- Posted by Kit
BLOG 260—Make it Happen!
BLOG 260—Make it Happen!
I hope to illuminate your life with my words.
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** The joy I experience in life is a marvelous thing!
*** I was hit by two trucks, but I remain happy.
*** If you read through Facebook, see kitsummers.com
*** I lived in my van for six years and visited all US national parks.
*** I married Beth on 2/22/22. We are both quite happy.
*** Thanks, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** You will find secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I am helping to guide you. Coaches like myself hope to lighten the way on your path. Remember that it is up to you to generate your path toward excellence. I’m not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.”I HOPE TO INSPIRE YOU WITH MY WORDS
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.YOU ALREADY KNOW
You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and to show that my ideas can provide additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you. Much of what I write about is taken from my own experiences. In that I have gone through much, I hope to spread ideas for you to live a better life. Remember, only you know what is best for you.
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young
as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive,
and always reach for more advancement.VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED TO MAKE A GREAT LIFE.
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — Make it happen!
Don’t sleepwalk through your life, and don’t sleep too much. Every person has a certain amount of necessary sleep; figure yours out, and don’t go beyond it. I do four or five hours a night. Still think it’s a waste of time, but necessary.
Instead of sleeping, you could make things happen to improve your life. Often, it does not take much — just start! It’s always a choice to sleep and to make it happen. I hope you choose the right one. Sleep is a necessary waste of time.
Now that you’re awake, you must make things happen, such as this week; I have little to write about for my Daily Jottings. That is because I did not “make” things happen to write to you about. When you “make” things happen for yourself, it can add so much to your life.
Successful people are doers–these people make things happen. Driven by passion and fuelled by their dreams, they are determined to change, take action, and make a difference. They are not content to sit idle or procrastinate. Become this person!
If you want exemplary things to happen in your life and are dissatisfied you are not reaching your dreams and life is challenging, things have to change. It is usual for people to resist change, but taking a different path may be the right course of action to take; you must decide this. You may need to make changes. Everyone wants to do good in life, of course. Life can be complex and challenging. Everyone will have problems and trials, even you; no one will escape this life without them.
As we live, we often have to “make” things better. It might take some effort, and this is often necessary. The more you make things happen, the better and more in control your life can be.
Here are some ideas >>
Step 1 – Decide precisely what you want.
Step 2 – Think of something you want to do or work towards.
Step 3 – Write it down. Carefully and in detail.
Step 4 – Know Why You Want It.
Step 5 – Break your goal down.
Step 6 – Tell someone your idea.
Step 7 – Visualise What You Want.
Step 8 – Take Action.
Step 9 – Get Support In Place.
Step 10 – Realize what isn’t working is often the starting point to making a change.
Step 11 – Plan your first steps.
Step 12 – CELEBRATE!To have miraculous things happen, trust yourself; you are the one. When you trust yourself, you will keep moving forward no matter what gets thrown at you because you’ve got a rock-solid foundation (yourself).
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—it is next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
I HOPE THE FOLLOWING WORDS ADD TO YOUR LIFE >>- “There is no sunrise so beautiful that it is worth waking me up to see it.” ― Mindy Kaling
2. “People say, ‘I’m going to sleep now,’ as if it were nothing. But it’s really a bizarre activity. ‘For the next several hours, while the sun is gone, I’m going to become unconscious, temporarily losing command over everything I know and understand. When the sun returns, I will resume my life.'” — George Carlin
3. “Man is a genius when he is dreaming.” ― Akira Kurosawa
4. “I’ve always envied people who sleep easily. Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept, all the little monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed.” ― David Benioff
5. “She used to say she could taste sleep and that it was as delicious as a BLT on fresh French bread.” ― Rebecca Wells
6. “Of all the things a man may do, sleep probably contributes most to keeping him sane. It puts brackets about each day. If you do something foolish or painful today, you get irritated if somebody mentions it. If it happened yesterday, though, you can nod or chuckle, as the case may be. You’ve crossed through nothingness or dreamed to another island in time.” Roger Zelazny
7. “There is renewal in rest.” ― Lailah Gifty Akita
8. “Having peace, happiness, and healthiness is my definition of beauty. And you can’t have any of that without sleep.” — Beyonce
9. “I love sleep because it is both pleasant and safe to use. Pleasant because one is in the best possible company and safe because sleep is the consummate protection against the unseemliness that is the invariable consequence of being awake. What you don’t know won’t hurt you.” ― Fran Lebowitz
10. “My father said there were two kinds of people in the world: givers and takers. The takers may eat better, but the givers sleep better.” — Marlo Thomas
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Keep track for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
2/17–More birds flew away, or, should I say, Beth got two more to a home with kids who will love them
We currently have many bunnies, Do you want one?
Worked on the gardens again today. Remember, if you want to build gardens like mine, I am here to help you in any way I can.
2/18-19–Not much these two days; I hope you found success.
My daughter, April, is in Europe with her husband, Jake. It brings back great memories.2/20–Worked on the blog today. As you see, I am reformatting and making things easier for you to understand. I do hope my words help you make a better life for yourself.
Toiling in the gardens, I am making a place to grow potatoes. I have been learning of the Ruth Stout method. With this, you put chited potatoes on the ground, then set about six inches of hay on top. The potatoes will put down roots and grow above the ground. Simple and ingenious.
2/21–Beth’s aunt bought a new house, which is very nice. Afterward, we went to Greenwood, a new route that seemed much longer and more of a wilderness area. I kept telling Beth this was the wrong way, but I let her try this new way and found it a very pretty wooded route. Of course, I doubt we will go this way again.
2/22– Our Second Wedding Anniversary! Beth rewatched our fairy tale wedding. It hasn’t been easy merging two different personalities, but it has been two years, which shows a willingness to work at it. Have you seen?>>
2/23–(Beth used her writing skills to script this) We helped rescue puppies in town today! Thanks to my bestie, Valerie, who spotted the three pups. Kit and I brought food and water and tried to help Val corral these feral pups. Impossible!
