- Posted by Kit
BLOG 80—Back in Wyoming!
The Wanderings of Kit
(Do you wander or just wonder?)
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your soul. By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that.
Many new readers do not know of me, here is a brief summary of Kit >>
** A world-class juggler performing at Ballys in Atlantic City.
** Hit by a truck and went through a 37-day coma.
** Wrote four books, spoke around the world, and developed a new business.
** Hit by another truck, much of my body broken, hospital and rehab again for months.
** Wrote a series of books to help YOU find your potential.
***Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
***Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
***Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
***Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
***See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
***I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
***Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Create the life YOU want to live, NOW,
then make your life better and better!
Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
*** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!
*****************************INTRO TO THIS WEEK >>
I had much more in this blog, after coping words back and forth between programs I deleted some. Sorry about that, I will be much more careful in the future.
So, here’s the plan, on Wednesday I’m going to be seeing my Facebook friend, James Blair, who lives in Newcastle, Wyoming. Then, I will take about 5 or 6 days to meander around Wyoming.
As the future comes, in October I plan on being in Lancaster, PA. You see, my daughter, April–
IS GETTING MARRIED to Jake Mouliert!
So, I must be at the wedding.
If you live anywhere between Wyoming and Pennsylvania I would love to visit you on my drive toward the east. Please get a message to me is we can get together.
I looked at the map for a few places to go and see. As far as Grand Tetons and Yellowstone national Parks, I will be visiting. I’ve been there a few times. But! I’ve not taken photos for you to see, so, I will be going there to get some good shots for you.
And, there are always new things to see. Hope to see some bison, deer, and maybe a gorilla or two.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change your thinking. This is why I find them so interesting and important on our paths to happiness.
So what’s the secret of great quotes?
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time.
Think right—always.
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking – and that’s where motivational quotes come in! Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
I hope the words I pick do help you.
Be inspired by these words >>BE HAPPY FOR NO REASON!
That makes life more fabulous, you can do it.
I am quite happy the majority of the time, you can, too!
MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>8/7—Just posted the last blog, hope you loved it. To the east I went into Cache National Forest on highway 39. There were many campgrounds along the way, because it’s Friday, every place was full. A pretty drive though.
Down further I saw a turn off for Dry Bread Pond, yes, a strange name. Along the drive into the area where cars and trucks parked. I continued on to the end.
At the end I found an open campsite with a fire ring, I was overjoyed! So, I’m the only one down here.
Now to go out and get wood to use in the fire. Should be a fantastic evening night and morning. If I’m smiling right now.
By the way, my phone works out here in the park. I didn’t think there was any chance it would, but here I am using it with a big smile on my face right now.
I made a big fire for the evening. It’s so intriguing how to fire attracts your eyes so much. I find myself staring at the fire, not really focusing on any spot, just and overall full of my eyesight. I’m sure there have been studies done on this, I’ll have to look for that. Does it do that for you?
With the fire, I usually have a big one in the evening/night. In the morning I will bury some newspaper using a stick. Most times, the coals from the night before make the fire start smoking, then I get flame on! I kind of like that.
This morning, with no one else around, I will be taking my shower as I do. So, a naked Kit outside the van showering. No, I can’t take any selfies, sorry.
8/8—I’ve driven to you Jackson, Wyoming, I’ll be spending the night. Found a quiet spot, cooked up some delicious tacos, and I’ll be laying my head down here.
I have parked by the library which, I found out, will not be open for the foreseeable future. That’s great for me that libraries are opening, so I can get on wifi and also charge up my electrical stuff.
Tomorrow I plan on driving up to Grand Tetons and Yellowstone parks. But, you’ll have to find out later.
8:30 Found a great spot to sleep. It’s funny, I sleep in a different location every night for two years now. Only two or three times I’ve awoken and not known where was in e world. My mind is sharp, even when sleeping, I guess.
8/11-14—Staying with my Facebook friend, James Blare and his wife, Renee in Newcastle, Wyoming. They are both older (like me) and each have some physical problems that limit what they can do. So, I am helping how I can with some things around their home to make it better.
I’ve made new friends, I love it.
MY CHALLENGE FOR YOU THIS WEEK >>Do you have older relatives? When is the last time you contacted them? This week get a hold of them and catch up on things.
As I wrote, my daughter April is getting married! This will take place in Lancaster, PA. So, I am taking a slow drive from where I am now, Newcastle, WY to there. If you live in any state along the way I would love to visit you. Please connect with me and lets set something up.
August 14, 202000 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 79—Self-talk can destroy
The Wanderings of Kit(Do you wander or just wonder?)
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your soul. By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that.
Many new readers do not know of me, here is a brief summary of Kit >>** A world-class juggler performing at Ballys in Atlantic City.** Hit by a truck and went through a 37-day coma.** Wrote four books, spoke around the world, and developed a new business.** Hit by another truck, much of my body broken, hospital and rehab again for months.** Wrote a series of books to help YOU find your potential.SEE — kitsummers.comYES—YOU CAN > >
***Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
***Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
***Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
***Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
***See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
***I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
***Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Create the life YOU want to live, NOW,
then make your life better and better!
Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
*** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!
*****************************INTRO TO THIS WEEK >>
Just posted my latest blog, you’ll have to let me know what you think have my words, please.
Then it was off to get a new windshield. A rock had flown up some months ago and I had a crack all the way across my old windshield. So, nice to see clearly once again. Boy, it really makes a big difference.
If it’s only about 7 in the evening and I’ve already found my spot to sleep for the night. In a residential area, I will be safe here.
What really bugs me about Las Vegas is the constant vehicle noise wherever you are in the town; day and night, night and day. There is no way to get away from it, wherever you go. As night comes on, there is less, as people go to sleep.
As you might know, I dislike cities at this point. Basically, each is the same as the other one. So, I aim to stay out in the wilderness. In fact, time to get out into the wilderness where I belong.
I went to Zion National Park, an amazing land-mass. But, the last time I was there, I was with Tina. We had been in the relationship 8 years, had a couple of years ago we went to Zion together. In fact, we had gone to all of the national parks in Utah. I could not stay, after bringing on memories of my time with Tina and thinking of things I did wrong?
Rode the bus/trolly up Zion Canyon and then you hike up The Narrows. On the bus ride up I remember Tina sitting next to me. We hiked up the trail together. At one point, while hiking along, I started thinking about my time with Tina and wrong I may have brought into the relationship. I got down on myself in a terrible way. There were people around me I kept my crying silent.
I couldn’t even finish the hike, I started back before the end of the trail. At that point, I couldn’t even stay in the park any longer, so I drove North. In fact, I was going to go to the other park in Utah as well, but I would not enjoy it so I heading to Salt Lake City.
I don’t think I can go to the parks in Utah again by myself and enjoy them, I will need to go with another person, perhaps you?
This is just an example of how self-talk can destroy a good place in a good time.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change your thinking. This is why I find them so interesting and important on our paths to happiness.
So what’s the secret of great quotes?
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time.
Think right—always.
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking – and that’s where motivational quotes come in! Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
I hope the words I pick do help you.
Be inspired by these words >>
From my book series, Beyond Your Potential
We’ve all known people who do not resonate with passion. A lackluster life at best is how they live. They do just enough to get by and meander through the time they have on earth. This book will teach you how to find this love, apply it to your own life, and achieve the excellence that you desire.
Often, people who find the desire are highly successful and they love their journey toward the end result. Along the way, even though they have not yet arrived at their goal, they constantly fuel themselves with this driving passion.
More importantly, they often bring others up with them.
We have to work together in the world and find success for all of us. Yes, we can all be at the top – it will work. Help others to move up and you shift forward and up.
Generating this passion from the bottom of your mind and the bottom of your heart will keep you driving forward. When you develop this love, it will help to build your life, I guarantee it. You can go from average to more than you would ever think.
Sorry to say, it seems to me that many of the people in America have settled with being “average” and living ordinary lives. We all should aim higher (and then higher and higher) to be (as they say in The Marines) all that we can be.
This is about going beyond being normal to becoming more and more. Being average never caught anyone’s attention or found them the excellence that they may crave. No one ever says, “I want to grow up to be average” when they are a youth, yet so many people end up there.
At any age, you can make the change and aim your life anew.
As you live your life, develop a purpose for living and understand why you want to be alive. Once you discover and understand your purpose, muster up an intense passion toward the end result.
This will give you stability in your life and help to make things more solid for you. People without a passion in their life lack energy and will often go nowhere–quickly.
Having passion will give you energy. In your life, you must love the journey as much as you love the destination you are aiming toward. Find your purpose, bring on your passion, and you will live the life that you want.
MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>7/31 – – I just laid myself down to sleep. Checked my gauge, it’s 104 degrees, yikes. Eventually, I will get some shut-eye, until then I will simply comfortably lay here and think about the snow?
8/1–Here it is August 1st! What a time to be in Nevada and near Las Vegas – –the heat is extraordinary.
I’ve done Vegas before, no need to look around the town anymore. So just two nights in the city and if I went to the north. With the current world changes, Vegas is such a different place.
I stopped by Las Vegas Circus Center
(https://www.lasvegascircuscenter.com/), Brand, thank you for allowing me to work on my last blog at LVCC for that short time. And what a great idea to tell me to go over to the eatery to finish the blog last Friday. The atmosphere there was a delight.
My plan is to head north to Zion NP. Tomorrow, Sunday, there might be a lot of people head Zion Park, but I think I will go there anyway.
In my travels, after looking at the map, I see I have somehow missed Petrified Forest National Park. I want to go to all the National Parks while I can. So, my plan is to go to Zion tomorrow, and then head down to the big Rock Forest after.
And then after, I will return to the other parks in Utah. But, you will find out as I do. After all, we’re on this mission together, yes?
I just looked at the temperature of 102 degrees, and it got up to 110 degrees. Oh, the joys of Earth.
