With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
    I want to inspire you to see life differently or better.

    *** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
    *** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** Hit by two trucks, one involving a 37-day coma, I remain happy.
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** Secrets to unfold and good news!


    Challenging myself was one of the main ways that helped me to recover after my first major accident. Even as I was learning to walk again, I saw a small bush and told myself I had to jump over it. I was with a rehab therapist then, and they did not like my idea, but it worked.
    I continue to challenge myself daily to help me keep advancing in life.
    Often, your challenges could seem like little things, like attempting to wake up earlier or shake bad habits like smoking, but they’re still challenges. Everyone’s experience is different.
    What does it mean to challenge ourselves?
    To challenge ourselves means to grow in new ways and work toward new ideas. People often stick to things they know, are good at, and don’t look for more. They find these things easy without taking things to the next level.
    You only know what you can do if you push yourself to a higher level. Doing something different can allow you to find new interests and hobbies you enjoy. Challenging yourself, it will continue to advance your life.
    Reasons why you should challenge yourself?

    1. Reach your potential (beyond?)

    Challenging yourself allows you to reach new potential. No one wants to be average. We each want to believe we’re the best at something or that our lives matter. However, you can’t become the best unless you play, experiment, challenge yourself, and push yourself to do something new, faster, or more complex. Exploring experimentation allows you to find new growth opportunities. Ultimately, we want to live a life where we’ve accomplished something. And when you challenge yourself, you can say, “I’ve become the master of my craft,” and that’s when you’ve reached your potential.

    2. Live life to the fullest
    Living life to the fullest allows you to feel a sense of accomplishment during and at the end of your life. Life isn’t all about work. It’s about family, friends, passion, fun, and exploring new opportunities. When you challenge yourself, it means that you’re living and loving life. You’re not hiding away from danger or failure. You’re putting yourself out there and taking risks. When you push yourself, you can see what you’re made of and things you didn’t know about yourself; you will grow. People who challenge themselves see life from a new perspective. You have this excellent opportunity to be the person you want to be. So why not just take advantage of it?
    3. Strengthen your brain and body
    Challenging yourself allows you to strengthen your mind and body. When you first juggle torches, your brain stops you from making that move right before you throw that first torch. A survival instinct that kicks in and says, “This is dangerous; don’t do it.” But then, you have to ignore your screaming brain and do it. And you feel exhilaration on the first throw. You learn that you’re more powerful than your mind and body. Use your brain; there are so many opportunities in life we don’t take because our brain stops us. And learning how to challenge yourself helps teach you to ignore it and shut it off.
    Here are more ideas for challenging yourself >>
    A–Practice meditation
    Following a guided meditation like you can find on your computer, your mind is a surefire way to challenge your thoughts. Meditation helps you learn to calm the mind by becoming more aware of the ideas in your head. If you’d like to challenge yourself further, you can use an unguided meditation timer to take on your thoughts independently. By starting with a guide, you can increase your challenges over time. We began with meditation first because once you’ve been able to take on the mind, every other challenge you face will become more manageable. You can also even watch meditation videos on YouTube.
    B–Read books to expand your mind
    It can take a lot of work with busy days to fit in time for reading. Naturally, reading in bed can help you fall asleep faster, as it has for me. Challenge yourself by reading books on topics you know nothing about; learn as you fall asleep. The goal isn’t to make yourself miserable but to encourage you to learn new stuff as your eyes slowly close. There are millions of topics you haven’t explored but would enjoy learning about, so stick with those you like first.

    C–Take an online study
    Always continue learning after you finish school, at every level. To keep your mind sharp, you must challenge yourself by furthering your schooling with online or in-person courses. You can learn new languages, how to style your hair, cook meals like a major chef, and more. Your method doesn’t need to be educational, such as a history lesson or learning how to start a business. Think about everyday things you do that can help you learn better.
    D–Start a thriving hobby
    One of the ways you can challenge yourself is by learning a hobby that allows you to boost your income, as it expands your mind. Working a 9 to 5 job makes us feel like we’re just getting by. Nevertheless, by investing in a profitable hobby, we can earn more money to do what we love while getting paid. This is how I always thought of my juggling, and I got paid to have fun! Any hobby can be good today, though that has not been true historically.
    E–Declutter your dwelling
    Decluttering your residence is a great way to challenge yourself.
    Can you survive with less stuff?
    Can you learn how to sell your property online?
    You can challenge yourself in many ways by reducing the number of possessions in your home. Living with less is better. We often fill our homes with so much stuff that we rarely use. Challenge yourself to let go of possessions and learn some computer sales.
    F–Go to bed earlier
    I usually awaken between 2 and 4am. You’ll often hear recommendations to wake up earlier in the morning to get more accomplished. And not everyone needs eight hours of sleep to have a fully-functioning brain. So, rather than challenging yourself to wake up earlier, you can challenge yourself to bed earlier. If you sleep earlier, you’ll likely wake up earlier and be well-rested.
    G– Walk! Aim for 10,000 steps a day!
    Walking less than 4,200 steps a day is considered sedentary. It’s the number of steps people often take if they work from home and don’t exercise. Get out there, walk, walk, walk. Active people often take at least 7,000 steps a day. To challenge yourself, try taking 10,000 steps every day. Doing it occasionally can be an easy feat, particularly on weekends. All it takes is that first step.

