BLOG 290–Is work fun?–It should be! 


BLOG 290–Is work fun?–It should be! 

Don’t sleepwalk through life.
I hope to illuminate your Life with my Words.
The Wanderings of Kit (Do you wander or wonder?)

*** This blog looks best when viewed on a laptop or desktop computer.
*** The joy I experience in life is a wondrous thing!
*** I was hit by two different trucks, but I remain happy.
*** Going through a 37-day coma–Yikes!
*** What do you want to accomplish before you die?
*** If you read this through Facebook, see
*** I lived in my van for six years, visited all US national parks, and met Beth.
*** Beth and I married on 2/22/22 at 2:22.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** You will find secrets to unfold and good news!
*** What are you passionate about?
*** Only YOU know what is best for you.
*** Live for now! When all your nows add up, you will have a great life!
*** You cannot change the past. The future will come. All you have is now—always.
*** Have you seen >> 



You will have many in your life who assist and teach; I am helping to guide you. Coaches like me wish to lighten your path toward excellence. It is up to you to make your journey toward merit. I’m not trying to show you “the way”; I am trying to help you find “your way.” Writing this blog each week is new and different for me—I love it!

Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
You can (and should) make changes to improve your life–at any age.
Start today, and you can build the life you desire.

You already know much about what I write, and I want to remind you of these ideas and show that my views can provide additional thoughts, along with yours, to help you. 

Much of what I write about is taken from my experiences.
I have gone through much.
I hope to spread ideas so that you can live a better life.
Remember, only you know what is best for you.

Don’t forget–you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!




TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — Is work fun?–It should be!
You put so much time and work into your occupation, often more than your time with your family. This is more than half your life; you MUST make it a time to benefit you and your family. Spend the time right, and have fun.

I must write now; I have been self-employed most of my life, so a job or a boss means little to me. This path can be better if you can find a way to be self-employed. As I often say, “Don’t be so seriness!
Yet, if you want to stay in your chosen occupation and do not love it, you can learn to love it. Study and understand every detail of the job. Become an expert at what you do. Be able to teach new hires to do better. I guarantee you will produce better work and LOVE your job.
Are you struggling to find motivation at work? Do you feel like your hard work amounts to nothing? Sometimes, wise words from successful people motivate us to push through and achieve our goals. Read the included quotes about work; they might help.
Over the last few decades, more play has been emphasized at work. This creates a much different atmosphere at the workplace, and people feel more productive and efficient in that kind of environment. Instead of just working (all work and no play make Kit a dull boy), more organizations have embraced play in the workplace.
Establish regular hours for work and play. Make each day helpful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then, youth will have fewer regrets, and life will become a beautiful success.
Organizations have seen the benefits of creative play in the office, and allowing for play at work has been valuable. With the rise of remote work due to Coronavirus and other reasons, many organizations have been forced to figure out how to drive engagement and keep things light-hearted.
The benefits of play at work >>
Many organizations have thrown a lot of different things at the wall, seeing what sticks, with exciting results. Yet, creating more playful workplaces doesn’t guarantee your organization will be magically more acceptable.
What better way to get through the rigamarole of the daily grind than to laugh about it? No matter our job, something about finding fellowship with coworkers and meaning in the ordinary feels ubiquitous. So even if we’re having a bad day (or week or month!), we can recognize that most people have to make a living, so we might as well find humor and fun in this shared human experience.
Here are some tips to achieve a playful mindset on the job >>
1)  Set goals!  

2)  Be more effective and efficient in doing things better. 

3)  Compete in every task you have. 

4)  Look for fun, even in tedious chores. 

5)  Learn along the way to make better decisions for the future.

6) Work with people who can hit the ball back. I’ve always loved juggling. 

7)  Work with people you like. It bears repeating: high-quality people create high-quality work together. 

8)  Create a beautiful environment, then change it up.

9)  Practice gratitude.

10)  Could you organize an office sports team?

11)  Could you build a game room?

12)  Design a workplace vision board.

13)  Could you change the office space?

14)  Could you share jokes with your coworkers?

15)  Could you create an office book club?

16)  Start an office band.

