- Posted by Kit
BLOG 50—Fifty weeks on the road!
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your soul.
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
***Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
***Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
***Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
***Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
***See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
***I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
***Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
***And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life!*****************************************************
***Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
***If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!
I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
Yes, the big 5-0. Fifty weeks traveling, this time anyway. Over the years I have put in many miles, all around the US, and the world! At least 33 times traveling round-trip across the US from one coast to the other.In my last blog, I wrote some of my views on the idea of a God. I heard back from a few people who were really bothered by the words. The idea of a God just never made sense to me. Sorry if I disturbed some folks, I have to write what “I” believe.
It seems that, if they truly believe, deep down, words would not hurt them at all, and, I would think, they would want to steer me down their path. I’ve lost friends for my non-belief. Is a different perspective really that harmful?
I don’t write about God often, as you have seen, but every once in a while I bring up this subject. I am trying to have people “think”, before following a blind path toward a God. If the idea of God helps you, that’s a good thing!
How about if you were born in Afghanistan, would you still have a “Jesus” belief, or might you believe in “Allah”?
What I have seen is that there are many people who live this life, the only one we know we have for sure, with half effort, hoping for a better life later in heaven. I urge you; reach for your potential now, while you can on this Earth, and make a better world for all of us.
With all the wars, all the hatred, all the bickering, all the control, and all the indifference included with faith and religion, these set us back in life. As Rodney King said, “Can’t we all just get along?”
As a planet, we need to work together more for the human race.
There are two questions I have posed to believers, I have never gotten a good answer >>Please give me your five “best” proofs for your God.
Please give me your five “best” proofs for your God.
Give me five reasons I should believe in said God.
Then I tell them that they cannot refer to ANY religious books, in any way.
And, please, if you do this, tell me exactly what you believe, and why do you believe it?
Can you do it?
Can you let me know answers?
Yikes, have lost more friends by writing about the idea of a God?
Hope I didn’t upset anyone with my words.
Enough on that subject, one that can be proven or disproven, but until I see some proof, I remain a skeptic.Each week, as you would know, I do not know what my future will hold or what I will write.
Somehow I am able to gather words together and send them to you.
Also, it’s still strange to me to not know where I will park to sleep each night.Since last week my feelings have been way up and way down. Spending much time at libraries writing, reading and watching YouTube. Wasting my time and my life? well, just spending time.
(I found my brush, by the way.)
Words to inspire you!From my book series, “Beyond Your Potential”
As you might know, I have been through many big life-changes.
Here are some suggestions I developed regarding life changes:-
Every day is a new beginning, a chance to bring opportunities for positive change. Each time you move forward, you have no idea what will happen. But without pushing forward, “nothing” will happen.
Learn to accept life and changes. If you can change something for the better, then do; if you know you can’t change anything, then don’t bring on resistance and accept life as it is.
Life is about taking risks and not about having answers—it’s about taking chances and making the most of every moment of your life, all without knowing what is going to happen next. Thinking this way makes life exciting and stimulates the mind.
Like a juggler, keep dropping as long as you keep picking up. Making mistakes is not a problem. The problem is failure to learn from a mistake. As long as you are willing and able to learn something from what occurs, mistakes are usually beneficial in the long run.
Who can like you better than you—who, me? You could blame and disgrace yourself, but when tragedy strikes, you deserve the most love and kindness of all. Support yourself, just as you would like others to support you.
Life goes on, and nothing is eternal, so appreciate every moment, fully and completely. As you know, it will never happen again. Now is now. You only have one chance for this time.
Like juggling, try to strike a comfortable balance between following your heart and thinking critically. Emotions can often cloud and confuse critical thinking, which can lead you down a dangerous road and making you an easy target for those who seek to deceive and manage (the bad guys.) But when it comes to personal relationships and life choices, your heart knows best. When you find yourself uncertain, trust in your brain and your instincts as you move forward in life through changes.
Unwind. So many people rush through life (as I have, much, off and on.) Take the time to just stop and breathe, to look around you and see beauty, to smell that pretty flower, to juggle three balls, to remember why you are here (as a social species we must help others, for instance) and to find what has real meaning in life.
Don’t take yourself too seriously. Bring joy into your life; you have that power. A good sense of humor is essential. There’s a good reason people say, “Laughter is the best medicine.” You must develop the playfulness, if it’s not already there.
Help others; it will bring you joy and fulfillment. Do something for someone else, show caring, love and make giving a part of your daily life—even if it is just a simple smile or a hug. It is more for you than it is for them, and what goes around really does tend to come around. Start right now to assist people.
To help with changes, I’ve developed a certain mindset in my life. When something happens or goes wrong, I do not panic. Immediately, I think, “Now that this has happened, how can I start to deal with this change and look for solutions?”
I think of ways to solve the new problem—right away. I am not sad and I do not regret. I just move through the change and develop strategies on how to make things better again.
DON’T OVER-ANALYZE THE PROBLEM.Finding solutions is crucial to getting through life in a good way. This habit I developed is automatic now. Right after some change happens, or as it is happening, be it good or bad, I am already looking for answers to the change.
Julia Sheehan is living the life like I am of adventure.
This a great video, watch It>>
This post video is great, too >>
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvL1nxM3X80Take it from an old man (60—yikes, I still feel like I’m 23)–Live life, don’t work it away, find joy!
Life moves fast, so savor every moment, as I am doing now!====================================================
1/3/20—Drove to Brawley, California today. On my way back to the slabs, I had mail forwarded to there for me. At the library now, earlier I was in the library on their wifi, they closed at 5pm, yet, I am still able to get online on their wifi while sitting in the van, so here I am.
In fact, I will be sleeping in the van right where I am parked. There is some traffic, but I find it will be less and less as night comes on. So, good night for now.
I passed a huge amount of cows (poor things.) And vegetable fields were all around.
1/4—Turned out to be very quiet last night. I knew that traffic would eventually let up and I wouldn’t hear any traffic noise; as happened.
Today is the first day of not eating for a week. I’ve gone without for four days, that worked out fine. I am drinking green tea through each day (and bud light in the evening.) Plus, exercising, too.
In the library charging up all my things, checking the news, and writing some emails. Libraries are very much of a benefit to humans.
I’ve arrived back at LOWs “http://lonersonwheels.com/” at Slab City, California.
Slab city, a unique place, no laws, really, and people tend to get along and work together. But, the slabs is practically empty in the summer, when temperatures can reach over 120f.
Here is an interesting video I just found about the slabs >>
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31vG4vXD6KsThe LOWs group has solar and batteries, so I am plugged in while typing to you. I love that we can get free electricity, makes life better.
