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  • BLOG  308–Words of Fiction?

    BLOG  308–Words of Fiction?
    Don’t sleepwalk through life.
    I aim to Illuminate your Life with my Words.
    Do You Wander Aimlessly or Wonder About the Possibilities?
    Embark on Your Journey of Self-Discovery and Personal Growth.
    Let’s Ignite Moments of Self-reflection and Deep Contemplation Together.


    *** A world-class juggler/performer.
    *** The value that every moment has.
    *** Only YOU know what is best for you.
    *** Going through a 37-day coma — Yikes!
    *** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
    *** It was a life-altering experience that gave me joy.
    *** More than just you, I hope I help many others through you.
    ** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop.
    *** If you read through Facebook, see>Kit’s Website
    *** Despite being hit by two trucks, I remain happy.
    *** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
    *** I lived in my van for six years, which was very nice.
    *** I visited all US national parks and met Beth.
    *** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
    *** But sadly, our divorce is imminent.
    *** What are you genuinely passionate about?
    *** What do you want to accomplish?
    *** You cannot change the past.
    *** Remember, the future will come.
    *** All you have is now—ALWAYS!
    *** Have you seen >>Video about Kit


    You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I help guide you. I want to lighten your path toward excellence. I am not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me each time—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually add to your life and bring you to a higher level. Your life should always be starting again–a better life each time!
    They can fill you with optimism and empower you to think positively.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual demise?
    You can (and should) make changes to improve your life — at every age. Let this thought motivate and drive you towards self-improvement.
    Of course, that leads to helping others to have a better life.
    We all need to help each other to reach a higher level.
    You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide you with additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
    I hope to spread ideas from my life so you can live better.
    Remember — only you know what is best for you.
    And — you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Learn a New Word — Every Day!
    Sign up at >> https://www.wordgenius.com/ 


    We always have a choice; I’m planning to live, really live, until I die. Whether it be a month or next year, I must live. That’s all anyone can do. So, make the life you have now the best you can. This is the only chance we have to live a life!
    From pine trees to palm trees, I am driving from north to South, a trip I have made a few times before. I plan to have a near-local appointment on February 25 and must spend the time before then.
    BLOG  308–The Shaman and the Deer
    Trying my hand at fiction writing, let me know . . .
    A shaman is regarded as having access to and can influence the world of good and evil spirits, especially among some people in northern Asia and North America. Shamans often enter a trance state during a ritual and practice divination and healing. I am not confessing that I believe anything in that regard; I find it interesting.
    As you may know, I have never believed in any of the gods humans have developed. These gods had many ways of controlling people and what they thought and did. I first got interested in shaman ways back in Jr. High with some books I was reading by Carlos Castaneda and others that interested me. The shaman way has no god to speak of.
    Although I don’t believe in gods, shamans are notable religious or spiritual figures in many traditional Indigenous faiths. They function as healers, prophets, diviners, and custodians of religious lore.
    A man with Pancho and a Hat Walked Through a Sacred Land in Peru. A few years ago, a shaman in Honduras taught a beneficial technique that clarifies one’s path and dissolves stress and anxiety. This technique profoundly affected my life, and I’d like to share it with you today.
    I first read “Shaman” in junior high School. The words took me away. The deer spirit animal can inspire words of gratitude, grace, and assertiveness. Deer are often associated with peace, gentleness, and love.
    Shamanism, or Spirit Animals. The deer is a spirit animal with a peaceful and gentle energy that connects deeply with those it guides. The deer’s presence in life encourages us to embrace gentleness, sensitivity, and the ability to face life’s challenges gracefully.
    Here is one version of these “four laws of a shaman” from posts:
    “The person who comes into your life is the right person.”
    “What happens is the only thing that could have happened.”
    “Anytime it starts is the right time.”
    “When something ends, it ends.”
    Shamanism isn’t a religion; it’s a way of relating to/exploring the universe. It’s not a doctrine, a set of beliefs, so inherently, it doesn’t recognize a conflict. I’ve had many students who found Jesus or Mary as their primary shamanic guide.
    In biblical symbology, deer represents piety, devotion, and safety in God’s care. They symbolize a longing for a Lord and the ability to overcome obstacles. As graceful, timid, and beautiful creatures, deer can indicate naivete or innocence, depending on the context.
    “I am a storyteller,” began the shaman. “The story we tell influences our experience of being alive, and how we react to our experience influences our story. What do you dare to dream of? What do you dare to let go of lovingly? How do you want to experience life in your heart of hearts?”
    Overwater, undersea,
    In the forest high, you’ll be.
    Trust your instinct in the sea;
    Bring the treasure home to me.
    If you find it, as you might.
    You will travel day and night.
    As you see it, you will know,
    As above, then so below.
    Once you grasp it, you will be.
    Ready then to cross the sea.
    By Dan Millman in Sacred Journey
    Inspirational words and suggestive photography will guide you.
    A journey to rediscover the exquisite, graceful beauty and bounty of your being.
    Stage 1: Call to the Shamanic Path
    Stage 2: Awakening and Crisis
    Stage 3: Training and Mentorship
    Stage 4: Death and Rebirth
    Stage 5: Spiritual Healing and Transformation
    Stage 6: Mastery and Integration
    Stage 7: Service and Contribution
    Shamanism is regarded as one of the world’s oldest teachings and one of its newest. Paleolithic cave art shows evidence of shamanic practice, and contemporary societies are cultivating shamanic experiences, especially in their “New Age” or neo-shamanism variations.
    “Let us remember who we are, and we will be gratefully together in unity; we will know what to do…What a blessing for each of us to have an opportunity to discover, in our heart of hearts, what is truly essential for us…”
    Like much of the healing wisdom from native cultures, this teaching began with observing nature. As we sat together, the curandero asked me how I felt about deer. Yes, our furry four-legged friends that frolic in the forest. He explained that they are mighty animals and a great role model for humans to learn from.
    The deer spirit animal can inspire words of gratitude, grace, and assertiveness.
    Deer are often associated with peace, gentleness, and love

    •  Gratitude and grace
    •  Be thankful and gracious
    •  Be graceful and diplomatic in negotiations
    •  Use calm, clear communication to earn respect
    •  Assertiveness
    •  Be able to stand up for yourself and fight back cleverly and thoughtfully.
    •  Assert your position in delicate situations
    •  Be more decisive in your approach
    •  Trust your intuition and have more confidence in yourself    
    •  Balance Accept your weaknesses and mistakes, Develop your full potential and feel more fulfilled, and Balance masculinity and femininity. 
    • Heart intelligence
    •  Give and receive unconditional love
    •  Stop being so hard on yourself or others
    •  Tend to your heart if you’ve been hurt

    A deer knows it’s a deer. It has no inner conflict about its past, purpose, needs, or destiny. It lives in the moment and is 100% resourceful, minute by minute, its senses entirely keen, its focus pure and unburdened. Do you spend most of your day this way? Or even just an hour? Some might argue this is not even possible in today’s world.
    While we may not be able to live with apparent and open minds like our furry counterparts, we CAN begin to nurture longer stretches of this purity in our lives. 

    How do we do this?
    An Ancient Technique:

    The practice below concerns noticing and preventing
    Yourself from being derailed mentally and emotionally.
    For example, you wake up and have a beautiful morning until you glimpse yourself in the mirror and notice something you don’t like. “Wow, I’m getting… (fill in the blank with your peeve about yourself – old, fat, skinny, bald, ugly, pale, stupid…).”
    This bright, shiny detour sign beckons you to stop traveling your peaceful path and start engaging in negative self-analysis. Most of the time, we don’t notice this road sign – we fly right off the highway into the valley of the downward spiral. 

    This can be a five—to ten-minute dialogue with yourself, laden with lower thoughts, that saps your energy for an hour and sometimes the entire day. The mirror is just one example, but it could be a phone call, a text message, a minor inconvenience that triggers a stress response, or the product of overthinking your life with a busy brain instead of simply being in the moment.

    There are many ways to get there, but the destination is the same. Derailed. As you work with them, you see these mental detours for what they indeed are – invisible bars of a cage imprisoning your true self.

    1) Pick an hour in your day. It doesn’t need to be quiet or free of distraction. This practice is best done during your everyday life. You can be at work, and/or with family, doing household chores, or out for a hike ­– the only thing that matters is starting this hour in a positive and happy frame of mind.

    2) The actual practice is simple. For 60 minutes, proceed through life, remaining as peaceful as possible. Maintain a positive outlook, the only work you need to do is pay attention to your thoughts and gently note any times you slip into negative self-talk or get derailed.

    This derailing doesn’t need to be primary for it to qualify—it can be as subtle as a two-second judgment or a brief moment of anxiety. To be clear, this practice is not about working with negative thought patterns. We inventory what comes up in our peripheral vision over an hour of daily life. The more emotionally neutral you can be, the more information you pick up.
    The shaman gave me this bit of wisdom before I started:
    “We are watching our thoughts like a child on a river bank, noting what floats by. Curious, playful even, but unattached.”

    You should write down these negative triggers to work with them later, but this is entirely your choice. This life habit has helped me in two key ways >> 

    1. As we walk through life, these disruption points are grand entryways or portals into more profound inner work LATER. 
    2. Observing and acknowledging your triggers with an open and neutral eye can heal them in ways your brain cannot quantify. The light of consciousness is healing in itself. 

    If you’re up for it, I’d like to challenge you to one of these power-hours of self-discovery. Anyone can do it, and the benefits to body and soul can be extraordinary. Yes, this is work. But it’s some of the most rewarding jobs I know of. Be you and see you. When I started doing this, I found it took work to identify the triggers themselves. I had almost programmed myself to ignore these subtleties in my reality. But once I began tracing negative emotions backward to where they sprouted, I had a huge a-ha moment. Once you notice how and when the seed is planted, you can begin to do more conscious inner gardening of your mind.


    Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real time. Have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    Your quality of thinking and how you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determine everything in your life. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
    To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
    Motivational quotes affect our brain, behavior, and lives because they make us feel like we are in control of our success and have self-efficacy. Quotes make us believe that we have the confidence to complete a task successfully, which is different from having the motivation to succeed.  
    Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
    In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
    The correct motivational quote can change you and things—helping you ditch the excuses, escape your comfort zone, and take action. Read these words with an open mind and learn to improve your life.
    When you read these quotes, you’ll also realize that many other people worldwide are experiencing these feelings. These feelings make you think you’re the only person who could feel this bad. But you’re not. Lots and lots of other people feel bad, too. This is the irony of it. You don’t want other people to feel crappy, but it does make you feel better or at least comforted to know that other people feel just as bad as you.
    These quotes can be used when you wake up or prepare for work.
    You can write your favorite quotes somewhere where you can see them first thing in the morning.
    These quotes are motivating, inspiring, and encouraging.
    They will help you see your potential, stay motivated, and see the beauty in every morning.
    Use them to your advantage! 


    “A life lived in the absence of the psychedelic experience upon which primordial shamanism is based is life trivialized, life denied, life enslaved to the ego.”
    Terence McKenna
    “Shamanism is a path of knowledge, not of faith, and that knowledge cannot come from me or anyone else in this reality. To acquire that knowledge, including understanding the existence of the spirits, one must step through the shaman’s doorway and acquire empirical evidence.”
    Michael Harner
    “Shamanism is the oldest form of communicating and healing.
    It probably resides in all of us.”
    Amy Hardie
    “It isn’t that a warrior learns shamanism as time goes by; instead, what he learns as time goes by is to save energy. This energy will enable him to handle some of the inaccessible energy fields. Shamanism is a state of awareness, the ability to use energy fields that are not employed to perceive the everyday world we know.”
    Carlos Castaneda
    “Shamanism is not a religion. It’s a method. The shaman’s path can become a way of life when this method is practiced with humility, reverence, and self-discipline.”
    Hank Wesselman
    “Nature is not our enemy to be raped and conquered.
    Nature is ourselves, to be cherished and explored.”
    Terence McKenna
    “What’s really important about shamanism is that there is another reality that you can personally discover…we are not alone.”
    Michael Harner
    “The fundamental difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge. In contrast, an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse.”
    Carlos Castaneda
    “The Old Religion, as we call it, is closer in spirit to Native American traditions or the shamanism of the Arctic. It is not based on dogma, a set of beliefs, scriptures, or a sacred book revealed by a great man. Witchcraft takes its teachings from nature and reads inspiration from the movements of the sun, moon, and stars, the flight of birds, the slow growth of trees, and the cycles of the seasons.”