They were underneath a small house next to our historic Cotton Gin. After a few phone calls, we got ahold of our new animal control officers, Smitty and Yonn, who will come to assist.
Then, Valerie heard small puppy sounds from underneath the boards on the back of the little house. The officers pulled up the rotting wood and gently lifted out seven tiny puppies (and, sadly, one who was dead.) Mama was also hiding under the house.
The three pups, around four months old, plus the new puppies, probably two weeks old, and mama, all needed to be taken together according to the Humane Society of SC rules.
The main SCHS office is coming to trap all the dogs and ensure they are cared for. I was very impressed with the officers’ care while trying to catch the pups. Valerie and I have been part of other rescue missions in the past, but it has been a long time, and we were younger and” bendier” then.******************
This week, set your alarm clock to awaken an hour earlier.
Also, stay up an hour later and get things accomplished.
You will be surprised at the amount of time added to your life.THIS IS YOUR LIFE — MAKE YOUR LEGACY HAPPEN!
I turn 65 on Feb 28! Will you celebrate with me?
Finally, the age at which I can retire.
But, I guess I have been retired for most of my life, living the life that “I” want.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
February 23, 202420 - “There is no sunrise so beautiful that it is worth waking me up to see it.” ― Mindy Kaling
- Posted by Kit
BLOG 259—Think Ahead for Your Better Future
I hope to illuminate your life with my words.
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** The joy I experience in life is a marvelous thing!
*** I was hit by two trucks, but I remain happy.
*** If you read through Facebook, see kitsummers.com
*** I lived in my van for six years and visited all US national parks.
*** I married Beth on 2/22/22. We are both quite happy.
*** Thanks, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** You will find secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — Plan and Prepare
So close to death.
So many times.
Somehow, I live–oh boy.
Plans change, change with the changes.
Death will eventually take me, as it will you.
I am prepared for that–are you?
After my last blog, I did hear from Tuko.
Sometimes, I wonder if people even read my words.
It’s great to hear from you, my friend.
In the last blog, I wrote about my recent accident and the breaking of six ribs. Still hurts, but I’ll get through it. I did not tell you in the last blog, but I taught six people how to juggle at the hospital while in bed. They seemed to love their new skill.
You may know when you break a rib (I broke six), there is nothing that can be done about it. Ribs will heal on their own while you suffer the pain. I’ve been trying to figure out exactly how this accident occurred; it is difficult to do such a thing.
Also, I don’t know how the backs of my hands got so many scraps and injuries. I guess it was working with the gutters. So, I have to heal from several things.
Any of us can die anytime. Apply yourself to get the most joy and happiness you can–while you still can- and bring on a spectacular life! Do this while you help others live better lives.
As you read, I fell off a ladder, and I am in tremendous pain. This may not have happened if I had gone slower and thought ahead. But I cannot live by “what ifs.”
A visionary has a strong vision of the future (is this you?) Since such visions aren’t always accurate, a visionary’s ideas may work brilliantly or fail miserably. Even so, visionary is usually a positive word. Make your plans and keep moving ahead!
All I can remember is I fell quickly squarely onto my back. At that point, I just lay there and moaned. That is when Beth heard me. Come to think of it, this could have easily killed me. I must say, Beth has been such a wonderful wife–taking care of all my needs. Thank you, Beth, you are the best.
Thinking about it now, I see how I could have gone slower, figuring out each step and thinking ahead. In my life, I have often done things as quickly as I could. I have to remember to think ahead before doing something.
What exactly do I mean by Thinking ahead? >>
1–Bring balance to your life.
2–Prepare for a future event or situation by thinking about what “might happen.”
3–Showing up every day ready to amaze.
4–Understanding what it means to be unique and different.
5–Always be “on stage,” ready for anything.
6–Always show up early and be ready for your future.
7–Act as if you’re always “on the clock,” even when you’re not.
8–Be proactive and one to make things happen.
9–Become a visionary.
These ideas help you develop your ability to think ahead.
1—Determine precisely what you want to plan or prepare for.
The future is a prominent place with many possibilities, but chances are you want to manage a specific situation, problem, or possibility. Define this goal to the best of your abilities.
2—Use your intuition.
Listen to your first instinct. Intuition often works best before you’ve had time to study details; pay attention to details, even if you do not act immediately. Use intuition as a “lead” rather than as an answer. Investigate what might be causing your hunch or gut feeling and dig deeper until you find it.
Not all your decisions are rational or carefully analyzed; your intuitive guesses can often be robust.
What feels right?
What do you think will happen?
When you use intuition, you draw upon your experience and knowledge differently than when you analyze rationally.
3—Consider what you already know.
Your prior knowledge comes from many places. Have you tried something similar before? Do you know how somebody is likely to react? Have you seen something done, or could you read about others’ experiences with a situation? Could you ask others? Try something out or gather data suggesting what could happen. Learn and then apply.
4—Detect your preferences.
People tend to make guesses and take actions in specific, predictable ways. Recent events may greatly influence your decisions more than they warrant, or you may be more likely to believe something because everyone believes it. If you think this is happening, look closely at hard evidence and question your deductions.
5—Invent speculative situations
Invent speculative concerns related to your objective. Ask yourself “what if” for the various options and imagine possible outcomes and likely courses of events. Think especially about the potential consequences of different courses of action.
6—Assess the worst-case strategy.
What is the worst thing that could happen?
You must evaluate all possible risks.
Is the worst case something you and others could accept?
Is the worst case something you could live with, avoid, or mitigate?
Is the worst case too scary or too undesirable?
How likely is the worst case bound to happen?
How likely is an undesirable outcome?