I had to pick up a couple things here that were mailed to me. Some other people here have big rigs and TV and internet access, I don’t. So, it is quite boring for me being here, I will be leaving tomorrow. I have to get back to my exploring and my adventures.
Staying south for the warmth, I will be aiming toward Bisbee, Arizona.
1/5—A warm sunny day at 9:35am, should be a delightful day. Back where I live for over 25 years it is below freezing.
Overnight I changed my mind, I wasn’t going to go, but, I am thinking about going to the big event for motor homes and people who live like I do, which takes place in Quartzsite, California, but I thought about it overnight and I think I will go.
It sounds like many of the people from here with the LOWs group will be going. Not that I need anything for the van, but, with over 100,000 people attending, it might be interesting?
Jim, who lives with these LOWs and is a great chef, will be making meals at Quartzsite and might need some help, so I am going to make an offer to him, if I help with preparing and serving meals, he would let me eat for free? I will let you know . . .
Today I talked with Jim about working with him so I can get free meals, he basically said he has plenty of help, so it sounded like no. I totally understand, though.
The second day of not eating. I feel my body changing, but I am not getting hungry at all. On my second big cup of tea (30 ounces) now, that is all I will have for a week. Have you ever gone without eating for more than one day? You must try it.
1/6—John, who I met initially connected with about LOWs and the Slabs, urged me to go to the event at Quartzsite, Arizona and I have decided to go. Really, there is no rush on anything in my life. And, it will be a new experience; I strive for those. Yet, it does not start for a couple of weeks, and being only about 85 miles away, what’s a boy to do?
I had my green tea for breakfast. The third day of my fast, still not getting hungry. I have read that it is good to do what I am doing now and then to clean out your body.
As well as aiding weight loss, not eating for some days can have other health benefits, too. Research suggests that occasional 24-hour fasting can improve cardiovascular health. And, some evidence from research on animals shows that fasting can help fight certain kinds of cancer or even help preserve memory. Not eating and/or, hungry, does not “hurt” in any way.
I read that it can reduce the risk of obesity, psychological pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, blood pressure, kidney problems, and heart disease. While fasting is not possible for all people with, such as, liver disease, there are many people who can benefit from fasting.
Here are some other benefits >>
https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/fasting-benefits#section4Passed many wind farms on the way
I’ve stopped at another library. It is Monday, and, guess what, they are closed on Monday. I kept busy, though. I took everything out of the van and cleaned it well. I was mainly looking for a special hairbrush, must have lost it somehow. It is a kind that my mom always used, and I don’t even know the brand name, yikes.
Around the library, I see homeless with their shopping carts carrying all their positions. Sad to see lives that have gone down this far, but, then again, I am not far off from that? Or, do I carry my home with me?
I keep my hair short so I really don’t need a brush at all. In fact, this afternoon I gave myself a haircut, including my eyebrows. As you might know, I have a hair trimmer and cut my own hair. Turns out pretty good, I have never had a negative comment on the cut.
Also, I did my weight lifting, rode the unicycle and took a bike ride.
It’s interesting not eating at all. We spend so much time preparing and eating meals, I seem to have much free time now. I’m on my third cup of green tea. You might think I have a normal little teacup, I have a Bubba 30 ounce insulated mug!
I’ve decided to go to Quartzsite now, I will take a slow drive up there. I made sure there was a library and also a McDonald’s there so I could get online – yes and yes.
1/7—On my fourth day of my fast, halfway there. I still am not hungry, either. Maybe I’ll just keep it up and post of video of Kit shriveling away?
I found this about the RV show I will be at starting next week >>
https://www.quartzsitervshow.com/attendee-infoIn Quartzsite now, I have until the 18th until it starts (today is the seventh.) I will keep busy with things – I have my computer, my bike, my unicycle, and my juggling props, so, it will be interesting to see how I spent time.
So, time to spend, I decided to go to Blythe, California, and here I am. I need to get back to the wilderness, so, I think, tomorrow I will be going toward the north and exploring the Colorado River. It’s only 25 miles to the west, might as well.
Spent most of the day on the computer.
First at the library in Quartzsite, then the library in Blythe.After the library, I drove to Mayflower Park, right on the Colorado River. Very nice, many RV’s parked around here, they are looking forward to the RV show, I would think?
The Colorado River, in all it’s splendor.
Woo woo, woo is that? There is an owl hooting in a tree not more than twenty feet away. Such a nice sunset, too, wish I had gotten a photo for you to see. Yes, there is a smile on my face.
It will be very quiet and very dark, just how I like it.
I will sleep well tonight, hope to do, too.
Happy I am.1/8—Dark last night, but, some RV’s ran their generators in the late night. There should be a law against that. I awoke early, as usual, before the rise of the sun. When I awaken I never know what time it really is, my sleep is so eradicate. I used my stove and boiled water for tea.
Only tea for me. As you know, I am not eating for a week, fasting I am and doing it very quickly. I can start eating on Saturday, it will be one week then. I am still not really hungry, but, my muscles are cramping a little saying they are hungry.
Now it is the afternoon, still not hungry, only drinking green tea. I’m finding, in a big way, we spend so much to eating, when I am not eating, I have so much more time in the day.
Out of California now, in Arizona now, so gas is about half what I was paying in CA.
1/9—Last night I slept outside of a food bank I will be visiting later. Now I am at a warm McDonald’s on their wifi.
Last night the muscles in my legs were constricting, hurting much. I think the muscles were screaming >> “Feed us, Feed us!” In the middle of the night last night I told myself I was going to start eating food tomorrow, before my week-long fast ends on Saturday. But, I will keep the week-long fast going till the end.
Although, still not hungry, at all.
I do hope my body doesn’t yell at me some more.
Went to the food bank and got a load of food. Things that I don’t think I will use I left in a box outside the library. I arrived here about 8am, they open at 10.
At many libraries, they have separate meeting rooms where there are only two chairs and you can be behind a closed door, as I am now. Had to make a few calls and such.
Feeling some hunger pangs today, about time!
1/10—Slept with the van parked in a large flat parking lot. This was right next to a McDonald’s, so I went there at 5am, when they opened, to get online.
This is the seventh day of not eating, I will start again tomorrow by eating fruit to begin. I’ve lost much weight, I believe, I have no scale to check. The whole week I only had a couple of instances when I was hungry. I believe I could easily continue with this for a while more, perhaps next time I will go for a longer fast?
Although I’m not eating for a week, I went by two foodbanks today and got gobs of food.
The sun is just making an appearance, no clouds, should be a nice warm day.
I’m looking forward to getting back to eating tomorrow.