    H–Climb 100 steps a day
    The average person climbs four to five stairs each day, which is a little. Challenge yourself to climb at least 100 steps a day. You don’t need to do that all at once. However, use the stairs regularly in your home, condo, or apartment building. You can challenge yourself by forcing yourself to climb stairs to use the bathroom instead of using the bathroom on the same floor. This is just the beginning, go for more and more steps all the time.
    I–Improve your relationship
    Refrain from neglecting your partner or filing for divorce is easy when things get stale. People can get into unhealthy routines. Ask them about their needs the next time you interact with your spouse. And if they say something like, “I need some help cleaning this place.” You should immediately get up and start cleaning the home. Or if you’ve noticed you two haven’t had any romanticism in your relationship for a while, surprise them with a gift, such as flowers or even a candlelit dinner at home.

    J–Get out of debt
    Managing your finances is a significant way to challenge yourself. Being stuck living paycheck to paycheck not only adds financial strain but emotional stress as well. You are paying off all you can, allowing you to live financially free or even retire earlier to live on your terms. You’ll frequently need to work multiple jobs to get out of debt. I’ve been able to live without worrying about debt problems. Having full-time and part-time employment can allow you to add more money to pay down debts while still covering your main expenses.
    There is a vast number of ways you can challenge yourself. You can use this list as a starting point or even create your list of ways; as you know, even our phones are constantly updated with the latest technology and features. You should also continually grow with new habits, attitudes, and personality traits.
    So, what’s the upgraded version of yourself going to look like?
    What new stories are you ready to write?

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
    They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.


    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.

    Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.

    Many of us have been through a point in life where everything seems to have reached a slump where nothing is meaningful anymore. If you’re going through something similar, these life-purpose quotes can help you to find the will to live your life to its fullest again!
    “If you have a vital purpose in life,
    you don’t have to be pushed.
    Your passion will drive you there.” – Roy T. Bennett
    “I believe purpose is something for which one is responsible;
    it’s not just divinely assigned.” – Michael J. Fox
    “It’s not enough to have lived.
    We should be determined to live for something.” – Winston S. Churchill

    “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive,
    but in finding something to live for.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
    “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion.
    For your passion will lead you to your purpose.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes
    “Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life,
    no matter what may be one’s aim.” – John D. Rockefeller
    “The two most important days in life are the day you are born,
    and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
    “Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.” – Washington Irving
    “The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy, or passion.” – Terry Orlick
    “To begin to think with purpose is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment.” – James Allen
    “You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.” – Steve Maraboli
    “The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost; to be everywhere is to be nowhere.” – Michel de Montaigne
    “When you find your WHY, you don’t hit snooze anymore! You find a way to make it happen!” – Eric Thomas
    “A person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.” – Thomas Carlyle
    “The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose.” – Charles Dickens


    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    And time is going faster all the time.
    Do you keep track of what you do each day?
    Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
    5/29–As the photos show, the garden is growing superbly. Why, just today, I wanted to eat a salad in the afternoon. So great to be able to go out into the front gardens to pick lettuce and carrots for the salad. And this is just the beginning. Later I will add tomatoes and broccoli to the mix.

    Some people have told me I must have a green thumb.
    I disagree.

    5/30–Beth has found succulent plants (which are cactus.) We will be building gardens just for them, that’s good. I built the shelf below to hold the succulents. 

    About zucchini. The plant has huge leaves. I decided to check under some of them. Why, lookie there, huge zucchini fruit was ready for the picking. They we easy to dispense to friends. Do you want one?

    5/31–I kept a list of what I did last week. I cannot find this list! So, most of this is from talking with Beth about the previous week. How about you, do you remember what you did last Wednesday?