Went to lunch today with my old friend, Wally Eastwood. We met and ate at Red Robin Restaurant. Of course, he’s not performed for months now because of Covid. His daughter and his wife are working and the family is doing fine oh, so good to hear. Over time he has invested his money well and has no worries. Here’s a video, enjoy Wally in action >>
XOKWF1fo06M One thing I was thinking about, when I was in San Diego I had contacted 4 old friends, and, because of the virus, they told me they could not see me. Myself. I won’t hide away, I will keep living in looking for joy until the end.
8/2–Zion is amazing, as always.
Hike with me in The Narrows >>
watch?v=ooapDBVGcsA Zion has much to offer, and, because I was there on a Sunday, many people were there with me. Not liking crowds, I did not stay long. As I was leaving the park, I saw a heard of bison (previously known as buffalo?) My new name for them in Bisalo or Bufson, what do you think?
About 1pm I saw a turnoff for Swains Creek, so I did. Some special places around here. A sign said, “Camping limited to 16 days, no, I didn’t think I would be there that long. Then, down the road, I saw a sign for Duch Creek Campground. I was there for the night, saw no ducks, saw no creek, anywhere. This is a lovely area in Dixie National Forest. I liked the place much, was there for the night.
Later I was gathering wood for the fire and was in a lava field. I stepped wrong and went down. My feet got pretty cut up, yikes.
I can finally get back to the life I had before, being able to get online and charge things in this clean and wonderful environment. Most every small town has a library, what a great thing.8/4–I awoke parked outside the library and the small town. Very quiet last night, I slept well.
I love that the libraries are reopened. A good thing, too, that most libraries have a wonderful lawn on which I can juggle. Today they don’t open till 10, I have about three more hours to juggle, work on the van, and do what I want. I do like this life I am leading.
If you know me, you know I’ve always been–go go go.
It’s interesting spending time just relaxing and doing nothing.8/6–Could only stay in Salt Lake City for 2 days, once again, another big city. You know I don’t like big cities, so off I went to the east.
I ended up in the town of Huntsville, still in Utah. What is a delightful little town, I must say. The first thing I went to was the library, of course, and there is a fantastic modern building and lands here.
Arriving at about 7 a.m. I had time to work on my juggling on their fantastic lawn, made some more tea, and had a fantastic time just all by myself here. The library opens at 10 a.m., it should be very nice inside, as well.
I was right, this library is fantastic. I am one of only a few in this whole place, many more employees than patrons around. Also, I am only one of three people in the huge library.
About noon I was the only one in the library. I was alone in the back, a librarian came up and told me I had to wear a mask! Remember, I was the only one there. I hate these new, unnecessary, changes.
It was funny though, they had all these “Social Distancing” signs up. Things are getting so ridiculous.
In the library for most of the day. I did go out and ate lunch in the van. At a recent food bank, I got a one-pound “Mediterranean Salad”, it was great. Today is August 8, the sell-by date on the salad is August 5, so it was still perfect.
In the library now, I was working on my computer and someone actually came by and told me I had to wear a mask to stay there. You have to remember, I was the only one in the whole library and so, there was no one near me for a least 50 feet. I asked her, “why”, she said it was just their policy. Things are really getting ridiculous in the world. I WILL NOT be a follower.
I want to head to the wilderness in Wyoming, but I know I have to get this blog out to you tomorrow, Friday. So, I am just staying at the library right now working on the computer, going out to the van to juggle and/or eat, and then back in. Once I get this blog out tomorrow I will be off to the woods and mountains. You will learn in my next blog exactly what.
Do you feel lost without your mask? I have many studies which show that they are ineffective. This week, only wear a face covering when it is mandatory.**************************
Going to see my Facebook friend, James Blare, in Newcastle, Wyoming, should be a good time; you’ll find out next week.==============
August 7, 2020 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 78—Back in Vegas
The Wanderings of Kit
(Do you wander or just wonder?)With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your soul. By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that.
Many new readers do not know of me, here is a brief summary of Kit >>
** A world-class juggler performing at Ballys in Atlantic City.
** Hit by a truck and went through a 37-day coma.
** Wrote four books, spoke around the world, and developed a new business.
** Hit by another truck, much of my body broken, hospital and rehab again for months.
** Wrote a series of books to help YOU find your potential.
***Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
***Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
***Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
***Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
***See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
***I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
***Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”
Create the life YOU want to live, NOW,
then make your life better and better!*****************************
Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
*** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!
*****************************INTRO TO THIS WEEK >>
Right now I am voice typing this on the cliffs overlooking waves in Encinitas, about 20 miles north of San Diego.
Chris Foster has a bike for me! It’s in great shape, owned by his neighbor. He fixed it up and get it running well for me, Thanks, Chris!
Here’s my new wonderful bike!
And you see my unicycle, too.Hard to describe this life I’m living. I have seen such fantastic parts of Earth and having a great time. Like I said before, wish you were with me.
Driving to the town of Borrego Springs. The temperature hit 100f degrees (37.77c) here, it is a desert town, after all.
But I did stop at a park with green grass and juggled for an hour or two. Felt great, getting better every time.