(I found my brush, by the way.)
My Challenge for You this Week >>
When is the last time you went camping?
Years ago I camped in the snow with a tent, a memory that is always with me.
This week, plan an outing to camp as the spring comes toward us.
===============Next Blog >>
You will hear all about the RV show I will be attending starting the 17th.
And, you will hear about my return to consuming food, starting with fruit.===============
January 10, 202001 -
- Posted by Kit
BLOG 48—Don’t search for happiness – make it happen for yourself – CONSTANTLY
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your soul.
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
- Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
- Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
- Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
- Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
- See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
- I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
- Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
- And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
***Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
***If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!
I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
**********************************************************************Last week I was feeling quite down, as you might been able to tell from reading my words. This week I am feeling much better, thanks to those of you who contacted me with concerns. I know it is up to me to make and see the happiness for myself.
Chris and Dena Myers, you are the best of friends. Thanks for the only Christmas gift I received, a money gift through PayPal, that made my Christmas great. And, when you wrote that my weekly blog was my gift to you, that pleases me, much.
Chris and Dena, I loved when I had a booth at your food show, https://gourmetshows.com/. I loved being there and sold much of my salsa, summerssalsa.com. I am so impressed with such a classy company you put together and the classy life that you lead.
Words to inspire you!
Don’t live each year the same for 82 times in a row and call it a life, there is more to you than that. Learn to deal with change, it will add much to your life, excel on being able to change with the changes. The main thing is, in everything you do, do your very best.
When I was a professional juggler, my aim was for excellence, to be the very best I could be. Same with writing my books, my salsa business (summerssalsa.com) and my recovery from my accidents.
Aim toward excellence, be “The Best”. Put your full attention on what you are doing in each moment of your life and drive yourself toward doing your very best.
12/21—Yesterday I made another batch of my tasty salsa, right in my van; turned out as good as usual. As I wrote before, let me know and I will send you the recipe. Thanks again for the mini-chopper/food processor, Dave Kha.
And, yesterday, I went to see my friend, Lorna Paris. She was kind of a young “groupie” back when I performed street shows in Balboa Park in the late 1970s/early 1980s.
Some years ago Lorna came down with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) MS can ravage a body, she is able to walk, but not very well. Many other changes, too. She can no longer juggle 3 balls, her body just won’t allow it. Lorna’s mind is sharp, but she feels it diminishing, too.
Her husband, Terry, has stayed with her through all this, and will continue to. Such a good man he truly is.
Lorna’s mom, Charlotte, came down with dementia a number of years ago. Her dad is suffering through Alzheimer’s and both her parents are slowly losing. They each might have trouble even recognizing their daughter, so sad.
In fact, Charlotte and I had a romance, after my first accident, I was 23, Charlotte, 43. Such special memories of this wonderful lady.
And, as you recall, in my last blog I was complaining about not being able to juggle well? Seeing and talking with Lorna makes me really think of all I do have and all I can do. How about you, having trouble, can you relate?
After having dinner with Lorna (her husband was working security somewhere until midnight), I drove to the nearest library and slept in the parking lot. Was quiet and, for a change, I slept well.
The next day I went to see Joyce Scatolini-Madrid, we went to the same high school, her five years after me. She was calling numbers for a bingo match for old people, said I would meet her there. It was in Balboa Park, my old stomping grounds where I used to perform street shows.
I made sure I arrived early so I could look around the park. I rode my unicycles all over this huge park, and juggled in many areas, too. The park was sort of like a home away from home. I never imagined I would play bingo in the park.
Well, yes, I played bingo and lost.
I match the age of some, I guess I am old now?
After I dropped Joyce off at her home, I did not know what to do, lost again I was (well, my mind was lost.) I decided to go back to Ocean Beach, where I grew up. When I passed the turnoff to get to where my mom used to live, I cried. She is dead now and it hurt sooooo much to remember.
It’s great, I don’t have to count on GPS so much in San Diego, remembering how to get around where I grew up.
12/23—At the library on the computer most of the day. Much rain for the next five days, it’s nice to be inside.
I had contacted six people I know in the San Diego area about, perhaps, stopping by to see them on Christmas day. Only one responded, Chris Foster, who let me know he was in Germany with his brother. So, of course, I did not expect him to return for Christmas with Kit.
Yet, I would expect to hear from at least one other person about Christmas. Right now I am planning a chicken taco dinner in the van at the beach alone. I hope your Christmas was a fantastic event.
I walked on the main street of Ocean Beach, Newport Avenue, up one side and down the other. You may not know, I grew up on Newport street, up the hill at 4522. There are only a few shops and restaurants still going that are the same as when I lived here; so much change has occurred.
Memories came to me of when I rode my various unicycles up and down Newport Street. Riding my seven-foot unicycle, up above the vehicles, always got reactions. And, when I rode my 14-foot unicycle, having to duck under telephone lines, much much interest.
12/24—Happy Christmas Eve! Last night I slept down the road on Via Las Cumbres, near where I lived with Mary Ellen. This is right on Tecolote Canyon, a protected wilderness area. As I expected, it was dark and quiet.
Mary Ellen and I got married and lived in this apartment for ten years before we moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area and bought a house in the town of Trainer. I loved living here on Tecolote Canyon. Perhaps that is what drove me back to spend the night? No, I knew it would be quiet and dark.
Next, it was on to OB (Ocean Beach.) While wearing my running shorts, I took a shower in the outside beach showers. Cold, yes, but necessary.
Now I am back in the OB library, plugged in and on their wifi.
On this Christmas eve, I have parked on a side street in OB, hoping it will be quiet. Still have no plans for tomorrow, we will both see what comes to be.
12–25—MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope I am not saying that too late.
I spent last night parked on Froude Street, a place near the beach. As I expected, it was quiet. When I awoke I waited until the sun made an appearance, then drove to the beach. I was amazed at the few cars parked on the busy Newport Street.
When I arrived at the empty beach parking lot, I just looked over the area. There were a few homeless milling around. I opened the side doors and started my stove (remember, it just uses wood, like twigs, for fuel.) First I boiled water for my green tea, then I fried up some potatoes with onions (my favorite.)
Memories—they started up at 6am. OB is right in a flight path from the airport. They passed a law many years ago that they cannot start up until six, but after six it was a plane every few minutes. So, even on Christmas day, life goes on. Many many times through school the teacher would have to stop and wait because of the noise.
I just met a guy who is traveling while on a bike. He carries everything with him. I could tell he was a smart guy. From North Carolina, he was driving and living in his vehicle, but then his car broke down. He purchased a bike for cheap and does not know what direction he is going, like me, he just has to go.