    6/1–Went to the dentist today, Dr. Patrick Cook. He is excellent at what he does. If you live anywhere near Augusta, Georgia, and need dental care, look him you–you will be happy you did —
    Also, he told me he enjoys reading my blog post each week.
    Do you like the words I put together?

    I have also made my weekly trip to Costco. I have to admit, and I usually arrive at about lunchtime. They have vendors who give free samples of different things–Kit’s lunch (don’t tell them, though.)

    6/2–Beth is excited about her new hobby of collecting succulent plants. She just came out all excited about how one is turning pink. 
    Right now, the time is 3:17 in the afternoon.
    I will send this out at about 6pm, as usual.
    Do you have anything you can write me about your week?
    Is it time to “make” things happen and live a fuller life?
    “Make” a great week for yourself.
    Summer is about here. Have you planned a vacation for the upcoming months? Getting out to the wilderness is always beneficial. Start planning now for a trip to the out-of-doors.
    Do something new daily, then keep doing it for the rest of your life.
    Hmm, I can’t think of a thing to write.
    What will you be doing next week?


    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
    I want to inspire you to see life differently or better.
    *** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
    *** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** Hit by two trucks, one involving a 37-day coma, I remain happy.
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** Secrets to unfold and good news!
    I’ve run my life by purpose, on purpose—my entire existence by concinnity. As I write this blog, I hope to bring you more passion and desire for your life. That’s something you can aim for and achieve excellence in. In all your life, strive toward continuity! (Definition: Concinnity–“The skillful and harmonious arrangement or fitting together of the different parts of something.”)
    Things I have worked in these areas with purpose, and you should, too >>
    If you can improve or master these areas, you will have a better life.
    1. Understand what life should feel like.
    “Living on purpose” means doing what matters to you in alignment with your thoughts, values, and beliefs. I can’t tell you what that could mean, but you know when you feel it.
    Life is foggy, colorless, and dark when you are “not” doing that.
    You are bored and busy at the same time, constantly tired.
    Even small things feel like work.
    You must find alignment in your life.
    When you’re life is aligned, life is good and respectable. Things are easily accessible, you are happy, and everything works. You feel alive, passionate, and lit up from within your mind. You are not concerned with time or how to get to where you are going, and you’re sure of yourself, even if you’re scared at the same time.
    2. You’ll need to tap into your calling within your mind.
    Stop searching outside yourself for answers. There’s only one: be who you were born to be. Deep within, you know what makes you feel happy and alive. You’ll need to pay full attention.
    Look for opportunities to practice kindness. My most significant accomplishments came from following this advice: “When you have a chance to help someone, and it’s easy for you to do…just help.” This can be as simple as writing a testimonial or texting a friend who is stumbling.
    3. Get outside.
    In the outdoors, you can appreciate beauty and excellence to feel a sense of awe in the world around us, whether from the beauty of nature or a smile on someone’s face, which can ignite a sense of purpose. Research shows that time in nature is one of the best ways to experience wonder.
    4. Feel the fear of change and take the first step anyway.
    You can wake up excited to start every day, open your mind, and break through barriers. Could you make a change and start taking action? This will take practice; you can work for a while to get there.
    As you know, the unknown is scary. We feel safe and comfortable with how things have been. Fear is s part of us and will always be there, but it can’t rule “you” unless you let it. Take action toward your goals anyway. You don’t have to know how or feel ready or worthy.
    5. Rethink your to-do list.
    Your time is exceptional, and you should value how you spend it. If you don’t decide what matters beforehand, you’ll pay it all by doing things that aren’t moving you forward. You can fast forward to a year from now while you’re living on purpose.
    Do you know if there is anything on your to-do list for today?
    Review the items on your list and either delete them, do them, or delegate them. Sometimes, it’s even worth paying someone else to do some things so you can focus on what matters to you: the tasks that will get you where you want to go if you do them every day.
    6. Check in with you daily.
    As you awaken in the morning, ask yourself what is essential today? What could make you sleep better tonight? Most daily things disconnect us from ourselves, so practice tuning in. Just sit and think or journal whatever needs to come out for 15 minutes. Before you make decisions, make a change, or take action, ask yourself >>
    Would you like me to do this?
    Does this feel right?
    Am I excited about the outcome?
    You can make this a daily habit and set reminders to check in; otherwise, you’ll slip into old patterns.
    7. Realize that you have everything you need.
    This may be uncomfortable at first and may sometimes feel like work. But it’s worth the time when you’re working toward the right thing. You can deny yourself or say yes to your heart, but you choose, in the end, what you get. Could you do the work today to create the tomorrow of your dreams?
    If you trust that it will work out, it will. Don’t worry if you don’t get the outcome you want today. Success will take time, which is why most people give up. You’ll never look back and think, “I spent too much time being me,” so keep going. It’s impossible to fail at being you.
    You have everything you need. You will become who you are meant to be when you realize who you already are.
    What new stories are you ready to write?
