- Posted by Kit
BLOG 277—YOU are a survivor!
BLOG 277—YOU are a survivor!
Don’t sleepwalk through life.
I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
*** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
*** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
*** I was hit by two trucks, but I remain happy.
*** Going through a 37-day coma–Yikes!
*** I want to help you to get the most out of life before you die.
*** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
*** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
*** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
*** Thanks, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** You will find secrets to unfold and good news!
*** What are you passionate about?BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I am helping to guide you. Coaches like me wish to lighten your path toward excellence. Remember that it is up to you to generate your journey toward merit. I’m not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it!
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
You can (and should) make changes to improve your life–at any age.
Start today, and you can build the life you desire.You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
I have gone through much.
I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
Remember, only you know what is best for you.EVEN IF YOU START LATE,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget–you are only as young
as the last time you changed your mind!HAVE FUN!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
As we all have, you’ve gone through significant changes in your life. In a time of change, do something, anything, to move forward and away from, or along with, the change.
Surviving tragedy is never easy for me, and perhaps you too. Whether it’s a catastrophic event that affects thousands of us or something we experience on a personal scale, as I have a few times. Our residual feelings of fear, grief, and resentment often far outlast the tragedy itself, and it can be challenging to carry on while they plague our lives.
You are not alone in going through these changes. And whatever you are going through, you are never alone. We all go through something or another. Sometimes, it brings us tremendous pain, but we have to get back on that unicycle no matter what the pain costs us.
The many lessons you learn can enlighten those who overcome tragedy. Many of you can pass on these lessons to others to spread messages of inspiration and hope. My weekly blog inspires you to always reach for more and improve your life.
Yes, it’s hard to fathom that a tragic event could transform our world into a new place we may not recognize. Many of us take time to adapt to this new normal, which may be difficult and deeply uncomfortable at first. My changes have taught me a lot, so look for lessons to learn as you go through difficulties.
Sometimes, we may even feel like strangers to ourselves during this process. But during this personal journey, embracing acceptance and forgiveness is crucial, as it can help us move on and grow in the wake of such challenging events.
I’ve found that when I get down and depressed about significant changes I have gone through, I find that when I help or inspire others, it will help me. Help others as you can, and it will get you through.
1–You keep getting back up every time life knocks you down.2–You do what should be done no matter how you feel.
3–You are the kind of person who would help a friend at any time.
4–You can read a room within seconds of walking in.
5–You automatically know when you can trust someone.
6–You can tell when someone is upset; you change to calm them.
7–You somehow know when someone is not telling you the truth.
8–You are the first to show up where you work and the last to leave.
9–You see and offer to help out before being asked.
10–You see what needs to be done and take care of it.
11–You cannot stand by and watch anyone be mistreated.
12–You often go above and beyond what is expected.
13–You give second and third chances to people.
14–You protect the people who are weaker and more vulnerable.
15–You often overcommit, saying yes to just about everything.
16–You refuse to let fear stop you from doing what you must do.
17–You’ve been broken open in the past to the point that your goodness pours out to others.
18–You see opportunity in every challenge and make things happen.
19–You notice the people or services that go unnoticed.
20–You are resourceful and creative because you have to be.
21–You see the obvious choice in complicated matters.
22–You focus on a person’s behavior beyond their words.
23–You are the best promoter for something you are passionate about.
24–You run toward difficulties rather than away from them.
25–You are the strongest person you know by far.
Many have told me I should be thankful to God for helping me through what I have had to endure. I could not have gone down this path because I had never believed in any of the gods humans have developed. So, who am I to thank for allowing my accidents to occur in the first place?YES, YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO FIND YOUR SUCCESS!
Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
Positive and inspiring quotes can be like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
“We must always take sides.
Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”
Elie Wiesel
Elie Wiesel was a Holocaust survivor whose parents and sister tragically died in Nazi concentration camps, though he was liberated in 1945. Upon being freed, Wiesel became an inspirational political activist and author, detailing his harrowing experiences in the critically acclaimed 1956 memoir Night. For many decades after, Wiesel made it his life’s mission to travel the globe and deliver speeches defending human rights and the Jewish people.
“We are imperfect mortal beings, aware of that mortality even as we push it away, failed by our very complication, so wired that when we mourn our losses, we also mourn ourselves, for better or worse as we were. As we are no longer.”
Joan Didion
Author Joan Didion endured profound personal tragedy in 2003 when her husband died suddenly of a heart attack just days after her only child was hospitalized in a comatose state. Part of Didion’s emotional recovery came through writing when she penned her monumental 2005 work The Year of Magical Thinking as her account of these tragic events and the following year. This work is considered a literary masterpiece that deals with loss and mourning.
“Saying farewell is also a bold and powerful beginning.”
Aron Ralston
Aron Ralston is a motivational speaker whose arm became trapped under a heavy boulder during a climbing expedition 2003. Ralston was left with no choice but to personally amputate his arm to escape, enduring unimaginable pain in the process. However, Ralston still managed to hike to safety successfully, and his perseverance and courage inspired countless others in the forms of his 2004 book Between a Rock and a Hard Place and the Oscar-nominated movie 127 Hours.
“I raise my voice — not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard.”
Malala Yousafzai
At the age of just 15, a young Malala Yousafzai was shot on her way home from school by Taliban extremists in her home country of Pakistan. She was targeted as an outspoken advocate for girls living under the oppressive Taliban regime. However, the attack failed and only emboldened Malala to grow into an even more inspirational force. Yousafzai overcame this great personal tragedy en route to becoming the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate, earning the distinction in 2014 at 17.
“When Americans lend a hand to one another, nothing is impossible. We’re not about what happened on 9/11. We’re about what happened on 9/12.”
Jeff Parness
Jeff Parness was a software venture capitalist in Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Though Parness was lucky enough to survive the cataclysmic terrorist attacks that day, thousands of other Americans were less fortunate. In the wake of these tragic events, Parness — who started the “New York Says Thank You” foundation — noted how inspiring it was to see Americans come together as a communityto support one another.
“Many brave things were done that night, but none braver than by those few men playing minute after minute as the ship settled quietly lower and lower in the sea … the music they played serving alike as their immortal requiem and their right to be recorded on the rulls of undying fame.”
Lawrence Beesley
Beesley was an Englishman who survived the sinking of the RMS Titanic on April 15, 1912. The event was among the most shocking catastrophes of the early 20th century, as the “unsinkable” ship suddenly descended to the ocean floor mere hours after colliding with an iceberg. Beesley and the many others who survived the event always acknowledged the courage of those who didn’t.
“I wish to preach … that highest form of success which comes, not to the man who desires mere easy peace, but to the man who does not shrink from danger, from hardship, or bitter toil, and who out of these wins the splendid ultimate triumph.”
Theodore Roosevelt
Long before he became President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt suffered two incredible losses on February 14, 1884. He lost both his mother, Mittie, and his wife, Alice. Roosevelt wrote in his diary that day, “The light has gone out of my life.” Despite these incredible losses, Roosevelt overcame adversity and went on to achieve the highest of highs in the world of American politics.
“Forgiveness has to be complete. If you hate somebody, it’s like a boomerang that misses its target and comes back and hits you in the head. The one who hates is the one who hurts.”
Louis Zamperini
Zamperini was a veteran of World War II whose plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean in 1943 while searching for a downed aircraft. He then drifted on a life raft for 47 days before being captured and taken to a Japanese POW camp. Upon his release, Zamperini cast aside resentment and embraced the idea of forgiveness, even for his captors. Zamperini went on to preach this message for the rest of his life.
“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”
Wilma Rudolph
Rudolph was a four-time Olympic medalist, winning three gold medals in track and field at the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome. But it took a long time for Rudolph to reach that moment, as she suffered from pneumonia, scarlet fever, and infantile paralysis as the result of polio in her childhood. Rudolph even wore a leg brace until she was 12, as her family — like many other Black residents — struggled to receive health care in rural Tennessee. After years of treatment and with a determined attitude, Rudolph overcame these early ailments to become one of the greatest athletes in history.
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
Do you know what you did last Monday?
Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
6/15–I woke up at about 1 a.m. and could not get back to sleep. Yet, I was tired while at the computer. With Beth away, I was able to lay back down at about 3 a.m. and awoke at about 6 a.m. I am happy I could get back to sleep, as sleep often avoids me (or me, it). Jemma dog was with me from room to room and did not sleep well.The area where my teeth were extracted hurts much today. I guess when the area is healed, the pain will go away. It’s too late now, but I wonder whether I should have removed these teeth. I had no pain, but I was told by Dr. Cook I would have pain eventually.
