- Posted by Kit
BLOG 256—Become as Self-Contained as You Can
BLOG 256—Become as Self-Contained as You Can
With my words, I hope to illuminate your life.
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you read this through Facebook, check out my blog on kitsummers.com
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth on 2/22/22.
*** Thanks, my wife, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — You’re in Charge
Heard from a few about last week’s blog.
Will I hear from you?
Here is what came in >>
“You are such a great inspiration.
Keep up the inspiring work.
Love and Light.”
–Jessica Taylor
That is a truly inspiring post, Kit!
You are a brilliant philosopher, king!!!
–Larry Zeiger
This week’s topic, “Be as solo as possible,” will help you as changes come to the world. Humans have never experienced the changes that are occurring, along with losses and limitations to the world. If we work together we can all get through this alright.
Beth and I have been collecting food as we can. Right now, we have enough to last us a few months. We will always be collecting for more people, not just for us in the future. We plan to help others how we can (are you hungry?).
And, remember your animals!
Make sure you have enough to feed them, too.
Along with food, we are saving water. We purchased gallons of water we had put in storage. Also, I purchased collectors for rainwater. We purchased three 100-gallon containers from here >>
I placed these water collectors right at the rainwater downspouts on our roof. They get refilled every time it rains.
We also purchased a 275-gallon used tote to save rainwater. These totes hold things like soda; after they are empty, they are not needed. Look for a food-grade used tote for liquids. You may need to use a truck to pick it up; they are big. Fortunately, our 275-gallon tote fit into my van.
Here is what a tote looks like >> https://containerexchanger.com/pages/used-food-grade-totes
Wherever you are in the world you can find totes.
I’ve hooked all our rain gutter downspouts to this system, and we will save over 600 gallons this way. And, every time it rains, these get refilled. The water is used for watering our vegetable garden and cleaning our bodies; and, after it is filtered, we can drink this rainwater (are you thirsty?)
Later, I will set up a solar panel and battery system to have electricity for things.
Have you done this?
Can you help me set up my system and help others, too?
Do you take any medications?
Start saving up all you can now to use in the future.
Just be prepared for a different future and be more self-sufficient–as you help others.
Here are ten things to help you change your life >>
1–Find Meaning in Your Life
“How do I change my life?”
Sort out what is important to you.
What is it that you want to achieve?
What are your dreams?
What makes you happy?
Your meaning in life gives you purpose and sets the direction of how you want to live your life. Without meaning, you will spend the rest of your life without direction, focus, or purpose–you’ll go nowhere.
2–Create a Hope Board
When we were young, we daydreamed all the time and thought of how we could change lives. Many of us were skilled at dreaming and visualizing what we would be when we grew up. We believed that anything was possible.
As we grew from kids to adults, we lost our ability to dream. We have “turned” into adults. Our dreams became hidden once we started to feel like achieving them was impossible.
A hope board is a great way to start believing in your dreams again.
Seeing your hopes written daily brings them to life.
It will also be a daily reminder to refocus your energy toward what you want.
3–Make Plans and Set Goals.
Once you know what is essential in your life and what your dream life looks like in the long run, you must take action and set your goals. Acting on your goals will enable you to achieve your hopes and dreams and change your life.
Remember that your goals can change. Always be flexible in setting and achieving goals, as life changes, your goals need to reflect these changes. The small steps you take create the speed when you’re learning how to change your life.
4–Let Go of Remorses
Remorses and regrets will only hold you back in your life. If you spend all your time thinking about your past, you will miss the present and your future.
How Balanced is Your Life Currently?
If you feel off, make the changes necessary and move forward.
You must discover time strategies.
Uncover hidden opportunities.
Shape your life on your terms.
You cannot change what you did or did not do in the past, just let it go. You must have control over how you live now and in your future. Challenge yourself each time you experience a pessimistic thought about your past.
If you want to have some fun, visualize letting go of your regrets. Try writing about each one on paper and then burying the paper in your backyard or burning it in a bonfire.
5–Do Something That Frightens You
This is about stepping out of your comfort zone and seeing your limitations differently.
Make a list of difficult things you want but are too afraid to do.
Start small.
Put a plan in place.
Then go do this plane.
Never stop doing difficult things if you genuinely want to avoid complacency and comfort and change your life.
6–Start Living Your Well-Balanced Life.
Our health does not stay the same. Our physical, emotional, and spiritual state will change as we age. What we can control, however, is what we tell our minds and our bodies.
Living a healthy and balanced life builds our resilience to physical changes. Exercise is the best way to attain a positive and optimistic attitude toward our lives.
Living a healthy, well-balanced life with lots of exercise is a lifestyle choice that will give you a more satisfying and fulfilled life. Exercise is a potent tool for improving your life and helping you feel good.
What exercise is best?
Just get moving!
Participate in light, moderate, or vigorous exercise–just get going!
One recent study found that people with mild to moderate depression encountered decreases in symptoms once they started exercising, regardless of whether they were on their own or in groups. The bottom line–just get moving.
7–Face Your Apprehensions.
It’s easy to ignore our fears and hope they will disappear.
Unfortunately, life does not work like that.
You have to “make” things happen.
If you want to change your life, learn to conquer your fears so they can’t longer control you. Whether it’s a fear of loneliness, failure, or the unknown, fear can stop you from living your life to the fullest. But, we know when our fears control our lives because we feel uneasy and are unfulfilled.
Once you face your fears, you will take back our power to choose how you want to live, and when you do this, you will change our life forever.
8–Accept Yourself.
The only person who can change your life is you!
To create that change, you have to like yourself.
I like you! You should, too!
There will be times in life when you face rejection, and there will be people who do not like you or your choices. Accepting who you are and loving yourself despite adversity helps you move forward in life.
You must find your courage.
Love yourself.
Step out and do something crazy.
But don’t worry about what anyone thinks or whether it is the right thing to do. If the change feels right, act on it and go create the life you love.
9–Live for Now!
Many of us think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
Often, we find that this is not so.
The motivation to change our lives comes from our desire to stay happy. We often keep ourselves so busy focusing on our pursuit of pleasure that we miss the joy of actually living in the moment.
Our desire to have joy in our lives is a desire for a future state, not the present. We become so engulfed with all our problems in the present that we miss the precious beauty of the present moment to find joy.
10–Experience the Joy of Learning!
Each time you learn something new,
you gain more overall knowledge,
and with more knowledge comes more enthusiasm and a better life!
Learning new skills helps us each to be more adaptable in new situations. It also encourages us to be more creative and innovative in our thinking, and we are, therefore, more comfortable with the unknown.
Change is one of the hardest things we can do.
Start making changes for advancement today!
You will love your happier life!WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others. Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE’S QUALITY—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To stay motivated, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.EVEN IF YOU START LATE, ARE UNCERTAIN,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life.
They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.REMEMBER–VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED TO MAKE A GREAT LIFE.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.
— Anonymous
Either you run the day, or the day runs you.
— Jim Rohn
Let fortune do her worst, whatever she makes us lose, so long as she never makes us lose our honesty and our independence.
— Alexander Pope
To be truly and really independent is to support ourselves by our own exertions.
— Jane Porter
It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
Destiny is not a matter of chance but of choice.
Not something to wish for but to attain.
— William Jennings Bryan
If I am not for myself, who will be?
And if I am for myself alone, then what am I?
And if not now, when?
— Rabbi Hillel
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
— Coco Chanel
The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.
— Denis Waitley
Independence is happiness.
— Susan B. Anthony
Independence is my happiness, and I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
— Thomas Paine
If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.
— George Orwell
True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what’s right.
— Brigham Young
Without moral and intellectual independence, there is no anchor for national independence.
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems time is going faster all the time. Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Keep track for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
1/20–Someone had a birdcage for a low price, so we acquired it today. The birds are fun to watch and an excellent addition to the family.
Not much else happened today. As I’ve written before, making things happen is up to us. I must do that more often.
The Glen Beck show was on tonight, and it was fascinating.
The guest was Tony Robbins, and what great words he had to say.