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
    You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
    Do you know what you did last Monday?
    Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
    Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
    Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day–each moment!
    1/25–I Spent most of my day at a library watching YouTube, educational programs, and non-educational programs, like Gomer Pyle. As I’ve written before, I have until February 22 to spend time however I want. I hate to waste time, but right now, I don’t have any other choice.
    Things like this make me question whether life is indeed worth it. On Saturday, the library closes at 5 p.m. and opens at noon on Sunday. I have all night and all morning to do—what? The cold is returning, too. Talk about a miserable life.
    All this makes me think of the good life I had with Beth.
    There were many projects I would work on and things to do.
    Perhaps I will help another special person in the future.
    I’m starting to get itchy, so it’s time for a shower. I used the Summer Shower I’m going to put in my van. I get very clean with this, making sure there are no people around.
    I’m seeing too many cars, people, and buildings where I am now, near Palm Beach Gardens in Florida. I must drive away. I looked at the map and noticed Canal Point, this Point is where I am heading. It’s a small town; I will tell you how it is. Canal Point is right on Lake Okeechobee. (I do love that name.)
    I ended up staying busy. I went to Home Depot with questions about a drill I recently bought. Lori helped me a lot.
    I just walked out to the van to get the map. I forget to use my muscles and ankles to walk smoothly. I have to think about my walking efforts consciously, and everything goes much smoother when I do. You have to think clearly about everything you do with a conscious effort.
    I’m at the library this Sunday. They open at noon and close at 5 p.m. I need a change so that I can leave for Canal Point soon. I have enough food and water to last a week or two. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Can I bring you something?
    I have to get thoughts of Beth out of my mind. Now, looks like we will never be back together, something she refuses to participate in. I’ve always thought we could, but I must (however painful it is) stop having this woman in my mind.
    Even these little towns, like Canal Point, have libraries.
    I will let you know.
    I will be back with you soon again.
    Smaller towns interest me much more than cities.
    It’s about 1 pm, and I am off to Canal Point.
    I will let you know . . .
    1/26–I’ve arrived at Canal Point. There are actually people living in this area. It has many houses, but not really any stores. I am voice typing; I like this. The time now is 2:15, and I think I’ll head over to the town of Okeechobee (boy, I love that name.) Before I go, I’ll break open a can of beer.
    The small Park has picnic tables, fire pits, and a bathroom. It’s quite a nice place. I’ll stay here tonight. It’s too funny! The bathroom has a men’s room, a women’s room, and an all-gender restroom. Are there three genders of humans? What’s next?
    When I was in Europe, there was no confusion or concern. Both sexes were in the same toilet room. A guy peed at a urinal, and no one saw anything. A girl or a guy entered a bathroom stall, and nothing was seen. Why do Americans get so weird about this? In many places, there is no distinction.
    I’ve not juggled for quite a while. I picked up three balls; surprisingly, they danced in my hands. I’ve always wanted to return to juggling, so is this not the time? The clubs didn’t go as smoothly, but I could return to juggling.
    I remember traveling with Tina. She has a cell phone, but there weren’t that many connections. Now, it seems, you can connect anywhere—a good thing. Tina is another person I was with, but I am no longer with her. I thought Beth would be my final interest. What is wrong with me?
    Traveling in this way reminds me of when I was in southern Florida. I came upon a pond with about five alligators out of the water. As I drove up, they all headed toward the water. I saw a five-foot-one, grabbed it by the tail, and held it so he couldn’t go. After a little bit, I finally succumbed and let him go. I’ll never forget that—me and the gator.
    1/27–I’ve decided to stay the night in this little Park. It’s perfect. It will be quiet and dark, and I will be happy. There’s an official bathroom, and I have all the amenities of home. Did you know? I carry many books; you might say I have a library. I just no longer have the librarian to go with the books, meaning Beth.
    All my life, I’ve been go-go-go. I would benefit from this relaxing time and going slow, as I don’t do that often. Relaxing and going slow are new experiences for me.
    I’m planning to break out the bike and go for a ride tomorrow. Things will close down, and I will go right on. I’ve not been riding that much because I don’t know what areas I’ve been in. I don’t want to get lost somewhere with my bike.
    One guy at the little park took off, so I’m the only one there now. This is how I like it. I just checked; the temperature is 82° Fahrenheit. It’s pretty comfortable, I must say. An SUV just pulled in. It must have been 12 adults and kids who got out of the vehicle. It was a big group. I could tell they were all Mexican, which seems familiar around here.
    All of them were going to follow one guy with the kid who went across the road and went walking somewhere. I’ll have to go over and look later and see what it is to see. They came back with big bags of green. They said they ate this; it was bitter to me.
    I like this voice typing.
    No worries about spelling or Gramma troubles (Gramer).
    Right now, I’m lying down and adding to the blog.
    The Mexican people who came in the SUV went out into the wilderness across the road and returned with a lot of greenery, like lettuce and edible vegetables. So that’s a good thing. I tasted some of what they picked. It had a bitter taste, but it was edible. It looked like they had gotten enough to last them for a while. Then they all filed back into the SUV, and off they went. Let’s go eat their bitter-leafed vegetables.
    I found the sign >>> Triangle Park, 37001 of Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation. I’m having a pleasant time, but my mind goes back and forth. Right now, I’m exquisitely happy. I must learn to bring on new feelings of joy whenever I need them. This is something you can learn, too, yes?
    Now it’s 4:30 in the afternoon, and I’m all alone in the park. This looks good to me—it will be quiet, it will be dark, and I will be happy. Dinner was cheese and crackers, very satisfying. And some beer to wash it down.
    I drove to Okeechobee this morning. It’s a small town, but it’s substantial. Many RV parks are scattered about, and when I get to the town’s heart, there are pretty large houses and buildings.
    When I arrived in Okeechobee, I went directly to the library. However, the library is closed on Sunday and Monday, so I will go to McDonald’s. There are two McDonald’s in Okeechobee—it’s a big town, after all. I’ll spend some time working on the blog at McDonald’s and deciding where to go next.
    1/28–I had to do it—summer has started!
    Today, I wore my shorts and am barefoot.
    Just like I like it.
    I arrived at the McDonald’s at about 10:30, too early for a McChicken. Later, because I had more change to get rid of, I tried to pay with that. She gave me the McChicken and then gave the change back to me, too, like the other one. This is the third time this has happened. Try this yourself, see if it works for you. Perhaps it is easier for them than counting?
    Right now it is 11:49 and I’ve already eaten lunch.
    Remember, I have until February 23 to spend time.
    I must find things to do. Any suggestions?
    I saw Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park on the map, so if I could look. It ends up there’s not much to see around here. I’m just bush and growth, and I’m in a campground now. The name Kissimmee, Florida, comes from a Native American word that means “long water.” The exact origin of the name is debated, but it’s generally agreed to be a modern spelling of a tribal word. But is it Kissimmee or Kissayou?
    I just pulled into a campsite. I had a couple of hours, and the camp host stopped by to tell me I was in a volunteer spot and that the campground was full. So, I’ll start back and look for a place to stay for the night.
    I decided that staying around that area was not worth it. So, I headed down the road to the next library. The library is open until 8 pm, then be open tomorrow at 9am.   
    Dinner tonight was two slices of cheese.
    And what did you have for dinner?
    I’m in Florida, so of course, I’m seeing a lot of Snowy White Egrets. Now it’s January 27-28? I didn’t see it very well. I hope for hours of reading. The longest time is when I wake up at 3:00 a.m. and then wait until the sun’s up, about 7:00. Between 5 and 7 drags on and on. I stay warm, uncover the windows, and look around. I am ready to start my day, but the day is not here yet.
    While waiting for the appointment, I couldn’t figure out where to go for three weeks. Then, I looked at the map of Florida and noticed Ocala National Park. I have spent time there in the past, and I love the area. You will love it, too. I’m at Costco, filling up on gas, so that is no concern. I’m looking forward to returning to the forest in Ocala.
    I’ve made it to Ocala National Park, which is nice, as I remember. Some people are in the spring/lake, along with a Blue Heron. I will swim tomorrow, and they have a shower, too. I’m currently working on the blog down by the spring/lake. It’s very lovely, with no one else here. 
    Four freshwater springs characterize the landscape of the Ocala National Forest: Alexander Springs (where I went first), Juniper Springs, Silver Glen Springs, and Salt Springs. These springs provide diverse habitats for many plant and animal species.
    It is common for animals such as the endangered Florida Manatee, turtles, alligators, snakes, raccoons, eagles, ospreys, herons, and egrets to frequent these waterways. I saw a few of these, to my joy.
    I must work toward finding a place to park the van and sleep in there at no charge. They are official campsites, but I still feel strange about paying a fee to sleep in my van. I don’t sleep much anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
    I awoke at my usual time, about 3 am. I read a book and wrote stuff to fill time until the sun pops her/his head up for the day.
    1/29–Found a pull-out off the road where I parked and slept last night. One other guy was parked and staying there, too. A little later, I will jump into the big mineral water pool. Then, they have showers, so I must.
    I have a Jackery Charger–
    I currently use it to charge my laptop.
    The Jackery is hooked up, and I can charge it as I drive.
    The spring water is 73 degrees year-round. This is because part of the body of water stays warm underground, making it perfect for swimming anytime.
    I’m driving north to a different area. On the way,
    I found a library. This place is brand new, as was its opening today:
    It’s about noon, and I believe I will be here most of the day and even stay overnight in their lot.
    As I had seen, I was the only one there for all my time at the library. At 1 pm, an old couple who was out came in.
    I planned to stay the night at the library, so I parked on the road while waiting for them to close at 7 p.m. At one point, I almost got stuck in a ditch. I rocked the van back and forth and drove out of that bind. I’m thrilled not to have to wait for a tow truck or a toe truck; my feet are alright.
    1/30–This tends to be the van day. Some years ago, I paid something like $200 for a lifetime wheel alignment maintenance at Tires Plus. Today was the day. After all, the alignment was just a little off, so that made me happy.
    Next, I bought my tires from Discount Tire some time ago. Today, I had them checked and rotated. Things turned out well with them, too. I feel good about my wheels. Then, it was off to Costco to fill up on gas and food (samples).
    1/31–Yesterday afternoon, I was talking with Cindy, and she reminded me about
    So, right away, I started driving to Atlanta. 
    Last night, I slept well until 3 am, anyway, and then I got on the road. It was difficult to see the road and where to get on the freeway at this early hour. I followed a truck and found a way. But, some miles down the road, I was having difficulty driving, so I pulled over to a McDonald’s.
    I have arrived at 400 Ponce de Leon. This is the Yaarad Shriner Center. And looking around, after I arrived at about 9:00 a.m.. I see that I’ve been here before, I recognize most of the place. So it should be a good return for me.
    Yes, I’m here about 9:00 a.m., like usual, early for something. Please don’t be going here until the late afternoon, so I’ll find stuff to do in the meantime.
    Hope I went to Walmart. This one was a closed and empty building. I was so surprised. Costco was nearby, so I went there too. Full of gas, and it was really hard to get sample foods, so I bought a slice of cheese pizza. They used to make pizza with everything, it was fabulous, the best pizza I’ve ever had. I was told that this pizza took too long, so they just continued the pizza pie.




    I keep this section about gardening in.
    I do like the skill and hope you do, too.

    Winter now, but there are still things you can grow.
    And, remember about indoor gardening.
    A self-supportive life can be a better life.
    A garden would be a part of that life.    —
    You must look into it.
    Because I am back on the road, there will be no more words about the garden.
    I do hope Beth keeps it up.
    We did a lot of work establishing our vegetable garden.
    When I drove the van seven years ago,
    I grew stuff under the sunroof windows on the top.
    I may start that up in my van garden again.
    You will find out, of course.


    Do you believe all you know?
    Or are there some things you are unsure of?
    Much of life is like that.
    This week, think about what you know.
    Is this correct?
    Perhaps a God, do you think, is there?
    Or not.
    NEXT BLOG >>
    BLOG 309–You Must Live Life With Passion!



    BLOG  308–Words of Fiction?
    Don’t sleepwalk through life.
    I aim to Illuminate your Life with my Words.
    Do You Wander Aimlessly or Wonder About the Possibilities?
    Embark on Your Journey of Self-Discovery and Personal Growth.
    Let’s Ignite Moments of Self-reflection and Deep Contemplation Together.