Do I regret having my teeth pulled? Well, I am glad about the two that had already crumbled. I was told the tooth toward the back might have pain one day, so I had it pulled. Dr. Cook only did what I wanted, but I wish I had that tooth. The extraction of the tooth was my decision. Regrets, regrets.
6/16–Today, Father’s Day, I heard from my daughters, Jasmine and April, which made me happy. April is currently in Puerto Rico with her husband, Jake. I had a great talk with Jasmine today. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard from Leah, and I don’t expect to hear from this daughter of mine ever.
Our bathroom was done and turned out great. Yet, the floor needed to be finished. I checked, and we had black paint and a clear coating for the top, which was taken care of. In the future, we will install a new floor. Take a look at the photo and let me know what you think.
6/17–Awakening with a smile, I like my life.
Yet, see directly below and learn of my pain.
6-18–When I went to see Gary at his Camp Paradise (I came up with the name, Gary likes it). I went to a food bank earlier in the day, and one of the things I got was a frozen meatloaf. I gave him that and several other items, too.
Having been a chef for part of his life, Gary knows how to cook things well; they taste superb. To cook the meatloaf, he boiled it in French Onion Soup, then added sauteed onions and a few other things to the mix. The meatloaf tasted excellent and could never be duplicated how it was.
6/19–Beth will return from seeing her parents later in the day. I cleaned the house well and mowed the lawn. When Beth returns, she will find that everything looks very nice here, and it will be great to have her back.
I even got out there and mowed the lawn. The temperature is up there–a hot one today. From what I hear, it will be even hotter this weekend. You will read about that later.
6/20–The house continues to improve. I do a few things daily to enhance our home. Do you do this at the place where you spend most of your time?
Before, it was a pain in the elbow; today, it is a pain in the knees (why does that word have a “K” in it?). I guess it is age that brings on various pains. Having various pains throughout the day has opened my eyes to others who have constant pain. I hope it is not you who has much pain; if it is, I hope my words help your life.
6/21–Garden, bathroom, backyard>>
Always work on the horizon.
Currently, I hear an Eagle out in the trees; what a pleasant sound it is.
I’m heading to Gary’s Camp Paradise tonight; Aaron will be there, so it should be a good time.
A self-supportive life can be a better life.
A garden would be a part of that life.
You must look into it.Jerusalem Artichokes Blooming
People often say I have a Green Thumb.
Yes, I do gardening, and I am good at that.
Yet, no need to rush me, your green-thumbed friend, to the doctor — the expression simply means that I am excellent at growing plants. The term was first recorded in the Ironwood Daily Globe as “horticultural slang” in 1937.LOOK AT THE TOMATOES, WHAT A SURPRISE!
Things are starting to mature and become edible. We are enjoying lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, and soon tomatoes, which will be a bumper crop (whoever thought of the word bumper to mean many, hmm.).
I look out my office window, where I do most of my typing and blog work.
All I see is nature, the garden, and growing things.
What a lovely view every time I am on my computer.START YOUR GARDEN TODAY!
This week, look at your life differently. Remember the difficulties you have gone through and see them differently—as a learning experience. Then, with a smile on your face, go forward, ready to confront any problem or difficulty.
It’s so fun to use words and get your thoughts across.
I hope I am adding to your life.
Next week, I will write about words and how they can add to your life.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
June 21, 202400 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 276—Age and Success
BLOG 276—Age and Success
Don’t sleepwalk through life.
I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
*** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
*** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
*** I was hit by two trucks, but I remain happy.
*** Going through a 37-day coma–Yikes!
*** I want to help you to get the most out of life before you die.
*** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
*** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
*** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
*** Thanks, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** You will find secrets to unfold and good news!
*** What are you passionate about?BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I am helping to guide you. Coaches like me wish to lighten your path toward excellence. Remember that it is up to you to generate your journey toward merit. I’m not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it!
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
You can (and should) make changes to improve your life–at any age.
Start today, and you can build the life you desire.YOU ALREADY KNOW
You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
I have gone through much.
I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
Remember, only you know what is best for you.EVEN IF YOU START LATE,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget–you are only as young
as the last time you changed your mind!HAVE FUN!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
No matter what age you are, you can and will find accomplishment!
Yes, you have time — MAKE IT HAPPEN!
While in my twenties, I started summerssalsa.com, which I found notable success with for twenty years. Who would ever think–from successful juggler to 37-day coma to delicious salsa maker. Always aiming for excellence, what will be Kit’s next direction?
Age doesn’t really matter. I’ve always felt I was 23, no matter how old I get. Age is a mind thing; think young, and you will be. As I get older, I get younger. At the age of 63, Beth and I found love at an older age.
Before meeting Beth, I really thought I would be alone for the rest of my life. Falling in love at an older age is fantastic. We were both old enough to know what we wanted and didn’t want. We were married on 2/22/22 at 2:22pm. Beth has added so much to my life, and I never see it ending.
As we age, the difference between our documented age and how old we feel is called our “subjective age” or “perceived age.” People tend to feel younger than their actual age as they age, and this tendency increases with age.
I always thought that people over 60 were almost dead. Now, at age 65, I am finding that I have so much more to do in my life. Yet death is unavoidable; we will all reach that point. Do all you can now to add to your life and others’ lives until the endpoint. Get out there—with a smile on your face—and get things done.
A survey found that 80% of people felt mentally younger than their actual age, and 56% felt physically younger. On average, people over 40 feel about 10–20% younger than their actual age, and even people in their 80s and 90s often feel substantially younger. This tendency is larger for women than for men.
The age difference between how old we are and how old we feel can often be measured in light-years—or at least a number of old-fashioned Earth years. Many adults over 40 perceive themselves to be, on average, about 20 percent younger than their actual age.
Although society often places a disproportionate emphasis on attaining certain milestones at a young age, success is possible at any stage of life. Age brings with it unique insights associated with our lived experiences, which can lead to innovative ideas and solutions.
But it’s not just a matter of having more experience—as we age, we may also become more resilient and more committed to our goals. Like me, overcoming challenges and setbacks earlier in our lives often equips us to successfully navigate the obstacles that come later.
As we all continue to learn, grow, and evolve throughout our lives, we may find our priorities and aspirations shifting as we grow older. The new skills and interests we develop can help us succeed in our pursuit of long-held ambitions or newfound passion projects. Research shows that success has nothing to do with age; it’s a combination of personality, persistence, intelligence, and luck.
So, while achieving success is a personal journey with no one-size-fits-all definition, we hope these quotes act as a reminder that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams.
Studying for a degree, starting a business, juggling at a high level, or darting off on a long-deserved gap year, today’s sexagenarians (people in their 60s) have ambitious plans and the confidence of people in their prime. There have always been high achievers between 60 and 100 who crowned a career with their best-ever work or chose a whole new life and nailed it.
People are finding success at an older age worldwide. Now that the age limit on student loans to cover tuition fees has been lifted, more people are going to college after retirement, but some folk have more catching up to do than others.HERE ARE SOME PEOPLE WHO ARE FINDING SUCCESS AT AN OLDER AGE >>
At 92, Marjorie Liggins from Sheffield married her 86-year-old dancing partner Norman Camm.
The wedding took just six weeks to plan – at 92 who needs a long engagement?
Gloria Steinem, who claimed, “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle,” finally married for the first time at 66.
Priscilla Sitienei, a great-great-grandmother and former midwife in Kenya, enrolled in primary school at the age of 90. Think of the guts it took to walk into that classroom if you are worried about being the oldest student on campus.
Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species in 1859 when he was 50. This book laid out the theory of evolution. Darwin had previously failed as a doctor but enjoyed natural history.
Taikichiro Mori was an academic who became a real-estate investor at age 51 when he founded Mori Building Company. His brilliant investments made him the richest man in the world in 1992 when he had a net worth of $13 billion.
According to The Guardian, Roslyn Menaker, 103, stresses the importance of having a positive outlook for longevity. She finds joy in her daily walks and her stylish wardrobe. “I love to look at beautiful clothes and eat out,” she said. “I have an amazing caregiver. She gives me manicures and pedicures and colors my hair.”
Ray Kroc wanted to build a restaurant system famous for providing food of consistent quality and uniform preparation. At 52 years old, he did just that. That is how McDonalds started.
Laura Ingalls Wilder spent her later years writing semi-autobiographical stories using her educated daughter, Rose, as an editor. She published the first in the “Little House” books at age 65 in 1932. They soon became children’s literary classics and the basis for the TV show “Little House on the Prairie.”
