- Posted by Kit
BLOG 242–Are You Preparing?
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** Website is kitsummers.com
*** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth in SC.
*** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK—The current and upcoming wars are awful to think about and imagine them coming to be. Yet, I believe that is something in our future. We MUST prepare now!
Beth and I have collected canned food, water, and other edibles. We have enough now to last us for about two months. I want to acquire more. We are working toward being off/grid as much as possible–Saving gallons and gallons of rainwater and having enough clothing and blankets to last us for some time.
I suggest you start collecting food and other things to keep you going for some time. Plan more and more to depend on yourself. Things will get complicated, but we all try to help as many others as possible.
All these wars result from different religious practices and ways of thinking. Most wars that humans have started were through spiritual paths. I’ve met diverse people who seem not to look other ways for life. We can all get along, putting religious beliefs behind us as we advance.
I’ve tried hard to believe but never heard or read anything rational and factual about a god. I’ve always had a forward focus and driven myself toward the excellence I can find through any problem or change.
As you read from my writings, I do not believe in any of the thousands of gods humans have created, or heaven, hell, or anything supernatural. After I have done much research, attended a multitude of churches of various religions, and met with assorted rabbis, priests, and pastors, I have yet to hear words that would bring me to belief.
If you can communicate with me sincere words that might change my mind about belief, please do. I just wish people would return to life and leave religious ideas in the past.WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.EVEN IF YOU START LATE, ARE UNCERTAIN,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
I hope the following words help >>
“God created war so that Americans would learn geography.”
― Mark Twain
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
― George Orwell
“War is what happens when language fails.”
― Margaret Atwood
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought,
but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”― Albert Einstein
“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him,
but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton
“War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien
“It is forbidden to kill; therefore, all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”
― Voltaire
“Appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“Only the dead have seen the end of war.”
― Plato
“Older men declare war.
But it is youth that must fight and die.”
― Herbert Hoover
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu
“A small but noteworthy note.
I’ve seen so many young men over the years who think they’re running at other young men.
They are not.
They are running at me.”
― Markus Zusak
“There are perhaps many causes worth dying for,
but to me, indeed, there are none worth killing for.”
― Albert Dietrich
“If you win, you need not have to explain…
If you lose, you should not be there to explain!”
― Adolf Hitler
“Listen up – there’s no war that will end all wars.”
― Haruki Murakam
“Never think that war,
no matter how necessary,
nor how justified, is not a crime.”
― Ernest Hemingway
“All war is a symptom of man’s failure as a thinking animal.”
― John Steinbeck
“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?”
― Mahatma Gandhi
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night and fall like thunderbolts when you move.”
― Sun Tzu
“No flag is large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.”
― Howard Zinn
“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.”
― Lewis Carroll
“If I have learned anything in this long life of mine, it is this: in love, we find out who we want to be; in war, we find out who we are.”
― Kristin Hannah
“War does not determine who is right — only who is left.”
― Anonymous
“Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.”
― Dwight D. Eisenhower
“It is not seen as insane when a fighter, under an attack that will inevitably lead to his death, chooses to take his own life first. This act has been encouraged for centuries and is accepted as an honorable reason to do the deed. How is it different when you are under attack by your mind?”
― Emilie Autumn
“If everyone fought for their convictions, there would be no war.”
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
Time is going faster all the time, it seems.
Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
10/7–I often take Jemma for a walk/run on the road in front of our house. There is a horse barn about 275 meters away. We most often go down there. I have put together a routine where she has to come to me at the door, then I suddenly release her, and she runs super fast down the road. It is fun for both her and me.
10/8–After our walk this morning, the horses came down for their daily feeding of carrots. I love animals, so it is fantastic for me. Then, later, the two giant dogs who live at a house nearby came for a visit. Jemma got along with each of them warmly, which was nice to see.
10/9–Back to working on the coffee tables I built. Each is turning out fantastic. I am not sure what price I will put on them, but I will let you know.
And Beth worked on her succulents–looking great, they are.
10/10–Beth will take off tomorrow for her trip to visit her parents. But she took her van to have it checked out by
The van would not even start for them.
So, they are looking into it and will let us know.
We may need another vehicle soon.
Do you have some wheels that we could buy for a low price?
10/11–Memory, memory, what did I do today? How about this: what did you do on Oct. 11?
10/12–Beth and I watched “Coma”. The footage showed people who had gone through a brain injury and their recovery back to life. I feel pretty fortunate that I made the recovery that I did. In the video, we saw people who could not walk and/or talk. It made me sad to see what they have had to go through.