    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.
    They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.
    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.
    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.
    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.
    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.
    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!
    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —, and that’s where motivational quotes come in!
    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!
    Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.
    Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.
    Many of us have been through a point in life where everything seems to have reached a slump where nothing is meaningful anymore. If you’re going through something similar, these life-purpose quotes can help you to find the will to live your life to its fullest again!
    “If you have a vital purpose in life,
    you don’t have to be pushed.
    Your passion will drive you there.” – Roy T. Bennett
    “I believe purpose is something for which one is responsible;
    it’s not just divinely assigned.” – Michael J. Fox
    “It’s not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something.” – Winston S. Churchill
    “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive,
    but in finding something to live for.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
    “If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion.
    For your passion will lead you to your purpose.” – Bishop T.D. Jakes
    “Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life,
    no matter what may be one’s aim.” – John D. Rockefeller
    “The two most important days in life are the day you are born,
    and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
    “Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.” – Washington Irving
    “The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy, or passion.” – Terry Orlick
    “To begin to think with purpose is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment.” – James Allen
    “You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.” – Steve Maraboli
    “The soul which has no fixed purpose in life is lost; to be everywhere is to be nowhere.” – Michel de Montaigne
    “When you find your WHY, you don’t hit snooze anymore! You find a way to make it happen!” – Eric Thomas
    “The person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.” – Thomas Carlyle
    “The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose.” – Charles Dickens
    Each week goes by so quickly.
    And time is going faster all the time.
    Do you keep track of what you do each day?
    Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
    5/20–After the 250-mile drive up to Beth’s parent’s house yesterday, Beth, her mom, and her sisters went to find succulents (cacti) today. This is Beth’s new passion, these little plants. While they were out, I went to Best Buy/Geek Squad to help with my computer. I found the help I needed, while Beth found the plants she wanted.
    5/21–Connie is an old friend of Beth’s, having known each other since childhood. We ate a delicious lunch while there. Their son was there, and I taught Jordan to juggle! I’ve taught so many at this point. Their house is in a beautiful wooded area, the kind both Beth and I love. Thank you, Connie and John, for your hospitality.
    5/22–The long trip back home. On the way, we stopped by to visit my old friend Liisa, who lives in Charlotte. I’ve known Liisa for many years by way of her brother, a juggler, https://danatison.com/.
    We met up at Aggies, where Liisa bought us a fabulous lunch at
    Thank you so much, Liisa.
    5/23–We are starting to eat the plants we are growing—lettuce and spinach we have been consuming. Today I pulled up two carrots, which are still small. Once things grow, there is little to do to maintain the garden. We should have a bountiful harvest of tomatoes when they ripen, seeing many flowers growing now, which turn into fruit. Would you like some tomatoes?
    I am considering adding two more gardens (the 4’x8’ gardens I build.)
    Have you started your gardens yet?
    Let me know; I can help — kitsummers@gmail.com
    5/24–Lunch with Gary DeTeau. Gary has been a top chef in his life, and it shows. He cooked up some delicious shrimp that we ate for lunch.
    5/25–Back with Gary. His land on Steven’s Creek is magnificent. He tells me he will be moving there in the future. Right now, he is living in a tent on the land he will be building in the n future, and it should be quite splendid.
    5/26–Beth played the part of “happy homemaker” and baked banana cake and zucchini-pineapple bread, and I helped to put together a cucumber salad. One day soon, we can use the cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions we grow in the garden.
    While Beth was out today, she bought a bird feeder. We had recently seen some and had to.
    Is it time to “make” things happen and live a fuller life?
    “Make” a great week for yourself.
    So many people mindlessly shove food in their mouths, chew a little, then swallow. Each time you eat, you can make it a pleasant experience. You have a plate of food in front of you; for each bite, put something in your mouth, then put down the spoon or fork (or hashi). Experience the taste and texture of each bite. Chew with a smile on your face, then consume the next bite.
    Do this every time you eat; make it a new habit.
    You control your eating–you control your weight loss efforts!
    Do something new daily, then keep doing it for the rest of your life.
    Our bird feeder will be out.
    You will see pictures.
    Hopefully, it will attract eagles! (I think not, though.)
    All reactions:

    Karin Tritt, Don Atwell and 21 others




  • BLOG 221–SLEEP 

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
    I want to inspire you to see life differently or better

    *** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
    *** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** Hit by two trucks, one involving a 37-day coma, I remain happy.
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** Secrets to unfold and good news!



