Don’t sleepwalk through life.   
I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.

*** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
*** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
*** I was hit by two trucks, but I remain happy.
*** Going through a 37-day coma–Yikes!
*** I want to help you to get the most out of life before you die.
*** If you read this through Facebook, see
*** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
*** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
*** Thanks, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** You will find secrets to unfold and good news!
*** What are you passionate about?
*** The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?




You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I am helping to guide you. Coaches like me wish to lighten your path toward excellence. Remember that it is up to you to generate your journey toward merit. I’m not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it! 


Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
You can (and should) make changes to improve your life–at any age.
Start today, and you can build the life you desire. 


You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.  


Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
I have gone through much.
I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
Remember, only you know what is best for you.


Don’t forget that you are only as young
as the last time you changed your mind!


Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.      



TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — Camping at Steven’s Creek

Do you ever go camping? There are so many benefits to being in the wilderness. Starting years ago, I was a Boy Scout and went camping every month or so. I am happy I did; it added so much to my life. I even attended the 1973 National Boy Scout Jamboree in Farragut State Park, Idaho.
The lessons learned added much to my life. You can start learning about the wilderness and camping to grow your life. Going to the wilderness is real life, necessary for better vitality. When they were young, Mary Ellen and I took our daughters, Jasmine and April, camping, and they loved it.
For over six years, I lived in my van and traveled to every national park and state in the US. What a significant part of my life! The parks and the wilderness are such a draw for me. Currently, Beth and I live in the wilderness, somewhat, and we love it here.
Beth and I live in a house that is basically in the wilderness. We have forest, animals, and wilderness right outside our door. I presume you’ve seen some photos in my blogs. Have you been here? You will have to stop by for a visit sometime. 
For a week starting on May 12, Gary Duteau invited people to camp with him at his land on Steven’s Creek. Below, in the Daily Jottings, you will read more about Gary’s event. This week did not turn out so good. There was a lot of rain—yikes.
Gary is the reason Beth and I met; let me explain. Gary and I were friends on Facebook. I had been living in my van and traveling. Gary told me about his annual get-together, and I decided to join him. To get online and plugin, I would most often go to libraries.

Beth had only a few weeks left until retirement; she worked at McCormick Library, the nearest library to Gary’s setup. I met Beth at the library, and we slowly fell in love. We got closer and closer, and on 2/22/22 at 2:22, we were married at Gary’s land. Here is a link to a video about the wedding; enjoy>>
Our love has grown big and continues to grow. We were about the same age, 63, when we met, so that worked out well. I can’t say it has all been peaches and cream. We had to learn about each other from the start. Yes, times have been difficult, but most of the time, things are beautiful.
You must get out to the woods, the wilderness, regardless of age. Even living in a big city, take the time to get away. The benefits are phenomenal.
Leave your overbooked schedule at home. When camping, there is no place to be at a particular time, and nothing interrupts you or competes for your awareness. The natural outcome of this type of setting is stress reduction and relaxation you can’t find anywhere else.
You must realize how scarce fresh air is in your day-to-day life. When you go camping, you get the wondrous scents of the outdoors and the smell of dinner cooking over an open fire.
One of the best and most important aspects of camping is how it helps you build and reinforce relationships. Going camping with friends or family lets you talk and visit without distraction, even into the night.
Camping is a time for exercise. You set up a tent, gather firewood, and go for a hike. At home, we often lead inactive lives that do not promote physical fitness. When camping, you can’t help but engage in physical activity and get your heart rate up.
When was the last time you rested late without an alarm clock to wake you up? When camping, the only alarm clocks you have are the sun and the birds chirping. Waking up with nature rather than an alarm clock is an experience everyone should have often.
Camping is an excellent chance for everyone to unplug and escape their screens. In the great outdoors, you don’t find computers, tablets, or televisions; there’s so much else to do that does not require electronics.
Food will taste better when made in the outdoors. There’s something about cooking food over a campfire, a campsite grill, or a kitchen in a cabin that just can’t be replicated when you’re eating at home.
When you are camping, you get a chance to get in touch with nature, find wildlife, and see the stars away from the bright lights of the big city. There’s nothing quite like it. Make sure you and your family have the chance to connect with nature when you explore all the benefits of camping.
You can’t help but create new skills while camping. Everyone on the trip will contribute, and it’s a great chance to learn new things. You may not know how to set up tents, tie knots, start fires, cook a new meal, etc. These skills are essential, yet we don’t often get a chance to develop them during our busy schedules. While camping for adults also applies to young people, several benefits are specific to younger campers.
For kids, camping is time spent learning, which is one of the reasons scouting programs are so valuable. They encourage camping experiences built around kids learning new things—fishing, cooking, hiking, tying knots, fire-starting, safety, first aid, and much more. 




Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.

To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
Positive and inspiring quotes can be like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” – John Muir.
“All good things are wild and free.” – Thoreau.
“Camping is about re-connecting with our primordial selves. The reason that cooking humble food around a campfire, surrounded by family and friends, feels so good is that for eons, that was the definition of life in the tribe. It is woven into our very DNA.” – Anonymous.
“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few are dirt” – John Muir.
“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.” – Edward Abbey.
“I always wonder why birds choose to stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere. Then I ask myself the same question.“ – Harun Yahya.
“Camping is a chance to live with nature and learn valuable life lessons from her wisdom.” – Paul Kortepeter.
“Camping turns strangers into lifelong friends around a campfire.” – Walter Winchell.
“Camping is the ultimate way to disconnect from the chaos of the modern world and reconnect with what truly matters.” – Rachel Carson.
“Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.” – Henry David.
“Camping is a journey back to the simplicity of our ancestors in the embrace of Mother Nature.” – Ansel Adams. 
“A great many people, and more all the time, live their entire lives without ever sleeping out under the stars.” – Alan S. Kesselheim.
“Camping – because therapy is expensive.” Anonymous
“A great many people, and more all the time, live their entire lives without ever once sleeping out under the stars.” – Alan S. Kesselheim.
“Camping is about re-connecting with our primordial selves. Cooking humble food around a campfire, surrounded by family and friends, feels so good because, for eons, that was the definition of life in the tribe. It is woven into our very DNA.” – Anonymous.
“If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I’ll bet they’d live much differently.” – Bill Waterson.
“To be whole.
To be complete.
Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.” – Terry Tempest Williams.
“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.
But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.” – Robert Frost.
“Camping is where the adventure begins.” – Anonymous.


Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
Do you remember what you did last Monday?
Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
5/11–We picked our first zucchini today! Many flowers are coming up, which will become a tasty summer squash. Do you want one? Generally, zucchini is considered a vegetable, but botanically, the definition of zucchini is the immature fruit, the swollen ovary of the female zucchini flower.
The last puppy is at a new home. I’m sad because they are all gone, but I’m happy they all have good homes. At times, it was a little much for Beth, who took care of so much. I’m sure she will miss them, too.
SOLAR–Today, Dave Majzner stopped by to tell us more about the company he works with. He showed us that going solar would cost less than the electricity we currently use through CPW. Eventually, there would be no cost once the solar collectors are paid off. The monthly fee we pay for electricity will go toward our solar panels now. Seemed logical to have, so we did. Learn more about Dave here:
Of course, while here, I taught Dave to juggle; he liked his new skill.
5/12–Off to meet up with Gary and the camping week. Learn more at >>
Yet, I am still working on the bathroom, so I did that before I left. I came up with some ideas for the new medicine cabinet (thanks, Eddie, for helping me remove the old one). The bathroom should turn out excellent now. How about you? Are you making improvements to your abode?
When I arrived at Gary’s Stevens Creek location, the weather was fabulous, the path was clear, and the falls were flowing—PERFECT! Only Gary and his cousin Bob were at the camp when I arrived. I was told that about 25 people should show up. Gary started this in 2013, calling it Chef Rendezvous (because so many chefs are attending).  