    *** A world-class juggler/performer.
    *** The value that every moment has.
    *** Only YOU know what is best for you.
    *** Going through a 37-day coma — Yikes!
    *** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
    *** It was a life-altering experience that gave me joy.
    *** More than just you, I hope I help many others through you.
    ** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop.
    *** If you read through Facebook, see>Kit’s Website
    *** Despite being hit by two trucks, I remain happy.
    *** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
    *** I lived in my van for six years, which was very nice.
    *** I visited all US national parks and met Beth.
    *** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
    *** But sadly, our divorce is imminent.
    *** What are you genuinely passionate about?
    *** What do you want to accomplish?
    *** You cannot change the past.
    *** Remember, the future will come.
    *** All you have is now—ALWAYS!
    *** Have you seen >>Video about Kit


    You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I help guide you. I want to lighten your path toward excellence. I am not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me each time—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually add to your life and bring you to a higher level. Your life should always be starting again–a better life each time!
    They can fill you with optimism and empower you to think positively.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual demise?
    You can (and should) make changes to improve your life — at every age. Let this thought motivate and drive you towards self-improvement.
    Of course, that leads to helping others to have a better life.
    We all need to help each other to reach a higher level.
    You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide you with additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
    I hope to spread ideas from my life so you can live better.
    Remember — only you know what is best for you.
    And — you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Learn a New Word — Every Day!
    Sign up at >> https://www.wordgenius.com/ 


    We always have a choice; I’m planning to live, really live, until I die. Whether it be a month or next year, I must live. That’s all anyone can do. So, make the life you have now the best you can. This is the only chance we have to live a life!
    From pine trees to palm trees, I am driving from north to South, a trip I have made a few times before. I plan to have a near-local appointment on February 25 and must spend the time before then.
    BLOG  308–The Shaman and the Deer
    Trying my hand at fiction writing, let me know . . .
    A shaman is regarded as having access to and can influence the world of good and evil spirits, especially among some people in northern Asia and North America. Shamans often enter a trance state during a ritual and practice divination and healing. I am not confessing that I believe anything in that regard; I find it interesting.
    As you may know, I have never believed in any of the gods humans have developed. These gods had many ways of controlling people and what they thought and did. I first got interested in shaman ways back in Jr. High with some books I was reading by Carlos Castaneda and others that interested me. The shaman way has no god to speak of.
    Although I don’t believe in gods, shamans are notable religious or spiritual figures in many traditional Indigenous faiths. They function as healers, prophets, diviners, and custodians of religious lore.
    A man with Pancho and a Hat Walked Through a Sacred Land in Peru. A few years ago, a shaman in Honduras taught a beneficial technique that clarifies one’s path and dissolves stress and anxiety. This technique profoundly affected my life, and I’d like to share it with you today.
    I first read “Shaman” in junior high School. The words took me away. The deer spirit animal can inspire words of gratitude, grace, and assertiveness. Deer are often associated with peace, gentleness, and love.
    Shamanism, or Spirit Animals. The deer is a spirit animal with a peaceful and gentle energy that connects deeply with those it guides. The deer’s presence in life encourages us to embrace gentleness, sensitivity, and the ability to face life’s challenges gracefully.
    Here is one version of these “four laws of a shaman” from posts:
    “The person who comes into your life is the right person.”
    “What happens is the only thing that could have happened.”
    “Anytime it starts is the right time.”
    “When something ends, it ends.”
    Shamanism isn’t a religion; it’s a way of relating to/exploring the universe. It’s not a doctrine, a set of beliefs, so inherently, it doesn’t recognize a conflict. I’ve had many students who found Jesus or Mary as their primary shamanic guide.
    In biblical symbology, deer represents piety, devotion, and safety in God’s care. They symbolize a longing for a Lord and the ability to overcome obstacles. As graceful, timid, and beautiful creatures, deer can indicate naivete or innocence, depending on the context.
    “I am a storyteller,” began the shaman. “The story we tell influences our experience of being alive, and how we react to our experience influences our story. What do you dare to dream of? What do you dare to let go of lovingly? How do you want to experience life in your heart of hearts?”
    Overwater, undersea,
    In the forest high, you’ll be.
    Trust your instinct in the sea;
    Bring the treasure home to me.
    If you find it, as you might.
    You will travel day and night.
    As you see it, you will know,
    As above, then so below.
    Once you grasp it, you will be.
    Ready then to cross the sea.
    By Dan Millman in Sacred Journey
    Inspirational words and suggestive photography will guide you.
    A journey to rediscover the exquisite, graceful beauty and bounty of your being.
    Stage 1: Call to the Shamanic Path
    Stage 2: Awakening and Crisis
    Stage 3: Training and Mentorship
    Stage 4: Death and Rebirth
    Stage 5: Spiritual Healing and Transformation
    Stage 6: Mastery and Integration
    Stage 7: Service and Contribution
    Shamanism is regarded as one of the world’s oldest teachings and one of its newest. Paleolithic cave art shows evidence of shamanic practice, and contemporary societies are cultivating shamanic experiences, especially in their “New Age” or neo-shamanism variations.
    “Let us remember who we are, and we will be gratefully together in unity; we will know what to do…What a blessing for each of us to have an opportunity to discover, in our heart of hearts, what is truly essential for us…”
    Like much of the healing wisdom from native cultures, this teaching began with observing nature. As we sat together, the curandero asked me how I felt about deer. Yes, our furry four-legged friends that frolic in the forest. He explained that they are mighty animals and a great role model for humans to learn from.
    The deer spirit animal can inspire words of gratitude, grace, and assertiveness.
    Deer are often associated with peace, gentleness, and love

    •  Gratitude and grace
    •  Be thankful and gracious
    •  Be graceful and diplomatic in negotiations
    •  Use calm, clear communication to earn respect
    •  Assertiveness
    •  Be able to stand up for yourself and fight back cleverly and thoughtfully.
    •  Assert your position in delicate situations
    •  Be more decisive in your approach
    •  Trust your intuition and have more confidence in yourself    
    •  Balance Accept your weaknesses and mistakes, Develop your full potential and feel more fulfilled, and Balance masculinity and femininity. 
    • Heart intelligence
    •  Give and receive unconditional love
    •  Stop being so hard on yourself or others
    •  Tend to your heart if you’ve been hurt

    A deer knows it’s a deer. It has no inner conflict about its past, purpose, needs, or destiny. It lives in the moment and is 100% resourceful, minute by minute, its senses entirely keen, its focus pure and unburdened. Do you spend most of your day this way? Or even just an hour? Some might argue this is not even possible in today’s world.
    While we may not be able to live with apparent and open minds like our furry counterparts, we CAN begin to nurture longer stretches of this purity in our lives.

    How do we do this?
    An Ancient Technique:

    The practice below concerns noticing and preventing
    Yourself from being derailed mentally and emotionally.

    For example, you wake up and have a beautiful morning until you glimpse yourself in the mirror and notice something you don’t like. “Wow, I’m getting… (fill in the blank with your peeve about yourself – old, fat, skinny, bald, ugly, pale, stupid…).”
    This bright, shiny detour sign beckons you to stop traveling your peaceful path and start engaging in negative self-analysis. Most of the time, we don’t notice this road sign – we fly right off the highway into the valley of the downward spiral. 

    This can be a five—to ten-minute dialogue with yourself, laden with lower thoughts, that saps your energy for an hour and sometimes the entire day. The mirror is just one example, but it could be a phone call, a text message, a minor inconvenience that triggers a stress response, or the product of overthinking your life with a busy brain instead of simply being in the moment.

    There are many ways to get there, but the destination is the same. Derailed. As you work with them, you see these mental detours for what they indeed are – invisible bars of a cage imprisoning your true self

    1) Pick an hour in your day. It doesn’t need to be quiet or free of distraction. This practice is best done during your everyday life. You can be at work, and/or with family, doing household chores, or out for a hike ­– the only thing that matters is starting this hour in a positive and happy frame of mind.
    2) The actual practice is simple. For 60 minutes, proceed through life, remaining as peaceful as possible. Maintain a positive outlook, the only work you need to do is pay attention to your thoughts and gently note any times you slip into negative self-talk or get derailed.

    This derailing doesn’t need to be primary for it to qualify—it can be as subtle as a two-second judgment or a brief moment of anxiety. To be clear, this practice is not about working with negative thought patterns. We inventory what comes up in our peripheral vision over an hour of daily life. The more emotionally neutral you can be, the more information you pick up.
    The shaman gave me this bit of wisdom before I started:
    “We are watching our thoughts like a child on a river bank, noting what floats by. Curious, playful even, but unattached.”

    You should write down these negative triggers to work with them later, but this is entirely your choice. This life habit has helped me in two key ways >> 

    1. As we walk through life, these disruption points are grand entryways or portals into more profound inner work LATER. 
    2. Observing and acknowledging your triggers with an open and neutral eye can heal them in ways your brain cannot quantify. The light of consciousness is healing in itself. 

    If you’re up for it, I’d like to challenge you to one of these power-hours of self-discovery. Anyone can do it, and the benefits to body and soul can be extraordinary. Yes, this is work, but it’s some of the most rewarding jobs I know of. Be you, and see you.
    When I started doing this, I found it took work to identify the triggers themselves. I had almost programmed myself to ignore these subtleties in my reality. But once I began tracing negative emotions backward to where they sprouted, I had a huge a-ha moment. Once you notice how and when the seed is planted, you can begin more conscious inner gardening of your mind.


    Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real time. Have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    Your quality of thinking and how you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determine everything in your life. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
    To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
    Motivational quotes affect our brain, behavior, and lives because they make us feel like we are in control of our success and have self-efficacy. Quotes make us believe that we have the confidence to complete a task successfully, which is different from having the motivation to succeed.  
    Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
    In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
    The correct motivational quote can change you and things—helping you ditch the excuses, escape your comfort zone, and take action. Read these words with an open mind and learn to improve your life.
    When you read these quotes, you’ll also realize that many other people worldwide are experiencing these feelings. These feelings make you think you’re the only person who could feel this bad. But you’re not. Lots and lots of other people feel bad, too. This is the irony of it. You don’t want other people to feel crappy, but it does make you feel better or at least comforted to know that other people feel just as bad as you.
    These quotes can be used when you wake up or prepare for work.
    You can write your favorite quotes somewhere where you can see them first thing in the morning.
    These quotes are motivating, inspiring, and encouraging.
    They will help you see your potential, stay motivated, and see the beauty in every morning.
    Use them to your advantage! 


    “A life lived in the absence of the psychedelic experience upon which primordial shamanism is based is life trivialized, life denied, life enslaved to the ego.”
    Terence McKenna
    “Shamanism is a path of knowledge, not of faith, and that knowledge cannot come from me or anyone else in this reality. To acquire that knowledge, including understanding the existence of the spirits, one must step through the shaman’s doorway and acquire empirical evidence.”
    Michael Harner
    “Shamanism is the oldest form of communicating and healing.
    It probably resides in all of us.”
    Amy Hardie
    “It isn’t that a warrior learns shamanism as time goes by; instead, what he learns as time goes by is to save energy. This energy will enable him to handle some of the inaccessible energy fields. Shamanism is a state of awareness, the ability to use energy fields that are not employed to perceive the everyday world we know.”
    Carlos Castaneda
    “Shamanism is not a religion. It’s a method. The shaman’s path can become a way of life when this method is practiced with humility, reverence, and self-discipline.”
    Hank Wesselman
    “Nature is not our enemy to be raped and conquered.
    Nature is ourselves, to be cherished and explored.”
    Terence McKenna
    “What’s really important about shamanism is that there is another reality that you can personally discover…we are not alone.”
    Michael Harner
    “The fundamental difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge. In contrast, an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse.”
    Carlos Castaneda
    “The Old Religion, as we call it, is closer in spirit to Native American traditions or the shamanism of the Arctic. It is not based on dogma, a set of beliefs, scriptures, or a sacred book revealed by a great man. Witchcraft takes its teachings from nature and reads inspiration from the movements of the sun, moon, and stars, the flight of birds, the slow growth of trees, and the cycles of the seasons.”



