- Posted by Kit
BLOG 126—In the Semi-Wilderness Currently
(Do you wander or just wonder?)
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.
Also, that you find joy how you can.*** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
*** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I WANT TO TAKE YOU AWAY WITH MEIn
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!****************************************
Each week I look for and try and make things happen to include in my blog words for you. This gives me reasons to “make” things happen. Do you, can you, live your life in that way—Make things happen to make a bigger life?
As you know, being now with Beth is a big change in my life. I’ve missed being in a relationship so much. Not just “another person”, Beth is a special lady and we add much to each other’s life.
Since starting a romance involves the (enthusiastically!) consenting participation of another person, it’s not altogether under your control. But it’s also worth considering the many ways in which getting into a relationship is under your control.
When I’ve not been in a relationship in the past, life was not as fun, in any way. Relationships, for me, have added so much to my life. This has made me sad when I am not with a partner.
Included here are ideas to find and develop a relationship. Also, these ideas can be used to help and add to the relationship you are currently in?
There are things you can do that will affect how easy it is for you to find your romantic partner. If you’ve been struggling with that lately, as I had been, well, read on. With the right attitude, 2021 could be your year. Or, if you are currently in bad relationship, is it time for a change?
I mean, taking your physical fitness more seriously, working on your wardrobe and grooming routine, cultivating your talents and interests. Become as attractive as you can for another person.
Whatever it is that you do, if you’re working on making yourself the best version of yourself, you’ll build confidence and people will start to notice you more and think of you differently. So, aim for excellence how you can.
It’s true that not everyone has charm, money, good looks, or the other common qualities many people think they need in order to find someone, but it’s also true that if you’re feeling unlovable, unattractive or simply undateable, it’s important to.
Whatever angle you choose to work on (and you can choose several), there’s not much that’s more attractive than a person with the humility to recognize their faults and the ambition to improve themself.
If you put in some work to check — and maybe change — your perception of others and treat them as fellow humans who deserve equal rights and t+o be taken seriously, you’d be surprised at how much easier it’ll be to find someone who wants to be in a relationship with you.
Try talking to people you know or are close to about their experiences with sexism and misogynistic. Try reading books or online advice about how to be a better person, and put into practice what you learn.
If you’re not signed up for an online dating service or site, you’re your chances of finding a relationship are quite low. Over the past decade or two, online dating has skyrocketed in popularity. POF is a superb site to find the right person. This is a good site, which is free.
If you’re genuinely looking for a relationship in 2021, sign up for at least one online dating option. If you’re wary of hookup-oriented apps such as Tinder or Grindr, there are a lot of sites tailored for basically every interest, demographic category, and niche subculture out there.
If you are shy when it comes to dating, set a goal and do your hardest to hit it. Whether it’s swiping right on more people, messaging more people, or asking people out more, you should be shooting to reach out more. Above all, aim to make new friends with people.
Opportunities to be in relationships stem from making connections, and if you’re not doing the basic stuff like saying, “Hey, let’s go see a movie” or “Want to grab drinks?” you might never end up at a point where you have the “Let’s be exclusive” conversation.
Maybe the thing holding you back from success is that you haven’t tried hard enough. This is a long shot, but if you have a crush who you’re too scared to ask out, it might be time to give it a try and be honest about your feelings. Become friends, first.
It’s easy to find yourself trapped in a cycle of “Now’s not the right time to bring it up,” but the truth is that if you really want to make something happen with someone, it’s better to shoot your shot.
Make 2021 the year you find out if your interest likes you back. It’s a win/win —either they do (win) or they don’t, but you’re no longer trapped in a state of emotional suspended animation (also win) and you can start to move on and find someone new.
At its core, struggling to find a relationship often involves the fear of failure. If you skipped through all the above advice, take this to heart: Try your best not to let fear of failure prevent you from seeking happiness.
A lot of people are content to go through life without pursuing their dreams because they fear trying and failing more than never trying at all. If your goal in life is to never share any beautiful moments of love and passion, then that’s fine! You do you.
But if you’re pretending you’re OK with being alone because it’s easier than trying to find someone and getting shot down, you’re doing yourself an immense disservice.
Whatever it takes, remember and repeat to yourself: “2021 is the year I try to find a relationship.” Sure, you might fail. You might find yourself reading an article just like this one a year from now. But it won’t be for lack of trying.