Starting with one beer, a smile appeared on my face. THEN IT STARTED—The food began with David bringing many hoagies for everyone to consume. I had half of one; the taste was fantastic. I brought a lot of salsa, which I made a few days ago. The salsa was instantly a hit.
The camp is about 275 meters above the falls, and the constant sound of water going over the falls is very comforting. We have all stared at a waterfall; it never stops. Where does all the water come from? This is water from past rains in the area that feeds into tributaries and joins other water sources. This Stevens Creek keeps the same flow constantly.
I forgot to bring my sleepie pad, so I will take the seven-mile drive home to sleep the night. It is a lovely drive. I will get the pad and sleep at the camp tonight.
Aaron built a permanent “bar” right next to the enduring fire, which stays lit most of the week. Aaron will be kept busy. So far, at 2:22 in the afternoon, there are seven here. More tents are appearing and being set up all the time. There are happy people everywhere. It should be a great time. This is my third year attending; I love it. Gary started this get-together in 2013.  

Some people just showed up with kayaks. Kayaks and people are driven upstream, dropped off, and float back to the camp. I went down in a canoe with someone else a few years ago. The water was low, and so many rocks were apparent. We had to get out often and walk the canoe until we could float again. It was not a fun time.
When doing things like this, I mainly keep to myself.
I am all right with that.
It has been that way for most of my life.
Small talk wastes time, and I have no interest in it.
I am a friendly conversationalist, don’t get me wrong.
But I am still a loner.
I am hand-writing this on a small yellow pad.
Later, I will type it on the computer (as I currently doing).
Do you ever resort to handwriting?
Aaron has been busy making drinks for guests. He had all the necessary ingredients and assembled a tasty margarita for me. The excellent taste of the drink, combined with the tequila, gets me going (whatever that might mean).
But I am careful; my mom was an alcoholic, as well as my two brothers. One older and one younger,  they liked to drink a lot. Mike and Gary both died from being hit by vehicles after being involved with alcohol and/or drugs—a sad thing. So, all of the Summers boys were hit by trucks; I am the only one who survived.
As they say, “Alone again, naturally.” Which I am now, and I am all right with that. I like intelligent conversation, as I found out with Ethan Brock, Aaron’s brother; Aaron mans the bar (after all, he is a man). In real life, Ethan sells wines all around the country and in stores in the area. He is a wine expert, and we talked a lot about it.
I learned that Italy is the most significant area for wine production. And the world of wine is growing constantly. Even areas of China are delving into wine-making and growing grapes, making beautiful wines. You see, wines are all about the grape; new ones are always coming up.
Ethan told me he sees that he wants to change his future. He likes teaching art to young people, which he has done before. This would be more fulfilling for him. A passion for teaching, and I like that. I hope he keeps pushing toward this end. Can you help Ethan toward this end?