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
    You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
    Do you know what you did last Monday?
    Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
    Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
    Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day–each moment!
    1/25–I Spent most of my day at a library watching YouTube, educational programs, and non-educational programs, like Gomer Pyle. As I’ve written before, I have until February 22 to spend time however I want. I hate to waste time, but right now, I don’t have any other choice.
    Things like this make me question whether life is indeed worth it. On Saturday, the library closes at 5 p.m. and opens at noon on Sunday. I have all night and all morning to do—what? The cold is returning, too. Talk about a miserable life.
    All this makes me think of the good life I had with Beth.
    There were many projects I would work on and things to do.
    Perhaps I will help another special person in the future.
    I’m getting itchy, so it’s time for a shower. I used the Summer Shower I’m going to put in my van. I get very clean with this, ensuring no people are around.
    I’m seeing too many cars, people, and buildings where I am now, near Palm Beach Gardens in Florida. I must drive away. I looked at the map and noticed Canal Point, where I was heading. It’s a small town; I will tell you how it is. Canal Point is right on Lake Okeechobee. (I do love that name.)
    I ended up staying busy. I went to Home Depot with questions about a drill I recently bought. Lori helped me a lot.
    I just walked out to the van to get the map. I forget to use my muscles and ankles to walk smoothly. I have to think about my walking efforts consciously, and everything goes much smoother when I do. You have to think clearly about everything you do with a conscious effort.
    I’m at the library this Sunday. They open at noon and close at 5 p.m. I need a change so that I can leave for Canal Point soon. I have enough food and water to last a week or two. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Can I bring you something?
    I have to get thoughts of Beth out of my mind. Now, looks like we will never be back together, something she refuses to participate in. I’ve always thought we could, but I must (however painful it is) stop having this woman in my mind.
    Even these little towns, like Canal Point, have libraries.
    I will let you know.
    I will be back with you soon again.
    Smaller towns interest me much more than cities.
    It’s about 1 pm, and I am off to Canal Point.
    I will let you know . . .
    1/26–I’ve arrived at Canal Point. People are living in this area. It has many houses, but not really any stores. I am voice typing; I like this. The time now is 2:15, and I think I’ll head over to the town of Okeechobee (boy, I love that name.) Before I go, I’ll break open a can of beer.
    The small Park has picnic tables, fire pits, and a bathroom. It’s quite a nice place. I’ll stay here tonight. It’s too funny! The bathroom has a men’s room, a women’s room, and an all-gender restroom. Are there three genders of humans? What’s next?
    When I was in Europe, there was no confusion or concern. Both sexes were in the same toilet room. A guy peed at a urinal, and no one saw anything. A girl or a guy entered a bathroom stall, and nothing was seen. Why do Americans get so weird about this? In many places, there is no distinction.
    I’ve not juggled for quite a while. I picked up three balls; surprisingly, they danced in my hands. I’ve always wanted to return to juggling, so is this not the time? The clubs didn’t go as smoothly, but I could return to juggling.
    I remember traveling with Tina. She has a cell phone, but there weren’t that many connections. Now, it seems, you can connect anywhere—a good thing. Tina is another person I was with, but I am no longer with her. I thought Beth would be my final interest. What is wrong with me?
    Traveling in this way reminds me of when I was in southern Florida. I came upon a pond with about five alligators out of the water. As I drove up, they all headed toward the water. I saw a five-foot-one, grabbed it by the tail, and held it so he couldn’t go. After a little bit, I finally succumbed and let him go. I’ll never forget that—me and the gator.
    1/27–I’ve decided to stay the night in this little Park. It’s perfect. It will be quiet and dark, and I will be happy. There’s an official bathroom, and I have all the amenities of a home. Did you know? I carry many books; you might say I have a library. I no longer have the librarian to go with the books, meaning Beth.
    All my life, I’ve been go-go-go. I would benefit from this relaxing time and going slow, as I don’t do that often. Relaxing and going slow are new experiences for me.
    I plan to break out the bike and go for a ride tomorrow. Things will close down, and I will go right on. I’ve not been riding that much because I don’t know what areas I’ve been in. I don’t want to get lost somewhere with my bike.
    One guy at the little park took off, so I’m the only one there now. This is how I like it. I just checked; the temperature is 82° Fahrenheit. It’s pretty comfortable, I must say. An SUV just pulled in. It must have been 12 adults and kids who got out of the vehicle. It was a big group. I could tell they were all Mexican, which seems familiar around here.
    All of them were going to follow one guy with the kid who went across the road and went walking somewhere. I’ll have to go over and look later and see what it is to see. They came back with big bags of green. They said they ate this; it was bitter to me.
    I like this voice typing.
    No worries about spelling or Gramma troubles (Grammer).
    Right now, I’m lying down and adding to the blog.
    The Mexican people who came in the SUV went out into the wilderness across the road and returned with a lot of greenery, like lettuce and edible vegetables. So that’s a good thing. I tasted some of what they picked. It had a bitter taste, but it was edible. It looked like they had gotten enough to last them for a while. Then they all filed back into the SUV, and off they went. Let’s go eat their bitter-leafed vegetables.
    I found the sign >>> Triangle Park, 37001 of Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation. I’m having a pleasant time, but my mind goes back and forth. Right now, I’m exquisitely happy. I must learn to bring on new feelings of joy whenever I need them. This is something you can learn, too, yes?
    Now it’s 4:30 in the afternoon, and I’m alone in the park. This looks good to me—it will be quiet, it will be dark, and I will be happy. Dinner was cheese and crackers, very satisfying. And some beer to wash it down.
    I drove to Okeechobee this morning. It’s a small town, but it’s substantial. Many RV parks are scattered about, and when I get to the town’s heart, there are pretty large houses and buildings.
    When I arrived in Okeechobee, I went directly to the library. However, the library is closed on Sunday and Monday, so I will go to McDonald’s. There are two McDonald’s in Okeechobee—it’s a big town, after all. I’ll spend some time working on the blog at McDonald’s and deciding where to go next.
    1/28–I had to do it—summer has started!
    Today, I wore my shorts and am barefoot.
    Like, I like it.
    I arrived at the McDonald’s at about 10:30, too early for a McChicken. Later, because I had more change to get rid of, I tried to pay with that. She gave me the McChicken and then gave the change back to me, like the other one. This is the third time this has happened. Try this yourself, see if it works for you. Perhaps it is easier for them than counting?
    Right now, it is 11:49, and I’ve already eaten lunch.
    Remember, I have until February 23 to spend time.
    I must find things to do. Any suggestions?
    I saw Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park on the map, so if I could look. It ends up there’s not much to see around here. I’m just bush and growth, and I’m in a campground now. The name Kissimmee, Florida, comes from a Native American word that means “long water.” The exact origin of the name is debated, but it’s generally agreed to be a modern spelling of a tribal word. But is it Kissimmee or Kissayou?
    I just pulled into a campsite. I had a couple of hours, and the camp host stopped by to tell me I was in a volunteer spot and that the campground was full. So, I’ll start back and look for a place to stay for the night.
    I decided that staying around that area was not worth it, so I headed to the next library. The library is open until 8 p.m. and will reopen tomorrow at 9 a.m.
    Dinner tonight was two slices of cheese.
    And what did you have for dinner?
    I’m in Florida, so of course, I’m seeing a lot of Snowy White Egrets. Now it’s January 27-28? I didn’t see it very well. I hope for hours of reading. The longest time is when I wake up at 3:00 a.m. and then wait until the sun’s up, about 7:00. Between 5 and 7 drags on and on. I stay warm, uncover the windows, and look around. I am ready to start my day, but the day is not here yet.
    While waiting for the appointment, I couldn’t figure out where to go for three weeks. Then, I looked at the map of Florida and noticed Ocala National Park. I have spent time there in the past, and I love the area. You will love it, too. I’m at Costco, filling up on gas, so that is no concern. I’m looking forward to returning to the forest in Ocala.
    I’ve made it to Ocala National Park, which is nice, as I remember. Some people are in the spring or lake, along with a Blue Heron. I will swim tomorrow, and they have a shower, too. I’m currently working on the blog down by the spring or lake. It’s very lovely, with no one else here.
    Four freshwater springs characterize the landscape of the Ocala National Forest: Alexander Springs (where I went first), Juniper Springs, Silver Glen Springs, and Salt Springs. These springs provide diverse habitats for many plant and animal species.
    It is common for animals such as the endangered Florida Manatee, turtles, alligators, snakes, raccoons, eagles, ospreys, herons, and egrets to frequent these waterways. I saw a few of these, to my joy.
    I must work toward finding a place to park the van and sleep in there at no charge. They are official campsites, but I still feel strange about paying a fee to sleep in my van. I don’t sleep much anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
    I awoke at my usual time, about 3 am. I read a book and wrote stuff to fill time until the sun pops her/his head up for the day.
    1/29–Found a pull-out off the road where I parked and slept last night. One other guy was parked and staying there, too. A little later, I will jump into the big mineral water pool. Then, they have showers, so I must.
    I have a Jackery Charger–
    I currently use it to charge my laptop.
    The Jackery is hooked up, and I can charge it as I drive.
    The spring water is 73 degrees year-round. This is because part of the body of water stays warm underground, making it perfect for swimming anytime.
    I’m driving north to a different area. On the way,
    I found a library. This place is brand new, as was its opening today:
    It’s about noon, and I believe I will be here most of the day and even stay overnight in their lot.
    As I had seen, I was the only one there for all my time at the library. At 1 pm, an old couple who was out came in.
    I planned to stay the night at the library, so I parked on the road while waiting for them to close at 7 p.m. At one point, I almost got stuck in a ditch. I rocked the van back and forth and drove out of that bind. I’m thrilled not to wait for a tow or tow truck. (My feet are alright.)
    1/30—This tends to be the van day. I paid about $200 for a lifetime wheel alignment maintenance at Tires Plus some years ago. Today was the day. After all, the alignment was just a little off, so that made me happy.
    Next, I bought my tires from Discount Tire some time ago. Today, I had them checked and rotated. Things turned out well with them, too. I feel good about my wheels. Then, it was off to Costco to fill up on gas and food (samples).
    1/31–Yesterday afternoon, I was talking with Cindy, and she reminded me about
    So, right away, I started driving to Atlanta. 
    Last night, I slept well until 3 am, anyway, and then I got on the road. It wasn’t easy to see the road and where to get on the freeway at this early hour. I followed a truck and found a way. But, some miles down the road, I was having difficulty driving, so I pulled over to a McDonald’s.
    I have arrived at 400 Ponce de Leon. This is the Yaarad Shriner Center. Looking around, after I arrived at about 9:00 a.m.. I see that I’ve been here before, I recognize most of the place. So it should be a good return for me.
    Yes, I’m here at about 9:00 a.m., like usual, early for something.
    Please don’t come until late afternoon, so I’ll find something to do.
    I hope I went to Walmart. This one was a closed and empty building, which surprised me. Costco was nearby, so I went there, too. I was full of gas, and it was tough to get sample foods, so I bought a slice of cheese pizza. They used to make pizza with everything. It was fabulous, the best pizza I’ve ever had. I was told that this pizza took too long, so they just continued the pizza.

    I’ll have photos of the juggling bash next week.




    I keep this section about gardening in.
    I do like the skill and hope you do, too.

    Winter now, but there are still things you can grow.
    And, remember about indoor gardening.
    A self-supportive life can be a better life.
    A garden would be a part of that life.    —
    You must look into it.
    Because I am back on the road, there will be no more words about the garden.
    I do hope Beth keeps it up.
    We did a lot of work establishing our vegetable garden.
    When I drove the van seven years ago,
    I grew stuff under the sunroof windows on the top.
    I may start that up in my van garden again.
    You will find out, of course.


    Do you believe all you know?
    Or are there some things you are unsure of?
    Much of life is like that.
    This week, think about what you know.
    Is this correct?
    Perhaps a God, do you think, is there?
    Or not.
    NEXT BLOG >>
    BLOG 309–You Must Live Life With Passion!


  • BLOG  307–Planning Beforehand

    BLOG  307–Planning Beforehand
    Don’t sleepwalk through life.
    I aim to Illuminate your Life with my Words.
    Do You Wander Aimlessly or Wonder About the Possibilities?
    Embark on Your Journey of Self-Discovery and Personal Growth.
    Let’s Ignite Moments of Self-reflection and Deep Contemplation Together.

