BLOG 240–Writing a BLOG or Journal can Lead to Your Book!

Have you started your book yet?
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.

*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** Website is
*** To read past blog posts, go to >>
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth in SC.
*** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!

In the photo, I am the little guy on the right.


TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK—Write the right words. 

In the past, I never thought of myself as a writer. I wrote letters and such, but that was about it, as I do more writing to reach more people.
Then I went through the accident and a 37-day coma. As I was recovering, I wanted to show people that, although I could not juggle as I did ( see ), I wanted to let people know that my knowledge of the skill of juggling was still extensive.
Juggling with Finesse went on to sell over 25,000 copies worldwide. I felt good about that and left my mark on the juggling world. I learned that writing books can help many to live a better life.

We can all find that skill and help others through our writings. I do hope that my blog words help in your life. Have you started work on your book yet? Below are words to assist you in that process, although there are ways of better writing all over the internet. The following words will help you be a better writer >> 

Avoid Alliteration. Permanently.

Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.

Avoid cliches like the plague. 

Employ the vernacular.

Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.

Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.

It is wrong ever to split an infinitive.

Contractions aren’t necessary. 

Avoid Alliteration. Always.

Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.

Avoid cliches like the plague. (They’re old hat.)

Employ the vernacular.

Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.

Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary. It is wrong ever to split an infinitive.

Contractions aren’t necessary.

Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.

One should never generalize.

Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.”

Comparisons are as bad as cliches.

Don’t be redundant; don’t use more words than necessary; it’s highly superfluous.

Profanity sucks.

Be more or less specific.

Understatement is always best.

Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.

One-word sentences? Eliminate.

Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.

The passive voice is to be avoided.

You can go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.

Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.

Who needs rhetorical questions?

Parenthetical words, however, must be enclosed in commas.

It behooves you to avoid archaic expressions.

Please remember to avoid archaic spellings too.

Don’t repeat yourself or say again what you have said before.

Don’t use commas, that, are not, necessary.

Please don’t use hyperbole; not one in a million can do it effectively.

Only use a small word when a diminutive alternative would suffice.

Subject and verb always have to agree.

Placing a comma between subject and predicate, needs to be corrected.

Use youre spell chekker to avoid mispeling and to catch typograhpical errers.

Don’t repeat yourself, or say again what you have said before.

Use the apostrophe in it’s proper place and omit it when its not needed.

Don’t never use no double negatives.

Poofread carefully to see if you any words out.

Hopefully, you will use words correctly, irregardless of how others use them.

Eschew obfuscation.

No sentence fragments.

Don’t indulge in sesquipedalian lexicological constructions.

A writer must not shift your point of view.

Don’t overuse exclamation marks!!

Place pronouns as close as possible to their antecedents, especially in long sentences, as of 10 or more words.

Writing carefully, dangling participles must be avoided.

If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is.

Avoid trendy locutions that sound flaky.

Everyone should be careful to use a singular pronoun with singular nouns in their writing.

Always pick on the correct idiom.

The adverb always follows the verb.

Take the bull by the hand and avoid mixing metaphors.

If you reread your work, a great deal of repetition can be done by rereading and editing.


Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.

Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.


Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!   

Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.


Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.




Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood,  and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
1. “The ability of writers to imagine what is not the self, to familiarize the strange and mystify the familiar, is the test of their power.” – Toni Morrison
2. “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” – William Wordsworth

3. “The writer is an explorer. Every step is an advance into a new land.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
4. “I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see, and what it means. What I want and what I fear.” – Joan Didion

5. “They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream by night.” – Edgar Allan Poe
6. “The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.” – Gustav Flaubert
7. “I know nothing in the world with as much power as a word. Sometimes I write one, and look at it, until it shines.” – Emily Dickinson
8. “That’s what you’re looking for as a writer when working. You’re looking for your own freedom.” – Philip Roth
9. “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last you create what you will.” – George Bernard Shaw
10. “Creativity is a combination of discipline and childlike spirit.” – Robert Greene

11. “Writing is the painting of the voice.” – Voltaire
12. “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” – Paulo Coelho
13. “I have fallen in love with the imagination. And if you fall in love with the imagination, you understand it is a free spirit. It will go anywhere, and it can do anything.” – Alice Walker
14. “Any writer worth his salt writes to please himself… it’s a self-exploratory operation that is endless.” – Harper Lee
15. “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.” – Henry David Thoreau
16. “Significant moments in everyone’s day can make literature. That’s what you ought to write about.” – Raymond Carver