“I try to walk every day without excuse,” says Idelson, who’s 94. “I look forward to it. I’m often a little down and I say, ‘Let me get out and walk,’ and I feel so much better,” he says. Research indicates that walking 10,000 steps a day for 30 minutes at a brisk pace may help you live longer and lower your risk of severe disease and death.
Champion runner Fauja Singh, from Ilford, even has a British Empire Medal and a telegram from the Queen. At 100 his marathon time was a little over eight hours so he’s slowed down somewhat since he was 92 when he could do the 26 miles in five hours, 40 minutes.
Stan Lee created his “first” hit comic, “The Fantastic Four,” just shy of his 39th birthday, in 1961. In the next few years, he created the legendary Marvel Universe, whose characters such as Spider-Man and the X-Men became American cultural icons.
Jack Weil was 45 when he founded Rockmount Ranch Wear, the most popular cowboy-wear brand. He remained its CEO until his death in 2008, at age 107.
Rodney Dangerfield is remembered as a legendary comedian, but he didn’t catch a break until he made a hit appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show” at age 46.
“Keep your body in good shape and your mind in good shape,” Ruth Sweedler, 103, says. “Then you’ve got it made.” Through five practices, she and her sister, Shirley Hodes, swear by, the two have both lived beyond the age of 100. They walk often, build connections with people, and stick to a balanced, low-fat diet.Staying positive is just as important: “I’m interested in everything, and I’m in the here and now,” says Sweedler. “I don’t look back; I look forward.”
Wally Blume had a long dairy business career before starting Denali Flavors, an ice cream company, at age 57 in 1995. The company reported revenue of $80 million in 2009.
Pulitzer and Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison wrote her first novel, “The Bluest Eye,” at age 40 while working at Random House as an editor. She won her Pulitzer Prize when she was 56, and her Nobel Prize in Literature at 62.
Arianna Huffington founded her namesake news publication, The Huffington Post, at age 55. While she worked as a political commentator and writer in her early career, the success of her digital media publication made her a household name. HuffPost was later sold to AOL for $315 million.
Harry Bernstein spent a long life writing in obscurity but finally achieved fame at age 96 for his 2007 memoir, “The Invisible Wall: A Love Story That Broke Barriers.”
Martha Stewart, the home and kitchen icon, didn’t find real success until her first cookbook was published at age 41.
Vera Wang was a figure skater and journalist before entering the fashion industry at the age of 40. Today she’s one of the world’s premier women’s designers.
Betty White was one of the most award-winning comedic actresses in history, but she didn’t become an icon until she joined the cast of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” in 1973 at age 51.
Donald Fisher was 40 and had no experience in retail when he and his wife, Doris, opened the first Gap store in San Francisco in 1969. The Gap’s clothes quickly became fashionable, and today, the company is one of the world’s largest clothing chains.
Gary Heavin was 40 when he opened the first Curves fitness center in 1992. It evolved to become one of the fastest-growing franchises of the ’90s.
Sam Walton had a fairly successful retail management career in his 20s and 30s, but his path to astronomical success began at age 44, when he founded the first Walmart in Rogers, Arkansas, in 1962.
Henry Ford was at the old age of 45 when he created the revolutionary Model-T car in 1908.
Jack Cover worked as a scientist at NASA and IBM before he became a successful entrepreneur at age 50 for inventing the Taser stun gun in 1970.
At 72 aviatrix Margaret Ringenberg completed the Round-the-World Air Race.
Jessamine Skuse smelled smoke from her neighbor’s home in Bristol one evening, forced her way in, and dragged him to safety before the fire could take hold. She was awarded a Royal Humane Society bravery award at the age of 92.
Daniel Defoe didn’t write his successful book, Robinson Crusoe, until he hit 60!
Hardinge Giffard, 1st Earl of Halsbury, sat down to pen a 20-volume encyclopedia of English law when he was 90.
Peter Roget didn’t even start working on his thesaurus until he was 61.
Patrick O’Brian only hit his stride as a writer with his Master And Commander sea stories when he was 65.
Mary Wesley wrote 10 bestsellers including The Camomile Lawn after she was 70.
Colonel Harland Sanders – Established the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant chain at age 65; nine years and 600 franchises later he sold his share for millions.
Laura Ingalls Wilder – Began writing “Little House on the Prairie” at the age of 65; it later became a beloved television series.
Estelle Getty – After years as a relatively unsuccessful actress, she achieved widespread fame at the age of 63 as Sophia in “The Golden Girls” television series.
Grandma Moses—The American folk artist whose work was featured at the MoMA in New York and who graced the cover of Time in 1953 didn’t begin painting until she was 78.
Yuichiro Miura—In 2014, he became the oldest person to reach the top of Mount Everest at age 80 and has said he would like to try again at age 90.
Rosemary Smith – A rally race champion in the 1960s, she became the oldest person to drive a Formula 1 car in 2017 when she was 79.
Doris Self – Recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records as the “oldest video game champion” at the age of 58 by scoring 1,112,300 points in the arcade game Q*bert.
Momofuku Ando is an inventor and businessman famous for inventing instant noodles, at the age of 50! His next invention, at age 61, was the cup noodle. He packaged his instant noodles in a polystyrene water-proof cup. All you needed to do was add water!
Smoky Dawson – Known as Australia’s first cowboy and a pioneer of Western music, he became the oldest person to compose, record, and release a new album at 92 years old.
Mohr Keet – This WWII veteran became the world’s oldest bungee jumper in 2010 at the age of 96. And, he didn’t begin jumping until the age of 88.
Harriette Thompson—A cancer survivor who ran her first marathon at the age of 76 and, at 91, completed her 15th marathon, becoming the second-oldest marathon runner in U.S. history.YES, YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO FIND YOUR SUCCESS!
Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
Positive and inspiring quotes can be like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
“People are capable,
at any time in their lives,
of doing what they dream of.”
Paulo Coelho
“Age is no barrier.
It’s a limitation you put on your mind.”
Jackie Joyner-Kersee
“No star is ever lost we once have seen.
We always may be what we might have been.”
Adelaide Anne Procter
“Seldom does an individual enter upon highly creative effort in any field of endeavor before the age of forty.”
Napoleon Hill
“If success comes early, it can mess with you.
As rough as my early days were,
I wouldn’t change five seconds.”
Edie Falco
“The time for action is now.
It’s never too late to do something.”
Carl Sandburg
“I’m very grateful at my stage of the game to have all this happen.
It makes me laugh and laugh; it’s ridiculous,
because underneath I’m the same person I’ve always been.”
Iris Apfel
“There is a fountain of youth: It is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
Sophia Loren
“It is never too late or too soon.
It is when it is supposed to be.”
Mitch Albom
“There is nothing better in life than being a late bloomer.
Success can happen at any time and at any age.”
Salma Hayek
“All I have done before the age of 70 is not worth bothering with. At 75, I’ll have learned something about the pattern of nature, of animals, of plants, of trees, birds, fish, and insects. When I am 80, you will see real progress.”
“By being authentically who you are, you might be a little slower in becoming successful, but you’ll slowly gather people who are your tribe, your kind of folks.”
Chloé Zhao
“Luckily for me — and anyone who’d have to tolerate my antsy early retirement — our research reveals a deeper paradox that offers true hope: We older folks don’t have to assume we’re has-beens. That’s because creativity itself has no age.”
Albert-László Barabási
“Perhaps I would have preferred to start off at 20 or 30, but I don’t think I would have been anywhere near equipped to know what it takes to be in business.”
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
Do you know what you did last Monday?
Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
6/8—It’s 3 a.m. awake time again. I’ve been thinking about the way I write my blog and my wife Beth, who is still asleep, of course. She is such a big part of my life, and I do not show that enough in past blogs. We are together, we are a team. I will be writing more about our time together and how we help each other. I’m so happy we are connected, I can’t express that enough.
As I’ve seen my weight gain, it’s time for change. For a number of days, I will only drink green tea and eat nothing. Will you join me in this life change? It’s time to get in better shape. So far I’ve only been drinking green tea. I plan on going for at least a week.
6/9–My second day of not eating. As I wrote before, I am drinking green tea. I have not been hungry and there has been no need to eat anything. The process of eating takes so much time, if you really think about it.
Now it is in the afternoon. Just because of habit I had asked Beth what we were doing for dinner. She reminded me that I am not currently eating. I still feel fine, not hungry at all. Still not sure how long I will continue not eating, and I’m doing it very fast (get it?)
We were in the backyard, there is much we want to do with the land we have. Eventually a fire pit will go out from the deck I built. And, we will start growing more edible things back there. With the limited sunlight, not sure what that will be.