    *** A world-class juggler/performer.
    *** The value that every moment has.
    *** Only YOU know what is best for you.
    *** Going through a 37-day coma — Yikes!
    *** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
    *** It was a life-altering experience that gave me joy.
    *** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop.
    *** If you read through Facebook, see>Kit’s Website
    *** Despite being hit by two trucks, I remain happy.
    *** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
    *** I lived in my van for six years, which was very nice.
    *** I visited all US national parks and met Beth.
    *** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
    *** But sadly, our divorce is imminent.
    *** What are you genuinely passionate about?
    *** What do you want to accomplish?
    *** You cannot change the past.
    *** Remember, the future will come.
    *** All you have is now—ALWAYS!
    *** Have you seen >>Video about Kit


    You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I help guide you. I want to lighten your path toward excellence. I am not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me each time—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually add to your life and bring you to a higher level. Your life should always be starting again–a better life each time!
    I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU WITH MY WORDS –WORDS HAVE POWER! They can fill you with optimism and empower you to think positively.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual demise?
    You can (and should) make changes to improve your life — at every age. Let this thought motivate and drive you towards self-improvement.
    Of course, that leads to helping others to have a better life.
    We all need to help each other to reach a higher level.
    You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide you with additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
    I hope to spread ideas from my life so you can live better.
    Remember — only you know what is best for you.
    And — you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Learn a New Word — Every Day!
    Sign up at >> https://www.wordgenius.com/ 


    I am so lonely out here on the road. I heard from Beth, who wrote that she never wants to hear from or see me again. I am shocked. We had a good relationship, but she has also cut off all communication with me. This makes me very unhappy.
    I heard from Dave Finnigan https://www.facebook.com/davefinnigan/. 
    And Cindy Marvell https://cindymarvell.com/.
    Thank you for your words; you are both good friends and so good to hear from you.


    I focused on my van and the necessary improvements. The brakes were so bad that it was hard to stop, so of course, I had to fix that problem. Two more days of rain are expected, and the temperature will increase to about 70. The bill for the van was over $500, and that hurt.
    I am at Walmart, waiting for my van’s oil change. The appointment is scheduled for 11 a.m., but I have been there since about 8, and they can’t fit me in yet.
    Where to go next- I have no idea.
    I came to Florida for the warmth.
    The north had a cold spell, which was kind of scary.
    I thought of this blog post while preparing for the upcoming Arctic blast. There are things I can do to stay warmer in the van. I have a blanket and a sheet insert, and I wore two pairs of socks and a sleepy bag that goes down to 0 degrees centigrade. I was warm, even though it got down to 0 degrees centigrade. (0 equals 32 degrees Fahrenheit—freezing.) I sleep using a sock or sheet to cover me before getting into my sleepy bag.
    About the human sleeve, as I call it. The sleepy bag is big and complex to wash at times. So, my daughter Jasmine made an insert that covers me like a big sock. This was made with a sheet from a double bed, folded in half long ways, and sewed on one side, and one end was sewn. So, I get into this before getting into the sleepy bag.
    If you are alone in life (sorry), you can make this body cover for any bed. To use this method, you only have to turn the sheet or sock inside out and wash it every week or two. You then wash the bedding sheets and blankets a few times a year.
    It’s never too early to start planning for your future. However, the sooner you start, the better off you’ll be. You must take action now if you want a life filled with hope, promise, and potential. This blog post often discusses planning tips for achieving your hopes, goals, and dreams.
    Planning can help you manage your life, reach and set goals, and get more done. Consider what you want to achieve and set clear goals. Make a plan: Create an action plan to help you achieve your goals. Then stick to it until you achieve what you want.
    First, break down your plan into smaller tasks to make it easier to control. You may need to check in on your plan and adjust it as needed. You need to identify your needs before they become problems. Create a “not-to-do list” to identify tasks you don’t want to do or prevent you from being productive.
    Find ways to overcome these challenges and difficulties before they become too overwhelming. One option is to create a budget to help you manage your finances and reach your goals. Another is to plan for the future: Consider how you want to be cared for when you are old, and make arrangements as necessary.
    Planning can help you feel more in control of your life and motivate you to keep working towards your plans and goals. Even though your future is often uncertain, you can succeed by planning for it now. We don’t know what good or bad things will happen; learn to change with the changes.
    You may hear some advice that it’s better to be present in the moment and enjoy life for what it is. While this advice can help remove unnecessary worries about the future, it doesn’t mean we should stop caring about our future.
    On the contrary, it doesn’t hurt to make plans, think about the ideal life you want, and then take action toward fulfilling your goals and plans. No matter how bleak the current scenario is, who knows if you can make it and fulfill what you have planned for your life? MAKE IT HAPPEN!
    If you want to plan your life, it’s ideal to do it while still young. This way, you can still make corrections and have time and opportunity to make changes. Have your children start this early. They can learn to make plans as early as they are still in school.
    One can excel in the subjects that will help them fulfill their goal and pursue the necessary college degree. However, many young people will probably not think too deeply about such matters and will take whatever course they believe will make them profit.
    Money can be a big part of making plans for the future, so most people will probably make plans once they get a job since they are already earning money. Still, when one plans for the future, starting early is better so you can have more freedom in making adjustments.
    A spot where you can be by yourself without distractions and think hard about what matters to you, what gives you fulfillment and happiness, and what vision you want to achieve ultimately. Finally, think about the ideal life you want to have and what you can do to make that life a reality.
    Keeping an open mind when creating such plans is important because things can change anytime, and you may even have to change your ultimate goals. What’s essential is maintaining your motivation and productivity to see things through and determine whether your efforts will succeed. 


    Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real time. Have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    Your quality of thinking and how you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determine everything in your life. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
    To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
    Motivational quotes affect our brain, behavior, and lives because they make us feel like we are in control of our success and have self-efficacy. Quotes make us believe that we have the confidence to complete a task successfully, which is different from having the motivation to succeed.  
    Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
    In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
    The correct motivational quote can change you and things—helping you ditch the excuses, escape your comfort zone, and take action. Read these words with an open mind and learn to improve your life.
    When you read these quotes, you’ll also realize that many other people worldwide are experiencing these feelings. These feelings make you think you’re the only person who could feel this bad. But you’re not. Lots and lots of other people feel bad, too. This is the irony of it. You don’t want other people to feel crappy, but it does make you feel better or at least comforted to know that other people feel just as bad as you.
    These quotes can be used when you wake up or prepare for work.
    You can write your favorite quotes somewhere where you can see them first thing in the morning.
    These quotes are motivating, inspiring, and encouraging.
    They will help you see your potential, stay motivated, and see the beauty in every morning.
    Use them to your advantage! 


    1) “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln

    2) “Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.” – Thomas Edison

    3) “A plan is a list of actions arranged in whatever sequence is thought likely to achieve an objective.” – John Argenti

    4) “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett

    5) “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra

    6) “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” – Pablo Picasso

    7) “Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.” – Richard Cushing

    8) “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin

    9) “The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.” – Robert Frost

    10) “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.” – Henry David Thoreau

    11) “There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” – Douglas H. Everett

    12) “Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.” – Peter Drucker

    13) “I don’t believe in failure. It’s not a failure if you enjoy the process.” – Oprah Winfrey

    14) “Chance favors the prepared mind.”– Louis Pasteur

    15) “Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.” – Peter F. Drucker

    16) “Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood. Make big plans, aim high in hope and work.” – Daniel H. Burnham

    17) “Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.” – Margaret Thatcher

    18) “No plan ever failed due to good planning.” – Jury Nel

    19) “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.” – John F. Kennedy

    20) “It’s not the plan that’s important, it’s the planning.” – Dr. Gramme Edwards



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
    You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
    Do you know what you did last Monday?
    Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
    Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
    Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day–each moment!
    1/18–The rains have started. All day today, I drove through the raindrops. I went to a few libraries to spend time and work on stuff, but I found that they were all closed. So, I am at a McDonald’s, eating a Mcchicken, and working on my computer.
    I’ve even considered checking into a motel to spend time, but that costs money. Most motels have internet access now, and there’s always the TV, but I will be alright sitting and working and then, later, sleeping in the van.
    Yes, it is a peculiar life I lead.
    But I don’t know how to change things.
    Today is Saturday, and libraries are all closed, like tomorrow.

    With rain coming down, figuring out what to do is difficult. I’m going south; I have no destination. I guess I will get back in the van and drive further south. On my map, I noticed Myrtle Beach was just east of where I was.
    My friend, juggler Niels Duinker, lives in Myrtle Beach. I sent him a message about stoppijg to see him, and he got right back to me. He is currently traveling on a cruise ship while performing. I am hoping he will be back when I travel back north. Here is Niels >> Niels Duinker – Comedy Juggling Show
    The rain continues to fall. I have driven to Myrtle Beach and will look around. It is a tourist town, and I am not a tourist. Right now, I am at a McDonald’s using their Wi-Fi. I’m not even going to buy any food; I am not hungry. Am I happy — the answer is no.
    I found the map showing Marion National Forest right ahead, so I had to go. The mini houses built here are very nice places to live. I slept for the night when they were building a new home.
    I want to clean, build, and organize the van so the rain will not be here tomorrow. I have much to do. Tonight, I expect it to be absolutely quiet and spectacularly dark. I’m hoping for a good sleep. Last week, I bought a big bottle of wine. As the volume diminishes, I’m enjoying it right now. Cheers, my friend. 

    I’m feeling better all the time. It’s great to be in the forest again; I’ve missed that much. Tomorrow, I should find more woods to go through. 

    So, until February 20th, I will be roaming around Florida. Do you have any suggestions on where to go or who to see? I may even come and visit you. Can you imagine spending a month in Florida? I wish a bear would show up. All my life, I wanted to play patty cake with a bear.
    1/19–Slept until about 4:30. Everything was dark, rainy, and scary.
    It was Sunday, and I had to go to church. Although I have attended church services worldwide, they all seem somewhat similar; this was my first time at a church in the Bible Belt. What a passionate group of people!
    I hate to write in black and white, but I was the only white person there. This passionate group would applaud at the slightest thing. There were about 60 people there, including 10 kids. All these people were so happy it was Sunday. At one point, everyone went up front, and many fell to the stage.
    Everyone is trained so well. Yes, the church is a training place. Some were crying, really into it. Music was a big part of the day for people. Sometimes, the drums were so loud you couldn’t hear the speaker. I slept in the area.
    I got on the road and put in miles. It is about 4:00 a.m., and I’m parked in a gas station. No other cars are around, and I’m waiting for some sunlight. It’s hard to see when it’s dark like this, especially with raindrops. I have no idea where I’m going or why, but I’ll get there.
    As often happens, I found a McDonald’s at 6:20 am. But they were closed, and I had no idea when they opened. I’ll wait here to use their Wi-Fi later. By seven, they were still closed. It’s hard to drive in the early morning without sunlight, so I’m waiting for the sun to appear.
    It’s often more difficult for me to drive when the sun is not out. I’m still at McDonald’s. It’s 7:15, and they’re still not open. I must spend time, but I’ll be heading down the road. The sun is just coming up, and they can see better.
    It’s been a few days, and I’m getting itchy. It’s time for a shower. I hang my shower bag on the van door. I often shower fully naked, but behind the van, where no one can see me (sorry). I was near a train track. It was good that a passenger train hadn’t gone by; the people would have laughed nicely.
    I headed down the road and found an open McDonald’s. I set up my computer and then went to order. Do I look like I have no money? I save the change and sometimes use it to purchase food. When I counted my change, she returned the sausage biscuit and the money. Libraries are closed today, Sunday so I will be on the road.
    I’ll be ok, no worries.
    As I drove down the road, I found a campsite on a lake—perfect for me. No one was at the booth where you checked in, so I just took a spot on the lake, which was very nice. I slept in my van and left in the morning. They could have gotten their fee but weren’t at the booth, which was lucky for me.
    1/20–Being in Florida, I contacted my friend, Dave Finnegan. Dave and I wrote the two best books ever written on juggling. Mine, you might know, is “Juggling with Finesse.” Dave’s book title is “The Complete Juggler.”

    Someone didn’t like that I was parked in a residential area, so they called the cops. The cop showed up, and she was very kind. She told me I had to go park somewhere else for sleep, so I went to a Walmart and slipped in the back between two big trucks. It was quiet and dark, just as I liked it.