Back in high school a couple friends and I went to the beach on Christmas day and went body surfing. I was planning on doing the same today, but, because of the strong cold wind, I chickened out.
After I got to the beach I just sat and looked around the area. There were some homeless around. I like to help them how I can (I guess I am one of?) A women knocked on my window and asked if I had any cigarettes. I said “no” and gave her some chocolate as I said, “This is much better for you”
After, done with OB and San Diego, to the north I roam.
After my first accident in 1982, I was at Sharp Rehab for help learning to walk, talk and everything physical. I had known what to do, I just had to retrain my muscles. The therapists did help, much. When I started riding my bicycle from OB up to rehab, ten miles each way, my rehab ended soon after.
As you know, in the last blog I was somewhat down, alright, a lot down. At some urging by my good friend, Lissa Tyson-Pyke, who suggested I try and help people, I went to Sharp Rehab, where I was an inpatient in 1982 for several months after my 37-day coma.
I wanted to inspire and entertain some people who were here.
I met with Noel Furrnandez, who attempted suicide by jumping from a bridge (he broke his body, bad.) This 23-year old (my big accident happened to me when I was 23, too.) worked at casinos as a card dealer and also liked to gamble himself (He was way in debt and, with some other factors involved, saw no other way but death.
Also, there was Phil Pressel and his wife, Pat. Last week Phil had his “other” leg amputated. He has a circulation problem. He is in Sharp to relearn how to get through life without legs.
We all talked for a while and, I think, we helped each other. I also did some juggling and some magic to entertain them. Good idea, Liisa, I do feel better now.
Up north out of San Diego now. I took Via De La Valle and stopped at a McDonald’s. They were, surprisingly, open, on Christmas day. Even more amazing, they were jammed with people. All afternoon they had many people come through.
A couple, just to my right, both people on their phones not talking. It seems so wrong to me.
I just cooked and ate my Christmas dinner, I did make it a festive event. Four chicken tacos, including my home-made salsa. Quite delicious, I must say. I did all this in the van, which was parked right outside a McDonald’s.
Hard to believe how many people come to McDonald’s for Christmas dinner, including many families. Were they raised this way, or are they just lazy?
12/26—Yes, the day after. I’m back at that McDonald’s where I was last night, on their wifi and electric. Still surprised at how many people were here last night for Christmas dinner.
Last night I was in a residential area to sleep. Awoke to much rain dropping down on the van roof. Still getting about five hours a night, enough for me to live.
12/27—After spending the night in a quiet residential area, it was off to yet another McDonald’s, up north near a Best Buy I have to go to today about my computer. This one is very empty and I am in a side room where no one can see me. In fact, perhaps I will start living here?
My Challenge for You this Week >>
When is the last time you read a good book?
It’s time, read a book this week that will add to your life.
Let me know what book and how it changed you.
Next Blog >> Spending a few days for New Years celebrations with my friend Daniel Powell. You will hear all about it in the next post.
How long into the night can I last?
Will I drink? How much?
Will I meet a lovely female friend?
January 3, 2020 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 49—On the way to where?
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your soul.
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
YES—YOU CAN > >• Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!• Live with little money and still have an excellent life.• Be able to live life getting very little sleep.• Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!• See experiences that will add to and make your life better.• I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.• Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?• And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.*********************************************************************Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/***If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.***If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!********************************************************************************************************************************************Yikes, I had written words and deleted all I did, by accident. I will attempt to recovery by memory.Still very interesting to live the way I do. Not knowing what is next or where I am heading, but many lives are lived that way.===================Words to inspire you!
Here are the “a’s” >>- Accomplish
- Accomplishments
- Achieve
- Act
- Action
- Active
- Admiration
- Admire
- Adventure
- Alive
- Ambition
- Ambitious
- Appreciate
- Appreciation
- Attain
- Attitude
===================MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>12/27—I had some time to spend, so, today, I went to San Dieguito Park up by Solana Beach, north of San Diego; very nice. On the grass, I did some juggling and playing with props. I saw some kids on the swings and slides having a great time. Of course, their moms were right there, overseeing.It reminded me of when my wonderful daughters, Jasmine and April, were toddlers. I often took them to various parks in the area where we lived. I wonder if they remember?I knew, at their young age, with their brains still developing, the more experiences they had would build their thinking in a good way. Also, I knew that getting to know nature would add wonders to their thinking.So, I would have them feel leaves, grass, rocks, along with other things. Smelling different things is important, too. As well as play on and with different things.I knew where frogs were, so we had to go and find them. And, I tried to introduce them to other animals, as well. I just knew that with more experiences, their brains would develop better (and it worked!)I loved to do things with them that would enliven their minds (mine, too!)How about you?- When was the last time you smelled a flower?
- When was the last time you picked up an interesting rock to examine it?
- When was the last time you were out feeding birds?
