest concentrations of centenarians are found in Okinawa, Japan, Bulgaria, and Sardinia. Should you live there?
    United States
    In 2020, there were 80,000 people over 100 in the United States, about a 50% increase from 2010. The number of centenarians in the United States is expected to quadruple over 30 years.
    Blue Zones
    Researchers studying longevity in places where people live longest around the world, called “blue zones,” found people there had similar habits that support good health.
    They prioritize stress relief throughout the day, mainly eat a plant-based diet, don’t overeat, and drink alcohol in moderation.
    Genetics Play a Major Role Than Lifestyle for Centenarians
    Scientists believe that lifestyle factors such as eating healthy and staying physically active play a more important role than genetics in influencing our health and lifespan until we’re in our 70s. But as we age into our 80s and beyond, genetics play a more significant part in our health and longevity. Do you have a good history in your family?
    Three Kinds
    There are three kinds of resilience. Centenarians often seem remarkably resilient concerning their health, which can be attributed to lifestyle and genetic factors. Three types of resilience are connected to longevity: cognitive, economic, and personal.
    What are the key factors?
    Key factors, including intellectual solid function, economic and social support, and a robust personality, are essential for maintaining the quality of life that contributes to longevity.
    You will live!            
    Only some people who live to 100 and beyond maintain their cognitive health. Still, cognitive resilience—maintaining or regaining cognitive function despite aging, brain damage, or disease—contributes to quality of life and supports longevity.

    Cognitively Healthy
    Studies indicate that 50% of centenarians have apparent symptoms of dementia, 25% show some signs of cognitive impairment, and the remaining 25% are considered cognitively healthy. You will be on that healthy side of it, yes?
    This will help you live!
    While we cannot prevent dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, studies have noted that certain lifestyle factors can contribute to our cognitive resilience. These include consuming a good amount of water, eating a Mediterranean-style diet, exercising regularly, socializing with others, and engaging in intellectual pursuits through education and employment. Keep learning and growing.

    Dick Van Dyke — Amazing Man!

    Your Lifestyle    
    Despite differences in lifestyle, studies have shown centenarians tend to share two specific personality traits: a positive attitude and a high degree of emotional awareness. In studies, many centenarians describe themselves as easygoing, optimistic, and extroverted. They often laugh as it is essential to their lives — all qualities that reduce anxiety and depression and contribute to good overall mental health.
    Your Emotions
    Many centenarians also report being comfortable openly expressing their emotions, which helps maintain healthy relationships and contributes to overall well-being. Researchers continue to study whether these traits directly contribute to longevity or may simply be a byproduct of living longer.
    You can do this—BECOME 100!
    Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. Have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
    To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
    Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
    In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
    The correct motivational quote can change you and things—helping you ditch the excuses, escape your comfort zone, and take action. Read these words with an open mind and learn to improve your life.
    When you read these quotes, you’ll also realize that many other people worldwide are experiencing these feelings. These feelings make you think you’re the only person who could feel this bad. But you’re not. Lots and lots of other people feel bad, too. This is the irony of it. You don’t want other people to feel crappy, but it does make you feel better or at least comforted to know that other people feel just as bad as you.


    Live with joy until you are 100.”
    You are on your way now.”
    Kit Summers
    “If you ask me what the most important key to longevity is,
    It is about avoiding worry, stress, and tension.
    And even if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.”
    George Burns.
    “I look back on my life like a good day’s work—
    it was done, and I am satisfied with it.
    Life is what we make it, always has been, and always will be.”
    Grandma Moses
    “Happiness lies in moments,
    and while you have it,
    you’re not even aware;
    only afterward do you know you were happy.”
    Luise Rainer
    “When we recall the past,
    we usually find that the simplest things—not the great occasions—
    give off the most excellent glow of happiness in retrospect.”
    Bob Hope
    “Being Black in this country before 1954 was a very, very, very bad thing, a tricky thing.
    You were proud because you had overcome that, you see, and because you knew people who could and did overcome it.”
    Etta Moten Barnett
    “My philosophy is to live in the now — yesterday is gone;
    you don’t know if there’s even a tomorrow,
    so you might as well enjoy today.”
    Iris Apfel
    “Always keep your smile.
    That’s how I explain my long life.”
    Jeanne Calment
    “One must take what comes with laughter.”
    Olivia de Havilland
    “Half the success in life comes from first trying to find out what you want to do. And then going ahead and doing it.”
    Kirk Douglas”
    “Comprehend the changing of times—never stay stuck in the past or its difficulties.”
    Concepción Calvillo de Nava
    “There is always something we can be concerned about. The secret is to rise above it and do whatever we can to improve the world.”
    Dame Vera Lynn
    “Keep your eyes open, your emotions free. Leap into the future!”
    Bernard Kalb
    “If you try to be kind to people, you’ll be on the road to a good life.”
    George Dunn
    “The secret to longevity is ice cream.”
    Paul Marcus 



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
    You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
    Do you know what you did last Monday?
    Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
    Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
    Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
    11/10–It’s Hard to sleep here at the Homeless Shelter. There is snoring, people moving, and a light on in the hallway, among other things.
    Strangely, I do not know where my life is going. I’m writing this from a Homeless Shelter at about 2 a.m. There are about six other people awake, along with myself. For some reason, I feel very alone now. Life goes up; life goes down. Currently, things are down.
    Today, I picked up my wallet and saw that my bills (about thirty bucks) were not there. Heather was the only person who would have access to my wallet. This person, who I thought was a good person, was a scoundrel. I’ve not seen her since I discovered this; I will let you know.
    I’m back at Cindy’s house. I’m very comfortable here, although I see many things I could improve. I will fix this as soon as possible in the next few days.
    11/11–Live by experiences, not things. I have written this before; you must. I am at the Homeless Shelter. Cindy will welcome me back into her house later today. We also went to the juggling club tonight. I helped various jugglers advance in numerous ways.
    Cindy and I are becoming closer; I like that.
    I will do all I can to help her as best as possible around the house.
    Cindy would have the circus festival only on one day, Nov 16. I suggested she have it over on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, which she is currently doing. And I helped with her juggling, adding some tricks I just came up with. She is pretty happy about that. 