    The brakes were not working—yikes! I had to go in the first gear to keep the wheels slow. I went to Eddie’s Garage, and they will see the van tomorrow. I will sleep in the van here in the parking lot tonight. I hope you sleep well.
    The big storm will hit tomorrow. The winds are already starting to build. I look out the window and see trees blown every which way. The brakes on my van are getting worse and worse. I called and drove to Eddie’s garage; I hope they will take care of it tomorrow. Dave looked up and suggested getting his help.
    I arrived late, so I parked and slept in the van. It awoke at about 3:00 a.m., as usual, but it was not right at Eddie’s, so I drove the van to his shop. With no brakes working, I had to drive carefully. I would barely step on the gas to start forward, then put the van into neutral/coast, same with reverse. It was a slow drive, but I made it to Eddies—a scary morning.
    1/21–Eddie met with me early as he was opening up. He is a great mechanic, and so many customers came through; he does well. Melissa helps in the office, but she is kept quite busy. What a great business I saw.
    If you are anywhere near Port St. Lucie in Florida and need help with your vehicle, contact Eddie.
    You will be glad you did >>
    There was just some rain this morning.
    I’m glad I am in Florida.
    Up north, snow is falling- even in the top of Florida!
    I just heard from Eddie that my van might be a goner. He has yet to bring it into the shop to put it on the lift and take a look. My mind is reeling; I never thought about life without my van. I don’t know what my next steps are. My mind immediately goes to my daughters and how they might be able to help.
    There is some hope that Eddie can get the brakes working again, and I will be okay with that, but things aren’t looking good. I’m terrified right now about my possible life change. Eddie also said the engine mounts are crumbling and need to be replaced. Something for the future, like so many other things.
    Today was also a cloudy/rainy day. I’m not ready for this life change. My mind has gone sad. This makes me look at my entire life and wonder why I am here.
    Do you have or know of someone who has a car they are not using that I could obtain for a low price? This may be necessary soon.
    Please help me.
    1/22–They have been working on my van since 8 am, and it is almost noon. They discovered that the two brake cylinders in the back wheels were leaking, which was the main problem. They also saw other things that need to be taken care of later.
    Maybe it’s time for a new vehicle. I thought that the van was kaput, no more. They suggested other things that need to be taken care of. So, yes, it is time for a new set of wheels. Eddie has some guys who work with him; they are also quite knowledgeable about vehicles like Eddie.
    I’ve been working on this blog while they are busy.
    I just heard on the news that tonight will be very cold in the area.
    That scares me a little, but I’ll be alright (I hope.)
    After I left Eddie’s, I went to a local library. I am working on this blog and sending emails. I did not have lunch, as the library closes at 5:30. I will be here until they close, then go out and make dinner.
    1/23–Florida is a bore. I am driving along Route 1 on the state’s east side today. The roads, shops, people, cars (there are so many), and places are the same. Everything is the same everywhere you go. I have a month to spend. What should I do?
    I am now at The Gardens Branch Library, part of the Palm Beach County Library System (see pbclibrary.org). It is massive, very quiet, and very popular. It is a good place to work on the blog. They have a big parking lot, so I plan to drive to the other side to sleep in the van. I will let you know.
    Today, I find life to be very dull. Living life as a solo venture can have its faults. Yet, no one wants to be with Kit. I could say, “I understand”, but I don’t. Being in West Palm Beach, I would think there would be many more things to look at, but there are not.
    1/24–Last night, I parked on the far side of the lot and slept well. The library did not open until 10 a.m., and here I am.
    I completed the tasks I had planned to do in the van earlier. Improvements have been made, and I am happy with what I accomplished.
    One thing that bothers me about drivers in Florida is that many do not use their turn signals. This is a pet peeve of mine (what is a peeve, and how did this peeve get a pet?) At least let the world know your plans by using turn signals.
    Here are my plans >>
    Scheduled: I have an appointment with a neurosurgeon on February 25 to see how good or bad I am doing. New Jersey is a no-fault state, so they have to cover anything even casually related to the accident I had on April 3, 1982.
    I have until about 21 February to spend time. I plan on staying down here until then for the warmth. Do you have any suggestions on what I could do?
    My daughters, Jasmine and April, have been working with Greg of Selective Insurance (the insurance company of the guy who hit me). Selective will find me a place to live where I do not have to pay rent. Of course, you will find out more later.




    I keep this section about gardening in.
    I do like the skill and hope you do, too.

    Winter now, but there are still things you can grow.
    And, remember about indoor gardening.
    A self-supportive life can be a better life.
    A garden would be a part of that life.   
    You must look into it.
    Because I am back on the road, there will be no more words about the garden.
    I do hope Beth keeps it up.
    We did a lot of work establishing our vegetable garden.
    When I drove the van seven years ago,
    I grew stuff under the sunroof windows on the top.
    I may start that up in my van garden again.
    You will find out, of course.


    Start planning your life and future NOW– STARTING TODAY!
    NEXT BLOG >>
    BLOG 308–The Shaman and the Deer?



  • BLOG 306–Food and Eating and Your Health

    BLOG 306–Food and Eating and Your Health
    Don’t sleepwalk through life.
    I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
    The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or wonder?)


    *** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
    *** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
    *** I was hit by two different trucks, but I remain happy.
    *** Going through a 37-day coma — Yikes!
    *** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
    *** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
    *** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
    *** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
    *** What are you passionate about?
    *** Only YOU know what is best for you.
    *** You cannot change the past. The future will come. All you have is now—ALWAYS!
    *** Have you seen >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFC5vLPDWRsvo


    You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I help guide you. I want to lighten your path toward excellence. I am not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me each time—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually add to your life and bring you to a higher level. Your life should always be starting again–a better life each time!
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual demise?
    You can (and should) make changes to improve your life — at every age.
    Of course, that leads to helping others to have a better life.
    We all need to help each other to reach a higher level.
    You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide you with additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
    I hope to spread ideas from my life so you can live better.
    Remember — only you know what is best for you.
    And — you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Learn a New Word — Every Day!
    Sign up at >> https://www.wordgenius.com/ 


    It took my daughters to bring me back to life. Unfortunately, this morning, Jasmine and April discussed some of the changes they have endured in their lives, and their words changed my perspective on my current life. They got me a room at a hotel (paid for by April’s church, thanks). This place was great for sleeping, working on my computer, and eating—not necessarily in that order.
    Then, I went to Atlantic City to visit my old friends, Tom and Maria Biebel. The two worked in the show’s spotlights when I performed there, and I spent a couple of nights with them. Tom has consistently used his mind well. At age 72, he still works daily on sound and lighting at various locations.
    Food, Eating, and Your Health
    At this point in my life, I don’t eat much. It doesn’t “hurt” to be hungry, and much of my food consumption is based on habit. People have taught themselves to eat like they do. Actually, because of my accident, I never feel hungry or full. I know it is necessary to eat to live, so I do.
    Do you maintain healthy eating habits?
    This is something we should all strive to adhere to.
    Eating better will not only affect your body, but you will think better, too.
    The quality of the food you eat profoundly impacts the health of your body and brain. Every meal and snack is an opportunity to choose nutritious and delicious foods, which research shows affect all dimensions of well-being.
    No food provides all the nutrients we need, so it’s essential to have a diverse diet that includes plenty of fresh ingredients and is as little processed as possible. Oily fish, potatoes, avocados, eggs, and green leafy vegetables are some of the most nutritious foods.
    The fruits and vegetables we buy at the supermarket today often look very different from the produce of centuries past. Some 10,000 years ago, as humans shifted from hunter-gatherer societies to permanent settlements, the cultivation and modification of crops began in earnest.
    Early farmers usually selected plants based on their harvestability and fruit size. Over time, plants were crossbred to enhance their best traits, gradually improving their fruit’s taste, size, and yield. Today, our modern produce tells the story of the coevolution between humans and the plants we eat.
    Some things we eat >>
    “What’s up, doc?” Carrots weren’t always the vibrant orange we know today. The root vegetable originally grew in yellow, purple, and white shades. According to popular legend, Dutch growers in the 17th century gave the carrot its modern hue.

    Watermelon—According to a genetic study, wild watermelon originated in parts of Africa but resembled little of the sweet summer fruit we eat today. However, watermelon looks similar on the outside to what we see in stores today—wild. It featured pale, rind-like flesh marked by swirling, recessed pockets of seeds. Researchers believe the fruit would likely have been sweet even in its early state, although not as sweet as the selectively bred bright-pink species we enjoy today.
    Corn—Ancient Corn Has Been Compared to Dry, Raw Potatoes of Current Times. Corn’s ancient ancestor was teosinte, a grasslike plant that grew kernels in small, tough shells. Cobs weren’t peeled like they are today; the outer shells had to be hammered open, and the kernels are said to have had a starchy texture that resembled dry, raw potatoes.
    Potato—Potatoes originated in the Andes mountains of South America, where indigenous people domesticated them over 7,000 years ago. They slowly evolved into their current form in the South American Andean highlands between Peru and Bolivia. Human settlers reached that part of the world around 15,000 years ago and domesticated wild potatoes around 8 millennia BC.


    Peaches–Peaches used to be harder and less sweet in the old days. This popular tree fruit is beloved for its sweet, juicy flavor. However, it once had little flesh, and what it did have was less juicy and more earthy. Peaches originated in China; fossils indicate that they even predated humans. Originally, wild peaches were greenish and much smaller. The pit took up most of the space, the skin was waxy, and they had 4% less sugar than today’s varieties. 

    Bananas–Easier to peel nowadays, nutritious, and sweet, but they are more challenging, stockier, and full of hard, black seeds in their original incarnation. In fact, instead of the banana itself, people once ate the tree’s flowers or shoots. Things have changed much. There are over 1,000 banana varieties now, but we’re most familiar with the Cavendish banana.
    No single food is the healthiest, but a variety of fresh, minimally processed foods can help you maintain a healthy diet. They say to avoid animal meat, which I try to do. 

    The following will add to your life, too >>

    1. Water (most important)

    Drink 8 to 12 cups of water daily.
    I drink two big cups of green tea daily. 


    1. Dark green vegetables
      Eat dark green vegetables at least three to four times a week. Good options include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and leafy greens like lettuce, kale, and spinach.

          3. Whole grains
    Eat whole grains at least two or three times daily. Look for oatmeal, whole wheat flour, rye, barley, amaranth, quinoa, or a multigrain. A good source of fiber has 3 to 4 grams of fiber per serving, and a great source has five or more grams per serving.

    4. Beans and lentils
    Try to eat a bean-based meal at least once a week. Add legumes, including beans and lentils, to soups, stews, casseroles, salads, and dips, or eat them plain.

    5. F
    Eat two to three servings of cooked fish a week, weighing three to four ounces. Salmon, trout, herring, bluefish, sardines, and tuna are good choices. However, I have never tried this since I am allergic to fish.

    6. Berries
    Include two to four servings of fruit in your diet each day. Some examples are Raspberries, Strawberries, Blueberries, and Blackberries.

    7. Winter squash
    Eat butternut and acorn squash as well as other richly pigmented dark orange and green colored vegetables like sweet potato, cantaloupe, and mango.

    8. Soy
    A low-fat diet with twenty-five grams of soy protein daily is recommended to help lower cholesterol levels. Tofu, tempeh, soy milk, edamame soybeans, and texturized vegetable protein are good sources of soy protein.


    1. Flaxseed, nuts and seeds
      You can add one to two tablespoons of ground flaxseed or other seeds to your food daily or a moderate amount of nuts—1/4 cup—to your daily diet.

          10. Organic yogurt
    Men and women between 19 and 50 need 1000 milligrams of calcium a day and 1200 milligrams if 50 or older. Eat calcium-rich foods such as nonfat or low-fat dairy products three to four times daily. Include organic choices.


    Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. Have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    Your quality of thinking and how you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determine everything in your life. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
    To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
    Motivational quotes affect our brain, behavior, and lives because they make us feel like we are in control of our success and have self-efficacy. Quotes make us believe that we have the confidence to complete a task successfully, which is different from having the motivation to succeed.  
    Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
    In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
    The correct motivational quote can change you and things—helping you ditch the excuses, escape your comfort zone, and take action. Read these words with an open mind and learn to improve your life.
    When you read these quotes, you’ll also realize that many other people worldwide are experiencing these feelings. These feelings make you think you’re the only person who could feel this bad. But you’re not. Lots and lots of other people feel bad, too. This is the irony of it. You don’t want other people to feel crappy, but it does make you feel better or at least comforted to know that other people feel just as bad as you.
    These quotes can be used when you wake up or prepare for work.
    You can write your favorite quotes somewhere where you can see them first thing in the morning.
    These quotes are motivating, inspiring, and encouraging.
    They will help you see your potential, stay motivated, and see the beauty in every morning.
    Use them to your advantage! 