17. “Keep asking questions because people will always want to know the answer. Open with a question and don’t answer it until the end.” – Lee Child
18. “But when people say, did you always want to be a writer? I have to say no! I always was a writer.” – Ursula K. Le Guin
19. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou

  1. “If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.” – Margaret Atwood


Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
Time is going faster all the time, it seems.
Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
9/23-24–Beth was again sick, going through a lot.
9/26–Saw a doctor today for a general physical examination. There’s nothing to write about here; things look good. But I was weighed there, and I am currently 187, the heaviest I have ever been. I like to be 161 pounds in weight. Now, I need to stop eating and work out more. Do you want to join me?
You have to remember not eating does not hurt. I will start soon stopping my eating. I’ve gone through two weeks of not eating, only drinking green tea. I got through it all right. Have you ever tried dieting in this way?
9/27–Back to work on rabbit hutches. I had built a large hutch and divided it into two spaces. So, we have two happy rabbits. Animals are all around the area. Beth has been finding toads in the backyard, which are pretty interesting.
9/28–Worked on my table designs. They are turning out excellent, and I will sell them at a local farmers market. I will let you know how it goes. They might sell for a good amount of money.

And the garden always needs work. I replanted lettuce, carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes. I will let you know what comes up.
9/29–My skill level is far below what it once was.
I did some juggling today.
The passion is not there anymore.
Here is a shot of me in the old days.



Start writing your book this week.
Let me know how it goes.  



Temperatures dropping with Winter on the way.
I will let you know the progress. 



  1. Jeff October 1, 2023 Reply

    Happy Birthday to Beth! Hope she feels better. Hope your shingles better going for my shingles shot vaccine tomorrow at Stroms.

    I am starting to write a book on my experiences in life on Faith, Family and Freedom. Your author quotes gave me a idea to use for book. My experience with Faith would probably be much different than most of them since they lived in different time with contrarian views of mine and be helpful in thinking through parts of writing. I pick Shaw first having visited his home in Ireland and knowing he’s a atheist. He’s also humorous. When asked if he believed in God he responded “ I’m a atheist thank God!”. Then chose Voltaire who was religious and believed in separation of church and state. His response to belief in God” I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker”. Lastly, chose Emerson who was very religious and included religion in many of his essays with Unitarian views. His position is “God enters by a private door into every individual”. What was important to me reading about their belief was the freedom to chose what they believed and would be their destiny whether to end here on earth or their next journey. C. S. Lewis writes about this journey.
    Thank you for the idea and challenging points of views. Have a great week!

  2. Author
    Kit October 2, 2023 Reply

    Thanks for your words, Jeff, and good morning.
    The following words were written by myself for another book I am writing.
    I hope they stir your thoughts toward the book you are proposing.
    I am here as you write the book to give a different perspective to your words.
    Is There a God There?

    Being careful with these words, I do not want to insult or chase anyone away. You are my family or friends, and many of you believe wholeheartedly.

    I hope I do not change your feelings about me with these words.

    Some of you wrote questioning why I do not have faith or belief, and I had to reply. I hope I do not lose friends by sending these words, and I expect we can still work together, Gerry.

    With these words, I am not trying to change you; I am just relaying my thoughts and, hopefully, making you think.

    If you believe in a God, I must warn you that I am not. With these words, my goal is not to criticize, condemn, insult, or convert but to help you explore the true nature of your relationship with God, religion, and faith; if you are a follower, that is.

    Don’t stop reading because of the subject matter contained; if the magnifying glass makes you uncomfortable, you need not look into it. On the other hand, that is precisely why you should.

    I write about faith because, after the first accident, I was trying to go down that path—for help, guidance, and relief—but ran into too many dead-ends and roadblocks. Try as I might, I could not find that road toward God. And, once again, after the second time I was hit by a truck, my mind searched for this God.

    If you have found this path for yourself, I ask you to examine your beliefs—
    Precisely what do you believe?
    Why do you believe it?
    Why do you think I should believe?

    And, perhaps, your views and thoughts on the subject will change and become even more potent after reading these words.

    After the appalling things I have gone through, I tried to turn to the idea of a God to ask—”Why?”

    No answer came to me.

    Perhaps because I grew up without a father (he died when I was seven), I cannot find this “father” in heaven who takes care of us.