    11/12–Slept until about 4 am, a good thing. Cindy seems overwhelmed by everything going on and how I am helping.
    I picked up my second computer today from Best Buy, Geek Squad. Now I have a backup computer that works perfectly.
    11/13–Costco today, big. Cindy’s twentieth anniversary at Boulder Circus Center is coming up this weekend. We brought treats and food for the event (and for her home, too). Over a thousand bucks of food and drink. We should all have a great weekend. This blog post comes out on Friday. The big event is tomorrow, Saturday. Please join us.
    11/14–Not much to write about today, sorry.
    11/15–I Brought my van down today to Tires Plus in Denver to get checked out.
    I waited five hours and was then told they could do nothing to help. What a waste of time and gas.




    I keep this section about gardening in.
    I do like the skill and hope you do, too.
    Winter now, but there are still things you can grow.
    And, remember about inside gardening.
    A self-supportive life can be a better life.
    A garden would be a part of that life.
    You must look into it.
    Because I am back on the road, there will be no more words about the garden.
    I do hope Beth keeps it up.
    I did a lot of work establishing our vegetable garden.
    When I drove the van seven years ago,
    I grew stuff under the sunroof windows on the top.
    I may start that up my van garden again.
    You will find out, of course.



    Design your future so you are well on your way to over age 100.
    NEXT BLOG >>

    Barefoot in the park?
    Learn how not wearing shoes is a good thing.








  • BLOG 296  — Downtime

    BLOG 296  — Downtime
    Don’t sleepwalk through life.
    I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
    The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or wonder?)


    *** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
    *** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
    *** I was hit by two different trucks, but I remain happy.
    *** Going through a 37-day coma — Yikes!
    *** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
    *** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
    *** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
    *** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
    *** What are you passionate about?
    *** Only YOU know what is best for you.
    *** Live for now! You will have had a great life when all your nows add up!
    *** You cannot change the past. The future will come. All you have is now—always.
    *** Have you seen >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFC5vLPDWRo


    You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I help guide you. Coaches like me wish to lighten your path toward excellence. It is up to you to make your journey toward merit. I am not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually add to your life and bring you to a higher level.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    You can (and should) make changes to improve your life — at any age.
    Start today, and know that you can build the life you desire.
    You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide you with additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
    Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
    I have gone through much.
    I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
    Remember — only you know what is best for you.
    Don’t forget — you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!


    TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — Downtime            
    First, I have been thinking about Beth a lot.
    In her last words,
    she said we could never be together again.
    I took this hard because I still had hope.
    I thought we were together for life.
    So many people live their lives as go-go-go.
    We all need breaks so we don’t get broken.
    Schedule time just for you, often, to keep focused.
    Downtime is often related to computers, but it can occur anytime you have time to spend without being focused.
    Why your brain craves downtime (and how to give it what it needs)
    The importance of rest.
    Not all breaks are created equal.
    The bottom line is that hyper-productivity is often worn like a badge of honor, but our brains need breaks. Embracing rest isn’t a weakness; it’s a performance enhancer—the downtime difference. More rest has multiple benefits.
    1-Boosts focus and creativity.
    2-Reduces stress and cellular aging.
    3-Improves overall well-being.
    4-Not all breaks are created equal.
    The bottom line >>
    Strategic downtime is a productivity tool. Give your brain the necessary breaks, and you’ll likely accomplish more with less stress.
    There are many things you can do during a downtime, including >>
    1>>Take a break: Take a short break to stretch, meditate, or practice deep breathing.
    2>>Exercise: Physical activity can help you stay motivated and healthy and thinking.
    3>>Connect with colleagues: You can share a coffee break or have casual conversations with associates.
    4>>Help others: You can offer to help an associate or manager or share your expertise in areas where you excel.
    5>>Improve your skills: You can use online training platforms or software programs relevant to your interests.
    6>>Level up your rest. Here’s how you can get more downtime in your day-to-day:
    Schedule it: Block off 10- to 15-minute breaks throughout your day to rest your brain, which is beneficial.
    7>>Move: Going outside without your phone—for a walk or a quick exercise snack—helps take your mind off your to-do list.
    8>>Do mindless chores: Easy tasks like folding laundry, washing dishes, or slowing down your brain—just be sure it’s without a podcast or music.
    9>>Sit in silence. Meditation has emotional and physical benefits. Consider an app like Calm or Headspace to help guide you, especially if you’re just starting.
    10>>Be consistent: Above all, consistency is critical. Try keeping your downtime slots the same daily to train your brain when it’s time to relax.
    11>>Read: Reading can be a great stress reliever.
    12>>Call a friend or family member: You can have a comforting chat with a friendly voice on the other end of the phone.
    13>>Create content: You can write and post articles on Facebook or for other publications.
    14>>Practice self-care: You can enjoy activities or spend time with your loved ones.
    15>>Journal: Writing down your plans, feelings, and ideas on paper can be therapeutic and helpful for de-stressing, as I am doing as I write this blog.
    16>>Read a book
    Whether fiction or nonfiction, you’re sure to gather new insights or gain a new perspective—both helpful in rejuvenating your mind.
    17>>Learn a new language
    Learning a new language can help you understand another culture much more deeply. Try the language of a country you wish to visit one day.
    18>>Watch a Ted Talk or Documentary
    If reading isn’t your thing, don’t let that deter you from enriching your mind. You can opt for thought-provoking videos instead.
    19>>Play Chess
    Whether playing against a friend or a computer, playing chess helps improve memory and concentration and forces you to exercise both sides of your brain. Other games can improve your mind, too.
    20>>Plan a future trip
    The anticipation of an upcoming adventure is often just as exciting and motivating as the trip itself. You may even snag discounts to schedule your flight and accommodations in advance! As you know, I love the adventure of travel.
    If this is something you don’t do regularly, now’s the perfect time to start developing this keystone habit. If it is, mix things up and create a new exercise routine.
    Even if you’re not used to naps in the afternoon, try it a few times to maximize your “down” time.
    23>>Learn to cook or prepare meals in advance.
    Are you getting sick of take-out and fast food? (They’re expensive, too.) Try learning to cook or at least prepare some healthy snacks in advance.
    24>>Learn a new sport
    Any activity combining learning and physical movement is an excellent way to spend downtime. How about juggling? Why not try something you’ve always wanted to do as a kid?
    25>>Visit the dentist?
    Who would think? Most adults overlook this one. Don’t procrastinate; make sure your pearly whites stay strong and healthy.
    Only a few things feel better than genuinely contributing and helping others. Try teaching a class or workshop for children or participating in a local charity event.
    27>>Write down everything you’re grateful for
    This one needs no explanation, although you can do this more regularly and not just during your free time. Bonus points if you pick up journaling as a habit, too, as I do!
    28>>Relax and Meditate
    Mindfulness and practicing the art of non-doing (relaxing) are necessary but often neglected by people. For guided sessions, try apps such as Headspace or Calm.
    29>>Do something creative
    To fire up the right part of your brain, try painting, pottery, lettering, doodling, juggling, or playing an instrument.
    30>>Spend time in nature
    I love to walk in nature, hike, or camp. These activities can help relieve some pent-up stress, help you appreciate your environment, and improve your mental health.
    31>>Organize your space
    Tasks like this will keep you busy, help you clean up a cluttered environment, and make you feel accomplished simultaneously.
    32>>Help your computer.
    When did you last learn about your computer, laptop, or cellphone’s backend? Check for updates (if they’re not automatic) and set privacy, location, and security settings.
    33>>Go for Inbox Zero
    Since you finally have some downtime, why not attempt that elusive Inbox Zero everyone’s been discussing? Start by unsubscribing from unimportant newsletters. I’ve gotten my inbox to nothing a few times, and I love it when I do.
    34>>Backup your computer files
    If you don’t do this regularly, now is the perfect time to make sure you have all your updated important files, templates, and documents in case of an emergency.
    35>>Grow and care for a new plant
    Remember the last blog and plants? Plants help purify the air and are also natural humidifiers. Keep one or more around your home or office to enjoy these and more benefits, from relieving stress to improving mental health.
    36>>Evaluate your relationships
    Do you surround yourself with people who help, support, and inspire you? If you have a negative (maybe jealous) friend or relative, they may hold you back more than you care to admit. Choose your friends carefully.
    37>>Spend time with family
    This one also goes without saying. Aren’t your loved ones one of the reasons you’re working so hard, anyway? Reconnect; it’s time.
    38>>Call an old friend
    Have you lost touch? It’s always possible to reconnect with an old friend. Maybe your “downtime” will be spent doing an exciting activity with this person next time.
    Meet people. Chat up some stranger or contact someone you’ve meant to connect with. You never know where new relationships will lead.
    Remember how it felt to receive a sincere gesture of gratitude? Surprise someone by paying it back to whoever helped you at some point and brightening your day. Reconnect, and let them know you love them.
    You know all the benefits this skill has for you.
    All your planning and hard work paid off, and you’ve finally earned some cherished downtime. Now, what do you do? Escape the pitfalls of boredom and make the most of this precious time.
    Control your downtime; you have that ability.
    Don’t let your downtime control you.
    Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. Have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
    To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
    Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
    In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
    The correct motivational quote can change you and things—helping you ditch the excuses, escape your comfort zone, and take action. Read these words with an open mind and learn to improve your life.
    When you read these quotes, you’ll also realize that many other people worldwide are experiencing these feelings. These feelings make you think you’re the only person who could feel this bad. But you’re not. Lots and lots of other people feel bad, too. This is the irony of it. You don’t want other people to feel crappy, but it does make you feel better or at least comforted to know that other people feel just as bad as you.