7—Consider the best-case plan.
What is the best thing that could happen?
Consider the potential rewards.
What can you do to favor the outcome towards the best case?
Where should you set your plans?
8—Think of possible actions to take.
If you are thinking ahead, it is probably because you want to decide how to respond to a concern or need and what your responses would be.
9—Evaluate those actions.
Based on your understanding of how such events usually turn out, choose or narrow down which steps to take.
Whatever you must organize, be it people, equipment, facilities, plans, or simply courage– prepare it. Be ready for anything. Write your desires out in detail to help you manage them.WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
WORDS TO INSPIRE YOU!Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others. Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE’S QUALITY—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.EVEN IF YOU START LATE, ARE UNCERTAIN,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life.
They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.REMEMBER–VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED TO MAKE A GREAT LIFE.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.” – Thomas Edison
“A plan is a list of actions arranged in whatever sequence is thought likely to achieve an objective.” – John Argenti
“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett
“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” – Pablo Picasso
“Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.” – Richard Cushing
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin
“The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.” – Robert Frost
“Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.” – Henry David Thoreau
“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” – Douglas H. Everett
“Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.” – Peter Drucker
“I don’t believe in failure. It’s not failure if you enjoyed the process.” – Oprah Winfrey
“Chance favors the prepared mind.”– Louis Pasteur
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.” – Peter F. Drucker
“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood. Make big plans, aim high in hope and work.” – Daniel H. Burnham
“Plan your work for today and every day, then work your plan.” – Margaret Thatcher
“No plan ever failed due to good planning.” – Jury Nel
“The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.” – John F. Kennedy
“It’s not the plan that’s important, it’s the planning.” – Dr. Gramme Edwards
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Keep track for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
2/9–I took a shower this evening, which was very difficult. It was my first real shower since the accident, and it was so painful. Things will get better daily. You will find out as I write in this blog this week.
2/10–Today is one week from when I fell and broke six ribs. The pain is excruciating, I must say. Beth has helped a lot—a good thing.
I need to get to some projects around the house, but as I heal, I cannot temporarily do so. Going up on ladders might be a thing of the past now.
2/11–I slept in until about 5 a.m., which is late. Right away, I got on the computer and watched videos-ones to entertain and ones to educate. This morning, I watched many on gardening, something I will be getting into much more in the future.
Along with hurting ribs, today I am having a difficult time dealing with my asthma; yes, it is tough to breathe. I believe I have a lot more to add to the world; I do not want to die yet. As you know, I am hoping to live beyond age 100.
Currently, writing this blog is my main effort.
I do hope you like reading my words.
What is your main focus?
2/12–It will rain all day today, which is excellent for the garden. I am glad for the water droplets. Kind of a sprinkle all day, nothing drenching.The gardens are full of dirt, a good thing!
As I write this blog each week I feel my writing technique is advancing.
Are you seeing that?
Please let me know.
2/13–Awakening with much pain this morning. Broken ribs will do that.
I have some dirt to tell you–the place where Beth gets different animal food also sells garden dirt. I asked, and we lucked out. Also, I need hay for the potatoes; they had that, too, some loose hay for nothing. So, it worked out excellent.
Because of my broken ribs, we hired Trey to help get the new dirt into the gardens. This young man did a fantastic job!
We hired Trey to help put more dirt in the gardens; he did excellent.You should be growing your food and studying the subject; it will be necessary in the future. I had written before that if you need garden soil and the like, check out your local Lowes, Home Deport, or Tractor Supply. Ask them if they have any broken bags to get rid of, and there you go!
2/14–Working through my pain and putting the free dirt I got in the gardens. Yes, it does hurt, but it’s getting done. The place where we went to get animal feed had bags of dirt, and they said I could take them. What good news for our gardens.
With the broken ribs, it is hard to work. The bags they were getting rid of seemed to have much water. They should be light and easy to move; I see why they are getting rid of them. These bags were of a pallet; a guy on the forklift was about to put the whole pallet into my van; a good thing.
2/15–The place getting rid of bags of dirt has another pallet full of bags; I will get that today.
I mentioned before you really should make a garden and start growing your food. With the big changes in the world, sorry to say, we must all become more self-reliant. There are numerous sources to help you with this; I hope I have helped.
Starting to plant vegetables in the garden. There are cold-weather plants you can plant now. Lettuce and broccoli are going in the ground now.
2/16–Nothing new to write about today, sorry.
You know how I write my daily jottings? That is your challenge for the week. Write daily what you do all day and let me know. This will give you a chance to examine your life and see what you do do.THIS IS YOUR LIFE — MAKE YOUR LEGACY HAPPEN!
Hopefully, the gardens will start to grow, you will see.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
February 17, 2024 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 258—Kit Goes Down–Again
I hope to illuminate your life with my words.
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—I remain happy.
*** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com
*** I lived in my van and went to all US states, mainly National parks.
*** I married Beth on 2/22/22. We are both quite happy.
*** Thanks, my wife, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
Not Again!
This blog is being put together in the hospital by me on my hospital bed. As you might know, I have had hospital visits in the past, nothing new to me. I have words below about this in the Daily Jottings.
What happened, in brief, is I fell off a ladder, broke six of my ribs, and have been in the hospital, in pain, for four days now. Living in (with) a broken cage. (Rib cage, that is.)
I just learned from the head of physical therapy that I will be released today. Currently, when I go from laying down to sitting, from sitting to standing, any significant bodily changes, the pain is excruciating. So, I do not like to make these changes and just sit here typing rather than going for a walk.
I guess I’m ready to go back to the real world.
Friendly here, they help you do everything.
Back to that scary “real” world.
Someone said again to me,
“You should thank God you got through it alright.”
Why didn’t they say,
“Why do you think God allowed you to fall like that?”