As I said, very very hot. I drive with no air conditioning, yikes, it’s not working. But, in the 70s and early 80s I drove through this weather with no problem in my VW 411 station wagon, a car I loved.
Dave, when I get back there you’ll have to get my air conditioning running again right.
In Slab City, California. Went by salvation mountain and slab Low’s(Loners On Wheels, https://lonersonwheels.com/index.html).
No one was in the Low’s group here. I’ve heard before that when it gets too hot, people go home. This is very understandable with how hot it was there.
Hope I went to the Salton Sea. on the way, I saw the longest train I’ve ever seen it just went on and on and on. Could have been a mile learn! This huge train had six engines, also.
Yes, I took a taste. I’ve heard the Salton Sea is saltier than the ocean, yes, it is.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change your thinking. This is why I find them so interesting and important on our paths to happiness.
So what’s the secret of great quotes?
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time.
Think right—always.
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking – and that’s where motivational quotes come in! Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
I hope the words I pick do help you.
Be inspired by these words >>
1. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. – Confucius
2. Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
3. All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney
4. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. – Mark Twain
5. Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better. ― Jim Rohn
6. The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new – Socrates
7. Setting goals is the first step into turning the invisible into the visible. – Tony Robbins
8. If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. – Maya Angelou
9. Decide upon your major definite purpose in life and then organize all your activities around it. – Brian Tracy
10. Becoming strong doesn’t start in the gym. It starts in your head.
11. Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value. – Albert Einstein
MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>7/27—Donated a big box of items back to the food bank. Over time I have collected much, more than I could use. I suggest, if you have food items that you’re not going to use, donate them. They will go to someone who could use the nourishment.
I found a very nice park with clean-cut grass and trees for shade, a beautiful place. I will be meeting with my friend ma later at 6 p.m. so I have all day to work on stuff.
I even worked on doing a handstand. First time I’ve worked on those since my accident many years ago. It wasn’t perfect, but I got up!
That, I think, is the main way I came back from the coma. I have always challenged myself to go beyond what I thought I could do, or could you do. I made it a challenge to get back as far as I could and as well as I could. If you’re not currently, challenge yourself to go for the excellence that is in you.
This is something that anyone (yes–YOU), can do. Challenge yourself, safely, to always go beyond what you think you can do.
I’m making breakthroughs in my juggling, recently–that feels wonderful!
With the side doors on the van open a big butterfly flew in. This beautiful specimen could not find his way out. Eventually, after I opened all the doors, he flew for the hills.
Today I even went running for a bit. Probably about a mile, it’s all good. I want so much to get back to my running speed. I just have to make the time two work on the running how are you can.
Also, I got my unicycle and went for a ride. I have trouble even standing on one leg, but I got the unicycle going all right!
7/29—Last night I met with my friend, Mark Costello, anyway and we went to get tacos, shrimp tacos.
We talked about old times
We were in boy scouts together.
We were in high school together.
We ran track and cross-country together.
What a great talk we had, so good to see you, Mark.
When can we talked about was our old track coach, Rick Mitchell, I found out he was put in jail many many years for having child porn on his computer. It shocked me, in fact.
So great to catch up with Mark and talk about all the times. Like one time we went with a friend weekend flew to San Francisco with our bicycles And rode down to San Diego.
Right now I have parked at the beach again the prime spot, an excellent location. Closest to the beach, and with grass out in the back for juggling.
At the beach, I met Dirk and Christina, what wonderful new friends. They travel and live as I do, so good to see.
When in San Diego I went to Discount Tire and had them check mine. The guy saw that the wrong tires were put on for the weight of my van. So, they gave me brand new tires! Such a great company, if you need tires, you must go to Discount Tire.
7/29—This time I wasn’t too sad how about leaving San Diego.
It’s 3 now and I’m at Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. There is no one working here, the place is empty. So, I grabbed a campsite, and here I am for the night.
Still hot, close to 100 degrees. I know that night in the desert gets very cold though, so I should sleep well tonight, I’ll let you know.
July 30. went by Salvation Mountain and slab Low’s in Slab City, California. No one in the Low’s group was here. I’ve heard before that when it gets too hot in the summer everyone takes off oh, I see why.
Here is about Slab City >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vVCSUafFVI
On to the Salton Sea! I’ve heard that body of water is saltier then the ocean, I had to find out. I got down there and tried some, yes it is!
Onward I went. By the Salton Sea, I saw the longest train I’ve ever seen. It just went on and on and on. Could have been in one mile long. Pulled by 6 engines, this magnificent locomotive was very impressive.
I passed with must have been a coconut plantation, hundreds of trees I’m one side of the road.
I never thought I would stay the night in Barstow, California. But here I am, lucky me.
The first local Park I checked out what is too close to the railroad track. There happened to be a noisy train going on the track right then.
The second local park I found much less noisy, here I am for the night.
Just looked up at the temperature gauge, 106 degrees, YIKES! A half-hour later now, 107 and rising. Lucky me.
