BLOG 100—Yes, the big one-zero-zero

The Wanderings of Kit
(Do you wander or just wonder?)
With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life. By writing this blog I want to inspire you to see life in a different and/or better way and find joy how you can.
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*** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
*** If you are not my Facebook friend, yet, please befriend me.
*** The freedom I am experiencing in my travels is a marvelous thing!
*** Going where I want, when I want, and seeing wonderful places and people.
*** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
*** I will have secrets to unfold and good news!
Learning to juggle again after my
37-day coma, I could not stand yet. 
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This week I am putting my blog out on Thursday instead of Friday because I do not know if I can find a wifi connection on New Year’s Day. I hope you have a splendid celebration. I will probably lionize as I usually do, by sleeping through it.
One hundred weeks of writing this current blog of my travels—I’m proud that I have not missed one week. It brings me joy that I can add to and expand your life with my writings. I have written other blog series, such as when I went to Japan and I went to Australia/New Zealand.
I have a few weeks to spend until I shall return to Orlando. The dentist wants me to take the medication for that long to have it work fully. So, what to do, where to go?
Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have an amazing ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking. This is why I find them so interesting, challenging, and important on the path to joy and happiness and finding ways to inspire yourself.
Inspiration >> The process of being mentally stimulated to do a certain thing.
I hope to inspire you with my words.
Words have power.
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determine everything that happens in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.
When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life—sometimes instantly!
Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or, a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our own thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control.
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
Self-talk is so important—THINK RIGHT!
I hope the words I pick do help you.
When you want to be inspired, keep these three words in mind >>
Yes, it might be hard right now, but things can and will always change. Yet, many of them change because “you” change.
We learn and grow and try again and measure and practice and become. Just like you are doing currently.
So, quickly, go to the window and look outside. Still too cloudy for your taste? No worries…for the skies will be clear in the near future, as things always change.
Soon, there will be a light breeze under a warm sun. How do I know? Because that’s how the weather goes; it just hasn’t happened yet.
Have the confidence you need for anything. Fake it at first if you need, but bring on your pride!
I am more determined than ever to focus my attention and praise on the people—young and old, rich and poor—who rarely, if ever, experience the satisfaction and joy of having another person express gratitude and amazement at the life they are leading.
I am proud of you. I am proud of you. I am proud of the person you have become and of who you are becoming. I am proud of the difference you are making in this world, for this world, and for the people of this world. Yes, I am proud of you; as you should be of yourself.
The word describes an activity in which you can (and must) choose to engage. Everyone uses their imagination, you must.
Doubtful? Go ahead…right now…imagine something. I’ll wait.
Did you do as I asked? I hope the answer is yes. You “choose” what you can imagine—a powerful thing. You control your thoughts and where you take your thinking. Bring on the imagination that is in your mind.
Assuming for a moment that there are personal goals or life situations that are not yet “reality” for you, it is worth noting that for your desires to actually become reality at some point in the future, that “reality” must first be imagined. Think about that idea.
Consider the fact that every single thing ever invented—significant or not—was first actively imagined by a single person. The wheel. A bridge. Contact lenses. Band-Aids. Zip-lock bags. Evenbanana pudding. Almost everything was first brought up in someone’s imagination. Why can’t that person be you?
Now, it’s time to get out there and do
something incredible that you can rejoice in!
================================= MY DAILY JOTTINGS >>
12/25—Hope you had a fantastic Christmas. Was Santa good to you? Or, more important, were you good this year—ha-ha.
I spent all day at the Palm Beach County Library. Just a day by myself to do some juggling, to ride my unicycle, do some reading. A very relaxing and calm day.
I’m at a library, so Wi-Fi is available all the way out to my van. I looked around outside the building and found an electrical outlet to charge my things, too.
I made a delicious Christmas meal for myself. I fried up some chicken and added a sweet and spicy sauce which has soy sauce, onion, and garlic. It made the chicken so delicious. So, yes, chicken tacos again. My favorite, as you can tell.
But, I only ate one taco. That’s mainly because these tortillas ten inches in diameter. That one taco satisfied me well. I’m a happy camper (or, a happy van dweller?)
At the current Library, the Palm Beach County Library, I’m the only person in the library, and a librarian came up and said I had to wear my mask. I told her it was simply ridiculous since:
1) I’m not ill, in any way. 2) There is one within 100 feet of me. 3) They’ve not to be proven to scientifically help. She said it was a current mandate—HA.
As I said before, since this Covid thing hit, it seems that so many humans have forgotten how to think.
Spent a few days at this fabulous Library. Right now it is 9 am. I parked the van so that their bushes on one side and my van on the other and I took my shower as I do outside the van. I got so clean, feels great.
How about you? Would you do that, with the chance that you might get caught naked to the world?
Then I moved on further south to the Parkland Library in Parkland, FL. Very very nice here, you should see it. I arrived on a Sunday and the library is closed, but I can plug into their outside outlet and be on their wifi, everything is good.
12/26-28—Not much happening this week. The dentist told me I had to take my pills for a few weeks before he would see me. As you might remember, my blood pressure was too high for them to work on me. So, I’m spending time (as opposed to wasting time) touring around Florida.
12/29—At the time I was on the east coast of Florida and I was contacted by my old juggling friend, Joey Jordan. He had wanted me to stop by and see his son, who was in Fort Myers, Florida, on the west side of Florida. So I called by phone and let him know I’d be coming over, it was about 150 miles.
He lives in a very nice area, right on the gulf, but didn’t seem to like to have guests. I was only there for about half an hour and I could tell he didn’t want me there. Quite unfriendly was he.
From there, I went North.
So many people!
So much traffic!
Both of which I do not like, as you know.
At a corner, I saw a man with a sign asking for money. Right before this, I had gone to the food bank. I got a lot of produce and vegetables. I took out what I wanted to eat, myself, planning to give the rest to this man.
I also threw in some candy I had and included a can of beer. He took out the candy, he took out the beer, and gave back the rest–all the healthy stuff. And I have some good food and vegetables in there, very edible. Just goes to show ya.
Mansions on the side by the ocean, castles on the other side; very nice areas. I was tired of driving I just wanted somewhere where I can park and relax. I finally found the parking lot where am I’m writing this now. I have to say again– so much traffic!
So, parked in for the night. Open the beer, I ate a Mexican salad I got from a food bank. It’ll be a nice evening, wish you were here with me.
12/30—I woke early, as usual. Driving north now, I think I’m missing seeing some nice things. They look to be nice mansions all along the way.
So, I pulled over at a park which was along the water at about 4:30. I boiled some water for tea, and I’m going to wait for the Sun to pop up which should be around 7 am. And, quite a nice park it was, including the boat ramp, which was used early.
Then down the road to another library. Funny how some libraries are totally open, and some have a limit of one hour for each person. Some you have to wear your face diaper, some you don’t. It’s all kind of ridiculous to me.
12/31—Last night I docked at the Clearwater Library near Clearwater Beach. I am planning on going to see if there are any jugglers performing at the mall at the beach today. I will let you know next week how it went.
I’m lonely out here, I would love to hear from you.
Either through Facebook or email,
I know it’s been a while. Do 20 push-ups each day this week.
If 20 is hard for you all at once, spread the 20 through your day, one at a time.
If 20 is easy for you, do 40.
If 40 is easy, do 100.
And so on . . . Report back to me your results.
NEXT BLOG>> Should have the tooth pulled this week, I will let you know.


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