Here is an example >>
Tony and I first met in the mid-80s. I attended a local presentation he was giving just as his business was getting going. Following his motivational talk, I participated in his firewalk, walking across a 15-foot bed of burning coals.
Later, I had lunch with Tony, just the two of us at his home.
I had just walked up to his door, knocked, and he let me in with a smile.
Then, I went to his wedding with Becky.
I’ve seen him go on to help millions of people with his techniques.
And Tony can coach you more here >>
1/22–We needed more firewood, so I chopped up a local dead tree. I also acquired wood from Ken, who cuts wood to sell using whole trees (I get his scaps). This is enough wood to make it worth the travel to get the cuttings.
Today, Beth found this list while searching the internet.
There I am, see? >>
2023–Jugglers from the United States
Jack Bremlov – Reputedly the first person to juggle seven clubs. Part of a juggling troupe ‘The Bremlovs’
W.C. Fields – Actor and vaudeville performer.
Dave Finnegan – Author of The Complete Juggler, a widely read self-teach juggling book.
Dr Hot & Neon – Numerous performances on stage and television.
The Flying Karamazov Brothers – Juggling and comedy troupe who have been performing since 1973.
Jason Garfield – President of the World Juggling Federation.
Anthony Gatto – Holds various numbers juggling world records, considered by many to be the world’s greatest juggler.
Michael Goudeau – Ex-circus clown and frequent collaborator of Penn Jillette.
(Michael was a student at Ringling Clown College in 1979 when I (Kit) was juggling instructor there).
Penn Jillette – Half of the duo Penn & Teller, who incorporates his juggling skills into their magic act.
Albert Lucas – This superb juggler holds several juggling world records. The club juggling trick ‘Alberts’ and, by association, ‘Treblas’, are named after him. Kit Summers, see below, developed these names, which are used worldwide.
Marcus Monroe – Comedian and Juggler, Winner of the Andy Kaufman Award.
Bobby May – Excellent juggler from the 19603 vaudeville performer.
Steve Mills – A terrific juggler and inventor of the juggling pattern Mills Mess.
Michael Moschen – Popularised contact juggling in the 1990s.
Frank Olivier – Numerous performances on stage and television.
Kit Summers – A well-known American juggler and author of Juggling with Finesse.
Paul Klimek – Inventer of siteswap, a great map of juggling tricks.
1/23–Worked on the garden today. I have been learning about a system called, “The Ruth Stout Method.” In this, you put about two feet of hay directly on dirt or grass where you want to have your garden. The hay will break down in time and protect the land from cold and heat and eventually feed your plants by composting with nourishment.
After picking the spot(s), break through the hay to the dirt when you want to plant. I plan on putting my potato starts right in the hay near the dirt. I’ve seen that this method works well. I will let you know later when I harvest my potatoes. Or, let me know how it works for you.
This takes hardly any work at all; you will like this much.
Learn more about this method here >>
Ruth Stout’s Worst Enemy (rhizomatous grass in a deep mulch garden)
Or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0Gbi2O3xdc
This is also called the deep mulch method.
1/24–Jemma hurt her back leg some months ago, and every so often, she must land on it the wrong way, and the healing process starts all over. We’ve had to help her in the last few days to jump up on couch and the bed and such. Now it is Friday and she is doing much better. I’m glad you care.
Our critters seem happy — the rabbits, the birds, and Jemma.
1/25–Today, I spent a lot of time working on this blog. As you know, I enjoy the writing process and hope I add to your life. I hope you like my efforts.
Much rain and cloudy weather today.
This is good for the garden,
but I want to get things done, too.
1/26–Once again, awake about 3am. Right away I got out to the garden, I will be growing potatoes outside our garden I built. As you know, I am hoping to do away with all the grass and lawn we have. Vegetables and fruit are much nicer than any lawn.
Beth likes antiquing and thrift shops and spent some time at The Red Rooster in our town a couple of days. She came home with some great finds, especially this Polish Pottery that she and her sisters collected. Here they are; stop by sometime >>
******************YOUR CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK >>
See how long you can hold your breath.
I can do, maybe, a minute; not very good.
Work on improving each day this week.
Currently in the middle of winter.
Yet, there are still things you can do to help your garden.
I’ll tell you more about what I am doing with the garden.
January 26, 202400 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 255— Brain Injury?
BLOG 255— Brain Injury?
With my words, I hope to illuminate your life.
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you read this through Facebook, check out my blog on kitsummers.com
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth on 2/22/22.
*** Thanks, my wife, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — You will recover!
Many who read my blog each week have dealt with brain injury and are dealing with the massive change that this condition brings. This current blog is for you to help motivate you toward advancement. But we are constantly dealing with change–with or without a brain injury–I hope these words help.
I’ve often heard it called “Head Injury.”
To me, it is a “Brain Injury.”
>>A head injury could be having bad eyesight.
>>Or a pimple.
>>Or a cat scratching your cheek.
>>Or even a bad haircut.
A brain injury is damage to the brain.
The words below were taken from my book series, “Beyond Your Potential.” These books provide direct guidance to help improve your state of mind and body, relationships, and understanding of others to achieve the success and quality of life you desire and deserve.
It is my belief, through experience, that every person on Earth is capable of attaining great heights of happiness and fulfillment, even if they have experienced loss and trauma and have faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles. I am living proof of that.
I challenge you to thoroughly scrutinize your life to clearly analyze where you can improve and monitor your progress toward your goals. The larger message I bring to you is how to make my experience meaningful in your own life—how you can set and achieve significant goals for yourself to reach a higher level.IN THESE BOOKS, I WANT TO HELP YOU MOVE UP THAT
LADDER OF YOUR LIFE, HIGHER AND HIGHERMotivation does not last, but neither does eating a meal. Just as we need regular sustenance for our bodies, our minds also require regular positive nourishment to keep moving forward.
Motivation takes perseverance, and when we begin to achieve steps toward our goals, our motivation increases. These books provide support and inspiration through my story, experience, and suggestions that can begin that spark of inspiration that can turn into motivation.
When you focus on motivating others, it, in turn, motivates you.
As writing this blog motivates me.
These books are not meant to be solely instructional manuals. I want you to combine my ideas and mix them with your strategies to formulate the best action plan for you. Reading these books is only the first step. You are the one who has to commit to your plan and see it through.I URGE YOU TO START UPGRADING YOUR LIFE–IMMEDIATELY
Success means different things to different people. Anyone can be successful. Everyone wants to be. The problem is that some people think they can succeed without changing their habits, perspectives, and actions. The truth is success equals change, and those that are willing to make the necessary changes open themselves up to inϐinite possibilities.
As you might know, many people just do what is required to get by and pass through life while missing out on countless opportunities and possibilities daily. In this book series, you will learn to use your eyes and see those opportunities with the understanding that action equals success.I HATE TO SEE LIVES WASTED
There will be many barriers along the way. Determination is a key to obtaining the success you desire. Determination does not always mean sticking it out until you accomplish what you want. It means giving your full and undivided attention to whatever you are trying to achieve at the time.
Great athletes, musicians, jugglers, and intelligent thinkers become dominant because they can focus and remain focused for extended periods.A GOOD LIFE EXISTS WHERE YOU FOCUS
You have to be alert for any opportunities that may help in your endeavors and that may speed your progress. Utilize this information to take a different path to arrive at your destination sooner.
You must learn to adapt once you see the changes that will happen. Be diligent and look for even better ways of doing things because there are better ways to do virtually anything.THIS IS WELL WORTH ANY WORK IT MIGHT TAKE
After my first accident, I learned that each year, over two million people on Earth suffer a brain injury. Modern medical practices have led to the saving of more people suffering from severe head trauma. You know how difficult life can be if you have lived through a brain change.
Statistics show that there is only a five percent mortality rate through brain injury. Of the ninety-ϐive percent who survive, many will have multiple and permanent physical, cognitive, or emotional impairments that may require intensive rehabilitation.
With all the wars going on, more and more military people are returning with brain injury. For them, life has changed; life is a challenge. Through this book, I want to show you that there is hope for your future.
One of my goals is to help other victims of traumatic brain injury, as well as their family and their friends. Those who are close to a brain trauma victim must accept the probability of physical or mental disability in the person for years, possibly for life.