7/31—Drove into Las Vegas and went right to see my friends at Las Vegas Circus Center. They let me use my computer to get this blog out, thanks.
SMILE—Keep this on your mind this week and start toward making it a habit, I love you smile!
NEXT BLOG>>I’ll be heading back to the National Parks in Utah, you will love the photos.
July 31, 2020 - Posted by Kit
The Wanderings of Kit
(Do you wander or just wonder?)With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your soul. By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that.
Many new readers do not know of me,
here is a brief summary of Kit >>
** A world-class juggler performing at Ballys in Atlantic City.
** Hit by a truck and went through a 37-day coma.
** Wrote four books, spoke around the world, and developed a new business.
** Hit by another truck, much of my body broken, hospital and rehab again for months.
** Wrote a series of books to help YOU find your potential.
SEE — kitsummers.comYES—YOU CAN > >
***Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
***Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
***Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
***Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
***See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
***I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
***Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”
Create the life YOU want to live, NOW,
then make your life better and better!
Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
*** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!*****************************
*****************************INTRO TO THIS WEEK >>
I am typing these words in Tijuana, Mexico, right now, in the dental office now awaiting Dr. Bartell.
Yes, a foreign country. I am finding the dental work and the price is incredibly good. Also, as you might know, I grew up in San Diego, so good to be back. I will end up being here for about two weeks.
WORDS TO INSPIRE YOU! >>Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change your thinking. This is why I find them so interesting and important on our paths to happiness.
So what’s the secret of great quotes?
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time.
Think right—always.
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking – and that’s where motivational quotes come in! Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
I hope the words I pick do help you.
Be inspired by these words >>
From my book series, “Beyond Your Potential”
“Challenge yourself! It is difficult to emphasize this enough. Whether you play basketball, climb mountains, makeup tunes at the piano, learn again to walk or speak, or push chess pieces across a board. There are ways of exploring the limits of our abilities as we try and expand them. Don’t just make an attempt at what you do, putting in half the effort. Put your all into every attempt. I have found that if you aim for excellence in all that you do, you will get better and better.”
7/18—Went down for my final day of dental work. My teeth turned out great. I have received four crowns, so, I guess, I’m the real King! and had three root canal procedures performed.Dr. Bartell showed me how I could get four more crowns on the front teeth so that my mouth and smile would look fantastic—I’d have an excellent looking set of choppers.
Yet, it would cost me $1000 more bucks, we may have to wait. But, this is the only life I will have, so I must find a way. In the photos, you will see before, when he ground my teeth down for the crowns, then after, with my ne
w nice smile.
When I was in Boulder I did work for Cindy Marvell on her house, yard, car, and life. She gave me a good payment for that. Basically, Cindy, you bought me a new smile, thank you so much for that. And, I decided to get those other teeth done because I that thousand bucks was available.
Can be a long wait when you drive down,
that is why I walk across.Along with Dr. Bartel, Dr. Nirobi also worked on my teeth. They are both passionate about and their work, and it shows in their results.
With me–Dr. Bartell and Dr. Nirobi, excellence in dental
Once again, if you need work on your teeth, come to Dr. Bartell, you will be so happy you did.
Even a US phone number >> 619-655-0273
Last night I was asleep parked a very nice area to sleep free. I actually got up after the sun was already up, something I seldom do. I made a big cup of green tea to give me going and hit the road.I ended up on the Pacific coast highway and I’m parked right on the ocean. Spaces go quickly so, by arriving early, I was able to secure a good spot for the day. Just turned 9 a.m. and all the spots are already taken. So, glad I found this early.
You are seeing the aftermath of a hang-glider landing.
Wish I had my bike, I would have loved to go for a nice bike ride this morning. But, I have no doubt I will get one somehow, and not too long of a time.
Gary, thanks for the offer of giving me your bike, so nice of you. You are the only one who let me know you might have a bike for me. Yet, you said it was a single-speed cruiser, I’m looking for a multi-speed mountain bike, thank you though.
I’m contacting old friends around San Diego, and many are scared about Covid and won’t see me. Understandable, but makes me sad they don’t want to see me because of fear. This world we live has changed so much rapidly and so recently, I don’t think I like it.
In fact, I’m not sure how to feel about it, I almost feel like I’m diseased or something. Yes, I guess I’m taking it personally. For myself, I will not live in fear, we don’t know exactly what this thing is and how it will affect us. So I go on living my life with all the joy I can, until the end. When I die, I die, that will be alright.
7/19—I ended up staying in a very expensive residential area last night. Quiet, I slept well, for a change. And, today I got a call from Chris Foster and he has a bike for me!
This bike he got from a friend, he says, is in great shape and he will be going over it for me to clean and make sure everything is running right. Chris used to race bikes and has many trophies to prove it.
The bike is has a women’s frame but runs like any bike. I will just have to remember to wear a skirt when I ride it, though.
As I wrote, I arrived early, so, being parked right on the beach, I have a nice spot for the day. Normal for San Diego, it was cloudy all morning.