10/13–Friday the 13th, yikes. Because of the massive changes in the world right now, Beth and I decided to remain home today. I’m not trying to scare you, but you must prepare for the changing future.
Do you drive?
This week, be extra careful and extra friendly with other drivers.
Make it a new habit for your future.
I will write more about the war, and you will see progress.
October 13, 202300 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 241– Facilitate a Change!
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** Website is kitsummers.com
*** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth in SC.
*** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK—Change–I’ve gone through many changes, as you might know.Change is one of the most difficult things that many humans can not deal with. Because of my accidents and other surprise changes, I had to learn to deal with the change.
Here are some suggestions that can help >>
1. Learn to accept what has happened
Approval is a big word, but it can really help. Some people see that as giving up, yet it is better to see it as coming to terms with how things are for now.
2. Pace yourself
If you have had a brain injury or are recovering from a procedure, you may not be able to do as much as you used to. This can be hard to adjust to because we lead busy lives like I had wanted after awakening from my coma. Pacing yourself may actually help you do more rather than having a setback because you’ve done too much.
3. Ask for help from friends and loved ones
Acceptance is a big word, but it can really help. Could you talk with others about our troubles? It will help.
Yet, it can be hard to ask for help, especially if you think you’re already a burden because of your situation. People often want to help but won’t know how unless you tell them what you need. Try not to think, ‘If they really loved me, they would know what I need’ – our friends and loved ones are not mind readers.
And tell people if the support you’re getting isn’t the support you need. For example, your friends and family may want to do everything for you, but it can be an important part of your recovery to do things for yourself.
4. Look for new opportunities
There may be things you enjoy that you can’t do anymore, like the juggling skill level I was at. It’s normal to mourn losing things like this. A useful thing to say is, ‘What can I do instead?’
Instead of juggling, you might be taking up cycling, especially if a heart condition means you can’t run anymore, finding a new hobby, or volunteering instead of what you used to do.
5. Carry a ready reminder
You can get a small card that you can carry with you and write down on it a strategy that works for you when you are feeling down. It might be to ‘Practice juggling,’ ‘Go for a walk,’ ‘Phone my sister,’ or ‘Make an appointment with my Doctor’.
6. Have a strategy for dealing with your stress
Like I wrote, you can often see it coming before. There may be times when you find things hard to deal with. Yes, you can train yourself. Learn to recognize when you are becoming stressed and have strategies that you find helpful. This can be anything that works for you, but tips that often help are slowing down your breathing or going outside to somewhere you can see greenery and hear birdsong.
You can also try visualizing a time or place when you felt calm and happy. Think with your senses – what the temperature was like, what you could hear, what you could smell. The more you get used to doing this, the faster you can return to that place.
7. Have a story that you can tell easily
Having a practice can help introduce some stability in your life. Often when you have a health problem, you get asked about it by friends or acquaintances. That can be exhausting and mean you feel like a condition rather than a person.
It can be useful to come up with a story that you use every time and tell easily without going into too much detail. Then, turn the conversation around to something else that is not your health. Of course, with people you’re close to, you might want to go into more detail about your health. That can help too.
8. Give yourself time
It may take weeks or months to accept what has happened and learn to live with it. You may need to mourn for what you feel you have lost.
9. Involve yourself with others
People are here to help us. Could you talk with others who have had the same experience? This might mean joining a brain injury support group or connecting with others online, such as on our online community.
10. Get into a practice
Having a routine can help introduce some tranquility in your life. Try to have regular meals and to eat a balanced diet, even if you don’t feel much like eating. Looking after yourself physically will help your mental well-being, too. Exercise can help, too, but start gently.
11. Avoid self-medicating with alcohol or drugs
Alcohol or drugs can sometimes make things seem easier to deal with, but they will stop you from accepting what has happened. They can also cause depression and other health problems.
12. Don’t make significant life changes
If you can avoid it, don’t make big decisions immediately when you might still be in shock about what happened. Your judgment may not be at its best, and it might take time before you can tell whether, for example, your health will allow you to go back to work or if you need to change your living arrangements.WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.EVEN IF YOU START LATE, ARE UNCERTAIN,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.REMEMBER, VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED TO MAKE A GREAT LIFE.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
I hope the following words help >>
1) The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking.
It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. -Albert Einstein
2) Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. -Arnold Bennett
3) Change is inevitable.
Change is constant. -Benjamin Disraeli
4) When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. -Benjamin Franklin
5) The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change. -Bill Clinton
6) The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress. -Charles Kettering
7) If you don’t like change, you will like irrelevance even less. -General Eric Shinseki
8) Change means that what was before wasn’t perfect. People want things to be better. -Esther Dyson
9) Resistance at all costs is the most senseless act there is. -Friedrich Durrenmatt
10) If we don’t change, we don’t grow.