Back with Beth for the night, a good thing.
5/13–Today, I left quickly and forgot to grab my sleepie pad yet again. So, I’ll be back home to sleep tonight or find a way to sleep there. I will let you know.
When I arrived, breakfast was served at noon—hmm. A few people downed Bloody Marys; they liked their early drink. At times, rain was gently falling. We would duck under the tents and into the bar to avoid the drops. But it was just raining now and then, which was not bad.
In the afternoon, I had a glass of Riesling Wine. This was a special wine from Graacher in Germany, in the Mosel area. The lands there are great for growing the Riesling grape, and the taste is fantastic. Now I will have to take a trip to Graacher.
The fire today was well-kept and a great flame. With so many chefs here, we are going to eat excellently. They are starting the dinner; it will be quite a feast. I helped build the fire; did that help it improve? Everyone works together to achieve excellence.
THE FOOD HAS STARTED!–I was just handed a slice of a quesadilla, and the taste was fantastic. I told David how much I liked it. He replied, “It’s going to make a fantastic poop.” Everyone laughed at that one. And I have just tried a wine called “Beaujolais” from southern France. Very smooth, with a different taste.
Overall, it was a great time and an outstanding experience. Wine, food, and good conversation—what more could you ask for? All the food is cooked directly on the wood fire. Currently, Gary is cooking cabbage, which is not a dish but an addition to other food. For example, it will go into the Pasta Primavera, which should be fantastic.
So, I have my computer at the camp today and am typing directly for this blog. I have some hours of battery time, which is a good thing. I look right down and see and hear the big stream. Again, being so lovely here makes me smile.
My left elbow continues to hurt a lot.
I will go to the doctor soon.
Yes, it hurts that much.
Is it arthritis?
I will find out when I see Dr. Wiggins.
Surgery on my elbow?
I would be all right with that.
There is supposed to be a lot of rain tonight. I did not bring my sleepie pad or tent, so I will stay home tonight. As I wrote before, the drive is excellent. Right now, it is 5:15 p.m., and no rain is coming. As night comes, I expect the rain to start up again.
The pasta primavera is cooked and tastes delicious. Next, steaks are on the grill directly over the fire. They look appetizing. Everyone is looking forward to the upcoming meal. Now, it is 6:11, and there has yet to be much food. I am not hungry, having been eating various things all day.
No one seems to care when we eat, but that’s ok. I am not hungry at all, but the thing is, I am never hungry. I am thinking, again, about not eating at all. I will lose weight, and that is good for me. Four more people showed up as the evening came, so a big gang was here now. Drinks and food are provided for everybody, and everyone has a good time.
After the meal, it was back to Beth to sleep at home.
5/14–I could not sleep and woke up at 1:30am. I have a dental appointment at 1:30 this afternoon. This is about three root canals I need taken care of.
This was with a different dentist. He does root canal work. I need three root canals. I’ve had this procedure before, but the dentist did not remove the whole root, which can become infected. When I was young, I did not take very good care of my choppers.
With the help of insurance, the bill came to about $800; it only took an hour or two–an unbelievable price! I told him and the staff that I would teach them to juggle the next time I was there. They are looking forward to it (and no, I will not charge eight hundred bucks for the lessons!–but I should.)
After exiting the dentist, I read words from Beth, letting me know she needed a hug. I was going to go directly to Gary’s get-together, but, of course, Beth always comes first. Once she calmed down and settled, it was off to the camp.
Arriving at about 4 p.m., I had to set up the tent I had brought. There were a couple of bent connectors, but they went together. I even put the rain fly on, just in case any rain was coming (I did not expect any—boy, was I wrong).
When I arrived, I was the only one there. People were off kayaking and such. Individuals soon started showing up. Looking out at the falls, Gary and I noticed that there seemed to be more water falling than usual, which was interesting.
I forgot to bring my computer and left it at home. It’s a good thing I did; otherwise, it would have gotten soaked with the upcoming rain showers (a little hint about what is coming up). Once again, I am hand-writing words that will later be put onto the computer. Writing by hand can be challenging, as deciphering what I wrote earlier can sometimes be challenging.
Bratwurst on the grill.
The chicken will be fried up soon.
Leftover pasta-primavera.
Someone even brought a great many crayfish.
When I was a youngster, my sister, Sandy, her husband Tommy, and their son Wally, took my brother Gary and me to get crawdads (crayfish) when I lived in Oregon. We spent half a day at flowing rivers and got many little crustaceans. Sandy would cook them up later, and we ate well.
The crayfish today were mainly small. After you remove the shell, there is hardly anything left to eat. The main meat is in the tail, which is very small. I did consume a couple, but they had little taste. They were hardly worth the effort.
Aaron made me some drinks with Kahlua, vodka, and other ingredients. They were very tasty and did not affect me much. Aaron told me what he made for me was a White Russian. Earlier, beers and wine were flowing for many.
Gary is currently serving up sections of a very large rib-eye steak he acquired and cooking it at the right temperature. It will take a while to cook. Also, I had him put on some of the leftover primavera pasta. It should be a good meal for all.
The fire is burning well. I’m sure you have stared at a fire before (like staring at waterfalls). I’m unsure what the draw is for our eyes and minds, but it’s interesting. While the group was at the fire, some raindrops fell, and there was nothing to be concerned with (yet). 