    “High school grows you into the person you are. I have good and bad memories, some learning experiences, and some I’ll take with me for the rest of my life.”
    Giancarlo Stanton
    “I think that all services will have downtime. No matter how much you prepare, have redundant systems, or audit, there will periodically be a black swan event, unlike whatever you’ve experienced. It even happens to Google!”
    Matt Mullenweg
    “Even though there are a lot of parts, there is tons of downtime in the acting world.”
    Taryn Manning
    “When I have downtime, music is a big part of my life. I do not sing so much, but I play the guitar.”
    KJ Apa
    “There’s editing, scripts to read and edit, casting, and all the production elements that take up your regular downtime as an actor. So there’s only a little for me.”
    Richard Dean Anderson
    “Because I’m always around comedians, I tend not to watch comedy in my downtime. Something the whole family enjoys is ‘You’ve Been Framed!’ It satisfies all of us; it’s universal, and we all laugh a lot.
    Nina Conti

    “Of course, I party.
    Of course, I go chase girls.
    Again, for me, balance is essential. One hundred percent, my work goes first. Martin Garrix is my main priority. But to maintain Martin Garrix, I have to enjoy my downtime.”
    Martin Garrix
    “You may love having candles, especially when you have downtime. Seeing the flame flicker with the lights off could make me pass out.”
    Kellan Lutz
    “We are human beings. You need to mentally switch off now and again to refresh your body and mind. But I never lie on the couch in my downtime; I still keep my body in good shape.”
    Luke Campbell
    “As long as you don’t fold up and curl up into a ball, you’ll be all right.”
    Giancarlo Stanton
    “I won’t change how I work out and prepare in the offseason, approach the game, or play every day.”
    Giancarlo Stanton
    “I think that all services will have downtime. No matter how much you prepare, have redundant systems, or audit, there will periodically be a black swan event, unlike whatever you’ve experienced. It even happens to Google!”
    Matt Mullenweg
    “Even though it seems like there are many parts, there is a lot of downtime in the acting world.”
    Taryn Manning
    When I have downtime, music is a big part of my life. I do not sing so much, but I play the guitar.
    KJ Apa
    “There’s editing, scripts to read and edit, casting, and all the production elements that take up your usual downtime as an actor. So there’s only a little for me.”
    Richard Dean Anderson
    “Of course, I party. Of course, I go chase girls. Again, for me, balance is essential. One hundred percent, my work goes first. Martin Garrix is my main priority. But to maintain Martin Garrix, I have to enjoy my downtime.”
    Martin Garrix
    “I love having candles, especially when you have downtime. Seeing the flame flicker with the lights off could make me pass out.”
    Kellan Lutz
    “We are human beings. You need to mentally switch off now and again to refresh your body and mind. But I never lie on the couch in my downtime; I still keep my body in good shape.”
    Luke Campbell
    “There’s editing, scripts to read and edit, casting, and all the production elements that take up your expected downtime as an actor. So there’s only a little for me.”
    Richard Dean Anderson
    “Because I’m always around comedians, I tend not to watch comedy in my downtime. Something the whole family enjoys is ‘You’ve Been Framed!’ It satisfies all of us; it’s universal, and we all laugh a lot.
    Nina Conti
    I have a lot of downtime in airports and on flights.
    Dolph Ziggler