If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living. -Gail Sheehy
11) Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. -George Bernard Shaw
12) When people shake their heads because we are living in a restless age, ask them how they would like to life in a stationary one, and do without change. -George Bernard Shaw
13) I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better. -Georg C. Lichtenberg
14) He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. -Harold Wilson
15) Change before you have to. -Jack Welch
16) People can cry much easier than they can change. -James Baldwin
17) Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. -John F. Kennedy
18) Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof. -John Kenneth Galbraith
19) Be the change that you wish to see in the world. -Mahatma Gandhi
20) Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
21) Learn to change with the changes. -Kit SummersCOMPOSE A NOBLE BOOK AND WRITE A BEST-SELLER.
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
Time is going faster all the time, it seems.
Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
9/30–I get so excited each week to put out my blog. Not knowing what the next blog subject is always a challenge. Of course, you know there are billions of ideas to jump forward from.
Free Ice Cream! Mary, who ran Alpine Ice Cream Parlor, died, and in memory of her, they were giving free ice cream away. We brought Nancy, and each had a double, what a wonderful thing.
10/1–Awakening about 3am, my usual wake-up time, it was onto the computer to write some words for you. Good morning to you. I seem to do fine with little sleep, do you get much shuteye?
Today I worked on various projects and made advancements. I hope you made it a great day.
10/2–Normally, I like to keep my weight at 161. I went to the doctor, and I am 182. I guess that’s what eating well and no exercise does to you—time to jump on my bike and put in some miles each day. My asthma has gotten so bad it is hard to breathe when I run. And juggling will no longer keep my weight down because I can’t juggle so well.
How about you? Are you at a weight you are comfortable with?
Speaking of weight, Beth made a big batch of chocolate chip cookies.
It’s hard to stay away from them, yikes.
This is a recipe I developed.
Make some; you will love them!
Chocolate chip cookies
3 sticks butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
2 tablespoons Kahlua
2 tablespoons vanilla
4 eggs
5 1/2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons salt325 for 15 minutes
10/3–Do not remember what happened today whoops.
10/4 I worked on my table designs for most of the day. I use screws to hold the legs to the bottom, but the filler I use to cover the screw heads does not stain the same as the rest of the wood. I must find a way to cover these screw heads that is hard to detect–and I will.
The tables are turning out beautiful.
I have included some photos.
I would love to hear from you about them.
10/5–Beth saw that Corleysmarket.com had more succulents in, so off we went. After, Beth treated us to an all-you-can-eat Chinese Food place. Quite tasty, and, I ate all I could.
10/6–Worked on my planters again. There is a local farmer’s market that I plan to sell them at. I’m not sure of the pricing, I will figure it out and let you know.IS IT TIME TO “MAKE” THINGS HAPPEN AND LIVE A FULLER LIFE?
Summer is here. Have you ridden your bike? The freedom and wind going by and great to experience. Don’t have a bike? You can find one used for a low price. Now, get out there and ride this week!DO SOMETHING NEW–DAILY,
Not sure right now.
We will both find out by next week.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
October 6, 2023 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 240–Writing a BLOG or Journal can Lead to Your Book!
Have you started your book yet?
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** Website is kitsummers.com
*** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth in SC.
*** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!In the photo, I am the little guy on the right.
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK—Write the right words.In the past, I never thought of myself as a writer. I wrote letters and such, but that was about it, as I do more writing to reach more people.
Then I went through the accident and a 37-day coma. As I was recovering, I wanted to show people that, although I could not juggle as I did ( see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZALVajgH6Q&t=7s ), I wanted to let people know that my knowledge of the skill of juggling was still extensive.
Juggling with Finesse went on to sell over 25,000 copies worldwide. I felt good about that and left my mark on the juggling world. I learned that writing books can help many to live a better life.
We can all find that skill and help others through our writings. I do hope that my blog words help in your life. Have you started work on your book yet? Below are words to assist you in that process, although there are ways of better writing all over the internet. The following words will help you be a better writer >>Avoid Alliteration. Permanently.
Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
Avoid cliches like the plague.
Employ the vernacular.
Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.
It is wrong ever to split an infinitive.
Contractions aren’t necessary.
Avoid Alliteration. Always.
Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
Avoid cliches like the plague. (They’re old hat.)
Employ the vernacular.
Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary. It is wrong ever to split an infinitive.
Contractions aren’t necessary.
Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.
One should never generalize.
Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.”
Comparisons are as bad as cliches.
Don’t be redundant; don’t use more words than necessary; it’s highly superfluous.