This acceptance leads to a more constructive and supportive attitude toward the victim. All brain injuries are different, and with many other factors involved, you can never know what the future will hold for that person, but it does not have to be the end of the story. Through support and understanding, wonders can happen.
No life is without traumas. Eventually, we must all confront events that test our limits. The key is to use these changes positively toward our future. I never knew my accident would come, we all must deal with changes in our life.YES, IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU!
We tend to see ourselves as invulnerable and can take life for granted. I never dreamed that I would be hit by a truck, let alone twice. And I never imagined I would spend a month of my life in jail. You never know what will happen at any moment of your life that can change it forever.
By reading about my experience, you can absorb some ideas to get over your trepidations and get on with tasks in your life that may be difficult as you move forward toward the excellence that you possess.
You may come across many challenging responsibilities in your quest for excellence. No matter how strenuous these tasks may appear, I want to give you the confidence to face them and specific and practical methods to conquer them.BE AWARE THAT YOU WILL RECOVER
In working through recovery from my accidents and changes, the ups and downs brought new awareness to my life. We can all enjoy the opportunities for pleasure and progress that are available, no matter what might happen.
These books will show that buried in all of us are undreamed powers of healing and growth despite difficulty and crises.
WORK OUT THE STEPS TO GET THERE AND STARTOne of the hardest things to deal with after a significant life change is the lost dreams and the loss of the potential we had before. Before the accident, I was a world-class juggler, and performing at Ballys Casino was my first significant step up the ladder of success. I was going to stardom as an entertainer—my first significant life change came.
I had to face that I would never juggle like that again. When a person goes through a consequential life change, their whole world of potential stops. Surprisingly, an entirely new life must be created to see the new world of potential that opens up before us.
I am now speaking and writing to help others with lessons I have learned from experience. Also, I developed and found success with a fresh salsa business in which the salsa has thousands of satisϐied customers. See summerssalsa.comIf you experienced a massive change through a brain injury, just know that you can and must still find joy in your life.
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others. Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE’S QUALITY—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.EVEN IF YOU START LATE, ARE UNCERTAIN,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life.
They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.REMEMBER–VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED TO MAKE A GREAT LIFE.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do.
It comes from conquering the things you
once thought you couldn’t.”
– Kit Summers
“All we can do now is try to prevent secondary damage by relieving pressure on the brain caused by the initial injury. There is no reparative treatment for traumatic brain injury.”
– Charlie Cox
“In common with many who have a brain injury, I initially lost my confidence and felt very vulnerable, as if a protective layer of skin had been stripped away.”
– Maryam d’Abo
“I had post-traumatic amnesia, a five-second memory, that happens as a result of brain injury.”
– Richard Hammond
“Old soldiers never die; they just lose their grip on reality after traumatic brain injuries.”
– Douglas MacArthur
“As the mother of a grown son with a traumatic brain injury, I couldn’t be more excited about the prospect of finding out how to repair even a small part of the damage that changed his life.”
– Judy Woodruff
“Most people, may not realize the tremendous value that therapy/companion/comfort animals have for the purposes of easing the suffering of those with PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), particularly within the military.”
Ken Wahl
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase; just take the first step.”
– Dr. Martin Luther King
“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”
– Dale Carnegie
“If you’re going through hell, keep on going.”
– Winston Churchill
“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”
– Earl Nightingale
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”
– Zig Ziglar
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
– Thomas Edison
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we fall.”
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems time is going faster all the time. Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Keep track for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
1/13–Today, Beth came running into the house and surprised me with her news–There were nine brand new bunnies under the bunny named Daisy Elizabeth Summers.
This bunny had been with a male bunny briefly; she didn’t know they had done anything–Surprise, Surprise. There is another bunny with babies to be born next week. Wow, and she had wanted to get out of the bunny business.
With the weather being so cold, down to freezing tonight, Beth decided to bring the mother and all the little bunnies inside where it is warmer. Beth’s love and caring for her bunnies is good to see.
1/14–Awakening early, as usual; we currently have many creatures who live here. The birds all started up early chirping and making their noise. As you might know, rabbits make no noise, but I know they are there. As usual, Jemma sleeps late.
Looking out the front window, frost is covering everything. I want to work on the gardens, but it might be difficult with the cold streak passing through. I have a tray out front where I put food for the cats; only one cat was there early, and we have five cats.
This morning, Beth went out to check on the rabbits. She came rushing back in, saying that another rabbit had seven bunnies! Because of the cold weather snap, we had to bring this new family in to keep warm.
It was off to Costco to pick up supplies for the upcoming cold that is coming in. Of course, a stop by Best Buy/Geek Squad was accomplished. There were several things concerning my computer that they needed to look at.
1/15–Yikes, my mind awoke at about 1am, and I could not get back to sleep.
1/16–Beth is writing now, and I am hi-jacking the blog! Kit always asks me what we did all week, so I figured I needed to get some more credit here!
Being from up north originally, I have been able to handle the cold temps here in the south, until today. My word, it is cold outside! The one winter coat I brought from Pennsylvania in 2005, was jammed into the back of the closet for emergencies.
I am prepared for everything. If you have a make-up emergency, come over. Seriously, everything. The coat is a little tight. Apparently, I was thinner 18 years ago. I’m glad I kept it. As much as I enjoy staying inside and reading in front of the fireplace, I am ready for next week’s warmer weather.
1/17– Occasionally, I go to my former client’s house to let the pest control guy in and check around for any other disturbances. I love being there because it holds such wonderful memories of caring for Mr. Butler. He passed away 2 years ago. His children visit this area a few times a year and stay in their father’s home, so I am the house caretaker, which I think sounds pretty cool, like something from an English movie, except I’d be a creepy old man with curvature of the spine who smokes a pipe. Once in awhile, I find a mouse in a trap, which is Kit’s job to take care of.
While driving in, two large deer ran across the driveway in front of us. On his property, Mr. Butler told me stories of black panthers, coyotes, and wild pigs around his home. While he was alive, a black bear was loose in the area. Mr. Butler and I (Beth) would sit on his porch and talk while he rocked in his chair. I really miss that the most. Elderly people hold the stories of the past. Pay attention.
We discovered news reporter Whitney Webb, on Glenn Beck’s Youtube show. She is fascinating! This young woman retains everything she learns about the government, Jeffrey Epstein, the elites, the financial crisis in our country, and all the other news happening in our world today. She has proof of her information. I strongly recommend you google her and listen to her podcast, read her books, or watch her interviews on YouTube. I’m going to let Kit comment on what we saw.
Watch this >>
It sounds like she got sick of the US and moved to Chile in South America.
1/18–Today, Kit went to UPS to return a set of fireplace andirons he had ordered because he thought ours were bent. Too funny!! All the times he has cleaned the fireplace and removed them, he didn’t notice they are curved to hold the wood. I found that amusing.Camelia, the only rabbit I purposely bred to sell her “kits” produced 3 babies late this morning. Three. The ones I accidentally bred gave me 16. Go figure.
You know that old person down the street (or a couple, perhaps)?
Make or buy and bring them a meal this week.
Talk with them and find out how you can help more.THIS IS YOUR LIFE — MAKE YOUR LEGACY HAPPEN!
Hopefully, it will become warmer outside, and I can start doing work outside once again. I will let you know.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
January 18, 2024 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 254—Live for Experiences, not Things!
BLOG 254—Live for Experiences, not Things!
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you read this through Facebook, check out my blog on kitsummers.com
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth on 2/22/22.
*** Thanks, my wife, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — How are your experiences? Do you choose experiences over things?
From traveling to Europe my first time in 1978 (and three more times since) to driving roundtrip across the US over 25 times to visiting Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, I have had MANY experiences. I never had that much money, but I would never trade my experiences for any amount of money.
There are many reasons to collect moments, not things, but these are my top 8 choices >>
1. You will remember experiences–forever!
It’s more fun to look forward to an experience of a lifetime, and kids will remember experiences over things much. Their new toy may be blown away, but this focus is brief. The toy soon gets discarded and eventually forgotten.