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
    You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
    Do you know what you did last Monday?
    Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
    Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
    Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
    11/2–Every day after I awaken, the muscles in my legs start cramping. No matter what position I take, they will cramp. Do you have any ideas that would aid me in this? As usual, I woke up at about 3 a.m. My mind does not agree with the concept of sleep.
    11/3–Today was bizarre for me. I woke up, as usual, at about 3 a.m. and went to the computer to take care of some stuff. At about 5 a.m., I was exhausted, so I went back upstairs to lie down again for a bit.
    I did not keep track of time; somehow, I thought it was Sunday evening when it was Sunday morning. I now have an entire Sunday to do stuff. I have to say again how strange it was to go through this. What will I do? Have you ever gone through an experience like this?
    It’s voting day today. I have not signed up anywhere to vote, so I won’t. I am all for Trump and hope he wins. Now, just watch; Trump will lose by just one vote. Cindy just took off on her bike to vote.
    I was just out on Cindy’s street. There is a fence between the house and the street. Walking into the sideyard, I saw three deer eating her grass and other delicacies in her yard. I froze, they froze, and we just looked at each other for a while—it was fabulous! Eventually, they wandered off up the street. It made my day, as they say.
    11/4–I was awake at midnight, then forced myself to lie there and try to sleep. It worked; the next time I looked at the clock, it was 4 a.m.
    I’ll stay with Cindy (thanks, Cindy) until the 20th anniversary of BCC (Boulder Circus Center). It is a fantastic place for circus on Nov 16. After that, I did not know what direction I should take. I’ve learned of some homeless shelters in the Boulder area; I think I will look into staying there.
    Sleeping in my van is becoming too cold, so I must find somewhere warm. Hmm, what an interesting life I am living. This life can be thrilling and bring tears. I always wonder what is next. I’m glad you are with me in reading my blog posts.
    11/5–Not wanting to be too imposing on Cindy, I got on the road again. Last night was so frigid, so I had to find another way. At 34 degrees, it was hard to breathe and sleep. The next day, I got some info and went to a homeless shelter to see how they could help. I never imagined I would be staying in a place like this.
    There are people who I
    thought were friends,
    but it turns out they are not.
    This makes me cry, Cindy.
    I am at the lowest point in my life. Staying at this shelter is like being in jail, but it is my choice. I once spent a month in jail on a false charge. Mostly guys here. We are on a delicate schedule for meals and getting a bed to sleep in. This matches my memories of being in jail. At least in jail, you have a warm bed to stay on at night.
    “All Roads Leading Home” is magnificently clean and very friendly. I just had my very nutritious lunch, which was quite tasty. I can tell the people working here are very caring and friendly. Gabby, who first took me in, was a big help. See https://allroadsboco.org/
    I told Gabby my plug would not fit in their outlets, so she took me to a room where I was working on this alone, on a table, with the door closed. I couldn’t ask for better. I can work on this blog and see YouTube videos, too.
    These homeless shelters are in every city. Mostly, guys stay here; the shelters help many. I love it when people help people. I asked if there was anything I could do to help, but I was told no. There is a room where people sleep, another where we eat, a shower room, a kitchen, and laundry.
    I just got a call from Urik, a local cop. He called because he was concerned that I might want to harm myself. I discovered that Cindy had called him; it was when I told Cindy I felt I had no reason to live. I greatly appreciate the caring from Urik and Cindy. I am alright, and life will continue. There are many people in the world who help—do you?
    It’s lovely here at the homeless shelter.
    All the pleasures of a hotel at no cost.
    There is no pool or diving board, though.
    Oh well, a pool is not missed.
    I’d probably be working on the computer in a library, so this is good. Wi-Fi is available, and I can plug in, which is excellent. They have a lottery for beds. My name wasn’t picked up, so I had to sleep in the van in the cold last night.
    You know, I often like to be alone. Being alone in this room and working on the computer is good. Later, when I am asleep in a room with other people, my eyes are closed, and I don’t even know someone else is there so I will sleep well.
    They had a lottery to win a bed, which they did every night. Everyone gets a number, then they pick numbers. I’ve been sitting outside in the cold for about an hour. If I don’t get a bed, I’ll probably sleep in my van again tonight. It is cold out here!
    For sleeping time, I’m bringing my sleeping bag, pillow, a pee-pee canister, and a book, along with a flashlight so I can read the book. I am still determining what to expect here. We are still sitting out in the cold.
    There’s a room full of bunk beds. It’s 5:23. They have been giving, and we are outside. They call numbers for the lottery until 5:45, so we are all out here cold. I look for experiences in my life; this is quite an experience.
    In the lottery, on this first night, I wasn’t picked to sleep inside on one of the bunk beds so that I would sleep in my freezing van. I hate this. I don’t know what else to do. Also, I sat up in my bed in the van, and my head hit one of the hooks I had on the ceiling. Blood is flowing from my head. It’s going to look terrible in the morning. WHAT CAN I DO?
    11/6—The nightmare continues. I awoke early, as usual, and then pulled back my window covers—that is when I saw all the surprise snow. The van was coated with a couple of inches of white stuff. I just lay back down, wondering what to do. I waited until the sun was up enough to provide light.
    Then I went out and scraped the snow off the windows. I hate this life I am living. I remember distinctly, in the past, saying out loud, “I love this life!” So, yes, there was a time when I was happy. I don’t know where to go, what to do, or who to see.
    After removing the snow, I went to Walmart to get some items.
    It was nice to be out alone in the van.
    This is my life now, I guess.
    I met a girl named Heather, who is also staying here and having a hard time. At age 54, we connected well. She has been sick for some time and is wondering what it was. I took her to the emergency room, and they examined her. Covid was the culprit.
    I took Heather to lunch at McDonald’s. I’ve not eaten there in quite a while. Their hamburger meal, which, in the past, was less than three bucks, as I remember, is now over $11—incredible! It did taste good, but too expensive. We split this unhappy meal.
    I will soon head south, bound for New Mexico. It should be warmer there (I hope). At this point, I have nothing to stay in Boulder for. Cindy got weird with me and is not even returning my calls. I was going to stay for her big Boulder Circus Center anniversary, but now I do not see a reason to stay. And, often, I do not see a reason to continue to live this life I lead.
    Right now, a guy is asleep on the floor next to the table I am working on. It’s just so weird to be here. There are a lot of people here, homeless vagabonds like me.
    11/7–I GOT A BED LAST NIGHT! (but, sadly, Heather didn’t.) It was strange to sleep in the bottom bunk of a bunk bed with so many other guys sleeping in the same room. I laid down about 10 p.m. and slept off and on. Awakening before sunrise, I lay there and waited for the right time.     
    I heard snoring and other noises until about 11:30; after midnight, things were quiet. At first light, I used MY flashlight and got my things together. I’ve told you about my pee canister in the past. I had this with me, so instead of trying to find a bathroom, I simply lay on my side and squirted. It was quiet, and no one would know.
    It had been some days; it was time for a shower. I cleaned well and then went to dry off. I just remembered that I had to get a towel from them. So, I dried off with dirty clothes as I could. I drip dried and things turned out alright.
    I decided it was time to clean my clothes. They have three washers and three dryers, which are used frequently. Washing a load costs $1.50, and drying is free. Things are much nicer when they are clean. I am currently in the cafeteria with all the other guys. They provide good meals and hot coffee and tea.
    Everyone has a phone or laptop, and it’s hard to remember what we did before these instruments. I am in the TV room, where four people are watching a show. People are all over this place. Snow is still covering the outside, and it’s cold out there.
    I am still waiting to see Heather this morning. She might amend my decision to move on; she wants me to stay longer. Heather just came by. We talked briefly, and she wanted to go with me to Best Buy later. Yet, she walked away, and I don’t know where she is now. We will meet for lunch.
    We went to Best Buy, and my computer still needs to be shipped out of their place. I have to wait until Monday to get it.
    I still think this is like jail. You must be in the building before 9 am or they won’t let you in. Then you must be in the building by 2:00 or they make you return at 4:00. And you must follow their rules or you are booted out.
    There is a lottery to get beds. I got to bed but saw that Heather did not get a bed. One of the guys from the people running this place came to me and told me Heather sent him. Wondering what Heather wanted, she knew how comfortable the van was to sleep in. I gave the van keys to the guy, who delivered them to Heather to open a door. Then, he brought the keys back to me.
    I will find out tomorrow how Heather slept.
    Hard to believe, Heather, my lovely new friend,
    slept in my bed in the van  – –
    And there was no sex involved–at all.
    – – darn. (Just Kitting Around, of course.)
    11/8–I Wake at about 3 am, and my mind is like an alarm clock. A surprising number of people are awake early. Because it was messy, I had to stand and poop and could not sit in the seat. Have you ever had to do that?
    I think Heather is still asleep; I have not seen her.
    It is 7:35 now.
    I will wait until about 8 a.m. to wake her up and see what’s up.
    They just had a fire alarm for the building, so everyone had to go out into the cold for a time. I popped into my van, and Heather was still lying in it. None of this seemed to awaken her, and was it necessary?
    Currently, I am watching >>
    There is some scary news about our future; take a look.
    I’m sick, yikes. Coughing stuff up with a stuffy nose, it’s terrible. With the cold and snow and these living conditions, it makes me just want death. Some of these people staying here are crazy. A couple of them walk around talking to themselves.
    I planned on leaving on Monday after retrieving my other computer from Best Buy/Geek Squad. There is no cost whatsoever to stay at the homeless shelter, so I may stay here for a time. A place to sleep, three meals daily, Wi-Fi and electricity, showers, and laundry are available. 
    The snow is coming down steadily and constantly, nonstop.
    But, it is melting as it hits the ground, with no build-up.
    I visited the van several times; this snow and sticks like me.
    Heather and I are becoming closer; I like that.