17)  Could you gather after work hours?
Making work fun contributes significantly to your positivity and productivity. A fun atmosphere can help you look forward to tasks and lower stress even in demanding roles. A fun environment also nurtures connections among team members and encourages collaboration across departments.
Embracing fun activities in your work environment can also effectively cater to your well-being and other employees. Fun working environments are also more pleasant because results are prioritized over strict procedures. This flexibility can encourage you to apply creative approaches to your responsibilities.
Fostering a fun work environment also helps you stay energized by avoiding burnout and overexertion. Fun activities outside of professional duties also help you bond with other employees, improving your rapport and productivity on official tasks. A humorous and fluid work environment can also help you maintain high enthusiasm, improving your confidence and self-assurance in handling your roles.
1–Create a workplace sports team
Establishing a sports team is one way to encourage cooperation and establish a fun work atmosphere. You can conduct employee surveys to determine the sports that attract the most interest. Selecting teams for sporting activities that many members find interesting encourages fun and competitive interaction. Depending on the nature of the sport, you can develop leagues or multiple teams. For instance, you can organize matches between divisions and teams for games like soccer, hockey, or juggling. You can also organize tournaments based on organizational levels—for example, a volleyball match between team leads and team members.

2–Design and develop a game room
While sports matches and activities can establish a fun work environment, they usually require a lot of alliance. Designing and developing a game room can provide similar benefits for employees during breaks. You can also use this opportunity to involve team members in processes like picking colors, selecting furniture, and suggesting games. This can encourage a fun and collaborative atmosphere as they contribute to a joint task. The room can include board games, ping pong tables, or pool tables. Employees can also use this room as a relaxation space to unwind.
3–Design a vision board for the workplace
A vision board perfectly emphasizes a company’s objective and highlights how it aligns with individual career goals. Team members can include their goals and ideals for the year on this board. It can also serve as a way for team members to offer feedback to the administration and encourage professional development. As employees work together and highlight their goals, team leads, and managers can identify relevant changes to make them achievable. You can also include members of the relevant departments in designing this vision board and incorporating official themes before public display.
4–Invest in aesthetics
Tastefully adorning the workplace can help establish a fun atmosphere. You can also encourage team members to decorate their spaces with personal items like family portraits, potted plants, and wallpapers. This can help them feel more comfortable within the work environment. You can also adopt more vibrant colors when decorating to improve the overall mood. You can also dedicate a blank wall for group painting activities or graffiti within the work environment.
5–Encourage spirit among team members
Sharing jokes with your team members can contribute to positive work circumstances. If you find a comment especially funny, you can make it a running joke within the team or share it with the group chat. You can also encourage creative thinking and problem-solving with humor. For instance, you can list cat jokes on a project involving pets to start a brainstorming session.
6–Schedule activities for after-office hours
You can have various opportunities to interact with colleagues after work hours. These prospects can help you bond with team members and get to know them outside their official roles. You can then develop a friendly rapport when interacting with them during official hours. As a team lead, you can also organize activities for your team members outside of official hours. Such movements can serve as an opportunity to highlight individual contributions in an informal setting. These activities can take various forms, including hosting a game night, attending a live concert, or visiting a restaurant for dinner.
7–Organize a talent show (can you juggle yet?)
Talent shows can be an excellent opportunity for team members to showcase their talents or hobbies in the work setting. Such events encourage relations among colleagues and can also humanize organizational staff members. You can set aside rewards for these events to encourage participation. Talent shows encourage playful collaboration among team members as they develop a dance routine or recital. Setting a definite time for these shows can also encourage participation. For instance, a talent show in the week leading up to a significant holiday encourages anticipation and preparation.
8–Arrange group fitness and well-being programs
Fitness and well-being programs are good opportunities to encourage team or departmental fitness. You can establish rapport with team members by working out as a group. For instance, you can select a team member who doubles as the fitness instructor to help you develop an exercise program. Fitness programs can occur within the work environment where necessary facilities are available. Team members can also work out together at a nearby gym, offering a change in scenery. As you work together, you will develop your work skills.
9–Observe holidays and vacations
Many employees and leaders look forward to the holidays with high expectations. Decorating the workplace with various themes and encouraging team members to wear costumes can create a fun environment. For instance, you can make a leaderboard to celebrate the team members with outstanding costumes for each holiday.
10–Celebrate the birthdays of team members and employees
Organizing little events to mark worker’s birthdays or anniversaries can help them feel appreciated. This feeling of appreciation can also create a fun and intimate environment. To mark these events, you can present elements like decoration, group games, and surprises. These elements can serve as a group activity to build rapport and identify colleagues by birthdays or anniversaries.
11–Provide pet infranstructure
Creating pet-friendly areas can help make the work environment more conducive and fun for team members. For example, when experiencing high-stress levels, team members can take their pets for a walk or keep them close. The pet-friendly spaces and pet care you provide in the work environment can also help pet owners and other team members feel more comfortable. You want to find ways to create a fun atmosphere at work and have everyone work together to produce a better product. 