I have just found that the process of eating takes sooooo much time. From deciding if you are hungry, to deciding on what to eat, to going out to a restaurant or making it yourself, to cleaning up, to getting rid of what you ate and drank, and more and more. Think about your eating and how much time you are consuming.
6/10–Storms and rain are coming through today, which is great for the garden.
It’s the third day without food entering my mouth, and I’m not hungry at all. I’m drinking green tea this morning and throughout the day, which is alright with me. This is interesting. We all take eating and food for granted. Have you ever stopped eating for a day or a week? It can open your mind to the way you consume nourishment for your mind and body.
I woke up at about 1 a.m. again, up for the day. Right away, I wanted to eat; it is such a habit. I looked out at the garden and celebrated the growth and vegetables. I am looking forward to eating again from the garden.
You must try fasting, or not eating anything. (how quickly can you fast?)
After three days I feel cleaned out and I am losing weight.
In fact, we have the zucchini gown already in our garden. I looked up zucchini parmesan, and I will be making some later. I will start by eating a little fruit and going on from there. When you fast, always start eating again with fruit to get your body used to eating again.
Yes, I have a little hunger now, the afternoon of the third day.
Did you fast? If you haven’t, you must.
Fasting will get you to really think about what you ingest.
Start with just one day of no eating (but you must drink liquid.)
To introduce myself back to eating food, I started with two small tangerines. This filled me up and tasted good. This not eating has cleaned me out and I feel better.
As you may know, I grow zucchini in my garden. I didn’t know how to cook the zucchini. I looked up a recipe for eggplant parmesan and then checked zucchini parmesan—it turned out excellent. You must make some.ZUCCHINI PARMESAN
This has become one of my favorite ways to make use of our garden zucchini during the summer. The preparation takes a little bit of time before you assemble it in the casserole dish and bake it, but the effort is SO well worth it.
Start by slicing your zucchini into about quarter-inch slices. After cutting, they need to be placed on paper towels to help them dry. Since zucchini is 95% water, they need a topping of salt to help dry each slice. Salting extracts a lot of this moisture, which gets absorbed by paper towels on the top and bottom of the zucchini rounds.
Salting keeps your zucchini dry and solid. You need firm, sturdy zucchini bites with a limp and watery consistency. After putting them onto a paper towel and salting, let them sit for at least 30 minutes to extract the maximum amount of moisture. If time allows, I let them sit for 1.5 hours.
I dip the zucchini in egg whites, it allows the zucchini to hold on to the breading, but isn’t heavy enough that the egg will bleed through. From the egg it goes into a seasoned breadcrumb/flour mixture with a bit of Parmesan cheese mixed in.
Keep the zucchini crisp: Place the slices on a cooling rack after frying/baking/air frying.Using egg whites for breading is a nice, light breading that will complement the thin slices of zucchini well when done.
Dip each slice into beaten egg whites & garlic powder. Then transfer to the breading mixture and coat generously. Dipping sliced eggplant into egg whites and breadcrumbs before baking or frying for zucchini parmesan. Don’t let them sit too long after being breaded. Give them another dip in the breading mix if any moisture starts to creep through before they’re fried.
Fry in preheated 350° olive oil until golden brown on each side. Transfer to a cooling rack. Breaded Zucchini Parmesan before and after being fried.
Spoon a spaghetti sauce on the bottom of a 9 x 13 casserole dish. Add a layer of fried zucchini and top with marinara and mozzarella. Keep layering breaded Zucchini Parmesan with marinara sauce and cheese in a casserole dish. Sprinkle fresh parmesan over the top before baking.
Then, add additional layers of zucchini, marinara, and mozzarella until you’ve used all of the zucchini. You can do this in clean stacks or overlap them within the casserole dish.
Bake at 400° for 20-25 minutes, until the cheese is melted and begins to brown slightly. Smile and serve!
Make sure the oil has reached 350° (medium-high heat) before you add the zucchini. If it’s not hot enough, the breading will fall off. You can then adjust up/down during cooking as needed.
Watch them carefully as they fry; once they start to turn brown, it happens quickly.
6/11–I had to get a copy of a receipt from Costco, so off I went. Best Buy and Costco in Augusta today. Seems I get down there about once a week. I arrange it so that I get to Costco about lunchtime, and that’s what it is for me.
Many birds at the feeder today.
6/12–Down to the dentist today, so back to Augusta. When I was young I didn’t take good care of my teeth (I do now, though.) Now I am paying for it, though. I have three teeth on my bottom jaw that need to be extracted today. I will miss them, I must say. I’ve had those teeth in my mouth for over sixty years. Having them removed was so draining on me. My whole body got tired.
As I was getting comfortable in the dentist chair and knew I was there for a three tooth extraction, I jokingly asked if the seat had any seat belt. He had a great comeback saying, “No, but be careful, it is an ejection seat.” I had to laugh at that one.
Dr. Cook says that he will fit me with a partial denture later for the missing teeth. This is something that I will have to wear always (or when someone will see my teeth.) I expect I won’t have it in often. Later I can pay for tooth inserts, which are permanent, later.
If you are in the Augusta, GA, area and need help with your smile, look up Dr. Cook. He will do your mouth right.
Through Facebook and MarketPlace, Beth had bought some purses for an excellent price. We were to meet the seller at a church location. It was a small church setting, and they were meeting tonight. It turned out that her dad was the pastor of the church.
Beth explained that we were both atheists. It seemed the pastor didn’t want to hear about that. As we talked, he brought up the line, ” Well, you just have to have some faith.” That was my clue. I asked him what the definition of “Faith” was. Of course, he gave me the Bible definition.
I said, “No, what is your own description of the word? Of course, this shut him up. It seems that when you start asking believers pointed questions they have no answers. I will battle with a pastor or anyone concerning belief.
6/13–Up early and at the keyboard, as usual. Did some things around the house, always improving our humble abode.
Beth and I got new glasses today. Do you like them?
6/14–Beth leaves today for five days away. She is going to visit with her parents, about a two-hour drive away.
Today I went to help Gary on his land.
******************THE GARDEN THIS WEEK
A self-supportive life can be a better life.
A garden would be a part of that life.
You must look into it.People often say I have a Green Thumb.
Yes, I do gardening, and I am good at that.
Here are potatoes in the ground.
Yet, no need to rush me, your green-thumbed friend, to the doctor — the expression simply means that they are excellent at growing plants. The term was first recorded in the Ironwood Daily Globe as “horticultural slang” in 1937.
Things are starting to mature and become edible. We are enjoying lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, and soon tomatoes, which will be a bumper crop (whoever thought of the word bumper to mean many, hmm.).
I look out my office window, where I do most of my typing and blog work. All I see is nature and growing things. What a nice view every time I am on my computer.
Before, it was a pain in the elbow; today, it is pain in the knees (why does that word have a “K” in it?) I guess it is age that brings on various pains.START YOUR GARDEN TODAY!
We all have a father. My dad died when I was only six years old, so I could not get to know him. You have a father, visit or call him on this Father’s Day–you must. I’ve not heard from any of my three daughters, Jasmine, April, or Leah. I hope I hear from each of them on June 16.
A second challenge this week >>
Do not eat anything for a full day, or go for a week.
Make sure you drink plenty of fluid, though.ALL OUR LIFE, WE MUST CHALLENGE OURSELVES!
In the next blog you will learn ideas in dealing with change and tragedy.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
June 14, 2024 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 275—Time Marches On (and on and on)
BLOG 275—Time Marches On (and on and on)
Don’t sleepwalk through life.
I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
*** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
*** I was hit by two trucks, but I remain happy.
*** Going through a 37-day coma–Yikes!
*** I want to help you to get the most out of life before you die.
*** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
*** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
*** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
*** Thanks, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** You will find secrets to unfold and good news!
*** What are you passionate about?BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I am helping to guide you. Coaches like me wish to lighten your path toward excellence. Remember that it is up to you to generate your journey toward merit. I’m not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it!
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
You can (and should) make changes to improve your life–at any age.
Start today, and you can build the life you desire.YOU ALREADY KNOW
You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
I have gone through much.
I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
Remember, only you know what is best for you.EVEN IF YOU START LATE,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young
as the last time you changed your mind!HAVE FUN!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Time management?
You cannot manage time.
Time is just there, it is how you use the time you have.
I was at the top of my performance, achieving world-class efforts with my juggling and performing. Because I went through my accident and 37-day coma, I lost my juggling ability and much time. We have a finite time on this earth, there are so many more things I want to do in this life to add to your life.