The same goes for adults, especially in our throw-away culture when things aren’t built to last. Memories, on the other hand, last a lifetime. Our experiences during our journeys will resurface as memories during a conversation, which provokes happy feelings.
2. Have less clutter–it will clear your mind!
Obviously, some things hold sentimental value and produce delight for you, and you’ll want to keep these, but you’ll find so much stuff you haven’t touched in years. Getting rid of these things is quite liberating. Keep the memories–not the things. Less is better for your mind.
The key is not collecting things that will clutter your home and/or life. Even when you travel, don’t buy travel souvenirs; once again, keep the memories. Supporting the local economy with your tourist dollars is essential, but you should do this and, more importantly, gain experience. Eat in small, family-run restaurants and take family-run tours.
3. The best moments are free!
Think back, you can argue that some experiences, like flying a plane or skydiving, are expensive, yet some of the best moments for us have been entirely free. Either going on family walks and watching the kids discover a new animal or sitting on the beach watching a sunrise or a sunset. We love being by water as we find it so calming. Waterfalls are a big favorite of mine, too. And you can’t beat a lovely sunset. Just get out there and FIND experiences!
4. Each small moment will help you discover yourself and learn!
If you’re trying something new, it can be a challenge, but it is only by challenging ourselves that we learn and grow. Travel has its moments. It is not always austere sailing, but trying new experiences and overcoming challenges helps us discover our limits and abilities.
They say kids learn so much by getting out there and doing something rather than reading about it. Another says we love – “Not all classrooms have four walls.” Getting the kids outside and doing outdoor activities is so much more rewarding. Of course, you remember when you were a kid.
5. Sharing a moment with someone brings both of you closer!
There isn’t as much opportunity to share moments at home, so we share special moments when we travel. When we travel together as a family, everyone is less stressed and in a happier frame of mind.
6. Experiences create stories that will live forever!
Many family meal times involve discussing things that happened instead of ‘things.’ A good storyteller will regale people with tales of events and experiences. They don’t tell stories about something they own; they tell of their life. These stories that are created from moments will live on forever. Things end, but memories last forever.
7. Each experience is unique!
No two people experience the same thing in the same way, ever; therefore, every experience, even if shared, is unique and personal to you. On the other hand, it’s pretty hard to find a ‘thing’ that is truly unique. So where does your ‘Collect Moments Not Things’ start?
Make a travel bucket list and go from there. You may want to see the Northern Lights. If so, you could think about Iceland. You should take a family-friendly safari. If so, I highly recommend South Africa. I have my list, and it just keeps growing!
Another thing I suggest is to keep an ‘Adventure Jar.’ It’s like a travel piggy bank where you spend the money you would have spent on buying a ‘thing’ you don’t need. You might be surprised by how it adds up.WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
WORDS TO INSPIRE YOU!Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thoughts. They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others. Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life.
They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.REMEMBER–VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED TO MAKE A GREAT LIFE.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
1) Release yesterday; seize today.2) Don’t carry the past into your present.
3) Don’t drag old baggage into your new life.
4) You have the power to make the most of today.
5) Don’t let the past be a roadblock to a great today.
6) Living in the present, don’t get pulled back into the past.
7) Don’t let the past keep you from moving forward in the present.
8) You chose to change things for a reason; don’t second-guess your decision.
9) You’re stronger today because of your past. There’s no reason to go back.
10) Adventure is just bad planning.
11) Yesterday’s lessons have already been learned.
12) The past doesn’t have anything else to teach you.
13) Carry forward what you learned, but release the pain.
14) Keep the wisdom, but move on from what made you wise.
15) Wash, rinse, don’t repeat.
16) Progress lies ahead.
17) Be an arrow, not a boomerang.
18) Don’t let the past poison today.
19) Don’t revisit what’s already done.
20) Leave yesterday’s baggage behind.
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems time is going faster all the time. Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Keep track for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
1/6–Cold, but work around the house on things. Spoke to my friend, Daniel Powell, today. This is one impressive man. We graduated high school together, and he has achieved massive success in real estate. Along the way, he has battled and won over cancer and participated in many triathlons.
Today, Beth made a batch of my chocolate chip cookie recipe.
As usual, they turned out fabulous. Have you made some yet?
Chocolate Chip Cookies
4 sticks butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
2 tablespoons Kahlua
2 tablespoons vanilla
4 eggs
5 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
325 for 15 minutes
1/7–Almost daily, Jemma takes me for a walk. In the front yard, I call her to come to me. Then I hold her head in both hands, and she has to wait until I say, “GO,” and she darts down the road. It’s hard to believe how fast she is. It’s funny, Dolly the kitty often also goes with us. Have you ever taken a cat for a walk? It’s a good workout for me, too.
Down the road, about 90 meters, there is a turnoff for the horses; that’s where we end up. Metric might be a new language for you–but learn it. The metric system is a much better way to measure and weigh things. America should have gone metric back when Jimmy Carter tried to get the country to convert.
1/8–A big storm is coming; it’s time to prepare. I worked on the water collector, and things are coming together well. I will have it up tomorrow.
We have a dining room we never use, a good place for bunnies. I built a screen/protector that will keep them in. It is quite fun to watch them when they are free. We still have many bunnies; more will find new homes.Heard stories about “The Shot”, or vaccine, and how people are dying from it. Beth and I never got “The Shot,” and I am happy with that decision. I did not want anything put into my body that had not been verified to be safe and beneficial.
I just feel that having “The Shot” gives other people control of your future. I am happy I did not get it. If you did, I understand; they put on strong that everyone “had” to get the shot. I did not allow it.
1/9–Coldness continues, yikes.
1/10–Because rain was on the way, I had to finish the last garden. It took much of the day; maybe that’s why I put it off. I forced myself to do the task, much better now.
1/11–There was one more garden that I needed to dig up and put a thicker plastic cover on the sides. I must say, I knew it would take most of a day to complete the task, but I would not attack it. After I started, I found that it went easy. I knew I had to complete it by tomorrow, in that a big storm was on the way.
How about you? Do you hesitate sometimes because you think something will take too much time and/or effort? Start and complete it; you will be surprised at how easily things go.
1/12–I woke up today at my usual time, about 3am. Beth and I were out in the area doing some tasks. I still don’t know my way around here as well as I should.MAKE A FABULOUS WEEK FOR YOURSELF THIS WEEK!
YOUR CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEK >>Make a batch of my chocolate chip cookie this week–you’ll love it!
NEXT BLOG >>Learn how we are dealing with the winter cold.
More critical–how are you dealing with the colder climate?AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
January 12, 2024 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 253—Don’t waste your words
BLOG 253—Don’t waste your words
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on kitsummers.com
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth on 2/22/22.
*** Thanks, my wife, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — Good Language Skills are Essential!
How we speak and use language is so important. If you can master communication skills, that will lead to a better life. No matter what age you are or what your status is in life, you CAN improve. If you know me, I have undergone many changes, and my speech reflected my thoughts.
So often, I hear these words, and most times, people even care. People often say this common wordage because they can’t think of anything else. One thing I do is comment positively about how they look or what they’re doing. This is a much better way to get a conversation started. Start this new habit for yourself.
If you could travel through time, what time would you visit?What’s the best concert you’ve seen?
Do you root for any particular sports teams?
What’s the worst job you’ve had?
What’s the number one item on your bucket list?
What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
What’s your go-to comfort food?
What pet peeve drives you the craziest?
What’s the last movie you saw in a theater?
What websites are a waste of time?
What’s your favorite hobby?
Which do you like the most: dogs or cats?
Are you a morning person, or do you like to stay up late?
What five albums would you take to a desert island?
What would you do with the money if you won the lottery?
Do you like your job?
Have you ever met anyone famous?
How did you and your partner meet?
What apps do you use the most?
Always think before you open your mouth. Take the time to organize your thoughts before you delve into any subject. It is better to listen more than speak.
The words you speak both reflect and shape your reality. All the more reason to say what you mean — and mean what you say. The way you use language, whether you’re talking with others or to yourself, goes a long way toward shaping your experiences. It also reveals much about how you think, feel, and function. How you speak is how you are.
