Who Better Than Kit Summers to Help Your Business, Employees, Students and You Advance?
Since 1975, “Success with Finesse” has been educating, inspiring and entertaining thousands of people around the world to find strategies for advancement.
Kit’s compelling story gets the participant’s attention. Using the metaphors of juggling and magic, Kit presents a variety of messages that enhance effectiveness and productivity in others. As you’d expect – his inspirational approach is as entertaining as it is motivating. Kit is a dynamic speaker who believes learning to overcome obstacles and dealing with change can be fun!
Everyone Wins. Kit leaves participants thinking, laughing and eager to apply what they’ve learned. Participants report that they are more productive, effective and creative in their business, schooling and personal life.
The benefits are limitless as participants learn to awaken their mind and move up to a higher level.
And that makes everyone happy!

Wisdom, humor and juggling collide to create an unforgettable and moving experience. Kit will inspire and motivate participants to imagine a bolder vision for their lives and teach them how to bring that vision to reality.
The result?
Success greater than they ever thought possible! BOOK KIT NOW!
5 Reasons Kit Will Transform Your Audience
See Kit in Action!
Kit Summers will design an entertaining, high-quality, high-impact presentation that is tailored to your needs and that will get the results you want. Have Kit work with your business, organization or school to bring out the best in your people.
best in your people
best in your people
Are you an event planner who wants to invite Kit to speak?
What Does Kit Talk About?
- How to take charge of the mind and direct thoughts toward goal achievement. Learning to change with the changes means learning to use the mind effectively. Kit shows participants how to use their brain in a more efficient and focused way.
- How to adjust positively to change. Without change, life would be so boring. How we learn to deal with change can lead to success or failure in life. By teaching participants to see change as an avenue of constructive growth toward success, Kit helps them to adapt positively to change.
- How to learn from adversity. Using humor, Kit gently reminds audience members that growth depends on the ability to learn from experience. This effective speaker shows them how to move forward with finesse to the promise of a better future.
- How to overcome obstacles that stand in the way of success. Taking charge of your mind and directing your thoughts is the essential groundwork that must be done in order to have a successful life. Yes, we can all find the success that is meant for us.
- How to use specific and practical ideas to meet the challenges of school, career and life. More than just “You can do it,” Kit leaves participants with the know-how to meet challenges in all walks of life. We can all stretch beyond the potential we think we have!
“Kit Summers is an inspiration…He is the best example I know of someone who has come through major tragedy…He kept on not only surviving but thriving as a successful man who never gave up on himself…Kit not only inspired me… but will inspire you as well…”
Julia McCoy Pavlicek, author of Putting Sexy Back In Votech
“Kit Summers…offers a way for others to overcome any obstacle. His dedication to helping others live the lives of their dreams is exceptional. Even the most devastating losses can be transformed into human growth and potential…”
Pamela Wible, M.D., author of Pet Goats & Pap Smears