Romance is for dates, and it’s fun to have on occasion in your marriage, but it’s friendship that will get you through the rough times. Don’t look for someone who sweeps you off your feet, look to become a friend, first.
Maybe the biggest issue in not being able to find love is that you’re not feeling good about yourself. Like yourself and like your life — really work on that, Schwartz advised. You have to be the person that you’d want to meet. Find the right person for you, it might be the best thing you ever did for yourself.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.I hope the words I pick do help you.
BE INSPIRED BY THESE WORDS>>`Whatever you say you are, be the best of whatever it is.
At any age, you can make the change and aim your life anew.
Now, it’s time to get out there and do
something incredible that you can rejoice in!
=================================MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>
7/17—In the yard today was a raccoon eating some cat food we put out that was extra and older. This raccoon scarfed the food down; good to see. Later I saw that Beth’s dog, Jemma, was after something in the yard. I looked and found a turtle digging.
The Eastern Box Turtle was a wonder to see. Beth has had many turtles in the past and knows how to take care of them. We found a box (for the “box” turtle), and put in spinach, lettuce, and even put in two live worms (the worms were consumed quickly.)
We will only keep the turtle (named “Steve”, after my friend, Steve Mills) for just a few days, then she will be returned to the wilderness out back of the house. Turtles stay within one mile of the area where they were born. If they are removed from their home, they will spend the rest of their lives trying to get back to their birthplace area.
So, we moved her about 20 ft away into the woods. Amazingly, this turtle found her way back to the same area where I first found her; when we returned she made her way back into the dog yard. She started digging a hole. Now we will have to protect that area.
This common turtle can have a carapace length of about 6″ (15 cm). They are usually brown or black with radiating yellow markings on each scale. The scales on the turtle’s body may be yellow, orange, or reddish.
Box turtles are called box turtles because they can withdraw their arms and legs, tail, and head into their shell and close up tightly like a closed box. A hinge on their shell allows them to do this. This shell is called a “Plastron”. Males have a concave plastron, reddish eyes, and the cloaca is closer to the tip of the tail.
Box turtles are the most terrestrial of any turtle in South Carolina. They are most often encountered during spring or summer after a rain shower. They are active during the day, wandering through forests or fields in search of food—earthworms, berries, mushrooms, etc.
During the fall, box turtles move to valleys where they bury themselves under the soil or leaf litter. They hibernate in a shallow burrow in the soil. Like wood frogs and several other reptiles and amphibians, box turtles can survive freezing and very cold periods during the winter.
Box turtles, like most turtles, have very long lifespans. They can live for well over 100 years. However, most probably do not live longer than 30 or 40 years in the wild.
A major cause of death for this turtle is automobile traffic! Thousands and thousands of box turtles are killed by cars every year, though no one knows how this affects the species as a whole.
Individual box turtles usually have home ranges about the size of a football field. As I wrote, this amazing turtle was able to make it back into the yard and has started digging a hole to lay eggs in. I will let you know the progress of “Steve”, the turtle.
7/19-23—What a life I am leading. Often I do not even know what day of the week it is. The days sort of flow together into a magnificent life. I hope you find the same magnificence in your life.
Loving where we live—partial wilderness and close access to a city, Augusta, Georgia. Quiet and nice, only one other house on this street.
Even though I am not traveling and spending more time in the wilderness, I will still write you and try and motivate you with my words.
I would love to hear from you!
Either through Facebook or email – kitsummers@gmail.com*************************
MY CHALLENGE FOR YOU THIS WEEK >>Summer is coming, have you prepared yourself to get into the best shape you have ever been in? Start with stretching and work up to weights and running how you can. It’s time, start today.
This week out to the wilderness.
One place will be Parsons Mountain
Also, Badwell Cemetary,
Long Canes Massacre Cemetery.
Both said to be haunted, wish us luck.
Hope I will still be around to write next week’s blog.
July 23, 202100 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 124—We Saw Some Superb Jugglers this Week
(Do you wander or just wonder?)
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.
Also, that you find joy how you can.*** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
*** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I WANT TO TAKE YOU AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!****************************************
Enjoying my time with Beth, and, it looks like we will be enjoying our time together for the rest of our lives.