    I’m not saying I wasn’t educated about any God; I’ve attended various churches hundreds of times and synagogues. I thoroughly tried to find this God everyone was so enamored with; my mind would not allow me to.

    Sometimes, I criticized myself, wondering why I could not find this God. I asked myself, “Are you too stupid to find and believe in this God?” It was when I saw other critical thinkers in the world that set me free.

    Others, after they heard what I have been through in my life, said, “Boy, you should thank God you are still alive.” So, who should I thank for taking away my juggling skill, taking away my ability to run, taking away Mary Ellen, for taking away Tina—HUH?

    People have also told me, “You must believe in your heart and not your mind.” My heart pumps blood.

    What, exactly, could that mean?

    People also told me, “If you don’t believe in God, you will go to hell.” First of all, this sounds like a substantial evil threat. And, any God that would make me smart enough to know how to use my mind but would also punish me “FOREVER” for not believing in him (or her)—this with no evidence—whatsoever, this is a god I would not want to consider in.

    With these words, I do not want to change your beliefs; I want to have you think and, perhaps, make your faith even stronger or diminish it altogether. I want to get you to reflect on why you truly believe.

    Under the impression that there was something there to help me, I was trying to build up a strong belief and faith. Sometimes, I even tried to fake it, like they say, “Fake it for long enough, and you will have that belief.” But I could not lie to myself any longer. And I could not find anything anywhere.

    I have just found such comfort and freedom not having to base my life on any God.

    I’ve been told you cannot see or define God; you must believe in faith. How can you believe something without seeing or even explaining it? I hear from people that God exists outside of space and time, but how would they know if this knowledge is outside of their realm?

    This makes no sense to me!

    I’ve even heard that faith is learning to turn off your mind and stop thinking. Remember, I am not trying to insult; I want to get across my point of view.

    People may say I was not trying correctly, but I tried all kinds of ways, and still—NOTHING. Please do if you are a believer and can help steer me on the correct path to find God.

    I see there is no way to prove God exists, but there is no way to prove God does not exist—the same goes for Faeries, The Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, and Santa.

    I want you to know that I am still open to the idea that a God is looking over us; I have yet to find that path or see any evidence. Can you direct me?

    As I wrote, I have attended church service hundreds of times. People there appear happy and good-natured, showing kindness and support to one another—always gratifying to see.

    Church often seems a good social mix for people, a connection place. Faith and belief have helped many people live a better life and often inspired them to help others.

    After attending church so many times, I never could “see” what these other people “saw.” I’ve been to various churches and denominations, and it seems that most of the time, the pastor, preacher, rabbi, or person running the show tries to talk everyone “into” believing. “You must believe because of . . .”

    All these believers had to be constantly reinforced to believe even more vital, or the belief would disappear.

    Is this right?

    People who knew of my differing beliefs seemed to act toward me as, “What’s wrong with him?” It seemed as if there was almost hatred behind their look, as they perceived me, just because I did not believe as they did.

    I wondered why we couldn’t be friends because this person had decided on a particular faith, and my thoughts and beliefs differed.

    For a time, I attended church with Tina at a Messianic church (Jews and Gentiles who believe in Jesus.) After some weeks, the rabbi asked us for dinner at his house; I was pleased to go.

    After a nice dinner, the conversation turned to my beliefs and being with Tina. He said we should not be together because of differing opinions. This hurt so much that I cried big tears. This caused me a lot of mental anguish, and we headed home.

    But, as you know, Tina eventually did follow his advice; so sad I have been.

    I have just found so much negativity and even violence in the various dogmas of the world. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism, every religion thinks theirs is correct.

    The fighting that’s involved and genuine hatred toward others who don’t believe as they do—to me—that behavior is truly immoral. At this point, do you hate me?

    As Rodney King said, “Can’t we just get along?”

    There has been a lot of good garnered through faith, yet religion has also caused a great deal of conflict, misery, and strife, all about statements that can never be proven true or false.

    There are many different concepts of God and many different beliefs. These “beliefs” remain subjective, as we can see from the estimated thirty-eight thousand denominations, sects, schisms, and divisions within Christianity alone.

    Wars are fought over petty disagreements where “divine truth” is interpreted differently by almost everyone on an individual level. This is too often used as justification for virtually any act of inhumanity, costing hundreds of millions of lives over the centuries.