    I keep this section about gardening in.
    I do like the skill and hope you do, too.
    Winter now, but there are still things you can grow.
    And, remember about inside gardening.
    A self-supportive life can be a better life.
    A garden would be a part of that life.
    It would be best if you looked into it.
    Because I am back on the road, there will be no more words about the garden.
    I do hope Beth keeps it up.
    I did a lot of work establishing our vegetable garden.
    When I drove the van seven years ago,
    I grew stuff under the sunroof windows on the top.
    I may start that up my van garden again.
    You will find out, of course.



    Locate Homeless shelters near you.
    See what you can do to help.
    Even a performance would be outstanding.
    NEXT BLOG >> 

    You can live beyond the age of 100.
    In this next blog, you will learn how to do just that.
    And find out what else Kit is up to.



  • BLOG 295 — Make Your Home A Paradise! 

    BLOG 295 — Make Your Home A Paradise! 
    Don’t sleepwalk through life.
    I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
    The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or wonder?)

    *** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
    *** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
    *** I was hit by two different trucks, but I remain happy.
    *** Going through a 37-day coma — Yikes!
    *** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
    *** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
    *** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
    *** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** You will find secrets to unfold and good news!
    *** What are you passionate about?
    *** Only YOU know what is best for you.
    *** Live for now! You will have had a great life when all your nows add up!
    *** You cannot change the past. The future will come. All you have is now—always.
    *** Have you seen >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFC5vLPDWRo


    You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I help guide you. Coaches like me wish to lighten your path toward excellence. It is up to you to make your journey toward merit. I am not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually add to your life and bring you to a higher level.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    You can (and should) make changes to improve your life — at any age.
    Start today, and know that you can build the life you desire.
    You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide you with additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
    Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
    I have gone through much.
    I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
    Remember — only you know what is best for you.
    Don’t forget — you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!