Why do so many people believe that only good things come from this “god” Being (hmm, would you call it that?) I’ve lost friends over this realistic thinking. Do you have evidential proof of such a being? If you do, please let us know on this blog.
I have never believed in any gods, spirits, ghosts, or supernatural beings created by humans. Belief has never made any sense to me. No one has ever presented any good, realistic, and provable evidence of a god or supernatural being. Belief has done much harm to the world.
I just coughed. This is so painful with broken ribs.
Why the hell would a god do this to me?
If you can prove god, do it. Right on this blog for all of us.WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others. Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE’S QUALITY—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.EVEN IF YOU START LATE, ARE UNCERTAIN,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life.
They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.REMEMBER–VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED TO MAKE A GREAT LIFE.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
“Our only kiss was like an accident- a beautiful gasoline rainbow.”
― Alice Sebold
“We do not suffer by accident.”
― Jane Austen
“Accidents ambush the unsuspecting, often violently, just like love.”
― Andrew Davidson
“Love is like a wind stirring the grass beneath trees on a black night,’
― Sherwood Anderson, Winesburg,“Don’t be very frightened, Marilla. I was walking the ridge-pole, and I fell off. I suspect I have sprained my ankle. But, Marilla, I might have broken my neck. Let us look on the bright side of things.”
― L.M. Montgomery
“It has been frequently remarked that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country to decide, by their conduct and example, the important question, whether societies of men are capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend, for their political constitutions, on accident and force.”
― Alexander Hamilton
“The ugliest thing in the world is a beautiful woman without the brains or courage to know that [beauty] is nothing more than an accident.”
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Keep track for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
2/3/24–Working on the gutters today. The gutters are up (thanks for your help, Terry.) I was up on a ladder putting on gutter guards. Gutter guards keep the leaves or any debris out of your gutters. I want to semi-filter rainwater to use on the plants, clean it, and, after more filtering, drink it.
There I was, almost done with the whole gutter. I guess I was not careful enough and don’t know what happened. I ended up falling from about seven feet directly onto my back. They call this “Getting the wind knocked out of you.” At first, while lying there, I could not breathe at all. It was scary. After relaxing for some seconds, I could use my lungs again.
I landed directly on my back. At first, I just looked at my surroundings and wondered what to do. Then I started moving and moaning, and that is when Beth heard me. She helped me to a standing position. The pain had not come on yet at that point.
In past blogs, I wrote about “making something happen” so I could write about it. No, that is not what I aimed for in this incident. In the future, I plan to make “positive” things to add to the blog. This is a suggestion for you, too.
If you think your life is boring and going nowhere, this is a path that you have set. YOU can always go in and make changes for the better. Aim in different directions than you are taking now. You are the one to make your life an exciting event.
Over time, I have learned to fall. In metal shop class while in high school, I built a 14-foot-tall unicycle. I used that off and on, riding around Ocean Beach, where I grew up, and performing a few shows. After falling from the cycle the third time, I gave the unicycle away. I hope the guy I gave the unicycle to did not get hurt.
There I was, lying on the grass, not knowing what to do next. Beth heard me moaning and ran right out. I am so glad she did. I told her what happened, and she helped me into the house. There was much pain in my upper back, so hard to move, it was. Sleep went well; I woke early, as usual.
I hate to deal in “what-ifs, but here goes>>I see now that if I had landed on my front, I could have broken ribs or hit my head. There could have been blood. I can’t imagine my wife’s reaction to blood. I tell Beth not to think of the what-ifs in any situation, but this fall had me considering things that might have happened to me. I am glad they didn’t.
2/4– I awoke about 3 a.m.; I just lay there at first. When I started to move, the pain came up. After lying there, I headed out to my computer to watch YouTube. There is only about one foot of the gutter guard to finish the job, and I will do that today.
Reaching down and picking up something off the ground hurts a lot. I will be doing stretching and exercise to help me get better. I expected I would be out finishing that one last gutter, but that won’t be the case.
It’s incredible how the human body can heal itself.
By next week, I should be okay.
Hopefully, anyway.
2/5–This morning, when I awoke, I just lay there. And, like when the accident first happened, I could not breathe. I was scared because I knew that when I transitioned to a standing position, the pain would intensify. It is a terrifying thing to go through.
I went to the doctor today and had an X-ray done, but he found nothing broken. He offered to give me a shot for the pain, but I refused. I asked for a refill for a pain medication I had once; I was told that I needed to meet with the doctor tomorrow about that. When you see the doctor here, they weigh you and check your blood pressure.
When weighed, I had reached about 200 pounds (Beth feeds me well.) I want to get back to my past weight of 161. In the future, you can read about my pounds going away. I must stay away from chocolate, cookies, and candy. Because I have gained weight, I have decided to eat only when hungry. I am seldom hungry, so I should start to lose pounds.
I used to run or bike ride daily. Because my asthma has gotten so bad, I cannot exercise as I once did. I must find other ways to keep my body in better shape. Because my asthma has gotten worse, it will be difficult to do these passions.
How about you? Are you keeping up with your daily exercise?
2/6–Once again, a day of pain. I did what I could to get things done, but it was difficult.
This hospital is interesting. They set the beds so that if you try to get out of the bed, like to the bathroom, an alarm goes off, and someone comes down to your room. It feels like they want total control but want to ensure everything is safe. Stuck on my butt in bed–yikes.
2/7–In awakening this morning, I just lay there. I knew that if I started to move, the pain would come on. Yes, when I began to move, the pain did come on–strong. Today, I almost feel like I am dying, a terrible thought.
3/8–The days merge here. The nurse comes in, the meal people come in, and the physical therapist comes in. Not at the same time, but the stream flows through. So, I don’t just lay here and cry.