I’ve mainly been self-employed most of my life. When I found it difficult to get back to my juggling and performing, I knew I had to find another way to find success and provide income. I developed a fresh homemade salsa that many people liked — much. I knew I had to find a way to make money with my salsa.
My business grew fairly quickly. After building a stand to sell salsa at, packaging the brew in 16-ounce clear containers, and getting labels made, off I went. I sold through six different farmers markets, at festivals and fairs, as well as through 15 stores — I sold thousands of salsa and made a lot of money. This went on for about twenty years. Take a look here >>
After getting hit by a second truck in 2012 and much of my body was broken, I had to close down my salsa business. Like with my juggling previously, salsa was my passion. When you find something you love (HI Beth), your passions, thoughts, and time have to be directed toward that.
Finding passion is good for you. Pursuing a passion is beneficial for your overall well-being as long as it doesn’t become obsessive. When you pursue your interests, you’re actively choosing to spend time on your passion. Use your passion as a driving force.
We have a limited time on this earth.
What do you want to accomplish before your demise?
Starting today!
To fulfill these opportunities!
We kill time.
We save time.
We rob time.
We get robbed of time.
We lose time.
We have no time.
We have all the time in the world.
But no one of us is powerful enough to stop the march of time or slow it down.
Timekeeping technology has come a long way from the beginning, like ancient Egyptian sundials. Then, with it, we have the ability to wake up at whatever precise time might be needed for work, school, or appointments — even if we often ignore a ringing alarm in favor of snoozing for just 10 more minutes.
While the demands of modern society are certainly more rigid than they once were, people have long had various reasons to keep a tight schedule, and at times they had to rely on more than just the crow of the rooster or the chirping of birds at dawn to make sure they were up to meet the day.
The most basic way people woke up before the invention of alarms was strictly biological in nature. Long before the advent of mechanical clocks or artificial light, people lived in harmony with the natural rhythms of day and night.
Two biological processes dictate this natural sleep-wake cycle: your homeostasis and circadian rhythms. Homeostasis governs our body’s drive for sleep, which increases the longer we’re awake and dissipates once we fall asleep, eventually signaling when it’s time to wake up. Circadian rhythms, meanwhile, control alertness and drowsiness throughout the day, influenced by light (more alert) and darkness (sleepy time).
Timekeeping technology has come a long way from ancient Egyptian sundials, and with it, so has the ability to wake up at whatever exact time might be needed for work, school, or appointments — even if we often ignore a ringing alarm in favor of snoozing for just 10 more minutes.
While the demands of modern society are certainly more rigid than they once were, people have long had various reasons to keep a tight schedule, and at times they had to rely on more than just the crow of the rooster or the chirping of birds at dawn to make sure they were up to meet the day.
The most basic way people woke up before the invention of alarms was strictly biological in nature. Long before the advent of mechanical clocks or artificial light, people lived in harmony with the natural rhythms of day and night. Two biological processes dictate this natural sleep-wake cycle: homeostasis and circadian rhythms.
Is it something far beyond our control?
The answer is–no.
While we cannot influence the flow of time, we can still make the most of it. Becoming a wise time manager can sometimes be similar to mastering sorcery, but the results are worth the effort. Such as, I only need a little sleep each night.
What did humans do before clocks and alarms to awaken? The most basic way people woke up before the invention of alarms was strictly biological in nature. Long before the way of mechanical clocks or artificial light, people lived in harmony with the natural rhythms of day and night.
How about this, native American warriors could determine in advance their hour of rising by regulating the amount of water they drank before going to bed.” Of course, these bodily functions still exist for you today as natural wake-up calls.
Another method of awakening involves water, though not drinking it in large quantities. In the fourth century BCE, the Greek philosopher Plato notably refined the timekeeping tool known as the “clepsydra” or “water thief” into a primitive alarm clock.
Throughout the night, one basin of water would empty into another. When the water rose to the desired level, it was then siphoned into another container, emitting a whistling sound and ensuring neither Plato nor the students of his famed academy slept through his lectures. What a way to wake up.
Another system had water flowing through its system of wheels, hooks, pins, shafts, locks, and rods. The wheel made a full revolution every 24 hours, and different sounds occurred at specific times—a bell chimed every hour, and a drumline beat sounded every 15 minutes.WHAT TIME IS IT, REALY?
During Britain’s Industrial Revolution, the shift from agriculture to factory work created a demand for reliable timekeeping for more people than ever. Urbanization meant fewer people waking to the rooster’s crow, so instead, they depended on factory whistles, or, for those who could afford it, on “knocker-uppers” to ensure they woke up on time.
Knocker-uppers were people who carried sticks, poles, or peashooters to tap on windows and wake the sleeping humans who had hired them as personal alarms. The knocker-uppers themselves were often night owls, waking for the day at 4 p.m. and retiring to bed after getting the laborers off to work. Eventually, electric alarm clocks became readily accessible to most people.
Being the master of your time means getting more done, staying energized, and doing more things you enjoy. Use your time the way you want, not as dictated by others
Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
Positive and inspiring quotes can be like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” – Leo Tolstoy
“Time is money.” – Benjamin Franklin
“Yesterday’s the past,
tomorrow’s the future,
but today is a gift.
That’s why it’s called the present.” — Bil Keane.
“Never leave till tomorrow that which you can do today” — Benjamin Franklin
“Don’t count every hour in the day.
Make every hour in the day count” — Alfred Binet
“Your future is created by what you do today,
not tomorrow” — Anonymous
if well lived,
is long enough” — Seneca
“Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments” — Rose Kennedy
“Yesterday is but today’s memory and tomorrow is today’s dream” — Khalil Gibran
“Time is like the wind,
it lifts the light and leaves the heavy” — George Orwell
“They always say time changes things,
but you actually have to change them yourself” — Andy Warhol
“Time does not change us.
It just unfolds us” — Max Frisch
“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late” — William Shakespeare
“If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it” — Anthony J. D’Angelo
“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend” — Theophrastus
“Your time is limited,
so don’t waste it living someone else’s life” — Steve Jobs
“For the present is the point at which time touches eternity” — C.S. Lewis
“Don’t watch the clock;
do what it does.
Keep going” — Sam Levenson
“Time waits for no one.” – Folklore
“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” – William Shakespeare
“Lost time is never found again.” – Benjamin Franklin
“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.” – Theophrastus
“Time is the wisest counselor of all.” – Pericles
“The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.” – Stephen R. Covey
“It is the time you have wasted on your rose that makes your rose so important.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“Punctuality is the thief of time.” – Oscar WildeYOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
Do you know what you did last Monday?
Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
6/1–It just turned 4am and I have been up for about an hour. You might be wondering how I write my blog each week. As you’ve seen, I have core words that are in every blog. I go through and delete words from the last blog like quotes and words on the past subject. The main thing is to pick a new subject to write about each week.
This week, the subject could be cows.
Or bicycles?
Or walking?
So ways of success?
Or happiness?
Or, how about time?
As you know, there are billions of subjects to write about. When I have a topic, I read up on it and choose words to appear in the blog. I look for quotes that are appropriate for the subject. Then, of course, I write about my daily happenings (which I hope inspire you).
Next, I pick photos that would fit in and save those. Finally, on Friday, I will do the layout of the blog and how it will look to your eyes. I do hope what I write entertains you and inspires you to always reach for more in your life.
Today I moved my body wrong and brought on pain in my ribs, perhaps disturbing a rib that was broken in the past. I have no doubts that my body will do what it needs to to stop the pain.
6/2–Early again, awakening at about 3am, up for the day I am. Sadly, I had put a frying pan on the stove heating up to make hash browns. I forgot about the pan, and it partially melted, so I turned the fire alarm on. This woke Beth and I got upset at myself. Not a good start to the day.
Brain Injury?
I wonder?
In the future, I will remain in the kitchen when cooking.
Beth went to a graduation party for her library director’s daughter, who she watched grow up.
6/3–A pouring rain today, but I did work around the house and in the garden. Like me, I hope you are always aiming to improve your current settings.As Beth awakened she watched the birds at the feeder outside our bedroom window. This is seeing the birds within a meter of your eyes. The birds were even stopping by on this rainy day.
Beth and Author William Rawlings who wrote The Columbus Stocking Strangler
With these rains, the ground is easy to work in. So, we planted Asparagus, as I’ve never grown it. Beth and I both love this veggie, so we had to plant some.
6/4–I’m off to Augusta today to have my teeth checked. I made an unannounced visit to my dentist, who happened to be in a lengthy procedure and could not see me. I was told he would call me.