Inspirational quotes and sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are attractive, challenging, and essential on our path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to regain our focus, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion. I hope the words below bring a smile to your face and drive you to make this day and every day a fantastic event.
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe—YOUR THINKING!—and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking. Use quotes to move ahead in your life.
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words. But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
Positive and inspiring quotes can be like sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
The correct motivational quote can change you and things—helping you ditch the excuses, escape your comfort zone, and take action. Read these words with an open mind and learn to improve your life.

1--“Hard work without talent is a shame,
but talent without hard work is a tragedy.”
— Robert Half
2–“Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.”
— Peter Drucker
3–“Success isn’t always about greatness.
It’s about consistency.
Consistent hard work leads to success.
Greatness will come.”
— Dwayne Johnson
4–“The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.”
— Harry Golden
5–“A man can make what he wants of himself if he truly believes that he must be ready for hard work and many heartbreaks.”
— Thurgood Marshall
6–“There will be obstacles.
There will be doubters.
There will be mistakes.
But with hard work, there are no limits.”
— Michael Phelps
7–“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.”
— George Horace Lorimer
8–“Don’t sit down and wait for opportunities. 
Get up and make them.”
— Madam C.J. Walker
9–“If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.”
— Banksy
10–“Do what you must until you can do what you want.”
— Oprah Winfrey
11–“The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.”
— Elbert Hubbard
12–“Dreams are lovely.
But they are dreams.
Fleeting, ephemeral, pretty.
But dreams do not come true just because you dream them.
It’s hard work that makes things happen.”
— Shonda Rhimes
13–“It’s not about money or connections.
It’s the willingness to outwork and outlearn everyone.”
— Mark Cuban
14–“If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery,
it wouldn’t seem so wonderful after all.”
— Michelangelo
15–“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
— Tim Notke
16–“Life grants nothing to us mortals without hard work.”
— Horace
17–“Work hard in silence; let your success be your noise.”
— Frank Ocean
18–You can’t have a million-dollar dream with a minimum wage work ethic.”
— Zig Ziglar
19–“Nothing ever comes to one worth having,
except as a result of hard work.”
— Booker T. Washington
20–“Even if you are on the right track.
You will get run over if you just sit there.”
— Will Rogers


Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems like time is going by faster and faster.
You must live joyfully, daily, for each day!
Do you know what you did last Monday?
Do you remember what you ate for dinner last Thursday?
Keep track of your doings for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
Remember, the quality of your life depends on what you do each day.
9/14–The place I decided to sleep last night was somewhat dark and quiet. In the morning, upon leaving at about 6:30, I noticed that the business’s name was Summers and Zims, Inc. 

How about that? It could be a relative.

As usual, the first thing I did this morning was to look for a gas station or coffee place to get hot water for my tea. 

I am driving toward Dave to get my van looked at on Monday. I found a library where I pulled in. Most libraries always have a lot of greenery and are very clean and nice looking. That’s why I often stay the night at libraries. Safe and secure, how I like it.

When I used my computer earlier, it would turn on, but the menu bar to the bottom would not come in, so that I could do nothing on the computer. I saw a Best Buy close by, so I made an appointment. I had to wait three hours before that, but they had to do it because my computer must work. I have the time right now, so I waited. 

Costco was near, so I went to fill up on gas. I also had my fill with the sampling food. With the sampling, there was much to try, and I’m full up. Lunch is taken care of.