Hate to tell you, I just went poop (but I didn’t pop.) You know–defecation, discharge, dung, excrement, excretion, fecal matter, feces, feculence–that sort of thing. That must have been the most painful time I’ve ever had sitting on a toilet seat. Taking the pain pills makes it hard to go number two, so I am glad the poop happened. I feel refreshed and cleaned out (sorry you had to read those words–but you do it, too!)
3/9–Today is my mom’s birthday (and happy birthday to you, Larry Zeiger!) Mom died a couple of years ago, and it hit me hard. I never even thought about life without Mom; it was uncompromising news to get through.
I just checked my email, and there is nothing in the inbox. Somehow, I must have moved or deleted what was there. There are about 25 items in there, but I don’t care. I reply to critical emails immediately, so I will not worry about the missing mail. I prefer a clean inbox so that things will work out fine.
How is your inbox looking?
Have you sent me an email?
You know you have wanted to.
So many people carry too much weight.
Lose between five and ten pounds this week.
Do this through less food intake and exercise.
I’ll be healing.
February 9, 2024 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 257—You’ve Lived For So Many Days. You’re Doing Excellent!
BLOG 257—You’ve Lived For So Many Days. You’re Doing Excellent!
With my words, I hope to illuminate your life.
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you read this through Facebook, check out my blog on kitsummers.com
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth on 2/22/22.
*** Thanks, my wife, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — How many days have you lived?
I have lived for 64 years.
Which is about 23,360 days.
Which is about 560,640 hours.
Which is about 33,638,400 minutes.
Which is about 2,018,304,000 seconds.
Did I do the math correctly? You tell me.
Many people live each day in sadness and depression; this is a choice for each of us. Many choose sadness, which is sad to me; I hope you don’t. We can all find joy; we just have to be open to finding it.
More importantly, we often have to make the joy ourselves. Even if you have a massive change like I had (one is going through a 37-day coma), you can still find joy, although it could be a challenge.
We are the ones who decide what is important to us.
So, do what is important to you!
Each week, figuring out what subject the blog will be about is challenging.
Have you enjoyed my choices?
Do you have any suggestions for blog topics?
Be sure to let me know.
All our life, we are the ones to choose to have joy.
No matter what might happen, we can all find joy.
How about you?
Are you spending your life how you want?
Here are some other ideas >>
1–Plan the most critical tasks.
This system ensures that you spend time only on important and urgent tasks. Anything else can wait! Make a list of your priorities.
2–Chart your accomplishments each week
A weekly record will show you how you spend your time, including on non-productive tasks. This will help organize your time, primarily if you work differently. Doing this daily will bring a better future, as you see how you are getting ahead.
3–Focus on essential tasks when you’re thinking clearly
This permits optimum attention. But remember to include high and low-attention tasks and/or take a small break occasionally. A break will let your brain recover from any mentally demanding activities.
4–Make a list of what needs to be done–daily
Your priorities and progress are in one place this way. It brings to mind what you have to do, and you’ll get a sense of accomplishment when you see your progress. When working on your own, you must be very self-disciplined. Some do this at the end of every day or the next morning.
5–Take small breaks between tasks
If you work from home, keep things normal and comfortable. Maybe even have a coffee and walk around briefly. This will reinvigorate you and benefit your posture, ensuring optimum concentration when you return to work.
6–Look for signs of procrastination and take action through it
We, at times, procrastinate for many reasons. Homeworkers, beware: The newspaper, Daytime TV, extended lunches, and social media can all take you away from your immediate focus. Don’t let them take over. If you procrastinate, figure out why and take action before it overpowers–you can beat it!. If you don’t, you’ll work late into the night and never catch up.
7–Manage to get together with others
Avoid all unnecessary discussions. If there is no agenda or the right people, either attend or reschedule it. Keep control.
8–Manage your email
Check emails, maybe only two or three times a day; keep emails brief and on point. Don’t look at your emails first; instead, prioritize essential/urgent tasks. Set aside short bursts for responding to emails unless it’s core to your job; use folders to organize emails. Some things are more important than email.
9–Learn to say “NO!”
What can you do to deal with a talkative colleague, a demanding boss who’s heaping more and more work on you, a customer who’s in no hurry to let you get on, or even an unexpected visitor or curious family member? Practice strategies for dealing with interruptions and learn to say “NO” without offending anyone.
10–Decrease your vulnerability
For tasks that require intense focus, don’t be afraid to turn off your email or instant message notifications, put your smartphone on silent, or even go and work in a different office to minimize distractions. If you’re working at home, headphones can help to limit interruptions. Remember to respect other people’s time by keeping interruptions to a minimum!WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others. Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE’S QUALITY—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.EVEN IF YOU START LATE, ARE UNCERTAIN,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life.
They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.REMEMBER–VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED TO MAKE A GREAT LIFE.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
If you are a time management enthusiast, reading time management quotes can be one of the best ways to motivate yourself to improve your time management skills. I do hope the following words add to your life in a good way.
A–“Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” -M. Scott Peck
This quote has the top spot as it says that spending our time and setting important things will reflect our values and how much we respect ourselves and what we do. This is an important lesson we could all learn from. The standard message that we need to value ourselves more is if we say YES to everything.
While it can seem optimistic if we don’t pay any attention to how we spend our time and what we say, Yes, this is quite negative. So, good time management starts with knowing your self-worth and that time is your most precious resource.
B–“I must govern the clock, not be governed by it.” -Golda Meir
One of the most noteworthy advances in managing our time is accomplished when we become bold with spending our time, meaning that we don’t react to every impulse in our environment.
Don’t instantly reply to every message in your email; instead, do it later, after you complete the most essential tasks of the day. The idea is that you govern your daily time to the most significant extent possible, never just responding. You are the one who should be the chief of your time.
C–“Your greatest asset is your earning ability.
Your most excellent resource is your time.” -Brian Tracy
Besides time, your greatest asset is your earning ability. The more competencies you develop, the more you can earn, and consequently, the more money you earn and save, the more leverage you have to reach greater goals (or to use that money to have more free time). Thus, it’s wise to guard your time carefully and maximize your earning possibility.