    Do you sleep enough?
    What is “enough”?
    Do you waste life in Sleep?

    Sleep is of utmost importance; I never knew how important sleep was to success, but now I do, so I ensure I get an adequate amount daily for my body. Yet, my mind only requires a little sleep.
    Today, as usual, I awoke between 2:30 and 3 am. I function better with only about 4 or 5  hours of sleep. In my mind, I have always thought that sleep was a waste of time–but necessary for a human. When I sleep more, I am tired throughout the day. People tend to make a long sleep every night essential for themselves. Your body, like mine, might do better with less sleep?
    I once slept for 37 days; hard to imagine I could sleep for so long. My brain had to heal after a traumatic injury, so it shut things down while taking a break. So if you have gone through the same thing, I hope you are doing better now.
    What new stories are you ready to write?

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.

    They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.

    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.

    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life, and it all derives from your quality of thinking.


    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real time. You have this control!

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking —and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!

    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.

    Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.

    May these quotes inspire you to prioritize sleep so that you may be in the best of health.
    1. “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures for anything.” Irish Proverb
    2. “Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow.” Tom Roth
    3. “Sleeping is nice. You forget about everything for a little while.” Anonymous
    4. “Dream big while you sleep, and even bigger when you’re awake.” Jared Leto
    5. “Tired minds don’t plan well. Sleep first, plan later.” Walter Reisch
    6. “Man should forget his anger before he lies down to sleep.” Mahatma Gandhi
    7. “Sleep is the real beauty secret, but I don’t get enough of that.” Chelsea Leyland
    8. “I love sleep.” Ernest Hemingway
    9. “It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it.” John Steinbeck
    10. “All you need is sleep.” Anonymous


    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    And time is going faster all the time.
    Do you keep track of what you do each day?
    Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
    5/13–On this Saturday, it was back to be with Gary DuTeau on his land. Right on Steven’s Creek; very lovely here. You may remember where I came from when I first met Beth at the local library; I had connected with Gary via Facebook and came out to his fest. Then, Beth and I married on his piece of wilderness paradise. Gary has a get-together on his property yearly; nice to get out. The group includes a couple of excellent chefs (Gary is one, too!) So, we eat well while here.
    To go into the area where we get together, you must step down a three-foot boulder and walk back up an incline. No one liked this, including me. Gary had told me that this same path had been used for years, including by Native Americans when they were in the area.

    Well, I always like to find better ways. I saw that by removing some little trees and a few rocks, I forged a new path that stayed level the entire way. Much better, many told me.
    Do you have something like this that you do not change because it “has always” been done a certain way? Make change happen and have a better life.
    It may have been something I ate, but I had no energy and felt nauseous for a few days. I stayed home and rested. Usually full of energy, I do not like when I can’t maintain the same. I hope you continue to feel great.
    After this bout concluded, this was an excellent chance to change my eating habits. Like many, I’ve always consumed three meals daily, hungry or not. Since my feeling off, I’ve decided only to eat when I am hungry, which is seldom. My body will eat enough to keep functioning at a high level. How about you? Is it time to examine your eating habits?
    5/16–You may remember I choked on food some time ago because my esophagus was condensed. I had an operation to open my throat, which helped much. Today, while consuming some fruit, I ate too fast, and the fruit got stuck in my throat. I hope I don’t have to return for another operation.
    So far, this has been a bad week for me physically.
    5/17–Dandelions can look nice if an entire yard holds them. Having dandelions come up here does not look good on a lawn. Today I dug all of them up by the roots so they would not regrow. Also, the rabbits love eating them, so it serves a good purpose there.
    But, as you might know, I do not like lawns. This is such a massive waste of time to water and mow. No one would go hungry if every house grew vegetables and fruit in its front yard. You will see my lawn grow less as I plant more veggies and fruit trees.
    5/18–Rain this Thursday, good for the plants, of course. Living in South Carolina, we get frequent storms; I like that. All our rain-saving devices have been refilled with just this one rain episode. Did you ever install a rain barrel or rain collector? This will pay off in the long run.