Profanity sucks.
Be more or less specific.
Understatement is always best.
Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
One-word sentences? Eliminate.
Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.
The passive voice is to be avoided.
You can go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.
Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.
Who needs rhetorical questions?
Parenthetical words, however, must be enclosed in commas.
It behooves you to avoid archaic expressions.
Please remember to avoid archaic spellings too.
Don’t repeat yourself or say again what you have said before.
Don’t use commas, that, are not, necessary.
Please don’t use hyperbole; not one in a million can do it effectively.
Only use a small word when a diminutive alternative would suffice.
Subject and verb always have to agree.
Placing a comma between subject and predicate, needs to be corrected.
Use youre spell chekker to avoid mispeling and to catch typograhpical errers.
Don’t repeat yourself, or say again what you have said before.
Use the apostrophe in it’s proper place and omit it when its not needed.
Don’t never use no double negatives.
Poofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Hopefully, you will use words correctly, irregardless of how others use them.
Eschew obfuscation.
No sentence fragments.
Don’t indulge in sesquipedalian lexicological constructions.
A writer must not shift your point of view.
Don’t overuse exclamation marks!!
Place pronouns as close as possible to their antecedents, especially in long sentences, as of 10 or more words.
Writing carefully, dangling participles must be avoided.
If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is.
Avoid trendy locutions that sound flaky.
Everyone should be careful to use a singular pronoun with singular nouns in their writing.
Always pick on the correct idiom.
The adverb always follows the verb.
Take the bull by the hand and avoid mixing metaphors.
If you reread your work, a great deal of repetition can be done by rereading and editing.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.EVEN IF YOU START LATE, ARE UNCERTAIN,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
1. “The ability of writers to imagine what is not the self, to familiarize the strange and mystify the familiar, is the test of their power.” – Toni Morrison
2. “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” – William Wordsworth
3. “The writer is an explorer. Every step is an advance into a new land.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
4. “I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see, and what it means. What I want and what I fear.” – Joan Didion
5. “They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream by night.” – Edgar Allan Poe
6. “The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.” – Gustav Flaubert
7. “I know nothing in the world with as much power as a word. Sometimes I write one, and look at it, until it shines.” – Emily Dickinson
8. “That’s what you’re looking for as a writer when working. You’re looking for your own freedom.” – Philip Roth
9. “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last you create what you will.” – George Bernard Shaw
10. “Creativity is a combination of discipline and childlike spirit.” – Robert Greene
11. “Writing is the painting of the voice.” – Voltaire
12. “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” – Paulo Coelho
13. “I have fallen in love with the imagination. And if you fall in love with the imagination, you understand it is a free spirit. It will go anywhere, and it can do anything.” – Alice Walker
14. “Any writer worth his salt writes to please himself… it’s a self-exploratory operation that is endless.” – Harper Lee
15. “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.” – Henry David Thoreau
16. “Significant moments in everyone’s day can make literature. That’s what you ought to write about.” – Raymond Carver
17. “Keep asking questions because people will always want to know the answer. Open with a question and don’t answer it until the end.” – Lee Child
18. “But when people say, did you always want to be a writer? I have to say no! I always was a writer.” – Ursula K. Le Guin
19. “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” – Maya Angelou- “If I waited for perfection, I would never write a word.” – Margaret Atwood
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
Time is going faster all the time, it seems.
Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
9/23-24–Beth was again sick, going through a lot.
9/26–Saw a doctor today for a general physical examination. There’s nothing to write about here; things look good. But I was weighed there, and I am currently 187, the heaviest I have ever been. I like to be 161 pounds in weight. Now, I need to stop eating and work out more. Do you want to join me?
You have to remember not eating does not hurt. I will start soon stopping my eating. I’ve gone through two weeks of not eating, only drinking green tea. I got through it all right. Have you ever tried dieting in this way?
9/27–Back to work on rabbit hutches. I had built a large hutch and divided it into two spaces. So, we have two happy rabbits. Animals are all around the area. Beth has been finding toads in the backyard, which are pretty interesting.
9/28–Worked on my table designs. They are turning out excellent, and I will sell them at a local farmers market. I will let you know how it goes. They might sell for a good amount of money.
And the garden always needs work. I replanted lettuce, carrots, broccoli, and tomatoes. I will let you know what comes up.
9/29–My skill level is far below what it once was.
I did some juggling today.
The passion is not there anymore.
Here is a shot of me in the old days.IS IT TIME TO “MAKE” THINGS HAPPEN AND LIVE A FULLER LIFE?
YOUR CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK >>Start writing your book this week.