D–“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” -Abraham Lincoln
Sharpening the saw is about regularly investing in the four basic dimensions of your life, namely >>
Body (Investing in the physical dimension)
Mind (mental dimension)
Heart (emotional dimension)
Soul (spiritual dimension)
Taking care of these four dimensions of your existence is about living a balanced life with the best long-term results. Always take enough time to invest in yourself; you are important.
E–“You can only manage time if you track it right.” – Spica’s team
You can only control what you measure. Time is no exception. Thus, to improve your time management, the first step is to track your time, analyze how you spend time, and optimize your time. If you diligently track time, you’ll also be much more aware of how you spend the given hours in a day and set priorities.
F–“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand.
The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” -Alexander Graham Bell
Focusing on the most essential tasks of the day are two of the most popular concepts in time management. Great things in life are accomplished by avoiding mistakes and multitasking, eliminating all distractions, and giving everything to the task. Focus your efforts and shine at what you do best.
G–“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right”. -Napoleon Hill
Timing is an essential part of being effective. If we do something at the wrong time, we can be doomed to failure simply because of poor timing. Timing is everything. But on the other hand, it’s almost unattainable to hit the perfect timing. The timing of your action needs to be good enough, so make sure waiting for the perfect opportunity is not just an excuse for your procrastination.
H–“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” -Mike Murdock
Exceptional time management is closely connected to managing habits. Good time management happens by itself if you develop the proper habits in life. Regular exercise, starting each day with the hardest task, going to sleep early enough, saying no to things you don’t like, etc. — all habits on which good time management is based. You know how to control your habits, and you can also manage your time on autopilot.
I–“It’s not the daily increase but the daily decrease.
Hack away at the unessential”. -Bruce Lee
We live in difficult times–information overload, multiple distractions, and many options, including buying new things. The remedy to all these distractions is minimalism, which encourages us to have only the perfect amount of something. This idea usually means a daily decrease in purchases, decisions, tasks, etc., which leads to us focusing only on the essentials. It’s hard to be effective if your life is full of clutter.
J–“Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year – and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!” -Anthony Robbins
Completing anything meaningful in life takes years. Overnight success comes after a decade of intricate and intelligent work. We all want to increase our earnings immediately, lose weight, have fantastic relationships, etc., but these things rarely happen quickly. Never overrate what you can achieve in a month or even a year, and don’t underestimate what you can reach in a decade. So, time and patience are the two most powerful tools at your disposal.
K–“You can have it all. Just not all at once”. -Oprah Winfrey
A good view on time management is that it was created so everything doesn’t happen at once. That also means you can have almost everything in life, just not all at the exact moment, and of course, you can only get what you want based on the idea that you invest enough effort.
L–“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” -Robert H. Schuller
As you know, we sometimes find ourselves in demanding situations. In the end, tough times never last, but tough people do. Hard times can often help us become more powerful, learn new things, and develop our character in new and thrilling directions. Sometimes, life tests you, but fortunately, tough times never last.COMPOSE A NOBLE BOOK AND WRITE A BEST-SELLER.
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster. Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Keep track for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
1/27–I am off to Lowe’s again today. I am putting up gutters on a lengthy roof that does not have one. As you probably know, I am adding to the system to collect rainwater. This will be sent into our 275-gallon tote to save the water. I will be building this this week so that you will see.
1/28–There is one last room to improve, and the entire house will improve. We bought a metal rack to hold cans and food items. It was challenging to put together, with each shelf a different height, but I finished it. The birds in their cage are happy.
Today is Sunday, and Beth says that Sunday is her day off. I try not to, but needed her help on a few things. I try to leave the day for her, but I am always doing something.
1/29–It is good to write this blog because it makes me want to make things happen so that I can write it to this blog. MAKING THINGS HAPPEN IS A GOOD THING. Perhaps you may want to start such a thing so that it drives you to accomplish. 1/30–Slept in until 4am, or is that really sleeping in? Start putting up a gutter to collect rainwater. This is a totally open roof area, and the rainwater had just dropped from the roof to the ground. I set up the 275-gallon tote to hold water. When full of water the weight will be about 2330 pounds.
In the afternoon/evening, I put the tote on top of pallets so that gravity will let the rainwater out. I plan on building a bathroom in part of the kitchen. We will have access to this from our bedroom. As you know, I want to build a breathtaking home for us, our castle.
1/31–I continued working on the gutters today. Our friend and neighbor, Terry, is doing most of the work. He knows about setting up gutters; I do not. The gutters are turning out excellent, and I am glad about that.We returned to great Mexican food >>
Go there when you can, you will love it!
2/1–I went to Costco for my weekly visit. A food bank was on the way, so I went. I also stopped by Lowe’s for some last-minute things needed for the gutter job.
2/2–Once again, off to Lowe’s to get some gutter guards to keep leaves out of the gutter. I will be finishing this gutter system soon.
Can you run without moving your arms?
And, do this without looking too goofy.
Have your arms straight down to the site.
You will learn about the gutters and how they were finished up.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
February 2, 2024 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 256—Become as Self-Contained as You Can
BLOG 256—Become as Self-Contained as You Can
With my words, I hope to illuminate your life.
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you read this through Facebook, check out my blog on kitsummers.com
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth on 2/22/22.
*** Thanks, my wife, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — You’re in Charge
Heard from a few about last week’s blog.
Will I hear from you?
Here is what came in >>
“You are such a great inspiration.
Keep up the inspiring work.
Love and Light.”
–Jessica Taylor
That is a truly inspiring post, Kit!
You are a brilliant philosopher, king!!!