    Do you love where you currently reside? You can make changes to make your home environment fantastic! Starting with small things, you must overhaul your entire home to make it a paradise. Even with little money, you can make changes to make your home environment special.
    Starting with growing things–plants are essential. Some may think that if you have a comfy bed and soft sheets, that’s all you need. Well, if you’re one of those people, then I have to say that this post is not for you. You just have to water plants at least twice a week.
    Right now might be a great time to redesign your home and yard. Fall is bittersweet in gardening. While some of the most flavorful and delicious harvests of the year are happening now, it’s also time to face facts: if you’re in the northern hemisphere, days are getting shorter, and nights are getting colder.
    All the flavor will just be a memory far too soon. But that’s okay because there are plenty of ways to keep the taste going during the cooler seasons. Many plants, including eatable plants, will grow in cold weather. Study and learn what you can plant in cold climates.
    You can make wherever you live magnificent. Don’t just have a place to sleep each night; make this your paradise. Make your home nicer than the best hotels you have stayed at, somewhere you would most like to be.
    Go to the street in front of your house and look back towards the house. You see this view so often; it must look fantastic! Start at the very front of your house. Get rid of anything that is not necessary; the first view must look splendid. Every time you look at the front of your home, you should see magnificence. Remember always to strive to make each detail splendid.
    Paradise means something different to every person. Some people picture a porch overlooking the mountains while it’s snowing as paradise, while others picture a more conventional sunny beach with turquoise waters stretching out as far as the eye can see.
    One thing you can do daily is to make your bed.
    If you don’t have the time or money to travel to an exotic paradise destination this year, create your private paradise of tranquility in your house and yard. You might never have to leave your home again! You will find paradise with just a little landscaping, many plants, exotic framed pictures, flowery wallpapers, and a fun gallery wall of leaves.
    Here are our top 10 suggestions for transforming your wonderful home and yard into an exotic destination. Make your home into your own personal paradise–your fantasy home!
    1) Utilize many plants.
    The secret to a lush, tropical paradise is having a lot of vegetation, such as plants, trees, and shrubs. Even better is to grow fruits and vegetables that you can eat. These are excellent for adding greenery, shade, and privacy, while smaller ground-covering plants add luxury to the space. Plant things that have different-colored greens.
    2) Garden Time!
    Create a miniature botanical garden around your living room, bedroom, and/or kitchen to observe the benefits of plants for a house. Plants look dreamlike; you can pair them with exotic artwork, wooden furniture, and earthy decor.
    3) Add unique framed artwork.
    Choose a statement-making framed image of anything lush and exotic. You’ll like how it looks on top of your bed in your bedroom or next to the coffee table in your living room. Choose a large picture with this theme; you’ll discover that it will instantly become the focal point of any space where you have the art.
    4) Pick a fancy and lavish wallpaper.
    Start by decorating a wall in your living room, bedroom, or kitchen with fancy wallpaper to give the impression that it is constantly a hot season there so that you don’t have to go out for some trip for this experience. Instead, it gives you a feel of a tropical jungle, combined with some other exotic patterns.
    5) Select a vibrant print for your furnishings.
    Anything in your fantasy house, including armchairs, pillows, covers, and curtains, may have a sweet, exotic print. You may combine them in different ways and place large plants around them, satisfying you and making you feel like a jungle like Tarzan or a paradise-like place where you also want or desire to be.
    6) Include a Water Feature
    The sound of running water instantly induces peace and tranquility. Water sounds are essential to a peaceful home, whether from a swimming pool, stream, or babbling brook. However, you don’t have to spend much on a pool; inexpensive water features like a birdbath or homemade fountain will do. Water pumps are affordable and will do you well.
    7) Add stone elements
    A stone path, planters made of stone, or stone walls can add a rustic and endearing touch to your paradisiacal landscape. Stone is a simple and inexpensive addition that adds charm. Covering stone with vegetation and ivy produces a softer, jungle-like effect, making your home an exotic paradise where you won’t feel bored or lonely.
    8) Build-in Comfortable Seating
    You choose your layout. Furniture of the highest comfort is necessary for your opulent private retreat—your home. You want to entertain your guests while unwinding in comfort. To fit in with your lush surroundings, chairs with high-quality materials and neutral hues can be a good choice. Get some tree trunks, cut and shape them, and use them for seats. You can often find these used for a reasonable price.
    9) Install Gentle Lighting
    Lanterns, string lighting, or illuminated paths can help you maintain tranquility and relaxation long after sunset. Lighting creates a delightful atmosphere and enables you to please guests at night—and it’s inexpensive.
    10) Sound
    Remember your hearing. Play sounds of waterfalls, crashing waves, and forest sounds. This will add to the ambiance and make your home breathtaking.
    Your neighborhood plant store should have the most outstanding collection of plants and flowers. You might never want to go on vacation again if you have such a peaceful and lovely sanctuary in your home and backyard!
          Remember about going verticle. 
    Go around your house and make adjustments to the smallest of things. Remember that less is more; your things must be used or a spender to see. While some people are going into productivity overdrive, others are taking time to quiet the noise and identify the significant parts of their lives.
    You may want to look for used items to help improve your home. Look at eBay and Facebook Marketplace to find things. Spread the word with friends about what you are looking for, and you can find fabulous stuff. Always remember, a minimal look is best.
    And think about how you can make the place you are at daily, the place you might have to be in more than you ever imagined, the best version for you. Go for magnificents! To all my fellow “high maintenance” folks, when you finally have a place (whether an apartment or an actual house), you want to feel like it’s your escape!
    When you walk through your front door, you want to feel at peace and that all of the day’s stresses have finally faded. Your home should be your relaxing, happy spot.
    Even if you don’t have the grandest or most updated homes, it can still be transformed into your little slice of heaven. Say goodbye to the days when you could only relax by going to a spa for a few hours. Your home will relax you completely! Knowing where to start, you can get most of those serene, cool vibes in your home daily!
    You know the feeling when you open the door at a hotel. You are treating yourself to splendor, to paradise. Your home should be more important than this idea of a motel. So, you can always have this joy of paradise! All your friends will be substantially impressed.
    Here are eight easy tips for creating that sweet getaway of your dreams. Once you create this home escape, you may never want to leave, so make sure you do all of your errands before going home for the day.
    1 Use Essential Oils (Or Candles)
    2 Plants, Plants, and More Plants–include vegetables.
    3 Downsize Your Junk (Less is MORE!)
    4 Have Natural Light.
    5 Pillows Are Your Friend. Not too many, though.
    6 Brighten Up Your Décor
    7 Make Your Bedroom Feel Like it is your personal paradise.
    8 Set the Mood Whenever You Come Home.
    I may be coming by soon for a visit.
    So, start today to make your home a magnificent paradise where you can be yourself excellently!

    Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. Have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
    To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
    Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
    In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
    The correct motivational quote can change you and things—helping you ditch the excuses, escape your comfort zone, and take action. Read these words with an open mind and learn to improve your life.
    When you read these quotes, you’ll also realize that many other people worldwide are experiencing these feelings. These feelings make you think you’re the only person who could feel this bad. But you’re not. Lots and lots of other people feel bad, too. This is the irony of it. You don’t want other people to feel crappy, but it does make you feel better or at least comforted to know that other people feel just as bad as you.