I found a friend! A squirrel peeked out of me a couple of times from the bushes. I had some pistachio nuts, which were getting a little soft and old, I gave them all to him. He started shelling them and devouring the nuts quite quickly. I had some other nuts too, so I put those out, also. That was one happy squirrel!
I have a whole day to spend, so I went to visit my old stomping ground, Balboa Park, once again. Boy, I remember riding my seven-foot unicycle all over this park. And, to stand again in the spot I used to perform at was a unique feeling.
The wonderful fish pond in Balboa Park.
Needing gas, Costco was on my way south going to the park. First, I went into the store to buy an oriental salad mix I like. Next, time to get gas. The gas attendant was there telling everyone they had to wear the mask while getting gas. Hard to believe it.
Of course, it was outside, with the wind blowing and with no one else around. I asked this person why do we have to wear a mask, she said Costco says you have to. Another “follower”–I intent to not follow. Well, I never put mine on while getting gas. I can see wearing one while inside, but, come on, already.
7/19—Great to back in the area, I did some exploring today of past remembrances.
Me riding my bike (before it got stolen) around OB.
7/21—All day again today with Dr. Bartell. He chiseled/whittled/ground my teeth down, then took an impression of them, which will be sent out to get the crowns made.
The crowns (new teeth) will fit over the remnants of my old teeth, to be glued on with extra-strong glue. I return on Thursday to get my new teeth. So, a total of two root-canals and 8 crowns—I must qualify to be the king with so many crowns!
7/23—I am finishing up this blog while waiting for Dr. Bartell. Easy for me to walk here from where I park over the border for the work on my teeth; I am so glad I came. When I was young I was told I needed braces on my teeth, after I missed two appointments the doctor canceled the work.
For lunch, before the dental work, I have two chicken street tacos, quite tasty.
People are in need of help and comfort.
Find five people this week who need your consoling and do just that.**************************
NEXT BLOG>>Where to go next, always a predicament. I’m wanting to head back to Utah for the national parks, then north to Wyoming. Help me decide, which way for me. By the way, where in the world do you live, may I come by for a visit?
July 23, 2020 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 77—Back to my hometown (San Diego)
BLOG 77—Back to my hometown (San Diego)
The Wanderings of Kit
(Do you wander or just wonder?)
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your soul.
By writing this blog I want to inspire you and show you that > >
***Change your life at any time to make it more magnificent!
***Live with little money and still have an excellent life.
***Be able to live life getting very little sleep.
***Live ANYWHERE in the world and still make your life a fantastic event!
***See experiences that will add to and make your life better.
***I want to inspire you as to the wonders of the earth.
***Perhaps this is my new “gig”, traveling the world doing the same?
And, I’m not just, “Kitting Around”.
Create the life YOU want to live, NOW,
then make your life better and better!
Remember, to read past blog posts, go to kitsummers.com/blog/*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
*** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing.
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!
Every week when I put out this blog it is, to me, like writing a book (I’ve written 15 books, so far.) I want to inspire you and motivate you to reach a higher level in your life; I hope I am helping with that.
I’ve discovered that the key to great writing if outstanding editing. Before you send anything, look over your words, many times, carefully, and make sure everything makes sense and things are in the right order.
While in Boulder, Colorado, I went to see a dentist who cleaned and took xrays. He discovered a number of things I needed done, at a cost of around $6,000. Right away I thought of Dr. Bartell in Tijuana, who did work on my teeth before. At $1,900, a much better price.
If you have dental work to be performed, I highly refer Dr. Bartell to enter your mouth. You can come to and park at a safe place in San Diego, take the trolley (a few bucks) down to the border. When you get across the border you can walk or take a $5 taxi right to Dr. Bartell on Revolusion, then do the same to return to your car. AND THEY HAVE A FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE FROM THE BORDER TO THE DENTIST! Call to learn.
Av. Revolución 1129, Zona Centro, 22000 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico
Tijuana is always interesting to walk though and hear the voices. So close, yet a foreign country. Real Mexican food, always quite tasty.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so fascinating and important on our paths to happiness.
So what’s the secret of great quotes?
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly! Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time.
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking –
and that’s where motivational quotes come in! And, always, self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
I hope the words I pick do help you.
These words are from my book series, “Beyond Your Potential”
Be inspired by these words >>
Helping me get back from my 37-day coma, I found it interesting to learn again how to walk, how to communicate with people, how to simply sit up. These are things that most everyone normally take for granted.
When was the last time you thought about >>
How you balance yourself when you walk?
How you form words when you speak?
Or what muscles you use when you juggle?
Oh, you don’t juggle, excuse me.
What I’m saying is, don’t take the things in life for granted, see all that you have and all that you can do, we have to feel all that life has to offer. There are so many joys in life to look for—no matter what might have happened to yo—if you look for them. Open your eyes to all the ways that you can overcome your obstacles. It made it less depressing for me if I made it interesting to relearn.
Since the age of 15 juggling was a main focus of my life. My overall knowledge of things in life was good, and I didn’t have a college degree.