    I am hearing more and more about how water and food may become hard to acquire. That is why I have started growing many things and saving hundreds of gallons of rainwater.

    5/19–We are off today for a 250-mile drive to Randalman, North Carolina. I do enjoy driving; this is a short distance for me today. We are going to visit Beth’s parents, who are 83 and 86. Married 65 years, you do not often hear about that.
    Is it time to “make” things happen and live a fuller life?
    “Make” a great week for yourself.

    Do you take time to do what is essential in life?
    Take some time to watch the sunset or sunrise.
    Create memories that will last forever. 
    Do something new daily, then keep doing it for the rest of your life.
    Beth and I will take the 250 mile drive to see her parents in North Carolina on Friday.
    You will learn about our trip in the next blog.


  • BLOG 220–Wonders With Wilderness

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
    I want to inspire you to see life differently and/or better.

    *** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
    *** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** Hit by two trucks, one involving a 37-day coma, I remain happy.
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** Secrets to unfold and good news!



    TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK— Do you camp?
    Every year Gary DuTeau invites certain people to his land in the wilderness on Stevens Creek, near to Plum Branch, SC.
    There is Gary, right behind me. 

    In fact, he had invited me to his event through being friends on Facebook in 2021. This was a life-changing thing. You see, often, in my travels, I go to libraries to get online in which to send you my blog.
    Nearest to Gary’s camp was a library in McCormick, SC. This is where I met Beth. We connected well and are happily married now. So, of course, along with Beth, Gary has a big place in my heart, too. You see, each of us, both at age 63, thought we would never find anyone to be with. Very happy I am.

    My first-day camping reminded me of how terrible the pathway is into the place. Of course, after asking Gary, I had to apply myself and make it better. Turned out great and I got good comments. I’ve always believed there is a better way to do most everything. When you have an idea for improvement, make it happen.
    Many recreationists like myself will testify to the benefits of the outdoors, especially in natural settings. I always feel better after a weekend camping away from the city’s urban sprawl – physically and mentally.
    But it’s not just unreliable. There’s plenty of research to back up the claim that spending time in the great outdoors is good for your health and well-being.
    And whilst this is good news, this story has a flip side. Americans spend almost 93% of their lives indoors. The rapid proportion of people living in towns and cities is growing. It is seeing people move away from rural, green spaces and into built-up, high-traffic cities.
    Enjoying the great outdoors is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.
    There are many potential benefits to going outside:
    A healthier heart
    Improved immunity to cancers and viruses
    Longer life expectancy
    Increased happiness
    Reduced stress
    It resets your sleep cycle for a better night’s sleep
    Maintains healthy eyesight
    ADHD treatment
    Improved creativity
    Enhanced memory
    Better academic performance
    Mental health management
    Get out to the wilderness whenever you can!
    What new stories are you ready to write?

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.

    They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.

    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.

    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.


    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real time. You have this control!

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!

    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.

    Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.

    “Not all girls are made of sugar and spice, and everything nice. Some girls are made of adventure, fine beer, brains, and no fear.”
    “An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.”
    – Henry David Thoreau
    “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”
    – John Muir
    “There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.”
    – Jo Walton
    “I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.”
    “Life doesn’t flow backward.”
    “Nature is one of the most underutilized treasures in life. It has the power to unburden hearts and reconnect to that inner place of peace.”
    — Janice Anderson
    “Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.”
    -Norman Maclean
    “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. ”
    -Terence McKenna
    “Go where you feel most alive.”
    — Unknown
    “Water is the most perfect traveler because when it travels it becomes the path itself!”
    — Unknown

    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    And time is going faster all the time.
    Do you keep track of what you do each day?
    Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
    5/7 through 9–First time to see Gary, it’s been a while. His land is very inviting and comfortable to be there. I was doing all I could to improve things there as much as I could. Anytime you can, you can improve things too, in that there is always a way to make things better.
    5/8, 9–Today I worked on the path into the camp, making it wider and flater. Gary let me know how good he thought it was turning out.
    Gary is an excellent chef. He made shrimp which was the best I have ever had.

    Beth and I went to a bookstore today.
    Why looky there, my book is for sale there.
    5/10–Every week a group in Plum Branch gets together at a church in town. Gary has spent much time in Plum Branch and many know him. So, of course, he was a hit and there was much talk.
    Gary is sitting next to me, see? 