Beth took this wonderful sunset photo today.
While down there, I stopped by Costco and picked up a few things.
They always have the best price for gas, so I filled it up.
Beth’s ex-husband is not doing so well. Both Beth and I still care about Eddie, so while I was away, she went to visit. For a night and a day, he had been choking on some meat that was in his throat. Beth took him to a hospital and he got fixed. We let him stay the night here in the spare bedroom.
6/5–I am working on my blog in the early morning. It’s 5:45 a.m., and I’ve been up for hours.Yes, it is strange to have Beth’s ex-husband sleeping in the same house, the spare bedroom.
Rather than seeing it go bad, every once in a while I bring my van in and have it thoroughly checked out. Today was the day. I took it: https://jiminy-fixit.com/ ; Jimmy is a good guy and does me right. If you are anywhere near, you must go see Jimmy about your vehicles.
I told Jimmy to hold on to my van for a few days if needed. I brought my bike to ride the couple of miles back home. Yikes —I am in such terrible shape. I will need to start working out more. Also, it never got this bad previously; my asthma came on strong. So, there is that, too.
At about 3:30pm Beth and I had to go pick a new bunny. She will give another away later because her heart is set on this new black bunny.
6/6–Up at my usual time, about 3am, up for the day I am.
I throw leaves and organic material on the lawn, then mow it. I use a catcher on the back of my mower. Everything I catch goes into the garden. The leaves and grass will hold water in the dirt and eventually compost. You’ve read before how I mow my lawn. I still want to have less lawn.
6/7–Like usual, awake and up at about 3am. My recent rib pain is down now, a good thing
A self-supportive life can be a better life.
A garden would be a part of that life.
You must look into it.
Things are starting to mature and become edible. We are enjoying lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, and soon tomatoes, which will be a bumper crop (whoever thought of the word bumper to mean many, hmm.).
I look out my office window, where I do most of my typing and blog work. All I see is nature and growing things. What a nice view every time I am on my computer.
Before, it was a pain in the elbow; today, it is pain in the knees (why does that word have a “K” in it?) I guess it is age that brings on various pains.START YOUR GARDEN TODAY!
Summer is here.
Time to start working out.
Start with stretching and go on to biking or running.ALL OUR LIFE, WE MUST CHALLENGE OURSELVES!
No matter what age you are, you can still find accomplishment!
The next blog will have much on finding success at an older age.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
June 7, 2024 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 274— Imagination vs Intelligence
BLOG 274— Imagination vs Intelligence
Don’t sleepwalk through life.
I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
*** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
*** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
*** I was hit by two trucks, but I remain happy.
*** Going through a 37-day coma–Yikes!
*** I want to help you to get the most out of life before you die.
*** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
*** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
*** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
*** Thanks, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** You will find secrets to unfold and good news!
*** What are you passionate about?BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I am helping to guide you. Coaches like me wish to lighten your path toward excellence. Remember that it is up to you to generate your journey toward merit. I’m not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it!
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
You can (and should) make changes to improve your life–at any age.
Start today, and you can build the life you desire.YOU ALREADY KNOW
You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.
Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
I have gone through much.
I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
Remember, only you know what is best for you.EVEN IF YOU START LATE,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young
as the last time you changed your mind!HAVE FUN!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — Imagination vs Intelligence
Think about it:
Can you imagine a future and then use your intelligence to make it happen?
Intelligence is the ability to understand and perceive what is.
Imagination is the ability to perceive what “could” be.
Albert Einstein once said, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.” This statement is full of wisdom and invites us to consider the immense power of imagination in shaping our world. You have a brain—use it!
Einstein also said >>
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” Use your imagination to grow your life beyond what you think is possible.
The difference between imagination and the ability to think is that imagination is a creative process that uses imagination to generate ideas and think outside the box, while thinking is an analytical process that involves logical reasoning and using facts and evidence to reach a conclusion.
As a human, you are a reasoning creature. Nature has supplied you with the capacity to think and decide. Humans can imagine, which might require intelligence. Imagination acts as the nourishment for the intellect to work with.
As I was lying in a hospital bed unable to move, I started to gather my mind back together to truly think. After lying asleep for over a month, I started to get my mind back together. Much of my recovery was in “THINKING I WAS BETTER”, then making it happen.
Imagination leads to unique ideas beyond reality in present circumstances, but you may also need to see the future through the development of better methods, technology, and intelligence. Thus, intelligence and imagination are connected and codependent.
To achieve anything, you need to be able to imagine it first. For example, if you want to juggle better, you have to imagine it first and see yourself improving. I think the greats tend to imagine big things and alternative things other people don’t imagine. I imagined myself juggling 7 clubs, and then I made it happen!
This is meant to be one reason why the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.
It is easier for the rich to imagine being rich.
It is easier for the poor to imagine staying poor.
Think yourself better!
You bring about what you think.YOU HAVE IT IN YOU, CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT?
We learn much more from people who challenge our thought processes than those who agree with our suggestions. Intelligent people engage with their critics to make themselves look stronger. Weak leaders quiet their critics and make themselves weaker. This reaction isn’t limited just to people in power.
Imagination allows us to go beyond the barriers of what we already know. It enables us to explore new ideas, see possibilities, and generate innovative solutions to complex problems. You must stretch your thinking to reach your imagination.
My high school friend Daniel Powell imagined becoming a millionaire before he turned twenty. Through real estate, he made that happen. He has gone on to acquire more wealth as he helps more and more people in the world. YES, you can make it happen.
Knowledge, on the other hand, is limited to what we have learned and experienced in the past; our thoughts and memories. It provides the foundation, but it is imagination that builds upon that foundation and propels us forward.
True intelligence is ingrained in imagination—the ability to think creatively, explore new possibilities, and challenge beyond the status quo. We both know you have a good brain and think well. Use your magnificent brain to take your life to a higher level.THINK — AND THEN THINK AGAIN.
Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
Positive and inspiring quotes can be like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
1–“The power of imagination created the illusion that my vision went much farther than the naked eye could actually see. – Nelson Mandela
2–“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – Albert Einstein
3–“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.” – Carl Sagan
4–“The world is a canvas for your imagination. You are the painter. There are NO RULES. Get to work!” – Henry David Thoreau
5–“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.” — J. Krishnamurti
6–“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.” — Albert Einstein
7–“The intelligent man is one who has successfully fulfilled many accomplishments, and is yet willing to learn more.” — Ed Parker
8–“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
9–“Action is the real measure of intelligence.” — Napoleon Hill5–“Laughter is timeless, imagination has no end and dreams are forever.” – Walt Disney
10–“The man who has no imagination has no wings.” – Muhammad Ali.
11–“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Albert Einstein
12–“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.” – Lewis Carroll
13–“What is now proved was once only imagined.” – William Blake
14–“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” – William Arthur Ward
15–“Imagination is the soil that brings dreams to life.” – Anonymous
16–“Your imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein
17–“We are more often frightened than hurt, and we suffer more from imagination than from reality.” – Seneca
18–“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.” – George Bernard Shaw
19–“Bring ideas in and entertain them royally, for one of them may be the king.” – Mark Van DorenYOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
Do you know what you did last Monday?
Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
5/25–Awakening at 2am, off to life. Beth went to a wedding a couple of hundred miles away. Her sisters will be there, a good thing.
Worked on many projects around the house. I hope you are constantly making improvements to your humble abode.
Started work on the back deck.
Another project that should add much to the house.
5/26–Today’s temperature reached 85 degrees. I am all right with the heat; I did not turn on the air conditioner. Jemma was alright, and happy, too.
5/27–Happy Memorial Day — Do you remember?
Did work on the gardens, we will eat well.
Beth did find some mating ladybugs.
Hmm, I guess one of the ladies is a male?
5/28–As you might know, I have three daughters. I haven’t heard from any one of them, but I hope they are doing well. My love will always be strong for them.
5/29–Went to visit Gary on his land which is on Stevens Creek. What a wonderful burst of landscape it is. I brought some tools to make pathways sharper and better; never did that work. Aaron had brewed up a wonderfully tasting stew and gave me some right away.
Aaron soon departed, and I drove back to be with Beth. Gary is staying some days. He has a great tent setup and will sleep well.
5/30–I just woke up from a dream I was having. I seldom remember dreams, so I am surprised I vividly remember this one. I was in Mexico walking around. There were chain-link fences everywhere. I had to use the “el baño” (bathroom), and I could not find my way to one. Finally, I came upon a cop who spoke good American English. We started talking, and he surprisingly pulled out three tennis balls and juggled them for me. Good morning.