Nature is a main teacher in life. At least once a week, get away from your computer and other things and spend some time in natural settings. Even a local park can help do the job.You have to remember, it’s the little things in life and that makes life a great event. If you can make all of the little things better, you will experience a finer life.Once again, the more experiences we have in life, the more joy we can find. Life is so much more than the stuff you can buy with money. That’s one of the main reasons I love living and traveling in my van, so so many experiences I am going through.A joy I found—I went and parked at the beach in a great spot. Right next to the sand, it made me smile. While parked there, dinner was a can of chili, very tasty. As I wrote before, I carry enough food to last me for a week or two.Where I was parked, many pretty damsels were walking by. It made me wonder if I will ever again find someone to be with. I love to be in love.12/29—Today I went with my friend, Daniel Powell, to his church, along with Kat and John, who were staying with him. This was a Christian Science Church in Rancho Sante Fe. Two women were speaking. The whole time we heard them read from the bible book and another book, nothing impromptu, at all.The small audience of about 35 were completely silent and no one took notes. Just one song took place with the group. The service was, sorry to say, kind of boring.It always surprises me that at most churches the audience is read to from the bible, like they can’t read the bible for themselves? This is the only religious text that I know of, the old testament and new. Other religions have books, they are mainly written through the eyes of the bible, though.I don’t know if you have read the bible, there are many parts that are of horrendous things, but, most do not read their bible book and do not know about the bad parts. For one >>Deuteronomy 13:7-12 >> “If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods . . . Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God.”(Who will be the one to kill me for my non-belief, as the bible asked for?)This church was very clean and modern with large windows all around looking out on beautiful foliage that is around the church. After the service it was like a social event as people gathered and milled around and talked.As you know, I do not believe in any God; belief never made any sense to me. It still surprises me how so many follow the bible so closely.After we attended church service, we drove over and walked down Cedros Road to see stores near Daniel’s. We went to see madisongalleries.com. They were showing very unique and special art from around the world. Art normally bores me, but I did like what I saw here.Last night was the first of two nights of New Year’s celebrations put on by Daniel, who owns the property of The Village on Cedros AvenueDaniel, who I graduated high school with in 1977, became a millionaire in his 20’s through the buying and selling of commercial real estate. He has gone on to own more and more properties and has been more and more successful.Yes, he is a winner at the Monopoly game of life and living the life that “he” chooses.So, two nights of New Years Celebration, starting last night. We saw USC Trojan Marching Band, magnificent, I must say. They played many current hits, quite well at that.As I helped as much as I could, Daniel gave me a good amount of money for my help. I did not expect that, thank you so much, my friend, it will be used well.In another area, a dance floor along with a band to make people swing and dance. A great time was had by all. Also, Daniel is a successful drummer and beat some skin along with the band.Earlier tonight I was out at the sidewalk leaning against a pole. Many walked by, only one person made eye contact and said, “hi”. It makes me sad that people are so self-contained and will not open up to others and be friendly. I hope you are friendlier?12/30—Slept next to where Daniel’s shopping center is located. I was watching the area for Daniel, kind of like a security guard? And, I was not unarmed, I had my right arm and my left arm.I awoke at 1am by noise, so I went to check it out. There was a big truck there and four guys were breaking apart and loading the dance floor that Daniel rented. I saw “Raphel’s Rentals” on the side of the truck, so I knew it was OK. After my middle of the night melee, I slept until 5am, so, a night of good sleep for me, after all.This second night New Year’s Eve celebration did not attract any crowds, quite disappointing, I must say. Only a few people on the dance floor, some at the coffee shop.Friends of Daniel, Kat, and John, took us all out to eat Mexican. With a view of the beach and the delicious food, a fabulous night was had by all.12/31—I drove Kat and John from Daniel’s house to the airport at 5:30am. We made it in plenty of time. The airport, being so close to Ocean Beach (OB), where I grew up, was close by. So, it was a magnet effect—I was drawn to OB—again.Nothing happening at the beach, I did some early morning juggling on the grass. Then I just told myself, “There is nothing more for you here, skedaddle, and you don’t need to return.”OB is where I grew up and where my mom lived for over 50 years until her death a couple of years ago. No more attraction to OB, anymore, cannot call it “home” again.So, first to Costco to fill up on expensive California gas, Costco always has the lowest prices, though (the high cost fuel is the main reason I am leaving the state.) Then off I went to the Linda Vista Library, to get online, which would be on my way east, the direction I was heading next.Being about 9am, the library did not open until 11:30, so I looked on GPS for another one down the line, they also opened at 11:30. Further east I found one open earlier and went inside to the warmth.Libraries are always clean and nice, and most are well heated, so, my home(s) away from home? Also, I drive my home to get there, if you think about it.So, today is New Year’s Eve—what to do, what to do?My friend Lynn Montague and I graduated from Point Loma High the same year. She lives about 50 miles east from where I was. I sent a message and she let me know she was making banana muffins and to come on out, so I did.After being together for 13 years, Lynn and Mike were happily in love, looking forward to a great future. Seven years ago, like me, Mike was hit by a truck. But, unlike me, he did not survive. Because I saw that Lynn was still grieving, and he was the only one for her, I did not pursue Lynn in any way. I saw a love for life between them.There is a Casino within about ten miles, she suggested we drive out there. She used to come out often, now, without a car, she doesn’t make the trip so often. She knew many of the bartenders and people there. I had one beer, Lynn had a number of drinks and had a good time.We left there at about 9pm and came back to her house, a mobile home-trailer. She has lived out here for over thirty years, way out in the boonies. Why, lookie there, Mexico is within throwing distance of hurling a rock. I slept through midnight till the morning on New Years, hope you had a festive time.Because she lives out in the wilderness, I knew that I would find plenty of wood for my wood stove. I did, of course, and packed up many many pieces.I will be helping Lynn with some fixing of the place and building other stuff for her. I appreciate her letting me stay over.But, stay over until what? Once again, with no schedule and no direction, I don’t know where to go. Yet, I do know I want to stay south for the warmth. Any suggestions?1/1/20—Those numbers were fun to write. Finally into the year 2020, what can I (we) expect for the future?I stayed around Lynn’s and worked on things, and, I went out into the brush and got dry wood us use as fuel for my stove.1/2—Not much to do around here, out away from all. Lynn has no wifi, I am so used to easily getting online and getting news and connect with people. It gives me time to write these words, though. I use LibreOffice to write, a great program to use offline.Lynn is having trouble with the new management of the land her trailer is on. The guy says she owes money, she has receipts, though, that she doesn’t. The guy, Robert Mark Warren, even told me to leave the property and threatened me if I didn’t. Because our phones don’t always connect, I am fearful of harm coming, yikes.We had gone to a local library (well, ten miles away) and I did some work on my computer. When we returned the people at the land where she is living had put up a sign that said, “Visitors park your car on the street” so I could not drive through to where she lived, we had to walk.1/3—WOW, last night was a nightmare. One guy came over and demanded rent payment. Lynn had a receipt that they owed her money. The guy didn’t even listen and said that I had to leave, as well.These five guys and a lady (if you could call her that, missing her two front teeth and all) were like miserable hillbillies who, together, had a very low intelligence level. So hard to deal with people like this. Yet, they scared me and I was worried that they might do damage to my van.At one point Lynn and I were out and the six of them came toward us, two carrying metal poles and a scary look.I had Lynn call the police and get their help out here. Eventually, they showed up, but, Lynn, being at the back of the lot, was last in line to talk to. The hillbillies told some lies, like I was trying to run over them with my van.The deputy sheriff basically told Lynn that the best thing she could do was to find a new place to live. I agreed with that.Lynn had asked me earlier if I wanted to get away from there and go with her to spend the night at a motel, I said yes. But, later, she said she was staying because she was in the right. She was very stubborn about it, too.I suggested again that we do not sleep around these people, that we should go away until things have calmed down. I even said we could both sleep in the van. She would not have it.A bad thing is, she kept drinking her whiskey and getting drunker. I had told her earlier that is she kept up the drinking I would not be around. So, with those two factors, I told her I was leaving and wished her well.I kept everything in the van, not knowing when I would leave, but being prepared to.To get out the gate you have to have a key to unlock. I did not want to walk all the way back to get the drunken Lynn, so I found one of the hillbillies and asked if he would open the gate. Five of them came out to confront me and said bad words. Eventually, they did open and I walked over to my van.I did not want to leave Lynn to handle this herself, but I had no choice.Having no idea where to go, I set my GPS to the library we were at yesterday. That is where I slept, very cold last night, too. I have enough blankets and a warm sleepie bag, the hard part is breathing the icy air.A lot of the night I just laid there, I did get some sleep, though. The library opened at 9am and that is where I am now.===================My Challenge for You this Week >>Start writing that book you have been wanting to put together. Writing a book is just a matter of organizing words in a logical way. When I write books, I am constantly asking myself, “How will these words help the reader?”Here are some steps >>- Pick a subject you are close with and know well.