    I still see these conflicts ongoing as religious divides fan the flames of hate. The Twin Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001, is just one example. And the current wars that America mainly brings on are a terrible thing.

    I want to stop the fighting and bickering to get on with life. Let’s heal the world away from religious infighting and the thought control brought on by this part of human life.

    With my words, I do not want to insult anyone in any way. I want you to think.

    After going through numerous life changes, I searched for God.

    Of course, these are my thoughts and discoveries about God. I don’t want to change your beliefs; I want you to think more about what you believe and why you believe it.

    To me, having strong faith often builds up false hope in a person’s mind toward their future. Religion sometimes gives people an excuse and a reason not to think. Faith provides a way to avoid studying something in-depth and make your conclusions.

    Rather than simply saying, “God did it”—
    Develop your mind.
    Learn more.
    Study the scientific reasons why something is the way it is.
    Simply saying, “God did it,” and forgetting about it is not good. It seems to me that having faith, at times, is an excuse not to fully use your mind and figure out how life truly is, baptized or not.

    I have to tell you a story about my experience with a church I was attending: For a time, years ago, my wife wanted me to get baptized, and I finally agreed.

    On the day of the baptism, about six of us were going through the ceremony, which was done in front of a large congregation of about eight hundred. I was the fourth in line and carried a bag with some hidden items I had brought.

    Right before I was to walk out to be baptized in water, I put on the mask and snorkel I had in the bag and then walked out. The pastor wasn’t smiling; those in the audience loved it.

    I wasn’t making fun of the procedure; I was “Kitting Around” like I often do. The pastor later told me he enjoyed my prank.

    As I went through the massive changes in my life, there were times when I searched for this divine inspiration that has helped so many–for comfort, guidance, relief, love, and peace.

    Try as I might, I could not find this celestial being anywhere. Logic and reason kept getting in the way, and it was hard to see past how things were. I could not ignore or look beyond the logic and reasoning that were so apparent to me.

    Witnessing the faithful at church, in their contentment and confidence, I had asked myself, “Am I just too stupid to see what should be obvious?”

    It all seemed so simple for them.

    I was highly critical of myself, thinking that others could believe in a different way than I could. And that, as it happens, is a fact. We all think and perceive things differently.

    But how can believers believe without examining the thousands of other beliefs that people hold today or that have existed in the past and will come to be in the future?

    What if the Muslim God, Allah, is the only true God? Though they both fall under the category of Abrahamic religion, what if Christianity is heresy? Or what if it is the other way around? What if the Hindu God, Ganesha, is correct? What about Zeus?

    If there is a God, what if the truth has not yet been revealed, and a future religion is correct?

    Even with all these choices, if you believe and it helps you, it is probably a positive influence. I do understand your beliefs. We must all believe in something supernatural or merely our ideals.

    People have told me, “If you don’t believe in God, then you must just believe in yourself like you are God.” No, that is not the case. I believe in you and me, and if we all work together and love each other, we will make a better world for all of us.

    Speaking of belief, when I was young and in junior high school, I loved reading the Chronicles of Narnia books, written by CS Lewis. I was lost in these books and could not put them down. My mind went to Narnia and was a part of the story; I got lost in this world and loved it.

    I was a believer in Narnia, Aslan, Mordor, and all the rest. I do understand how people can have beliefs.

    Each person needs to examine why they believe and what is true.

    With these words, I would like to help open your heart and mind to see the life you are living now—the only life we truly know we have—and aim toward the excellence you desire, with or without God.

    I would like you not to squander this life you are living as nothing more than some kind of trial to be borne and suffered through on the path to something we can only hope is waiting in a possible hereafter.

    For Muslims, the hope of the seventy-two virgins who await them in heaven?—Do they have any say in this matter?

    We have this one life to live on this Earth—aim for your best life now—not toward some hope in heaven later.

    I know that most people in the world have been taught, as children, to accept the spiritual beliefs of their parents, whatever those beliefs may be.
    If you were born in the Middle East, you might be Muslim.
    India, you might be Hindu.

    America, there is a good chance you are Christian.
    It is all a matter of “where” you were born.
    When a child has these beliefs reinforced, again and again, with this idea of God during all their years growing up, no wonder they are a firm believer in that faith.

    In learning of God as a youth, is that a good reason to believe something?