Let me know how it goes.DO SOMETHING NEW DAILY,
NEXT BLOG >>Temperatures dropping with Winter on the way.
I will let you know the progress.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
September 29, 2023 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 239–The Job You Love!
BLOG 239–The Job You Love!
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** Website is kitsummers.com
*** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth in SC.
*** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!
In the photo to the right you see me at age three,
with my little brother, Gary. >>>>>
I’m on the right.
Thanks for getting this photo to me, my sisters, Sandy and Willow.BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
At 15, I learned to juggle; I found my passion at a young age. After winning “The Gong Show” after just one year of practice, I knew that juggling was my choice for my life.
Performing in and around San Diego, I loved my life. Eventually, I sent a videotape of my act to an agent in Hollywood, who booked me as a star performer at Ballys in Atlantic City. Getting paid to do what I loved was excellent.
I had been at Ballys for nine months. I received excellent reviews for my performance. A new show would be coming in; I had put together a new act with all new routines and comedy. I was told that I would be in this new show.
Then, on April 3, 1982, I had just parked my vehicle and was walking to Ballys. Atlantic City had not seen such a big storm in a long time–I was right in it. While crossing busy Atlantic Avenue, I was hit by a truck. After 37-days of sleep, I was slowly coming back to life.
I thought I would be right back to juggling and performing, and my brain injury would not let that occur. I returned to juggling and eventually gave a big comeback performance exactly one year after the accident.
Have you seen this video about this time in my life?
Educational Entertainment with Kit Summers
I saw that I could not return to the life I was living, because of my reduced skill level, to my past passion–the art of juggling. Having been self-employed for most of my life, I had to find that way of life once again. In this time, I had developed a tasty fresh salsa that people loved.
I began slowly, but Summers Salsa started. Eventually, my company grew huge–I was selling at farmers’ markets six days a week, going to festivals and fairs, and selling my salsa through 25 stores in my area.
Have you seen >>
After 20 years of salsa success, I was riding my bike one day and was hit by another truck. Much of my body was broken; there was no brain injury this time. But it was hard coming back yet, again.
Juggling was my work and my passion. Having lost the skill, that was devastating. I had to work my way back and find a future. If you love your work, that’s a great thing! Many do not love how they make an income and live. It’s so sad to me when I see this; you spend so much time there–you have to find a way to love what you do.
I put the same passion into my salsa business, and it showed.
I have known people who wake up everyday and say to themselves– “Yikes, I have to go to work again!” They hate their job and their life. They put in their hours and do not like any of it, then they go home to watch TV or something. They go to sleep unhappy and awake the next morning saying– “Yikes, I have to go to work again!”
Do not waste your one life in this way.
One way to start to love your work is to learn and study every aspect of the chosen occupation. Become an expert on your interest and work. Get to the point where you can teach others and even teach your boss. I guarantee you that not only will you love your work more and more, but you will also do better work.
We always fall in – and out – of love with our jobs.
Work can be our pleasure or our downfall.
Though we rarely think of it that way.
Remember the butterflies of excitement you had on your first day of work? You loved those weekly staff meetings, treasured your training, and couldn’t wait to chat with new co-workers on coffee breaks.
It was when the honeymoon period ended that things changed. You started thinking, “Really? This all I will do over again–and again?” Then you woke up. Small resentments turned into large ones, and you started getting coffee at a different time to avoid Steve in Accounting.
Before you write your resignation letter, take a moment to realise that quitting isn’t your only option. It’s impossible to always love your job, but you can value the idea of working at it and the different aspects of it. Aim toward excellence whenever you can.
1. Your job or your boss?
Decide whether you want to leave your job or your boss.
You might not want to leave your job; you may wish to no longer work with your boss. One study found that 50 percent of employees went to their jobs “to get away from their boss to improve their overall life at some point in their career.”
If you find yourself in this situation but still really enjoy the company you work for, consider entertaining the option of switching departments. Give yourself opportunities to work with other people and see if it’s your manager or the job you don’t like before you resign. Small changes can significantly impact helping you love your job again.
2. Learn something new.
You may be bored and uninspired if you have been doing the same tasks daily for the past 5 years. Challenge yourself by learning something new and exciting about the job you have.
For example >>
Offer to help out a different department . . .
Volunteer to take on new obligations . . .
Go on a course to advance your skills . . .
Attend professional development seminars . . .
Whatever you do, make sure it is interesting to you . . .
It will help you look at your role in a new light . . .
Boredom will not help you love your job, but being excited about something new will.
3. Ask for what you want.
Instead of waiting for your departure interview to mention everything you wish you had been offered – ask for them now! Your manager is probably not a mind reader and cannot provide you with what they didn’t know you were interested in.