I have described my comeback from the accident in terms of the specialization in juggling. After the accident I highlight the progress, perhaps giving the impression that my juggling magically came back easily, but, that’s not the case.
My mind was set on getting back to where I was with my life. That is part of what determines the quality of a persons juggling and life. I finally came to the conclusion that my juggling-life was different than it was before. The thrill I felt at my first juggling before the accident would not be obtained again.
At first I felt that I was lost without my comeback performance and this was attained only after weeks of work, much on my juggling ability. Hours of practice a day, and with the support of many friends.
Through it all, I not only regained some of my former ability to juggle; my belief in the importance of setting goals was reaffirmed. And I shall dwell on this latter point not simply because of its personal significance to me, but also because I feel that it is the key to learning the art of juggling. For me, you see, setting goals was the key to relearning that art.
Without setting goals for themselves, people stumble through life, not knowing where they are going, so in the end, they never get anywhere. You can’t be aimless about it. Set a path, then stick to the success you find.
A Marine General once told my lawyer and friend, Tom Vesper, that, “Whereas the ordinary man gets involved in an action, the hero acts such as to change the course of action. You change the course of action by setting goals and systematically going about achieving them.”
Even as I awoke from my coma, paralyzed, helpless as a baby, I knew I had to get started back to my former success in life. It was the overpowering reality of this conviction that enabled me to move, to learn again to speak, and to reassert myself as a complete human being.
Don’t think that I never got terribly depressed and down. In this book I have expressed many motivational ideas that I used to get back to life again after the accident. I tried to stay very positive in my writing. But, I have to admit, there were times when I felt like giving up and stop trying to get back to where I was in life.
It is usually the teacher who learns the most in life. This is because of the confidence of the teacher. So, the writing of this book helped to motivate myself to stay positive and keep trying hard—to help you. What might help you to get through any difficulty is to find something that can help you, like writing this book helped me.
One interesting thing, when I was first learning to walk again I would swing my arms in the wrong directions. In other words, I would swing the arm forward on the same side that was taking a step. I knew that I had to swing my arms, I had just forgotten that you swing your arm with the opposite leg to help balance yourself. There are so many things that a lot of people take for granted.
Life poses an endless series of problems and life changes. Without these difficulties life would be very boring. We need problems to know when we are doing good. What makes many problems difficult is the process of facing them straight on.
Problems are what distinguishes the difference between success and failure. Really, the only way that we grow in life is going through problems. Many people know this, yet they don’t take the time to go through the problems.
These people find many ways around the problem so that they don’t have to face it. They might blame someone else and say “It’s his fault” or “It’s her fault”. We have to take the problem on and solve it for everyone, no matter who’s “fault” it is.
No problem can be solved until someone faces the responsibility for solving it. Facing problems is painful, and problems don’t go away. We have to work through our problems or they remain forever. Getting through these barriers is what will make us grow as a person.
7/11—From Boulder to San Diego is about 1000 miles. I had three days to complete this distance. On Friday I drove about 200 miles, I had left late. Such a nice drive and route 70 from Boulder going west.
If you’ve made this drive, you wouldn’t miss the turnoff for Zzyyxx Road. A unique name, pronounced ‘Zizicks’.
Arriving in the San Diego area in the evening, I drove by where I used to live on Via Las Cumbres Street. The road to the apartments is like going through the wilderness. This is Tecolote Canyon, a protected area; very nice. I knew I’d find some darkness on this road and it will be totally quiet so that was my sleep place for last night.
7/12—But, at 4am, I awoke to noises from the car parked near me. Seems that this group was out partying, and decided to bring the party with them were they parked on this quiet street. First, they played their loud music, then used their loud voices, not even knowing I was parked next to them. I usually awake early anyway, so, was not bothered too much.
When the sun was out, I walked into the apartment complex to get some pictures. A neighbor, Renee, called my name and we chatted for a while. She’s the only one from the old days who still lives there.
This is where I lived for many years.
Because I went through my accident and 37-day coma, of course, I was low-income. After these low-income apartments were built, I applied and was offered an apartment there. Brand new and right on the canyon, I couldn’t have asked for better.
I went and looked and it was initially one of the upstairs apartments. I didn’t want to walk the steps, so, I told them about my juggling and if I juggled and it would be noisy downstairs. So, they gave me a different apartment in a nicer location, I’m glad I argued the point.
I took some photos, you have to let me know what you think. It was like living in a wilderness area. Tecolote Canyon, which is all around the area, is protected. So, wilderness right at your front—I loved it, as you would know.
After going to see the apartment this morning, I drove down to Ocean Beach, the area where I grew up. A graduate from OB Elementary, Collier Junior High, and Point Loma High School, I knew and liked the area, a lot.
In high school, I went to this beach hundreds of times.
Much has changed all around the region. I went to Robb Field, where I am now. This is a large park, quite nice. Working on things on the van, and typing this into my phone using only my voice. I like this voice typing, although, my fingers can fly on the keyboard. I expect I’ll be here all morning, but you learn from my post later.