With or without your awareness, the choices of words you use to program your thoughts and beliefs — and broadcast them. They can support or betray your intentions. When you speak with others, they will immediately know how you think.
I am writing about the art of using language more consciously and in the service of your highest desires. From the surprising power of the keyboard and declarations to the value of saying more of what you mean and less of what you don’t, we explore how language defines your experience and how it shapes your connections with others.
Our culture trains us to talk a lot — and often without reflection. Daily, we speak most of our sentences automatically and reactively–take your time. We rarely pause to consider the meaning and intention (or lack thereof) embedded in each utterance.
Neurological and linguistic research demonstrates that, as humans, we are hardwired to react to words in subtle and powerful ways — often at a subconscious level. To a significant extent, we are programmed by the words we speak and hear.
The study of Conscious Language is an exploration of how we can leverage this trait to our advantage through thoughtful speech patterns and empowering word choices. It strives to increase awareness of how vague, negative, and self-limiting language works against us.
In much the same way that physical postures and “power poses” have been shown to influence our capacity and outcomes, our use of language can influence our mental/emotional states. It can also determine the responses we receive from others.
One of the simplest ways to begin leveraging Conscious Language is to notice and then thoughtfully adjust your use of any words or phrases following the word “I” — especially “I am.” Avoid that use of words, and you will be a much better communicator.
Conscious Language experts suggest that within the neurocircuitry of our body-mind, the words “I am” function as a declaration, predisposing us to create the realities we are speaking. Our subconscious self tends to process language literally, meaning phrases like “I’m busy” or “I’m confused” are more likely to perpetuate those states than to relieve them.
With this in mind, you might consider swapping disempowering phrases like “I’m exhausted” or “I’m stressed out” with more empowering (yet still honest) statements like “I’m ready for some relaxation.” Note that this differs from repeating positive affirmations you don’t perceive as accurate (a strategy that can backfire, creating cognitive dissonance).
When you first begin reformulating your word choices, it can scramble your brain a bit. At first, saying exactly and only what you mean can make it hard to say anything at all. So it helps to consider this effort an ongoing exploration.
As you begin to speak more consciously, you’ll find you’re not the only one who benefits. You’ll enjoy more honest conversations and more productive collaborations by expressing yourself more accurately, specifically, and clearly. You might even inspire friends and colleagues to follow suit.
Why not learn a different dialect?
Learning a different language will open your mind in many ways.
Remember, these words when you open your mind.WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others. Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.WHEN YOU IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING,
YOU CHANGE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life.
They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.REMEMBER–VERY LITTLE IS NEEDED TO MAKE A GREAT LIFE.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
“To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.” – Chinese Proverb
“To have another language is to possess a second soul.” – Charlemagne
“A new language is a new life.” – Persian proverb
“Learning a new language is becoming a member of the club – the community of speakers of that language.” – Frank Smith
“One who speaks only one language is one person, but one who speaks two languages is two people.” – Turkish Proverb
“Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.” – Roger Bacon
“We have strong evidence today that studying a foreign language has a ripple effect, helping to improve student performance in other subjects.” – Richard Riley
“The limits of my languages means the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
“He who knows no foreign languages know nothing of his own.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“Language is to the mind more than light is to the eye.” – William Gibson
“Do you know what a foreign accent is? A sign of bravery.” – Amy Chua
“Change your language, and you change your thoughts” – Karl Albrecht
“With languages, you are at home anywhere.” – Edward de Waal
“A different language is a different vision of life.” – Federico Fellini
“We invent the world through language. The world occurs through language.” – Mal PancoastCOMPOSE A NOBLE BOOK AND WRITE A BEST-SELLER.
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems time is going faster all the time. Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Keep track for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
12/30–We lost air in one of the used tires and had to replace it. Still, the price is less than the price of a new tire. I still have faith (me having faith, hmm) I will let you know if this one is bad. Right now, it looks like some excellent threads.
12/31–Icy today, awakening to frost on the gardens. In the afternoon, I built a new table to hold the water barrel. Basically, it’s too cold to do anything.
We had the rabbits out, though. Two are lost in the kitchen, and they are having a great time.
And Jemma-dog has been having a terrific time, too.1/1/2024–I must admit, I slept through the new year, as usual. Hope you had a celebratory time if that’s what you aimed for. I’ve heard that this year, 2024, will be difficult for humans. You must plan, prepare, and stay ahead this year.
Worked more on the stand for the rainwater collector to go on. The battery on the drill died. I have another drill, but I cannot find it currently.
1/2–Hmm, what did I do today? And what did you do?
We did have a nice fire, though.
1/3–To Greenwood today to pick up food for people we know who need it. Turned out I got quite a bit, which will help many.
1/4–I am off to Costco again today to pick up the necessary items. But first, I went by Tires Plus (where I have a lifetime alignment guarantee.) It turned out good; my van is impressive–it keeps going and going.Today is the anniversary of Beth’s parents. 66 years married, a remarkable feat (and they have nice feet, too.)
1/5–Woke to frost on the gardens this morning, yikes. I decided it was time for another haircut. I use a clipper to cut all the hair on my head. So, I went to the front yard and took care of it; on the lawn, the hair would mix in with grass and compost.
It’s been a few days–shower time! I have found ways to do things I often do, such as showering, as fast and perfectly as possible. A shower takes less than three minutes for me (I have known people underwater for 20 minutes!) And I use less than a gallon of water (I have known some who use twenty gallons for a washup.) Determine what you often do and find ways to do these tasks more efficiently.
I’ve not been to a barber for many years. Either cutting it myself or having a non-barber cut it. Haircuts can be over a hundred bucks nowadays; I like my price much better.MAKE A FABULOUS WEEK FOR YOURSELF THIS WEEK!
Just recently, I did this challenge, as I often do.
If you know you will pass by a rubbish can, look around for any trash you can toss in. Get in the habit of doing this all the time, and we will all live on a cleaner and better Earth.THIS IS YOUR LIFE — MAKE YOUR LEGACY HAPPEN!
We have a shelf I built above the bedroom window.
I am finishing it up this week.
January 5, 2024 - Posted by Kit
BLOG 252— Kit goes to jail?
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
I WANT TO INSPIRE YOU TO LIVE DIFFERENTLY OR BETTER!*** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
*** Hit by two trucks—one involving a 37-day coma—I remain happy.
*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on kitsummers.com
*** After living in my van and traveling to all US states, I married Beth on 2/22/22.
*** Thanks, my wife, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** Secrets to unfold and good news!BE TAKEN AWAY WITH ME
ON WONDERFUL ADVENTURES!********************
TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK — Did you know I once spent a month in jail on a false charge?
I hope your holiday time was magnificent!
The following words were written while I was in jail.
Looking back, it’s hard to believe I went through this.
Kit Summers’ story is a powerful testament to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of justice. After over a month, my exoneration is a stark reminder of the work still needed in our legal system. The justice system’s failure highlights the need for fair trials and judicial oversight.
This could have happened to anyone, even you, but why me?
My case underscores the importance of support for exonerees and the need for legal system reform. The following words were written while I was incarcerated.
I had a lousy lawyer, so any suits went nowhere.
You can still find an article about this written by Gil Spencer. It has some good words.
Spencer: Trainer neighbor dispute gets extreme – Delco Times
Away in Jail
These words were written in jail; you will learn more as you read. Just a few weeks earlier, my wife of 23 years had left me, with the daughters,
There I was, downstairs in my home office, doing work on my computer. The front doorbell rang. Surprised that someone would be at the door, I quickly ran up to answer. I was delighted to see that it was a Trainer (Trainer, Pennsylvania, is the town I lived) police officer whom I knew. I invited him in, wondering why he was at my house.
A well-built man with a friendly smile, Officer Freeman told me I would go with him to appear before a judge. What a shock to me this news was. I asked him the reason for the visit before the judge; he told me that my next-door neighbor (someone whom I never got along with, although I always tried to be friendly with him) had reported that I had threatened to shoot him with a gun. I replied that I would never have said such a thing and did not own a gun.