    5/11–I went around the entire camping area and cleared things out, put things away, and made the land we used here twice as big. As I wrote before, when I see and then have ideas to improve, I do just that.
    5/12–Just stayed the morning there. You see, rain clouds are rolling in, I did not want to get stuck there in the rain. Thank you, Gary, for making this happen each year.
    Is it time to “make” things happen and live a fuller life?
    “Make” a great week for yourself.

    Do something different–This week get a new haircut. Please let me know how it turns out.
    Do something new daily, then keep doing it for the rest of your life.
    I will have more photos for you of my time with Gary at his land.

  • BLOG 219— Ideals to Come Back

    With my words, I hope to throw some oblique light upon your life.
    I want to inspire you to see life differently and/or better.

    *** The joy I am experiencing in life is a marvelous thing!
    *** To read past blog posts, go to >> kitsummers.com/blog/
    *** Hit by two trucks, one involving a 37-day coma, I remain happy.
    *** If you are reading this through Facebook, check out my blog on my website.
    *** Thanks, my wife, Beth, for editing and adding to each weekly blog.
    *** I will have places to show you and tales to tell.
    *** Secrets to unfold and good news!



    TOPIC FOR THIS WEEK— The Come-Back
    (These words are from my book series, Beyond Your Potential.)
    Something that did help me in my come-back was I found it interesting to relearn how to walk, communicate with people, and sit up. These are things that almost everyone takes for granted:  
    Do you ever?
    Do you ever think about how you balance yourself when you walk?
    How do you form words when you speak?
    How do you control a toothbrush?
    What muscles do you use when you juggle?
    Excuse me; you don’t juggle; you will learn to juggle in chapter five.
    For Granted?
    Don’t take the things in life for granted; see all that you can and can do; we have to feel all that life has to offer. There are so many joys in life if you look for them. Open your eyes to how you can overcome obstacles and see things differently. It made it less depressing for me if I made it enjoyable to relearn. It is how we think about and the attitude we develop toward things that bring us joy or bring us misery. Building this new life was interesting, along with being quite a difficult challenge. I saw that relearning would take time.
    A short juggling life
    In having to relearn, I got to start again in life. Mainly with a background in juggling and performing, I could have gone any direction for my future; the world was open to me. Since I was 15, juggling was my main focus, deciding at that age that juggling would be my passion. But, to tell you the truth, I was a juggler for only seven or eight years. Leaning at the age of 15, then my accident happened when I was 23. So, in seven short years, I mastered the craft. It surprised me to figure this out, in that juggling has been such a large part of my life.

    Was college, for me, a critical path for my future? My overall knowledge of things in life was good, and I saw that I could make it without college. The college has helped many people get ahead, but it is unnecessary for someone’s life. People can drive themselves forward without the discipline of what a college education offers. I have asked many students why they are going to college; they don’t know why. Going to college is the “common” thing people think is necessary. A class should be developed for high school students to find the right direction for their future; I think it should be mandatory to help everyone with where they want to end up. Find an endpoint, then design your educational instruction toward that end. Some of the most successful people in the world did not get a college education, so a college education is not necessarily necessary.
    Some who did not complete college were Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Walt Disney, Ray Kroc, Will Smith, Ted Turner, Mark Twain, and Mark Zuckerberg. Don’t get me wrong, I want you to pursue college for your future if you are sure that is the direction you need to take. But first, do the hard part, figure out where you want to end up with your life. This can always change later; get a direction now and stick to it. You know you and where you are going if you take the time to figure it out. Define who you are and decide what direction you will be taking. And remember, at any age, you can change your life and pursue a new direction. If that new direction takes a college education, then jump right in.

    Know yourself
    On my way back, I listened to people who made suggestions. Then, I sorted through these suggestions and used ideas I knew would help me. Who is defining who you are? So often, we follow a path someone else has set for us. Who has set your self-image and standards in life? So many people will speak up on how we should act and what we should say.
    Listen to people, but you must be the one to direct your life. Also, the image you hold for yourself must be kept current as you grow; and change in life; our demeanor changes, too. Keep up to date with yourself and stay who you are; know yourself. There will be changes in your life; there will be trials; there will be circumstances beyond your control. The more you know yourself, the better you will get through these times. You will be way up and down for the length of your life. Like a juggler, find the balance point and stay there.

    What new stories are you ready to write?

    Inspirational quotes and motivational sayings have a unique ability to change the way we feel about life and can change our thinking.

    They are so interesting, challenging, and essential on our path to joy, happiness, and finding ways to inspire ourselves and others.

    Inspirational quotes and ideas give us a quick and timely burst of wisdom to get our focus back, offering the inspiration needed for the day or occasion.