    “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” –  Hippocrates
    “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” – Ann Wigmore
    “Most people don’t realize that food is not just calories; it’s information. It contains messages that connect to every cell in the body.” – Dr. Mark Hyman
    “All children should have the basic nutrition they need to learn, grow, and pursue their dreams. Because, in the end, nothing is more important than the health and well-being of our children.” – Michelle Obama
    “Our bodies are our gardens; our wills are our gardeners.” – William Shakespeare
    “Science and mindfulness complement each other in helping people to eat well and maintain their health and well-being.” – Nhat Hanh
    “The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your system.” – Robert C. Peale
    “In our fast-forward culture, we have lost the art of eating well. Food is often little more than fuel to pour down the hatch while doing other stuff – surfing the Web, driving, walking along the street. Dining al desko is now the norm in many workplaces. All of this speed takes a toll. Obesity, eating disorders and poor nutrition are rife.” – Carl Honore
    “One should eat to live, not live to eat.” – Benjamin Franklin
    “Don’t eat anything your great-great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. There are many food-like items in the supermarket your ancestors wouldn’t recognize as food. Stay away from these.” – Michael Pollan
    “The produce manager is more important to my children’s health than the pediatrician.” – Meryl Streep
    “Good nutrition and vitamins do not directly cure disease; the body does. You provide the raw materials, and the inborn wisdom of your body makes the repairs.” – Andrew W. Saul
    “Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it.” – Heather Morgan
    “By cleansing your body regularly and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible!” – Dr. Edward Group III
    “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” – G. K. Chesterton
    “Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” – Edward Stanley
    “People who love to eat are always the best people.” – Julia Child
    “Exercise is king; nutrition is queen. Put them together, and you’ve got a kingdom.” – Jack LaLanne
    “When you start eating foods without labels, you no longer need to count calories.” – Amanda Kraft
    “If you keep on eating unhealthy food, then no matter how many weight loss tips you follow, you are likely to retain weight and become obese. If only you start eating healthy food, you will be pleasantly surprised how easy it is to lose weight.” – Subodh Gupta
    “If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food.” – Errick McAdams
    “Any food that requires enhancing by the use of chemical substances should in no way be considered a food.” – John H. Tobe
    “You are what you eat. What would YOU like to be?” – Julie Murphy
    “Your body is the direct result of what you eat as well as what you don’t eat.” – Gloria Swanson
    “I don’t think I’ll ever grow old and say, ‘What was I thinking eating all those fruits and vegetables?’” – Nancy S. Mure
    “To change our eating habits, we must learn to eat mindfully, being more aware of chewing and tasting what we eat so that the brain can register the incoming nutrients.” – John M. Poothullil
    “My favorite thing to do is eat, and eat well.” – Lena Olin
    “I always take the time to eat well and eat locally because it’s common sense.” – Ellen Page
    “One cannot think well, love well, or sleep well if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf
    “By eating many fruits and vegetables in place of fast food and junk food, people could avoid obesity.” – David H. Murdock
    “I believe in eating real food.” – Martha Stewart
    “Food is medicine, and the right kind of a relationship with food can make a positive impact on your health.” – Hayley Hobson
    “Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.” – Bethenny Frankel



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
    You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
    Do you know what you did last Monday?
    Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
    Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
    Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day, each moment!
    1/10–Two down in one day–very sad.
    Early on, I connected with Lori Day. Lori and I were boyfriend and girlfriend back in elementary school. She has been happily married for many years. We had been writing back and forth on Facebook.
    Lori mentioned her hatred of Trump. I said, “Give him a chance, and let’s see what he does.” Lori blocked me on Facebook, so I have no more of her, which surprised me.
              Lori’s loss?
    Then I looked for Lori’s contact info, including her address and email, but it was not on my computer. Beth had deleted many of my contacts when we were together. Lori must have been one of the deleted. So now I have NO way to contact Lori, but I am unsure if I would want to.
    Speaking of Beth, she sent me a nasty email telling me she never wanted to hear from me again. I always hoped we would be back together, but now I see that will never happen. So, I won’t contact her again.
            Beth’s loss?
    Yes, I am feeling very unloved in the world.
    Am I that bad of a person?
    Can no one be with or around Kit?
    So now I can never connect with Lori or Beth, which makes me sad. My anger has grown so big that I don’t know what to do. Is there no one in the world who would want to be with Kit?
    It is daybreak.
    I just opened the window covers in the van.
    A couple of inches of snow covers everything.
    I hate the snow.
    I hate the cold.
    Currently, I hate life.
    It’s hard to hold back tears right now.
    1/11–April and Jasmine will help me clean this room later. I have not made it dirty, but the daughters want to ensure no other charges, which is correct.
    As often happens, I woke up at about 1 am and cannot get back to sleep, so I am up for the day. Right now, I am trying to figure out what there is to live for—not finding it.
    At times like this, I think of all my losses—there have been so many. Then, I remember telling myself something from years ago: “Learn to change with the changes.” Remembering this calmed me down.
    1/12–I’m at a low point in my life and don’t know how to get out of it. I mainly stayed in my room today, watching YouTube and working on my writing. But, by writing this blog, I want to make “you” feel better; I shouldn’t write about my difficulties. But writing these words helps my mind.
    I took the van to get behind the wheel and see how things were. There is not much around here. A big storm is coming next week, which scares me—some of the coldest air—YIKES. You will find out later how things turn out.
    I showed Jasmine and April the words I had for this blog. They suggested not publishing them because they were somewhat negative. As a blog reader, should I withhold writings like the ones I wrote?
    1/13–Once again, I awakened at about 1 am; my mind said to stay awake. I am planning to bring my van to Dave’s, https://www.autorepairclaymont.com
    I’ve gone to Dave for many years, and he knows his stuff.
    Yesterday, talking with Jasmine helped. As she continues to work at her job, she is applying for other work at various places. I wish I could help her somehow. She has a couple of business ideas she wants to pursue; I will help if possible.
    I drove to Atlantic City to visit and spend a few nights at the house of my friends Tom and Maria Biebel. They worked the spotlights when I performed in the show at Ballys Casino. The drive there was enjoyable.
    When I lived in Trainer, PA, I rode my bike from home to Atlantic City, about 70 miles each way. My drive today brought back many memories of the ride.
    I have an appointment with a big-time neurologist in north New Jersey on February 25. The doctor will later contact Greg from the insurance company to decide how bad (or good) I am doing. I am just spending time until then.
    So, I am spending time until I see the neurologist on the 25th. Because of the cold, I decided to go south, perhaps to Florida. If you are anywhere on the East Coast, I would love to visit you. Please send me a message, and I will stop by. I heard on the news that an arctic blast will be coming in.
    1/14–It scares me that I will leave tomorrow to get on the road as the cold air comes in—they call it an Arctic blast. YIKES. Maria says some people are arriving the day after tomorrow, so I understand I must be out.
    Their son, Matt, had an accident in which he fell back, hit his head, and had a back problem. He is permanently disabled and has trouble walking and moving. It will be like this for the rest of his life. He seems to be alright with it, though.
    All day I had been looking for my phone. Did not find it anywhere. When I first arrived, I carried an assortment of items into the house. The phone was with that stuff. Maria’s son, Steve, told me about
    On the computer, it showed the phone was right in this area. We went out to search for it — Goggle had sent a sound (song) to hear and find the phone. Because the phone was down in the weeds, I would have never seen it just by looking in the area. I AM SO HAPPY!
    I didn’t panic or get upset when I couldn’t find the phone.
    I started right away to think of SOLUTIONS to the problem:
    1) I have an old phone in the van that I could have started using.
    2) I would call and transfer things to the old phone.
    3) And/or I would order a new phone.
    I don’t really “need” a phone; I can use my laptop to make calls.
    When you don’t panic and look for solutions, you calm down. I feel such relief after that ordeal. Relax, never panic; things will always work out for you. The solution I wrote earlier works for Android phones. For Apple, go to   https://www.icloud.com/find/
    What did we do before computers?
    What did we do before cell phones?
    What did we do before GPS?
    Forget about your phone; have you thought about your death lately? It’s coming to each of us. I’ve been reading about many famous stars dying this week. Many are going away. You have limited time; you must do what you must before your demise.
    I just went out to bring some stuff to the van. It’s already very cold out there. I will sleep in the van in the cold as I go south. Freeze to death?–naa. Of course, I will let you know how it is. Right now, I am pretty scared about living in the cold van.
    1/15–I am using my phone to voice-type. Works out well.
    I woke at 1 am, then got back to sleep until about 3, which is good.
    Currently, I’m on I-95 South. I passed through Wilmington and will pass through Baltimore and then DC; I look forward to seeing those places. I’ve decided to go south toward Florida to avoid the cold weather. I feel lost and lonely. I could change, but this is the life I choose.
    Currently, I hate this life. I feel lost and lonely. I drive without my seatbelt on because right now, I don’t care if I live or die. It’s a weird feeling to have right now.
    You may not know some other things about my driving. I use my left foot to brake; my right side is less sensitive because of my brain injury, so I can’t depend on my right foot. Also, as a result of the accident, I sometimes see double. I have to close one eye sometimes to see right.
    I’m passing through the DC area now, and the traffic is horrendous. My engine is on, and no one’s moving, so I’m just waiting, and I can’t stand this.
    There are so many who do this drive daily. Is there any job that is worth it to go in traffic like this each day? It’s just ridiculous to me. An accident on the other side of the road is causing this backup, and everyone is slowing down and stopping to look at it—yes, all the looky-loos.
    It’s hard to imagine that if someone got a flat tire or lost engine control, they would probably be stuck here all night, blocking their lane. Cars would be backed up behind them for miles, so it’s a nightmare.
    I’m driving to a Costco in the south, about 116 miles away. I’ll arrive late, so I thought of getting gas a ways back, ten bucks worth. I was low, but I had to ensure I had enough to get there.
    I finally came up on what occurred. There was a car upside down across the lanes that went from four lanes down to one lane because of that. If they would remove the car as soon as possible to clear things up, that would be good, but they are not, and it’s sad.
    Finally, traffic went smoothly and quickly, but I encountered another traffic jam. What fun it was! Avoid traffic and freeways if you live in the Washington, D.C., area. Find a way to get to work so you don’t have to drive through this.
    I finally arrived at Costco, where I filled up on fuel and sampled the different foods offered until I was full. I saw there was a Best Buy nearby, so I went. I parked in the quiet, dark back of the store and spent the night there.
    1/16–Overnight, it got pretty cold. After all, there was still snow on the ground. I pulled out my sweatshirt and extra blankets. Surprisingly, I did get some sleep.
    I went into Best Buy and got help from Geek Squad. I have a membership, so free help. The guy helped me with several things and made me happy.
    I’m now at a library — https://halifaxnc.libguides.com/c.php?g=336529&p=9064562
    They close at 5 pm, so that I will be here until then. 

    I planned on sleeping in the van tonight outside here, but I just heard a long train go by, so I would expect that later. I will have to find another place to sleep tonight.
    I’m the only one who has been at the library all day since I was here. Five people work here and held small meetings. Is it kind of a waste of time and money?
    Right now, another train is passing by. There is noise, and I won’t be able to sleep here. So, I will go to the van and prepare blankets and other things for tonight—I must stay warm.
    1/17–I parked in a residential area near no houses last night. I thought this was okay; someone didn’t like it and called the cops. She showed up and told me I needed to move, so I went to Walmart for the night. Parked in the back between two big trucks, it was quiet and had no light.
    I slept until about 4 a.m., which is good for me. Then, right away, I went to a WAWA to get hot water for my tea. This was free, as I brought my own tea.
    Then, I checked the GPS for a McDonald’s in the area; one was a short drive away. I knew it would be warm inside; I could use the Wi-Fi and eat a sausage biscuit. I will be in this restaurant for about three hours, which is well worth the $1.86 cost for the biscuit. 
    After I leave here, I will head further south. The cold looks very cold, so the further south, the better. I often go to libraries to get online. These places are warm and everywhere.
    Right now, I’m pulling off of I-95.
    It’s scary to drive by so fast and see so many vehicles.
    Who knows where I will end up today?

    I found a library in Selma, North Carolina, and will spend most of the day and evening here: https://selma-nc.com/departments/library/.
    I will complete and send this blog later. At 5 p.m., the movie Mr. Popper’s Penguins will be shown. I like it here so much that I plan to stay the night. The parking lot should be dark and quiet. 




    I keep this section about gardening in.
    I do like the skill and hope you do, too.