I’m back in the area where Mary Ellen and I raised our daughters, April and Jasmine. This is Trainer, Pennsylvania. I drove around, recognized many of the streets, and found a nice park to stay at. Tonight? Of course, I’ll let you know. 

There are few people here now. I hear a dog mumbling. That’s on the other side of the van. I’ll take some pictures and see if they come out. Let me know what you think.

9/15–I am experiencing life fully, are you? Things go up and down. You must remain on the path going up. We all have our own stories to tell. Form your stories and help others—that’s what I try to do. Are my words helping you? 

We are all protagonists around stories in the making, as many chapters left to right. Wherever your story leads, keep your eyes and your heart open. I hope my commentaries shine a new light on your way. Have you continued up the mountain pass? I hope you have a good journey. 

I saw people parking and walking over the hill, so I went to The Big Field. They were having races with five-year-olds, four-year-olds, three-year-olds, and six-year-olds, and it was so fun to watch. I just saw a quarter-mile run by five-year-olds. They were into it. It was great. 

I can picture April and Jasmine running like this.
But they’re well too old for this now.
They’re still running, though; that’s a good thing. 

I’m sure none of the people here could imagine that I would sleep in my van tonight. Such a strange life I lead. But it’s the life I chose; I know nothing else right now. 

It’s nice to see all the families here. I remember the days Mary Ellen and I took the girls to events at parks—the good old days, as they say. I lost my family some time ago. It devastated me, of course. It was hard to see a life without April and Jasmine.
I hate life at times.
More often, I love life.
I feel so alone in the world.
Are you there? 

9/16—Right now, it is about 2:00 a.m. I cannot sleep and think I’m up for the rest of the day. So many evil thoughts are going through my mind right now—I don’t feel a little sleep will come anymore tonight. I’m very sorry about this, and I am sure you will try to sleep. Do you want to join me?

It’s challenging to lay here for hours, knowing you’re waiting for the sun to come up so I can drive. I don’t know what sleeping takes; it seems to avoid me.
When I could, I drove to a McDonald’s near where we used to live. I was able to get a little shuteye last night. How much sleep does Kit need?
I’ve been here a few hours working on this blog for you.
You have to know, though, that this benefits me, too.
Clearing my mind as I move forward. 

Yikes, I hit DC on rush hour traffic, come to the bumper stop and go stop and go. That’s how I can do the blog while I drive right now. It’s incredible. I do not like traffic. I do not like so many people. I just want to get somewhere, but I don’t know where I want to get through such a scary story now. 

I’m parked now for sleep. I went through at least 60 miles of bumper-to-bumper traffic, a nightmare. I have always been in DC, so driving was suitable.I made any drive that daily; I cannot imagine that. 

Tonight, I’m in a construction area where I will sleep. It should be very dark and quiet, just as I like it.
9/17–This day will always be Mary Ellen’s birthday.
Happy Birthday, Chiz. 

The bridge leading into Virginia Beach is packed. There is a four-mile delay, and it is barely moving. It isn’t very good. I am writing this now while I was voice typing while driving, but it’s okay because we’re not going anywhere. 

It would be best if you carried a bottle to pee in again. There is a 3-4 hour wait for this traffic, and I know it can be terrible to pee in your vehicle just in case. Sorry, ladies, it won’t work so easy for you. But I know there are bottles made for ladies to tinkle. 

When you pee, dump the contents into the road. People won’t know what it is, and it’ll either dry up or the next rain will take care of it, so no worries.

I drove briefly when I could, then turned my engine off and coasted. I keep my engine off most of the time, saving tremendous gas money. Everyone else, of course, has had their engine going the whole time. Mine is off most of the time with this slow traffic. 

It’s getting horrendous. Everything is slow, slow, so I spent yesterday driving in DC. This is as bad as moving to see, and it’s not too far away, so he can do it. I’m pretty sure we went from three lanes to Lanes, and now it will put on the one lane up ahead.
Most of this traffic went to the bridge to get to the mainland. I decided to find a library to spend time at rather than on the road driving. I will take the bridge tomorrow morning when there won’t be any traffic.
I found the first library I could. I’m at the Pearl Bailey Library in Newport News, VA. Like many of the libraries I visit, it’s immaculate and efficient. I can plug in my laptop and get online. Take a look >>
I will be sleeping here, too; little do they know. Please don’t tell them.
9/18–An alright sleep last night; I heard some traffic, though. It was dark when I woke up; it is hard to drive when you do not know the roads, and it is dark. I found a McDonalds where I could plug in and be on their internet.
The rain continues to fall. I looked at the weather forecast, and it was raining for the next couple of days. That makes it hard. I will have to find a library to hang out in. 