    “Less is better–For your home and your life.”
    —Kit Summers
    “Have nothing in your home that you don’t know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
    —William Morris
    “One should never be the oldest thing in one’s house.”
    —Patsy Stone
    “Be faithful to your taste because nothing you like is ever out of style.”
    —Billy Baldwin
    “Design is coming to grips with one’s natural lifestyle and place.
    Rooms should not be put together for show but to nourish one’s well-being.”
    —Albert Hadley
    “Decorating golden rule:
    Live with what you love.”
    “A designer knows when he has reached perfection, not when there is nothing left to add but when there is nothing left to take away.”
    — Antione de Sainte-Exupery
    “Have no fear of perfection—you’ll never reach it.”
    —Salvador Dali
    “Everything has a place,
    and everything in its place.”
    “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.
    Design is knowing which ones to keep.” — Scott Adams
    “Make your home as comfortable and attractive as possible, and then get on with living. There’s more to life than decorating.”
    —Albert Hadley
    “All rooms ought to look as if they were lived in and to have, so to say, a friendly welcome ready for the incomer.”
    —William Morris
    “If you wait until you have enough money to decorate and make your home your own, it will never happen. You are missing the point if you wait until you can afford everything new. The old, the new, the hand-me-down, the collected, the worn but loved things in your home make it your own.”
    —Stacy Risenmay
    “Home is the nicest word there is.”
    —Laura Ingalls Wilder
    “She knew the great architectural secret of decorating her constructions and never condescended to construct a decoration.”
    —Anthony Trollope
    “Decorate your home.
    It gives the illusion that your life is more interesting than it is.”
    —Charles M. Schulz
    “Design is a funny word.
    Some people think design means how it looks.
    But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s how it works.”
    —Steve Jobs
    “Behind every attractive room, there should be a good reason.”
    —Sister Parish
    “When working on a problem, I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution isn’t beautiful, I know it is wrong.”
    —Richard Buckminster Fuller
    “All architecture is shelter; all great architecture is the design of space that contains, cuddles, exalts, or stimulates the persons in that space.” —Philip Johnson
    “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
    —Leonardo Da Vinci
    “Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.”
    —Charles Eames



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
    You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
    Do you know what you did last Monday?
    Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
    Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
    Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
    10/26–I don’t like awakening at 12:30 am, but I could not go back to sleep again. Later, it was off to the local farmers’ market. There are many people there, some expensive vegetables. Some colorful tomatoes,
    Cindy did her aerial fabric workout at the Circus Center, where about 11 people were doing the workout. Flying on fabric was developed in 1991 in France. Before this, a rope was used for flying; this skill is considerable in the circus centers I have seen.
    Costco is somewhat close, so we picked up some items.
    In the evening, we went here >> https://backcountrypizzaandtaphouse.info/
    It’s some of the best pizza I have experienced.
    10-27–Slept until about 3am; that’s a good sleep for me.
    Cindy gets lessons on her Chello each week. I have seen advancement from her in time.
    Cindy and I came up to a large mountain. There are many trails, many people here. Cindy went out for a walk, I remained in the vehicle. My stomach has been upset today so better I just sit here.
    Cindy is out hiking, so I am voice typing using my phone. This is quite a better way to type than using my fingers as usual, so I might do more of this in the future.
    This evening, we went to the juggling at Circus Center. I did my 3 club trick workshop and saw many jugglers advance. Also, I taught Cindy some skills, including juggling rings. With rings, the key is to catch the ring high, bring your arm down, and then bring it up to throw it. That gives you more time to do more rings.
    10/28–Cindy quickly decided to fly to NYC, where her parents live. She is leaving today and will return on Thursday. She has some Circus Center events for which she has to be here.
    10/29–I went to Costco and Walmart to get some things. Cindy is away until Wednesday afternoon, so I am cleaning up, reducing, and making her home look lavish.
    10/30–I stayed alone at Cindy’s because she is in NYC now. Arriving this evening, she made a quick trip to see her parents, who are getting older. It was significant she was able to arrange this trip.
    I’ve been writing and working on the blog; I hope you appreciate it.
    10/31–Happy Halloween.
    I hope I don’t scare myself.
    Cindy and I had a mix-up, but we have sorted that out and are good once again.
    Where will Kit go next?
    I’m here at Cindy’s until the anniversary of the Circus Center on Nov 16.  
    Maybe I will head toward Florida after that.
    I don’t know.
    How about you?
    Can I visit you for a time?
    I need a direction.
    I am scared (or, should I say, excited.)
    11/1–It was pretty cold last night, so I drove south. I was on my way to Texas, where it was warm. I’m back at Cindy’s now and will be helping her around the house and at https://bouldercircuscenter.net/ 




    I keep this section about gardening in.
    I do like the skill and hope you do, too.
    Winter now, but there are still things you can grow.
    And, remember about inside gardening.
    A self-supportive life can be a better life.
    A garden would be a part of that life.
    You must look into it.
    Because I am back on the road, there will be no more words about the garden.
    I do hope Beth keeps it up.
    I did a lot of work establishing our vegetable garden.
    When I drove the van seven years ago,
    I grew stuff under the sunroof windows on the top.
    I may start that up my van garden again.
    You will find out, of course.




    Examine your entire abode.
    Make it look magnificent in look and feel.
    Doing this will keep you happier.

    NEXT BLOG >>

    What do you do in your downtime?
    Learn what should be best for you.
    Where will Kit end up going next?