The police officer, who knows me and my character from knowing me already, would know I would not have a gun and could have said, “We have to search your home for any weapons thoroughly”. Of course, they would not have found any, and this whole thing could have been cleared up then and there. Yet, the officer told me I still had to go and talk with the judge.
So, with no time to prepare, I locked up my house and was escorted out to the waiting patrol car.
The officer opened the back door, and I looked into the backseat with minimal legroom. I knew it would hurt much to squeeze my legs in to fit; you see, my knee was broken recently, and two pins were holding it together.
In April, I was riding my bicycle on Chichester Avenue and was run down by a truck. My body was broken. This was the second time I was hit by a truck. In 1982, I was working as a featured performer in Atlantic City, and while walking to the casino to be in the show, I was run down by a truck then, too, which included a 37-day coma. Anyway, I felt much pain as I got into the back seat of the squad car.
First, driven to the Trainer police station, quite surprised at the officers’ words, “We won’t have to put the handcuffs on you yet.” I’ve never tried on those bracelets before; I could not imagine. In the police station, he did some paperwork and then, to my amazement, fingerprinted me and did mug shots–like a common criminal. Yes, things were building and getting worse.
Next, he drove me about 3 miles away to a local court to see a judge. By this time, my mind was reeling with all these events, sent into a sad abyss. Again, I had mug shots taken and more fingerprints. My mind and heart were looking down a sorrowful path. The judge read the charges:
1) Terroristic threats with the intent to terrorize another.
2) Harassment–subject others to physical conduct.
3) Disorderly Conduct Hazardous physical offense.
Shocked at these charges, I could do nothing; I was not allowed to say a thing. The judge announced that I was to go to jail for a psychological examination. Handcuffs were placed on my wrists and placed into a van they use to transport criminals; I was whisked off to jail (no passing go, no collecting $200.)
At this point, I’ve never had trouble with the law (except for a couple of traffic tickets), never been in handcuffs, and never been in jail. My entire life had changed. Down I slipped into that sad abyss.
Because I was not allowed to make any phone calls or talk to anyone for the next five days, no one knew I was taken to jail or where I was.
Who will find my four rabbits?
Who will get my mail?
What about the food in the fridge going rancid?
Who will turn off my computer that was left on?
At this point, you have to remember that all of this was done with NO EVIDENCE, NO WITNESSES, NO PROOF, and NO WORD FROM ME. All thrust upon me, and I could not say a word in my defense. I was never read my rights and could not talk to a lawyer. I was ripped away from my life and thrown in jail. Just think, it could have been you; they could have done this to anyone.
So, here I am, “Hi, jail.” I had to give them everything I had with me (I hope my debit cards are alright.) They even took my glasses. In my wallet, I had $555. If you have it, they automatically take $140 for the jail (theft?) They gave me blues every prisoner wears, including blue flats for your feet. A beautiful specimen was I. After I got the “blues” on, I gave a sad look goodbye to my other stuff. Off to, yes, a third set of mugshots and fingerprints (yikes, I must have been a naughty boy.)
While incarcerated (the worst month of my life), I took pages and pages of notes. These are ideas generated to help improve the prison system, showing that many are in there for no good reason, costing the state much money (which the state does not have), and many more subjects. This may develop into another book (I’ve written four.) Right now, I am searching for an editor at a local paper, and hoping to go national to work with you to put together a magnificent story for your readers.
Cruel and unusual punishment
I discovered the following things: either cruel and unusual punishment, illegal, or just plain inhuman. In upcoming challenges, defendants will include Craig, the Trainer police department, the Linwood Court, and the George W Hill Jail. When I typed these in, I did so directly from my notes without editing. The following are not put into any kind of order.
** Sue for making false accusations.
**Defamation of character.
** Also, sue for throwing the big rock at me; there is a witness.
** Was not allowed to use a phone to make any calls.
** Was put into the squad car, which had too little legroom; my broken leg was hurting a lot.
** With my brain injury, it was hard to comprehend all that was going on. Lost I was.
** The officer who picked me up did not prepare me in any way for what I was about to go through. He could have said something.
**Because the cops had to come to my home several times recently because I had some bad renters here who did terrible things, I think the police had it out for me and just wanted to see me behind bars.
**If the police thought that I had threatened to shoot Craig with a gun, why did they not ask to search my home for any weapons? They could have done this before carting me off to jail and ruining my life.
**Concerned about my home. Recently, I had some theft at my house, and my house is open territory with me not being there. When I return, will there be anything left? The Trainer police are well aware of this, and I hold them responsible for any losses.
**The police did not let me call anyone and never read me my rights. Did not prepare me in any way. They did not allow me to put my bunnies away in their cage. The four rabbits could be dead for all I know. Not knowing is driving me crazy–more cruel and unusual punishment.
**As stated in the affidavit, the incident in which I supposedly threatened to go get a gun and shoot Craig happened on September 10. The police did not pick me up until September 20. Why the delay? Something is VERY wrong here. Throw this case out of the ballpark.
**They brought charges without hearing my side of the story at all.
**The judge did not allow me to say a word in my defense (defense of what? I did nothing). Not allowing a brain-injured person to know anything about what is going on or say anything is cruel and unusual punishment.
**The judge came to too quick a decision and sent me straight to jail.
**Seems that this arresting me and taking me in was just done too quickly and without ANY evidence. No witnesses. Not discussed with me. Not thought on. Just–” Let’s send Kit to jail.” Regardless of the destruction of my mental state and life. Things like this should not be rushed; the judge often rushed things.
**When I arrived, they took all my possessions, including all cash–$500. This would be an illegal search and seizure. You cannot pay your bail, even if you have the money.
**They took my glasses, so my entire time in the jail, I could not see. When I was finally released, they did not have my glasses. While there, I had many requests for help getting them back to me, including trying to contact medical–all ignored.
**Never told anything–especially how long I might be in there.
**Never received the inmate handbook that outlines much about the jail.
I had to learn on my own.
**The first two days and nights were in a short-term “holding cell” with 12 other people. This small room has a limit of 6 people, so it is overcrowded. Legally, there is a limit of 24 hours to be in this cell, and I was much over this amount of time. The ceiling light stays on constantly, making it difficult to sleep. This small room had one toilet in the corner and was dirty, smelly, and hard to breathe. I had to sleep on the hard, cold floor near the toilet with just one thin blanket; in trying to sleep on my side, I bruised my hip, which hurt for days afterward.
**While in the holding cell, there was no access to a shower.
**They refused me medical rights.
**I was never advised that I could talk to a lawyer, never read my rights, never told ANYTHING! Just carted off to jail, totally ignoring anything I might have to say.
**Being my first time in jail, I was scared. No one ever told me anything about what was happening- no help, no rights, no law.
**We were supposed to be allowed out of the cell for one hour each day; on both days, we were not allowed out.
**By the evening of the second day, I have still been unable to use a phone to make my “one” call. The only number I remembered was my mom. She helped me a lot in getting released.
**So, a blind (because they took my glasses), a head-injured man with a healing broken leg and shoulder, was put in jail with no rights at all.
**Finally, they were put into a cell with two other people. I have to sleep on the floor. Legally they cannot have more than two people in a cell. They put me on the floor by the door and toilet, a definite fire hazard.
**In my mouth, I have a 3-tooth bridge. When food gets in there, it bothers me and eventually starts a cavity. I have a unique tool that cleans that area. Of course, I do not have the tool, so food is in there bothering me and starting a cavity. And, when we first came in, they gave us a wimpy toothbrush that fell apart in a couple of days and a toothpaste that tasted wicked. Here come the cavities. That toothbrush was never able to be replaced, I tried.
**I am with all these other people, yet feel totally isolated. I am trying to read alone in the room, but cannot concentrate. Being in here is affecting me mentally–in a terrible way! As my mind slips away, I find myself talking to myself, yelling, making strange movements, hating life, wanting to die, not being able to contain myself, shaking, repeating words over and over, and . . . cussing. I feel this is and has been very destructive to my mind.
**Being in this cell, there is no way to contact anyone. If I was dying, there is no way to let anyone know. There is an intercom on the wall, but it does not work.