    Winter now, but there are still things you can grow.
    And, remember about indoor gardening.
    A self-supportive life can be a better life.
    A garden would be a part of that life.   
    You must look into it.
    Because I am back on the road, there will be no more words about the garden.
    I do hope Beth keeps it up.
    We did a lot of work establishing our vegetable garden.
    When I drove the van seven years ago,
    I grew stuff under the sunroof windows on the top.
    I may start that up in my van garden again.
    You will find out, of course.


    You know how, start eating right this week.
    Think about everything that goes down your throat.
    NEXT BLOG >>
    BLOG 307–Planning Beforehand



  • BLOG 305–It Never Made Any Sense to Me

    BLOG 305–It Never Made Any Sense to Me
    Don’t sleepwalk through life.
    I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
    The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or wonder?)

    *** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
    *** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
    *** I was hit by two different trucks, but I remain happy.
    *** Going through a 37-day coma — Yikes!
    *** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
    *** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
    *** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
    *** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
    *** What are you passionate about?
    *** Only YOU know what is best for you.
    *** You cannot change the past. The future will come. All you have is now—ALWAYS!
    *** Have you seen >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFC5vLPDWRsvo


    You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I help guide you. I want to lighten your path toward excellence. I am not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me each time—I love it! In other words, I hope to continually add to your life and bring you to a higher level. Your life should always be starting again–a better life each time!
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual demise?
    You can (and should) make changes to improve your life — at every age.
    Of course, that leads to helping others to have a better life.
    We all need to help each other to reach a higher level.
    You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide you with additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
    I hope to spread ideas from my life so you can live better.
    Remember — only you know what is best for you.
    And — you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Learn a New Word — Every Day!
    Sign up at >> https://www.wordgenius.com/ 


    Mainly staying around the hotel, I am staying at this week. They have Wi-Fi and a warm room, which is where you would find me. Edited and added to the blog, I hope you like it. 

    Am I blind?
    I don’t see it.
    Mary Ellen lived with me, married for 23 years, and departed.
    Tina was with me for a couple of years before breaking us up.
    Beth was with me for a couple of years, married, before she broke us up.
    I’m just not seeing what I am doing to chase these partners away from me.
    I’ve tried to analyze my life to see what I am doing to chase away these loves of my life.
    A couple of guys, too, want nothing more to do with me.
    Am I just too stupid to figure out what is happening?
    How am I so bad?
    I’ve tried to understand why Beth made me leave and simply cannot. She said several things, but when added up, they seemed like things a person could handle. But I am alone and going on to live my life  (but for how long?). I am told there is a God who runs our lives and will help—where would this God be?

    For this blog, the subject is the idea of a god. If there were a god, would they hook me up with someone I could love intently? At this point, I do not say I do not believe in any God; it’s too big a picture to say that. But I acknowledge that there has never been sufficient “proof” of any god. I’ve studied and read the Bible, but there is nothing there.
    There are two questions I ask believers to answer to help me see where they are at >> 

    1. Please give me your one BEST realistic and rational proof for your God.
    2. Why should I believe in this God? 

    Most get stumped and cannot answer this question.
    Or, their answers are all over the place, and they cannot explain them.
    I’ve previously covered this subject–God told me to cover it again.
    I still find many who believe, but I have yet to discover why.
    It may be the hope for something after you are dead.
    For me, when you’re dead, that’s nothing more.
    I see so many squander this one life we have — hoping for something later.  
    I aim to see if someone can present me with a god I can believe in.
    The idea that “God doesn’t make sense” is common, particularly when facing difficult situations or trying to understand the intricacies of suffering and life. Many struggle to reconcile their understanding of justice and morals with seemingly random world events, even if they believe in a higher power.
    Myself, I believe that there is no God.
    I’m beyond atheism.
    Atheism is not believing in God.
    Not believing in God is easy — you can’t prove a negative, so there’s no work to do.
    And you can’t prove that there “isn’t” a bear in the trunk of my car.
    Are you sure?
    How about now?
    Maybe he was hiding before.
    Check again.
    Did I mention that my definition of “bear” includes mystery, order, goodness, love, and a spare tire?
    For me, it is a search for meaning in life. You must have a taste of life and keep moving ahead.
    So, anyone who loves truth outside of themselves has to start by not believing in God and then look for evidence of God. You must search. You need to search for some objective evidence of a supernatural power. The atheism part is easy; this is not just about following but about applying yourself with questions.
    Many who believe in a god do so because others do; they don’t want to be left out. These people allow themselves to follow, often without thinking. This brings me back to the two questions I asked previously. Can you answer the questions and still believe?
    But telling yourself, “This I Believe” words demands something more personal, such as a “leap of faith” that helps one see life’s big picture and some rules. So, I’m saying, “This I believe: I believe there is no God.”
    In life, I am not greedy. I have love, blue skies, rainbows, and seeing jugglers, which must be enough. It has to be enough, but it’s everything in the world, and everything in the world is plenty for me. It seems just rude to beg for more.
    Believing there’s no God means I can’t be forgiven except by kindness and faulty memories. That’s good; it makes me want to be more thoughtful. I have to treat people right the first time around. Asking a god for forgiveness after you do something terrible is ridiculous.
    Not Believing there is a God stops me from being solipsistic. I can read ideas from all different people from all different cultures. Without God, we can’t agree on reality, and I can keep learning where I might be wrong. We can all keep adjusting so we can communicate.
    People say, “I have faith; I believe this in my heart, and nothing you can say or do can shake my faith.” These people are not open to hearing any better ideas. I certainly will if someone can present the idea of a believable god. How about this: If there were a god, then this god would know precisely what it would take to have me believe–NOTHING!
    Most religions say, “Shut up.” But most all obscenity is less insulting than, “How I was brought up, and my imaginary friend, means more to me than anything you can ever say or do.” So, believing there is no God lets me be proven wrong, and that’s always fun.
    It means I’m learning something, and there is continuous learning in life.
    The idea of a god limits us.
    I must be careful not to offend. Both of my daughters were raised to believe, and they do. They delved into faith because their mother had them attend church each week. I went to and was often so bored I was almost sleeping. I went each week to try and learn how these people could believe.
    I’ve heard it said, “Get ‘em while they’re young, then you have them for life.”
    Believing there is no God means the suffering I’ve seen in my family, and indeed, all the suffering in the world isn’t caused by an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent force that isn’t bothered to help or is just testing us but rather something we all may be able to help others with in the future. No God means the possibility of less suffering in the future.
    Believing there is no God gives me more room for belief in family, people, love, truth, juggling, beauty, sex, Jell-O, and you–all the other things I can prove that make this life the best I will ever have.


    Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. Have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    Your quality of thinking and how you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determine everything in your life. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
    To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
    Motivational quotes affect our brain, behavior, and lives because they make us feel like we are in control of our success and have self-efficacy. Quotes make us believe that we have the confidence to complete a task successfully, which is different from having the motivation to succeed.  
    Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
    In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
    The correct motivational quote can change you and things—helping you ditch the excuses, escape your comfort zone, and take action. Read these words with an open mind and learn to improve your life.
    When you read these quotes, you’ll also realize that many other people worldwide are experiencing these feelings. These feelings make you think you’re the only person who could feel this bad. But you’re not. Lots and lots of other people feel bad, too. This is the irony of it. You don’t want other people to feel crappy, but it does make you feel better or at least comforted to know that other people feel just as bad as you.
    These quotes can be used when you wake up or prepare for work.
    You can write your favorite quotes somewhere where you can see them first thing in the morning.
    These quotes are motivating, inspiring, and encouraging.
    They will help you see your potential, stay motivated, and see the beauty in every morning.
    Use them to your advantage! 


    “For me, God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses.”
    Abraham Lincoln
    “Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion, and he will die praying for a fish.”
    Albert Einstein
    “Believing there is no God gives me more room for belief in family, people, love, truth, beauty, sex, Jell-O, and all the other things I can prove that make this life the best I will ever have.”
    Benjamin Disraeli
    “Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer.”
    Penn Jillette
    “Is man one of God’s blunders? Or is God one of man’s blunders?”
    Madalyn Murray O’Hair
    “Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God?”
    “Is God willing to prevent evil but not able to? Then, he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then, he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
    “Faith: not wanting to know what is true.”
    “Gods don’t kill people.
    People with Gods kill people.”
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    “I refuse to believe in a god who is the primary cause of conflict in the world, preaches racism, sexism, homophobia, and ignorance, and then sends me to hell if I’m ‘bad.”
    David Viaene
    “We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing,  all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.”
    Mark Fuhrman
    “I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”
    Gene Roddenberry
    “What’s “God”? Well, you know, when you want something awful, and you close your eyes, you wish for it? God’s the guy that ignores you.”
    Mark Twain
    “The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike.”
    Steve Buscemi
    “The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at the bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.”
    Steven Weinberg
    “Strange a God who mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness, then invented hell; who mouths morals to other people and has none Himself; who frowns upon crimes yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man’s acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon Himself; and finally with altogether divine obtuseness, invites this poor, abused slave to worship Him!”
    Richard Dawkins
    “The world holds two classes of men:
    intelligent men without religion and
    religious men without intelligence.”
    Mark Twain
    “There is no god higher than truth.”
    Mahatma Gandhi
    “Is he able but not willing?
    Then, he is malevolent.”
    “The word ‘God’ is, for me, nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses and religious scripture, a collection of honorable but still primitive legends that are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can (for me) change this.”
    Albert Einstein
    “With or without religion, you would have good people and evil people doing good things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”
    Steven Weinberg
    “I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.”
    Richard Dawkins
    “I don’t believe in God because I don’t believe in Mother Goose.”
    Clarence Darrow
    “You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.”
    Ayn Rand



    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
    You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
    Do you know what you did last Monday?
    Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
    Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
    Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day, each moment!
    1/4–I awoke thrilled that my bicycle and van were fixed and working well this morning. Although I had concerns, things have worked out well.
    I find Beth difficult; I used to adore her, but the love is still there, waiting to jump back. Has she changed, or have I? Perhaps I am thinking too much about it, but she has deleted so much from my computer—from contacts to photos—all gone! I feel angry and don’t know what to do about it.
    I want to inspire you and help you reach a higher level by reading this blog.
    However, if my writing is pulling you down, I apologize.
    1/5–I did stuff around the area. It was so cold outside that it was hard to work on the van. I watched many videos on YouTube, which was a waste of time.
    1/6–Hi, Beth
            Hi, Valeri
            I hope you’re doing well.
            Enjoying the read?
    I hardly slept last night. My mind just doesn’t like to sleep. Any suggestions out there?
    Looking out the window, I see snow covering everything. I don’t like snow, so I want to head south to the warmer weather. It is 9:33 in the morning, and snow continues to hit the ground. I had wanted to ride my bike, but none of that today.
    I am trapped in my hotel room, where I will work on the blog and other computer stuff. However, I went to the store and got food to avoid hunger.
    1/7–What’s with this waking up at about 1 am and up for the day I am? My mind clicks on and won’t turn off.
    1/8–Jasmine and April took me to the grocery store with them. Of course, they are grown women now and play the part well. I still remember them as youths and playing around in any store we were in.
    1/9–Two different times last night, I awoke, and after a while, I could get myself back to sleep. So, yes, I can do it.
    I needed more juggling scarves, so I went to Walmart and bought “Tulle” material. These are great for teaching beginners and cost only a few cents a scarf. Contact me about this, and I’ll let you know more. Learning the basics of using scarves is easy; people pick them up quickly. Search on YouTube with “3 scarf juggling” to learn to juggle scarves.
    I was uncomfortable behind the wheel because I had not slept or driven for some days. I was extra careful on the road.
    1/10–I slept until about 3 am, which was good for me. It is so cold in this area, so I plan to head south for the warmer weather.
    I went for a drive today to see how things went in my mind. The drive went smoothly, and I was completely comfortable.
    Loaded my bike onto the van. I have this room until the 12th, but I still need to find out. 




    I keep this section about gardening in.
    I do like the skill and hope you do, too.

    Winter now, but there are still things you can grow.
    And, remember about indoor gardening.
    A self-supportive life can be a better life.
    A garden would be a part of that life.   
    You must look into it.
    Because I am back on the road, there will be no more words about the garden.
    I do hope Beth keeps it up.
    We did a lot of work establishing our vegetable garden.
    When I drove the van seven years ago,
    I grew stuff under the sunroof windows on the top.
    I may start that up in my van garden again.
    You will find out, of course.


    Do you believe in a god?
    This week, change your thinking somewhat and see where you stand.
    NEXT BLOG >>
    Do you eat healthily?
    In the next blog, learn how to eat better.