I cooked up water for tea, usually 2 cups a day for me. And, I have a huge travel tea mug. Such as 1 mug of tea for me is like 3 normal cup sizes. So, as you would see, I am drinking plenty of fluid for my body.
I’ve driven to Ocean Beach, where I grew up, boy, much has changed in the area.
Have not showered in a couple of days, then I remembered about the showers at the beach. So, of course, I’ll be going in the ocean, too. I’ll let you know how it was a little later.
I must say at this point, how much I love this life I am living. Traveling where want and when I want is remarkable. If you can find a way to do such, it will add so much your life. In fact, I have the passenger seat open, care to join me?
The swim in the ocean was fantastical, brought back such great memories.
As you know, we only have this one life to live. That is why I’m going to Mexico to get my teeth fixed. My teeth do not hurt, but there are some problems going on. Well, while I am on this Earth, might as well have a great set of choppers.
It turns out, over time, some old crowns I had developed cavities under them, so the four need to be replaced. Also, two of my teeth needed route-canals performed, so that was done, too. So, four new crowns—I guess I really am the King!
Went to the beach today that I went to as a teenager, and, a good thing I qualified for disabled parking, I’ve secured the last spot in the lot. I plan to spend the day in the ocean, riding my bike around the area, even perhaps, ride my unicycle around.
As far as the disabled parking, I don’t overuse it. When there are some spots available I might park there.
As a youth I used to cycle (bicycle and unicycle) all over OB, many people around here still know me from those days.
A bright sunny day with this clear sky, I’ll take photos you can see for yourself. I wish you were with me, bye for now. This is a spectacular day, I must say.
There are so many pretty and in-shape girls in the area; I like the views. In fact, I was sitting in my van with the side doors open, a pretty girl stopped by and just wanted to introduce herself to me, quite nice.
Yes, Shasta, a pretty one is she. I’ve noticed that people on the west coast seem to be friendlier and smile and often want to meet you. Yes, I have been lonely. The friendliest people I’ve met are in New Zealand—always a smile and a greeting.
I just ate my lunch, a big salad I got for free from a food bank. As I have written before, the food at food banks is in great shape. It just went beyond the use-by date.
Normally, when you buy food at the store you might put it in your refrigerator for a week or two. So, your salad you bought at the store is in the same shape, or worse, as the food you can get for free at a food bank. So, I am eating healthy and eating well.
I have to sign off now.
Whoever goes into the ocean first wins!
In this bright sunny day, in this fabulous ocean, care to join me?
7/13—Monday today. Spent the day in Mexico with Dr. Bartell. They did much work on my teeth. Right before they started I went to a restaurant next-door and ate two street tacos, quite tasty, I must say, at a great price. Yes, this is like being in a foreign country.
Returning north, here I am staying parked on a street in National City, south of SD. I have known him from many years ago, Joe Hoffman was in rehab when I was back in 1982 at Sharp Hospital in San Diego.
Being twice as long in a coma, his brain injury and recovery were much more intense. He still has much trouble walking and talking. His mom, Eva, has to be with+ him 24/7. At this point, he still cannot walk well on his own, and his speech is quite hard to understand.
Joe’s mom dedicates her life to taking care of her son. A lovely woman, a couple of years ago her husband died, so she is all alone to take care of Joe. A very hard life was forced upon her.
7/14—A theft last night, right where I was sleeping. He was very quiet and very fast as he removed my bike from the rack on the back of the van. When I finally heard him, after cutting the lock on my bike with bolt cutters, I saw him out the window riding my bike into the night.
Eva says that they have been over here a number of times stealing stuff. I’m sure he really doesn’t “need” my bike, just likes to steal. I got angry for about an hour, then, after I figured out that there was nothing I could do, I just said to myself, “Let it go.”
I have done that before, too, and might be a good habit for you to develop. When something bad happens that you can do nothing to change and make things better, just say to yourself, “Just let it go.” Then, go on with things with a smile on your face as you get back to life.
The key is to start looking for solutions as soon as the change occurs. I thought, maybe you have a bike, or know someone who has a bike, that is not being used that I could have? Or for a low price? Also, when I come to pick the bike up, we can meet and hug?
If you can make this a new habit of saying, “Let it go”, it will add much to your life.
This day, too, was spent in Tijuana with Dr. Bartell. Most of the day I was in the chair, with a taco break in there somewhere.
7/15—This day was spent doing various tasks in the area. I even stopped at a park (or, parked at a park) and I did some juggling.
7/16—Most of my day was spent, for you, off line working on this blog.
7/17—More editorial work this morning on this blog, hope you like the read.
Starting this week, when bad things happen that you have no control of, start getting in the habit of saying to yourself, “Let it go”. Do this, with a smile, get on with your life in a joyful mood. With this limited time we have on earth, why spend it in a distressed way?
I will let you know how the last visit, Saturday, with Dr. Bartell went, and how my new choppers are.
Where to next for Kit?
I have no idea, but later I will let you know.
Any suggestions?
May I come to visit you?
July 17, 2020 -