–Larry Zeiger
This week’s topic, “Be as solo as possible,” will help you as changes come to the world. Humans have never experienced the changes that are occurring, along with losses and limitations to the world. If we work together we can all get through this alright.
Beth and I have been collecting food as we can. Right now, we have enough to last us a few months. We will always be collecting for more people, not just for us in the future. We plan to help others how we can (are you hungry?).
And, remember your animals!
Make sure you have enough to feed them, too.
Along with food, we are saving water. We purchased gallons of water we had put in storage. Also, I purchased collectors for rainwater. We purchased three 100-gallon containers from here >>
I placed these water collectors right at the rainwater downspouts on our roof. They get refilled every time it rains.
We also purchased a 275-gallon used tote to save rainwater. These totes hold things like soda; after they are empty, they are not needed. Look for a food-grade used tote for liquids. You may need to use a truck to pick it up; they are big. Fortunately, our 275-gallon tote fit into my van.
Here is what a tote looks like >> https://containerexchanger.com/pages/used-food-grade-totes
Wherever you are in the world you can find totes.
I’ve hooked all our rain gutter downspouts to this system, and we will save over 600 gallons this way. And, every time it rains, these get refilled. The water is used for watering our vegetable garden and cleaning our bodies; and, after it is filtered, we can drink this rainwater (are you thirsty?)
Later, I will set up a solar panel and battery system to have electricity for things.
Have you done this?
Can you help me set up my system and help others, too?
Do you take any medications?
Start saving up all you can now to use in the future.
Just be prepared for a different future and be more self-sufficient–as you help others.
Here are ten things to help you change your life >>
1–Find Meaning in Your Life
“How do I change my life?”
Sort out what is important to you.
What is it that you want to achieve?
What are your dreams?
What makes you happy?
Your meaning in life gives you purpose and sets the direction of how you want to live your life. Without meaning, you will spend the rest of your life without direction, focus, or purpose–you’ll go nowhere.
2–Create a Hope Board
When we were young, we daydreamed all the time and thought of how we could change lives. Many of us were skilled at dreaming and visualizing what we would be when we grew up. We believed that anything was possible.
As we grew from kids to adults, we lost our ability to dream. We have “turned” into adults. Our dreams became hidden once we started to feel like achieving them was impossible.
A hope board is a great way to start believing in your dreams again.
Seeing your hopes written daily brings them to life.
It will also be a daily reminder to refocus your energy toward what you want.
3–Make Plans and Set Goals.
Once you know what is essential in your life and what your dream life looks like in the long run, you must take action and set your goals. Acting on your goals will enable you to achieve your hopes and dreams and change your life.
Remember that your goals can change. Always be flexible in setting and achieving goals, as life changes, your goals need to reflect these changes. The small steps you take create the speed when you’re learning how to change your life.
4–Let Go of Remorses
Remorses and regrets will only hold you back in your life. If you spend all your time thinking about your past, you will miss the present and your future.
How Balanced is Your Life Currently?
If you feel off, make the changes necessary and move forward.
You must discover time strategies.
Uncover hidden opportunities.
Shape your life on your terms.
You cannot change what you did or did not do in the past, just let it go. You must have control over how you live now and in your future. Challenge yourself each time you experience a pessimistic thought about your past.
If you want to have some fun, visualize letting go of your regrets. Try writing about each one on paper and then burying the paper in your backyard or burning it in a bonfire.
5–Do Something That Frightens You
This is about stepping out of your comfort zone and seeing your limitations differently.
Make a list of difficult things you want but are too afraid to do.
Start small.
Put a plan in place.
Then go do this plane.
Never stop doing difficult things if you genuinely want to avoid complacency and comfort and change your life.
6–Start Living Your Well-Balanced Life.
Our health does not stay the same. Our physical, emotional, and spiritual state will change as we age. What we can control, however, is what we tell our minds and our bodies.
Living a healthy and balanced life builds our resilience to physical changes. Exercise is the best way to attain a positive and optimistic attitude toward our lives.
Living a healthy, well-balanced life with lots of exercise is a lifestyle choice that will give you a more satisfying and fulfilled life. Exercise is a potent tool for improving your life and helping you feel good.
What exercise is best?
Just get moving!
Participate in light, moderate, or vigorous exercise–just get going!
One recent study found that people with mild to moderate depression encountered decreases in symptoms once they started exercising, regardless of whether they were on their own or in groups. The bottom line–just get moving.
7–Face Your Apprehensions.
It’s easy to ignore our fears and hope they will disappear.
Unfortunately, life does not work like that.
You have to “make” things happen.
If you want to change your life, learn to conquer your fears so they can’t longer control you. Whether it’s a fear of loneliness, failure, or the unknown, fear can stop you from living your life to the fullest. But, we know when our fears control our lives because we feel uneasy and are unfulfilled.
Once you face your fears, you will take back our power to choose how you want to live, and when you do this, you will change our life forever.
8–Accept Yourself.
The only person who can change your life is you!
To create that change, you have to like yourself.
I like you! You should, too!
There will be times in life when you face rejection, and there will be people who do not like you or your choices. Accepting who you are and loving yourself despite adversity helps you move forward in life.
You must find your courage.
Love yourself.
Step out and do something crazy.
But don’t worry about what anyone thinks or whether it is the right thing to do. If the change feels right, act on it and go create the life you love.
9–Live for Now!
Many of us think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
Often, we find that this is not so.
The motivation to change our lives comes from our desire to stay happy. We often keep ourselves so busy focusing on our pursuit of pleasure that we miss the joy of actually living in the moment.
Our desire to have joy in our lives is a desire for a future state, not the present. We become so engulfed with all our problems in the present that we miss the precious beauty of the present moment to find joy.
10–Experience the Joy of Learning!
Each time you learn something new,
you gain more overall knowledge,
and with more knowledge comes more enthusiasm and a better life!