Speak out about your goals and plans and make your case for change so you can love your job again. Ask to be put in charge of a particular project. Talk about your dream role. If you are looking for a flexible schedule or salary increase, ask for that too. Have these conversations first instead of assuming your only option is to quit.
4. Set new goals.
Goals are the models you review your occupation progression against. With them, we often feel directionless and motivated. If you are currently working without clear goals and plans, it’s time to change that. Goals and plans are direction and help you drive your career forward. They can be the exact change you need to love your job.
5. Change your workspace.
You work an average of 40 hours a week or more in your area. Working in an environment that never visually changes can become dull and has the potential to drive anyone a little crazy.
If you haven’t changed your territory in years, it’s no wonder you don’t love your job anymore. Let’s change it up. Move the furniture, bring some plants, and change the wall art. A minor visual change can bring excitement back into your day.
6. Change what you can control
Be positive whenever possible, with all in your life. This doesn’t mean you have to plaster a smile on your face every moment of the day. But don’t let minor frustrations cloud over all the good in your job.
Instead, do things like thanking people when they help you. Recognize the hard work accomplished by your colleagues. Get into a more positive mindset by listing one remarkable daily thing, big or small. Refuse to give co-workers power over your emotions.
7. Realise the impact you have on those around you.
Consider your job’s broader impact instead of focusing on your immediate team. Take it a step further and focus on its positive effect on others.
8. Stop complaining and change your perspective
If you will adjust your attitude, please make sure you stop being part of the Complain Club. Find happiness in the work you do.
9. Take a vacation
Burnout is real and will enter every aspect of your life unless you pay attention and take breaks when needed.
Use vacation time or take a personal day. If you don’t have the opportunity for either, even a Saturday morning at your favourite coffee shop can work. Completely disconnect and give yourself time to think about something other than work. Relax and unwind.
10. Take advantage of all your benefits
Are you taking advantage of all the benefits your company offers?
Do you even know what they offer?
Compensation is more than your salary; all the perks and benefits come with it. Contact your HR team to find out what is available to you. Take advantage of those little-known benefits; your work will be an additional resource for your overall life goals. Plus, it’s hard not to love your job when you know what else it affords you.
11. Start a side hustle
Side projects are the perfect opportunity to learn and expand your skills.
You may find that what you learn enhances your current role and takes you in a direction that, previously, would have been unavailable to you. Or you may find that your side project grows into your next career.
Side projects and jobs can benefit you and your company by keeping you busy and challenged. They can even help you love your job more.
12. Delegate to do more of what you love
None of us loves 100% of the tasks we do daily, for work or otherwise. If you have the opportunity to delegate, you should, especially if it allows other employees to grow and expand their skills. But delegate responsibly! Don’t just throw your unloved tasks on others; make sure your choice has inherent value.
13. Dress with pride
As you did in your first week of work, dress to impress.
Several recent studies suggest that dressing up for work raises your confidence, affects how others perceive you and can boost your attention span. Another study shows that casual dressers sweat the small stuff more than those dressed more formally, affecting how they view their job.
Know that what you wear matters. It can help you love your job again.
14. Have a conversation with a coworker you don’t know very well
There are people we know incredibly well at work, and then there are those we know nearly nothing about. Change that. Make friends at your job.
Make a lunch date with a coworker you often interact with but don’t know.
Reach out to a manager in a department you want to work in, and you don’t know them.
Go as far as to have a virtual lunch with a co-worker while they have dinner in another part of the world. Aim to walk out of these conversations, knowing more than that they love colourful socks. Get to know coworkers.
The point is to get to know someone new.
You never know what you will discover.
These conversations may help you love your job in a new way.
If you have tried everything and are still trying to fall in love with your job, it might be time to look elsewhere for different employment. Don’t be afraid to make a change when necessary.
Learn to use your brain better; it’s the best thing you can ever do for yourself.WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.EVEN IF YOU START LATE, ARE UNCERTAIN,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement
GET INSPIRED!Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life. They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.I HOPE THE FOLLOWING WORDS INSPIRE YOU >>
“Your work will fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
“It’s not what you achieve; it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.” – Carlton Fisk
“Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.” – Katherine Whitehorn
“When you are asked if you can do a job, tell ’em, ‘Certainly I can!’ Then get busy and find out how to do it.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“Your job is not just to do what your parents say, what your teachers say, what society says, but to figure out what your heart calling is and be led by that.” – Oprah Winfrey
“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” – Dalai Lama
“Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has the same number of hours and minutes daily. Rich people can’t buy more hours. Scientists can’t invent new minutes. And you can’t save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you’ve wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.” – Denis Waitley
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
Time is going faster all the time, it seems.
Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
9/16–A dog Beth helped rehome a few years ago came for a visit, with her owner, Fred, attached. She had rescued Luna and another dog from a terrible living situation across the street. You do NOT want to mess with my wife when it comes to animals.
9/17–Our day of rest, which we did.
9/18, 19–We cannot remember what we did these days.
Do you remember what you did last Monday and Tuesday?
9/20–We went to >>
Good stuff for great deals. If you are ever in the area, stop by.
9/21–Off to Greenwood to https://www.corleysmarket.com/ so Beth could buy succulents. They had a nice assortment, and when she buys from a store she does not pay shipping costs, which is a good thing. This is a magnificent store and we will be returning.
9/22–Today I built a shelf to hold Beth’s succulent plants. She has really gotten into it and we have a hundred plants now.
She says she has a problem, but I see it as a passion.
You know me, I always try to get people to follow their passions.IS IT TIME TO “MAKE” THINGS HAPPEN AND LIVE A FULLER LIFE?
As I was learning to walk again after my first accident, I would walk with my arms at my side, not moving them. I had forgotten that this arm movement helps us with balance. In time, I discovered this missing movement while I walked.
How about you?
This week, do not move your arms at all while you walk.
It will take a conscious effort.
Can you do it?
Right now I have a tooth that is hurting. I scheduled an appointment with my dentist for the 29th. I will let you know how it goes. When I was young I did not take great care of my teeth, which is showing at this point. How are your choppers? Dr. Cook does excellent work. If you are in the area, look him up.
You have to remember, Beth turns 65 on Monday the 25th.
Send her a card, or send her a million dollars.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
September 22, 2023 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 238–Mindfulness!
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** Website is kitsummers.com
*** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth in SC.
*** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK—Mindfulness and Focus!
Are you mindful, or is your mind just full?
And how can you tell the difference?
Are you open to learning?
Your mind is an excellent tool for problem-solving, but it’s not great at settling down and dealing with what is. Most of the time, the mind wanders around in the past or the future rather than the present. That means it’s full of thoughts, stories, and portrayals that don’t necessarily relate to current events.
At times, your mind may be caught up in stories that aren’t even reality-based. Mindfulness can offer respite from a busy mind, though it takes conscious intention and regular practice.
Mindfulness is purposely bringing your focus and attention to a present-moment experience without considering a skill one develops through practice or other training. Being mindful means focusing on your current work–“FOCUS” is essential.
Relearning how to focus was a big part of my comeback after my 37-day coma. I could still think well, but I had to take a different approach to relearning. Anyone and everyone can learn to use their mind more flexibly; I found out that I had to.
The steps to being mindful >>Step 1: Focus–Developing an awareness of the present-moment experiences is an essential starting point for cultivating mindfulness.
Step 2: Solutions–Dealing with unpleasant or difficult experiences and looking for solutions.
Step 3: Pleasant–Always seek out the pleasurable aspects of life, your choice, good or bad.
Step 4: All–Seeing the bigger picture, taking it all in.
Step 5: Be Right–Always make the right choices.
Simple things like washing a dish can make you more mindful–notice the water coming out of a faucet, feel the wetness, and sense the warm temperature against your skin. That would be mindfulness, taking in the whole picture.
Another example is simply when you sweep the floor, focus on how your body moves, and if you’re feeling bold, find a rhythm and start dancing with the broom as you do this household chore. You can make anything a more enjoyable experience.BE AWARE OF THE LITTLE THINGS.
Mindfulness is the practice of repeatedly focusing your awareness on the present moment. It often involves focusing on sensations to root yourself in the here and now. It can be practiced during formal meditation or everyday activities, like cooking, cleaning, walking, or juggling.
It’s the nature of the mind to think, analyze, and figure things out. That’s its job. That means that left to its own devices, the reason will constantly seek out new inspirations, new things to think about, and new ways to check out from reality.
Mindfulness practice is a way to retrain the mind to settle into the present moment gently. It’s like becoming a parent to your mind rather than letting the mind control you. Ultimately, the reason is simply to be a willful toddler to your mind.
By practicing mindfulness over and over with patience and compassion for yourself, you can teach your mind to be still. Eventually, the reason may even dissolve altogether, meaning there is no intellectual or conceptual overlay between you and what you’re experiencing. Be fully immersed in and at one with the present moment. This experience is what’s known as actual presence.
It’s the opposite of hurrying your efforts or doing too many things simultaneously.