- Pick a title for your book (this will give you motivation toward the book.)
- Write a table of contents (This can always change, as all can.)
- Study books and videos on your subject.
- Start adding to each chapter, which will grow and grow.
- Organize each chapter as well as the whole book.
Once the book is out, send it out to get reviews (that is the main way I was about to sell over 25,000 copies of my first book, “Juggling with Finesse.”)===============Next Blog >>Heading back to the LOWs group near The Salton Sea in California, then I do not know direction after that. Also, I have no more perishable food in the van, so I will not eat, starting tomorrow, anything, but I will be drinking green tea. I plan to do this drawn-out fast for a week. I will let you know if I die.===============
January 3, 2020 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 47—Back Home to San Diego
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your soul.By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–YES—YOU CAN > >• Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!• Live with little money and still have an excellent life.• Be able to live life getting very little sleep.• Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!• See experiences that will add to and make your life better.• I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.• Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?• And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.************************************************Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/***If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.***If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!********************************************* *********************************************As you might know, I grew up in San Diego and it is always home to me. I decided to come here to spend Christmas, although I don’t know where. Perhaps it will be chicken tacos in the van like I did a few years ago.But, it is back to a big city for me? With Christmas coming up I have no plans, hoping something might materialize for me in SD.Solitude—For me, isolation is when I find myself (not that I misplaced me.) All by my lonesome out in the wilderness seeing the world as it is. Often I cannot let anyone else in (except you, of course.) I find that I (we) need to depend on ourselves. Maybe that is why I have had trouble in relationships?I’ve also heard that truly creative people over time are often loners. That creative people often fail to make mature personal relationships work because that is something they trouble focusing on. Staying in isolation, by choice. Is that me? “hmm”.Of course, this brings my mind back to Tina. In a recent communication with her, I let her know that I was questioning if I even wanted to be alive. She did not respond, at all, did not care? I thought we once had something big, I guess it is all forgotten and thrown away by her now.Then I sent a Facebook message saying, “I am so happy you and Bob are working well together, Tina.”After I sent that she abruptly blocked me. So, I now have no way to even get word to her or find out how she is. How did our strong love turn so quickly to strong hate on her end?A strong friendship/love was generated between us, it seems now it is all just thrown away. That’s enough about that segment of my life, time for me to move on and away from memories like that.And, away from relationships, remember, I “chose” to be in the wilderness rather be in the discontent of being in ANY city. Cities are so jumbled and can be so hard. And, most of the time, they all have the same stores and the same look.Give me trees and a trail to a paved road any day. The massive scale of the beauty of the wilderness is overwhelming. From peak to peak, from river to river, from lake to lake, keep me in that environment and I am happier.I know that I could never again fit in with the humdrum life of living in any city. Having lived in cities most of my life, I like a forest much better—birds in the trees, pine needles overhead, critters on the ground.It seems to me that most all cities are the same, with the same stores and all. I like to get out and really taste life and all that it has to offer.People like the trustworthiness of having—“a job”—in a city, but is that real life?For me, an open road lures me at all times. I have been thinking more and more I will be a lone wanderer going from wilderness to wilderness for the rest of my living days. Will you stay with me through this blog?I was never satisfied with the life that so many people choose. I desire to live with more intensity and variety out in the woods or by an ocean.In fact, I would love to die in the wilderness. To be in a grave or be burnt up makes no sense to me. A grave just takes up space of the earth, and cremation is a waste of your energies. I want to die in a remote wilderness area so, that way, all the animals and bugs can feast on my carcass as I nourish them.With all my writing of wanting to be alone in the wilderness, I also want to have a purpose in life. I hope this blog does just that. If you know me, you know that I have never believed in any God. I think that when you die—that’s it—finito. Many people seem to have a hard time realizing this.But, until that time, I want to find as much joy in life as I can, as I try and bring as much joy to others as possible. I think this is a way that everyone should live their life.As you know, I have been traveling. Recently I found videos of this guy who is riding his unicycle across the US. As you know, I ride a one-wheel, this is much, though.Yesterday I stopped to see my friend, “Sabel Aguilar. I have always been impressed with his work ethic. He started and built a magnificent company – Kings Printing – even being able to keep things going through and with self-printing.If you are in need of printing of any kind, go to Sable, he will do you very well.=================Words to inspire you!1) Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible…2) Change your thoughts and you change your world…3) I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination…4) The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today…===================MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>12/15—Trouble with the van. The check engine light came on and I know that Autozone will check it for free and let you know. At about the same time my radio stopped working. Now I was getting scared.I went to two different Autozones to have them check it, their reader did not show a thing. And, the tried with four different readers at each. Yikes, I even became more scared. The van drove alright, though.Another problem that has been persistent for about a year, sometimes when I turn the key to start the van, it seems to go into a mode where it does not run right. In this mode, the radio and turn signals do not work and the electric system seems a mess.I don’t know if these two are connected, but I am scared of seeing high van repair costs and/or the van will no longer run. If I have no van, I have no home. Hard to get this though through my head to look for alternatives.Beyond shame, I shed tears and went through a multitude of self-pity at my predicament.Right now I am at, LOWs in Slab City, you can have mail delivered. I had ordered 22 copies of my book, “Accident”, and they arrived. I got the box when we were all together in the main room. I handed out a copy to each of the seven people there to take a look and to read the back cover.As some read the words on the back cover, they sort of laughed and said, “How can you tell people how to live when you live like you do?” And, “Why are you not finding the success that I write about in the book?” And, they have a right to question and to laugh.How can I inspire people to change and find a better life when I live the sad life that I am? The books I wrote are packed full of ideas to advance, why am I not?Who am I trying to fool?Or, am I the fool?I just heard an ice cream truck? Yes, it was, way out here in the slabs. Actually, he had many takers and sold a good amount of ice cream (for a very high price.)Last night I tried to teach five of the guys how to juggle with scarves. They really had no interest or desire in learning the skill. It made me sad that they would not even try. Personally, I love learning new things.And, I drove the van up onto the slab (the cement is flat and clean), took everything out, and cleaned and organized the inside. I like to do this every week or two. Yes, it is much better now.And, this morning I cleaned myself. Set up the shower early to