I’m off to the nearest big town today, Greenwood. They have a Lowes and Walmart near each other, so I went to both. Stuff for the garden is always needed. Thinking more about it, we, basically, live in the wilderness, I do like it here. You’ve seen the photos, what do you think?
5/31–Awakening at about midnight, I could not return to sleep. My legs get like all the nerves are going off and I cannot relax enough to return. So, I guess I am up for the day. Do you have any suggestions that could help me?
Beth and I have been gathering food, as all of us should do. At this point, we have enough food and water to last us, perhaps a year. With the way the was the world is currently heading, it may be necessary to become more self-dependent. Are you putting food away for your future?
I just heard from my friend, John Fox, who has been performing, teaching, and living in Japan for many years. I think I initially got him in contact with someone from RBBB Clown College in Japan about teaching there and that is how he ended up in Japan.
John sent me a link to Bob Rosenberg, a juggler and performer who was one of my main influences at the beginning of my juggling career. Here is the YouTube link >>
As you might know, I was featured on the national show, The Gong Show, with host Chuck Barris, in 1976. I received 30 points and first place—a great start to my juggling career. The judges were Peter Lawford, Arte Johnson, and Eva Gabor. I do not have a copy of this show. Do you have any ideas on how I could obtain a copy of The Gong Show I was on?
A strange tiredness within me today. As I wrote, I awoke at about midnight and did not get back to sleep.THIS IS YOUR LIFE — MAKE YOUR LEGACY HAPPEN!
A self-supportive life can be a better life.
A garden would be a part of that life.
You must look into it.
The broccoli is about done. We picked what came up; tasted great. We had enough to give some away. In fact, we have had plenty of various veggies to give to many. Are you hungry? I will lbe planting more broccoli to see how it does.
Also, lettuce needed to be replanted, so I did.
As we move from cold weather to spring, we will have to change some things we are growing. Remember, there are cold weather crops as opposed to warm weather.Also, lettuce needed to be replanted, so I did.
Why look, there is a baby cucumber. We will have many.
Have you started your garden? This week will be a perfect time to start. Start with a few tomato plants in a planter and grow from there. Numerous links can be found on the internet to get your garden growing. And, I am here to help; let me know . . .ALL OUR LIFE, WE MUST CHALLENGE OURSELVES!
I just planted more lettuce and broccoli.
You will find out how it is doing.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
May 31, 2024 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 273— DO YOU RIDE A UNICYCLE?Don’t sleepwalk through life.
I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
*** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
*** I was hit by two trucks, but I remain happy.
*** Going through a 37-day coma–Yikes!
*** I want to help you to get the most out of life before you die.
*** If you read this through Facebook, see kitsummers.com/blog
*** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
*** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
*** Thanks, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** You will find secrets to unfold and good news!
*** What are you passionate about?BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I hope I am helping to guide you. Coaches like me wish to lighten your path toward excellence. Remember that it is up to you to generate your journey toward merit. I’m not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it!I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU WITH MY WORDS –
Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
You can (and should) make changes to improve your life–at any age.
Start today, and you can build the life you desire.YOU ALREADY KNOW
You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you.MY EXPERIENCES
Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
I have gone through much.
I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
Remember, only you know what is best for you.EVEN IF YOU START LATE,
Don’t forget that you are only as young
as the last time you changed your mind!HAVE FUN!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED TO MAKE A GREAT LIFE!
Riding a Unicycle
The unicycle is the highest symbol of freedom—with the adversity of only having one wheel, there is a struggle to keep moving forward. When you grow more comfortable with your knowledge of the mechanics of the cycle and the lay of the land, you learn to maneuver gracefully on any terrain life can throw at you.
The Latin prefix “uni” gives you a clue about the meaning of this word since “uni” means “one,” as in one wheel. In unicycle, it’s combined with “cycle,” which comes from the Greek word kyklos, circle, or wheel. And–below is the hard part — learning to ride the thing.
Uni, bi, tri
The prefix “uni” is one, as in unicycle.
Then “bi” is two, which is a bicycle.
And “tri” is three, tricycle.
In 1973, at age 13, I saw someone riding a unicycle. It looked like so much fun. I talked my mom into getting me one, so we bought one at Sears. I rode this unicycle hard and learned, but the unicycle could have looked better after I learned. Sears had a good return policy, so I could return the cycle and get all the money back. It’s free to learn that way.
Big Driveway
I learned in a big, flat driveway. I also practiced on a basketball court, which led to riding further around the area. Everyone in Ocean Beach, San Diego, knew me and my unicycle. Riding up and down hills, through parks, to school—it was my first passion. Later, I rode my 7-foot unicycle around OB and to high school.
As I was really into mastering the single wheel, I learned to ride backward, lifted off the seat, ride with one foot, and worked on using my hands on the peddles.
The Builder
While in high school, I built many different unicycles in my metal shop class. One was chain-driven and had a four-inch wheel. Another was 14 feet tall! I rode this much–way up there. Yet, after the third time I fell, I gave it to someone else. I hope he survived any falls.
24 Hours?
Also, in high school, the track team was set up to do a 24-hour distance relay while running with ten people. I talked with my friend, Jon Held, and we decided to do the relay on a unicycle I built—just the two of us. This cycle was geared up, chain-driven, and about five feet tall. You could go very fast on it.
Jon Held
One rode for a time, then a trade-off. Because of the tire, a trail was formed on the dirt track. We talked later and discovered that we each stuck to this track when we rode. Jon and I completed 231.5 miles in 24 hours and were pleased.
Toe Clips?
I put toe clips on my pedals (very dangerous) so that I could jump rope on the uni. I did this in many, many shows. If needed, I could quickly pull my foot out of the clip, and the jumping rope on the unicycle added much to the show. While performing at Ballys, my crank broke once; I made it funny after it happened.
Down the steps?
Surprisingly, riding a unicycle is excellent exercise. It mainly works the quad muscle group, located in the thigh area. Physically, unicyclists need strong legs, a sense of balance, and quick reflexes. Mentally, you will need the will to try and try again. Keep practicing–Focus–You can do it!
Jon Held, John Jenack, Kit Summers in 1977
Unicycles are relatively inexpensive, suitable for exercise, compact, and can be taken anywhere. Furthermore, recent scientific research has demonstrated that unicyclists improve their concentration, balance, and motor coordination. This activity plays a vital role in physical and mental development.
Just know that, at any age,
Can learn to ride a unicycle!Lisa
My friend, Lisa Polinari, has been riding and performing on unicycles for many years.
Learn more about Lisa here >> https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/magazine/1992/07/05/what-a-wheelie/9f35a911-9db5-4f2e-ac04-63d5457ebb4f/
Learning to ride the unicycle was difficult for me, but I persisted. The average time needed to learn unicycling is 10-15 hours, about an hour a day for two weeks. Unicycling is generally not dangerous; I did no damage to myself or anything. As with any physical activity, like riding a bike, expect to fall now and again, especially while learning.
Jasmine and April
I taught my daughters, April and Jasmine, to ride when they were young.
They got to be pretty good and stopped advancing because of many other things.
A Video for You
Here is one video on how to learn >>
YouTube has many videos on learning to ride on one wheel.
Search for riding a unicycle and unicycle tricks.
Getting Ready
Once you obtain a unicycle, adjust the seat height so that your knee on the down pedal is slightly bent while on the seat. A seat that is too high or low makes it very difficult to ride. A 20” wheel is the easiest to learn to ride. Many quickly give up, so there are used unicycles you can find for cheap.
To maintain balance, you must keep the wheel moving under you–SO keep moving! Finally, after many attempts and one week after starting (practicing about 30 minutes per day), I managed to keep my balance and move forward. It was exhilarating and a lot of fun.
Your Life
I discovered that unicycling is indeed an excellent metaphor for life. You must also get out of your comfort zone and fail again as you learn. You also need to adjust and try different positions. Most importantly, you must keep moving to keep your balance.
Learning Again?
Learning again after my accident was quite challenging. I am an exception in that respect. After over twenty years, I still can’t ride like before my accident. But don’t let that stop you from trying. There is so much to learn besides just riding forward. Check out YouTube videos to learn more.
How to Balance
No matter what age you are — you CAN learn to ride! There is no handlebar; the cycle is steered by gripping the seat with the legs and twisting the body. Riders keep their balance by moving their arms and controlling their speed while peddling.
Your Core
Riding a unicycle engages your whole body. Once you start riding a unicycle, you will likely be surprised by how much it engages your core. There is a misconception that unicycle riding is mainly about your legs. Besides adjusting backward and forward progress, it’s about your core muscles.