    I hope to inspire you with my words.
    Words have power.

    Are you accomplishing what you want before your eventual death?
    At any age, you can (and should) make changes to make your life better.

    How you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible, determines everything in your life. It all derives from your quality of thinking.


    Just as positive words can make someone smile, and/or a well-timed amusing quote can make someone laugh, your thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have this control!

    You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — Your Thinking — and that’s where motivational quotes come in!

    To keep your motivation, you have to use each day as an opportunity to improve and get closer to your goals. It might sound like a lot of work—and with your busy schedule—next to impossible. But you can do it!

    Self-talk is so essential—THINK RIGHT!
    Motivational words, yes, they’re just words.
    But they’re positive words; they will keep you on track.


    Don’t forget that you are only as young as the last time you changed your mind!
    Keep your thoughts and self-talk fun and productive, and always reach for more advancement.

    “Maybe it’s not about trying to fix something that’s broken. Maybe it’s about starting over and creating something better.” – Unknown
    “My wish for you is that you continue. Continue to be who you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness.” – Maya Angelou
    “The direction you choose to face determines whether you’re standing at the end or the beginning of a road.” – Richelle E. Goodrich
    “There’s an important difference between giving up and letting go.” – Jessica Hatchigan
    “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.” – Lao Tzu
    “Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” – Hermann Hesse
    “Starting over can be challenging, but also it can be a great opportunity to do things differently.” – Catherine Pulsifer
    “Pain will leave you when you let go.” – Jeremy Aldana
    “Though nobody can go back and make a new beginning, anyone can start over and make a new ending.” – Chico Xavier
    “Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.” – Frank Sinatra
    “Holding on is believing that there’s a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.” – Daphne Rose Kingma
    “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell
    “It’s painful, and it’s messy. But sometimes you just have to make the break and start again.” – Tony Parsons
    “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell
    “You are allowed to let go of all those that do not set you free anymore.” – Dhiman


    Each week goes by so quickly, don’t you think?
    And time is going faster all the time.
    Do you keep track of what you do each day?
    Do this for a few weeks, and you will see your time differently.
    4/29–Because my laptop was out for repair, I had to use the computer at the library. That’s a good thing, I could continue to bring you words and ideas.
    4/30–On A rainy day, I worked on the gardens as I could. Things are really popping up; we will have many edible things too much on. Here is a shot of the zucchini. As you see, doing well, it is. And, you will the onions growing closer to the camera.
    Last summer, I found a branch from a tree that was quite interesting. I kept it, and today I planted it in cement (so it will stay up, I suggested to Beth that she puts all her jewelry on it. It turned out nice. These are just a few of Beth’s jewels; more will be on the tree.
    5/1–Got more bags of garden dirt down in Augusta, Georgia. As I wrote before, always look for bags (or ask) for broken bags. Usually, I can get these for half off, a great deal.
    And this is the only dirt I will ever need to purchase; in the future, I read that all you have to do every year is add fresh compost that you put together to mix in with the top dirt.
    5/2–A town near us neither of us has been to, named “Ninety-Six.” It was a strange name for a town, but it turned out the place was not too weird. The town’s name was derived from being 95 miles away from two local towns.

    Beth treated us to a Philly Cheesesteak at Migs. Friendly, good food, fast, a good time we had. Here is Migs >>

    5/3–It was time; the lawn needed a haircut, and today was the day. As I’ve seen, many mow their lawn like a typewriter, going down on the side, then down a path right next to the first. The turn on each end takes time, too much time for me.
    I’ve always tried to be very efficient in what I do. When I mow, I go around the outside and work in smaller circles toward the middle. The most challenging areas are on the sides, so I take care of those first. Try it, and you might have a better way to mow your lawn.

    Of course, the gardens continue to do well >>

    5/4,5–As you see, only a little is happening this week.
    Is it time to “make” things happen and live a fuller life?
    “Make” a great week for yourself.


    A fun challenge this week.
    Usually, someone places their bed in a specific spot and sleeps with their head in the same place every night. After you wash your bed coverings this week, set up your bed so that your head is where your feet usually are. Sleep in the position for at least two nights.
    This may give you a new perspective on your sleep; you may want to change everything.
    Let me know how it works for you.
    Do something new daily, then keep doing it for the rest of your life.
    Beth has a new passion; she has taken on succulents and bought many. She is making gardens of them, and I will show you photos next blog. She is learning, and growing is her passion.
    When is the last time you brought on a passion?
    This week, discover what you love and make it a passion you pursue.