get warm from the sun, I feel like a new man being very clean. Also, I used my charger and trimmer and gave myself a haircut. Feels nice.Then, to end the day, I built a big fire out by my van, all by my lonesome, I enjoyed that.12/16—I’ve heard that Slab-LOWs closes down in the summer—it just gets too darn hot. Some of the guys told me of locations up north that they travel to in the summer.Today a very cold wind is blowing hard, keeping me inside while working on this.Also, during the day most people don’t show their faces. Many of them have motor-homes and stay in to watch TV or get on the internet. Because I do not have a TV and cannot connect to the internet here, I have been getting quite bored.Because of nothing happening during the day, I am thinking of heading out today toward the San Diego area. I still have nowhere to be for Christmas, I guess I will just be alone.One good thing, I had purchased a flint and steel to start my fires. So, no more cost for matches or lighters or fuel. It works great, using the fire starter pads to then start the wood.I do want to let you know, every day I am lifting weights and riding my bike, so, getting some exercise. I also brush my teeth every night before sleep.Yesterday I worked for a time on my juggling, which, surprisingly, is improving. I had a problem with my left-hand throws—getting over that now—makes me happy. I do not see that I will ever be a performing juggler again (maybe part of my inspirational speaking?), but, personally, it feels like an accomplishment.Did you ever see my show from the 1980s?There is a certain “flow” when you do good juggling. Up until now I never could find that flow I once had with my hands (really, my brain.) Lately, I have been experiencing this flow (sort of), as my juggling is getting better.So, right now I am in quite a bind. Should I stay here in the safety and security of being with the LOWs group, or should I venture out to find somewhere to get the van repaired and running right again? Hard to go forward without knowing anyone out there, but, that is the life I choose.Along with the van trouble, I thought I had lost my glasses. I looked everywhere, for at least an hour. Turns out they were in my jacket pocket after all. The bad words I said to/at myself were not nice.About the van, I found a small repair place (very busy) and David said to return at 1pm. He put the van electrical system on a scanner, found the bad fuse, and fixed it. He also reset the check engine light. After doing this, and mainly he relieved my fears, he only charged me five bucks. (I was expecting it would be hundreds of dollars to fix.)So, I am happy once again in the van, and feeling very relieved. I even had thoughts that the van was kaput. I remember I just wrote recently I needed to have better control and negative thoughts that come up, I learn again.12/17—Lynn Montague and I went to high school together. She lives in a town called, “Boulevard”, about seventy-five miles east of San Diego in the high desert. I stopped to see last time I was passing by, I stopped by this time, too.About thirty years ago she got tired of living in the city of San Diego and decided to move out here. Lynn now lives in the wilderness, about a football field away from Mexico, you can see the “border fence” from her home.In the past, she has had some illegals passing by going into the US. Border patrol did not seem to do anything, at the time, to keep this in check. She does keep a gun by the door to her fifth-wheel trailer she lives in.In the afternoon Lynn made some Peppermint Schnapps with Mexican chocolate. The taste is quite good. I believe I will have another.12/18—Today we went to some stores and did laundry. Lynn has no car and counts on others for help to get her places. This seems to be working well for her, that’s a good thing. Today I was happy to be her driver (I did my laundry, too.)Thank you, Lynn, for letting me stay over.When we got back I put up some small shelves for her, and, because she is scared of heights, I got up on her roof and fixed/tied down some wires that made noise when they blew in wind.After that, off I went to visit my home city.===================My Challenge for You this Week >> Spring will be here soon. Time to plant your vegetable garden. Home-grown vegetables and fruits taste soooo much better.As I have written before, I think the “common” thing of having “grass” is such a waste of space. We could feed the world if everyone grew fruits and vegetables instead of grass.===============Next Blog >> Learn of my Christmas doings, as I learn of yours. (And, by the way, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
December 20, 2019 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 46—A tramp in a vehicle?
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or just wonder?)With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your soul.
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that–
• Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
• Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
• Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
• Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
• See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
• I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
• Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
• And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Design the life YOU want to live, NOW, then live that life.
***Remember, to read past blog posts, go to https://kitsummers.com/blog/
***If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog in on my website.
***If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
***The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
***Going where I want, when I want and seeing wonderful places and people.
***I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
***I will have secrets to unfold and good news!
I’m glad to take you on my journeys with me!
********************************************* *********************************************
I don’t think I am a tramp in a vehicle, what do you think?
I am just another one trying to make sense of the world.It seems my life is an odyssey in the fullest sense of the word. An epic journey going down a path no one has tread before.
Master of your own destiny, is this a good thing or bad? As you know we are each in charge of making the life that “we” want, designing our own future as we go.
My journeys make me feel unheeded, happy, near the heart of life.
As you read, in my last post I was quite down, it showed in my words. Doing much better now. Thank you for your concern and for contacting me, Mark, Chris, Allan, Sandy, April Du, Dick, and a few others who put in a good word.
Especially thank you, Dick Franco, who reminded me about my age.
As an older juggler, you lose so much, as I have and as Dick has (but I still feel age 23).
He is on YouTube and the internet.
Find him, an amazing juggler.Mark, thank you for showing respect for my non-belief.
I went out to practice my juggling, got bored after about ten minutes.
I brought my unicycle out to practice, did not feel comfortable riding it.
Then I cried.Strange, I do not know where I fit in the world without juggling. The skill has been such a big part of my life, with the books I wrote and the skill I possessed.
But, you have to remember, I was a “real” juggler for only about six or seven years. I learned at the age of 15, then my big accident was in 1982.
I never could live a modern existence. The route I choose was of a unique variety that was quite hard and continues to be. But, most of the time, it satisfies my mind. It is a stubborn idealism that leads me. For the thrill, the challenge and the adventure.
Speaking of challenge, I would love to go through Alaska and then walk into Russia. I would HAVE to learn the language and then find a way to get by. I mean, I would just disappear from my current life. Could make a great book?
Where do I fit into the world? I have no home and few friends. I have been wondering that, much. But, really, each of us lives a solo life that we let a few people in not and then. I feel like I am an outsider now.
Sometimes I wonder how it might be if I had died in any of the accidents? How would people’s lives be different? The world without my wonderful daughters, Jasmine and April? hard to imagine. How about the friends I have/had, how might they be different?
And, with my limited sleep, nights are difficult. I lay down between 8 and 10, but then I awaken, often, between 2 and 3am, then up for the day I am. I have to wait until about 6 to start doing things when the sun comes out.