After Tina left me a few years ago, I thought I would not be able to find anyone to be with; I saw a solo life in my future. I am so happy Beth and I met and fell in love – this adds so much to my life.
This week Beth and I went to see Niels Duinker in Myrtle Beach. A few other great jugglers were there at the time, too. One of which was Albert Lucas, a fantabulous juggler.
After the show, Beth and I started the four-hour drive back home. I found a place where we could sleep in the van between the growth of many trees. It takes some time to set up the van for sleep for two people.
It ended up that we set the small inflatable bed outside the van on the grass. I slept in the van and Beth on the mattress outside the van. This was the first time she had slept in the wilderness and the first time sleeping outside under the stars. We both slept well.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.I hope the words I pick do help you.
BE INSPIRED BY THESE WORDS>>We all go through hard times and setbacks. After you have gone through the change, even if left-over after effects exist, LET GO of these memories.
Letting go will release your freedom. This, “FREEDOM”, is the only condition for your happiness to return and grow. As you let go of bad thoughts and memories, your life is sure to advance.
At any age, you can make the change and aim your life anew.
Now, it’s time to get out there and do
something incredible that you can rejoice in!
=================================MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>
7-10—Still working on Beth’s roof and around the house. She found a sofa, a huge one, that we had to retrieve with the van. So, I took everything out and we made three trips to get the big pieces.
7/11—Albert Lucas was there, as was Niels Duinker, Slim Chance (David Hirschi), and Deena Frooman (helping to run the International Jugglers Association—The IJA). Along with other jugglers from the area. So, some good representatives of the juggling world.
We were all there to witness Niels’ act at the Wonder Theater in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The audience was there only to see Niels’ show; he was the only one in the show. Afterward, I gave him some ideas to improve what he does, he did like my ideas.
Watch and be entertained >>
Niels — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91rPNSvo5Bc&t=65s
Albert — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91rPNSvo5Bc
Slim — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZUtR2Lyj9A
Deena — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAfRp0Bfvp4
The show was from 4 in the afternoon until about 5:30, after, all of us went across the way to BarLouie. A classy place, all had a good time there. Then, Beth and I started down the road to home. While driving I was looking for a place to park for the night so we could sleep.
Kit signing books for jugglers.
At the entrance to a big field there was a break in the trees; this was our place for the night. I started to set the van up for us to sleep, Beth told me to just put her inflatable mattress out on the ground. She told me this was the first time she had slept out under the stars.
7/12-16—Not much happening these days. Working on Beth’s home and lands, making things better and better. It surprises me that people often do not make improvements to their living situation. Make even small improvements daily and they will add up to a better life.
I would love to hear from you!
Either through Facebook or email – kitsummers@gmail.com*************************
MY CHALLENGE FOR YOU THIS WEEK >>Do you ever write and send a letter the old-fashioned way, with a pen and mail by post? This week, write to three people, letters written by hand and sent with love.
I will send you some photos of Beth’s house to show you the efforts I am taking to improve things.
July 16, 2021 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 123—Living in the wilderness
(Do you wander or just wonder?)
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.
Also, that you find joy how you can.*** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.
*** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I WANT TO TAKE YOU AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!****************************************
Living with Beth in McCormick, SC on a dead-end street sort of in the wilderness, is like heaven for me. In fact, we never lock up when we go out, it is that safe (and, no, I won’t tell you our address.)
I have been making improvements to our home how I can, I see a remodeling of the bathroom and kitchen in the future.
I was on a ladder on the roof and discovered a wasps nest—or, they discovered me. After a few bee stings I got down ffrom the ladder. We got some wasp repellent and I knocked down some nests, yet, there were more under the shingles. I think I have chased them all away.
As I am walking out of Beth’s front door, I see a growth of plants about shoulder high, five different kinds of plants. Then a nice lawn to juggle on. On this short street, there are only two houses, Beth’s and the house that belongs to Don and Teresa, a lovely couple, older like us.
Looking beyond the small road, the is an open grass area with trees throughout. These are a number of horses who live behind the fence, A few times we have brought over apples to feed the houses. Nice and quiet, what a wonderful place to live. Good to have a home-base again.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.I hope the words I pick do help you.
BE INSPIRED BY THESE WORDS>>Live your life deliberately and enjoy the necessary and providential elements of being alive. Make reasons to live a full life and help others how you can.