I drove a lot today. Eventually, I had to pull off the freeway and find a library. I really don’t like cities, and I try to avoid them when I can. 

I like being able to park somewhere in the wilderness to sleep. It’s hard to find wilderness when it’s dark, but that is when it is necessary. I will find somewhere dark and quiet to sleep tonight.
9/19—This change with Beth is devastating. It’s about 2:00 a.m., and I have hardly slept. She is always on my mind, but this must change. I have to remember that I’ve been through more horrendous things in the past. But I’m not too fond of this. But I must go on. I’ll find a way to go through this change with Beth. It will take me a year or two, and I’ll be fine.

How many McDonald’s opened at 5:30 this morning? Yes, once again, I was up early. The blog will come out tomorrow, so I must read it repeatedly to ensure all the writing is square. That’s the secret to good writing—the editorial process. It is pretty enemy, more improvements, and again and again.

It is still dark out, I don’t like to drive when you can’t see well. I’m sure the sun will be up soon and I’ll be happily on the road. But today is kind of a free day, nothing scheduled. 

I went to a library last night and then a McDonald’s this morning to get online and work on the blog. My computer would turn on at both places, but the menu bar at the bottom would not come on. Without this bar, I can do nothing here. I drove forward and found a Best Buy, and I am waiting for them to open now.
If they can’t find and fix the problem, I will just have to purchase a new computer. Yes, it is that important to get my weekly blog to you. I’m sorry about one today, they sent me I’m going to program where I pay 26 bucks a month. I can easily afford that. Once again, it’s you I’m thinking of who will read my words.

Tomorrow I see Liisa, we’ve been friends for many years.
I look forward to seeing her tomorrow.

There are only about 60 miles to go. So today will be a lazy day, and I’ll just do stuff. I plan to clean everything out of the van and organize it as I put it back.

I filled my teapot with hot water and walked to the van. Somehow, I misstepped and fell hard on my knee, and of course, the tea went flying. I hurt my knee pretty badly. I must be more careful.

I am near the place where Liisa will meet me tomorrow.
I found a library within a mile, so here I am. 

I will sleep right outside this library.
9/20–I Slept at the library last night and didn’t even read a good night story. At about 4 a.m. this morning, I showered and cleaned myself outside the van. I got very clean. I have a shower bag I can hang from the van, which I do. 

My new computer is a great asset. Now, I will always get my blog to you to help in your life because I have a backup. I pay Best Buy just $56 a month until it is paid off. If you could help me by getting any of the payments to me or Best Buy to use to pay down my computer, that would be delightful. Please let me know. Does my blog help? 

Then I wrote to Victoria, who is writing to me about developing a movie about my life. This is the best chance I have come across. No papers are signed, and little progress has been made, but hope exists. I desire to develop a movie that will improve life on Earth for everyone (you, too!)  



A self-supportive life can be a better life.
A garden would be a part of that life.
You must look into it.
Because I am back on the road, there will be no more words about the garden. I do hope Beth keeps it up. I did a lot of work in establishing the vegetable garden.
When I drove the van seven years ago, I grew stuff under the sunroof windows on the top. Maybe I will start that up again. You will find out, of course.
I find myself very sad currently. Not what my future holds, but, of course, no one knows what their future holds. I was hoping this man would be with Beth again, but it looks like that won’t happen, which she doesn’t want.
I still have hopes and dreams that remain unfulfilled. I’m hoping that I will soon take off to parts unknown and then recognized. Late for me is good, even though I had a massive negative change.
It’s 3:00 in the afternoon. I just ate a can of beans, white beans, and the spices sauce. I got this can of beans at the Amish market I was at. It cost about 30 cents. Eating well for a low price is good; I like it.




See how quickly you can get to sleep.
Let me know . . . 

Figure out how little sleep you can get and still do well. 



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