Just laying there, my mind often goes down a dark path as I think bad thoughts. These thoughts, at times, seem to be controlling me.
Have you seen me juggle while in the show at Ballys?
Do a YouTube search for my name and you see a few videos.
Be sure and let me know what you think.But, in thinking about it, juggling doesn’t really matter. Really, NOTHING matters. I’ve discovered if you can find joy in life and is a great thing. Aim for joy, nothing else matters.
With juggling and other things, I’ve always wanted forward movement and not a calm course of existence. Advancement, danger, excitement, and love have always been important to me.
I guess what I am doing is called retirement? As I wrote in my last post, spending time until I die? I don’t think I like it, this age thing. I want to accomplish so much more before I am gone. I hope you are enjoying reading my blog posts, which is important to me.
Security, conformity, conservatism—who needs it? You will have peace of mind, but, in the broad-view, you are harming the adventurous spirit that resides within you.
Open up, set it free, doing so will release you to an expanded life—which everyone wants. The passion for adventure is where you find real life.
I’ve written of death a few times. It makes me sad that we all have to die away, but it is coming. The hardest words you can hear – “Your mom died.” These words are too big to fit into your ears.
A couple years ago my mom died, a total shock to me, I was not ready for that. I just thought mom would always be there. I think of so many lessons I gained from her, and the love. Many great memories set for life. I would love to hear about your mom.
Mom’s humor, warmth, and motherly wisdom did much for my life. I never told her that, which grieves me to this day.
In the last years of her life, mom played the card game solitaire endless times. I could tell she was “spending time” before her death. I don’t want to do that.
My dad died when I was only six. How might I have turned out if he had lived? He was in his forties and crashed while riding in a helicopter working for the state of Oregon.
The day it happened, I guess my mom called the school to have them send me home. When I arrived, I thought my mom was laughing hysterically, but it was tears. A strange feeling at the age of six. I was too young to know what these would set my future life.
So many people live their lives in unhappy circumstances and yet, do not change. They are conditioned to follow a path that keeps them away from change and/or improvement. That makes me sad.
The slabs—An old navy airbase that had been abandoned and destroyed. Each slab is quite large, where they are not ruined. So, a one-mile by one-mile grid of empty foundations with desert plants growing amongst them.
This video will show you the craziness of the slabs >>
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIbVfPEjDxIAnyone can come out here and live – at no charge. And, I would think, there are some people who are in trouble with the law hiding out here?
This group I am with I found through the internet and joined them.
Take a look >> https://www.facebook.com/groups/LonersOnWheels/
Great to be with you John, Jim, Jane, Rick and others of LOWs.Just so I don’t use the battery while out in the slabs, I have been handwriting notes that I will type out later.
Strange here, in the evening we hear a US Gunnery Range base shooting off bombs. Why do that waste time and energy like that?
There is even a school bus that comes through to take the children to school. So, yes, it is a real town.
People help each other much here, I like that. Many nights everyone gets together at 4pm and has dinner together, then, later, at 6pm, we all play the card game 31. Always the same game, the enjoyable talk is what is good about it.
Here is the group I am with >>
https://lonersonwheels.com/index.htmlBut, they need your help.
This was just posted by John Schreiter of LOWs >>
Slab Lows needs your help. For 40 years LOWS has had a chapter camp in Slab City CA and hundreds of LOWS have enjoyed the weather and camaraderie, but a combination of smaller membership, poor management and increasing expenses have put us in a tough spot. On top of that all our trailers were vandalized and stolen from this past summer. Thieves even stole our two refrigerators and volunteers put in hundreds of hours repairing damage. We think that having a camp here is good for LOWS and we want to continue – but – our treasury has bottomed out and we are reaching out to all LOWS and especially to our Slab Low Alumni for a donation. Right now, we need to raise $2,000 for new batteries and a used refrigerator. If you want to see Slab Lows continue as a vital camp for single rv’ers, please send a donation to Slab Lows c/o Jim Tangen, P.O. Box 190, Niland CA 92257. Thank you!Yes, I am saving money by being here, but I am getting bored during the day.
On my way within the week before, I stopped by many food banks and picked up many things. I brought all these in to share with the group, with others in the area.
Words to inspire you!
Smile through hard times.
Smile through the best of times.
Nothing else really matters.
Except for finding joy in life.
MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>12/7-9—Moving in California, but still south in the warmth.
12/10—Like most days around here, today is a bright blue sky with the sun bearing down. While so many places in the US at this time of you, the cold is in charge. Interesting being in this domain called The Slabs.
Today I used Jim’s ax to chop wood to use in my stove. This stove is amazing, providing heat for the van, too. I use the stove inside the van to boil water in the morning for tea. It also heats the van. There is a gallon jug of water within two feet, so I feel safe.
12/11—Jim made spaghetti for the group, I must say, this was the BEST tasting spaghetti sauce I have ever tasted. He had some extra and gave it to me to enjoy later.
It’s been a few days, shower time. I set my shower back on top of the van in the sun for a couple hours. After waiting an hour or two, I experienced a very hot shower. One side of the shower back is clear, the other black, so sun and heat gets focused. It can get quite hot. Out in the desert, naked to the world, clean now, I feel fantastic.
12/12—Feeling angry today, at myself and my life. I’ve written before that I have never been happier. But, right now, I don’t know if I have ever been sadder. Normally, I open the side doors and chase flies out of the van. I like to let life live.
What was strange was that today I killed flies outright, I was surprised at myself. I swatted them with anger. I was just not caring if they died, in fact, I tried hard to kill them. While I was doing it I felt no remorse, at all. I was angry at myself and took it out on the little flies.
By the way, at night flies seem to just go away. Where do flies go at night?
One thing that made me angry was the loss of Tina, yes, it still holds on. It has been a year out, too. She even blocked me on Facebook, I have no way to get a hold of her. We were together for about eight years, and I thought it would be for a lifetime. She is already engaged to marry another guy, who also blocked me on Facebook.
But, I have gone through relationship loss before. Mary Ellen and I were married for 23 years and been a couple for about 28 years. She was the love of my life. Then we broke up and I was devastated. Along with Mary Ellen, of course, I lost my family unit, which was so very important to me.
I’m not going to bore you with a list of my loses in life, but, just know that it has been sooooo many. Yet, I know that you have had loses in life, too.
Enough about death and loss, you will read much happier words next week. Until then, smile all you can.
My Challenge for You this Week >>
This week, attempt one thing to radically make a change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you have hesitated on or previously never thought of doing.
Next Blog >>
Hope to have happy words for you.+5
December 13, 2019