Stay close to any sounds that make you glad you are alive.
As you know, I have been living and traveling in my van for about five years now. This has been a big change in all aspects of my life-style. To me, shaping your outlook on life is the highest art of all.
Always do what you can to have a full life for yourself.
At any age, you can make the change and aim your life anew.
Now, it’s time to get out there and do
something incredible that you can rejoice in!
=================================MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>
7/3—Went to Abbeville. A lovely little town. like me, Beth does not do anything for most holidays.
Being out of the city, do not hear many fireworks, a good thing.7/5—Visited Beth’s friends, Josh and Tiffany, who have a wonderful farm where I juggled carrots while feeding the donkeys.
7/6—On a ladder putting gutter guards on Beth’s roof gutters. There were wasps nests I did not see. After getting stung by a few, I sprayed a repellent and that chased them away.
7/7—Holly bushes are nasty plants. As you might know, the leaves have spiky ends and hurt to even look at them. And, they are very hard to dig up and will multiply themselves much. I cut off all the main branches and drilled holes in the leftovers. I am pouring Acetone into the holes and this will kill off these nasty plants.Did not do much this week, therefore not much to write about.I would love to hear from you!
Either through Facebook or email – kitsummers@gmail.com*************************
MY CHALLENGE FOR YOU THIS WEEK >>Do something kind for someone who would least expect it.
Beth and I will be going to Myrtle Beach to see my juggler friend, Niels Duinker.
You will hear more next week.
July 9, 2021 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 122—My Life has Changed—Life is Better
(Do you wander or just wonder?)With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.Also, that you find joy how you can.*** Remember, to read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.*** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.*** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I WANT TO TAKE YOU AWAY WITH MEON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!****************************************INTRO TO THIS WEEK >>Together now, but at first, Beth did not want to be with me. She was to the point where she did not want to be with any guy at any time in her future.From what she told me, she was with some bad guys in her past. I won her over, we are madly in love!Both being at the older age of 62, we each know what we like and want in life. We have found it in each other and plan on being together until our death. Actually, we are like two kids playing—all the time.Beth’s home in McCormick, South Carolina is in the wilderness; deer now and them and many trees, a grand place. This will be our home-base as we travel out of the area to National Parks and wilderness areas. So, I will have many more stories for you in the future.I have been looking for a partner for so long, as you might know. I found her in Beth, and I am very happy with my find.=========================WORDS TO INSPIRE YOU! >>Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.I hope to inspire you with my words.Words have power.At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.I hope the words I pick do help you.*************************BE INSPIRED BY THESE WORDS>>From my book series, Beyond Your Potential.The power of your brain is phenomenal. You have the power to do things well beyond whatever you could ever imagine.Your brain is a vast, largely mysterious source of energy and power; and when used correctly, you do wonders. You can alter your life at any time.You can change your reality!We are continually learning new things about the brain and how it works.Because we know so little about how the brain works, many people dismiss the potential of their own minds.When they do limit themselves in this way, they diminish their power and their success in life. People often don’t know how to pull up these good thoughts.In this book, I will show how you can pull from the deep parts of your mind and take full advantage of your brain to help you go beyond your potential.You can reach the success that you yearn for.The more you use your mind for innovative thinking,the better and longer you will be able to use your intellect.Some of the most successful people in the world have believed in the power of their minds and tapped into that power to stretch toward their best, bringing inconceivable riches, success, and comfortable life. This has been documented in numerous studies.Over time, there have been many books and studies on the power of the mind.It still amazes me how little we know about the brain. You have power, learn to release yours.What will it take to release the potential of your incredible mind? You must believe, without any reservation, that your mind can fulfill all your desires, dreams, and plans.This stretching must consume you, taking over all parts of your attention.Emotionally picture yourself having or doing whatever your desire is and you can have anything in life. To help toward this end, you will need to increase your learning and increase your studies.In my studies for this book, I learned that our brains are constantly changing and can keep growing with new knowledge all the time. The more you use it, the better your brain will become.Allow your mind to take off with your deepest wants and desires in an intense way.This intense thinking and confidence must be focused in a way that creates a new world for you. History and many books have shown that if you truly reach for the deepest recesses of your thinking you can achieve astounding results.Open your eyes and your mind to examine what could be.At any age, you can make the change and aim your life anew.Now, it’s time to get out there and dosomething incredible that you can rejoice in!