To be mindful, you need to slow down and take more time.
Do one thing at a time, aiming for excellence.
You focus on what you’re doing calmly and precisely.
When you focus your mind intently on something, it will expand your life.
Mindfulness is essential for mental wellness and being fully present and nonjudgmentally aware of the current moment. Mindfulness has countless positive benefits on mental health–including decreased stress, anxiety, and depression levels–and will help improve sleep, relationships, and job performance.LIVE FOR THE MOMENT!
Yes, we have many moments in our life. We can’t live willy-nilly and just let energy flow by. But this is our one chance at life; we must give it our all! This is what you must live for–to make each of these single moments in life the best we can. A person’s life is a succession of each moment that comes to us.
This must be our purpose on the earth. We must find excellence for ourselves as we help others find theirs. Make each and every moment the best you can imagine. If you make each moment unique, you have reached out for all 0f your quests.
Learn to use your brain better; it’s the best thing you can ever do for yourself.WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.
YOU CHANGE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!
Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
1. “Mindfulness isn’t difficult. We have to remember to do it.” – Sharon Salzberg
2. “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf” – Jon Kabat-Zinn
3. “Think about the practice of meditation as zoning in, as opposed to spacing out.” — Susie Levan
4. “When you’re feeling frazzled, put all of your attention on the breath. It’s a portal into the present moment, the best remedy for stress.” — Ellen Barrett
5. “Remember the blue sky. Clouds may at times obscure it, but it is always there.” — Andy Puddicombe
6. “Mindfulness clears the windshield of the mind so that we can see things as they really are.” — Travis Eliot
7. “Paradise is not a place; it’s a state of consciousness.” – Sri Chinmoy
8. “When I’m hungry, I eat what I love. When I’m bored, I do something I love. When I’m lonely, I connect with someone I love. When I feel sad, I remember that I am loved.”— Michelle May
9. “Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience. It isn’t more complicated than that. It is opening to or receiving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is, without either clinging to it or rejecting it.” — Sylvia Boorstein
10. “In today’s rush, we all overthink–seek too much–want too much–and forget about the joy of just being.” — Eckhart TolleCOMPOSE A NOBLE BOOK AND WRITE A BEST-SELLER.
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
And time is going faster all the time, it seems.
Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
9/11–Yikes! I had pain in my chest; it felt like a broken rib. I have gone through a few fractured rib incidents, which is not good. Also, I had itching, like some poison oak outbreaks; I thought, not again. But a different kind of itching.
I went to the doctor, and she immediately said I had shingles. I instantly told her, “I had someone over recently to look at our roof; maybe that is how I developed shingles.” She liked my comedy.I have so much pain today from the shingles. I believe it takes a week or ten days to get through it. I guess I will have to suffer until the end.
Today, I felt like throwing, so I did.
Beth was busy, too, making baby hats for a hospital up north.
And, I hung out with some monsters today.
Can you tell which one is me?
9/12–I’ve been building coffee tables. Ken Young supplies the wood, whom I’ve gotten wood from before. He buys long, big trees, cuts them down into 2’x4’ and such, and sells the wood. He discards either side of the trees, as well as other parts. These are the perfect size to build coffee tables. So, putting Christmas gifts together early.
I put a plastic sheet around the inside of the gardens I built to keep dirt in. It ended up that the plastic I used needed was too thin. It’s quite a chore to dig the dirt out of one side, put in the new plastic, and then put the dirt back. Each garden takes a lot of time to do this; I will be happy when they are finished.
Some neighbor dogs got out today, and we had to capture them. Some cute hounds, was nice.
9/13–Worked on another of the gardens. It takes a lot of work to move all the dirt away from one side, put in the new plastic, and then replace the first.
My computer needs some things done, so I’m off to Geek Squad today.
I solved a few things with my laptop; it’s better now.
Of course, a stop at Costco for lunch- free samples of many things- makes lunch.
9/14–Woke with pain from my shingles. Today, I did work on the computer and this blog. Still tired after some time, surprisingly, I lay on the couch and returned to sleep for a few hours. It’s about 8am now, and I’m feeling tired.
I got up on the roof to remove all the leaves and pine needles. So, a guy with shingles on a roof holding shingles, hmm? It’s a little scary up there; I used to stay on top of things. Everything is cleared out, waiting for next year.See the shingles?
Think twice (at least) before you do something this week.
Be mindful.
Use your mind to figure out what needs to be done–and then do it!
Do something new daily, then keep doing it for the rest of your life.
Beth’s birthday is coming up on September 25. What should I get her?
And do you love your work?
You will learn to find your dream job in the next blog.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
September 15, 2023