**During this time in jail, I would have called farmers’ markets and events where I could sell my salsa. With Khalida’s help, I was getting back to salsa. So, by keeping me in jail, I am losing out on thousands of dollars of income.
**The reason the judge had sent me to jail was for a psychological examination. Perhaps that is what occurred yesterday when some young girl was asking me questions and wondering why I had to go through the questions, saying that I was intellectually sound. The young woman asked me many questions; she could find NOTHING wrong with me. Yet, I am still here, fading away and losing my mind. I should have been set free after hearing the questions. Another illegality.
**By bringing me in here, they have killed my four bunnies! And I have lost my house.
**This is terribly embarrassing to be in here and an insult to my character and reputation, worth thousands (millions?)
**No one knows I am in jail. For all they know, I could be dead. Must be upsetting to many friends who care about me and may think I am dead (or worse). Someone should financially cover the time.
**From not watering my plants, they are dying–more loss.
**They want to cram as many people as possible to make the most money from the state. One guy I talked to was prescribed Percocet for the pain he had from a shoulder injury; a doctor prescribed these. He had some loose pills in his pocket and did not have the pill bottle, so the cops brought him in. Another person had simply missed an alimony payment.
**I am a vegetarian. There is a side of vegetables at times or a muffin or bread, which I eat. Usually, I am giving most of my food away. So, I hardly ate while in jail. They cannot “make” me eat the meat entrees and prepared food dishes. These days, with so many going vegetarian, the jail must change and keep up. I would love to see the judge or people working here live on this “food” for a week. Maybe even invite “George W Hill” to partake. More cruel and unusual punishment.
**The only thing they offer for a drink (you have to stand in line to get it, and they often run out) at meals is a cup of a very sugary drink, which appears to be a juice drink. I refuse to partake of this scary drink mix. They could offer cups of clean filtered water (at no cost to them), and most people would grab a cup of this safer, more pleasant beverage. The only place to obtain water is at your sink/toilet assembly; the water tastes terrible, a metallic taste. I usually drink a lot of water, which is the best thing for you to consume. For me and many others, not having access to clean, sound, healthy water is a terrible insult. A tremendous injustice.
**This is, supposedly, a correctional facility. The George W Hill Jail is just a place to eat, sleep, and play cards until your time is up. Thereof no retraining of people. People do not learn anything to help their future life. There are some intelligent “prisoners” here, and they could teach classes about their skills to teach people to use in the future. Some things must be changed here–dramatically.
**I like to exercise, which is only suitable for people. There is nowhere to exercise here at the jail, just some cement where the basketball court is. Exercising will help people get better. The place is called “Correctional”; exercise would help tremendously along those lines. Many would participate–only a good thing. Without the chance for exercise, it is more cruel and unusual punishment.
**The entire complex is kept too cold. You only get a small blanket to sleep with. I hardly slept some nights because I was too cold. File this under more cruel and unusual punishment.
**When I arrived at intake, they took my glasses; I could not see. I put in numerous requests to have them get them for me. Never heard a word. Could not watch the TV or do much while in jail. All I could do was read and write, which I did much of. This was a terrible injustice. When I was released, they did not have my glasses; they had lost them.
**When they put me in a cell, they put me in a top bunk. There is no ladder to get up there. So, a blind, brain-injured man who has a broken knee and shoulder has to navigate up to the top bunk. I had reported these problems I had physically. It was challenging and hurtful. I fell twice in trying to get up, hurting myself.
**I put my mattress on the floor for a time to avoid climbing up. But, this presented other problems. My broken knee hurt so very much when I had to go to a standing position. PAIN. Because it is a fire hazard, this is against the law, too.
**Yes, the mattress was on the ground illegally. But I had no worries; no one had hardly checked our cell. When they did check, they ignored the mattress on the floor.
**These “security officers” here like to watch TV a lot. They often sat directly in front of the TV and were not watching the inmates. Often, I did not feel safe; there were some scary guys here. These security officers would not be of any help. Scared. Cruel and unusual.
**I am losing much money here rather than developing and building my businesses in my office. Hard for my family. May lose my home. Much anguish on my mind. It is definitely cruel and unusual punishment.
**To call out to someone, you must give them their name and number, and then the number is approved. After 24 hours, you can call this number. More than 48 hours ago, I had put in my mom’s number with the correct paperwork. Talking to her is my only hope of remaining sane. Not remembering other people’s numbers, hers is my only hope. Yet the number never worked; I had NO contact with the outside world. It feels like I am stuck here forever–destroying me–HELP! Tears, loneliness, frustration, no joy, no hope. Death come my way, please. I don’t know what else would be if that were not cruel and unusual.
**I am suffering; I need help. The only contact for help is to see the “counselor,” John–and this guy does not help much at all. There is a person called “the runner,” Jimmy, who sets up people to see John. The only way to get ANYTHING accomplished is going through Jimmy. I must have made at least 15 requests to talk with him, all ignored. I had to try and go through him to get my glasses, to get a toothbrush (which I didn’t have the entire time there), and to answer questions. There is NO ONE to talk to to get anything accomplished here. There are the guards, but they know nothing (and act that way, too.) NO ONE TO TALK TO!
**A rolled-up towel for a pillow. A mattress that is hardly padding on the steel bed. A blanket that is too thin to keep you warm. Sheets that were dirty and ripped when I got them, plus they didn’t fit right. I am not able to sleep well because of this massive discomfort. Now, would this be filed under inhumane or cruel?
**Is no one from the state (or the planet Earth) inspecting this jail? So many faults, so many problems, so little organization (they are not even computerized), Such inedible food, no water to drink, no help of any kind, temperature too cold for humans, smells awful, toilet flushes too loud, guards are not lovely, every day is precisely the same. Or am I just complaining too much?
**There is no “correction” in this correctional facility. Way too many people. Boisterous night and day.
**I’m finding out that once they get people in here–IT IS VERY DIFFICULT TO GET OUT.
**October 1, 2010. All day today, they kept us locked up in our cells, only letting us out briefly for meals. As prisoners, legally, we “have” to be let out so much time each day. So, it’s totally illegal.
**All day, shaking from the cold. Now it is 7 pm–AND GETTING COLDER. Once again, tonight, I will not sleep. So much cruel and unnecessary punishment.
**How can this jail keep someone as long as they want and not do anything toward his release until they take the time and make it happen? They are in complete control. They need bodies. As long as I am here, they are making money from the state; no judge would go against it, and they don’t care about using up and wasting lives away; they just want money from the state, and the state of Pennsylvania does not have money now.
**I’ve talked with three different guys here because of “one” DUI infraction. Yes, it’s a terrible thing, but why waste jail space and state monies when they could be at home with an ankle bracelet keeping them here–learning their lesson? That just shows that they just want bodies in here so they can make money from the state; I SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN HERE.
**Last night, people got locked in their cells when the daily “big party” shut down at about 11 pm. Yet, two were left out. These two prisoners and two of the guards were talking very loudly as people were trying to get to sleep (midnight now). This unnecessary noise went on and did not stop. Finally, on everyone’s behalf, I went to the small window and banged on it to get them to stop so we could sleep. The two inmates laughed at me; the two guards did nothing. Then, I heard one of them say, “He’s in jail, it doesn’t matter.” I think it was one of the guards who said that.
**I didn’t want to bang on the small window a third time, the thing the two guards might take me to solitary confinement (I believe they could do that.) Don’t forget, these two are “getting paid” for watching TV and talking out there, keeping us awake. Also, these guards must be up anyway, so this is probably more enjoyable than whatever else they would be doing (like “work”?) Things finally settled down about what must have been 2 am. Then, I could not return to sleep because of my anger and frustration. Suddenly, 5 am time for breakfast. As usual, the food was too disgusting for me to eat. The guy I gave it to was quite happy. So, no sleep again last night. What a cruel way to be punished. Once again, who is watching these guards, who are watching the prisoners?
**So, I heard back from medical about the grievance I filed about not getting my glasses and about that psychological exam I was supposed to have done. They wrote that I was to contact the psychology department. Now, being in jail and not allowed to do most anything, how can I contact the psych department? Totally ridiculous. WHAT CAN I DO FOR SOME HELP AROUND HERE?