As the day went on, I rolled into bed early, having awoken at about 1:30 the night before and up since then. Because of the rain that came, I could not write; you will read below what the night consisted of. No sleep tonight for me.
5/15–First, today, I had a dentist visit. This specialist performs root canals, which are very expensive here. The cost today would be around $800; I am not even sure what this includes.
These words are about what happened last night–I just awoke from that nightmare. It started light, but more giant raindrops were on the way. I got a few hours of shuteye, but what occurred would not allow me more sleep.
Where I had my sleepie bag, the rain came through the top of the tent, gentle drops, but enough to annoy me. I moved my bag to the other side of the tent, which was better. The rain was relentless, and I could not get away from it.
Lately, for some reason, I have, off and on, been getting painful cramps in my legs. Tonight, the cramps were merciless; there was much pain. I had to force myself to relax–complicated for me. Knowing I would not get any sleep if I stayed, I got my things together and got on the path back to my van.
What a night.
Getting wet.
Having cramps.
The tent is leaking.
My sleepie pad is deflating.
My sleepie bag unzips on its own.
The lightning and thunder started–big.
Boom, Boom, Boom.
Rainwater everywhere.
No sleep.
Not a good night.
I decided I would drive home. Aaron and a few others were still at the bar, even at this late hour. When Aaron saw that I would be walking to my van to depart, he walked with me to ensure my safety. What a nice man he truly is. Few cars were on the road at this hour, so I breezed right home.
Of course, I awoke Beth upon arrival. Jemma was right there, giving me big licks and kisses. I slept for a few hours; I don’t need much rest.
If I go to the camp today, you will be reading further.
Arriving at the camp this afternoon.
Stories were going around.
I was not the only one who suffered.
Aaron and Ethan are brothers, and their father turns 70 today. They went to be with him on this special day. Those two bring much life to the camp; they will be missed. They will return tomorrow or the next day. Only Gary and Gary’s cousin, Bob, and I are around.
Soon, Gary and Bob will go with the kayaks on the river for a few hours. So, I will head home at that time.
Nice to be with Beth this evening.
Terrible memories of last night.
Goodnight, for now.
5/16–Sleep is often a problem for me. Today, upon awakening at about 1 a.m., my mind went to yesterday’s dentist encounter. I had to get on the computer to write a review of my bad time there. I want help from the dentist, but I was not pleased with my time there yesterday. I must write a review to get it off my mind.
Arriving at the camp at about 11:30, Gary, Bob, and I were the only ones there. Gary fried potatoes, onions, peppers, fresh Portabella mushrooms, and some leftover meat from yesterday. It tasted fantastic and was a great start to my time here today.
Aaron returned from his father’s 70th birthday. It sounds like his father is physically and mentally well, although Aaron told me his father is showing his age. I told him we are all on our way to old age like that and then comes death. Are you ready?
5/17–Not again! Awakening about 1am, up for the day I am. Getting back to sleep can be challenging, so I stay awake and work on stuff. This morning, I lay on the sofa and got a little more sleep; that surprised me.
Now, at about 9 a.m., Beth is still in slumber. Sometimes, I wish I could sleep that quickly, but life continues. With limited sleep, I feel more down throughout the day. But is it to my detriment?
I am working on various projects today—office, garden, bathroom. There is so much to be done, but I am doing it. As you might know, I learn as I go and can do almost anything at a high skill level. Anyone can achieve like others can do; they are not unique; they knew the correct way to do something. 


The vegetable plants grow each week. You can see more photos every Friday. The tomatoes should get very large; we await. We’re still not sure how Jerusalem Artichokes will be. I’ve read that they taste like artichokes, hence the name. You eat the tuber, like the root. You will learn later, then you can grow some next summer.

Also, the Amaranth we are growing.
I have never consumed this plant.
I will let you know.
It’s a beautiful plant.
Do you eat the seeds?
Do you know?
There has been plenty of rain this week, so adding more water is unnecessary. I have a rainwater collector that I use to water the garden when it needs it. I also have three rainwater collectors I could use. These are always full; we get enough rain.

The Jerusalem Artichokes are taking OFF!

Do you have a rainwater collector yet?
It may be necessary for your future.
The price has gone way down.
Take a look >>
Go from your rainwater gutters and direct the downspout pipes to feed into your rainwater collector.  Have a screen on your container to filter out leaves and debris. I built a stand and put my collectors five feet up so that gravity could release water from a hose.
I have two 100-gallon collectors, one 50-gallon rainwater collector, and a tote that holds 375 gallons. Eventually, I want to get another 375-gallon tote to hold water. We plan on filtering the rainwater to drink it. Are you thirsty?
A self-supportive life can be a better life.
A garden would be a part of that life.
You must look into it.
Go to the out-of-doors this week, into the wilderness.
If you can, camp where you can go out in the trees with the animals.
Make it a habit to return to nature when you can. 


On one wheel.
Can you ride a unicycle?
Next week, learn about one-wheel wonders. 




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