=================================MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>6/28-30—Spending time with Beth has been a joy.7/1—Surgery time again. I had the following surgery done a few times in the past. Once again, I’ve been having trouble swallowing food. I went to Dr. Bachinski in Greenwood, SC.Dr. Bachinski found that I had a stricture in the middle third of my esophagus. In fact, on the initial visit, his scope could not ever pass down my throat. To fix me a tube had to be inserted into my throat and then inflated, which opened me up.The first thing was an IV was put into my vein. Then, later, the anesthesiologist included some Diprivan that was introduced into my bloodstream, along with Propofol.I’ve been put out before, I wanted to fight against the drug and stay awake as long as I could. We sleep many hours every night, I’ve always wanted to see the point where our mind goes from consciousness to unconsciousness. This has kept me awake many nights trying to find this point, could not.I thought going under by drugs would be easier to see the change. But, the drugs present a certain comfort and pleasure that I did not see that point of change. Have you ever tried to find this point?7/2—Awakening early, I joked around with Beth in the early morning hours. I am liking my new life with Beth; much.Working on many projects around here, including redoing the kitchen and building a bed platform.Either through Facebook or email – kitsummers@gmail.com*************************MY CHALLENGE FOR YOU THIS WEEK >>Do you waste water, paper, glass, other resources? This week, find a way to reuse and recycle all that you use. In taking a shower, I have the water on to get wet, then turn off the water and soap down. Then rinse. I use less than a gallon in each shower. Find ways you can use less and get more.***********************NEXT BLOG>>More time with Beth having fun.You will read of this in my writings.=========================
July 2, 2021 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 121—My Solitude Has Changed
(Do you wander or just wonder?)With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way.Also, that you find joy how you can.*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please, befriend me.*** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.*** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I WANT TO TAKE YOU AWAY WITH MEON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!****************************************INTRO TO THIS WEEK >>Beth’s dog, Jemma, on the new carpet we just bought.Many people I have to dream of escaping modern life and living on the road, as I have done for the last five years. With my writings, I want to open your eyes to see that you can change your life.In fact, I know I have influenced at least three others to start living a life on the road. How about you, would you, could you, do it?If you are not loving your current life, you can make changes to the better—and you must! This is the only life you will have, you must live your life to aim for the magnificence that you can.Research and examine your own life. Ask yourself >>• What makes a good life for me?• How am I helping others to live a better life?• How can I make changes to make my life better, what I want? (by “better”, I mean a life that you love)• Am I alright alone in the world?• What is truly important to you?This being the only life you will have, you must aim toward the brilliance you can. There are many of the brain injury area that my words go to. If you have gone through any kind of life-change, you can still find the happiness that is meant for you. I want to help you make discoveries that will bring you happiness.This solitary life I have been living has changed after I met Beth at the library. We are both about the same age at 62, we have fallen in love and will be together for the rest of our lives. Such a relaxing thought that truly is.=========================WORDS TO INSPIRE YOU! >>Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves.Inspirational quotes provide us with a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.I hope to inspire you with my words.Words have power.At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.When you improve the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! In fact, you have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity for improvement, to be better, to get a little bit closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.I hope the words I pick do help you.