    You are older now; you must thoroughly examine what and why you believe. As I wrote, this might spark your thinking and make you a stronger believer.

    While growing up, I did not have much religious or spiritual influence. My mother never went to church and was spiritually dogmatic, so ideas of church and deity were primarily foreign to me. Yet, I knew that a religious mind helped so many.

    Although I was always aware of how faith aided many people throughout their lives, I saw it as a psychological necessity for some, but not for me.

    I repeat, take the time to analyze what and why you truly believe (if you do, of course.)

    When I talk with Christians (Christianity being the primary religion where I live) and tell them of my skepticism of God and ask where I can find or see this God, responses are mostly the same: “Well, look around you. See the green grass, the beautiful trees, hear lovely nature, and see the sweet circle of life?”

    “Yes, very nice,” I say, continuing, “Did you know that most of the Earth is either too dry or too hot or cold to support most life forms? Or that the harmonious circle of life is an endless cycle of forced kill-and-be-killed cruelty—that most creatures (many humans) live in discomfort at best and merely survive day-to-day as a relentless struggle of life and death?”

    “Or that thousands of species are constantly dying out, being killed off by the competition with or without human influence?”

    “And what of natural disasters—hurricanes, drought, earthquakes, forest fires, lightning strikes, and so forth, wreaking havoc, bringing misery, desolation, and death to all living things indiscriminately?”

    “What about the millions of innocent children who die each year,” I ask them. “Did you ever think about them?”

    These people often do not have a response.

    Think, think, think. You must use your mind to analyze your true belief and see if it is accurate.

    To me, love is much bigger than any god. Love is as critical for your mind and body as is oxygen. Without love, people die.

    It’s not negotiable.

    The more connected you are, the healthier you will be physically and emotionally. The less connected you are, the more you are at risk. We must all spread love to everyone we can.

    It is also true that the less love you have, the more depression you are likely to experience. Love is the best antidepressant because one of the most common sources of depression is feeling unloved.

    Most depressed people don’t love themselves, and they do not feel loved by others. They are also very self-focused, making them less attractive to others and depriving them of opportunities to learn love skills.

    There is a mythology in our culture that love happens.

    As a result, the depressed often sit around passively, waiting for someone to love them. But love doesn’t work that way. To get and keep love, you have to go out, be active, and learn various specific skills.

    Today, as you are walking, shopping, and hopping, say “Hi” and be friendly to as many people as possible. They will feel better, and you will feel great.

    This is a constant choice you have.
    Always choose to be friendly.

  3. Jeff Watt October 2, 2023 Reply

    Kit, thank you for your passionate thoughts. Your thoughts pretty much follow other atheists I’ve been fortunate to meet. There seems to be some similarities in that a personal event(s) has made them not believe in God. They are almost always more passionate in professing their belief and feeling that those that don’t agree just don’t understand. That I guess goes both ways. They always identify something terrible as reason for no god. Ones belief is a private door as Voltaire mentions and Expanding one’s mind as you mention is important and C.S.Lewis wrote “If you are thinking of becoming a Christian, I warn you, you are embarking on something which is going to take the whole of you, brains and all. But, fortunately, it works the other way around. Anyone who is honestly trying to be a Christian will soon find their intelligence being sharpened: one of the reasons why it needs no special education to be a Christian is that Christianity is an education itself.”
—C. S. Lewis, p. 78
    Have Bless Day Kit

  4. Author
    Kit October 3, 2023 Reply

    Hi, Jeff.

    I like writing back and forth with you, good for both of us, I think.

    No, I don’t follow other atheists; I have my own drive on my own path. But, of course, many atheists have the same thoughts.

    It’s not a matter of me not believing in some human-made god; I have never seen sufficient proof for any god, anywhere. I have searched much, too.

    I find that many who believe simply stop thinking and just follow.
    These people (like my daughters), were raised with god and that is what they know.

    MAKE Your Day Brilliant, Jeff. (see the difference?)

  5. Jeff Watt October 3, 2023 Reply

    Kit, every day is Brilliant! My point in writing to you in beginning was you gave me a good idea for my book of personal journey “ Faith, Family, Freedom” , by including quotes from authors. Your chosen path is your private door. Your daughters is hers and not to be belittled or disrespected because she doesn’t agree with you. If you want to look for an extraordinary tangible person look into Jesus mother, Mary. She grew and learned every day on how one can grow with love selflessly.

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