Around the World?
You may have seen his videos on YouTube. A British man is celebrating after becoming the first person to unicycle around the world. Ed Pratt left Curry Rivel, near Taunton, Somerset, in March 2015 to embark on a 21,000-mile one-wheeled adventure when he was only 19.
Watch this video of Ed, invigorating, I must say >>
The Challenge
Some of these challenges will be obvious, like balancing on shifting surfaces. Some might need to be more prominent, like how much more difficult it is to crank a unicycle than to ride a bike. Not all of those challenges are physical—some are mental.
4” Wheel?
It was quite fun. I rode another cycle I built in high school—a chain-drive uni with a four-inch wheel. I used this in many performances. I finally sold it when I knew I would be traveling. I wish I still had it, but it’s too late.
Keep your chin up and back straight, look ahead, and SMILE!
Remember to use your hips and thighs on the seat to steer.
Control your forward and back pedaling.
Know that a battle of wits accounts for the physicality of it all,
Look forward and not down.
Keep your weight on the seat.
If you stand up or put too much weight on the pedals, the unicycle wobbles as you ride.
How about This >>
That I may fall,
Flat on my face
And it’ll be ok
I’ll be fine—trust me.
Because equilibrium’s non-static state
Ends sooner—Rather than later.
What’s Balance but a second before falling?
What’s Balance?
But a second before needing more Balance.WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
Positive and inspiring quotes can be like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
“Why be a third wheel, like on a tricycle?
When can you be number one — unicycle?” Kit Summers
“Murray sounds like a blindfolded man riding a unicycle on the rim of the pit of doom; the men facing the danger are all so taciturn that you might as well try interviewing the cars themselves.” Clive James
“A person riding a unicycle on a tightrope doesn’t worry about being likable; they’re doing something amazing that very few people can do.” Ted Alexandro
“Owned a unicycle with one pedal and a missing seat. It was stolen by a one-legged man, with no butt, and an incredible sense of balance.” David Hammons
“I wonder if Harley-Davidson makes a unicycle.” Michael Hedges
“A person riding a unicycle on a tightrope doesn’t worry about being likable; they’re doing something unique that very few people can do.” Ted Alexandro
“I love motor learning because it’s elementary and primal—much of what I like to learn correlates with the opposite of what gets you laid. I can ride a unicycle, and I can juggle. These are unimpressive things to know.” Demetri Martin
“Yes, okay, it’s cool to be quirky. Do some puzzles, make puzzles, or learn how to ride a unicycle. That’s cool when it’s on the side, and you have a plan. What happens when you remove the plan? What you’re left with is a guy who likes to do anagrams. And doesn’t have a job… Sweet, that’s a catch.” Demetri Martin
“If something is too hard, it’s not worth doing. You just stick that guitar in the closet next to your shortwave radio, your karate outfit, and your unicycle, and we’ll go inside and watch TV.” Matt Groening
“I love motor learning because it’s elementary and primal—a lot of what I like to learn correlates with the opposite of what gets you laid. I can ride a unicycle, and I can juggle. These are unimpressive things to know.” Demetri Martin
“Everyone stops for a giant on a unicycle.” Kimberly Willis Holt
“So here we are, talking about Roman unicycles and alien sandwiches and my sister’s Italian misfortunes, while hanging in between us is: MY EPIC FAILURE TO CARPE. What’s wrong with me?” Laini Taylor
“I used to entertain myself – I taught myself to use stilts and juggle and ride a unicycle. But I was never immediately interested in theatre.” Tobias SegalWHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
Do you remember what you did last Monday?
Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
5/18–Still cloudy, tiny drops of rain. Not a very nice day.
We went to see the puppies! Tiffany lives somewhat close; she took three of the pups. What a wonderful thing; they each seemed to remember us. I lay on the ground, and they could not stop licking my face. What fabulous torture it was.
5/19—For some reason, I thought today was Monday. It is Sunday, and now I have an extra day—what to do, what to do?
Beth got a turtle!
She is always looking for something.
I’m glad to be her only human.
And, the next week she got another bunny!
The bunny and turtle are helping to take the place of the puppies we had.
THE CICADAS–For some time, we heard the constant hum of a bug called “Cicada.” Whenever you went outside, you heard them–they were everywhere. For some reason, at the time of the cicadas, birds did not come to our bird feeders, but now birds are back, and the bugs are gone.
A constant hum-noise for weeks, not hearing it anymore. They have mated and are back underground. Depending on the species, they spend most of their lives—13 or 17 years—in larval form, burrowed beneath the soil and feeding on fluids from plant roots (do they have a calendar, or what?).
They emerge from the soil in springtime and complete their final molt into adulthood. Each individual in a brood emerges within weeks of one another.
Watch this to learn more >>
5/20/24--I aim to get as much done as possible each day when I awake. It does not happen, but it is my aim. Today, I finished some writing and saw Gary in his land at Steven’s Creek. I was not there long but improved paths and helped Gary carry up some things from his vehicle.
Contact Gary if you would like to visit >>
Beth made a dish tonight with freshly picked green beans from our garden. Garbanzo beans, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, red onion, mozzarella cheese, and tomato were mixed in. Tastes great, and good for you, too.
5/21–Woke at about 2am, yet again. I am all alright with limited sleep, though. A quick stop visit with Gary on his land. Gary had made some lasagna, which was a quick meal for me.
5/22–Tending to the gardens today. Much growth in the plants. As I train them when they are young, I can have them grow how I want before they produce the produce (why are those two words the same, yet mean different things?)
And because I am writing this blog, I have to get on my unicycle and see what I can do on it.
I did a lot of work on the bathroom today. I had to put some drywall where the old medicine cabinet was and put in the Joint Compound to seal things up. Tomorrow, I will touch up where necessary and paint the job I did. Lastly, I will put up the new medicine cabinet. You will see photos.
I’ve done this kind of work before; I learn as I go. I’ve written before that you can do anything another person can do; you just have to find a way. Successful people are no different from me and you; they just find ways that work for them.
You do not need to call a home repair person to do the work for you—it is very expensive. You can do it yourself and do a better job for much less. First, you must trust yourself and what you can do.
5/23–I slept in until about 4 a.m., which is late sleep for me. It’s a bright sunny day today, so I expect to get much accomplished.We found a gob of worms today.
Have a look at the photo.
The worm are great for the gardens, so in they went.I thoroughly cleaned my van today. Some cars I see have the backseat and front seats packed full of stuff. Take the time to organize your vehicle. Once you have your car of truck clean, you will feel better.
This only took an hour or two, do yours this week.
Took everything out.
Vacuumed well.
Wiped the dash and all.
Used a hose to wash the outside.
Cleaned the windows.
We went to see one of the puppies today. This one (there were seven) lives with David deep in the woods in a house with three other large dogs. They all get along great in the gated yard and continue to give each other licks and kisses, as well as us.
5/24–The main part of the bathroom is complete. But I shouldn’t write that because I am always making improvements to my work. It looks good right now, but I like to improve. We still need to put in a floor and a ceiling. You will find some photos of how it looks right now.
The vegetable plants grow each week. You can see more photos every Friday. The tomatoes should get very large; we await. We’re still not sure how Jerusalem Artichokes will be. I’ve read that they taste like artichokes, hence the name. You eat the tuber, like the root. You will learn later, then you can grow some next summer.
It will be a massive tomato harvest!
I have never consumed this plant.
I will let you know.
It’s a beautiful plant.
Do you eat the seeds?
Do you know?
There has been plenty of rain this week, so adding more water is unnecessary. I have a rainwater collector that I use to water the garden when it needs it. I also have three rainwater collectors I could use. These are always full; we get enough rain.
Cucumbers Galore
Do you have a rainwater collector yet?
It may be necessary for your future.
The price has gone way down.
Take a look >>
Go from your rainwater gutters and direct the downspout pipes to feed into your rainwater collector. Have a screen on your container to filter out leaves and debris. I built a stand and put my collectors five feet up so that gravity could release water from a hose.
I have two 100-gallon collectors, one 50-gallon rainwater collector, and a tote that holds 375 gallons. Eventually, I want to get another 375-gallon tote to hold water. We plan on filtering the rainwater to drink it. Are you thirsty?
A self-supportive life can be a better life.
A garden would be a part of that life.
You must look into it.
YOUR CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK >>Don’t give up on juggling this week.
This week, learn to ride a unicycle!
If you can already ride, learn to ride backward!
If you can already ride backward, learn to ride sideways!
Beth is going to a wedding this weekend, I will be here alone.
You will learn about the wedding.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
May 24, 2024