*************************BE INSPIRED BY THESE WORDS>>From my book series, Beyond Your Potential.LOSS AND GROWTH“Adversity is another way to measurethe greatness of individuals. I never hada crisis that didn’t make me stronger.”Lou HoltzLoss of juggling ability, loss of being able to see well, suffering from ringing in the ears, loss of being able to run, I’ve had many losses. Loss is a part of life. We must accept the loss and learn to use the experience to grow. As I personally learned, after a loss or change, things will never be the same again.THE GRIEF YOU EXPERIENCE AFTER A SIGNIFICANT LOSS WILL REQUIRE A TIME OF RECOVERY, AND GRIEF DOESN’T HAVE TO BE BRIEF.Like a juggler, life is often a balancing act, and each time something causes you to waver, you must regain stability again as soon as possible, or risk an unnecessary drop or tumble through even more hardship—this time, self-inflicted.When you suffer a major loss, such as a death in the family, a divorce, or relocation, it feels as if you have been hit by a truck (I know that feeling well.) It affects you mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.BEFORE YOU CAN GO ON WITH ANY SENSE OF BEING WHOLE, YOU NEED TO PICK UP AND REGAIN A SENSE OF BALANCE AGAIN.But you must also learn from the change and loss to move past it how you can. By doing so, you will be able to progress through life again, as you were doing before the interruption. We all go through a myriad of losses in our life.A few losses I have been through:• The first time I got hit by a truck, I lost my juggling ability and more. Yet, life goes on.• The loss of my wife through divorce and loss of my daughters was devastating for me. Yet, life goes on.• The second time I got hit by a truck, I lost my ability to run, which is something I cherish. Yet, life goes on.• After the first accident, I see double. From a bike accident, I always hear buzzing—no silence. Yet, life goes on.• I lost my mind, which is a hard thing to think about. Is life still going on?I’m not asking for sympathy by mentioning some of the challenges I’ve encountered. Of course, there are millions of people who have been through much worse.We should not compare ourselves to others. Live your own life; focus on yourself and how you can add to the world.When I focus on the future and the hopes I have, my thoughts change. Clinging onto the past and what “could” have been destroys me. I must keep away from doing that. It will help you, too, if you focus on your future with hope.THE PAST IS A MEMORY—LEAVE IT THERE.Remember the joys you have had and the wisdom you acquired, and then leave the past in the past.In thinking back, while I’m sorry about the negative events, I’m not sorry for the growth and learning that I’ve gained from them.FACE IT RIGHT AND YOU WILL MISS NOTHING.You’ve missed chances and opportunities at times in your past, don’t be sad or regretful. You have your future, get excited and enthusiastic about the possibilities your future holds for you.Although sometimes, as I was recovering and looking at the future, I did wish that I could go back. I’ve learned too much that is too precious to ever want to go back now.Discover for yourself as you look back at difficult times in your life and the losses you have had. See how these changes have added to your life as you live. Doing so will help you get through future changes and loss in a better state of mind.LOSS IS A PART OF LIFE.As we go through life, we are all involved in losses of some kind. So much can be learned about ourselves from an experience of loss, even in going through a very painful grieving process.Looking forward from where you are now, live your life with the highest degree of the best expectations.You have to look for what can be gained from even the most painful of events.I HAVE FOUND THAT MANY HORRIBLE LOSSES CAN BE TRANSFORMED INTO LEARNING AND GROWING EXPERIENCES.At any age, you can make the change and aim your life anew.Now, it’s time to get out there and dosomething incredible that you can rejoice in!=================================MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>6/19-21—Spending time with Beth has been wonderful.6/22—Eating food lately has been difficult. My esophagus has been closing down, so it has become difficult to consume food. I went to Dr. Matthew Bachinski in Greenwood, SC.I was put all the way under using anesthesia. I have been put under a few times in the past this way. I like to try and stay awake as long as I can. I’ve always wanted to see the point where my mind goes from consciousness to unconsciousness. This has kept me awake some nights. Of course, I could never see that point.After the surgery, Dr. Bachinski told me that my throat was too narrow to even put his scope down. What he did was put an inflatable tube down my throat and inflated it to widen my esophagus.After awakening, Beth was right there by my side, a wonderful thing. I return next week to have the same procedure done again. I will try harder to fight the anesthesia. You will find out later what occurred.6/24—Beth and I stayed around our home today, although we did get up to pick up a new bed for her house.Having trees and wilderness all around her home and no neighbors, this is a paradise for me. We have talked about how we could just stay here away from everything and everybody and live a fantastic life (I would miss you, though.)But, we will venture out in travels in the future. In August we plan on visiting Beth’s family in Pennsylvania.5/25—As you see, not much happening this week. As I’ve written before, we are in charge of what is happening in our life and sometimes we have to “make” things happen for ourselves. I will do that in this upcoming week.I would love to hear from you!Either through Facebook or email – kitsummers@gmail.com*************************MY CHALLENGE FOR YOU THIS WEEK >>Your aim this week, help at least three other people to make their life better. This, in turn, will make your own life better.***********************NEXT BLOG>>Time for me to get out to visit some parks and back to the wilderness. You will find out next week.=========================
June 25, 2021