Learning new skills helps us each to be more adaptable in new situations. It also encourages us to be more creative and innovative in our thinking, and we are, therefore, more comfortable with the unknown.
Change is one of the hardest things we can do.
Start making changes for advancement today!
You will love your happier life!WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others. Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE’S QUALITY—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.EVEN IF YOU START LATE, ARE UNCERTAIN,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life.
They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.REMEMBER–VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED TO MAKE A GREAT LIFE.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.
— Anonymous
Either you run the day, or the day runs you.
— Jim Rohn
Let fortune do her worst, whatever she makes us lose, so long as she never makes us lose our honesty and our independence.
— Alexander Pope
To be truly and really independent is to support ourselves by our own exertions.
— Jane Porter
It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Destiny is not a matter of chance but of choice.
Not something to wish for but to attain.
— William Jennings Bryan
If I am not for myself, who will be?
And if I am for myself alone, then what am I?
And if not now, when?
— Rabbi Hillel
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
— Coco Chanel
The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.
— Denis Waitley
Independence is happiness.
— Susan B. Anthony
Independence is my happiness, and I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
— Thomas Paine
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
— George Orwell
True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what’s right.
— Brigham Young
Without moral and intellectual independence, there is no anchor for national independence.
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems time is going faster all the time. Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Keep track for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
1/20–Someone had a birdcage for a low price, so we acquired it today. The birds are fun to watch and an excellent addition to the family.
Not much else happened today. As I’ve written before, making things happen is up to us. I must do that more often.
The Glen Beck show was on tonight, and it was fascinating.
The guest was Tony Robbins, and what great words he had to say.
Here is an example >>
Tony and I first met in the mid-80s. I attended a local presentation he was giving just as his business was getting going. Following his motivational talk, I participated in his firewalk, walking across a 15-foot bed of burning coals.
Later, I had lunch with Tony, just the two of us at his home.
I had just walked up to his door, knocked, and he let me in with a smile.
Then, I went to his wedding with Becky.
I’ve seen him go on to help millions of people with his techniques.
And Tony can coach you more here >>
1/22–We needed more firewood, so I chopped up a local dead tree. I also acquired wood from Ken, who cuts wood to sell using whole trees (I get his scaps). This is enough wood to make it worth the travel to get the cuttings.
Today, Beth found this list while searching the internet.
There I am, see? >>
2023–Jugglers from the United States
Jack Bremlov – Reputedly the first person to juggle seven clubs. Part of a juggling troupe ‘The Bremlovs’
W.C. Fields – Actor and vaudeville performer.
Dave Finnegan – Author of The Complete Juggler, a widely read self-teach juggling book.
Dr Hot & Neon – Numerous performances on stage and television.
The Flying Karamazov Brothers – Juggling and comedy troupe who have been performing since 1973.
Jason Garfield – President of the World Juggling Federation.
Anthony Gatto – Holds various numbers juggling world records, considered by many to be the world’s greatest juggler.
Michael Goudeau – Ex-circus clown and frequent collaborator of Penn Jillette.
(Michael was a student at Ringling Clown College in 1979 when I (Kit) was juggling instructor there).
Penn Jillette – Half of the duo Penn & Teller, who incorporates his juggling skills into their magic act.
Albert Lucas – This superb juggler holds several juggling world records. The club juggling trick ‘Alberts’ and, by association, ‘Treblas’, are named after him. Kit Summers, see below, developed these names, which are used worldwide.
Marcus Monroe – Comedian and Juggler, Winner of the Andy Kaufman Award.
Bobby May – Excellent juggler from the 19603 vaudeville performer.
Steve Mills – A terrific juggler and inventor of the juggling pattern Mills Mess.
Michael Moschen – Popularised contact juggling in the 1990s.
Frank Olivier – Numerous performances on stage and television.
Kit Summers – A well-known American juggler and author of Juggling with Finesse.
Paul Klimek – Inventer of siteswap, a great map of juggling tricks.
1/23–Worked on the garden today. I have been learning about a system called, “The Ruth Stout Method.” In this, you put about two feet of hay directly on dirt or grass where you want to have your garden. The hay will break down in time and protect the land from cold and heat and eventually feed your plants by composting with nourishment.
After picking the spot(s), break through the hay to the dirt when you want to plant. I plan on putting my potato starts right in the hay near the dirt. I’ve seen that this method works well. I will let you know later when I harvest my potatoes. Or, let me know how it works for you.
This takes hardly any work at all; you will like this much.
Learn more about this method here >>
Ruth Stout’s Worst Enemy (rhizomatous grass in a deep mulch garden)
Or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0Gbi2O3xdc
This is also called the deep mulch method.
1/24–Jemma hurt her back leg some months ago, and every so often, she must land on it the wrong way, and the healing process starts all over. We’ve had to help her in the last few days to jump up on couch and the bed and such. Now it is Friday and she is doing much better. I’m glad you care.
Our critters seem happy — the rabbits, the birds, and Jemma.
1/25–Today, I spent a lot of time working on this blog. As you know, I enjoy the writing process and hope I add to your life. I hope you like my efforts.
Much rain and cloudy weather today.
This is good for the garden,
but I want to get things done, too.
1/26–Once again, awake about 3am. Right away I got out to the garden, I will be growing potatoes outside our garden I built. As you know, I am hoping to do away with all the grass and lawn we have. Vegetables and fruit are much nicer than any lawn.
Beth likes antiquing and thrift shops and spent some time at The Red Rooster in our town a couple of days. She came home with some great finds, especially this Polish Pottery that she and her sisters collected. Here they are; stop by sometime >>
******************YOUR CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK >>
See how long you can hold your breath.
I can do, maybe, a minute; not very good.
Work on improving each day this week.
Currently in the middle of winter.
Yet, there are still things you can do to help your garden.
I’ll tell you more about what I am doing with the garden.
January 26, 2024