**Today, we had an inspection of our cell. Because the air comes in so so cold from the vent, we had covered it with small cardboard squares to stop the freezing air from coming in, making it somewhat comfortable. The guard saw the covers we put up and said we couldn’t do that; he locked up until lunchtime. So, it is either frozen in the cold air or locked in your cell. The guard who locked us in is the same guard who watches TV most of the day (once again, getting paid to watch TV.) Also, he often sleeps in his chair, so he gets paid to sleep, too. There are so many things at this jail that are not right. Very cruel, very unusual.
**Last night was the worst. The TV was on very loud until the regular 11 pm locked in the cell time. Yet, last night, the TV remained on. It got past midnight. There was still much noise in the big room, so I investigated. It turned out that they were cleaning and polishing the floor. During the day, there are many hours when this could be accomplished, so keep everyone awake in the middle of the night. I banded on my cell door window to get the guy’s attention to tell him to turn off the TV because people were trying to sleep. He said some things, and I said, “Turn it off, NOW!” He must have sensed my anger and passion, he obliged. But loud talking and the slamming of doors prevailed. I lay in anger in my bunk, thinking, “Boy, idiots and so stupid.” There is no caring or concern about the humans who “have” to be here.
**The “guys” are watching Eagles football on TV. I can’t watch because I can’t see without my glasses. Life is so different and challenging without sight.
**Saw a security guard out yakking with three prisoners for at least one and a half hours and, of course, getting paid for it.
**Went to see the judge today. Before we went, we all had to have handcuffs and footcuffs (shackles) on; how demeaning. It was like you see in the movies, but scarier. When we returned from court, I was slow in getting out of the van; walking with the chains on was hard. People told me to hurry up, and because I didn’t feel much in my right foot, I could not tell the chain was wrapped around my foot.
**I fell from the upper step of the van and could not put my hands out to protect myself, either. Landed on my left knee (the one that had two pins put into it in April) and my left elbow. I demanded to see the physician there; it was a physician’s assistant. He basically did a lousy job of putting a band-aid on it and said, “Looks OK, nothing broken.” Little did he know that internally, it was hurting much. I could see my doctor the next day; he took X-rays but could not see any problems. But, since this happened, my knee has been hurting tremendously. Before this re-injury, I could walk up the stairs with hardly any trouble.
**Now, riding a bike or going up and down is painful. My elbow and shoulder are hurting a lot, too. The pain is much, much more because of this fall; I hope I don’t have permanent damage from it.=============
What awful memories I have of my time in “The Slammer.”
I hope you never have to go through anything like this.(WHAT NEW STORIES ARE YOU READY TO WRITE?
WORDS TO INSPIRE YOU!Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others. Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
WORDS HAVE POWER!Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.
YOU CHANGE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE—SOMETIMES INSTANTLY!Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real time. You have this control! You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it! Motivational words, yes, they are just words.
But they are positive words; they will keep you on track.EVEN IF YOU START LATE, ARE UNCERTAIN,
YOU CAN STILL FIND SUCCESS!Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
Positive and inspiring quotes are like beams of sunshine on a cloudy day. They inject optimism into our thoughts, brighten our mood, and help us focus on the good in life.
They remind us that even in the face of adversity, we can see the silver lining and embrace a positive attitude.
In a world filled with challenges and indecisiveness, the power of inspirational quotes cannot be exaggerated. These pearls of wisdom uniquely uplift our spirits, can spark positive change, and fuel our motivation often when we need it most.
“I was called a terrorist yesterday, but when I came out of jail, many people embraced me, including my enemies, and that is what I normally tell other people who say those who are struggling for liberation in their country are terrorists.”
Nelson Mandela
“It’s not as if I’ve ever been to prison or been close to going to prison. The closest I’ve got is knowing people who have been in jail – after all, I was a member of Parliament – and visiting them there during their sentence.”
Michael Portillo
“Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and jails the plunderer and then itself marches upon neighboring lands, killing thousands and pillaging the very hills?”
Khalil Gibran
“No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail, for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned… a man in a jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company.”
Samuel Johnson
“If it’s illegal to rock and roll, throw my ass in jail!”
Kurt Cobain
“If you want to know who your friends are, get yourself a jail sentence.
Charles Bukowski Be thine own palace, or the world’s thy jail.”
John Donne
“If you can manipulate news, a judge can manipulate the law. A smart lawyer can keep a killer out of jail, a smart accountant can keep a thief from paying taxes, and a smart reporter could ruin your reputation- unfairly.”
Mario Cuomo
“I’ve never been to jail.
I’ve never been arrested.
I’ve never been locked up.”
Samuel L. Jackson
“All of North Korea is a jail.”
Kim Young-sam
“Every true hustler knows that you cannot hustle forever. You will go to jail eventually.”
YOU ARE AMAZING—PLAY YOUR PART!********************
Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
It seems time is going faster all the time. Do you keep track of what you do each day?
Keep track for a few weeks; you will see your time differently.
12/23–Someone nearby was throwing out big bags of leaves; of course, I had to take them for future compost for the garden. Now is the time for people to get rid of the fallen leaves. You should get what you can for future compost that you have to start building for next season’s crops. Look for bags of leaves that you could take and use.
12/24–I am off to Costco today to buy some needed items. While there, I picked up two of their cooked rotisserie chickens, which tastes great. Off and on in the past, I have thought about becoming vegetarian. In thinking thoroughly on the subject, my thoughts have changed.
This is the only life the chicken knows. Yes, the chicken could live a better life, but so could I. The chicken has a small thinking ability; the chicken does not, with their small mind, have the proficiency to even think of a different life it could have led.
Then I think about me and the better life I could have had. Yes, this is my only life, but I could dream of a much better life. A chicken does not have this ability.
12/25–Hope you had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Beth and I spent a fabulous day together here.
Please let me know what occurred on your Christmas day.
12/26–A slow day; hope you had a delightful time today.
12/27–Worked on putting the new 100-gallon rain-water holder together. I got these through Vingli >>
This company is outstanding to deal with. I had trouble with a past water barrel, and they replaced it with no questions asked.
Put the water barrel up and lead your downspout from your gutters to it. I put the water barrel up on a five-foot-high stand I built; that way, gravity will draw the water out. Finding clean water might become challenging, so you better start saving H2O now.
12/28–We brought four of the little bunnies down to Smith’s Farm supply so they can sell them to customers. We get ten bucks a bun, and they sell them for $25 each. The good part about this is the bunnies often go to a home with kids who love the little guys.
12/29–Today was SOOO cold. This morning, Beth went to drive her van, and it had a flat tire. I suppose I could have changed it, but being so cold, I didn’t want to. We have a roadside service who came out and changed the wheel. Tomorrow, on the spare, we will drive to where we got the tire and have them repair the flat tire.
We had some extra fudge and gave some to the repair guy. He was delighted to have it for his ride home.
We are staying by the fire today to keep warm. It’s nice to have a fireplace.MAKE A FABULOUS WEEK FOR YOURSELF THIS WEEK!
As I was learning to walk again after my accident and 37-day coma, I would walk with straight arms down by my side, forgetting to swing them with the opposite arm. A therapist pointed this out. All humans do this, it seems.
This is your challenge for the week: do not swing your arms with the opposite leg when you walk. This will take some thinking at first; do not swing your arms at all this week. It will really make you think about how you walk. And even more important, it will help you learn to control your actions and your mind, which is very important. Have fun with your challenge.THIS IS YOUR LIFE — MAKE YOUR LEGACY HAPPEN!
The New Year celebration is coming up!
Will you celebrate?
We usually sleep through it.
I will let you know how it goes for us next week.
With all the changes in the world, I’ve heard that 2024 will be a challenging year for many people. Planning beforehand can really help. We have been saving and storing food and water for some time now. You might do the same in your planning for your upcoming life.
Be on top of things and ready for changes to occur. I am here to help you in any way I can.AND WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING FOR YOUR UPCOMING WEEK?
December 29, 2023